HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-03-09, Page 7Mar01 n+;t, lQ1
01►0ll19111jp0l lei 0
Penrod, fearing . the ordealofplaying
ego part of the Child Sir Lancelot, seeks
lfibygetfulness In the composition of a dims
Penrod's mother and sister dress hien
,1R his costume for tho "Children's Pageant
of the sound Table." Penrod is ashamed
'to wear it.
Hb' breeess"lip free whole eageaiii by
putting on a pair ot the janitor's overalls
over his costume.
oA visit to a moving picture show gives
him an idea. and he loafs away his time
hl school, dreaming dreams.
Tho teacher Fieseeks to
distract attention from himself by alleg-
ing loss or sleep because of a drunken
The teacher sympathizes with Penrod's
.aunt because of her wayward husband,
and it then develops that Penrod has been
Penrod, Sam' Williams and two colored
*boys, Herman and Verman, get up a big
:show to entertain the town.
Verman makes ti"t1ecided hit, but Rod-
erick Magsworth Ritts; Jr., says the show
is a failure. Penrod asks him if he is a
relation of Rena Magsworth, a murderer.
Roderick, seeking fame, says she is his
mint. Rodericic's mother finds him pos-
ing as a nephew of the murderer and
stops the circus.
7frarjoriu moved in:' lv,•rtentiy, where-
upon Mitchy-Mitch pounced upon the
remains of his jaw breaker and rester -
ed them, with accretions, t0 his mouth.
His sister, uttering a cry' , re horror,
sprang to the rescue, asslsttel by Pen-
'rod. whom she prevailed spun to hold
MMitchyMitch's mouth open while she
This delicate operation being com-
pleted and Penrod's right u Numb se-
verely bitten, Mitchy-Mitch closed bis
•eyes tightly, stamped, sgne:)led, bellow-
ed, wrung his • hands and then. unex-
pectedly, kicked Penrod n;;::in
PenrodP ut a hand in hitt I''t'ket nod
drew forth a copper two cent i3iece, t
large, roudd and fairly bright..
He gave it to MItchy-Mitch.
Mitchy-111 itch immedintely stopped
-crying and gazed upon Isis benefactor
with the eyes of a dog.
This world!
Thereafter ' did Penrod—with com-
plete approval from Mitchy•Mtch—play
'the accordion for his Indy to his heart's
content, and hers. Never had he so
won upon her. Never had she let him
feel so close to her before. They stroll-
ed up and down upon the sidewalk,
.eating, oue thought between them, and
soon she bad learned to play the ac-
eordion almost as well as be. So pass-
ed a happy hour, whit the Good King
(Rene of Anjou would have envied
them, while Mitchy-Mitch made friends
tirith Duke. romped about his sister
and her swain, and clung to the band
-lot the latter, at intervals. with fondest
.affection and trust.
The. noon whistles failed to disturb
tthis little Arcady. Only the souud of
Mrs. Jones' voice—fear the third time
summoning Marjorie and Mitchy-Mitch
'to lunch -sent Penrod on his homeward
"1 could Come back this afternoon,"
'be said in parting.
"I'm not goin' to be here. I'm goin'
:tbo Baby Rennsdale's party."
re tooketLb nn • ie.et a titendad
11.111.4 TMES
Le" So 2I Hffeing thus ssatis•Se3 fret-
self, she added:
"There aren't goin' to be any boyo
He was instantly radiant again.
"Do you 'wish I was goin' to be
She looked shy and turned away her
•Marjorie Jones!" (This was a voice
from home.)
"How many more times shall I have
to coil pori?"
per, wb#te itlarinret reaped' pope ultra. HALF T
he Titurnot)tilougiit of dinner. A side
�• ���� �,i` ���� shorV, ltndi;servefetl until DOW, alled,
ber c#te l Land loclketl at ber ra er , �� � to arouse itis interest,, not ereil eseiting
with reel devotion. NSTIPATIQN, a wish .that he had known of its elP
terve when he had money, For
to,'" said Mr, iae a field, "Who 'was
'I, should,: tbintt he'd have been .glad
when the leowele, become geneeipeeed time he stared without comprehension
ctin th
bo?" the stomach gets sat o£ order, Lite liver et it bolt" canvas poster dept s e
"Sir?" lit ptlte of the candy avhlc4
� .does not work properly, and then £allows • chief attraction, the weather worn: col•
be bad cantauuled. in company wltb the violent sick headaches, the sottrnesti ors eonveying no meaning. to his for
Marjorie and Mitetledliittth Penrod. !lad of the stomach, belching of wmd,'hear't pia eye, Then. little by ,little, the post.
