HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-03-30, Page 2I14ge
THE WM0171414 • TIMES.
March 301,h, '190
rand Trunk Railway System addIng on "t"Y' b" 44444441:e4
tied even a greeter percentage to the
'charges of, a few years ugo. The ot.
own lc e . a aec
Offlee igloo! goat has PradleeilY
- • • i every bye, industrial, mercantile or
We can issue through tickets vial, professional. with the result that Ibe
pogulae routea, to any point in Ainerle,a 'selling price inust be correanondinglY
-4'"tWest. S040,1"hwest, -51"1•!4vatieed, hence there is nothing
toba, PaelAQ Coast, etc,
aggagia ,eimeised awl*, destina, I gained by crying down your neighber-
tion auci full informatiuu meg whereby , even if he fee ptitillslier of a neWspaper,
travelling will be make pleasant and
free from, annoyaoce. Tourist and
return tickets to above points also' on Acton Free Press' -The TlewsPEtPer
eale at rest ngures, arid with all pohllabers of county after county
prevailing adventagest threugh the provinee are finding it necese
Single and return tickets to anYPoillt ;sem nerder to avoid serious loes to
in Ontario. Your business will be op- -t e th 1subscription rate from
PreCiated, be your trip- a short or al
$1.00 to $1.30. All the newspapers in
at least ten comities have tatters this
ectiop during the week. In most cans
the first of duly next hasbeen fixed for
the date when the new rate is to come
into effect. As proof of the absolute
need for the Increased rate it is only
necessary to quote the increased prices
on stock and materials used in a print-
ing office which the Free Press has been
forced to pay the past week. On a
shipment of our special newspaper the
invoice shows an icnreace of 20 per cent
over a shipment of six weeks ago. The
ink manufacturers increased the price
on an invoice of ink over 100 per cent
above last order. On per type the
advance is 40 per cent, while for a set
of new form rollers put on last week
TO ADVERTISERS we paid 1.9.00, whereas theprevions lot
cost only $7.20. The new subscription
Notice of changes must be left at this
rate is assuredly no hold-up, any More
offiee net later than saturday noon,
The copy for changes must be left than it is ny the grocers op the increased
not Peter than Monday evening. prices of sugar, spices or the dry goods
Casual advertisements accepted up
to no= Wednesday of each week
long one.
We can ticket you through to any
Pella in Europe on ailleadieg steamship
lioes. Prepaid orders also issued.
If it's about travel, we have the
information and will give it to you
• cheerfully,
Town Agent G.T.R.
Times Office, Wingham, Ont,
-.PAI51,/t4 t• UV, 107.:
Pit Wrie T
Atia NES.
b.EI,LIOVIt. Puenissmit .an Pitoeterott
The Brussels Post: -Report of Huron
and Perth counties' newspapermen
in Convention at Stratford last Friday,
may be retie in :mother column. One
question debated was the increase of
subseteiptioo to Weskly newspapers
from $1.0 to $1.ZO per year and the de-
cision to adopt the. latter figure from
July 1916. Bruce has already ad-
opted this rule. We don't see where
there is much room for the public to
deject if they will consider for a mo-
ment the large advance in the cost of
produetion. Yeats ago when the coun-
try's busineee was a matter largely
truck anti track it wits different but to-
day cash isi the n edium 0 •
ca an
and as a consequence money is more
available Ciento the days gone by. No
farmer would care to sell a thousand
bushels of wheat in bushel lots to a
thousand customers at $1.00 per busnel
and wait 6 mon hs, a year or 2 years
for his pay and perhaps nes er get paid
for some of ir. The old process of
gunning a doller newepaper ;sub a pay -
as -you place n,:ethoer of settlement
is not one whit more satisfactory. 3
cents a week cannot be said to be an
exorbita-rit price for a good live weekly
and even at that figure when wet of
paper, in, postage, freight, wages, in-
surance, keeping up the plant and cost
of living is taken out it dwindles to a
very email sun,. We think a hustling
weekly will have no trouble in convin-
cing its patrons of the justness of
asking one cent a week more in view
of the changed conditions now existing
Cullingwood Bulletin: -The weekly
at one doar and a half per year is
coming back after an absence of some
years. In several counties the change
bas already been announced, while in
others it will take place in the near
future. On Friday lest at a meeting
of the publishme and printers of
Buon and Perth eounties in Stratford
it was deeided that after the first of
July tae. price of the weeklies of the
counties, which bas hitherto been $1
per year, will be increasee to Stile,.
