HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-03-02, Page 4Page. 6 Li fr.1 4,741 R4 reea 4,1 1 34 f Wingham THE WINGHAM TIME*( March 2nd 1916 rirmili 'NEURASTHENIA JIIAJ BOIIAR DAY A BIG DAY IN Fez tilizer, Incubators, Seeds and Produce WITH the sale of every order of Gann's S.t'ur-Crap V I"00 lbs or over, we will give a ticket.„' To the holder of the lucky ticket, we will give 500 ifis. of our 2-S-2 Brand free of charge. With the sale of each incubator,. we will the purchaser holding the lucky ticket of charge a Prairie State Incubator 10, Steele Briggs Seeds are or, sole at J. and ilow-san & Broeklebank.:,l We give a ticket, i11 receive free Egg capacity. . Mills, King Bros., ill give $5,00 in cash to the Fanner making the tgre est purchase of these seeds on $ .Day. Register aunt of purchase at our offiee. Bring all kinds of Produce to our ware house on $ Day. We will pay you more than we should foe that day only. These competitions must each contain 10 or more com- petitors. A. H. WILFORD FOLLOWS LA GRIPPE Rest and a Tonic is th Proper Treatment Dis- til. tinguished Medi al Authority Says VII There is a form of neurasthenia atlapse until the blood is built un. follows la grippe. Doctors call it ost- I The treatment, says the distinguished grippal" neurasthenia. physician quoted above. is rest and a One o'' tie forem st medical ,.huthor-'tonic. Dr. Wil lams! Pink Pills, a non- [tties'3f New York ci y in a alive in', alcholic tonic, are particularly suited the bite,. n ationa i cti es, sai for building up the blocd and strength - "Broadly speakin es victim of -' ening they nerves after an attack of la grippe will suffer fr 1 post•grippal 1 grippe The rich. red blood expels the lingering germs from the system and Telephones -Office 174, Residence 108 Ontario 111+4.111 40. 400 O 804 000 .04 0▪ .4 u 44,111ST▪ Ae 0401 as=sa .._,,.--==-t sraasaiiiiialisiiiiiis •ti Monster Stock -Reducing Furniture Sale IN ORDER to make room for our Spring Ship- ments will start a Monster Stock Reducing Sale on Thursday, February z 7th EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES ON Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Dining Room Suites, Dining Chairs, Couches, Writing Desks, Kitchen Cabinets, Brass, Iron and Wood Beds, Tables of all kinds, Sideboards, Combination Sideboards and Buffets, China Cabinets, Odd Chairs and Rockers of all kinds. This will be one of the greatest sales of Furni- ture ever he'd in «-inghanl• All high class goods and tc, be sold at the lowest prices ever heard of. You can prove t1 -.is by calling at our store. A p:ta,'. re to show gC ods. 1114=2144. .441114 R. A. CURRIE Furniture Wingham, Ontario Undertaker neurasthenia also. L ermgof nervous 1 transforms despondent grippe victims most strikinggeffect offthedisease tone with increasedirritability is the into cheerful, healthy, happy men and , • languor of mind and body, disturbed'women. fitful sleep and vague pains in the head . If you have had la grippe do not wait and elsewhere. The treatment calls for a relapse or for the neurasthenia for rest and a tonic." that so often follows grippe, but get a It you have had la grippe read those box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now again: "Languor of mind and (from the nearest drug store and begin symptoms body, disturbed, fitful sleep and vague the treatment at once. pains in the head and elsewhere." If i You can gPt Dr. Williams' Pink Pills you have any or all of them it means I from any medicine dealer or by mail at that you are still suffering from the 150 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 effects of la grippe and that you will I from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , not be well and free from danger of re- ! Brockville, Ont Mrs, Champion end family have mow- I ed from the 5'I1 line to Brussels, where they purpose making their home. 3 . sons are members of Brussels Company j of the 161st lietalion i Morris T wnship Council