HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-03-23, Page 7March'23r &e: IQt6 O"Iltlllliltiijf 11)1 l 1/111.1 UQOTH GTO, SYNAPSIS. Sam, Williams }roved a little nearer Prod, tearing the ordeal of playing the door leading int° the yard, Ab.ef t p2et# 0 he Chll di S r Lancelot, lot, seeke ;n�etfutness in the compgsitIon of a dime above!. Penrod's mother and slater dress him ib his costume for'the t e " C t b !d ten's Pageant ,O the Round Table." Penrod Is ashamed to wear it, &Ib breaks -tip die whole pakeatii by rutting on a pair of ! he i an iter'aoveralls over his costume. A. visit to a moving picture show gives flim an idea and he loafs away his time in school, dreaming dreams. The teacher rep uv)s him. X tieejtis to distract attention from himself by alleg- ing loss or sleep because of a drunken uncle. The teacher aympathizes with Penrod'e aunt because of her wayward husband, and it then develops that Penrod has been lying. Penrod, Sam Williams and two colored 'boys, Herman and Verman, get up a big 4t how to entertain the town. Verman "makes a'iie'cided bit, but Red.. crick Maesworth B1tts, Jr., says the show is a failure. Penrod asks him if he is a relation of Rena Magsworth, a murderer, Roderick, seeking fame, says she Is his aunt, Rodet'ick's mother finds him pos- ing as a nephew of the murderer and stops the circus. Penroa gets very musical and buys an accordion, with which he makes a great hit with beautiful Ma, forme ,ions. At the dog,•nd pony si Penrod eats so many dilfe,nt varieties t,r indigestible 'things that he is taken violently 10. • "He's liable to be here :1 ny time," an• -swered Penrod. "You be) ter look out. Tou')! be lucky if you get ho'rne alive if you stay till he comes" "I ain;t afraid of him," Stu) returned •conventionally, "You are too." 'there was scene truth *n the retort. "There t'in't any boy in 'this part of town but me that wouldn't be afraid of hitt'. Yott'd be afraid to o tatk„to him. „You yvoulan't,get a worn out of your mouth before old Rupie'd have you where you'd wished you neve er come around him, lettin' on tike you was so mach. You wouldn't run home Yellin' 'mom•muh' or. nothin', Oh, no!" "Who Rupe Collins?" asked Herman. "'Who Rnpe Collins?'" Pentad mocked and used his rasping Laugh, but Instead of showing fight Merman appeared to think tie was meant to laugh, too, and so he did, echoed by ;Vertnan. "You just hang around here a little while longer." Penrod added grittily, "and you'll find out wbo Rupe Collins is, and I pity you when you da." "'What he go' do?" "You'll see; that's all. You just wait 'and" - At this moment n brown hound ran into the stable through the alley door, wagged a greeting to Penrod and fra- ternized with Duke. The fat faced •boy appeared Upon the threshold and gazed eotdly about the little company in the earrtage house, whereupon the eolored brethren,, ceasing from merri- ment, Were instantly impassive, and CONSTIPATION Ill Productive Of More HI Health Than Anything Etse. If the truth was only known you would 'find that aver one half of the ills of life are caused by allowing the bowels to get Mkt a constipated condition, and the sole cause of constipation is an inactive liver, Arid unless the liver is kept active you May rest assured that headaches .jaundice, heartburn, piles, floating specks before the eyes, a feeling as if you were going to faint, or catarrh of the stomach will follow the Wrong action of this, one of the most important, organs of the body. Keep the liveractive and Working reel! •. bythe use o 3\i:rlburn s a - 'p P Y f ]; �a J.ivef rills. !lilies Tures ilabitteati, Atilherst, N,S,,. Writes; "Having been troubled for years With constipation, and trying various se -balled remedies, which laid ire no good aivliatevcr, I ivarlpersuaded tt'r try Milburtae taxa -Liver rills. I have lowed them-rrtest beneficial, for they are indeed h splendid pill. I tan lieartilyr Teconitnend then) to all Who sutler from Const patioli," ' 11'Iilbut•ti's /AM -laver Pills are .asat vial, fi rims fol' $1.00, et all dealer*, tie Mailed direct Oft rene~ipt of pride by The a 1\iilLittn.C'i°.Y.I,ettteted, TorGntb,'Ont. Obviously Sam regarded the near: comer asa redoubtable if not ominous figure. He Was a head taller than eit ier Sam or Penrod, d, bead and o sh ui ders taller than Herman. who was short for bis.age, and Verman could `hardly be used for purposes es of co parison a t all, being a mere squat brown. , spot, not yet quite nine years On this planet.. • And to Sam's mind the aspect of Mit: Collins realized Penrod's portentous foreshadowings. 'Upon the fat face there was an expression of truculent intolerance which bad been cultivated by careful habit to such per - lection that Sam's heart sank at sight of it. A somewhat enfeebled twin to this expression had of late often deco. rated the visage of Penrod and ap- Peared upon that ingenuous surface now as he advanced to welcome the 'eminent v fritar The )dost swaggered toward the door with a great deal of shoulder move- ment, carelessly feinting a slap at Ver. 'man in passing and creating by vari- ous means the atmosphere of a man who has contemptuously amused him- self with underlings while awaiting an equal. "Hello, bot" Penrod said in the deep - cat voice possible to him. "Who you cailln"'bo?" was the un- gracious response. tweet/nulled by int - mediate action of a similar nature: Rupe held Penrod's head in the crook of no elbow and massaged his temples with a hard pressing knuckle. "I was only in fun, Ruple," pleaded the sufferer, and then, being set free. „Come here, Sam," be said. "What for?" Penrod laughed pityingly. "Paha w. ! ain't goin' to hurt you. Come on." Sam, maintaining his position near the utlter door, Penrod went to him and i•aught him round. the neck. "Watch me, Ratple," Penrod called, and performed upon Sam the knuckle nperntion which he had blmself just undergone. Sam submitting mechan• teauy, his eyes fixed with increasing uneasiness upon !lupe Collins. Salo had n premonition that something even wore pa mut than Penrod's knuckle was grang to be inflicted upon flim. "'That don't burt," said Penrod. push= Ing Wm away. "Yes. it does. too!" Sam rubbed his temple. "P11111 It didn't hurt me, did it, Itupte? Caine on in, Rupe; show this baby wherehe's got a wart on his Huger." "Yon showed me that trick," Sam objectee!. "You already did that to me. You tried it twice this afternoon and 1 don't know how many times before, only you weren't strong enough after the first time Anyway, i know what it is. and 1 don't" - "Come ou, Rupe." said Penrod. "Make the baby lick dirt," At this bidding. Rnpe approached; while Sam, still protesting, moved to the tbresbotd of the outer door, but Penrod seized him by the shoulders ands swung n frim indoors r' a0 s swih) t a shout. "Little baby wants to run home to its mom-muhl Here he is, Rime." , Thereupon was Penrod's treachery to an old comrade properly rewarded, for as the two struggled, Rupe caught each by the baek'of the neck, shill!, aneously, and, with creditable impar• tialitj', forced both boys to their knees, "Tack dirt!" he commended, forcing tbete still forward, until their rarev were close to the stable liner At this nlotnent he t'poetved a rear tirprise. With a loud What'll sortie. Mug struck the !Hack or his head. and. turtling, he beheld Verrnati in the tat of lifting a piece or lath to strike) gain. ' "Etn moys omet" said