HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-03-09, Page 8Page 8 THE WINGHAM TIMES Marek. gtb, ll916 t11/0‘,11100141111~1.11, "11!11. '. W1"7< l9 d Ib x• 16.11419041r .y, . w,'M.410. �, w G0 Patterson s Big Half Price and Below Cast Jewelery Salmi nixie commenced on Farmers' Convention Day, 44n, 21st and will end on March 11111, 1916 We have toll large a stock of high class good to carry over war t intes so we have decided to dispose of 1Item at a :osS. This is a chane of you,' life tittle to hnj go( (1 Jeweleey oY ail Lied, at prices which you never will be :t le to buy at r it Keep your eve on the windows and in the titnre and ,ee gootts ticketed re;tt4t1' price, biline: tnk. sale price, to red ink. A Pig; slaughter in Diamonds. !� '.0 (,poll: TAKEN OFT (t1' '1't'TE STORE WITHOUT TIIE SPOT CASII. $ W. G. PATTERSON, The Great Watch Doctor EaTABLi3HED-18? J THE FIRST STEP toward independence is a Savings Account in the Bank of Hamilton, The first $1.000 is the hardest to get. but once a start is made you'll be sur- f rised to find how gnickly your savings accumulate. Will you begin now, or will you put it off? WINCiUAI�I BRANCU C P SMITH - Mahader Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up $3,000.000 Surplus , $3,475.000 from you, ar d that is our deep sense t r nru hi (OnScquenee of 3(eUI do - nurture trcm our midst. Removals t.y enlistment and marriage have gradually thinned, the ranks of our choir, and it is with sad hearts that we bid farewell to all our old also, dates who are leaving us. But our sense of loss is somewhat mitigated at try this time by the consciousness that though you are separated from us you will still be able to carry on Sour good work in other fields. You are Inst to us, but our brothers in your new field of activities have gained to a corresponding extent. But we feel that you wilt still be in- terested in us. and we assure you that we will always be deeply in- terested in your welfare, because of the pleasant associations of days gone by. We cannot torget your faithful- ness and valued services, and we ask 3 ou, Tessie, as our soloist, to accept this clock; and you, Lily, as our organist, this casserole, not on account of their intrinsic value, but as a slight token of our appreciation, and esteem, and as a reminder of your old friends in Knox choir. Signed on behalf of the choir H, F. Kirkby, John Stewart, Eugene Geddes, Mary Cole li(.YTH. Citizens generally were shocked at mid-day on Monday, Feby. 28th, when it became known that Mrs. W. J. Parks, of East Wawanosh, had passed away at the home of her brother, Mr. Wm. Johnston, town. The late Mrs. Parks, whose maiden name was Mary Stein Johnston, was in her 53rd year, and was born in the Township of Mc- Killop, later coming to East. Wawanosh with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnston, where she remained the major part of .her life. She was married 25 years ago to her now bereft husband, and has held the esteem and respect of the community and her death is much regretted by neighbors and friends. She was an ardent member of the Westfield Methodist Church and her labors and kind assistance will be felt by that body. King George has presented his fam- ous stallion Anmer to the Canadian Government for remount breeding pur- poses. $ BARGAINS Your $ Will Do Wonders on Dress Goods $1.00 Dress Goods on Dollar Day rer yard 59c 2.00 Dr,ess Goods on Dollar Day per yard .. $1.00 3.00 Dress Goods on Dollar Day per yard 2.00 3.00 to 3.50 Mantle Cloths for 1.00 Ladies' Mantles 2 only Black Coats $15.00 values for ... ... $5.00 1 only Brown Coat 12.00 value for 4.00 1 only Grey Coat 12.00 value for .. ... 4.00 Choice 3.00 Girls' Coats for 1.00 Prints and .Cottons' 10 yds 38 in, sheeting for$L00 10 yds Bleached Cotton 12ic quality for,... 