HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-02-24, Page 7I ebruivy. ?4th, ;! ;6. 11 ��11��,111111�1t1'tlflll�llll���!1 iIM,1' 4Boarn GIT►. SYNOPSIS. Penrod, fearing the ordeal of playing part of the Child Sir Lancelot, seeks prgetPulness in the composition of a dime, Penrod's mother and sister dress him Iu his costume for the "Children's Pageant !'f the Round Table." Penrod is ashamed to wear it - Re' breaks -tip file whole pageant by putting, on a pair o1 the janitor's overalls over his costume. A visit to a moving picture show gives ,him an idea and he loafs away his tithe. '.111 school, dreaming dreams: The teaeirJr him: Il.a •seeps io distract attention frorn himself by alleg- ing loss of sleep because of a drunken uncle. ` The teacher sympathizes with Penrod's aunt because of her wayward husband, and it then develops that Penrod bas been lying. Penrod. Sam Williams and two colored, •boys, Herman and Verman, get up a big 'show to entertain the town. "lilt!" slid Penrod. liiolliited•, then, • obeying nu impulse so universally aroused in the human breast under like circumstances that it bits become afflicted One. n t Atfi t the i i� he turned aqu, "Talk some more," lie begged eagerly. "I hoe you it( -eerie ti lin gommo mane.." was the .')' Ont;at response, in 1 1 tea the statement•' flint it wed' trene- tormed, ,}nuke and sherMau were se - Cured to the rear wall at a considerable distance from each .tither atter an ex- hibition of reluctance on the part of Puke, during whieb ie ngil t itlIYY mo t nervous energy Y i 'ed Middle a 11A dm aged small a >a. In o c si. pllran lou a dog. Benches. were improvised for fipeetators; the nits were brought up; anally the rafters}, corncrib lint hay chute were ornainentee with flags and utrips or bunting from Sam Williams' attic, Sam returning final the exeur- aion wearing an old silk hat and ac- eompanied (on eeeotlnt of a rope) by a fine dachshund encountered on. the highway. In the matter of personal decoration paint was generously used; an interpretation of the spiral, inclin- ing to, whites Lind greens, g brilliantly effective' upon the dark facial backgrounds of Heiman and Verman, while the countenances of Sam and Penrod were With the black mustache eend imperiach al lacking which no professional Show- man can be esteemed conscientious. It was regretfully decided in coin - ell that no attempt be made to add Queenie to the list of exhibits, her brothers walwly declining to act its, ambassadors in that cause. Tbey were certain Queenie- would not like the idea, they said, and Herman picture esquely described her activity on oc- casions when she had been annoyed by too much attention to her appear- ance. • However, Penrod's disappoint• aion went was alleviated by an inspiration Which came to him in a moment of pondering upon the dachshund, and the entire party went forth to add an en- riching line to the poster. They found a group of seven, includ- ing two adults, already gathered in the street to read and admire this work. SCIIoFiELD & WILLIAMS BIG SHOW ADMISSioN 1 CENT oR 20 PiNS MUSEUM of CURiOS;TES Now (JotNU oN SFII:RMAN HERMAN & VIIRMAN TFIiER FATHERS iN JAIL STAB- EDaMANWITHA- P!TCIIFORI� SFIER?1AN THE W!LD ANIMAL CAPTURED iN AFRICA HERMAN THE ONE FINGERED. TATOOD WILD M AN VERMIAN THE SAVAGE TATOOD WILD BoY TALKS ONLY IN HIS NAITIVE LAN- GUAGS. Do NoT FAIL TO SEF: DUKE THE INDIAN DOG ALSO THE MiCFIiGAN TRAINED RATS A. healed argument took place be- tweenpoint Sam and Pe , Issue being settled finally by the draw- ing of straws, whereupon en—in the field & Williams military band will importance—in Orta nee • nab le self P alio each p 1 before ea p P'ty flatteringly •visible, 'a" trlbnte'to the ir unusualness. "Hem 130w goy," suggested Verman eagerly, ' "Ave ri',"' said Herman, "Ow sistah • he Queenie, she a groomed up woman, s got a goltub," "Got a what?" "Goituh. Swellin' on hernt; eck—grea' mammy big swelitn'. She bepp. move in now. You look in de front room winduh wberes she sweepin'; you kin see it on her." Penrod looked in the window and was rewarded by a fine view of Queen - goiter. Ile bad never before seen one, and only the lure of further con- versatio't on