This is co-operating in the national
movement for 191t, when ail rural
weeklies will be (me price. Tbe in-
creased cost of production and the fall-
ing off in revenue from advertising
makesthis necessary. It is only those
unaquainted with the. situation who
cry thac the cost of newspapers and
printing is too great, and it ill becomes
any citizen to cry wolf, wolf, especially
when the very class to which he may
belong has already taken the step of
111% TUTU LEITERHow wiltrld you arlawer it?
/lat.vein the lines of this snort letter yot
can grim trag,edy. If its appeal were
nad to you, person:illy, how would yor
an- I; t -r. it.? Soppose nu held the power t
ter,n 07.is poor Avoloan or to turn he;
-afoul(' you do?
'• ,; y‘oi Isitully give no informatiot
of a very needy
re nil.Ifcr Luthand is dead,
in She has taut
P..to pit.sctlb In bri orphans
th inotin,r L nr,t ably to care for
theni, :tad thoir nolo int-oino is{ what an
agt4 Itn,:i.00 earns. 'They lion in ono
It is 0,4y to say, "Vaiy, of con'.', I
would tiler relief, it ib Were III my etintr V"'
tut, think Are trod sixteen) when )t,O
tmy that? A:e i eareret? lin you
really leant to he. pr...or, selferma 041
tomptivce? nos bete is your 0,Inee to
4 f*O'Ot your eintertty.
Contributions to the Nieskoka Preo
pita( for Consumptive -.a ,n be graimoak
ackzetk.dged 1ry W. j. tinge, Cliairian'w
lItzectitive Committee, 14 Spading. Avenue.
Duribar. Secretary , Treastirein „I41
rime Street Whets Toroto
men on presentation quotation for cot-
tons and drese-goods and the butchers
and farmers formeets, butter and eggs.
•,,zlitimallooa• .e e.... s....
rick° YA.k
20 Years Ago
From the TIMM of March 27, 1896
Wm. Armour was in Teeswater on
as, Wheelens left for Manitoba on
Tuesday morning.
Mr. 11. P. Gordon. is under medical
• care this week, threatened with brons
Wei trouble.
Mr. A. A. Adams of Stouffville,
1 '
Ont., has begun work in Helden's
photograph gallery.
John Copeland was in town on Mon-
day, atter being laid up for five Weeks
by a kick from a horse.
The Bill relating to the Wingham
DOCTORS Union Factory Loan passed the third
reading in the Assembly.
(By Geo, Fitch in Detroit News)
A doctor is a high grade mechanic,
who tinkers with the human mechanism
and makes repairs and alterations at
reasonable rates.
Doctors are so wise that they can tell
what makes. a man's great toe swell by
looking at his grocery bill, A good
dodtor can take a drop of blood from a
total stranger, and after looking at it
through a microscope will often be able
to shake hands with at least a dozen
varieties of microbes, which are old
friends of his. Some doctors are wiser
than that. They are so wise that they
On Tuesday afternoon Benj. Wilson,.
the popular manager of the Bank of
Hamilton here, left on a business trip
to Manftoloe.
It is stated that the Ontario Govern -
men t has, decided to take up the in-
of e Winghsm outrage,
and within a day or two an officer will
be sent from Toronto.
Thee. Epplett. o!' Turnberry, has sold
his farm and i moving to North
Dakota, where he will work at his
trade. He is taking with him a car load
of stoek and implements.
Mr. Frank Dinsley, brakeman, was
can tell whether e. patient needs 23 on a snow plow running between Brant -
cents' worth of medicine or a e350 op- fold and Paris when he was thrown
eration without looking at him at all, from the track. Tee eecaped with a
provided they can find his rating in severe sheeting up and a few bruiees.