1.00 8 yds Crum's 18c' Prints for„ 1.00 10 3 ds best 121;c Prints for 1.00 5 yds best 30c Ticking for 1.00 15 yds Heavy Towelling for 1.00 10 yds heavy Linen Towelling 1.00 Furs Furs Furs The most wonderful values in Furs ever offered. Day Groceries 10 cans Tomatoes for$L00 12 cans Peas and Corn for1.00 8 boxes Eddy's best Matches 1,00 25 bars Comfort Soap for1,00 25 packages Ammonia for1.00 3 lbs best 40c Tea for 1.00 Men's Wear FREE - Man's Overcoat worth $10.00 given away to first man it fits at10 o'clock on Thursday morning. Men's $20.09 Suits for .. $12.00 Boys' $10.00 Suits for5.98 Boys' 6.00 Suits for 3.98 Boys' 1.25 to 1.50 Bloomers 98c Boys' Overcoats worth 4.00 Shoes for Everybody (First table) Children's Shoes at$1.00 •' " 1.50 Ladies' Shoes at . 1.50 41 " 1.98 2.98 Men's Shoes at .... 2.98 14 " 3.48 Boys' 2.50 to 3.00 Shoes at 1.98 u Produce Counted as Cash AMMO M. LINDSAY I Merchants' Brokerage Stand DOLLAR ISA Y Thursday, Feb. 91hi, '16 Good Values in all kinds of Shoes and Rubbers and Some Exceptionally good Bargains in Several Special Lines A first-class Solid Leather Club Bag will be given away at 7.30 p. m. WITH each pair of Shoes or Rubbers, the buyer will get a Numbered Ticket, of which we hold a Copy or similar Number. The Numbers we hold will be placed in a box at 7.30 p.m., they will be thoroughly shaken up, and the first Number drawn will be the Lucky Number that will entitle the the holder to this excellent Club Bag. W. 11. WILLIS zfeee, Sole Agents 0110,9 for Ladies and Derby Shoes for Men ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. FOR SALE -A good secgtfa hand Piano in first class conditi fr. Terms very reasonable. Apply r. Cowell. To RENT -Good ho and ten acres of land, adjoinin own. Ritchie & Cosens, Insurance and Real Estate. 21 CORN -We have for sale at our store or mill, a car of good American yellow corn. �p 89 HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK FoR SALE -Good hundred acre farm in the Township of Morris for sale. Write Edward Bruce, 51 Fairview Boul., Toronto, for full particulars. FURNITURE FOR SAME -A quantity of household furniture, dishes, etc. Sale private at my residence on John street. MRS. ALDERSON. LOST -Between Christie's store and the lst line of Morris, a lady's hand bag, containing purse and sum of mon- ey. Finder kindly leave at TIMES office. FOR SAL -One new Gasoline gine, four horse power. Soli the or quick sale. Apply to Anguliinson, the Ralvleigh Man, Francis ;S�t., Wingham. 97.2 APPLE BUTTER -Our supply of apple butter is limited and you had better place your order early so as not to be disappointed. E. MERKLEy & SON. Phone 84. FOR SALE 911 RENT -104 Acres; new brick house good bank barn, cement stable under all barn, buildings com- plete. one mile from Bluevale. three miles from Wingham, on the B. line Turnberry Cheap for quick sale. Apply et TIMES OFFICE. TENDERS WANTED -Applications for the position of Secretary -Treasurer of Turnberry Agricultural Society will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock, noon, March 14th, 1916. Ap- plicant to state salary per year. JAS. G. STEWART. BRLG II43.V E Ten young lady friends of Miss Tessie Halliday spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mrs. Ernest Geddes last Thursday. After having tea Miss Halliday was given a kitchen shower. The bride-to-be was taken completely by surprise, but made a reply in which she thanked her young lady friends for their kind remembrance. On Friday evening, March 3rd, the members of Knox Chnrch choir met at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Kirkby to bid farewell to Miss Lily McLean and Miss Tessie Halliday who are leaving Belgrave, the former going to Wing: ham, and the latter to Melville, Sask. Missee McLean and Halliday have been enthusiastic workers in all the activities of the church and choir. and their loss will be keenly felt both in the church and iti their large cirele of friends. The choir in an endeavour to express in a small way their apprecia- tion of the services rendered, presented Miss Halliday with at elock, and Miss McLean with a sterling silver casserole, Dear Fellow Workers: - We are sorry to interrupt the cheer- fulness and good fellowship of this imformal social gathering with this . loririal address, but there are times in life when the must speak the thoughts of our hearts, and