the part of Verman brought trim from the window. '"Verwan say tell you 'boot pappy" explained Herman. "Mammy an' Queenie move in town an' go git de house all fix up befo' peppy git out." "Out of where?" "Jail. Peppy cut a man, an' de po- lice done ken' him in jail evuh sense Chris -mag bine, but dey goin' teen ben loose-ag'in nex' week." "What'd he cut the other man with?" "W.it a nttchtawk." ea.ou ucgau to feel that a lifetime ;(at with this fascinating family were all too short. The brothers, glow- enra tur- r as p . Hila bdlit were ,•w''ha y, in at til its he For the first time in their h rich glamour in the g lives they moved ac I y Heart W o. $0Weiak Could Not 4o Up Vain:Without HelpR When:the heart becomes. weak and. does net do its work properly the novo become unstrung and the whole system seems to go "all to pieces." When this •happens, you. need a tonic to build up both the heart and nerves, e e pills and Nerve N s Heart 1 urn and IVI lb . will accomplish this fer you, providing. you lo not let your ;ase run too long and -allow it to become chronic., lvlrs, .1?,vangiliste lioverdure, Port Coulouge,. Que., Writes: "Last summer my heart and nerves W(: -a so bad 1 could not sleep at night, and my, heart was sb weak 1 could not go up stairs without help. MY doctor said he could do.me more for int as my heart WAS completely done. A cousin of mine came in one day and told tee that Milburn's Heart and mmediately gave eve Pills aher e50 r cents to bring me a box, and since that day there is a box always on my sideboard. I am now well, and my heart andnerves are. stronger than when 1 was a little school girl. 1 advise anyone with heart trouble to try them. No doctor can beat them." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 502. per box, 3 boxes for $1,25; for sale ac alldealers; mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto; Ont. tod- ol' sensationalism. Herman wasp , which a slight ostentation was mann igitl of gesture with his right hand, Verman, cbuctilleg with delight, talked-fi uently,,thotigh somewhat con- sciously. They cheerfully agreed to keep the raccoon—already beginning to be mentioned as. "our 'coon" by Pen- rod—iu Mr. Schofield's empty stable, and when the animal bad been chain- ed to the wall near the box of rats and supplied with a pan of fair water they assented to their new friend's suggestion (inspired by a fine sense of the artistic harmonies) that the here- tofore nameless pet be christened Sher- man, in honor of their deceased rela- tive. At this juncture was heard from the front yard the sound of that yodeling which is the peculiar accomplishment of those whose voices have not "changed." Penrod yodeled a response, and Samuel Williams appeared, a large bundle under bis arm. "Yay, Penrod!" was his greeting, cas- ual enough from without; but, having entered, be stopped short and emitted a prodigious whistle. "Ya -a -ay!" he then -shouted. "Look at the 'coon!" "I guess you better say, 'Look•at the 'coon!'" Penrod returned proudly. "They's a good deal more'n him to look at too. Talk some, Verman" Verman complied. Sam was warmly interested. "What'd you say his name was?" he asked. "'Verman." "How d'you spell it?" "V -e -r -m -a -n," replied Penrod, having previously received this information from Herman.. "Ohl" said Sam. "Point to sumpthing, Herman," Pen- rod commanded, and Sam's excitement, when Herman pointed was sufficient to the occasion. Penrod, the discoverer, continued his exploitation of the manifold wonders Of the Sherman, Herman and Verman collection. With the air of a proprie- tor he escorted Sam into the alley for a good look at Queenie (who seemed not to care for bet' Increasing celebrity) and proceeded to a dramatic climax— the recital of the episode of the pitch- fork and its consequences. The cumulative effect was enormous, and could have but one pesslblo result. The normal boy is always at least one half Barnum. "Let's get up a SHOW!" Penrod and Sam both claimed ono have said it first, a question left hurriedprep. f ht1 iso he e CSt as e led in t eft S 'dams lrm. ia. U tide u d h b n aration. The brought With no definite purpose, roved to have been An Inspiration. It