begun to eat lobster trognetIeS Isar* learn, water brash, biliousness, and a. er 'Jerome mere vivid to ills ctanseioua+
es 1 general feeling that you da not care is do ut1tas, There was a greenish ted per -
Sudden fright er emotion may cause a
-momentary arrest of the heart's action,
•ter soma eeeitement or apprehension may
set up a rapid action of the heart thereby
•cattsing palpitation.
Palpitation, again, is often the result
Of digestive disorders arising from the
stomach or maybe tilt result of over
indttlgetie of tobacco or alcoholic dtinks,
The only way td regttlatc this serious
.heart 'trouble is to este Milbunt s Ilcart
and Nerve Pills.
Mrs. J, S. Nicholls, T,istovrcll. Ont..
'"n down hay
•( run r
It anti v�,T,t.s. I was uvea
heart':fid palpitate ;led t would takey
weak a 1 dizz spell,. ell,. A friend ad.-
vt:.ed t,: to try It_il1 t,ril'a Ile.rt and
Vervelis, 'so I started. at'mice to rind
t1101ii. aI fennel that I felt uitich
strong 1 tati?ipt prais,c your medicine
(too lila">', for it I.as flet e. Ire a world o1
Milt-, .t . Heart ted Nerve Pills are
fate tars bee, a hose, for $1..1,5.., at ell
elealete :r tene,s1 direct 1:y Tim T.
Ca., Itimited, ior(5ato, Ont.
"Owl Owowaoh! Wowohah! Waow•
wow!" shrieked Mitchy•Mitch.
n ty,
'"Woo was he?"
"'Who do you mean. papa?""
"The roan that gave you that atm*
ly thing!"
""Yes, sir: 0 man gave it to Mo.""
et say, Who was he?" shouted gr.
anything, Ison In the tent, 1t seemed, who thrived
Keep your bowels regular by using
Milb>uns Lara -Liver Rills, They will i upon a reptilian diet.
clear away all the effete matter which I Suddenly Penrod decided that it was
collects in the system and make you think time to go bonne.
that "life is worth living." C,TEFt #,
Mr. B. W. 'Watson, St. John, N.13"13rothHAPsire of AXlinseit.
Writes: '"I havle been troubled wit!?
''Well, T Was just walking alone,.and constipation, . ter' the last three years.
the man came up to tae. it was right aur during that tuts have tried several
down in front Of Colgetes' remedies, all of wllicti failed to help ins,
of the paint's rubbed off the /We'"-
"Peerod!" The father used his moat
dangerous tone,
"Sir?" ,
"Who was the man that gate you.
the concertina?" ,
• "1 don't know. 1 was walking along
"You never saw him before?'
"`No, sir. I was lust walk
""That will do." said Mr. Schofield,
rising. "l suppoo, every family has
its secret enemies and this was one of
ours. I must ask to. be excused."
With that be went out crossly. stop-
ping in the hall a moment before pass-
ing beyond hearing. And after lunch
Penrod sought le . vain for his accor-
dion. Be even searched the library,
where his father sat reading. though,.
upon inquiry, Penrod explained that
he was looking for a misplaced school
book. Be thought he ought to .study
a little every day, be said. even during
vacation time: Much pleased, Mr.
Schofield rose and joined the search,
finding the missing work on mathe-
matics with singular ease—which cost !pass to the desired stage of "cantly
him precisely the price of the book the tang," but Penrod did not pause to
following September. hatch tile operation, In fact, he avert.
