HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-03-09, Page 2'.0
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Brand Trunk RailSystemway
i rtgcniapig IN VAIRQN COUNTY',
- ----
Town TIcket Office ertfiting conditiene there. Writing
man into Huron Coonty to report
The Torettite Daily Star has sent, a
We can issue through tiekets via frein Gederiels en Feb. 28, this man re, i
poPelar routes to any point ill Anterleit ports as tamest
-East. Weete'Stesth, Nerthwest, Mane, The reerteting situatiott IAHilton i
Baggage cheelted through to deatiett-
toba, Pacific COW, ete. County demands seine /retie action. It
tion and full inforraatiengiven Whereby is a a°11(4•Y (4 "attated P°Palatl°a' (4
treyelltng Will be make pleasant d four towns ranging trete 2,000 to 3,700
free front annoyanee. Tourist andifolk, and of a score of vIllages. One
retnrn tickete tit atteve Meets tt tSO on ! bettalien has already been aletherized,
fele at lowest figeres, Wei wale a
prevailing advantages.
Single and return tickets to, any point
in Ontario, Your business will be ap-
Pre.tiated, ter your trip a short or a
long one.
We can ticket you through to any
point in Europe on all leadieg steamship
lioes. Prepaid orders also issued.
If it's Lewitt travel, we have the
information and will give it to you
Town Agent G.T.R.
Times Office, Wingham, Ont.
arid its coleirtanding officer, et, Cols
Barre Combe, states that two more are
authorized to follow it. The spirit ef
the people of Huron•is splendid. They
subscribe to all funds generously and
e.xpress an lundiminished patriotism.
But there are literally thousands of
young men in the towns and on the
farms who have not yet been interested
in the khaki.
"The Government pledged Canada to
raise 500,000 men, And then the Gov-
ernment failed to do one tap towards
raising those men, The Militia Departs
ment authorizes a battalion, appoints a
colonel and then leaves the matter err
tirely to the muuicipalitys That, is
What the trouble is with Huron County
and with every other county in regard
to enlistment," said ReveJs B. Fother-
ingham, the Anglican minister of
Goderieh, who has been active through-
out the county in the recruiting cam-
paign of the past eight months.
"The estimate et 500,000 from Canada
means between 3,000 and 4.000 from
Huron County," continued Mr. Fother-
ingharn. "We have raised between 500
and- 600 for the 161st, and we honestly
do not see how we are going to -get any
more. Yet we know definitely that
two more bettalions are to be called
from Huron after the 161st. The Gov -
PEEL BYE.ELECTION ernment realizes the situation. But it
is making no effort whatever to live
Lowe (Liberal) Defeated Fallis (Con- up to its pledge of 500,000 men by aiding
servative) by 305. Fallis us,"
Majority 1914 - 627 "We are now urging the Huron War
Altheugh it is recognized, as Mr. Auxiliary to confer with the other
Rowell says, that the result in Peel county recruiting organizations and to
'wee a victory for the people, rattler petition the Government in force. The
than a victory simply for a party, yet plan suggested is to request the Gov -
it is a prevalent opinion v'idely ex- ernment to authorize each member of
pressed on the streeis and in the clubs, Parliament td act as the head of re -
that the Hears Government is cruiting in his district. His party
seriously affected. They could have organization shall he put to use for re -
prevented Fallis running at all as their eruiting purposes. The Opposition
representative if they had cared tor do candidate of each district will do like
so. and could have denounced him, as wise. The step• would mean a gond
Sir Robert Borden at Ottawa read De deal to the ecunties, for it is organiz-
Witt Foster and Garland) out of the ation that is the crying need."