proved Of Broad sheets of light yel low wrapping paper, discarded by Sum's mother in her Spring house. cleaning. There were half filled cans and buekets of palet ti the storeroom ad oining the carriage house and tatty j table slimed etttly the side wall of the s m a infornietion npan the passerby fro great find spreading poster. ''"Publicity," primal requisite of all td eatrical and amphitheatrdcal entet- prise thus provided, subsequent of rangements proceeded with A fury energy which transformed the empty hayloft, True, it le i npossdbte to say just 'what the hayloft was transform, pcl milt„ lllutitilry' tvatrsiatglitratito fest. Unmistakable tokens of vanity had appeared upon the sittali, swart countenance. "What's he mean?" asked Penrod, ,enchanted. "Be say he tole you 'at coon alt' get uo nal:ge." "What's your name?" " , Herman." ern T m name "What's his name?" Penrod pointed to the tongue tied boy. "Verman. Was three us boys in ow ,fam'ly. Ol'est' one name Sherman. :'N 'en come me; I'm Herman. 'N 'en -come him; he Verman. Sherman dead. Verman, be de Tittles' one." "You goin' to live here?" "IImhugh. Done move in f'm way buten on a fabm." Be pointed to the north with his right hand, and Penrod's eyes opened wide as they followed the gesture. Berman had no forefinger on that hand. "Look there!" exclaimed Penrod. "You haven't got any finger!" "1 mum map," said Verman, with .'egregious pride. "Be done 'at," interpreted Herman, . ebuckling. "Yessuh, done chop 'er lepang off long 'go. He's a playin' wit s ax, I 'Vetmman,nguh chopo ede off!' silt ' nn I say, Verman he chop 'er right spang off up "to de roots! Yessuh." "What for?" "J'es' fo' nothin' ' "Ile hoe isle boo," remarked Verman. "Yessuh, I tole him to," said Her- 'eroff, an' ey ain't '.plan, "an' he chop , Iliry otb' one evuh grow, on wheres de -141e one use to grow. Nosuh!" "But what'd you tell him to do it :Por?" "Nothite. I jes' said it 'at way—an' lie les' chop 'er off!" Both brothers looked pleased and p oud.,.it enrr 'a;Ltrofound S11t st was S KIDNEY PILLS DOD Relieve The Kidneys find Bladder Like Ordinary Medicines Do The Bowels. Plrty /0J illi ,;regieusnet,,. .•t ",i: stars hat for it utile there r;Tis ua caprice of his toe eccentric to be for., given- Daring Vrnruti'S. lecture • open the other curios the tattooed wild WY continually stamped pia foot, grinned and gesticulated,, tappleg ills. tlny chest. and pointing to bieleelf as..it were, to say, "Wait fgr tie; i Am the bli; stigw."' So. soon they tenni; so soon they learnt. i of. And }again alas): this spoiled darling tag public favor, like many another, waa. fatofl to knoly in good time the geld?, Hess of that favor. Dot during' ail the morning perfat'tn antes be was the idol of his audience ' and toolied it, The climax of lily pop,- (Seeley ap- clarity came during the fifth overture of the sell field ►S. ' Wilitams tntlitail baud, when'the music was quite drown ed iu the agitated chimera of Mims Rerinsdale, who. was eudeaviirtng to , ascend the stairs is spite of the phys- leal +dissuasion of tier .governess. "1 won't go hemp to lunette" scream- ed Alts Renusdalo, tier Voice aecompa- tlietl by a sound of ripping. "I will beni' �tlte tatooed I lI�illtuy tale uteiir him utile Inoue! It's lovely—_ t will! 1 will'. I want lei listen to \ ertnan—I want to -1 want toe— Walling, see was borne away, of her sex not the first to he faseleated by. obsctltlty cur the lost to champlon its elog0euce. Cei'wnn was almost unentlitraele aft- er this. but, like many. many other man- ten's, Schofield S \Venams. t•estralned 1lielr cttuler and even eleghed fulsome- ly when their principal itttraetiuu es - sieved the role of a comedian in private sheer. lines capered and squattvl;ed in . fatuous vanity. The llr'Rt performative of the after- noon rivaled the successes of the morn- ing, and, although Mats Rennsdale was detained at home, thus drying .tip the Wel:epee, There is no eetrlt chaise, anti. re-nteueletr you erre each anti all 11ow looking at two wild tattooed then which the farther et' is In jail. Point, (termini. Each and all will have a chance to see, Point to sumpthing else. Herman. This is tee only genuine 0110 