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The Wingham Times, 1916-03-02, Page 8
Page S AMR THE WINGHAM TIMES Bhzevale road, onI e 1W. Jas. Henderson, 1 i41011�,014146".".'t►0✓ IVI "1►�"Nlr"�. e 111.E s '11 041'1 440 }lull; To Wm, Elston. Morris, one Bail A I,`1`o Fred Davidson. Whitechurch, one Buil; To George Amos and sou, Moffat, \V_ G. Patterson`��p' ;three Bulls; To Beata burn Bros. Sel. grave, one Bull; To Pettit Bros, Bar• 41' 1 liogton, two Bulls, and to Rob . d Hetherington. Morris, one cow. Big Haif Price and Below Cost Jewelery Sale Sale commenced on Farmers' Convention Day, Jan 21st and wi11 end on March 11th, 191$ We have too large a stock of high class goods to carry over war rinies so we have decided to dispose of them at a loss. 'This is a chance of Sour life time to buy good Jewelery of all kinds at prices which you never will be role to buy at again. Keep your eye on the windows and in the store and see goods ticketed regular price, black ink, sale price, red ink. A Kit; Slaughter in Diamonds. N.> GOODS TAKEN OUT OF THE STORE WITHOUT THE SPOT CASA. ia p The passing of Johanna iMacrt ill.; n wife of Alexander Cameron, in Culross on ' 0 I Thursday, February 17.th' was a great a ! surprise to the many friends and relat• 0 i ives of the family, Although not well i/for the past few years, Mzs Cemeron was not considered in a precarious ein- I dition until about three weeks ago, t! I when her heart became weak. She was " 1 born in Tuckersmitb but spent a greater part of her life on the 4th concession of 1 Culross, her parents farm being just 1 two miles distant from her husband's home. Mrs. Cameron was married by Rev. Father Corcoran in the R. C. Church at Teeswater and four children were born to them, Margaret a nurse in Toronto. Annie of Detroit, Alex at home and Milas who has been in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacMillen of Teeswater are parents of the decaas- I ed. Mrs. Cameron was much loved and 1 respected by a large circle of friends. She was very kindly and'sympathetic in her disposition and a good neighbor. 0 Vie Great Watch Doctor t116..e. T "0.4:'5V4,t,,,y,,,el,,•,y.,•p.1.4.vfr 1•'i@rTDAY 91v1r'1.'O.1r.O'Or► O4i• (Yti1 '!✓ q W. G. PATTERSON EETABlilZHED=I&72 THE FIRST STEP toward independence is a Savings Account in the Bank of Hamilton, The first $.1,000 is the hardest to get. but once a start is made you'll be sur - pi ised to find how gnickly ycur savings accumulate. W)11you begin now, or will you put it off? WINCH-1AM BRANCH C P SMITH - Manager Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up - $3,000.000 Surplus $3,475.000 LOW COLONISTS FARES FROM CHICAGO. March 2ttd, 1916 Low colonist fares from Chicago will be in effect via the Chicago & North Western Ry. to California and North Pacific Coast points March 25th to April 14th inclusive. Tickets allow liberal stopovers en route and will be honored on the Los Angeles Limited, San Francisco Limited, California Mail, Oregon - Washington Limited, and North Coast Limited, all of which trains have modern tourist sleepers providing a comfortable and economical way to travel. For particulars and illustrated pamph- lets, address B. H. Bennett, General Agent, Chicago & North Western R9.y, 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. • $ BA 'GAINS Your $ Will Do Wonders on $ Day Dress Goods $1.CO Dress Goods Day per yard 2.00 Di ass Goods Day per yard 3,00 Dress Goods Day per yard 3.00 to 3.i:0 Mantle on Dollar ... 59c on Dollar 81.00 on Dollar 2.00 Cloths for 1.00 Ladies' Mantles 2 only Black Coats $15.00 values for ... ... $5.90•; 1 only Brown Coat 12.00 ,' value for 4.00 1 only Grey Coat 12.00 value for,... 