Bradstreet's. These doctors like some BORN
wizards of finance are considered too
teinespie-Ia Wingham, on the 25th
wise. however. inst • the. nat. of tin Charles Gillespie;
Doctors are manufactured by medical
new 6.4u2lItt-e.
colleges in such quantities that a
doctor has to wait two years for the' ARMED
sick list to catch up and give him his Naylor A 'Missal Ar n. reeidtnce
share of work. Medical students are of the bride's father. East Wawaneeh.
very wild wearing beards on the slight- by the Rev. Mr. Miles, B. A., Benjamin
esc provocation and going around with S., eldest son of Fountain Naylor, East!
their pockets full of pickled ears from Wawanceln t.' Sarah. eldest daughter
the dissecting room. But after they of ft Addreon.
have settled down to practice they be- Lind -Young -At the residence of
come grave and dignified. There is ' the brjde's brother, R. 13. Young, by
nothing more dignified than A very !Rev. R. Paterson, on Murch 17, Mr.
young doctor who is trying to diagnose Rob.. H. Lind, of Shoe! Lake, Man.,
a case of,chickenpox, freehand, without to Mies Lizzie Young, of Winghem.
looking at the book, except perhaps an
old doctor, when he meets a young doe-
111:4- 'Furnberry, or, the 19th inst..
tor, who has had the audacity to come
T. 8. Milis, aged -08 years, 1 montn.
into the old doctor's town and breathe
sneer zer-In Ewa Wawa:melt, nn the
up some of his air. Doctors are very ;
forma! and are stuffed full of ethics. Abtl Smeltzer, agd C8 years,
Doctors must not advertise or encour-
age the puled!: in any way, except by
viiearing tall sire bats and joining fra- .. %‘ eAk t IwPsted Ray.
ternal orders. Many a man who has :`ielts;1)4.traF„,r,earnk seemedve wee,eecheeted
,acquired a rare and expensive disease !qrs. D. Stevensy. 1.4ingrtl,ef')14dan.
has died of it, because the only doctor ; many medicines used cid not seem to
in bis part who knows anything about benefit him, until we tried Dr. Chase,s
it is sitting on the information as cauti-1 Linseed and Turpentine and
ously as a nineteen year old hen on a anstemitsntesdo
euro riot trtibrne.:;Xa."0121 tvtrtratItn"Ve
bushel of china eggs. thorough and effective as a cure for
When a doctor has established his croup and bronchitis.
business he calls it hi': practice. This -
is a poor name and should be abolished
by law. It isn't comforting to a man
with liver complaint to be asked who is Recently a proprietor of a large,
poetising on him. modern business in a thriving city was
Doctors lead hard lives and only sleet, heard to remark "my twelve months"
now and then owing to the greet' trade shows, after allowing myself
amount of sickness at night. They low weekly income, not one cent
also have to trust in Providence for !profit, on all the capital, risk are.
their pay. It is much easier to call a worry." Ele distinguishes -closely be -
doctor thirteen miles out into the tween income and profit for the year.
country to subdue a mess of green 'ern Does the average dairyman consider
that has insurged that it is to drive in his farm business in the same light,
and pay him year later. Doetors do each department of its many activities,
more free work than any other class. grain, pteiltry, lumber, pork, hay, milk?
except amateur orators, and we should Further does he distinguish between
not begrude them a liberal fee when income and profit when dealing with
they sink a shaft into our interiors. and the herd? /f (and numb depends on
re -arrange our works. that "if") each cow makes a good
Doctors were neer and impressed profit he is indeed well off Even if
until the veriform appendix and the eath tostit is responsible for a good in -
adenoid were discovered. Since then, come, things are riot too bad. If some
however, they have prospered greatly, of your cows waste good feed because
and are almost the only class who are they are not possessed of ability to
able to make money by wearing out make tiilk economically, find it out;
automobiles. torn waste to profit. Make the cows
keep you, that is their job; you need
profit on the feed, Profit to pay for your
A newspaper is in no Sense a ghild of investment of capital. risk and Worryi
Clintity. It earns twice over every the same as any merthant. A lettet
dollar it receives, and it is second to no to the Dairy Commissioner, Ottawa,
enterprise in contributing to the tip- will bring you free of ehatge
building of a community. Its patrons record ferns either daily or three days
reap fa more benefits froth its pages per Month, feed records, and a herd
than its publishers, and in calling for record book. When you note down
' the support a the tomitunity itt which total ptoduetion and closely estimate
‘t'it is published, it aphs for no tnote than cost of feed by occasional
in all fairness bdottga to it, though siOtt arrive at individual profit. Make
Igenerally it reeeives less. each dew Dag a good" Profit.