fingered tattooed wild man. Last on tee program. €lentil-mun and lay- deeze. we have Verman, the savage tattooed wild boy', that can't speak only tits native foreign languages, Tall: some, Verman." Vermin obliged and made an tustan- taueous hit, Ede was encored raptur- e ously again and again, and, thrilling with the unique pleasure of beiug aP- preetated and misunderstood at the same time. would have talked all day but too gladly. Sam Williams, hew - ever, with a true sbowmau's foresight. whispered to Penrod, who rang down ou the monologue. "Gen -til -then and lay-deeze, tbis Moses our pufformauce. Pray pass out quietly and with as little jostling as possible. As soon as you are all out there's goin' to be a new performance. and each and all are welcome. at the same and simple price of admission. Pray pass out quietly and with as lit- tle jostling as possible. Re -mem -bur the price is only 1 cent, the tenth part of a dime, or twenty pins, no bent ones taken. Pray pass out quietly and with Penrod, with as little jostling as possible. The Scho- presence of an audience now increased to nine—slowly painted the words in- spired by the dachshund: IMPoRTENT Do NoT, MISS THE SoUTH AMERICAN DoG PART AL- LIGATOR. CHAPTER IX. The New Star. AM, Penrod, Herman and Ver - S man withdrew in considerable state from nonpaying view and, loft, de- clared to the hay the exhibition open to the pub- And when a third per- lic. Oral proclamation was made be" l accordingly. Sam, and then the loitering multitude I formance found all of the same invet- was enticed by the seductive strains of erate patrons once more crowding the a band, the two partners performing auditorium and seven recruits added upon gombs and paper, Herman and , the pleasurable excitement of the part- Verman upon tin pans with sticks. ners in their venture will be under - The effect was immediate. Visitors stood by any one who has seen a met - appeared upon the stairway and sought ropolitan manager strolling about the admission. Herman and Verman took foyer of his theater some evening dur- position among the exhibits, near the Ing the earlier stages of an assured wall; Sam stood at the entrance offi- "phenomenal run." elating as barker and ticket seller, From the first there was no question , while Penrod,. with debonair suavity, which feature of the entertainment acted as curator, master of ceremonies was the attraction extraordinary. Ver - and lecturer. He greeted the first to enter with a courtly bow. They con- 1 man—Verman, t the savage his nativeforeignwild sided of Miss Rennsdale and her nurs- t boy, was a triumph! ery governess, and they paid spot cash languages—Verman m smites, melodi- for their admission. i Beaming, wreathed "Walk in, lay-deeze; walk right in. ' one, incredibly c ens and a dead hush fell upon Pray do not obstruck the passageway," open his said Penrod in a remarkable voice. the audience. Breathless, they leaned "Pray be seated. There is room for forward,le, and, when Penrg Upon od is every verked semi - each -each and all:" the Miss Rennsdale and governess were flow, burst. into thunders of applause, followed by Mr. Georgie Basset and which Verman received with happy baby sister (which proves the perfec- laughter. �� tion of Georgie's character) and six or ..Was he ela ev a not o'er ion to dig. seven other neighborhood children, a most satisfactory audience, although, subsequent to Miss Rennsdale and gov- erness, admission was wholly by pin. "Gen -tit -nun and lay-deeze," shouted Penrod, "1 will first call your at-tain- shon to our genuine South American dog, part alligator!" Be pointed to the dachshund, and added, in,, his ordinary tone, ""That's him." Straightway re - tit the character of showman, When the kidneys tet out of order the ' back Is sure to become affected, and dull pains, sharp pains, quick twinges all need s kidne the that y fact t to the in L,o ion. .anent Pia ter and liniments will slot cure tiie kidneys,, fon; they cannot get to , Kidney seat Of the. trouble, but Tioan s KI y Pille Bio, and cure the kidneys quickly tend erreatient1y., Mrs. eienson Plympton, N.S., Writes: fizzle M . , this i _. onial vtmces: ' I ant sending this testimonial