HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-03-16, Page 8{ Page 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. 1 EXPERIMENTS WITH FARM CROPS. 1 for irstainssertion;+dive rents tor eubse• gleit iuser'rlarn, Ti�rrarL WANTk•D -Apply at the Wind 'sot' Hotel, Stratford, Ont. • TRUNKS AND VALISES:--Iitg seek 0 select, from at lowest prices W. J GRRRet. WeeTI;u -Girls to'die; eggs .Light and pleasant wetrApply to A H. Wilford. r, Vacancy for apprent-c to the furni- ture and upholstering siness. Appl , y �4 ult,er and Clegg, • The members of the Ontario Agricul- tural and Experimental Union , :• re -;pleased to state that for 1916 the.), prepared are d to distributeinto every inA)'- f ship of Ontario material of high r t v for ehperimeuts with Grein. 1 , br Cropst, Roots, Grasses, Clover uu.i .ri> alfes, as follows; - LtST OF Ei:i'$RIMF.NTS FOR lane No. 1 -Testing two varieties of 2 plots. No, 2a -Testing 0. A. C. No 2t Oar - ley and Banner 2 l)lets. 2b -Testing two varieties of two - rowed Barley 3 -Testing two varieties of lioness Barley 2 4 -Testing two varieties of Spring Wheat 2 5 -Testing two varieties of Buck- wheat 2 6 -Testing three varieties of Field Peas 3 7 -Testing two varieties of Spring Rye 2 8 -Testing two varieties of Soy, Soja, or Japanese Beans 2 9 -Testing seven varieties of Husking Corn 7 TO RENT -Good house and two acres of land, adjoining town. Ritcfe &; Cosens, Insurance and Real last re. 2t FOR SAIA-93 acres, with (kliegs, good soil and water, n dolt,. Apply to Herb Camp R. 2, Ildeecon. Ont. 98-•2. WATER Taxge -Water , anks for sale cerap, We have o rr re use fo thein and want the room . or the spring trade. Apply to A. II.'1 Mord. CORN -We have for sale at our store or mill, a car of good American yellow .corn. 89 HowsoN S; BROCKLEBANK FOR SALE -Good hundred acre farm in the Township of Morris for sale. Write Edward Bruce, 51 Fairview Bout, Toronto, for full particulars, POI: SALE -One new Gasoline Engine, four horse power. Sold cheap for quick sale. Apply to Angus N. Atkinson, the Rawleigh Man, Frances St., Wingham. 97.2 AIL?Lis BUTTER -Our supply of apple butter is limited and you had,, leetter place your order early so as not'' to be disappointed, E. MERISLE ,,3"& SON. Phone 84. di LosT-Will the party Ailho took the blanket from the Ehange Hotel stable on Dollar Day,;:991,,indiy ratite) it so that It may be delivered the owner. • For SALE -Ergs for ha ing from thoroughbred WhiteW zdotte hens. $1.0'+ per setting of Q. eggs. A few setting hens wanted. 98.2 Jotter KEnR FOR SALE QR RENT -104 Acres; new brick house good bank barn, cement stable under all baa'n, buildings nom- piete, one mile from Bluevale, three miles from Wingham, on the 13. tine Turnberry. Cheap for quick sale, Apply at TIMES OFlric'E, MINOR LOCALS. Root Crops 10 -Testing three varieties of Mangels 3 11 -Testing two varieties of Sager Beets for feeding purposes 2 12 -Testing three varieties of Swed- ish Turnips 3 1$ -Testing two varieties of Fall Tur- nips 2 14 -Testing two varieties of Carrots 2 Forage, Fodder, Silage and Hay Crops. 15 -Testing the planting of Corn at six distances in the row 6 16 -Testing three varieties of !Millet 3 17 -Testing two varieties of Sorghum 2 18 -Testing Grass Peas and two vari- eties of Vetches 3 19 -Testing Rape, Ka;e and Field Cabbage 3 20 -Testing three varieties of Clover 3 21 -Testing two varieties of Alfalfa 2 22 -Testing four varieties of Carrots 4 Culinary Crops -All the leading magazines are on 23 -Testing three varieties of Field , Beans sale at the TIMES Stationery Store. 24 -Testing two varieties of Sweet -Ontario's new assessment tax will become effective on the 15th of May. -Buy your railway tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R. at the TlstEs office. Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler and son, Charles attended the funeral of the late Charles H. Conery at Guelph. Aquariums with two Gold fish given away at McKibbon's Drug Store, March 24 with Rexall purchases, 98-2 -Women's Institute box 9oeial has been postponed from the evening of St. Patrick's Day to the evening of Tuesday, March 28th. -The publishers of Lincoln and Welland counties have decided to in- crease the subscription price of weekly papers from $I.00 to $L50 per year. Rexall Kidney Pills will stop that backache and cure Kidney ills. Two Gold fish given free with each box March 24th at McKibbon's Dz'ug Store. ;i8-2 -At a meeting in Owen Sound last Friday, the publishers of Grey county decided to raise the subscription price of weekley newspapers from $1 to $1 50. The new rate will go into effect on July lst. -Mr. Geo. Stewart, a native of Nairn, died in Kansas City last week after a short illness. He was a well- known drover in Nairn district for twenty-five years and a brother of Mr. Duncan Stewart, formerly of Wingham. -The farm stock and impements be- longing to the estate of the late John Musgrove, of Turnberry, were sold by public auction on Monday afternoon. The sale was largely attended and good prices were realized. John Purvis was the auctioneer, -Messrs. Percy Whitfield and Stanley Machan took their final exam- inations at the Wingham Business College last week and immediately left to enlist in the Ferth Battalion. The Wingham Business College holds an unique record for enlistments. CHURCH NOTES. METHODIST CUURCIi. Regular services will be held in the Methodist Church next Lord's Day at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m„ when the pastor, the Rev. J. W. Hibbert, will preach at both services, The evening subject, "What St. Patrick tan teach us these days." Appropriate music will be given by the choir, Cordial welcome to alt. Come. EAST; TIVAAVANOstzt. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jahn T. Currie on Saturday evening last when a birthday party was given in honor of their arm, 1X1- Jas. R. Currie. Atter the inner man had been fully satisfied. the evening was spent in music and playing various games. The young people report a fine time and all joined in wishing Mr.. Currie many happy re turns of thedav, ITEMS OF INTEREST St, 1414*,'s aimed at $12,000 for the ',median l}atriotte Fund, end collected $18,0.10 in two days, Calgary I resbytez•y voted 20 to 4 to ask the (IeteeralAsst'rnbty to put Church Union into effect by Jtauery 1, 191$. A gasoline tank wageon in Windsor [ overturned into a ditch burying one of the horses drawing it, which slowly smothered to death.. Dr, Lachlan McAllister, Nottawasaga Township Clerk, died at Ountroon, aged 13 years, bovine; been in public li'e more than 40 years. Six C. P. R. conductors and three other men were committed fur trial at Ottawa on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the company. The plans of the Federal Town-ptann ing Commission for the beautification and replanning of the 'Canadian capital were presented to the Commons, From 3,000 to 5,000 unmarried men and childless widowers were registered in Winnipeg on the first, day of eau meration by a Citizens' Committee, It was announced in London that £2,- 000,000 worth of U. S. securities en route from Germany to the United States have been seized in the mails by Britain. Rev. James Walker, a Methodist pastor for more than fifty-three years in Ontario, died at Guelph, aged eighty. Deceased's wife died two days later and a double funeral was held. Rev. D. A. Walker, B. A., pastor of Methodist Church, at Walkerton has accepted a call to the Meth- odist Church at Preston at a salary of $1,200 a year, subject to the approval of conference.. Pollee All Ears. A British ambassador once had casion to tell a grand vizier or Tale.' key that he had incontestable proof+ that there sat at the grand vizier's table every evening a man who report, ed all that passed to the ambassador of another power the next morning: It is said that the police of Paxil and London vie with each other year after year in their claim that no im, portant crime ever goes undiscovered. Corn 2 : It was once wittilysaid .d o the tLe police Miscellaneous Experiments 