Representations are being made flea),
various quarters to the DOMM.94
Government of the necessity of taking
A more energetic part its procuring the
eullitinent of recruits sad this feeiieg
has gone so far in gum that the War
Auxiliary baa asked that the Govern-
ment institute e. system of regist vigor).
to be followed hy conscription. With -
outgoing the length of the latter one
the !nstitution of regleteetien might
prevent conscription, there is evidently
room for better3netheds ter secure men
that are ROO n ded•
The Military Service Aet of Great
Retain has same system, and method
about it. The men at'e registered and,
classified. Then there are the starred
men-thoee who ere needed at bottle.
The others are classified into groups,
according to age. Here is the elassi.
fication; they are called up in classes,
as follow: -
Year of Year of
Birth Class Birth Class
16'97 1 1885.... , • 18
1896 ... 2 1884 . ..... • 14
1895 3 '1883 16
394, 4 1882 16
1898 5 1881 17
1892. • 6 1880 .. 18
1891 ..., 1879 .„ ... . 19
1890 8 1878. 20
1889 9 , 1877 21
1888 10 1870 .„. 22
1887 .. 11 1875
1886 12
A man of 18 will not be called upon
until he is 19 years of age.
This Act applies to every man of
military age ordinarily resident in
Great Britain on Aug. 15th last, who
was 18 or over on that date and who
will be under 41 on March 2nd, 1016,
on (November 2nd, 1915) Was unmarried
or a whimsey without any child depend-
ent on him, The Act applies also to
any British subject who since August
15th has become or hereafter becomes
ordinarily resident in Great Britain.
This system need not be followed,
but by dividing men, from 19 to 41
years of age into classes. those who
are seeking recruits would know to
whom tc apply and much effort would
be saved in trying to get men who
should not enlist, while others who
should ,...,:st may be appealed to as well
without response. Under registration
men could be placed where they belong
as to liability.
Under a system of local registration
in Winnipeg from 3,0.0 to 5,000 unmar-
ried men and childless widowers were
registered the first day by by a citizen's
committee. This illustrates the bene-
fits of registration, even where it is
!many done, end if it were made
general throughout the vi bele country
it could scarcely fail to produce good
That Lent lily is another name for
the daffodil.
Thnt there are now twenty-owa po;ice
women in Chicago.
That the very latest fad in Paris
'ioisery are haws from the instep to the
That a Paris fad of the moment is
the wearing of two huge pearl pins in
the bat.
That usually a woman marries a man
just for the very things her friends
• can't see that she sees in him.
That Serbian embroicler;es are very
precious and are now being used with
stuming effect upon spring frocks.
That the sort of embroidery that the
peasant women do sitringon the Spanish
steps of Rome is now to be bad, done
on fine net flouncing.
That carved coral is now being set in
green gold, which seems to bring out
ti.e quality of the shell more effectively
than the yellow setting.
That the most fashionable ornament
is now of gold, silver, or precious stone,
the larger the better, worn round your
neck on a narrow black moire ribbon.
That at a recent fashionable NeW
York wedding the bride wore a high
Russian crown of silver lace in place of
the conventional orange blossom wrestle
That Miss E. lrant-Suttie, the well
'Tama English golf chartipioti, is now
the forewoman at a munitions factory
where over 1,000 women are working.
That there is a neve braid called
the eelluphane that looks very much
like patent leather, and it is sewed
by hand to form the topknot cover-
That students at Bryn Mawr College
have been asked to "adopt" lonely
?relieb soldiers to the trenches, and they
will write them letters and also knit
socks for thorn.