Venetia. tee !tint Jotter. "HO townie ," e tanr .ire tie0'ELert»ai _captained." u Ere sfiy, jet 'eat boys alone,' Repo fdtit'eased has host briefly: "Chase them Ria out 0' 1101•ei" "Dolt call tee utr " said Hlerinan, 1 ntine my owls Melrose. Yon let 'ein aye atone. iiti strode b. Roe tad 7 a r s the ,till tsrostrate aha, stepped tipoit t'em'ud land, egltfip• 1ngltis trouutenatree With the teri'lfy- g ;tcoh''i and pratrndt'd JAW, Towered 1a bend to the levet of herniates, "Nig, you'll be Way if yaw lea11e here elit'ei" And be trolled fortvard tilt lits nose Wftat Within less than nn' irlelt Of iieftilehat hose. It multi be felt that Iiarrtetbing awful lt'As about tai hopper, rand Penrod its he rose froth the (loot" ail1ere'tt alt on. expected Mingo oi' nopeelleusinn end t'¢lnotee, bio+Imes 1 Mit ttanty ii'tiiilda"t t THE WOTGRAM TIMES Tr1li burl german- 'A su4'deu'"dieli of Rupe and ttupe'a ways Are with Itinai air be 1oQke4 at the big boy o . whelming the little darker with th rereelell { acetyl. Penrod e2i' at on Mt sorry about smoothing: 1adefl ble, and with equal Taktleness ire t.. ,toolkit- ''(owe pp, !lupe." he .suggest - ad feebly" 't ,et Hoi'man go, and let'a: as !stake obit btllit s: out of the MIN i,lanWe,n The, rake handle. however, was net eviliiable ifi !lupe had ineilned to tavar the euggestlela Vermap had discarded hitt lath for the rake, which be. wan. at this Moment lifting in: the air. "YOU ole black plggoe.". the rat tacetf boy said venomously to german. "I'!n a•goin' to" - But he pad allowed his nose to re. male too lops near Herman's, Pen- rod's familiar nese. had been as close With. only a ttek11sb spina( effect upon the net vent remote descendant of Eon. go roan eaters. The result produced. by the glare of Rope's unfamiliar eyes and Hy the dreadfully suggestive era, Unity of Taupe's unfamiliar nose watt. altogether ' different lfermap's ang Verman's Range's great•granclfathers, never considered people of their own .jungle neighborhood proper material for a meal, but they looked upon etrag* gets. espeelally truenient strangers, tie distinctly edible, Penrod and a beard Sam be d !lupe sudden- ly squawk and bellow, saw hitt} writhe and twist and ding out his amts like dads, though- without removing his face from its, juxtaposition. Indeed, for a moment the two beads seemed. even closer. h `�'e theye s rated Then,II Pa Intl a battle _, ill tt1 was on! • DOAK' KIDNEY PILL ver* Rstkye The ittdnleys and. Redder at I.�k.Ordtnary MsdlcInell c.4 Do The Pow*, na" � --•n.r-. ell' i'ihen the kidneys get out of order tit beak. is sure to become affected, and du pans, share pains, quick twinges all point to the fact that the kidneys attention. Plasters a and liniments Will not tate kidneys,. for they Cermet get to ill seat of the trouble, but r'oan's Kidu. Pills: do, and cure the kidneys quic d and: permanently. CHAPTER XVI. Colored Troops In Action. ffW neat and pure is the las of the ebronicler wbo bas th tale to tell: of "good d cousin g fight" between boys or m who light in the "good old Englis way," according to a model set fo in books long before 'Tom Brow went to Rugby. There are seconds and rounds an rules l s of fair la andi aw. P•t s Ythere y great good feeling in the end -thong sometimes, to vary the model, "th butcher" defeats the hero -and th chronicler who stencils this tine old pattern on his page is certain of ap- plause as the .stirrer of "red blood." ..There is no surer recipe. But when Berman and Verman se to't the record must he no more than a few fragments left by the expurga it has been perhaps sufficiently suggested that the altercation in M Schofield's stable opened with mayhem in respect to the aggressor's nose. 1•;s pressing