HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-03-23, Page 2PAge z4
THE WINGRAM, TIMES March ,41,34 i9.14
*awl Trunk Railway System
Towo Ticket °fife
We Oen is.ue threugiel *lots via
Pennlar routes, to any Point in America
-East, West. South, Northwest, Mani,
.toba, Pacific Coat. etc.
Baggage checked throngh to destina-
tion and full infOrMatioe given whereby'
travelling will he make pleasant end
free from annoyance. Tourist and
return ticketa to above points also on
044 et lowest figeres, and with all
PreValling advantages.
Single and retern ticketa to any point
in Ontario. Your htnaness will be an-
Preelated, b.YOur trip u Ana Or it
long one.
We can ticket you through ti) ale
Point n Europe en ail leading steamship
lines. Prepaid orders also iesueds
If it's elomit travel, we have the
information and will give it to you
Town Agent G.T.R.
Times Office, Wingham, Ont.
E. B. ELLIOTT, PrigosallEtt AN» ei(OPW0ti
Notice a changes meet be left at this
settee lust later than satorday noon.
The copy for change must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements Accepted up
to nevi Wednesday of eeeh week
During the past four years the Ont-
ario Agricultural and Experimental
Union have carried on co-operative ex-
periments in the eradication of weeds.
Seme fifty-eight farmers have taken
part in these experiments and some very
interesting and valuable results have
been obtained. The weeds experiment-
ed witla were Perennial Sow Thistle,
Twitch Grass, Bladder Campion, Wild
Mustard and Ox ye Daisy. The re-
sults obtained may be summarized as
1. That good cultivation, followed
by rape sown in drills, pvovides a means
of eradicating both Perennial Sow
Thistle and Twiteh Grass.
2. That rape is la more Satisfactory
crop to use in the deetrectien of,Twitch
Grass than buckwheat
3. That rape gimes much better re -
suite in the eradication of Twitch Grass
and Perennial Sow Thistle when sown
• in drills and cultivated than it does
when sown broadcast.
4. That thorough deep cultivation; in
fall and spring, followed by a well eared
for hoed crop, will destroy Bladder
6. That Mustard may be prevented
from seeding in oats, wheat and barley
by spraying with a twenty percent solu-
tion of iron sulphate without any serious
injury to the standing crop or to the
fresh seedings of clover.
Those who took part in these experi-
ments profited by the experience; in
nearly every experience they cleaned
the field experimented upon, demon-
strated to their own satisfaction the
effectiveness of the method tried, and
at the same time the results furnised
practrical information to others.
These Co-operative Experiments in
Weed Eradieation will be continued this
year (1916), and it is hoped that a large
number of men will take part in them
in order that sufficient information may
be gathered to warrant definite state.
mots being made in regard to the best
methods of controllieg these pernicious
weeds. The experiments for 1916 are
=as follows:
1. The use of rape in the destructioh
of Perennial Sow Thistle,
2. A system of intensine cropping
and eultivatiori, using Winter Rye fan -
leveed by turnips. rape or beekwheat.
for eradicating Perennial Sow Thistle.
8: The Use of rape in the destruction
of Twitch Grass.
4. A method of etiltivation and crop-
ping for the destruction a Twitch
5. A method for the eradication of
What if this were your ton?
An itotiOus, gliOr.Stridkett VitithOr
ptialed to us recently. She weete :
"I have cs'son fifteen yeare of age who
luta tuberculosis in dee lung. I have net
the Mein% te.give him the Care he should
have. The (lectors tey Met with proper
Care tied attention there is every hope that
he might folly recover. L Would he very
thitekfitt if ho could be admitted to the
Muskoka Free Hospital if peasible."!