That One of the new Paris ideas is the
guimpe -also the high collar -made of
ochre -yellow or tea -tinted late, for
white hies or net guintpee are, for the
triornent, out of favor,
When the hen begins to set give her
all the eggs, and see that the edge of
the nest are raised enough se the eggs
cannot roll out.
Yen can tleheri Small Calves b clip=
ping the hair around the little lititton
where thellern Starts andsrheariag the
better! With cattetie potash.
Business and
Westervelt School
A. Ruliduig
London, Ontario
)11r.ge in Session Sept. 1st to July.
Catalogue Fre Fitter any time.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines,
Canadian Northern lai:tes
Ocean. Steamships.•7•704.,•04rem•r".4444444..444444.044.1".7..040Wm0.1.1
Sale dates can be arranged at
TIMES office;
Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty
ssies conducted anywhere in Ontario
Write or Pli3ne 81, Wingham
Having an tip-to•date Creamery .in
full operation, we solicit 3 our cream
1 patronage
We are prepared to pay the highest
marliet prices for good cream an 1 sale
you an honest bvisine. i.seightrqr,
SEM DlIng and te-ting Pao' can tif
**eceived carefully anti returni,g
fall statement of same to each Patron
We folialt two can. to .3, 11 patron
pay all exora.sa1itrgcs and pay every
two week.
Write for bartInr particulars or
send for cans and give tta a trial.
ChHdren Ory
No Rehnt-e.
When Adelina Patti visited Madrid
one time in coinIntity with her Otis -
band, Signor Nit.° lin. who thought
himself a tenor sailer, there It as an
effort to engage the noted artist for au
especial . I . opera direetor
radted Pat ti:
-flow nuteh will you charge us If
,vol and Your honored husband appear
011 1114; ot.ton for inn. night 'f•
... thanIsnint felines. sire
mend how timeit yon without
signor. malin me'!"
-Ten thonsund francs."
Pride Taken Down.
lf there IVO s one thing More than
;tooth:9. t he prided himself en. it
VV:IS 1111. II 4,1' Ilia Chit !WS.
"1ioii IWVer it dress eont real;,t
to lit." be said to lila partner. os
v;n1WL d ,:own i a perfeetly gm.
intott. niit it hope. eour . . slit
:11 1 iiiAllitttititra
•l.tailt 111 1111,4 I 11;ilg.-
"Vt'ell, It tal.1%,,iiiti4." she sold 44101
V. "'slut why bail kgtVe. your mono
ntel tiny (me': 11 is so etn•apet
1.1 I 'iv 1. min than Philadc/
.•,tlas ebked Up
Could Hardly Breathe.
Was The Cause; The Cure Was
Norway Pine Syrup.
BAPTIST 0111.14M -Sabbath services
at 11 A. m, and? p. In. Sunday School
at 2;30 p. m. General prayer meeting
nricl 0. Y. P. IL every Wet/0044e at
8 p, m. A. C. Riley; B. A., Pastor,
Geo. VOCOOk, S. 8. Superintendent.
vices at 11 a. M. and 7 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League
every Monday evening. General eraYer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev,
J. W. Hibbert, pastor, V. Buchanan,
n, S, Superintendent.
'ices at 11 a, rn. and 7 ei, m. Sunday
chool at 2:30 p, m. General prayer
meeting. on Wednesday evenings. Rev,
D, Perrn, paster. Frank Lewis, S.
S. Superintendent.
Sr. PAUL'S Cimacja, Eriscor .1.--Sali,
bath services at 11 a, m. and e. p. m.
Sunday School, at 2:30 p in, Rev,
E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex. Al-
deron, S. S. Superintendent,
at le a.m., 8 p.m, and 7 pan. on Sunday.
At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be special music provided in
the Sunday evening service from. 7 to
7.16 •
Powe Ovrm-Office hours from 8a,m.
to 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from
7 a. m. to 9 p. m. C. N Griffin, post-
PUBLIC LIBRARY -,Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fe .m 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss Della Reid, lib-
Smith, B. A., Principal and Specialist
in .Mathematics; Mr. J. A. Anderson,
B. A Science; Mr. W. J. South-
combe, 13. A. Specialist in Classics;
Miss M. 1 Whyte, 13. A., Special-
ist in Moderns; Miss B. E. Anderson,
ComineArt.rcialSpecialist; Miss E. C.