vocally his indignation and tbe extremity of his -pained surprise, Mr. Collins stepped backward, bolding bis left hand over his nose and strik- ing at Herman with his right. Then Verman bit him with the rake. Ver�tnstruck from behind. He struck ns hafd as be could. And be struck with the tines down. For, In bis sim- ple. direct African way be wished to kill his enemy, and he wisbed to ki1l him ars soon as possible. That was his single, earnest purpose. On this account, Rupe Collins was peculiarly unfortunate. He was plucky and he enjoyed conflict, but neither his ambitions nor his anticipations bad ever included murder•.' He bad not learned that an habitually aggressive person runs the danger of colliding with beings in one of those lower Stages of evolution wherein theories about "hitting below the belt" have not yet made their appearance. The rake glanced from the back of dupe's head to his shoulder, but It fell- ed him. Both darkies jumped full upon him Instantly, and the three rolled and twisted upon the stable floor, uuloostng upon the air sincere maledictions close- ly connected witb complaints of eruel and unusual treatment. while certain expressions of feeling presently ema- nating from Herman and Verman indi- cated that Rupe Colifns, in this ex- tremity, Was proving himself not too slavishly addicted t0 fighting by rule. Dan and Duke, mistaking all for mirth, barked gayly. Prom the panting, pounding. yelling heap issued words and phrases hither- to quite unknown to Penrod and Sam; also a hoarse repetition In the voted of Rupe concerning his ear lett it not 10 be doubted that additional mayhetlt was taking place. Appalled. the two spectators retreated to the doorway nearest tbe yard, wbere they . stood dumbly watching the cataclysm. The struggle inereased to primitive simplicity, 'rime and Again the bowl. ibg taupe got to Ws knees, only to go down again as the earnest brothers in then' owu tvay assisted him to a more reclining position. Priatat forces op- erated here, and the two blanehed, slightly higher products of evolattlen. Sant and Penrod, no more thought of interfering than they would bave thought of interfering with an earth, quake. At last otit of the ruck rose bertnatr, dist) r gat ed and maniacal. With a wild' eye he looked about hitt far his trusty rake, but Penrod In horror had long since thrown the take tint into the yard. Naturally it bird hot Seethed necessary to remove the lawn mowelr. The treittie eytt of Vertnan tett upon the !Awn mower, and tnstitntly' he leaped to its handle. Shrilling a world, leas *Ahoy, be charged, propelling h,y_ whirling, deafening knives straight upon the"prone legs of Rope Collins. Abe left nr0Wer Wag sincerely intend- ed to pass longitudinally over tile bedj Of tar, Collins freta beef to bend, and It vie g Athe m' tithe tor a death tat sn. !flask Valkyrie hovered in to shriek - Ing nilr "Cut IA giztnd out!" shrieked Beit. 1 nom urging on the whirling ittlivee. tyrieded and x et anited .the k e Man seetned discontented with their g work. Verman was swinging tbe grass en • cutter about for a new charge, appar- b eptly still wising to snow him, and or Herman had made a quite plausible n statement about whin he Intended to do with the scythe. d Rnpe paused but for an extremely s condensed surveyof the e horrib e ad - la wince n sof the e b•o h t tet s 1 and then, ten, utter e ing a blood curdled scream of fear, e ran out of the stable and up the alley nt a speed be had never before at- tained, so that even Dan had hard work to keep within barking distance. And n cross shoulder glance at the tor- t Her revealing Verman and Herman in pursuit, the latter waving his scythe overbena, Mr. Collins slackened not his trait, but rather, out or Great anguish. Mr he them;Ut t meant ft f'11t tet way Ile tucks an ten,. lly l Roelcolq be tbpugbt Pie idermaa bad M.au. N0„sub: f nz fleas talitln�' 'cause I nev' wtield elft nobody. 