Conservative party. - The Star drove out through the town -
Instead of that, they: not enly did ships north of the railway to Gotlericb.
not say anything against bitn, but Conversation with different farmers on
according to MrFallis and Mr. Blain, miles of roads failed to discover more
four or five Cabinets Ministers would than a half a dozen who knew of re -
have been glad to tel places on the cruits. And one remarkable feature is
platform beside Mr. Fallis, had they that all these enlistments were on the
been asked to do so part of sons living in the towns and not
The chief eqmplaint against the of the farms All the Star encountered
Government is their .quality of weak. i was argument.
ness in the matter, The -World (Con- "Let the town fellows eneist," said
servative) says: "The Ontario Ministers one elderly farmer. "The shops can
are to be congratulated upon a lucky close up without hurting the war. But son
escape. They will ,have to bear some let the farms close up and see what
reproach for not taking a more active happens." MARRIED
part on the right side, but we do not eresaid•
enlist," he, "just as soon as
think their hearts were in the aquiesc- my brother leaves Canada. He enlisted
ence which appeate to have been cum- in the 33rd Battalion a year ago. He's
pelted entre them by
Mr' Fallis stillin Quebec."
his supporters.
ehis is surely the severest kina of Capt. Hodgins, in charge of recruiting
in Seaforth, told the Star:
indictment against any government, to
day that they were compelled by Mr. "We approached one farm house and
'Faille or anybody else, to give him were met by the woman of the house.
their support Where has the strength She ordered us off as though we were
of mind and decision of the Ontario tramps. At the back we located the
, GM/eminent itself one to? farmer and his three sons. We started
AS a matter. of facer according to
-their own men, one of the chief char-
acteristics of the present Ontario
Government, is their failore to make
decisions. Even Zdr. Hearst himself,
in his fathom remark, has said that a
"zig zag" course is often the best
' one to pursue.
This is quite in line with the Toronto
World's criticism levelled against the
Government a short time ago, wheit it
accused it of being; a "wibbledy woble
ledy" government
THE WINfillAiii TimEs,
Notice of changes mut be left at this
office net later than saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not ester than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wedneelav of each week
rred 14" S march 9th, 190
To Out OS POO Reettittl It Mut lag
Thorotrehly Enjeyed.
When you. exercise. play, r,rbat
one of the potato most eirg.)aglY arge0
to the tittentlett of the iu re-
- earle•eleellilee, PUelte begat retorts.,
No matter wbetber you are waIli,ing,
W I N II 'A WI or playing getf, keep ever' exercise free
eardenlee, exercisiug iu a gentuastuill
teelle the tint* of drudgery And
It all recreation. Make it as epjoyaele
Years'Ail0 9.113rtiling 3'04 MAY 419 threilb:110Uf
the entiee elee. le den't Meek et
'!ern tbe TIMES of March a, 1.§90 th° good that it might do you is /°st.
"The vel7 best thin' a man call de."
Mr. Walter Vanstone spent Sunday in says the rePert, IS to Matte a behbe
Goderich, of his exercise, No matter bow poor
joie pewee was le Teeswater oo the hobby. if it induces outdoor eeer-
else it is perfectly jUsediable, '
Tile:day. • ' 'T)10 weal= who is obilged to take
Mr. and Mrs. R,. B. Ferguson and her baby out for a two haws, awes
falai/5' left °°. Ta"daY for Chesle•Y' every day is far more fortunate than
where they will reside. she often realizes. .
The only advice the report offers the
Mr. T. A, Mills had the misfortune
to break his leg while Wrestling with a man who is Ping t° take °P le 11°.°/),
for the benefit of the resulting friend on Monday afternoon, cise is to choose one that permits of
Mr, H. B. Elliott, of the TIMES, at- its, being followed the year round retie
tended the funeral of his uhcle, Mr. er than one that depends upon seasons
Jas. Atney, in Listowel, on Friday. of the year, For that reason the ante.
As Chas. ' Kling was riding Mr. R. teur gardenerprchickenfsncier is re
Mandoo's pony on Monday, it became
aninswdeteu°r1guenoaleeetestil, bostaenist oer ornithol.
unmanageable and rearing, fell back on egist. 7.12e latter must wait on the
hint breaking his arm, seasons and must find favorable lam -
Miss Sutherland, who for some time tions for indulging their bobbles, wbile
has been in the albs of W.. R. Beldon, the former have yfe,oalrrtivrioe:niidonntPi.,:gstimbeegsa.n
has purchased the photographing office .
from Mr. dash. of Blyth, and wilt take Edison'tisist:sitrest
possession en the first of April Miss when he was quite a little boy, al -
Sutherland has had wide experience in
though the first time he attempted to
jeer work and is an excellent artist. be original lie was 0 failute.