W F. Vanatone, F. Buchanan. C. P.
Smith, Dr. Redmond, W. J. Howson,
J. A. McLean. Chairman, R. Vanstone;
Secretary. D. Holmes; Treasurer, A.
Cosens. Regular meetings are held on
the 2nd Monday of each month
Towei COUNCIL -J. W. McKibbon,
Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F.
Binkley, W. II Gurney, W. fsbister,
A. Tipling. Geo. Spotton. W. G. Patter.
son, Councillors; John F Gloves, Clerk;
and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board
meet first Monday evening in each
month at 8 o'clock.
Femme Senora. BOARD -H. E. Tsard,
SVm. Field, T. R. Bennett. Dudley
Holmes, W. H. Rintoul, A. E Lloyd,
Rohn Mien, L. A. Bisbee, John F. (ktoves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meefs in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Miss Barber and elisa.Bentley.
BOARD OF linArm.---Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Grovee,Seeretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
Mrs. Garnet Burns, North Augusta,
Ont., writes: "I raught a dreadful cold,
golog" to town, and about a week after
1. became all choked up, and could'hardly
breathe, and could scarcely sleep At
night for coughing. I went to the
doetoeeand he told Inc that 1 was geteng
bronchitis. My husband went to the
druggists, and asked them if they had a,
cough !net/idea of any kind that they
rould recommend. The druggist brought
out a bottle of Dr, 'Wood's Norway Pine
eyrup. I started using it, and it eotia-
pletely cured me of my told. 1 cannot
tell you how thanaful 1 was to get rid of
awful nasty cold. I shall always
eeep a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
yrup on hand, and I shall only be ton
-,lad to recommend it to all others."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pint Syrup is a
remedy that has been on the Market for
the past twenty-five years, and we can
loluntend it, 'without it doubt, as being
the best tare for conchs and colds that
you can possibly procure.
There are a lot of imitations on the
market, so whert yott go to your druggist
Of dealer see that you get t' 1)r. Wood's;"
put Am in a yellow wrapper; three putt
trees the trade Inerk; the price, 25c Mid
'the genuine is manufactured by The'
IStilteutet Co., Limited, Toronto, oat.
*wags* monftwon*.•••orm•••••emn....
Wingham General Hospital -
(Under Government Ins peetion)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOB. PATIENTs-witigh
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according to location of
room. For further information, ad-
Miss L. Mattbews.
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
Railway Time Table
London . 6.35 a.m. 3.22 p.m.
roron to and East 6.45 a.w. :3.15 p.m.
Kincardine 11.59 p.m. 9.15 p.m.
Kincardine 6 30 a.m. 8.15 p.m.
London ....... 11.54 a.m. 7.40 pen.
Toronto and East 11.45 a.m. 9.15 p.m.
W.F. BURG MAN. Station Attent Ingham
Town Agent, Winghaui.
Toronto and Bast 6.25 a.m. 3.05 p ni
Teeswater . 12 59 pan. 1.0 32 p.m.
Teeswater. 6.20a.m. 3.05 p.ni.
Toronto:1.nd East 12.47 p.m. 10.20 p.m.
utzusit, Agent, Winghtnn
A Representative Wanted
TRICT for the
Old Reliable Fonthill
Farmers! Why remaih idle all
Winter when yon ean take up &paying
Choice list of varieties for Spring
Planting. LiberalTerms. Handsome
Free Outfit. Exclusive Terri tory.
'Write now for particulars.
Stone & Wellington
1.',IZON`ro, 'ONT. -
'MAI* MA rill 1 .
ti. Aa -in o !eliding A vlotelt and description mar
tett fie°. (Most agency for secur ng patents.
tiponastotintrtsicttlayleoounthtibroouttlit: ilavillNiiniltiOall ,w0n,Prnotoosni:
Irprriaineticertrithotitoha e, lathe
au newitoeitters. ji
Stielltifie itterita
Acetialbnitiattl,dnetexR.,e5alelyiareeiteoripoeititeattigndderiiiertkpaltp.14.1Lea.724180ent :cot;
MUNN geOzeseragdwaY. New Ytrk
zutoottimee, ,.... If EteVeselnsten, b•
ite Winoliam Times
noT1mea (Mee stone.BIRCIt.