Penrod departed to study in the back ed his eyes t ivhich were slightly glazed'
yard, There, after a cautious survey in passing. tie did not apalyze his
of the neighborhood, he managed to motives. Simply he was conscious
dislodge the iron cover of the'cistern - that he preferred not to look at the
and dropped the arithmetic within. A mass of taffy
fine splash rewarded his listening ear. Nor some reason he put'a considers•
' between himself and e
c tw
eked for 1 distance cwh
en he to be
re that
assured I
taffy stand. but before long halted to
the presence of a red faced man wind
flourished a long fork over a small
cooklug apparatus rind shouted jovial
ly: "Wi,nntesi Here's your hot win
nice! Hot winuy worst! Food for the
overworked brain, nourishing for tilt
weak stunimick, entertaining for the
tired business man! Here's your htM
winnies! Three for a nickel, a half 1
dhne, the twentieth pot of a dollah!"
This above all nectar and ambrosbt
was the favorite dish of Penrod Seho
field. Nothing inside him now craved
it—on the contrary. But memory it
the greait hypnotist. His mind argued
against •his inwtids that opportunity
kuocked at his door.' "" Winny wurst'
was rigidly forbidden, by the home an
tliorities. Besides, there was a last
nickel in his pocket. and nature pro
tested against its survival; also the
red faced man had himself proclaimed
Itis wares nourishing for the weab
in the ed
Penrod placed the nickel
hand of the red faced man.
He ate two of the three greasy, cigar
like shapes cordially pressed upon bin
in return. The first bite convinced
him that he had made a tnistake
These winnies seemed' of a very in,
ferior thtvor, almost unpleasant, in
fact. But he felt obliged to conceal
his poor opinion of them for fear of
offending the red faced man. Be ate
without baste or eagerness. so slowly
indeed that he began to think the red
faced ' man might dislike him as a
deterrent of trade. Perhaps Penrod's
mind ,was not working well,. for he
failed to remember that no law com•
pelted him to remain under the eye ot
the red faced man. but the virulent re-
pulsion excited by his attempt to take
a bite of the third sausage`; inspired
him with at least an excuse for post-
"Mighty good," he murmured feebly,
placing the sausage in the inside pock-
et of his jacket with a shaking band.
"Guess 1'Il save this one to eat at
home after—after dinner."
ae.. tr ved .�jn gihlllg, away, wishing
where most; friend recommended Milburn's Laxa•
Liver Pills, and after using tree or fear
vials, I felt likea new malt. I am now
stili, taking them, and am positively sure
that I am on the road to recovery, 1
strongly recommend Milburn's Laxa-
Liver Pills.
Milburn's Laxa.-Liver Pills are ti5c per
vial, 5 vials for ;1l .110, at all drug: stores
er dealers, or willhe nailed on receipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited,•
Toronto, Out
• Marjorie moved away, ber face stili
bidden from Penrod.
"Do you?" he urged.
At the gate she turned quickly to
wand hint uud said over her'shoulder,
all in n breath: "Yes; 001130 again to-
morrow morning and i'll be on the cor-
ner. Bring your 'cordion1"
And she ran into the house, Mitchy
tilteb waving a loving hand to the boy
011 the sidewalk until the front door
his :1ntfclpation, indeed, and it was
with tt sense of relief that he turned.
to the flukey -pokey cart wbit'h stood
close at hotel,eaten with s1 t
of Nea1)011 tut , ice (isnot wrapped in
feline' He thought lite ice cream would
he cooling, lett somehow it fell short
of the desired effect and left at pecullar
sneer in his tliruut,
He walked 11tyay', tato languid to blow
pis bullosa. and passed a fresh taffy
booth with etrttnge indifference, A
bare ili'ined. man tt'118 manipulating the
taffy over n hoof.:, pulling n great white
that book again no one would find it
for him, he replaced the cover and be-
took himself pensively to the highway,
discouraging Duke from following by
repeated volleys of stones, some im-
aginary and others all too real.
Arrived upon the populous and fee•
tive scene of the dog and pony show,
he first turned his attention to the
brightly decorated booths which sur-
rounded the tent. The cries of the
Peanut venders, of the popcorn men,
of the toy balloon 'sellers. the stirring
music of the band, playing before the
performance to attract a crowd; the
shouting of excited children and the
barking of the dogs within the tent,
all sounded exhilat'atingly in Penrod's
ears and set his blond atttugle. Nev-
ertheless tie did not squander his
money or fling it to the Muds in one
grniel splurge. Inde:ul, he began cau-
tiously with the purchase o1' an ex-
trmordinately large pickle, white he on -
tallied from an aged negress tor his
odd cent, tau obvious a bargain to be
missed. At an ad,jneent stand he
bought :t glass of raspberry lemonade
(so allegedi and sipped it as he ate the
pfekle. He left nothing or e•lther.