Suppose that potation or your daughter
wore a consumptive, Suppose that he or
the Were pito and wasted and Aitken by*
hacking, titrength-tapping cough. Sup,
pose that yeti hadn't the Money to provide
the hadlyateccled medicine, nourishment,
and thilitel triedicel treatftent, Think
What nbie0ed taller it would to to you to
know that the Muskoka Free Hospital for
Coostnaptive.4 trinas ready to help
toritributierie to the, Slitskolotretel-fiet.
pitat Sor Coosumptivee will be gratefully
aeknowledged by W. J. Gage, Chairman
P.aetaitive, Vottertittee, 84 Soedirta Meent,,
ir ,R. flimti.tI. sect eta ry 'treasurer.. 44a
litt.1.; %treat N'Veat, Tnrouto:
r e$PZIT0Q4;:gf7Ra�
Q uhate to
deatrea iltestard Qereal crops.
7, A Method ttf eintivation and, crop,
P110 for the destriletien
Thetee 10.4 trnillited. WW1 atie ef
these bad weeus ere invitittt writo th
the Directnr nf Vo-oparittiYa
meets. In Weed Eredleatien, Ontario
will he glad te infnrinetinn
Agrieultgral College Quell3b, Ont. He
eoncerning these experiments ad in
SuPPIY #100litiOn blanks for the same, • 20 YeOrs.
Ail experimenters will Pe supplied with
full and detailed instruntiona for carr,v*
log mat the experiments selected, and
with blank forton which to report
the reaults of the same, All interested
ta clean farming are asked to co-oper-
ate in this work. Address all cornmeni-
cations to 4, E. Hewitt, Opterie, Agris
celttirai College, Guelph.
ilrie stela summing. '
Uric acid is an aecunesiation of poison
which finds lodgment In the system
When the kidneys fail to remove it from
the blood. In the kidneys and bladde
it farms stones, in the joints and muse -
les it causes rheumatism. In any case I
the pain and suffering is almost beyond
human endurance. U ric acid is prempt/Y
removed from the system when the
kidneys are kept bealthy and active by
using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
erarwthe Tliil$8 of Margit 20, 1896
Miss Lizzie .Fieute is visiting Miss
Sample ef Brussels,
ea r 1eq.44e, .as. BurfiesFt J9hn
Messer, and Sint Claghorn, left for
Manitolie last Week.
Mr, A. Paylor has returned to town
after a prolorged visit to friepd!! and
relatives in the Forest City.
fitte fle Meintere has nerehaSed a
house an Catharine St, end purposes
having it overhauled and brielt elad
this spring, The bricks are being
placed on the groend this week,
Mrs. McCracken, nf 13luevale reek
who has been ill singe before Christnies,
has recevered setliciently to he around
again end Was in 10vvr1 on Tuesday for
the arst time eince last December;
A tneasage was received here an
REMARKABL4 STATEMENT Wednesday moreing from the London
tiutherities, saying that J. Gs Field, the
The follewing appears in the Finan. Lower Wingham initcher, who wes
le abused by a mob a week ago last Tues.
a day night, had died in the London hos-
pital from acute pneumonia.
or The earnivai Monday night was well
h. attended considering the lateness of the
to s,easdn, A large number of skaters in
at costume were present, and a good
n time was spent. The prize winners
g were; Ladies best (totems', Miss Park -
d er, the Flower Girl; Gents best costume
h M. Park, King Geo. III; Cornic costume,
n Frank Kling; Girls' character costume,
S Ella Deans, Mexietie Girls comic, Maud
is Fieuty; Boys comic. W. Lamont.
cial Post of Canada, eel:Ilia/led by ti
MacLean press in Toronto, of which
Canadian Colonel 4 the need:
We fear the worst is. yet ahead f
us. We have to see the war throug
Germany is offering pew terms
our allies. Her influence is very gm
and her propositions are generous. I
view of the agreeineut existing atnen
the allies the impression prevails, an
is voiced by the newspapers, that sue
an arrangetnent is impossible, We ea
learn from usually well posted source
of information that unless Germany
soon reduced, it is not et all imp°
sible that not only 13eigiurn, but Rus
sia, Japan and Italy, and eventuall
France, may conclude indepeuden
terms, while we British may have t
Y Miller -In Wingliam, on the 17th inst
-the wife of Peter Miller; a daughter, ,
o Ctfrrie - In East WawstnOch, on the
. 18th inst., the wife 0 Andrew Gerrie; '
t- twins, son and daughter,
f Mason -I» East Wawatiosh., on the
- 8th inst,, the wife 0 Mr. John Mason;
a, 800,
McIntosh Abraham -At, St. Paul's, I
; Rectory, on the Ilth inst by the Rev.