Talmo e9'AnniClOrTI3IP-4I.00 PPF itaaluti
in advance, anto 11 net paid, •Nci Pallor %Raven.
tinned Ball orrears are pete, except at the
option a the publisher.
One (Be each Inserlont•
Six Months , 200 Alao "
Three Months, 1.00 (zoo .4
One Biotite en teeo "
Wdak,44 .20
Local and other similar Adver1isement.4, lOp
pee Dile for first inserting and 4o par lino ter
each subsequent insertion. Measured- by a
uouporlel scole, twolve Itues to an ince.
Business cards of six lines and ender, suak,
per year,
Advertisements. or Situations Vacant, Sttua
antis Wanted, Rouses for Sale or to rent
artioles for Sale. ole, not wocecling eight
lines,260 each insertion; 91 for first ipoots,
090 for etteh subsequent month. Larger ad
Yertismnents in proportion.
rinsiness notices (news typo) 60 per counted
Mains local news inatftir, 10o per -line each
Ossrums-Corner Patrick and peatreiszil,
Residence, Dr. Calder Tht
Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery,
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis
eases of the Sye, Bar, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses
properly fitted.
DR. ROB.if. jill,DE0011109; 111, P 0. s.(Eng)
Office; on Patrick Street,
tar R. Hambly, B.80., M.D., teen
Wingham, Ontario.
Special attention p11111 10 diseases of Wanton
and children, having taken post graduate
work in Surgery, Bartariology and St:dentine /
Office in the Kern residence, between the
Qneen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
.911 business given careful attention.
Phone 64. P. 0. Box 118.
Osteopathy builds vitality and
strength. Adjustments cf the spine
and. other tissues is gently secured,
thereby removing predisposing causes
of disease. eee;re •
Blood pressure and other examina.--7'
tions made. Trusses scientifically fit-
Hours -Tuesdaes and Fridays, 9 a. m.
to 9p. m.; Wednesdays, 9 to 11 a. m.
Other days by appointment.
J. A. FOX, D. C.
Chiropractic removes the cause
of practically all diseases. It
matters not what part of the
body is affected, it can be reached
thru the centres in the spinal
column by adjustmen t of su bla,x-
Med. vertalnet. Consultation free.
Member of Drugless Physicians'
Association of Canada,
Wingham„ Ont.
le rt.t a I
AlITBUR .T. IRWIN, D. D. s., L.D.S.
0. ctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania.
Dental college and Licentiate of the Bnyal
I ‘ollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, office
in Macdonald slock, Winglutin,
°Ince closed tvery weduesday afternoon.
hum may Ist to October ist.
H. ROSS, D. D. 8,, L. 11.8.
litunor graduate of the Royal college of
Dentalsurgeons of Ontario and Honor gnidn-
ate of the University of Toronto, Facility' of
Office over II. E. Isard ,St Co's., store, Wing,
ham, Out.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
front May lat to Oct. lat.
Private and Company' funds to loan at tetras
tate of interest, Mortgages, town and farm
property bought and sold.
Beaver Block Winghtut.
Winansza, One
Barrister, Soiicitory Be.
Office: Meyer Itlockiiitighatn.
1:Wailer ttiolittortkut or atitetteetitente
Aden ite timelier') Wanted., bUsifieti itiben660,
liteohlittieS wetted, *rib:nett for or in fact
0111Mad or MI lidtrt. in ant er the Tereekee
other ,etty IstPere, Mat be lett At the TIMM
office, This Work Will redePre preitiPt attention
t'id will atiVe people the treitible Of retttittItor
lor lind forwarding inttertlasitittlit. Leiteet
orarieVedIlleitibreti'etittttbwt6edite"orieleketritdi6tt thLe66*.
111114,1 Or 11014r WLnhft