28 -Testing two varieties of Potatoes 2 29 -Testing three grain mixtures for Grain production 3 30 -Testing three grain mixtures for Fodder production 3 Any person ie Ontario may choose any ONE of the experiments for 1916 and apply for the same. The material will be furnished in the order in which the applications are received, while the supply lasts. Each applicant should make a seeond choice, as the material for the experiment selected as first choice might be exhausted 'before his application is received. All material will be furnished free of charge to each applicant, and the produce will, of course, become the property of the per- son who conducts the experiment. Each person applying for an experi- ment should write his name and address very carefully, and should give the name of the County in which he lives. C. A, ZAVITZ, Director, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, March, 1616. LICENSE HOLDERS CASE • The Ontario Licensed and Allied Trades Association will Shortly lay their case before the Ontario Govern- ment. The deputation will present a com- prehensive statement of statistics com- piled by a committee of the association during the past couple of weeks, show- ing the position of the trade from a financial and commercial standpoint as follows: Total number of licenses, 1,430, hotels 1,219 and shops 211; total number in families of licensees 6,206, total number of employees 12,630, total annual wages and board $5,647,062,80, total number of rooms in hotels 36,953. Classes of trade aceomodated:-Com- mercial and farmers, 671 hotels; com- mercial only, 271 hotels, farmers only, 85 hotels; miscellaneous, 192. hotels. Owners and tenants: -Owners 860, tenants 570; total annus] rentals, $1,- 400,588,53; total annual taxes oh prem- ises, $742,866.91. Stable and shad aeommadation: -Total number of horses provided for, 42,503; total number of hotels providing garage accomodation 23, Total value of real estate and build- ings, $43,333,256.56; total value of furl. iture and fixtures, $7,811,448,27; total value of licenses and good -wills, $17,- 783,670.25; total amount paid for licenses and good -wills, $1.1,776,462.68; total number of members of families and employees enlisted. 2,100; total amount of mortgages or loans on real estate and buildings, $4,524,151.54; business, License and furniture $4,164,671.51.. Thos. D. Gray, Shedden Forwarding Co.'s regent in London for forty years, died 'Wavily in his seventy-ninth year, pf Beirut, under the old regime that they surpassed those of London and Paris in the fact that they knew o f every crime and robbery before At oci carred, -.CLI sgan, Herald, 100804 HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO THE LAND OF WHEAT Ilomeseekers Excursions to Western Canada at low fares via Canadian Pa- cific, each Tuesday, March 7th to October 31st inclusive. Partciulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent, or W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. outlet KECHNIE-In East Wawanash, on March 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kechnie; a son. MILLIGAN-In Wroxeter, on February 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milligan; a daughter. MARRIED CARDIFF -Kays -At the bride's mother, on March 7th, by Rev. A, J. Mann, B. A.. Mr. Fred Cardiff, of Grey township. to Miss Laura, daughter of the late Heriry Keys, of Brussels. GILDEES-BRADSHAW- At M elville Manse, Brussels, on March 8th, by Rev. A, J. Mann, B. A., Mr. Robert e. Gilders, of Colborne township, to Miss Mary Agnes, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Bradshaw, of Morris. GLASSIER-ALCOCK -At the residence of the bride's parents, on March 1st, by Rev, R. E. Page, Mr. Jno. Glassier to Miss Jennie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R, 13. Alcock, of Morris. PROCTER-HALLIDAY-At the home Of the bride's parents, on March 8th, by Rev. A. M. Boyle, Mr. Garner Procter, of Melbourne, Man., to Miss Tessie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Adam Halli- day, Belgrave. WADDELL -JEWXTT-- At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on March 8th, by Rev. George Jewitt, Blyth, uncle of the bride, assisted by Rev. D. D. Thompson, Bluevale,. Mr. Thoanas Norman Waddell, Mornigton Township, to Miss Mildred L. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jewitt, Morris township. BOYForrdwc-ToPlthe h on Feb. 23rd, by Rev. W. A. Walden, Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John Topham, second con., Howick, to Samuel Edward Boyd, Minto Tp. McINT0SH--BAIRD--At St. Andrew's Rev. Manse, D. ?ernes Wingham, McIntosh, bf Huron Township, to Miss Jean Baird, df Ashfield Township, nxlED. Horns --In Toronto, on March 70, Rev. Richard Hobbs, formerly of Wingham, aged 70 years. FoRSTTx-•-lir Brussels, at the home of her brother, Elizabeth Forsyth, aged 04 years, 1 mohth end 10 days. MCICRNz1E In Grey township, on March 4th, Duncan McKenzie, aged 63 years, 7 months and 20 days. LOCKERIDGE_.In Lower Wingham, on March 13th, Clara Mae Lockeridge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jetted Locke - ridge, aged 17 years, 2 months and 14 days. 6QLoat,igd orsdc512tJhn Bl75yea months. THE WINQHAvx TIMES Mr Joseph Thompson, who has been engaged with John Martin for some time has enlisted in the 161st Battalion at Wingham. Joe is certainly doing his bit. On account of the stoma on Monday Wm] was elosed. Mr, 0, Rush made a. business trip to Termite. Pte. Steven Edwards is at present visiting at the home of Joseph Cham- ney, who is training at Galt, Mr, Chamney gave a soeiat party on Mr. Edwards arrival and a good night was spent, Mr. Geo. Kennedy visited at F. Doyle's lately. Mr. James Martin held a Patriotic party on Monday evening of last week. Everybody enjoyed themselves till the wee hours in the morning. We are glad to report that William and Gordon, sons of Alexander Rintoul, who were under the doctor's care, are improving as well as can be expected. Miss Lillian Stevens spent a few days at the home of John Webster last week. B LII$ S'AI,11. St. Patrick's night will be celebrated by the Literary Society, Friday, March 17th, by a departure from the usual custom of the Society. At the close of the excellent program which is being prepared under the direction of Mr. George Macdonald's committee a box social will be held and the boxes will De sold in aid of the Red Cross work of the Women's Institute. All ladies are requested to bring boxes which will contribute to the social enjoyment of the evening as well as aiding in the patriotic activities sociably and faith- fully carried on by the women of Blue - vale. The ,program of the evening will have a distinctly national flavor with Irish dialogues, readings, solos, choruses and instrumental numbers. a An address do "St. Patrick" will be given by Rev. Crawford Tate, Mr. W. I g H. Haney will speak on "Clurrent Dvetlts," and the debateof the evening Will be on the appropriate topic, -"Re- solved that the Pig has done more for humanity than the Potato," The speakers on the affirmative side will be Messrs L. S. Winch and A. L. Pos. tiff;; and the negative by Messrs, George McDonald and C. puff, The auction sale held on the feral of the late John Musgrove last Monday was one of the largest ever held in this part of the country. The weather was perfect and the sale was attended by many from miles around. High prices were realized, The Young Men's Bible Class of the Methodist Ohureh are bringing "The Minister's Bride," the play given with so much success in Brussels and sur- , rounding villages by a company of 1 Brussels young people, to Bluevale on Tuesday. March 21st, in aid of the Red Cross fund, This play is favourably spoken of by those who have heard it and ets success is attested by the num- ber of engagernents it has had to ell since first presented in Brussels, Mrs. W, Soper, of Guelph, spent a few days last week with Mrs, Wm, Hewitt, Mr. S. Paul shipped a cargo of hogs an Wednesday. Several cases of measles are in and around the village at