elfin ou what a wonderful cure Doan's t e y ...ills untie for ane. Per years I;;dney P 1 had suffered so with my kidneys I could hardly do my housework. L used several kinds of ills, but tions of thein seemed li , pills, y, At last I Was lye eioi+I hie any l;dod. •stdvised to try' n box of 17rran s, Kidney Pills. When 1 had tal.eit the first box I found relief. I have used five beset, and to -day 1 feel like a new wotnifn. I cannot recoIflmCtid thein too highly'." Doau's Kidney fills are ate. per box, Ibexes for $1 ,25, at all dealer§ of mailed direct On receipt of• price by The T. Ivlilburit Co , Lietited, Toronto, Ont. rrder`ltig direct specify"*, �ar►t►-' `� and e ac11 u fformance, �tnd ane and all are welcome for the s simple price of admission. Pray pass out quietly end with as tittle jostling as' possible." Forthwith the Schofield Sr, Williams Military band began a second overture, its which something vaguely like a tune was at times distinguishable, and alt of the first audience returned, most of them having occupied the interval in hasty excursions for more pins, Miss Rennsdale and governess, however, again paying coin of the republic and receiving deference and the best seats single source of cash lacunae det'el- ulted before 11111th• Maurice Levy ap- pee ed. escorting Marjorie Jones, and peel.. coin for two admissions, dropping the money into Sam's hand with n careless—nay, a contemptuous—gesture. .\t sight of Marjorie, Penrod Salt -Meta flushed tinder his new mustache (re- painted slum 110011) and lectured 118 he heal never lectured before. A new rte pervious suns t superiorityoing a cept net sat. grace invested his every gesture. a 1 new sonorousness tang in 1118 voice, a cold anti unimpressed 01)08 the front situple and manly pomposity marked beach. like a large, white lump, it must lite very walk as he passed from curio to he said that he made a discouraging curio.curio. and when he fearlessly handled 1 audieuee "te play to." ele. from s uot, the box of rats and stammered neon it 1 however. unresponsive—far with cool insouciance he beheld, for ` He offered comnteut very chilling to tate first time to his life, a purl of ed- the warm grandiloquence of the orator. •ation eddying in Marjorie's lovely "'nut's my Uncle Ethelber't'S daths- mt t eye, it certain Softening or chat eye. baud." he remedied at the , b b s tike—and Penrod of tile lecture. "You better take him u Veltman D• crest• And the get a .1 d u i t was forgotten. Alarjorie'.^, eye rested back if you don't want u asl- • lie t u e • d tat when Peered. . neon him uo more. ed." And d d A heavily equipped chauffeur' ascend- ed the stairway, bearing the message and • vt'ted her son . awaited •s Levy ,t Mrs. thati1 his lady. Thereupon. having devoured the last sound permitted (by the man- agers) to issue from Verman, Mr. Levy find Miss Jones departed to a real mats-' 9 00 DROPS =airc,„ 'aims- _.wwtuuunwEa. rt - Hi, 42 iIlaP/oprielatyor Patent tledtatpeAct; A1teieta¢le 1'repardlion (oras•• clmltating lheFeodandRs�gguulit• iinelluStomacltsand lieuelsof INFANTS,CHILDREN �'romotesDigesltonChcettf 4i: ness and Rest,Containsticlitur, Opiunu,Morplune ilortli raL: NOT NARC°T C, ltapeofP7dDS17dU !''11 2 Ampkin Sof-. thiel San ked, Ira lid lr rugeert Apertect Remedy torConstipe- lion, SourStomacli,Diarrhoca; Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- mess and LOSS OF SLEEP. ,FaeSimite Signetttreof, egieteeiTeeatete ME CENTACR Commal. MONTREAL&NEW YORK MOtIECS. Know That Genuine Canaria Always Bears the Signature � f "qtr. �i°'- .'•r�� Ezact Copy of Wrapper. a he bellowed: "Next. you see Duke, the genuine, full blooded Indian dog from the far western plains and Rocky mountains. Next, the trained Michi- gan rats, captured way up there and trained to jump and run all around the box at the—at the—at the slightest pre -text!" He paused, partly to breath and partly to enjoy his own sur- prised discovery that this phrase was 411 his vocabulary. . ' " repeat- ed, h e re e tl p pre -text!" slightest the p "At ed and .continued, suiting • the action to; ".. will now hammer upon the word.