Next he elltet•C(1 n small restaurant
tent and for n nerviest nickel was sup-
p1ied with a ftarh :u)) n box of sardines.
pret'ionsly weienc(I, it is Mit'. nut in Ore
than half fail He tem -mined the sar-
dines utteriv. teat i'tt the tin hue and
the fork, after which he indulged in an
inexpensive half pint of lukewarm ci-
der at one of the open booths. Mug in
hand, a gentle glow radiating toward
his surface from various centers of ac-
tivity deep inside him, he paused for
breath, and the cool, sweet cadences of
the watermelon man fell delectably
upon his ern':
"lee cote, watermelon; ice cole water.
melon! The biggest slice of ice cote,
tripe. red, ice tole, rich an' rare; the
biggest slice of ice cole watermelon
ever cut by the band of man! Buy our
ice tole watermelon!"
Penrod, having drained the last drop
of cider, complied with tie watermelon
man's luscious entreaty and received
a round slice of the fruit, magnificent
'in circumference and something over.:
an inch in thickness. Leaving only the
really dangerous part of the rind be-
hind him. he wandered away from the
vicinity of the watermelon man and
supplied himself with a bag of pea-
nuts. which, with the expenditure eta.'
dime for admission, left a quarter still
warm 1n his pocket- However, he
managed to- "break" the coin at a •
The Inner Boy.
ENROD went home in splendor,
r1 t' pretending that he and Linke
were a long proceesiun, and be
made enough noise to render
the auricular part of the Illusion per-
fect, Elis own family wee already at
the htneh table Oben he arrived. and
the parade halted only at the door of
the dining room.
"00, sum,',aling!" shouted Mr. Stbo
field. elaspiug his bilious brow with
both hands. "`top that noise: Isn't
!t awful enough for yon to sing? Sit
down: Nut with that thing our '1110e
that green rope off your..5hnnuler!
Now take that (Mug nut of the dining
room and threw It in the alshian!
\,'her' did yell get It?" +
"Where slid 1 ger «:11, Irapa?" netted
Penrodmeekly, delmeittrig the ateeite
dion in the hall just. uuteide tete dict•
lig roots door.
"That da- 1110 1til d hand ('outer
"It's a 'cordion," sold Penrod. IallllIg
his Place at the table and nothing
that hoot Mtn'raret tied Hubert Wit.
liams (who hnppene(1 to be a geestt
were growing red.
"I don't two a'b:tt you call it," said
;lir. Schofield irritably, "I 'want to
knew where you gut it."
.,o1'8 eyes met Alargaret'S: (lets
half ae expression, er p
sression, She ver!'
'1 EI
Penrod l d
• head c
Mime; Mer •1
1 lite
s ig
Atr. Wi111nnis tr '„ et:Idol look Mid
mlmightll,t have, beenstartled if ate could
have tlebe hfniself in a Mirror At NO
memento be regarded M tchy'Mhtch
wA •r .,. tl,
with cottt'ealed but Vit,otons aiverhlO
and the resemblance would hare bht't't
tied him,
I'A man gore it to tee.'` he answered
,gently and was rewarded by the vlsi•
bl+,' t iiltied ensu of hitt ,fat en's man•
:\DEED, do(•tor," sold Mrs. Scho-
field, with agitation stud pro-
found (0141'ietion. just after 8
o'clock that evening, "I shall al-
ways believe in mustard plasters.—crus-
Lard blasters and hot water bags. If it
hadn't been for thein 1 duu't believe
he'd have lived till you got here—1 do
"Ainrguret," culled Mr. St hutleld from
the open door of a bedroom, "Margaret,
a'li re clid yotl itu1 that eronl,ttie am -
motile? Where's Margaret?"
But lie had to find the aromatic spin.
its .of atamonitt himself. for Margaret
WAS not 111 !Ile house. She stood in the
sh)rth mple enth
low oorbeneatOer, a gutlitaraeasetrfue herear hande,
and she scanned with anxiety a bristly
approaching figure. The arc light..
swinging above: revealed this figure as
theft of 11101 she awaited. tie was pass-
ing toward the gate without seeing lier,
when she arreste(i hiui with u fateful
n h x!100,
Nit. Robert swung about
letstfly. "Why, :1largaret!''