We wish her success in her new under- One day, when he was about five
taking. * years old, his parents missed ttini for
Maitland Lodge, A. 0. 0. F., gave 0 quite a long time. After a prolonged
social evening in the Temperance Hall. and fruitless search all over the house
to the members and their friends. The his elder sister happened to go into the
fowl house. where she discovered the
Wingham Orchestra was present and
missing boy sittin0. on the floor, Ins
under the management of J. A. Morton,
clothes smothered in broken eggs.
rendered several pleasing, selections. "What on earth are you doing there,
Mr. Cieo. Cline sang and Mr. and Mrs. Tom?" she asked in astonishment.
Brown also sang a very pretty duet, "Well," replied the youthful genius
Refreshments were served and the gravely. "I thought if the bens could
company dispersed with Uod Save the hatch eggs by sitting. on them so
could I!"
Business and
Westervelt School
London, Ontario
'01104c III `..0•,,I011 S'it-1/1 1 h1 t() July
Atalogt.te F 1•Aiter alio,. time.
} \A W P.n.tpo.1
Another old settler passed away on Ancients and the Aurora Borealis.
Friday lest, in the person of Mr. Alex- Many envie believe that thetauroea
ander Fergie, who died at the ripe old borealis is a phenomenon peculiar to
ago of 77 years, 4 morths. Mr. Fergie modern times. But this is not true.
formerly lived in the township of Turn. , The ancimits used to call it chasmata,
berry, but having, by careful manage s
betides and trains. names which ex -
men*, gathered together a considerable pressed the different colors of the,
amount of this worices goods. He lights. The scarlet aurora was looked
moved to Winghatn some years ago to ou Ity the superstitious ,barbarians as
enjoy, in old age, the fruits of his early an omen of direful slaughter, so it is
thrift and industry. Mrs. Fergie, who not unusual for descriptiens of bloody
was his senior, died six months ago and ' battles to contain allusions to northern
by a strange coincident he died at the lights. in the annale. of Clociternac-
same age as she was.atebe time of her noise it is recorded 'diet 'in OSS A. D.,
, accompanying , a terrible . battle be -
BORN tween Leinster and Itleester. Strelend,
a purple aurora lit the :northern skies,
Simpson In Wingharn, on February foretelling, the slaughter , .
29th. the wife of Mr. R. E 'Simpson;
, Dark Stara.
It is reasonable to assume that the
Graickshanic - In Turnberry, on March
number of stars 411 space belying a tem
erd, the wife of Mr. George Cruiekshaek ;
perature so low that their radiations
do not affect our eyes ott photographic
plates is extremely large. That these
Miller Meiklejohn -At the residence invisible stars are far more numerous
of the bride's brother, D. Meiklejohn, than the luminous stars is suggested
of Mum., by the Rev. Mr. Hall, Mr. by le A. Lindemann, wee, attempts in
Jas. Miller, of Whitewater, Man., to the Monthly Notiees a rough calcula-
tion of their relative number based op
Miss Kate Meiklejohn. ; the assumption that uew stars (novae)
DIED are due to ccillisions. He concludes
Fergie - In Wingham, on. February that there are about 4.000 times as
28t.h. Alexander Fergie, aged 77 years many dark stars tuebright ones.
and 4 months. 1 i.'
Man's Will Is All His Own.
Laidlaw - In Morris. on February ' True education lies in learning to
26th, Mrs. Ti. B. Laidlaw, aged 61 wish things to be as they actually are.
It Iles in learning to distinguish what
is our own front wbat does net belong
to us. Hut there is only one thing
i wbich is fully our own -that is our
- will or purpose. God, acting as a good
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
1 BAPTIST DRURPH.--.Sabbnth serviges
at 11 a, in, and 7 p. 111. Sunday School
at 2,i3Q p, xr, General prayer meeting
Ann H. Y. P. les every Wednesday at
8 P. m. A. C. Riley, 11, A., Pastor.
Geo. Pocock, S. S, Soperinteudent,
MET1101AST CnitInCit--Sabbath ger,
vicee at 11 a. in. and 7 P. II.I. Sunday
School at 2:3Q p. re. Epworth League
every Monday evening, General prayer
meeting. on Wednesday evening% Rev.,
J. W. Hibbert, pastor. F. Buchanan,
S. S. Superintendent.
tegeetteTettlele Cletigell-Sabbath SOT -
vices et 11 a, M. ane 7 p. m. Sunda:,
School at 2:30 p. General prayer
meeting onWecinesday evenings. Rev,
D. Perrier Pastor, Frank Lewis,
S. Superintendent,
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Ettleeor I. -Sab-
bath services at 11 a• en. all() P. ta•
Sunday School at 2:30 p, m. Rev,
E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex. Al-
deron, S. S. Siiperintendent.
at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Sunday.