granted. $100 to the 4 Red Cross Societies in the township, viz., Jamestown, Bluewale. Belgrave and. Walton. The help was: appreciated by the Societies mentioned. Thos. Bielby, 8th line, has disposed of his 104 acre farm to Mr. Nicholson, `u of Blyth locality, who will get posses-' sion about March 15. The Bielby fami- ly will remove to the West where sev- eral members of their family are. wRONETER. It is with feelings of profound sorrow ` that we record the death of Margaret I t Miller, second daughter of Richard S and Mrs. Miller, which occured at j their home on Sunday, February 20th, 4 The deceaed, who was 25 years of age, ! had been in failing health since last 0 Summer suffering from anaemia, and 4 had been confined to bed for severs 0 months, so that death was not unex- t4pected. She was of a cheerful dis- position and had many friends both old 17 and young. Her life had been spent on 1 C her home near Jamestown until the 1 removal of her parents to the village about a year ago. She is survived by' c her parents, three sisters and a brother i for whom deep sympathy is expressed 14 in their bereavement. . ft RELGRAV E We Are Here With The Goods Ask for Prices of Farm Machinery, Gasoline En- gines and Grinfles, Windmills, Water Systems: Hydraulic Rams Pumps, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Litter Carriers, Stalls and Stable Fittings, Hay Carriers, Forks, Slings and Rope. Cream Separ- ators, Ladders of all kinds. Among the many young men in the West offering their services to the Em- pire's cause is Harold McCall, son of George and Mrs. McCall, 8th line He has enlisted with the 89th Battalion, now located at Calgary and is in train- ing there. A highly respected resident of Mor- ris township passed to his Eternal Home on Tuesday, Feb 22nd. in the person of Mr. John Bloomfield, aged 70 years. He moved his family, from Pittsburg, Pen., to this vicinity about ten years ago and has since enjoyed the esteem of the entire neighborhood, but has been in poor health for some time. He is survived by his widow. two sons and one daughter, viz., Maggie and James of Pittsburg and Robt. at home 3 9 3 ;' Full stock of repairs for all g prontpitly attended to. John Scandrett, a highly esteemed and ,yi well-known resident of Belgrave, passed away on Tuesday, February 22nd, in his 68th year. Mr. Scandrett had not been enjoying good health for some time and was stricken with paralysis on the Sunday previous to his death. Deceased was born in London township and moved to Belgrave some tbirty-five years ago from Clinton, where he had , He was en- , �,T gaged in the hotel business here for 1 1' some years, but had been living retired for te,1 years. He is survived by his widow, two eons and one daughter, viz., Percy at home, Fred studying law in Toronto, and Mrs. vin. Cole in Bel - grave. Deceased was a staunch Con- servative and a member of the A. F. & A. M. and C. 0. F. The funeral on Thursday afternoon to Brandon ceme- tery was largely attended and services were c.n:a:et:d by the Rev. Mr. Hawk- ins, re•. -tor of the Anglican Church of which tate deceased was a metnuer. the above kept and work E. Pattison R. Benni resided for a short time, rE- r! C 4- i Tf :.:Q. i r1 pati a�AY ce to Stalli ®�ion i Owners F The inspection of stallion on under j �the Ontario Stallion Ent'olment Aet > will commence Mare 23rd. 1916. All applications foe enrolment and nd inspection, ae4•ompanied by the pr<,pe•tfee, mustbe in the Secretary's office, Parliament Buidin;s, Tor- - onto, by March 131h. In case' of applications received after March 13c1, H t inspection will only be inede at • s increased expense to owners. Ad- dress all communications to R. W. ii :Fade, Secretary, Ontario Stallion E Enrolment Board, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto. Broadvies' Farm Shorthorns!for Sale Herd headed by Fvorite Character lm". I am offering wo choice young Bulls, from nin to ten months old. These are low down. blocky fellows, with gfiod Breeding and Quality. Could also spare a few two-year-old Heifers bred to the imported Bijil. Write or give me a call. f J. G. FYFE R. R. No. 4. Wingham 1301: 1 Z FITCE-In Delmore, oa Feb_uary 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitch; a daugh- ter.