- 1 y see bog, and each and'allma _. these genuine full blooded 1$41chigan at the slightest pre -text} rats perform I There! /There's ail they do new, but and Sane are goin' to train 'em lots more before this afternoon,) Gen -til- nlurl and lays-deeze, 1 Will kindly now call yourlit-tain-shoo to Sherman, the Wild i,,nimal frons Africa, costing the lives of the wild trapper and many of his cotnpandons. Next let ma kindly interodeos Herman and Verman. Their father Rot fund ilii stuck his pitchfork right inside of another man, exactly as promised upon the advertisements out- side the big tent, and got put In Jail. 'f filth ,lit thele . ell. led -al -Mutt ante The Army of Congtiptation I. Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS ire :ds oniblc—they hot p only giver^bar _- rt �t til the • rt:1 Y icre 1, 5.'t pa. Loa. lval lion3 use tt .. rm fo r ., it. Nos. ts ness, P,. , r• wig stied, Sick iil.ro,.tr.chr, Saki" • mall fill, Small Ooae. twit.'';' 6 must b" st Sil''nVir: 004 s d Gn"itsvrrr,Y3W6`wr44AVAA•<.J4YrkkO ,.•1r W. r ly ignoring the interruption, pr'ocee e to the exploitation of the genuine, full blooded Lndian dog, Duke. "Why old dog A 0 g , givethat to don't you try away?" asked Roderick. "You couldn't sell bin." "My papa would buy me a lots better coon that) that" was the informntion volunteered a little later, "only 1 wouldn't want the nasty old thing!" Herman of the missing finger obtain- ed no greater iudulgence. "Pooh!" said Itoderick. "We have two fox ter- riers in our stables that took prizes at were the kennel show, and their tails � v bit ori'. There's a man that always bites fox terriers' tails off." "Oh, my gosh, what a lie!" exclaim- ed Sam Williams ignorantly. "Go on with the show, whether be likes it or not. Penrod. He's paid his money." Verman, confident in his own singu- lar powers, chuckled openly at the `allure of the other attractions to charm the frosty visitor, and when his turn came poured forth a torrent of conversation which was straightway dammed. "Rotten!" said Mr. Bitts languidly. "Anybody could talk like that. I could do it if 1 wanted to." Verman paused' suddenly. "Yes, you could!" exclaimed Penrod, stung. "Let's hear you do it then" "Yessir!" the otber partner shouted. "Let's just hear you do id" "1 said I could if I wanted to," re - ••••i • �`dhCM§.vE} Use For Over Thirty •Years CASTORI THE CCNTAUK COMPANY, NOW YO,IK CITY. "We'll, why don't you tell 118 bow?" "Nell, 1 know how, all right," said Roderick. -If anybody est:s yon you can just tell hire l know cow, alt right" "Why, yon can't do anything:' Sam began argumentatively. "You tail* about being a show all by yourself. Whet could you try to <10 Show us sumpthing you can do." "1 didn't say 1 was going to do any Ithing." returned the badgered one. stiIl evading. "Wee, then. how'd you tie a show?" Penrod demanded. "We got a show here. even if Herman didn't point or Verman didn't talk. Their father stab- bed a man with 0 pitchfork, I guess, didn't lie?" "How do 1 know?" "Well. I mess he's In jail, ain't he?" "yell, what if their father Is In jail? i didn't say he wasn't, 4i(1 1?" - "Well, your father ain't in jail, Is he?" "Weil, 1 never said no wits, did 1?" -Well. then," continued Penrod, "bow could you be a"— He stopped nbrupt- . o f an • birth • flit li ••a Roderick. eric6. •'t t I,q, stain„ idea plainly visible in his altered ex pressicln. [le 1(1)11 suddenly remember- ed his intention to cask 11) 1l'•ri111 Mags- worth Mitts. .1r., about itenia 7111gs- worth. 1Utll his reenitecticl11 (tinkled in 1:!s mind with the 11(118teni produced. by ldotericies eminent.; s me mysteri- ous attainment which cvl'tild warrant his setting tip its 11 show in his sin- gle person. 