Wm. Lowe, assisted by Rev. 0. R.
Gunne, M. A. of Gorrie, Mr. Peter Me -T
'Moen, of Turnberry, to Marjory Abra-
ham. of Wawanosh. •
e Laicilaw -In Morris, on Monday, 16th
- inst., Robeet Laidlaw.
go on fighting for years. The finan,
del and other terms which the Bei
ish Government made with some o
them -which the censor forbids want
ing-shows how little sentiment en
ters the international deals. No long
er are we British held in high respee
by our allies. The mistakes and Sap
palling incompetence of our Imperial
'polite* leaders are common tal
antong them, end their' references
our capacity are not complimentary.
It Would be interesting" to kno
wbenee the Financial Post got this in
formation, %lath is contrary to th
generally received opinion. Agree
rnent among the Allies that there shal
be no separate peace has been mad
more than once. Such a pledge wa
renewed to Belgium last month. Th
French, British and Russian Ministers
at the Belgian court called at the
Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and, Prince Kuriaeheff, the Russian
Minister, acting as spokesman, ad-
dressed the Minister 0 Foreige Af,
fairs in these tertns:
The Allied POwers signatory of the
treaties guaranteeing the indepens
denee and neutrality of Belgium have
decided to renew to -day by a solemn
act the engagements they entered into
with regard to your Country. Conse-
quently we, the Ministers 0 France.
Great Britain, and Russia, deli auth-
orized by our Gevernrnents, have the
honor to make the following declara-
.'The Allied and Guaranteeing
Powers declare that when the moment.
comes the Belgian Government will
not mut hostilitiee until Belgium hes
been restored to her loflticSl and
eeonothie independence, and liberally
indemnified for` the damage she has
stistairted. They will lend theie aid to
Belgiant to ensure het, commercial
and financial recovery."
Are those pledges, asks the Hatnilton
Times, eitily "terape 0 paper," .to be
torn up When it suits any 0 the powers?'
Does the Pest believe that either
France or Belgium eould be se base as
to desert Britain ia this war and leave
her to fight it out with Germany?
it true that the allies no longer hold
Britain in respett, and that their refer-
ences to her capacity are liot complint-
Britairea alliea know perfettly wel
that Without Britain's helpin the war
the whole thing would wimple up in
little time. With Britain out of it the
German fleet would eetrie out or the
canal and harry the coasts of Vranee
and Belgiutn, end Without Britain's
help the alb& Antitiefal strength WOtild
be Weakened. Make no Mistattea both
Pratte* and Russia know the value 0
Batik to them in thts struggle too
Well to Indulge In diaparilging reit:trite
as to the serviee she is doing theta.
The Meta carried by the Lord Mayor
0 1,0*doli f oays etitried Upaide
Pfabed hid i54.449 volunteer woolen
ItedCrOte IttlraeS et -Werke
A tingle nest of the Anktrallati huish
turkey him been tonnd to Weigh live
(*lest •Pnpllest and §trangest
of AH ReOtilics.
Th iet -Tiny NatiOnt Where Ali Men Arc
Rellelly gc940# HAS Never PrOclanect4
Pap of Literaltarlr. a. Bar of Maolo,
4 Pstitttittlil Nor et leetatiel‘ 0 Ment„
For 199 years, since 8ii,'f9anclatioa
ns a rentiblie Iii S00 (alla 49. One ktioWs
for how many Centuries before thnt),
eurieus little Andorra has gene its own
strange Way -utterly Oblivinusto the
progress of the °thee AatIoeS of En.
