HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-03-23, Page 3March ,23rd, 1916 TEi I: W1NG11AM '1'I\1ES - "MADE IN CANADA', Ford Touring Car Price $530 Take a, little ' comfort as you go ----especially if you can combine it with profit. The man who owns a Ford has provided healthful enjoyment for his entire family and equipped himself with an economical servant as well. The Ford Runabout is $480; the Couplet $730; the Sedalia $890; the Town Car $780. All prices are f.o.b. Ford, Ontario, All cars completely equipped, includ- ing electric headlights. Equipment. does not include speedometer. Cars for sale by A M. Crawford, Wingham, Ont. rl'Iia ListVERSA,L ci,n EVIDENTLY A "WET" DINNER The following is a copy of an item- ized account presented to Huron. Co. Council, through its Finance Com- insKILLING H mittee, at its meeting in December 1850, - Board of Education to 1. Rattenbury Dec. 9, 1800. To 3 glasses hot brandy .. is. 6d 4 dinners, including beer .. 6s. Od. 2 bottles best brandy ... ., . Ga. 3d. 4 lunches of 71d ,,. ,,,.,..2s. 6d. 2 bottles porter ,.., . ..3,I. G', 2 glasses brandy, one hot and 2 lunches .. .... ...,. .. 2s. 4j 1£ is. 1d The chairman of the Finance Commit- tee was the late John Holmes, father Dr. W. R. Holmes, present County Treasurer, and he added this signifi- cant note to the account: -"Your com- mittee beg leave to say that we are not aware that a bill such as the above should be discharged by the public " ION[Y DISEASE flow Sir Owen Phillips ' Wou Sumer. Get "More Money" for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collected in your section SHIP YOUR FURS DIRECT to "SHUBERT"tile largest house in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS a reliable—responsible—safe Fur Nouse with an unblemished rep- utation existing for more than a third of a century," a tont; suc- cessful record of sendin g Fur Shippers prom n,,S ATI S FACTORY AND PROFITAIBLn returns, Write for 'Mile Oallubcrt d liipper." the only reliable, accurate mark et report and price list published. Write for it -NOW -it's TREE A.1$. SHUBERT, Inc. Deptc I4CHICAGa,U.S.A. PERSONAL NOTES The Prince of Wales has already six god -children. The wine cellars at Welbeck Abbey are the largest in England. Sir Edward Elgar often writes his musical compositions in bed. The Bishop of London has three secretaries, the Archbishop of Can- terbury five. Prince John has an edition of "Rob- inson Crusoe," the cover of which cost £30. General French was on the point of retiring from the Army before the Boer War. The principal New York papers are new regularly taken at Buckingham Palace. Lady Iva Wilson has five grandsons in the Army and Navy. She is a sis- ter of the late Duke of Fife. At the German Court, it is against etiquette for the Emperor to shake hands with anyone who is not of royal rank. Since King George's accession, Queen Mary has purchased over two dozen pictures by English modern artists. It is not yet certain whether Lord Crichton is dead or a prisoner of war; he was reported missing several months ago. Mrs. Lloyd George has taken up the study of French in the past six months. and now speaks that lan- guage with some fluency. Pial N1ING AND STATIO ERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER , PAPER PAPETE1tIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will,keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and a1115 orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingha'm , r Ont. Until He Used "Fruit -a -Byes" The Great Kidney Remedy HaoeesvILr E, ONE., Aug. 2Gth, 1913. "About two years ago, I found my Health in a very bad state. .110 kidneys were not doing their work and I was all run down in condition. Ilaving seen 'Fruit-a-tives' advertised, I decided to try them. Their action was mild, and the result all that could bo expected. My Kidneys resumed their normal action after I had taken upwards of a dozen boxes and I rcgainedmyold-tivte vitality. Today, I am as well as ever." B. A. KELLY. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. LIABLE FOR SERVICE as Marine Magnate. About thirty -Ave years ago a Mini/ man, notable physically for his un- common height --he stood Oft. ?in, is his stoeltings--wonted quietly, thor- oil hly, and conscientiously itt a shipping olllee at Newcastle -on -'.Pyne. lie rarely spoke of his hopes for the, !future; but he bad ono ambition which might, had he then mentioned It to other people, have aroused some leas hter, This was nothing less than to be - porno the biggest shipping man in the world. It was not egotism which gave rise to this ambition, but the I keen desire to "get on," and the knowledge that if he had a chance he ! would "get on." That clerk, now :fir Owen Pbllllps, lives to -day in the realization of his ambition. He is the Napoleon of the mercantile ship- ping world, and master of over 300 ships, with a total tonnage of nearly a million and a half, The manner in which of late years