present. The sale of the late John Musgrove on Monday was very largely attended and everything went to top notch. Mrs, Hewitt and daughter are at present visiting relatives at Guelph. Mr. Robt. Shaw took charge of the services an the Bluevale circuit an Sunday owing to illness at the parson- age. A Patriotic concert "The Minister's Bride" will be given by a company of young folks from Brussels in the Methodist Church, Bluevale, on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. It is under the auspices of the Young Men's Bible Class nd the proceeds will be devoted to the Red Cross. Everybody come. Hear a ood play and help along the Red Cross, March x 6th, z 6 Number 135 is the Number of the Lucky Tei>et that will secure they excellent Otub $ng which we gave as a premium on Dollar Day. As the rtghtfnl owner has not yet called we, would ask all those who procured tickets on that day, to look thein up. 1f the one who has this number does not apply for the Club Bag by Bitter - day next, we will again shake up the hox, and the first ticketdr,-Lwn will be the Lucky Number -therefore keep your tickets. Number 666 Looks very much like the Kaiser's number according to the "Good Book." For instance, in the 13th chapter of Revelations and last verse, it states as follows; -"Let him that hath understanding, corral the number of the beast, for it is the number of a roan. .And his number is six Hundred and three score and six." Now there are six letters in the Kaiser's name, and seeing that the figure six is pre -dominant we would he justified in using the number six in figuring up the number of the Kaiser. For instance K is the eleventh letter of the alphabet, therefore we will count Eleven and Six as follows -116. A being the first letter would be 16. I is the ninth -06. S is the 19th -196, E is the 5th -.56. And R is the 18111-186. Totals as the above quotation states, namely 666. Figure it np. Number 161 ' Is the number of the finest Shoe for 'Women that it is possible for hands to snake, This line is made by the Queen Quality Shoe Co., and this particular Shoe is "next to perfect." A beautiful patent kid shoe, buttoned, With cravenette top.' Price $5.00 per pair. Ask to see them. W. 11. YV I L L I S Sole Agents for Ladies and Derby Stuns for Men i 1-• A Boles eeweel eteeeeM etelb.Web eelfee ''bleb"a''rete,ieetee 'tri• ietelee9e'@vers ekela' 9AA"illeleelvO lent I dWIt ltea4iLve~te -rte•'—v (7 " Cin Arch Salel $tosonmeninsmersomazawmffemmasmagumannammommommunnummatammankmeammeamszonsammem A Continuation of Many of the Dollar Day Bargains Through the Balance of our Annual March Sale The Greatest Selling Event of the Whole Year TERMS:_ -c�.,'.1'.yh. .T.•.,y. t�irk�'�t' s+r•r•T4p,�`t+r"N�.;. 5!f' f iL �{t; r�,'t".a i byt'�'y'4,Lti r•,r. S''r'�'' ,•f� 'fitnr{r. �?y Y++i.'t!ir dN,,+•.) .!, `"t A pRll Design-. 1�7 Y t57`; w it"' ..,y,4v^� T �" !• � 7 .,h'�!er,}?. A� ��N� J t yip -i ..; i 7 ..t y,fi � ,q"'•. J,�fS{'i7•,+V }. P � .'�= t .i., �' �j� -� �+' ::�r? '. '•. d• � r a x ,1 J ',l•r rN 1, t charged No Goods �` >;�` , i. •�. `{ in. Sub are no ',��" ;;�9:• ,y n, �;;�•► �'',+ + trsw' .),'~t¢,yi,.�- f;,,,w, � +� .y;�?;, �,� }h °� 1r. .! Y , `t, Y;. ",� i I te;, . '9 y1C :fsf iNSC : �`, � � �,...^t l�. }•� 9 ,�+it, r., 4, t./� .� ��s�t h� r, `�r�� r .�' •,1,f xo •.a'4 rt: � �i'.�.� ;{ f. •• . ct, k. L, at . , x�u r � � '.Jt• t .. � . n, � scrib+ r ers kindlycall for your copy $ Sale Prices. LADIES' WEAR Best 25 Men s Sweater Coa>)s Quality English Nainsook s . 25 only Men's Sweater Coats in 3 Doz All Wool Serge Skirts plain and fancy weaves, with shawl r.y� Ladies' Navy and Black Shirts collar, colors, navy, brown and grey, Sale price e • d 5 Suitable foe lingerie and whitewear extra fine weave, regular value 2 c$ broken lines and styles, sizes 23 to 28 regular value $5,00. Sale price .... $3.0 per yes 19c 0 waist baud, regular $4.00 to 5.00. Sale Ej to price $1. 98 '5 Doz Pair Crompton Corsets Made of extra quality white count, in low bust and long skirteffeet, sizes 18 to 30, regular value $1.25. Sale price, .