rope. It has it* own idea 0 the we
Ing Otr Hter 444 1 t ItVeS a Ce0r4ing to
that, '..esetelleeier entering the rentiblie
today will And It exactly as it Wee
1 1,000 Mese ago,,
, 4010,0 anything, in Its long and
• It Is A' renutillo whiela has never
i Veglie bletorY; a republic Welt has
serer nredeced a Rego a literattire nor
a bar Of Mulde nor a pillitting; ft re-
Pnblie which 'Ime neVer had a place
in the cotincile of Pavane and has nev-
eer asked: for One; a nation Which ime
' never proclucee an ambitious male
IAndorra eonsists, of six eollietiee and
, boastsaaboitt a dozen Veils. RS en
, fire population is 5,000 souls,
I The chief occunation 0 the PeQP)e Qi
, USIOrrlil is cattle raising, and thou
sande linen thousands of 'cows may be
seen browsing in the rich pastures,
yet it has never ocearred•to Andorrans
;to• milli these cows, and butter and
yank are enk,nown In the republic.
Dairy produets are nonexistent. Tim
only cheese made is that from the
milk of sheep, Visitors Ond it impos,
eible to procure milk or cream for
nice, cotfee, Andorrans tbemselves
use brandy instead and think it is bet-
ter than anything else in coffee.
: In 805 Louis the Debonair laid siege
to the city of Urge!, which is to the
south of Andorra; The Andorrans. led
by Marc ,Aletugaver, took up arms to
aid tbe French. and foltheir assist.
mice Louis gave them a charter‘ and
permitten, titem to be sell' governing.
As It now exists it is the smallest re-
public in the world. It is situated in
the Pyrenees between a Fratiee and
Spain. It is about eighteen miles wide
end sixteen miles long from north to
south. It is difficult of access. as there
is not a single railroad running thrOtigh
or near it
Its capital is .Andorra la VIella, with
a popmation of 500 and Containing the
Casa derlit Vafl. or house of repre.
sentatives. 'This Is a large Sixteenth
ceuturY 'Ihillding at the extremity of
the , town, overlooking the valley to-
ward Spain. It Is parliament house,
towu hall, school, palace of justice and
hotel for the counollOrs all in one. It
Is also used as a teumornry prison in
the rare cases whe» a prison Is neces-
sary. Crime in Anderra is practically
unknown. The only Andorrans suffer-
ing Imprisontnent are the suiuggfers
' Zeiti.1°11altice°euSteotittitlgatitiltebel.s.thaendrtlieenseeh itorer
not looked epee as malefttetors by
their follow citizens. Smuggling is ree
garded as a legitimate trade.
, There is no police department and
no police. Every eitizeu has the pow-
erisetdo arrest,: but 111114 privilege Is rarely
The territory was once densely
'wooded Andes said to derive its name
front the Moils!) Aidarra, "the place
thick with trees." but almost all the
forests have been destroyed Mr fuel.
The climate ts generalle eold, with
very severe ,winters. The land is
chiefly devoted to grazitig for the nu-
merous tiocka and herds. Rut On the
sheltered southern slopes )f IS careful-
ly etiltivated• ad • produces grain, po.
tatoes, fruit and tobacco. Tbe local
industries are 0 the Most primitine
kind and show little or no !Ideal:tee
sine e the middle ages. ,
The only roads tire bridle pitting,
With the eXception" of otte Municipee
road orelecting detainee!, with the high
road to Seo'de trgel and Man:reset by,
'way 0 the Onilre ValleY-
Andorra 15 verbena the truest deitteee
iney in the World. There 15 no. nobill;
0, and theM Is nO elatla distinetions.
All Men are equal, not only In the eyes
iik the hit/ but in the Innen 'Sense a.
the word. The firat eitigen of the land,
he president., is- a fernier. '
The republic Is governed by twenty-
four representatives, elected every our
Yearn. Theta feereteittatiees cheese,
Oe of their lumber as president of
the reptiblie, tti* saleey is SO' pesetas
a year, or 420. Representatives get
10 pesetas, or Wel A Stoat'
There Is DO en& thing as novelty In
AndOrrte, Every one his enoteelt end
has no desiM fer any more: Triongh
ss herd drinkers, eases Of Wets
Mien are: Very tere, They Speak
their Own language, .AndOrratio Init.