i Sir Owen—who, it is announced, will he. Unionist candidate for Chester at the next election—has engineered I shipping deals, acquiring not single vessels, but whole fleets, furnishes a tory of enterprise and remarkable s energy on the part of this son of the Principality—for Sir Owen comes of a very ancient Welsh family of Pem- brokeshire worthies. Undoubtedly the real secret of Sir What The Militia Act Says -All From' Owen's success lies in the fact that 18 to 60 Can Be Called Out There has been a good deal of discus- sion as to whether Canada would adopt conscription. The editor is not in a position to interpret the law, but from the reading of the act we believe every man from 18 to 60 years of age can be called out without any measure being p issed by parliament. All that is nec- essary is an order from the governor in council. The male population liable to serve in the Militia shall be divided into four classes:- , The first class shall compromise all those of the age of eighteen years and upwards, but under thirty years, who are unmarried or widowers without children; The second class shall comprise all those of thirty years and upwards, but under forty-five years who are unmar- ried or widowers without children; The third class shall comprise all those of the age of eighteen years and upwards, but under forty-five years, who are married or widowers with children; The fourth class shall comprise all those of the age of forty-five years and upwards, but under sixty years. The said several classes shall be called upon to serve in the order in which they are referred to in this sec- tion. 4 E. VII., c. 23, s.15. When men are required to organize or complete a corps at any time either for training or an emergency, and enough men do not volunteer to com- plete the quota required, the men liable to serve shall be drafted by ballot. If there are inscribed on the Militia roll more than one son belonging to the same family residing in the same house, only one of such sons shall be drawn, unless the number of names so inscribed is insufficient to complete the, required proportionof service men. 4 E. VII., c. 23, s. 27. Every man of the Active Militia of the first or second class shall be required to complete the period for which he volunteered or was balloted to serve, notwithstanding that during any such period of service he attains the limit age of thirty years, or forty-five years as the case may be, according to his class. 4 E. VII., c 23, s. 29 The Governor in Council may place the Militia, or any part thereof, on act- ive service anywhere in Canada. and also beyond Canada, for the defence thereof, at any time when it appears advisable to do so by reason of emergency. 4 E. VII., c. 23, s. 70. She Gained 36 Lb'. Mrs. George Bradshaw, Harlowe, Ont., writes: "I was troubled for many years with weak, watery blood and dropsy. I had nervous headaches, dizziness and sinking spells, and was, in fact, a semi -invalid. Doctors told me my heart and kidneys were diseased and gave me up. By using 10 boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I have been cured of many of my old complaints and,gained 36 pounds in weight. ENGLAND TO FRET; MEN Men of my blood, you English men! From misty hill and misty fen, From cot and town, and plow, and moor, Come in -before I shut the door! - Into my courtyard paved with stones That keep the names, that keep the bones, Of none but English men who came Free of their lives, to guard my fame. I am your native land who bred No driven heart, no driven head; 1 fly a flag in every sea Round the old Earth, of Liberty! I am the Land that boasts a crown; The sun comes up, the sun goes down - And never men may say of me. Mine is a breed that is not free. I have a wreath! My forehead wears A hundred leaves -a hundred years I never knew the words: "You must And shall my wreath return'to dust? Freemen! The door is yet ajar; From northern star to southern star, 0 ye who count and ye who delve, Come in -before my clock strikes twelve! -John Galsworthy. , he is a very far-seeing man. He was one of the first to realize the trem- endous revolution that the opening of the Panama Canal would bring about in the mercantile shipping of the world. Not only is trade with the Far East to be counted on by the cut- ting in two of the American contin- ent, offering immense profits to the steamship lines first in the field, but the ,great coast -line on the Pacific side of South America becomes more easily available. Sir Owen, fully realizing this, secured control of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, thus holding the shipping trade ot South America in the hollow of his hand, and ultimately acquired the Dempster Line boats on the West In- dian trade, which made certain that there would be no serious opposition from that quarter. But the control of the trade of one continent by no means satisfied the ambitious of this shipping king, fox soon after