this is such a time. We do not know but that by this time you have guessed from our speech and countenance the purpose of this gathering, but one thing we know we could not keep r XXX©X©XXX'14 iXXXXX.AX XXXXXXXXMXX'tX./XXXX'XXXX\XXXX%XXXXXXXX\IX XX% XMXXXXXXX\X\%X/\%\tt.X: 4 4 4 s INGS' AN L MARCH SALE is: FIE Sale the people have been waiting for, the greatest selling event of the whole year. Notwithstanding the great ad- vance on all lines in dry goods, we can offer special values on a good many lines, having bought heavily before the ad- vance. Read over the different items mentioned and pick out what interests you, then come and you will find good just as advertised, Big Bargains in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Overcoats, Ladies' Wear, Dress Goods, Silks, House Furnishings, Furs, e Groceries. etc. 144411:344-,1•1[4.4 4•34•Namm '441.0411414•111444.1•1111111111=14411414 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 Flannelette Blankets, Sheetings, Factory Cotton and Nainsook at Rare Prices 100 PAIR FLANNELETTE BLANKETS hest Canadian make in largest size with oink or blue borders to clear at $1.39 a pair 1000 YDS. FACTORY COTTON 40 in, WIDE - made from extra fin ecotton free from specks and dressing, Regular 17c yd. to clear at....14c yd 10 PIECES OF FINE NAINSOOK-Very suitable for making all kinds of whitewear, etc. with fine bright finish, free from dressing. Regular 25c value for. 19c a yard 6 ONLY PIECES SFIEETINGS-PIain and TwiIl- ed unbleached, Regular 35a for 25c Plain and Twilled Bleached Regular 5Uc tor 38c 2000 YDS. PRINTS and 1 LANNEL• ETTES- Bought specially direct from the mills to clear at less than wholesale prices 9c a yard 100 DOZ. COTTON SPOOLS for 35e a dozen - Black and White only, sold in dozens, assorted, full 200 yards in every spool. NOTE All Sale Goods are strictly Cash, and no goods sent on approval. Shop in the morning it will pay you. $3000 worth of Furs Greatly Reduced 3 only Ladies' Fur -collared Coats, quilted Din- ing, regular $25.00 value for $15.00 5 only, same with shamey lining reg. $47.5o 35.00 5o Ladies' Muffs and Stoles, half price $5 and $10 to Children's Fur Sets in White Thibet at 25 per cent discount 5 only Men's China Dog Coats reg. $25 for $15 to only Men's Fur -collared Coats, quilted lining, regular $2o.00 for $12.50 5 only Men's Fur -lined Coats, lamb collars, regular $45.00 tor $27.501 Special prices on Fur Caps and Buffalo Robes Special List of Bargains for MEN'S WEAR 5 Doz. Fine'Shirts, broken lines, size 14 to 17, Regulars1.50 for89e 3 Doz. Heavy TweedAShirts, all -sizes, Reg. $1.2,3 for 89c 5 Doz. Fine Braces special 25c 3 Doz. Fine All Wool Combination Underwear sizes 84 to 44, Reg. $5 for $3.95 Sheep -lined Smocks for $4 25 LADIES' WEAR 5 Doz. Corsets $1,25 for 80c 20 Dos, Cashmere Hose special 35c $5 to $6 Silk Underskirts, black and colored for $4 25 20 only Sweater Coats, values $3.00 to $5.00 for $1.09 Waists and Skirts, broken lines, all sizes, 25 per cent off. GROCERY SPECIALS 300 pounds Black and Japan Tea, excellent flavor, regular 50c for 30c lb 3 cane Tomatoes 25c 3 cans Peas , 5c 3 cans porn 25e 2 cans Salmon 25c 2 Cane Preserrved Peaches 25c 2 Cans Preserved Apples 25c Granulated Sugar $7.00 cwt. D. Silks and Dress Goods Specially Priced SPECI.°AL DISCOUNTS aloo Rugs and Carpets at Wholesale Prices Special discounts will be given dun ? irig the month on Tapestry, Velvet Wilton Rugs, Wool Carpets, Stair Car- pets and Velvet Runners. immum 36 inch Black Duchess Mouseline Silk $1 50 value for $1.19 36 inch " " " $1.25 for 95c 36 inch Colored Silk Poplin, all new shades, $1.25 value for 85c 30 inch White Habitau Silk, for waists or under- wear $1.00 value for 75c 10 only pieces wool dress goods regular value 75c to $l for ... , . , . , 50c 5 only pieces wool dress goods Regular $L25 for 95c X TELEPHONE NO. 71 .1 Special sale of Remnants in Silks and Dress' Goods, lengths from 2 to 5 yards at HALF PRICE. Make This Store Your Headquarters on Dollar Day I PRODUCE WANTED xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KING BROS.