French 4 taught at the lielloota The
ehOol syStent ' Is regulated by the
Proton, and toe this aerviee Andorra
aye atirittaily to. the Preitelt getern,
bent' WO. frande, Or $186 VOW MI6
t relay be eteri that ttleatiOn le Very
OW. bettors' sefeleett tete abstentelY
me, and theig steeeit SUMO that Oa
ton§ Withent charge;
Anderrehn Milk 4 greet 1e:11, itil4
they are Middy in theft Porentifil Itil4 '
t)t?il ill nee 'Mit they tee ekteenielY
!Meese raid' theft la CiteknOteti lti the
primary Though deeetrided NM ea
ali;,1.3at rose.
they nee not goo'( took.
itiS Their Moo are tiara end lin
„melee tan that 4 %%MUM thee! HOS
t' fie tiro* Y1 h0 Wohlett *Mt Meade
hteentree in the tialit, alitI itielittitie
&tire find ptilliCillid: Ots*dit tut Inif
tiiii0011,, ,s,
Friencis Dyke Ackland, Financial
Secretary to the Treasury, announced
in the British House of ComMons that
the Government has purchased for 465.-
600 the breeding farms in Ireland and
Wiltshire of Colonel William Hall Walk-
er, M. P., who. in last December, made
a girt to the nation of horees valued at
£74,000 for breeding purposes. Mr.
Ac.kland in making the ante:moment
said: .
"As it ix important that horses to be
used as sires should be tested on the
race-couree, arrangements have been
made to lease several two -year-olds to
Lord Lonsclale, who has agreed to re-
turn half their Winning. Personally I
regard racing as a low form ot sport
but it is riecessary to give the sires a
trial on the racecourse."
, Several members crititised the pur-
chase, one declaring it ridiculous to use
such high-etass sire % for breeding city-
alry horees, and another retnarkinge
"While the Government is preaching
economy it spends .65,000 bn race hor-
ses." The Hotise finally tionsonted to
the purchase.
Colonel HMI Walker's stable itichidei
the stalliones White Eagle, which v0.
the city and Suburban hendicap at Ep
sent in 1909, and 'Thiyal Realm, another
great steke horse, and seine 0 the
Meet felhOUS brood mares in the dOUR-,
try. Among the famous horses vshleti
Colenel Hall Walker has bred were
Minefu, which Won the Derby for Xing
Edward; the Soarer, which won the
Grand NationalBteentechaser and Glen 1
Royal, width he rode himself, and
whieh won the House 6f Coto/Ione .
tightweight Steeplechetes /it 190: I
COlonel Half Walker headed the list ot
Winningowners on the British tuft Ed
IS an honorary eolenel 0 the Setond
Brigade. Laneeteter DiViSibit of the
Royal Artillery.
"RaVe teal been operating In the 1
stook matitet -0 later "No, I've. been 1'
tot !Atilt' 'Children
fit thoofier OvirSOIreart
Atwtyt heart
' ustness and
Westervelt School
A! A lio.,ding
1,011(1011 ()ntario
( ...lieg.- in :At.S.S1011 Stilt. 1st to July
• •,,a.ilego, l',.. Elite! Ally 11111t-
.1 Vs . Vv'estervelt, Priruipal
Agent for •
Allen Line
Ceinard Line
Donaldaen• Lines.
Canadian Northern Linea
' Ocean Stemnahins,
• .
r--.---r---.-..7----..—•,,,..-...,..r-----------:----.--...„., -------,,,....---7--, ---1,..„,.„.
• AucTioNEER
, Stt.te dates can be avrangea at
'171St&s office,
Pure Rred Stock Sales a Specielty
1. Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario
• Write or Phinell, Wingham
; p tionowsmanswommiam
,) you,
., Amoeba;
RaViillt WI up-to.tbate CreamerY in
operation, we solicit your Dream
We are prepared to pay the highest
prices for aged, mann' nu i vtre
lin honest , bostross, weichieg,
and tOStillg 010311 can of erctun
carefully and rournieg a
statement or same to eseliointron.