At o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be special music provided m
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
PosT Opeice-Offige hours from 8a.m.
to 6:30 p. in. Open to box holders from
7 a. m. to 9 p. m. C. N Griffin, post-
Tim Wifighaintines
The Times MOO SUMO Bleak.
Tease 01P SttestatiVrION,41,09 per annum,
In advance, $1.69 if not geld. No paper ditiO0n,
Belied till all arreer$ are psid, execeo au the
epnee ef the enbiloner.
T. B. BENNETT 4.1.9.
Sale dates can hf\ arranged itt
TIMES office.
Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty
Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario
Write or Pit Ifip R I, Wingham
years, 7 months mid 2 days.
to talk to them, when up came the wo-
man and she drove us away. The women -I
, .
of the farms are certainly firm in this CHOPPEDSTUFF
fort to reach them and soften them.' Cold stables are feed wasters. king and a true father. has given us a
matter. It will take some Ingenious et -
to go first to some neighbouring farm cheapest. pelted or thwarted. He has put ite
wholly in our powet. * * *,Nothing can
acres." ever force us to act against etur will.
where there are more sons on fewer Rust rules more farm tools and im-
I elements than work. If we are conquered it is because we
I Is dog raising or sheep raising given have willed to be conquered.
precedence, in your vicinity?
reach of cattle at all times. I "Willie," called his mother from the
Colts of the exercised stallion will
vvhich cannot be restrained com-
"We call at one farm and are asked In stock growing the earliest is the will - ' •
EAV.44/1=1130fiiiER•1 ott
'allying an up-to-date Creamery in
oper,aton, we o11oii), our erettia
We are prepared to pay t.lip hightn.t
market prices tor good, cream Itui vire
Yon an tionest inisiness.
rumpling aa4 te,ti tu esoh can 4OCII11111
esosived carefully returnir g a
full statement if ;Same to each patron
WI raqi•di two ecu- to eat li patron
oay all express ells! ges nett pay every
two •Veeks
Write for forthr partiorlers or
send for cans end give us a trlal.
sEmsoltett. ONT.
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fe an 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
Mil o'clock. Miss Della Reid, lib-
Smith, B. A„ Principal and Specialist
in Mathematics; Mr. J. A. Anderson.
B. A., Science; Mr. W. J. South-
combe, B. A. Specialist in Classics;
Miss M. 1 Whyte, B. A., Special-
ist in Moderns; Miss B. E. Anderson,
Commercial Specialist; £tliss E, C,
Garrett, Art.
ADVeleTletSek ItesTRe
"PtiOnalr &nye torteml$TH
One Tent'0.000000;416, (8n @neh ineeric,dl
Six lanais . 2.60 {WO '
Throe 1,69 (18e 4" "
One Month.," . Al (leo 0. • .•
Onbee:::::(1."0;5.1";11/11: advertisement, leo
peletoehlinsetifareilluresub tinruesretri?inoani". d i)licopasetrwellatteik)f.nor
nsaparie1 mole, twelve lines to at' inch.
Basineast cards of six lines and under, $5.00
Pti7nYseware. teed. Houses for Sale or to rent
Advertisements of Situations Vacant, Situs
Articles for Sale, etc , not exceeding eight
.14(11.150eartiesituigegrutemagol ; artcht, litrsatrgine7:1111.
vertisements In Proportion.
Business notices (news type) So per minuted
line; tie locial or news matter. 10o per Hee ouch
Chj.dren Cry
cAs-ro FZ
Oiresoes-Corner Patrick and Centre lots.