����� � to GMr. sand nM s. Martin February a a ELECTRIC LIGHT SUPPLIES 9 daughter. �• 9 Wang - At Lyrfiturst Hospital. A� COST Tororte, on Feb. 19.h. to Mr. :o.3 Mrs. G R. Gerry Willis, 610 Onterio 3t.::t daughter, (Dorothy Jane.) c'1:trT_iCs-In \ir°ingitarz, on February-' _`to.,, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cbittiek; a augbter. Yc 3EE In Morris, on February 25th, to Mr. and Mrs Jas. S. McGee: a son. ' DIED y, i::antPG-In Toronto, on February •rte. Joseph Reading, formerly of Wingham, aged 75 years. l Lc,o31FLr n -In Morris, on Febru- ar2..'nd, John Bloomfield, aged 70 yearse. F EAP. -In Chico, California, on Feb- r, u ruary 1st, $so. M. Swann, beloved wife t of Mr. G. A. Fear, formerly of Brussels, Ont., aged 4.4 years. go.7:LLEF.-In Wroxeter, on Februae - k'':"th, Maggie T.. daughter of Riche 1. and Agnes Miller, aged 25 years, : =oaths and 11 days. "MADE 1N CANADA", Ford Touring Car Price $530 l•.:t.a' a rattle nfo t e'Lt } e 'La s,: an e. nth„ne it with profit. Tl LIG E-.`+ a Ford ha-, prun4:Aar te.e. ei11 °k;tttO.T' . n,1! .th :r. Ii�R r: the CO 1& ,o.: i `- _ aft the °l its is ,+i o.1 elta.a, ,aa' `'e;1•a f �Sa l.; the °1'n.%IIO 1' al- $7-e :j.61 15r• , t." f 'Rad. (.)a:laai=1 'ail v" t, i . -.1 1t:d- ntr„* a>1o'• •t n Che slwe3in ueter. Cat- busy . _ M y aft •1. Wingham, On'. NEwssil-In Brussels, on February 24,:b, Robert N. Newsom, aged2years, i1 months and 3 days. Richardson - In Morris township at the home of his son-in-law, John Cum - 'rigs, on February 21st, Frank Richard- son, age years. Alma Flarity r;�4s:s ui �. r r 0, '"'•e lt!".,T�-.1K-.w-,.-.,•`�•nn.e.ste.. tf..• t KNOX'S OOLLAR AT fp Thr.eursday, March 9th t; FREE $ 15.00 WATCH FREE r<< i Choice of Laches' or Gent's Gold-filled \Va ,elf '.! itor Ladies' Bracelet Watch. ` 1 At this store you get a numbered receipt ticl*1+ with •ever;y X1.00 ff� !tl worth of goods purchased, The peraatfn getting receipt rt1 lit ticket with lucky number gets t xc'tvateh. Receipts t, Ili placed in seal hex opened at 8.00 p, m, ftl !ti LOOK ATFIT h1 1 3.00 Gilt Clock BARGAINS 1;04 $1.75 Fountain Pens ...$LG0 3 2.50 10k Gold Scarf Pins 1.00 1t` ��� 1.0 3 2.00 Alarm Clocks .. 1.00 3 2 50 lok Gold Rings 1.00 �. 1.00 3 2.50 Gents' Fobs .. .. 1.00 1t! /t\ 3 2.00 iz dox Teaspoons. 1.00 0 2.50 Lockets and Chains 1, 1.OU00 1t� its 1-06 1.'75 Berry Spoons 1.00 't' 6 1.50 Boys' Watches . 1.00 3 2.0+1 Cull Links 2 2.50 Gents' Gold filled 3 2.50 Gold filled Brooches 1.00 ,Its 1t\ Watch Chains 1.00 6 1.75 Pieces Cut Glass.... 1.00 pt\ - • Watch the window for Special Bargain Prices on Military Watch es Jr.- • 1t, 1 Wingham jt •fit•�r.o.i.�.i►.�.ir.o.�.�r✓..�.�.v• �• � •atii�%s:o%s ift �0 Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory Examinations. Studio - McDonald Block Wingham lat It ie the inteutirin the Town fi 6' Connell to do iftw with their Si , Electrical Sup titre in the g near future ant they are offer - a• in' the entire stock at cost. 3 Every housewife should avail ii ,r herself of this opportunity to 3 - ". secure cheap Lamps, Shades or •, anything in this line. Saleslady i - in the store from 2 to 5 p.m. al JOHN E. GROVES • issrErt OF EXCHANGE YOUR WESTERN TOWN LOTS We will allow fall value for a limited amount up to One Thous- and Dollars worth of Western Canada Town Lnts, in exchange with a slight difference cash or terms for fully improved inside properties in the cities of Lon- don or Guelph including sewer, water. electric lights. gas, cem- ent walks, street cars past prop- erties tilts i fa t inwell built } and 1? districts or select residential. These properties turn quick and are right at home. For particulars write to GEO. M. FAIRFIELD 447 Woolwich St. Guelph Apt. 6 0 MARRIAGE LICENSES • Town Hall, Wingham PtioNES.