Wi, ravish two tutus to t'lit Ii patron
all express ohm ges and pity every
Write ter forth, r particulers or I
far cans and vivo us it trial.
...m.........r.r.........o........, ,
Chlidren Cry .
. Aristotle
tures were
even though
the ntanufaeturers
limit 11
My is skis
and lenpieg
tire Tbese
ttely upPri
rue in1
Mee; or
eley were
4 trine' eilmilialing
si "leave
nnst preserve
*rote , wan
Creature From the
believed that
'Capable 0 supporting
contineg to the
Be says; "In Cyprus.
of eltaleitie
many clays in the fire.
something larger than
emerging from
and ‘valiiing about
erentures perish
tieing removed
some crea-
n winged
a great
the stone
/1 once
wi titt
The pighili
11,,. ir
the d
the innocent oneo.
stoma Or MISS:<!11
eight ennviets too
' the statehouse
them. sem, ot
innocent men
4.4-04, op int wg. sli h.
good lint
pardieled!" isiewite,
I ht. prisfle 94
enr timorent
in Wu lett e
t he
sail I
‘‘.:is li
N'Ve i
" T
Maid Turn Black
in The Pace.
Norway Pine Syrupa
Mrs. great Adams, Sault Ste. 14arie,
Out, writes: "My little girt, six years
.4(1, had a dreadful hard tough. At
.tiglits she would cough so hard else would
,et black in the face, and WoUld, cough
foe several hours before she could stop.
We tried different kindt ni medicines and
aad several doctor's, bet failed '0 do her
11137 good. She could not sleep nor eat
-ter millet was so bad,. and she was simply
easting away. A friend advised Mt to
ry Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syreep,
nt a bade and sa* nii hilPrOVRinetitt
rid got another. hioW 1 6)11 anly too
lad to reetthittietid it to all mothers."
Too mtteh stress cannot be laid On the
%let that 4 cough Of told should be Mired
Dr. Woo&way Puto Syrup will
ilte the tough or cold Mkt prove a pre.
vetitatiVe feettl 411 throat and Wing
troubles Mich as bitiighltAj plIdumoflia
dtia eentututitiott,
'Dr. Wood's" is put BD 112 it Altair
wrapper; three pine trees tfie trade 'mak;
priod 25e and Me, pot 'bottle,
Manufactured et0 by the I. StS,
been Co., tantited,tetientia thit,
WN DlltErU1.
BAPTIST CUVACH-,Sabbatl) Segiriete
at 11 4..114 and,gp, m. Sunday tiotwol
at 2i30 p. m. General prtwer meeting
and B. Y, P. P. every Wo.linsday .41
8 n, 411. A. G Riley, H. A . 144e1or,
Oep, Pncogit, 9. 9, 4nporintendant.
11111TRODIST 011118011-41anith ser-
vices at 1/ R. al. awl 7 p, m. 5bn4QY
School At 2:30p. rn. Epworth League
every Monday evening. General prayer
me_eting WetliteadaY evenings, Rev.
J. W. rlibbert, pester. P, lAlehenan,
S. S. SuPerIbIendent,
RII440)141114N CAURBA-,,Sabbetth ser-
vices at 11.0., 111. MRI 7_I), in. Sunday
SCIPIO at 2:80' p. m. General, prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev,
D. Perrie, pastor, Frank Lewis, S.
S. Superintendent,
bath services at 11 a, m, and p. re.
Sunday School at 2:20 p Rev.
E. G. Dymond Rector, Alex. Al,
deren, S. S. Superintendent.
at 11 a.m., 3 p,m, and? p,m, OeSundaY.