1.uirr' Ulla' alt. in pot: Pitt .'no, sabi'R Peered looked, at the scythe, belook• 1 ed at liferntan, be looked at the lawn mower, snot be Melted at Verman. nevi !then, be igo1 ed mit to the yard. at the rake" So. did Salt'. WWlams. �'n Cp oo Y np+ rl eTnl p $ Slate •� ) a) aId iderII4At1. g• t -We On' got 'at stave wood t' supper el+ n MY Goggling reminiscently, the brothers Mrs. Lizzie Melanson, PlYtn ton, N,S writes: "1 am sending this t�estintoni telling yott what a wonderful cure Doan Kidney Pills made for tile. For yea 'had suffered so with my kidneys I coul hardly do my housework, I used sever kinds of Pills, but Rorie of them seemed be doing me any good. At last I We advised to try a box of Doan's ISidne Pllis, When T had taker) the first b I found relief. I have used five box° and to -day I feel like a new woman, °a•tliot recommend them too highly." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50c, per l;o 3 boxes for 411,25, at all dealers er mafle direct on receipt of price by The Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, When arcicring direct specify "Doan's, disappeared,, leaving silence behind them in tbe carriage batise. Penrod a and Sam retired slowly into tine sturd- rs owy interior, each glancing;. now and d then. with a pr'eoccupled'air., at the al open, empty doorway where tbe late to afternoon Snlishine WAS growing Pea $ sly. At intervals one or the other 0Y eeraped the floor reflectively with she s, side of his shoe. finally, still with - 1 out either baying made any *tient at t•onversation, they event out lute. the x, sera end steud, eorttiniltfl their si• d Ietree. . i•• "Well," said Ream' at 1a1St, "I ghees „ We time 1 better he nettle' tonne, do lona. Penrod." "$o lura., Stan." salt! 'retiree fealty. e With suinlet gaze he watahea has. tat friend out •of sight, Then be went slowly trw . m !t n o i t thens ll. a and after to a tn- uf r n terve) oecitltied in a unique manner up- peered In the 111u'u1y holding ti Mair 0t e brilliantly gleaming shoes 10 his bland. 1 Il. Schofield, reading the evening paper, glanced frorwuiugly' over it at his utlsprbtg, "Look, ,. , ) papa," saki r t t Penrod; . '• foiledu d, ! your shoes where you'd taken 'em off In your room to put on your slippers, t and they were 1111 dusty. So i took* e '0x1 out on the bark porch and gave 'cru a good blacking. They shine up • It nn Otte, don't t " "Well, I'll be it d-dnd•dummed!" said the startled Mr. Scltl)tield, Penrod was zigzaggieg back to nor '01141. Stan of Tory as, wail? tial surreal Agony oe effort. a crimb4re in mile peril 1 pots ' 1 1 Yy }tu•th !repute succumbing, he tote himself free of [Iertut1a and go upon ohs fee, Herman • was up to; ctulcely. EI leaped c r. ! tbc• tv t ..111 and seized the gar Glen scythe that hone there, "ria go' 0041 Yell gleam] opt," he an nouuced (etinliely, "nu' eat it!" Rupe lin)+ ! 'Collins had never run from anybody (except his In1hsl't in itis life Lie wrtS not a coward, but the preset' situation was very, very unusual ii was already in a badly dismantled condition, and yet Herman and Ver increased 1t, the while a rapidly (level- . oplug purpose became firm in his mind and ever -after so remained not ouly to refrain from "visiting tbat nelghbor- 'bood again, but never by any chance to come within a mile of it. From the alley door Penrod and Sam watched the flight and were without I words. When the pursuit rounded the corner the two looped wanly at each other, but neither spoke until the re- turn of