$9e 25 Colored SatiniUnderskirts Satin Utiderskir'tsin shades of navy, brown, cerise and greys, made of extra wearing quality, regular value $2.00. Sale price........ $1.00 DRESS GOODS AND SILKS 10 Pieces All Wool Dress Goods All Wool Dress Goods in shades of blue, brown, and greys, in serges, poplin and tweeds, regular valve 75c. Sale price, per yard 50e 10 Pieces Black Dress Goods All Wool Black Dress Goods, suit- able•for dresses, odd skirts and suits, guaranteed fast dyes, mostly Priestley's make, regular value $1,59 to 2.00. Sale price per yard $1..00 White Washable Habitau Silk In extra heavy quality, an excellent . washing silk, suitable for lingerie waists, etc, regular value $L00. Sale price per yard 790 Black Duchess Mousseline Silk 411 A, pure silk satin for dresses and waists, with heavy, rich black dye, guaranteed quality, regular $1,50. Sala price per yard ,.......$1.19 Regtilar $L25. Sale price per yard... age 25 Ladies' Winter Coats In latest styles, all this season's coats in fancy tweeds, black and sealette, regular $20.00 to 25 00. Sale price.,412.50 MEN'S WEAR 100 Men's Fine and Work Shirts Srbken lines taken from our regular stock, all sires 14 to 17, regular value $1.00 to 1.50. Sale price. 790 PRODUCE WANTED 20 Men's Tweed and Worsted Suits Suits, all wool fabric , wet . 'rule and finished throughout i :' g • , , heather and browns, sizes 1 to 44, regular values $15-00 to 20.00, e price.. $110,00 25 Doz Wool an Cashmere Socks Men's all wool hose in greys and blacks, made from best alI wool Can- adian yarns. Special sale price, 3 pair for $.00 50 Boys' Suits in Fancy Tweeds All wool tweeds in greys and browns made in bloomer style, sizes 24 to 32. Regular to $7,00. Sale price . $3.95 Furs! Furs! Muffs, Stoles, and Sets in AIaska Sable, Persian Lamb, Mink, Coon and Marmot Greatly Reduced 5 Only Ladies' Fur Collared Coats Made of extra quality all wool beaver Cloth, farmers satin lined and interlined with chamois, regular $47.50. Sale price $35.00 10 Only Persian Lamb Caps Men's Fur. Caps in wedge or driver shapes, well made and lined, all sizes, regular values $10.00. Sale price $,5.00 10 Only Men's Fur Collared Coats Made from extra heavy beaver cloth, with quilted and curl lining, collar of Marmot or Persian Lamb, regular values up to$20.00, Sale price .... $12.50 Sheeting, Factory Cotton, Nain' took, Flannelette, Prints and Table Linen Greatly Reduced. 40 inch Factory Cotton 50 pieces extra quality factory eotton free frons imperfections and extra fine weave, regular 17c. Sale pries per yard ... . ......... ... 14e KING BROS., 500 Yds Flannelette White and Colors Good quality English Flannelette in pink and blue stripes and plain white, 10 yd ends only, regular 123e to 15c. Sale price per yard 9c 100 Pairs Flannelette Blankets Largest size, best Canadian make, pink or blue borders. Special sale price „ $1.39' 500 Yds Fast Colored Prints Best English Prints in light and dark colors. guaranteed fast dye. Sold in ends only, regular value 15c. Sale price per yard 96 500 Yds Extra Heavy Shirting Made from extra good wearing and ' washing quality, in light shade of blue with pin stripe, bought direct from a shirt manufacturer, regular price 25c. Sale price per yard. ,,, 20c 72 in. BIeached Table Linen advanee in lines, regular value $1.25.Extra quality pure Irish Linen in beautiful rose pattern, bought before Sale price per yard , ,89c Special Sale of House Furnishings, Rugs, Carpets, and Lace Curtains 41 at a Saving of 10 to 20 per cent. Remnants of Dress Goods, Coat- ings, Silks, Etc. J-IALF PRICE r. C,� oCery Specials MI MI Our Groceries Are Strictly Fresh and Guaranteed: 8 cans Tomatoes, sale price 56 3 " Corn ., " ......255 3 `'Peas 4 t 256 .. 3 " Perserved Apples,for ... 2 " Preserved Peache. " „.250 2 " 13ritish Columbia Salmon for. , 25e 200 lbs Blaek or Ceylon Tea, per lb 390 S 1 1 `PHON} 71 Lob,* 1t�R lib' !v 7i'Il #► " i'X► i'�'ahtir "V� " s#4,4► 4,' '6 '6+4 'MiiiisAv fr+!✓iviidi►. ii4.4064,4,,a o