At S o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be special music provided m
the Sunday evening service front 7 to
POST OFFI012-ailloo hours from 8a. in,
to 6;30 p. rn, Open to box holders frOin
7 a m. to 9 p. no. C. X Griffin, post -
POMO LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room, in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon 2 to 5:30
"clock, and eyery evening from 7 to
;30 o'clock, Miss Della Reid, D-
SCROOI. Teeetteas -Mr. G. R.
mitt!, 13, A., Principal and Specialist,
n elathernaties; Mr. J. A. Anderson,
13,• A,, Science; Mr, W. J. South-
ombe, 13, A. Specialist in Classics;
Miss M. 1 Whyte, 13, A. Special-
ist in Moderns: Miss B. J. Anderson.
ommercial Specialist; Miss E. C.
Berea, Art.
MGM Seitooa licetan-R. Vanstone.
V. Vanstone, 1.P. Buchanan, 0. P.
mith, Dr. Redmond, W. J. Howson.
. A. McLean. Chairman, R. Vanstone;
eeretary. D, FIelmes; Treasurer, A,
osens. Regular meetings are held on
he 2nd Monday of each month
• TOWN COUNCIL -J. W. IticKibbon,
ayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. Ie.
inkley, W. 11 Gurney, eie, Iseistere
. Tioling. Geo. Spotton, W. G. Patter.
on, Councillors; John F Gioves, Clerk:
nd .J. G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board
eet first Monday evening in ea&
()nth at 8 o'clock.
rn. Field, T. R. Bennett. Dudley
olmes, W. H. Rintoul, A. E Lloyd.
obt, A Ben, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
ecretary Treasurer. Board meets in
ouneil Chamber on the second Tues.
ay of each month.
osliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
eynolds Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans.
y, Mia Barber and Miss Bentley.
chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
ohn F. Groves,Secretery; Dr. R. G.
edmond, Medical Health officer,
iingham General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
ished. Open to an regularly licensed
hysieians. RATES POR PATIENTS -v.446,
elude board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
er week according to location of
om. For further information, ad.
Miss L. Matthews:
• Superintendent
Box 223, Wingbam Ont.
Railway Time Table
ondon .... 6.86 a:tn. 3.22 p.m.
oronto and East 6.45 a,.11}. 3.15 p.rit.
incardine . 11.59 p.m. 9.15 p.m.
inemrdine ... 6 80 tem. 3.15 p,fl).
onclon . 11.54 mane 7.40 pan,
oronto and East 11,45 a.m. s 9.15 p.m.
iTrinetetteett AN Station Agent w in gham
fl B ELLIOTT. Town Agent, Wingliain.
TRAMS tarawn FOR
nrOnto /Ind Hest 6.25 ft.111. 3.05 pan.
12 59 pan, 10 82 p.m.
.tratrve PROM
Teeswater. 6.20aan. 8.05 pen.
Torontoand East 12.47p.m. 10.20 p.m.
.tB,2EEikit, .sgeat, Wiflsba
A Representative Wanted
TRItT for the
Old Reliable Foothill
PdrillOrSt Why remain idle all
Winter when you can take up &paying
Choice list 0 varieties for Spring
Planting. LiberalTerms. Handsome
Free Outfit Exclusive Territory.
'Write now for particulars,
Stone Sr ticreilington
(Weil 6 YEARSI
Triant Matadi
DEtiariii ,
ktotioknoing*Sitetelt and descripttott ars*
ffinekly alicertabt our spotlit= iressinotiter 60
irtVatttitiri is probtibly OstentitOOk,fointitionits-
t1011814triettyroostiontint. HANunriPatente!
"IbIlt Ithei 0/11061 Aganay tor -securing patents, ,
Patents 'takitil tototish liluon & Co, nobly'
IlltttlialiStkei,MthOutObil Si lathe
bendoemony maimed- weekiz
zuggp,t17-gusix nirentint 20anaLkITertimge.cst
en aelan'
MpttiN CO aitarsidaiy,H Yntk
*Sy IttsVestitengt
The Wingham Times
IS rowan,
• -*T-,
The TIMIS Mee stone moo,
woofs*, onessue,
I...VT*71.00A •
legatee pe lettesomerroseeLeo per animus
In telvence, $1,t4 it not Paid, 44 veeer
tinned titian evreati nre PSid, aninant rit the
iiptitia 0 Alm petitioner. •
Misrter AtevnATP$AaTre,
One eic each lacci;i0g)
NIX . 250 ii00
Three feentiii;.;.„, (leo
One Mouth."..,.,.. 434 (to e' dt •
Oae Virvek,,-„....„ A
Loveland culler similar sartbilvneqt$, 190
VS' litie it. Rest insertion and 4,3 per line for
, emelt subsequent insertiOn- Measured icy
nouperiel singe, twelve lines to an .