the brothers from the chase. Herman and Lerman came back laughing Itud chuckling. "IIlyi T• cackled Ciei•man to Verman Os they came. "See 'at ole boy run!" "Who -eel" Yemen shouted in ec- stasy. "Nev' did see boy run so fes'!" Her- man continued, tossing the settle into the wheelbarrow. "I bet be home to bed by diss time!" Verman roared witb delight, appear- ing to be wholly unconscious that the lids of his right eye were swollen shut and that his attire, not too finical be- fore the struggle, now entitled him to unquestioned rant: as a sansculotte. Herman was a similar ruin and gave as little heed to his condition. Penrod looked dazedly from Berman to Verman and back again. So did Sam Williams. "Herman," said Penrod in a weak voice, "you wouldn't honest of cut his gizzard out, would you?" "Who? Ale? 1 don't know. Be mighty mean tile boys' Herman shook his head gravely and then, observing that Verman was again convulsed with unctuous merriment, joined laughter with his brother. "Shot I guess 1 us ;less ,tnikin' =lens I said 'sat .Reckon Th"Wr efchechiess of Constipation Cas •quickly lira tareationte lar CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purelyvegetable gala6lr =--let natty end gently on the liver. Cute Billowed* Head nth% 5izzi- Ritter, tenet tediteetios. They ie theh shalt. amen PW, Small beta. milli i►el.«. Gemlike neaten Signature * * a * a * * The midsummer sun was stinging hot outside the little barber shun next to the cur �• )ter drug store,. and Penrod, um d,r„o at 1 t toilet t p(sliira c to his very slowly 11ppronvhing twelfth birth. day, was adhesive enough to retain upon his face much hair as it fell front the shears. There is a mystery here. The ton- sorial processes ore not nnagreca1110 to ml)rth(od-ti) truth, they are soothing - hot the hairs d(tnlh0d tram a hay's bend get into his (',yes. his cut's, bis nose, his )month and clown tris 110(11. and he does everywhere itch excrutiat ingly. Wherefore he )links. winks, weeps. twitches, condenses bis counte- nance and sgnirnlx, :utd pet'eh:illee the bar'ber's scissors clip more than intend ed---be111t4' an outlying Ilan,ge of en r. "17111-Willa--tlw1" said Penrod, this thing having happened. "1)' I touch ,v' up n little?" Inquired the harbor, smiling falsely. ••(los-nh.'" The hay In the 0hntir of- fered ivartle•ulate p04)081, as 411P wound )vas rultbetl with a0101. "That don't hart." said the ()artier. "You will get it. though. ii' you don't :!St stiller." he continued. nipping in. tit - any attempt on the hart or his pa tent ie ((1)0)1 t13:it he nWeedy II:1(1 "It." "1'fnit':" said Penrod, meaning nn01ik respect. IRU )0(1('awot?mg 1)) dislodge temporary mustaette from his lip. "You o ,;ht 0, see how Mill that lit tic a;wnr it 17:1..••4'(1 sits." the b:trl'.v went on reprovin:;l)' "1 hear every holly $:FVs he's the bca Ili}' 114 town "!'fur: l'lrirr!" 'There w:ls a tau'•!, cif intr)t)mn) contemt!)t to this. "i hnyeii t 0.'nrd nobody nt•onn)i the neighborhood ma1110' nnsuch remark.... added the barber, "about nobody of the woo. of 1',vo' 0 lrlt.•tlt•lal." '\\'ell.' .•ii;) 1'enro:l. ••lo:u•ln¢ tom room) af'a'r n .;rng;;le, "who warm. rut ), " (4le.he, "1 bon 3)••e esti e luta aqui, Haus"' het r,row, ';)tiwelw. dant 'l)r"o'� -They bet ter 1R't n,tlost Pcnr•ol tree to hem anybody tri' :U1: 1 bet ;Mas'I c i a•ti " Joon;"ie Rasreit 1 b ventured the ht'(• nn•ct14_ ))tr1) In can rue that." re nlontly "I'll 1!!:r .10st once, (h•)i'+ 0,001('(' try It t'1 lS sal esstseles ga'o'er as yl iiia ..t:•r•', ,,111. t.•. 