Residence, Dr. Kennett) sal
Residence, De. Calder 151
Dr. Kennedy epecializes in surgery. ,
Dr. Calder devotes special attention. to Dia,
eases of the eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly teeted. Glasses
properly fitted.
W, F. Vanstone, le Buchanan, O. P.
Smith, Dr. Redmond, W, J. Howson,
J. A. McLean. Chairman, R. Vanstone;
Secretary. D. Holmes; Treasurer, A.
Cosens. Regular meetings are held on
the 2nd Monday of each month
Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F.
Binkley, W. H Gamey, W. Isbister,
A. Tipling. Geo. Spotton, W. G. Patter.
eon, Couneillogs; John F Gioves, Clerk:
and G. Stewart, Treasurer. Board
meet first Monday evening in each
month at 8 o'clock.
ROBT. O. BITDI901,- I), M. 4' . O. ta. tang .
41_, L. lit. 0. P. London
PUBLIC Scudoe BOARD -H. E. Isard,
Wm. Field, T. R 13ennett. Dudley
Holmes, W. B. Rintoul, A. E Lloyd,
Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Poslifl', Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley. Misr. Barber and Miss Bentley.
BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
A Creature From the Fire.
Aristotle believed tbat some erett-
tures were capable of supporting. tire
even 010%01 coetined to the devouring
element. Ile says; "In Cyprus. when
the manufacturers of eh:ileitis (lintel
burn it Many days -in the fire. a winged
creature something larger than. a great
tee is aeen -emerging front the stone
und leepieg; and walking about in the,
lire 'Fbese eronl-lire/4 Perish 119
tited 1-
o lelY Open renloVed. rrom 1110
furuace." VA)
Saving the Innocent" Onet..
Governor Stewart or Missouri onee.
round eight • voliciots 111o(viii the
rast4 1he sturehoeso (110',,. 11tt._
.quostioneo hvin. iseCen of Mom sahl
th,yy. wore itin000nt 411011.- The, eighth
sold, '1 stoic, er w 44, stile wee
moe"selnisiline mere hae
-You're pardoned'," isnevert ;howler
el.en yr- ter, pesee 07 eers.
meet preserve eer ,..netsre
ereni silionminmeet "
Linseed is generally considered the
best material to use for poultices, be -
The area planted to corn in Manitoba eause, as it contains eonsiderable oil,
increased from 30,430 acres in 1014 to it can be used at a limber temperature
52,713 acres in 1915. than other substances without danger
of blistering the skin.
Have for the adult, abut one and
one-half pints ot water boiling forcibly;
into this sprinkle slowly, stirring the
water with a spoon while doing so,
sufficient flaxseed to make the mixture
just thick enough to be easily spread
with a knife, but not to thin that it
will spread by itself.
The -mixture must not be allowed
to stop boiling (luting the addition of
the flaxseed and should be beaten
lightly. Spread to the muslin evenly about one- third of an inch thick.
Mustard i9 often added to flaxseed
,poultices in erder to inerease the
T111114 Ik.P11 11 eorelttetot
1..el t v for Lis novil:..1 nt.
cot wt. coenteterritant ntoperty. The pto-
ler re ra ter er 117,(.3,43 1.0.1 hip portion of Mustard to flaxseed used
171' 1t. p--censtetTtn.e., 1114 r•hosk' is, for fin adult, One to eight, and foe
91:-.4.1. • te.t.thoneyenii friPtelS, a child; one to siXteen. Dissolve the
1.1,111, lieste. tiler 'woe% t
nitistard in tepid Water and add it to
.tv ten. t ,,, f lt thc.r +Mo.% tiow
11111.... 1,1 I i% Mini. It tee lo ee a th the pOilltide after the flaxseed has
le' •.1 1;.• tnnst Pong1.1 ant tied sop beer, removed from the fire; thee,
"."1. "I"i beat the poultiee Well Mt that it rind
a' 1" " t ta 11 be thoroughly mixed.
I.%0 .0 .1I 1:1 .,he Ma a will
1 • ' Act quit O. NVisittn poultice emend not be left on
ha, nn,• t.tt:ler longer than one hour, es after that
e"li" ""7"" *11' °Iv 1 11 r"`" sit is not eeen as waren as the body.
•. e:`‘.1.. M,1: I t../01,0111;1;) Aft" femoving tho petAtiee dry
. • : - .