4,00 Choice 3.00 Girls' Coats for 1.00 1 Prints and Cottons 10 yds 3S in. sheetklig for... $1.00 1I10' yds Bleached Cotton 12ic quality for 1.00 8 yds Crum's 18c Prints for ;1.60 f 10 yds best 12.1c Prints for 1.00 5 yds best 30c Ticking for 1.00 15 ,yds Heavy Towelling for 1.00 10 yds heavy Linen Towelling 1.00 Furs Furs Furs The most wonderful values in Furs ever offered. Groceries 10 cans Tomatoes for ....... $1.00 12 cans Peas and Corn for.. 1.00 8boxes Eddy's ; hest Matches 1.00 25 bars Comfort Soap for.. 1.00 25 packagOiAmmonia for. 1.00 3 lbs •.'-0c Tea for 1.00 n's Wear FREE - Man's Overcoat worth $10.00 given away to first man it fits at 10 o'clock on Thursday morning. Men's $20.00 Suits for $12.00 Boys' $10.00 Suits for 5.98 Boys' 6.00 Suits for3.08 Boys' 1.25 to 1.50 Bloomers 98c Boys' Overcoats worth. 4.00 for 1.98 Shoes for Everybody (First table) Children's Shoes at .. $1.00 4' "• . 1.50 Ladies' Shoes at ......... 1.50 1.98 2.98 2.98 • . 3.48 Boys' 2.50 to 3 00 Shoes at 1.98 Men's Shoes at, Produce Counted as Cash M. LINDSAY 1 Merchants' Brokerage Stand I3OLLA DAY Thursday, March 91h, '16 Good Values in all Ikinds Boots and Shoes IIExceptionally good II bargains in several special lines. W. II. WILLIS Sole Agents and Derby Shoes for Men ...9zrows. !No` for Ladies J -- �� ANNOUNCEMENTS, 8te. ��XXV,X01)4\ �• �•�o4�mo���ect,�XePlit4P�XVA\=XXV 1i!X%LXX©0� \1CX0XV��%,4 X%XXXXXXXXXXXX00X1%MA RC 11. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line ^` for first insertion; five cents for aubse- ; (meat insertions. TRUNKS ALISES:-B1g stock of @,.0 select from at lowest prices. � W. J. GREER. CowS FOR SALE -A number of fresh ranch cows and springers at L. Lott's sale stable. IiocKEr. BoOTs-You should see our line of Hockey Boots. The best awaits you here, -W. J. GREER FOR. SALE OR RENT -A two-storey, I eight roomed brick house, with one-half acre of land. Apply to Geo. McKenzie. 5-1 I mb FOR SALE -A good second hand 1 Piano in first class condition. Terms very reasonable. Apply to Mr. Cowell. CORN -We have for sale at our , fore X or mill, a car of good American i ellow corn. ff�� $9 HOnSON & BROC EBANK FOR SALE -Good bund d aare farm in the Township o Tris for sale: , Write Edward Br , , 51 Fairview V Bank, Toronto, for full particulars. . drit FURNITURE FOR SALE -A quantity of IX household furniture, dishes,. etc. Sale private at my residence on John street. MRS. ALDERSON. I SALE OF CATTLE -D. E. McDonald will X hold an auction sale of niilch cows and '•� young cattle at the Commercial Hotel. n Blyth, on Saturday afternoon, March 4th. LOST -Between Christie's store and the 1st line of Morris, a lady's hand mon- ey. containing nkindlya anleavve sumof at TIMES office. APPLE BUTTER -Our supply of apple butter is limited .and you had better place your order early so as not, to be disappointed. E. MERKLEy' & SON. Phone 84. - For. SALE OR RENT- 4 Acres; new brick house good stable under allbaa , buildingsecom- plete, one mile r Bluevale, three miles from Win am, on the B. line Turnberry Cheap for quick sale. Apply at TIMES OFFICE. TENDERS WANTED -Applications for the position of Secretary, -Treasurer of Turnberry Agricultural Society will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock, noon, March 14th, 1916. Ap- plicant to state salary per year. JAS. G. CTEnART. KINGS' WIENIIIIMBEEMEMMESIMMEI T FIE Sale the ANNUAL •O; SALE I 7,4 tat �.s ,. X • 11' t of the whole year. Notwithstanding the great ad - have .been vagi inb or, lines, having bought heavily before the a - ll lines in dry goods, we can offer spatia values o b different items mentioned and pick out what interests you, then come and you will find gojust Furs, as er the Silks,Furnishings, Bar ains in Men's and Boys' Clothing,' Overcoats, Ladies'Wear, Dress Goods, House Bargains people t f the greatest selling even t 1 n a good many vance on al d vance. Read ov advertised. Big Groceries, etc. - X X X WMMEC EiIIIMH A social under the auspices .of the Young People's Guild of the Presbyter- ian. Church will be held in the basement of the church at 8 o'clock on Friday r� evening, March 3rd. A very cordial invitation is extended to all the con- e►. gregation to