1 1, "They bis#ter not pall w e tt aZltt rt- turned Penrid'irulutetttlyr Till' Oprideryori;ticelholicineAct. mrriatable lbeedrandn gWe�rdu �, Zing lhedloonertisand koweersot • Promotes ligeslion Chcerfuk ni ssdiadResi',Coiitalilsneliilttr. Opitinl,Morplune norNineral ir.)17 TA1tCOTIC. Jk eal'041B2fd{!iZ!''1tJlgt a+° • ,Aba .Aait&td+ , aailltd,it4er.IlohtlfcShcs P r mt-�pe . aknakaizt s Ilinn.toa- sorsir007(farn Apfrtee1 Remedy forConSlipa- lion, SourSlomach,Diantoe + Worms,Convulsions,Fevverish' ness and LOSS Sl,OF > ER FacsimileSisnatate of Ike C£NTA� x WY R( QN?REAG&NG - t ?4 4 Exact Copy of Vit'rapper, TNC CCNTAUR COMPANY, 4 w YORKlignalleagnagaliMMIRIMEGMEEMINMENMENIC,71a- i Poi, Infants and Ofldre Mothers Know TIS Genuine Castaria Always Bears the Signature. of In use for Over Thirty Years CASTORI "Why? " t � Vita ' Y td you d oto 'et Y "it's all right what: I'd dot 1 bet they wouldn't waut to dal) me that ngaf'n long as tbey lived!" " 11'b:tfd you do if it was a little girl? You wouldn't hit her, would you?" "Well. I'd- Ouch!" "Yin wouldn't flit o little glri, would you?" the barber persisted, gathering into his pnwerful fingers a mop el' hair from the lop of Peurud's bead and pulling that snfferIng head into an 00. natural position. "Doesn't the Bible stay it ain't never right to bit the weak sect" "Ow! Say, look nnt!" you'd go and pa11014 1104'44. weak,"1it11e girl, would yet)' reprovingly. swell.. who solid i monde• the r)i%flrmn 1 a rsaid the barber 'd MI heti" de- little "E bet 1'd tix hirr, aluui;li, all right. She'll see!" "You wouldn't cat) her names, wens! you?" "No, 1 womidn't! What hart Is it to call anybody names?" •'is that so!" exclaimed the barber. :"1'ben you was !weeding what t heard you hollering at F'isher's grocery (14- •- 1 ", 'ry wagon driver for a favor the other day when 1 w:is guilt' by your house, was y'ou'r 1 re000m 1 bt'fter tell Mtn. he0)Wse he says to ole afterwersa Ii' be ever lays eyes on yen when you ain't In your own yard be's guilt' to do a whole lot o' things you ain't guru' to like! Yessir, that's whoa he says to Ire!" "Lie better catch me first, 1 guess before he lulus so march," ` "Well," resumed the barber, "that t'in't sayin' what you'd do if a young lady ever walked up and called yon s little gentleman. 1 iwaut to bear wbat you'd do to ber. I guess I know though, come to thin!. of !t." "What?" demanded Penrod. "You'd sick th:rt pore ole dog o: yours on her cat if she had one. 1 ex port,' guessed the barber derisively. "No, 1 would nut!" "Well. what would you do?" "I'd do enough. Don t worry abets that!" "Well, suppose it was a boy, then What'd you do if n boy come up t< you and says, 'Hello, little gentle man?' " "He'd be lucky,' said Penrod, )vitt a sinister frown "If he got home alive,' "Suppose it was a boy twice yon) size?" "Just let Wim ay," said leered 0101 nousiy. "You just tet him try ile`e never see daylight trait; Ibat's nil!" )l'be barber dug ten active tinger1 into the helpless setup before !tint ma did his best to displace it. while tht anguished Penrod, becoming Instant!! a seething crucible of emotion, rnisdi rested his natural reseutinent into mad defied brooding npoo what be )won't (10 to a boy "twice itis site" who shine)) dare him "little e cntletnaat tt Tbe barber t l. i•trbc • ,4n • allin:as his I ltle 3 bud never shaken him: the barber but feted idm, melted hint !Nu -ideally It and fro: the barber seemed to be le ing to write his met'!:, mal Penrod sow himself in staggering, Ague, enemas T sat1n in�large, , sit tndu , f ,t n1P r try boys Who had insulted 1118. The lartere Stopped $11dd01113, anti chnc'hent, weeping arta 1)03)1)) to tle1 again. while the bal'Lt'r applied vonitile Jotinne t%hleil Made Penrod s1110I1 110E a colored huneetneid`s Watt "Nowt• Whet." neked the barb4r,r'minb Mg alar' reeking Melte Beatty, "what Would 11 !mile pin sat mad ter to !lava tt