, • ,; etiee, thi. Aildade of the obit' and it it
1. 1. • 0. 341 very fed, apply a tittle oil Of veselirie.
"For God s Sake,
Let Me 'Stay!"
114 plearleil h ell the ha Itesity tti
3(701 pottil tenter.
trelohttil. Ten:•. baked la los
stlatte ff. unxionl4 eyes. '• 1ni4e traveled
f,,r days ser' the Crain " lie saki. `‘ I
Lae h../44 1114101 0111,01 111;$410001111g111111St1...
1•:11e Iwo, turned out et' a hos el ta sny
ott is 040 1. 'lit o 100:11 hospital retest ri the
74 istioe-it.s, Noltoely we 0 s tne... For I
tetz..e, 1101'0 Itt 700 t•IttZ..."
Clean water and salt should be within Hie Reward.
head of the stairs, "did you wipe your
stand the most exercise all through life.
feet before you came in?"Yessum," replied the young hopeful,"
The number of pigs in Manitoba wag "Did you close the door carefully be -
186,483 in 1915, as compared with 325,- ! hind you?"
416 in 1914. "Yessum." .
Russia has for some time carried on "Did yeti hang up your hat?"
. I "Vessunt."
an extensive agricultural instruction I
work quite similar to that which has ' "Very well Then youmay practice
been conducted in Ontario. , n3usie lesson."
"Cest your alfalfa before the swine i A Much Needed Improvement.
and your wife will wear pearls," is the I "Do you believe that we shotild have
tevised version given by a correspond- i a more elastic currency?' asked the
ent of The American Agriculturist. man who always talks national finale..
Alfalfa is an ideal feed for horses. , 0:0311:fittneehl" snorted the man with
clothes. "It's issue 'tniOUgb
cAttle, sheen swine and Chickensnow,. What they ought to do Is Shake
Land that grows alfalfa is worth 50 it more adhesive.'
per tentmore that. land that hes not _
been made to grow this etieen of leg- Other People's Burdens
meet. . '
If We toted rend tbe eeetet IOW,
The Grain Growers' Guide says that of our enemies we stimuli thul in *eh
westere Canada datitiOtin view of the maasa late aarrow and "Verlag aaaagb
to diaar
SeAreity of help and the entail aliment i° all h"filitY`
Of fall pkiwitig done, hope to produce wht .d H
ite Meet?
in 1916 anythieg like the crop' of 1915, ettave yOu eeeeee, my friend, bow
Many fools there are oti otirtitt'
"Yes. and there's always ono men
than Yon think.'
For Tufitatit and ChM:Itch
Always beers
Signature of
Antiettitike is the chief purge% hi
Barbadosand without doubt the talaint
is the most Intensely ren Mated illOt lo
the WestAtidieti. Snot Is the Oiler
crop and hat been from thue
tobitto u ,ettreed,ilidlitit, atilt
Wall at it
SettiO On Her Lungs
Causing Great Pain.
'?lcieway Pine Syrup.
viioghant General Hospital
(Under Government Inspection)
Office, with Lr. Oblebohn.
II. Hasnitly, B.Sc., M.D. Gr.,
:Wingham, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases or women
and children, having taken post gradeate
work in Burgers, Bartoriology and Scientific.
Office in the Kerr residence. between the
Queen's hetet and the Baptist Church,
All business given careful attentiou.
Phone 54, P. 0, Box 118.
Ostegpathic Physicians
Oculists, Neurologists
Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods
Osteopathy cures or benefits when
other system fail
Winghain office over Thrtstie's Store.
Tuesday, 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Wed-
nesday, 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday. 4 tc
9.00 p.m. Friday, 9.05 to 9.00 a. in,
or by appointment.
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOR PATIENTS -which
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according to location of
room. For further information, ad-
dress ,
Miss L. Matthews. r '
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
g Railway Time Table
Loudon .... 6.35 a.m. 3,22 p.m.
Toronto and East 6.45 min. 3.15 p.m.
Kincardine ... 11.59 p.m. 9.15 p.in.
Kincardine 6.80 rein. 3.15 tern.
London.... ..... 11.54 mei. 7.40 p.m.