"Here, take your guitar," she Weis-
p0rcd. hurriedly. "1 wits afraid if fa-
ther 1111Ppened to find it he'd break it
all to pieces!"
"What for?" asked the startled Rob -
"Because I'm sure lie Iittows It's
"But what"
"Oh, Bob," she mcnned, "1 was wait -
Ing Isere to tell you. I was so afraid
you'd try to come in"—
"Try I."
n"—"Try!" exclaimed) I he unfortunate
young man, quite dumfounded. "Try
to come"—
"Yes. before i warned you. I've been
waiting here to lel! you. Bob. yon
mustn't came near the house. if 1
were you 1'cl stay away Erten even this
neif.aborhuotl—far away: For awhile
1 clon't thiol: it would be actually safe
"Aiarg?rret, will you please"—
"It's all on acaonnt or !hat dollar
you gave Penrod thio morning," she
wailed. "First he bought Ihut horri-
ble concertina that made papa so furl -
"But Penrod didn't tell that 1" -
"Oh, wait!" she cried lamentably,
"Listen! He didn't tell at bunch, but
he got home about dinner time in the
roost—well. I've seen pile people be-
fore, but nothing like ['en1(1(1 Nobody
could imagine, it—,not unless they'd
seen him. And he looked so strange
and kept making 811(0 uu118111 l raves
and at first all he would say was 1hnt
•• o
he'd eaten n little piste, r apple and
thought it roust ince h;td some nil
crobes on it. But he got sicker and
sicker, and we put him to lied. and
then we all thought be was. going to
(lie, and. lir ceruse, no little piece of
app!( would have well, mud be kept
getting worse,. suit thou he seed he'll
1(114 tt dull:u. Ile seta nc')I spent it for
the concertina, 1)11(1 tveteru(0lon. anti
'hocnln10 crenate. mad 11(•orie0 sti(Is.
stand inside the tent, where it targe,
oblong paper hos of popcorn was hand.
ed him with 20 cents change. The box
was too large to go into bis pocket, but
having seated himself among some
Wistful Polack children he placed it
tin his lap and devoured the contents
at leisure during the performance. The
popcorn was heavily Ial'ded With par-
tially boiled Molasses, and Penrod
sandwiched mbnthfuls of peanuts with
gobs of this mass until the peanuts
were all gone. After that be ate with
less avidity, a sense almost of Satiety
beginning to manifest itself to him;
end it was hot until the close of the
performance that he disposed of the
last morsel.
• He descended a little !wearily tto the
outfowing crowd in the arena and
boogbt a caterwauling toy balloon, but
ab wed tet erthusiasm fn
Meting it. Near tiie exit As he came
out Was a hot Waffle stand which he
had overlooked, and a sense of duty
obliged him 'to consun3e the three War.
des. thickly powdetnd with shear,
t'bicb the Waffle man tooled for Miff
upon ('otnmlitid.
They lent a hottisll taste in hist
MOAN lice ballet heen,,,ildite up to -.
c Your Liver
is Clogged up
That's Was Yea'rs Tiered -0.t .E
Sorts—lint . Appetite.
will - put yea right
to ■ few deye:
They de
their duty.
Side Hei1'ae o.
Shall Pill, Satan Deer, Small Pyle*.
GiBiluint, met low Sit:white
I shall always believe in mustard etas
tees—mustard plasters and not wa
ter bags.''
MILL,,. ,,,,:,,19,..1I,".,,,,111,,.uw„w11„,.
St at:.,.
the ProptietAtyat• Pdtot i ilelltt f(Acl•
A1,'efetahle Preparation forAs.•
similatInglheFbodendR, el•
jin$1heStpmachseedBolt f
Promotes DigestionCherifu&;
neSS antgest.Centafits neillltl',.