tnehmdy §'atll you n little g01ltitilrtnnl it's A kind of e'oh)plhnefit, as 11 ware you talent ena Whitt would y044 wain Id !tit ens body for theft ref?" Tee, !Kite tame!! of Penrod Bile sei eelloir 1 was 14Ifbnnf meaining*'or reitW is ) a t le• 4. ness. It was withal neither his power nor his desire to nnelyre the process by which the phrase had become of- fensive to tlirir and wt's now rapidly assuming the proportions of an 0111 - rage. Ile knew only that 1118 1;0r1e rote nt the thntlght of 11.. "You fust let 'Om tr,v It)" be' Snict threnteti11141y as he slid clown' from the 011a1r. And its he went (salt of .tact deur. after fln•riu'r (unier'::atlon on rhe name subject, lie called bark those warning words once more; "Just let 'em try it -just oneel That's all I ask 'em to! They'll find out what tiley get!" The barber chuckled. Then a ria lit on the barber's nose, and he slapped at it, and the slap missed thefly, but did not miss ,the nose. Tbe barber was irritated. At this moment his birdlike eye gleamed a gleam as it'fen upon costumers approaching -the pre)- tiest little girl in the world, leading by the band her baby brother, 'Mitchy- bitch. Doming to have Mitchy-Match's 'hair clipped against tbe heat, It was a bot day and idle, with little to feed the mind, lad the barber Was a mischievous man with an irritated nose. Ile did his worst, CHAPTER XVII. "Little Gentleman." lir\N\VLIit. t' the brnudiug ren+ rod pu'sned his homeward way: no great distance, beat long enuti.4) 1'or several one sided 0outilets with mallaa insulters 01)m10 of thin ab•. "You better 'not calf 100 that!" he muttered. "lou just try-; it, uud you'll Ret what other people got when they tried U. You better n'.1 ay 14 fresh wta.`. ore (h, you will, 1)111 you?" 11e dt'lit•ere41 it vicious 01.•14 11)11 upon the s1Nns 4)f an iron f(')ace post, whit•) sntTerce little, moue() Penrod 11stautly regretted 11 is Indis't•etion. "4lo4!" Ile• stunted, hop- ping, and wept 00 1)1441)' nest0wir11; a and; of awful hostility 1)1)40 the fence post. "1 guess you'll ktlot1' better next 1)130," he said in parting to this an- lagonist. "You just let ole rv)14'tt you around d h c again 1 and ill"- alis voice sante to inarticulate but ominotts mnrnlurings. Fie ryas in a dangerous- tnuud Ee:n inn home, however, his belliger- ent spirit was diverted to happier in- torests by the dlst•urety that settle worktneti had left a (-attire!) of tar In the tress street el0se by Ills'tather'o stabler, fie tested 1t, blit found it in- 0dilrle: also as a substitute for protest sional chewing Ruta it was nfSatiSfae* 400;y, being in.1)(1O'tently boiled downs anti a 1 tura tido. thuurtu of n pleasant, 411kewarut tellipe('alnre. Rol it )ad rill excess o1 ant' (111:1111,Y -11 Was sticy. 11 was the stit•lclest 'ant' l'(.ttrud half ever lased for atny ptrposes whatsoever.. soul nothing 1113011 which he wiped his Hands .erred to rid !hent of it, neither Q ) Ii. r i alt e\ee !Ihu1r0t e, w ho ocome)n) h itl k i ng ly. h•La )1 6 v• tomato tC tenet,nor dottet �tirtnafrt ten' ais wagging tuat to grel•t tont 01:1 retired a• isn't Nevertheless ter is 181. $1nw11 Can be dour* ait11 tG ne owe 1 what 111* (4)11)1010n. So Penrod hla rreti by this '•aldrou, t))11alt from n m"i11illroring 3 aid enl)lcl be li4011411ili' te'a's 4)1' 00101' ratios, tneindlug tllttt r)l' Salm \t'illlntus, till The R)'niltid :Mont the 4'8,I1,004 were - :weltered 4•ilips and 'etleks 1(4ttt tete Of wood to the 0)111iber of 31 gt'e:tl nittlti- thee. Penrod mired'gtintttitie's or this retest* lent the tar and interested bltti- self in Seeing how 1).1101) of it fie tout+& - keep `4114)1111114 ih sloW swirls Alien tile;- etn7lt Sttrl j}r p, 1 (i' 1111t tjOEtfl'T1t1tJt;Itj