-Office 24 Residence 165 �" � � GIRIS w Nr�o I f Walker -In Brussels, on February p 21st. Lulu Pearl Birt, beloved wife of ", Benjamin Walker, in ber ` 1th year. 1MEQC taata-In Blyth, on February I 21st, Laughlin McQuarrie, in his 93rd year. ` Witt Pringle's GI War WHAT CATARRH IS 1 it has been said that every t":zed person hits catarrh itt scnie Science iiassiiow ntkat a:,isal1 c 'arch often indiclte3 a gr:::. t Acak ss of Gina body; and Iota'. ° the form miffs wird rapt', , c y :.• . tf any gond. ate ` rc c w-1 yet: : a t;• ' &c.. _ any _..._. . e'rt .: t :. . t'G e pay from dozen snort: Glove Maker Members of `nie1n ha% to furnish thei own 01 ± -ICS and keep ti in in repair. We 1,; furnish m.. hint.“, and p.• :er and keep ficin in ra:pair at the highe prices. e &Leather c to 15«_ per an Anne' -:can Union pr:,:eS. 1t` Phone 65 A. M i[NOX Deleware, Lackawana and Western Coal Company's Scranton Coal We can supply the very best Coal for any purpose -0- Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of logs. Get full information at office. J. A. McLEAN DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. PIU0 ES : Residence 55, Office 64e, Mill 6411 Come to MGGee's Grocery for I5arAains on $ Day NOTE A FEW OF THE BARGeS Half doz clover leaf cups one line or 1esi tan four be and saucers and half doz purchased ta clover leaf 6 -in plates for $1 reg'ilar p";4c'e.e will charge i' bars mfort Soap 250 2 ca_ ed Salmon. .... 25e 2lfis Prunes,. ..... 25c 1 imitation cut glass Berry�°lbs Cooking Figs 25c Dish and half doz fruit. 3 packages Kellog's Corn servers for,r $ N9akes ... 25c 6 only 75c Wizard Dustlea3 a 3 packages Quaker Corn Mops to clear at, each 50e Flakes 25c 3; lbs 35c black tea loose $1 2 bottles Catsup .25c 3!a9lbs 35e Japan tea 1 2 bottles 20c Olives. .... 25e 21 lbs 45e Mack tea 1 2 packages sunkist seeded 21= lbs 45c Japan tea " 1rsuts .. roc Four of the following lines =lbs;uCutrauts, new fruit 25e 2 lbs Raisins, new fruit 21e • emoted below must be se - 2 to comprise you Sl 2 2-11 tins red cross Pork worth of goods. Tf only( & Beans ...25c We will display in our windows several lines of goods to com- prise our Dollar Day Bargains. Half doz white cups and saucers, half doz 6 -in plates and 1 small white platter $1 R. So McGee Opposite Bank of Commerce a� ' yry. aw4/...�sAww4/'V a'�'1i 10 Telephone 113 J. W. DODD Successor to J. G. Stewart Fire, Life, Accident and Health INSURANCE P. O. Box 266 WINGHAM Phone 19s ONTARIO DOLLAR DAY $ BARGAIIVS wcamonzumionnmwmcomism Print 4 pieces of Print, 15 yards for 2 pieces of Print, 12 yards for 3 pieces of Print, 10 yards for 1 Flannelette 8 yards of the best white Flannelette 15 yards of blue Flannelette for 10 yards of 1 yd wide Flannelette for $1.00 $1.00 $1,00 for $1.00 1.00 1.00 Underskirts 6 only regular $1.50 to $2.00 for, each Men's Gloves Men's lined Gloves, regular $1.25 to $1 $1.00 .50 for $1.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats We can save you Dollars on these as we are offering them at actual cost to clean them up before our Spring stock comes in. 4 only Men's Suits for, each $1.00 Men's Fur Coats 2 Men's Calf Coats regular $30.00 for $15.00 1 only Bulgarian Lamb Coat, regular $30 for $15.00 1 only Coon Coat, regular $25.00 for $50.00 3 only Black Dog Fur Coats, regular $25 for $18.00 Groceries Salmon -9 cans of No. 1 Salmon for $1.00 Tea -4 1-2. lbs Green Tea for $1.00 Rolled Oats -5 boxes Purity Rolled Oats for - $1.00 5 Ib pail Clover Honey reg 75c 1 pk Biscuit Flour regular 25c 1 can Disinfectant regular 10c - 1 can Lily White Baking Powder reg 15c 1 bottle of '.4ixed Pickles regular 12 1-2c SPECIAL ---$5 worth of Goods given away FREE to the person makingl largest cash purchase of Flour, Seeds, Feed, Sugar, Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, or all combined. No sale under $25 considered for this prize. _. A MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, OtrT