Opivat.Morphine ttorNtatral'
ReoPeo%'t 101::Warlf Tt
-+6risAv/c.Snd re!/c,sdfs-
�r r.2Yeridif
Aperfect Remedy torconstipa-
1100, SourSlomach,Diarrl
peas andL0sS OFSLLEP,
Facsimile Signatureof
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know
Genuine Castoda
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Cony or Wrapper. Tse CKN"UN COMPANY. NRW MONK CITY.
rug. fle
• t _ l ”"vfiole tl n :
t• t i) Fur t to r t
,uucl is fi
saltt if you'd Only let him alone and
un; given it to him he'd have grown
up to he a good mon, end now he
couldn't : I never hoard :met !ling so
heartrending. fly t{'11e se week lie
mild lewdly whisper, but tie kept try-
ins; 1n 0110, telling ne civet and over it
11785 all runt fault."
In the darkness Al r. Williams' Pacini
expresslt,n (omit not he sr(m, 11111 bis
1(11(1' 5en111110d 110110'111.
"is he •Is he still in a great deal of
-They «ny the (•risis is past." snid
1:1,111aret, "but the doctor'. still ten
theree. [le said it was the fleetest rasa
of indigestion he hn.d ever treated in
the whole course of his professional
"Of cour:se. I didn't know what he'd
:lo with the dollar," said Itobert.
She did not reply.
Ile began plaintively. "?largaret. you
don't"— -
"I'vo n(v(r seen linen 110(1 >18110(111
upset :shout any'ehine," stir said
t•tther primly,
"Yeti mean they're np`et :thole 11113?"
"\'t! are :all very nnt,'h '(past," re-
turned Margaret, more swot in heir
tette ns she remembered not only i'en-
ro(I's sufferings. but a ditty she hart
vowed herself to perform.
"Margaret! Yon don't"—
"Robert." she said firmly :eel ((Iso.
wit :1 rhetorical cm rnpies fty ct•hic>1
breeds a suspicion of rehearsal: -Rob-
ert, for the present 1 can only Ieol; at
it iu one way—when you gave that
10oney to Penrod you put into the
hands of an unthinking little child a
weapon which might be, and, indeed.
was. the means of his undoing. Boys
are not respon"—
"But you saw me give him the dot•
iar, and yen didn't"—
"Robert!" she nher'ked him tvith in-
creasing severity. "t am only a wom-
an and not accustomed to thinking; ev-
erything out on she spur of the mo-
ment. But I cannot change my mind
—not now, at least."
"And you thin!: I'd better not come
in tonight?"
"Tonight!" she gasped. "Not for
weeks! Papa wined"—
"But Margaret." be urged plaintively.
"how can you blame me for"—
"I have not nse1 the word 'blame,'"
she interrupted. "But 1 must insist
that for your earelesaness to—to wreak
such havoc—cannot fail to—to lessen
my confidence in your power's of judg-
ment. I cannot change my conyietinns
in this matter—not tonight—uud 1 Nee
not remain here another instant. The
poor child may need me. RAhert. gond
With chill dignity she withdrew. en-
tered the house and returned to the
sick item, leaving the yoatng man in
outer darkness to brood upon his
crime—and upon Penrod.
That sincere invalid betaine 000%1-
leseent open the third day, and a week
elapsed. then, before tie found an op•
portunity to leave the timiee unaccom-
panied—save by Dunce Rpt at last be
set forth and apirma"h(sd the .lapel
neighborhood in high spirits, pleasant-
ly eonscions of hie halter, bollnW
elfeeks lied other pereptisites of illness
provocative of interest.
One thought troubled him n little be -
'cense. It gave hint tt senae•of tnterlorits 1
ton rival, tie believed, against his '
Will, that l%iaurire Levy voted halve
ccssftilly eaten ehoeefnlleremite,
licorf<, stirls I usa drops,
v brcltk•
altid letli011 'elt•ops, :itt peonies, end
joie breet:ers, anti sardines, 1)11(1 rasp
beery lemonade, end I(i0Itle8. Zuni hell
torn. ,cud ice cream, runt tdrirt•, mitt
sausage—there was It sausage, 111 11114
pocket, tend materna. Says his jacket is
amen dro
c lobster ceo-
fres, and he me
etIettes at lunch—and papa said. 'Who
gave you tbtit dollar?' Only he didn't
shy 'who*. He said something horri-
ble. Bob! And Petn'od• thought he WAS
ening to die. and be said yeti Oive it
to Hite, and._ oh, it Was just 111tiful t0
Ire"ir the Moor child Huff, because he
pruteilely uo trinr•t' thee :!'alit estimate -
of one of the ;,reit[ conetitntu+us 111' tett
time. As a digester, Jittnrtc't> Levy
would hove disap1)011 O1 a Borgia.