he took the Royal Mail Company under his care. He obtain- ed what amounted to a controlling interest in the share line running to China and Japan. Then came the purchase of another line of ships, wnicn dealt with the Mediterranean and North African trade. Perhaps the most sensational pur- chase Sir Owen has ever made was tee acqu'••'tic•', on behalf of the great shipping combine, of the goodwill, fleet, and business of the Union Cas- tle Mall Steamship Company, which meant the payment of a cheque for no less a sum than £5,173,572 to Messrs. Donald Currie and Co. Sir Owen's comparatively brief career—for he is or.ly just over fifty —is a romance of the time, for he owes nothing to inherited wealth or great influence. Herr Bailin, the shipping Colossus of Germany, was at one time disposed to be contempt- uous of the opposition of the Welsh- man. Ile even went so far as to for- bid him to poach on his preseryes in the West Indies. According to one intimately acquainted with Sir Owen, he has never forgiven or forgotten this piece of insolence, and he was not satisfied until he had. beaten Bal - lin and controlled 200,000 tons more shipping than his German rival, It's a good thing our buried hopes don't need tombstones or the supply would run mighty short. MORE FALLACIES EXPOSED To the Editor: - - Children Cry FOR Ft ETCHER'S CASTOR IA 6th, They quote statements favor- able to the use of alcohol, said. to have spread of the monstrous theory that been made by eminent physiologists at law can take the place of moral ed - a conventienin Cambridge; among those ucation. That is too bad, but where present was the celebrated Doctor is such a nonsensical theory taught? Michael Foster. They didn't tell us Certainly not in Canada or in any that that was long years ago, for Dr. English speaking country. A great Foster was a distinguished man, ad- many laws are prohibitive, but they vaneed in years, when I was a student. seem to object to only the one that I doubt if they can point to one single would prevent themselling booze. book on Medical practise published in 11th. They say that without booze the last ten years that does not definit- on which to practis3"self-control, men ely teach that alcoholic liquors increase would "lose all sense of responsibility the liability to disease, especially con- and gradually sink down until they bi- sumption. Even the hand book pre- come prohibitionists." I suppose like pared by Military Doctors in 1911 for Lloyd George and Kitchener and Sir the guidance of the Royal Army David Beatty and Sir Frederick Treves Medical Corp teaches that, and also and thousands of other great and good that it lessens the efficiency of the men men. They seem to despise such men and increases the tendency to disease, as these as the dirt under their feet, and advises that it be not permitted on It is hard accounting for tastes. the march, H. Arnott, M.II., M.C.P.S. 7th. They say that the drunkard is the prohibitionists only asset. Oh no, not by any means; we have many ser- ious charges against the liquor traffic of which I shall mention only one. The taxes actually collected in the nine wettest states in 1914 were 60% higher than in the eight prohibition states. Why should I be taxed to care for the paupers, orphans and criminals that they make? The license fees do not pay a quarter of the expenses they cause. 8th. They say that domestic un- happiness frequently causes drunken- ness, instead of drunkenness causing damestic unhappiness. Isn't that gall? If that be true how is it that in Canada the Provinces that have most local prohibition have the least crime and the Provinces that have least Local prohibition have nearly forty times as much crime as Prince Edward Island, which is entirely under prohibition? 9th. They are getting very anxious about the condition of the Church, and fear that it is going to the bad, but it is worthy of note that the cause of their anxiety is the growing tendency of the Church to advocate prohibition. 10th. They say that one of the great- est evils confronting us to -day is the • Morning glory derives its name from the fact that it blooms only in the morning, and the 4 o'clock because they open at that hour in the afternoon. A Russian military commission composed of five officers of high rank are on their way to Rumania to deliver to the King the uniform of a Russian honorary colonel. A New Jersey militiaman in replying to a Boston man's suggestion that'mil- itia is to be prefered to "national guard" at a designation for a state's soldiers, recalls that the Infantry Journal in May, 1911, said: "Out militia has run away or mutinied in no less than 30 battles or marches between 1,176 and 1.861"; also that Washington constantly referred to the militia as a broken reed and not to be depended upon. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER C® is sent direct to the diseased parts by the improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, 1clears the air passages, stops drop. : pings in the throat permanent- lyand,r cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. • 26c. a box; blower free. Accept nc substitutes. ate, &e Co. Limited, Toronto.anaon, TEACHING THE TONGUE Fascination of Golf, .•I've 'card of Nero a -playing on 'is fiddle, sir, when 'is 'ome was a -burn- ing." said the landlady, putting down the local paper, "hut this 'ere game of golf must be the most fast:hutting 'obby in the world. I've been reading about the fire up at the golf ground last [friday, and it says, 'The fire brigades promptly responded to the call. and witen darkness closed in they were still playing upon the ruins of the club- house.' " A man who stammers can never be a great preacher, and neither can he get along in many other professions. Such an impediment is a bar to an army car- eer. The physician needs a good speak- ing voice. So does the lawyer. Many a lawyer has won his case by his voice, rather than by what he had to say, and many a sermon has been preached from a poor text in a voice that carried com- fort and conviction with its rather triv- ial words. Everybody with the training of young children to look after should see to it that they are taught to articulate clear- ly. For without clear articulation they will have a hard time getting on in the world. And almost any impediment to clear speech can nowadays be removed by careful training and treatment. He Proved It. "My dear child," said the fond moth- er, "if you marry Henry, do you think he will have the force to lift himself above his fellow men to a level with you?" "Why, of course I do, mamma. Don't you remember bow he climbed the eight stories to our apartment the other night when the elevator was broken?" Cattle branding in the West is dying out, and like the cowboy and the thrilling roundup, is going to the scrap heap. The fencing of land is the cause Heart Was So Weak Could Not G' AND TRUNK YS M Are You Going West ? The Grand Trunk Railway System will run HOWESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS EACH TUESDAY March 7th to October 31st (INCLUSIVE) Tickets valid to return witt,,in two months inclusive of day of sale. Winnipeg and return - $35.00 Edmonton and return $43.00 Proportionate low rates to other points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta H. B. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W, F. BURtiMAi\, Citation Agent, Phone 80. Go Up Stairs Without Help. When the heart becomes weak and does not do its work properly the nerves become unstrung and the whole system seems to go "all to pieces." When this happens you need a tonic to build up both the heart and nerves, and Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will accomplish this for you, providing you lo not let your .use run too long and allow it to become chronic, Mrs. Evangiliste Loverdure, Fort Coulonge, Que., writes: "Last summer my heart and nerves we.e.. so bad I could not sleep at night, and my hea without wek I could not go up st help. My doctor said he could do no more for me as my heart was completely done. A cousin of mine came in one day and told ore that Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pillscured her completely. I immediately gave her 50 cents to bring me a box, and since that day there is a box always on my sideboard. I am novo well, and my heart and nerves are st ori ;. r than when I was a little school. ;,Irl 1 advise anyone with heart trouble to try theist. No doctor eau beat them." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 5t)v per box, 3 boxes for 81 65, for sale at all dealers; mailed direct on re eipt ot price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, i Toronto, Ont. Home seekers Excursions Every Tuesday, March to October "All Rail" Every Wednesday During Season Navigation "Great Lakes Route" Soayewhere out on the prairies where last year Canada's Greatest Wheat Crop was produced there is a home waiting for you. The CANADIAN • PACIFIC CANADIAN PACIFIC will take yon there, give you all the information about the best places, and help you to success. ., particulars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent, or write W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. r. l ....,..,.........,.........,,,,.,,,....„,...,,,.,,............„,„,....„ , t A tete Line f t ara 1 ,,, ; --„_ , —' ....., I... = tet+ 71 �FERTiLIZER'S 1 I GROW BIGGER CROPS 1916 BRANDS Available Available y Amonle (Phos. Acid Potash Amenia Pltos, Aad Potash 7 'J2 10_ 0 3.. 10 r� 3....... 1c1.... , . . .0 4 9 2 4 10. .. 0 0 ....... .... 1 .., 1 0 J 0 ........ ..... 12 ..� 1 2 7 .,. 1 IAnalysis Guaranteed All Brands Registered Made in Canada by • THE ONTARIO FERTILIZERS, Limited 0 West Toronto Sold in Wingham by T. R. BENNETT, Local Agent F Write, pphone or call for full information and prices Ata i�,t1 ii V �i.I1.7-4`.41-A..<.i'r�MPli�'A'4- rNAPfit/4--.V4r?� 0.77,411-7.41-` 3 4-'