Toronto and East 11.45 a.m. 9.15 p.m.
etTereetennem Are Station Agent. w Ingham
H b ELLIOTT, Towa Agent, Winghein.
Miss D. M. Pickering, St. Catharines,
Ont., writes: "Having derived great
neuefit from Dt. Wood's Norway Pine
syrup, I thought I would write and tell
you of my experience. When I first came
tut from England I contracted a severe
101d, owing to the change of climate.
t settled on my lungs, and caused one a
:teat deg of pain. T. tried every remedy
could think of, but got no relief. My
ather, who had heard a great deal about
T fad good qualities of Dr. Weed's Norway
eine Syrup, Advised inc to try it. X did
o, and I am ',geese to say, found ine.
- .ediate relief. I only took one bottle
'Aid it mired me completely. My mother
tad a severe cold also, and Dr. Wood's
,slorway Pine Syrup eared her. Se we
sever fail to keep a bottle oT it in the
Ste that none of those so-called "piste
syrups" are handecl out to you When you
go to your druggist or dealer and age for
"Dr. Wood's," It Is put up in a yellow
wrapper; three pine treat the trade markt
price, 25c and .50e4
Manufactured only by The
burn Co,, Limited, TorantO, Ont.
Toronto and East 6.25 a.m. 3.05 pan.
. 12 59 pan. 10 32 p.m.
Teeswater. 0.20a.m. 3.05 pan.
Toronto and East 12.47p.m. 10.20 p.m.
.T. H. EEEM.Ett, Agent. W /light=
A Representative Wanted
TRICT for the
Old Reliable Fonthill
J. A. FOX, D. C.
Chiropractic removes the canse
of practically all diseases. It
matters not what part .of the
body is affected, it can be reached
'Wine the centres in the spinal *
column by adjustment of subla,x-
ated vertebra,. Consultation free.
Member of Drugless Physicians'
'Association of Canada.
Winghami Ont.
Farmers! Why remain ,idle all
Winter when yore can take up a paying
Choice list of varieties for Spring
Planting. Liberal Terms. Handsome
Fre e Outfit Exclusive Territory.
Write now for particulars.
• stone & wellington
Dopler of Dentelst. rgery f 1-•
Dental College and Licentiate of the Itayel
College of Dental surgeries 00 Castel -lc Oftlee
in' Macdonald Block. \V Ingham.
()thee closed every Wednesday afternoon
from May 1st to Oct. lat.
Trtitog MARRS
•Atweaseetieltig a sketch and detletiptten MeV
gutted, ascertain onr °pintos' tree weather an
kwentten Is Probably priteTitriry/e, Comrenniefl.
tleneettlet19 oonagentini. HANDBoOK onerastas
sent free. °meet money for socurtnevatonter
Patents taken terratlet ItUttll CO. Mal
ipttiavti vrelli_sge, *fest
5Cit IC JIM II a
etilAinbillaattOdatr$43:501:77.11irrittralfloott daglieetire:rograt trAoLTrefgsoeml
ifftfaa.. „„, Ygk
0 Se011Madway, New -
H. ROSS, 3).)). S., L. D. S.
donor graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Honor gradu-
ate of the LTalversity of Toronto, Faculty of
Office over H. E. Isard Co's., store, Wing -
ham, Ont.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
from May 1st to Oct. 1st.
BARRIsTHR, Bumf:mos% ETC
Privets and oeniessis• fends to ltans at rowan
rate of interest. mortgagee, town and farm
property bought end void.
Office. Bees or Bleak, Wie Rhein
tr, MoRTON,
Win/them, Ont.
Harrister, Solicitor, Etc.
office: Meyer Block.Winghatn.
Orderfif or the insertion of arteertiteineute
such Oki 04cent:itemise, bustretes ebeneeto.
meehimles Wentediartieles rot tale, OrInfao$
any kind of an edvt. in any,of the forente.or '
other oity piper., maybe left it the Tibia
gnats This Wait will *tektite Pralkillitettentiont
end Will Save people the trouble of teMitthir
for and fort/ern* adverttsementi. 1.6Vreit
rites will be ended on tatelisetten. Leis
Jo• mend yetili nett work of 9117, kind to the
tint* -Grimm, %quell**