Fortunately. Nl:melee wee stili lit At-
lantic (Jit y. a11a1 now the. a int alest-ell t'$
heart leaned. In the (1lstine0 tie haw
Marjorie coating—in pink again. with a
ravishing little parasol over her head.
And alone! No Mftchyeliteh was to.
nun' tills meeting.
Penrod increased alae feebleness of
bis 91e15. now and .then leaning upon
the fence as if for support.
"How do you do, Marjorie?" he said
in his best sickroom voice Its she came
To his pained nmazement she pro-
ceeded on her way, her nese at a cele-
brated elevation—an icy, nose. ,
She cut him dead.
Ile threw his invalid's airs to the•
winds and Hastened nfter her.
"Marjorie," he pleaded, "what's the
matter? Are you mad? Honest, that
day you said to come back next morn-
ing and you'd be 011 the corner, 1 was
sick. honest, I was awful sick, 11Inr
jorie! I had to have the doctor"- ,
"Doctor!" She whirled upon him,
her lovely eyes blazing. "1 guess we've
had to have the doctor enout h at our
hoose. thanks to you. Mister t'enrod
ie•hotield. Papp says you haven't got
near sense enough to come in out of
the rain after whiff you (lid t0 poor
little Jiileby-Mitch"—
"}'es. uud he's sic!: in tied yet!' Mar-
jorie weal on with nuatuated fury.
"And peen says if he ever enteues you
in this part of town"— -
, "Villat'd I do to :Uit(tV-;\titch?'"
¢•,•ped 1'ent•nrf,
} en anew event em11(211 what 3Ona
dirt 10 3>lieliv•ylil'•h"' -'e' ,'tied, "YOR
Dave hint teat great. hie. misty two
1 cent pierce!"
"wen, we:" of 11?„
"yilt'hy-Alitetl swaltowe0> it:"
"And papa hays it he ,•yer jest lays
eyes (111 you °lee in this titeghbor-
ltet Penr011 11)1d-elnteed for home.
In his embittered twiart in100 was In-
creasing :1 critical disapproval or the
Creator's 0113104 de \\'hen tie made
pretty girls, Bement' 1'011r(1d, why
couldn't he have loft out their littler
(To Be C08TIlet'o 3)
WO:on the World Was Now.
The world is Uig>aeet Wee we are
young enough to 1.401 etre el the pas.,
lure us an empire and the 1 1: y bled; as
.� republic. Time is tears•-) tt•11011 we
are young enough in soy :1 ,1:ay ars sit
spool, n tvat'1 tth tinct .t, ';•:1
-uuntrl0r va.
t'on by 5eusi(10 01 hike 5 .1re ata eters
fifty Itself. As we gnie. ,ot,lel' the
j world grows:: smaller, 0(1(1 so (1,1135 time.
1paeee and time nee mete:1I)) f1 u' boy of
man .says as 11e holds 1009"lm'e$ for
them in Montt or In Memory rim boy'
understatnds ten feet bt
cause• that is
stn toil tertrs bc�
strides, d
throe Inti„ s
Now 'tv
ors, peanuts. cvailles, lobster c•rnerrlertes. a class he has just. lived then, e
iuutnon theme, wahterinleloh, ' have need another len and y c t at,aot1Yer,
ttartlines, cit p ;1 •• s and
�" les epeorn, ire 00011m and sausage but the first ten were the f n,.e t
plcit . P I ,: , ,
: _e l r1'v Ieainitaide' and rider, are the truest (n)awure., tut the Mares
with rn Ince ,
, aself (1)8) rears we are granted the !mere beorll+
Penrod had ndn1111ed to itllt
-t>-• • • t'ul of the gift we grow', Though the;
Alauri(e meld do it wind trfurrrurti ut gift
tend to bttstnel;s err 111(':Laois tvtlhout wore insistent, tee, in our ec:mand fee
.• a 1," ,e,,: rleetat , i1, t.: •,,fid IIe the ;W,'.:litest,dtseotetfl't- 111111 tlrls eras >Mdte.