Onsincas cards of cis linos and under...$.100
per yenr.
_Ad vertisemental of Satiation.; Viiciapt, situp,
1400a wanted Douses for Sala or to rent
Arcieles for sate, etc , not egleading eight
11.11014, MO each laserlion• Si for first month,
5po for ranch subeenulatt 'mouth. Larger ad
vertiscutente In proportion.
Bileines0 notiCes. (news teeel5e ner Peeetett
lino; se tocot or Pews matteretee per line match
• • • •
ormas-corner Patriek and centre t+te..
Taornasz •
moss 45
. Residence, Or. Kennedy
Aesidence, Lao, Calder 161
Dr, Xetnutte t1P801141,Zeti in kitIritery,
Dr. Calder devotes special attention ta Die
eases of the bye, Bar, Nose and Threat
Byes thoroughly tested, ()lessee
properly fitted.
RODJ.N.a!SOE001!)./; Af, P. C.
Officm on Patrick Street.
w R. BArAblx, B.$0.,15143.,
• Wingham, Ontaric,
special attenon paid to diseases of women
and children, having taken post graduate
work in Surgery, Barteriology and seientifie
Office in the Rerr residence, between the
41110011'R hotel and the 13aptis4, Church,
4311 business givezi careful attention,
Phone 54. P. O. Box 115.
Osteopathy builds vitality and
strength. Adjnstments cf the spine
and other tissues is gently secured, •
thereby removing predisposing causes
°titoBndlsiosoemdaat3depe. Trusses scientificaily fits
.ressure and other examin
Hours --Tuesdaya and Fridays, 9 a. m.
to 9 p. m.; Wednesdays, 9 to 11 a. in.
Other days by appointment.
J. A. FOX, D. C.
Chiropractic removes the cause
of practically all diseases. It
matters not what part of the
hodysis effectea, it can be reached
thru the centres in the spinal
column by adjustment of sublax-
ated vertebra, Consultation feee.
Member of Dragless Physicians'
Association of Canada.
"%gingham., Ont.
ARTBDit J. /11W/N, D. 13. 8., L.D.S.
°cater of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
mllege of Dental Sargeoes elf Ontario. Office
in maccienald Bleck, Vi'inghnitl.
Oillec closed every Wednesday afternoon
from May id t to October 15t.
a H. uo., D. D. 8„ L. 1). 8.
tremor graduate of the Royal Vollege of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Honor great:1,-
100°1' the university or Toronto, Paculty of
°Mee over R. &Lard Cee.. store, Wing -
ham, Oat,
°thee closed every Wedneaday afternoon
from May 1st to Oat. lat.
orat.PottIrtatitynetbaconruedi.::nzalrotgifdatz,trueds: ttbtirl°111141ihatill°10virenh9
0s1ce,13caver Bloch Wiughatie,
A. Mbatat
8A/ittISTRIt. 614.
Wieelitia, Ont.
ouaLev • tioLtiaS
RarrIstert Solicitor. ita.
Office: Meyer Inotk.Witotham,
didetider ths iniertlon et intnalliallittesta
SW% tot leaches* 'wanted, bushiest abinteski
atechatillievninioid. ittiltilbit fertile, eie in f.�t
iitir Mid of nit adort, in 5127 01 the Tatente.et
ether tiet teem% Um, be lett as the TOMO
aaa will sta,re begle the trouble of remitting`
for itthl feiiieraliat *leerier. LoIrett
take Mill he abated War „TAW**
6t, nintilierk at hind WU.
111111101 *opium. lartiotisuir