attend. A good program 1 is being prepared and lunch +�}ll b9 served. The 14diE are asked 1 ea. to kindly bring cake and sandwiches. Admission, children 10c -adults 15c The Whitechurch Red Cross Society acknowledge the following donations 'with thanks;• -•Mrs. 3. Holmes, patriotic Tea, $5.00; Mrs. Frank Henry, Patriotic Yea, $3.25; mfrs. Rev. 3. U. Stewart, Patriotic Tea, $4.50; Mrs. Peter Leaver, Patriotic party, $`21.50; Mrs. Wm. Pardon, balance collected 51.50, making a total of $14.75. morons Mr. J. G. Fyfe, our Shorthorn Breeder, Ie. has purchased from Pettit 13ros, of ,urlington a young imported Bull to head his berd. We wish hilt autres in Es enterprise. Following is a list of likIrl.thorris sold during Ritchie, a swater,t year:-Tohe one 13011; To Flannelette Blankets, Sheetings, Factory Cotton and NainsoOk at Rare Prices 100 PAIR FLANNELETTE BLANKETS hest Canadian make in largest size with pink or bine borders to clear at.... x'1,39 a pair 1000 YDS. FACTORY COTTON 90 in. WIDE - made extra n3. c yd. to clearr at.p� 14c yd 30 PIECES OF FINE NAINSOOK-Very suitable for making all kinds of whitewear, ete. with fine bright finish, free from dressing.Regular 25c value for 19c a yard 6 ONLY PIECES SHEETINGS-Plain and Twill- ed unbleached, Regular 356 for 256 Plain and Twilled Bleached Regular 50c tor 38c 2000 YDS PRINTS and FL ANNLLETTES- Bought specially direct from the mills to clear at less than wholesale prices.... 9c a yard 100 DOZ. COTTON SPOOLS for 35c a dozen - Black and White only, sold in dozen, assorted, full 200 yards in eyery spool. NOTE All Sale Goods ai'e strictly Cash, and no goods sent on approval. Shop in the morning it will pay you. i $ 3000 worth of Furs Greatly Reduced only Ladies' Fur -collared Coats, quilted lin- ing, regular $25.00 value for $15.00 5 only, same with shamey lining reg. $47.5o 35.00 5o Ladies' Muff -land Stoles, half price $5 and $10 1.0 Children's Fur Sets in White Thipet at 25 per cent discount 5 only Men's China Dog Coats reg: $25 for $15 10 only Men's Fur -collared Coats, quilted lining, regular $20.00 for $12.50 5 only Men's Fur -lined Goats, lamb collars,2 regular $45 oo for 0 Special prices on Fur Caps and Buffalo Robes ✓/ Special List of Bargains for `' 'MEN'S WEAR 5 Doz. Fine'Shirts, broken lines, size 14 to 17, Regular$1.50 fot8899c 3 Doz. Heavy Tweed'Shirts, all -sizes, Reg. 51.25 for 256 5 Doz, Fine Braces special = 3 Doz Fine All Wool Combination Underwear sizes 34 to 34 fl25y Reg. $5 for $ Sheep -lined Smocks for • LADIES' WEAR 5 Doz. Corsets $1.25 for 20 Doz, Cashmere Hose special $5 to $6 Silk Undershirts, black and colored for 20 only Sweater Coate, values $3.00 to $5.00 fo Waists and Skirts, broken lines, all sizes, 25 per cenn oil. GROCERY SPECIALS 300 pounds Black era Japan Tea, excellent flavor, regular 50c 39c2Sc 8 cans Tomatoes 25c 3 cans Peas 25c 3 tang Corn 256 2 cans Salmon 25c A 2 Cans Preserved pples 25o 2 Cans Preserved Apples . • . • . Granulated Sugar $7.00 cwt. 803 35c $4 25 51.60 for Silks and Dress Goods Specially Priced SPECIAL DISCOUNTS i0,00 • � � �C:i mac^•:•. ��tx�� 1-�•3'4�`�\. Rugs and Carpets at Wholesale Prices Special discounts will be given dur_ irig the month on Tapestry,. Velvet, Wilton Rugs, Wool Carpets, Stair Car- pets and Velvet Runners. 86 inch Black Duchess Mouseline Silk $1 50 value for 36 inch " " " " $1,25 for 95c 36 inch Colored Silk Poplin, all new shades, $1.25 value for 36 inch White Habitau Silk, for waiate or under- wear $1.00 value for.... 75c 10 only pieces wool dress goods regular value 75e to $1 for 5 only pieces wool dress goods Regular 51.25 for Special sale of Remnants in Silks and Dress Goode, lengths from 2 to 5 yards at HALF' PRICE.. Mike This Store Your Headquarters on Dollar Day ------ PRODUCE WANTED KING ROS. TELEPHONE NO. 71 1111111111111111111111111 7X1 1i�Cx1C tiX7JiC�ii fiXXXXh21eVIMOifi7iXXXXCXaCXX71rXX7ilCxliCiiG71XX1C7itCXX7CXhfXX\�itC�YC�7q�t3i ���7 iC7�i71?tom