1'e11rod's hole nntnner changed instantly. "Roddy." he ached, atitnngt over- whelmed by a prescience of something cast and magnificent. "Roddy, are you any r•+Iat10') of I:c'na Il:i-,worth?" Roderick had uerer beard of Rena Magsworth, although a concentration of the sentence yesterday pronounced upon her had burned, bink and hor- rific, upon the face of every newspaper in the country. He was not allowed to read the jouruals of the day, and hitt sponded Roderick. "I didn't say I family's indignation over the sacrile- would " gious coincidence of the name had not "Yayl Knows he can't!" sneered been expressed in his presence. But Sam. he saw that it was au awesome name •"I can, too. if I try." to Penrod Schofield and Samuel Wil - "Well. let's bear you try." So challenged, the visitor did try, but in the absence of an impartial jury his effort was considered so pro- nounced a failure that he was howled down, derided and mocked with great clamors. ,Anyway," said Roderick when things bad quieted down, "if I couldn't get up a better show than this I'd sell out and leave town." Not having enough presence of mind to inquire what he would sell out his adversaries replied with mere formless yells of scorn. "I could get up a better show than thisserted. with my left band," Roderick as - "Weil, what would you have in your Ole "show?" asked Penrod. condescend- ing to ianfiva)e. "That's all right what 1'd have. I'd have enough." "You couldn't get Herman and Ver- man in your ole show." "No. and 1 wouldn't want 'em,ei- ther." have?" tnsist- Weil. what arouid you _ ed Penrod derisively „ You., d have to have sumpthing. Yon couldn't be a I want to listen to Verman--I want to --I want to"^ nee at a real theater, the limpid eyes of Marjorie looking back softly over her shoulder—but only at the tattooed wild boy. Neatly always it is woman tvho puts the irony into life. After this, perhaps because of sated curiosity, perhaps on account of a pin famine, the attendance began to lan- guish. Only four responded to the next call of the band. The four dwin- died to three; finally the entertainment was given for one blase auditor, and Schofield & Williams looked depress- ed. Then followed an interval when the band played in vain. About 3 o'clock Schofield S Hams gloomily mi Iy discussing ss in " earl - ous unpromising, devices for startling the public into it renewal of ti tcrest. when another patron unexpecte<. " tip• peered and paid it cent for his eternise News of the Btu Show end hen. of Curiosities had at last pone- trated the far, cold spaces of luterstel• int niceness, for this new patron coli• slated of no less than Roderick Magee worth litts, Jr,, escaped iu a white "Sailor silt" from the manes during a period of severe maternal and tutorial preoccupation. Ile seated himself without parley, and the pull:orivance was offered for his entertaint5tent with admirable con- scientiousness. Tine to the Lady Clara caste-anti,"l3odeiricit'tl.pal slat shote voureelf. t )Int way out. appeared to be a deemp ,„ stili' o is sworth game lemni�, "ds Rena Magsworth Intron of yours?" "Is she. Heady?' asked Sam, ttltnoift Iiams. Even Herman and Verman, though lacking many educational ad- vantages on account of a long resi- dence in the country, were informed on the subject of Rena Magsworth through hearsay, and they joined in the portentous silence. "Roddy," repeated Penrod, "honest, Is Rena Magsworth some relation Of yours?" There is no obsession more dangerous to its victims than a conviction—espe- cially an inherited one—of superibrity; this world is so full of Missourians. And from his earliest years Roderick Magsworth Ritts, Jr., had been trained. to believe in the importance of the Magsworth family. At every meal he absorbed a sense of Magsworth great" ness, and yet in his infrequent meet- ings with persons of his own age and sex he was treated as negligible. Now. dimly he perceived that there was a Magsworth claim of seine sort which was impressive, even to the boys. the essential Tal of blood was Magsworth bi 111 a w gs rid he i n the world, , distinction all true knew Consequently, having been a cul-de-saC as It result of driven int() Meeting, he duo g flagrant and unfottnde was ready to take advantage of what "Flow do you know?" This was but 1 "Roddy," Penrod again, w meandering while matting for Ideas1 R tidy said and evoked another yell. "You think you could be it (bow all by yourself?" demanded Penrod,, '"How do ..ee know 1 eonidtt to y kbos white boys find two lilac y Two shrieked their seers} of the boaster. "1 could tool" Roderick raised bis voiee to 'a 'sudden howl, obttitling 'a i,. hear .IlY _ it largely" _ „. y Hunt! shouted ltoiliit.t Sites: fait' ...._ ITo elle 'tindititlLD).