HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-02-24, Page 44 OP env Shoes ER at�rhl►'/vas,�'4+►1►t►+►w�'t►wr��►wvirr��,+M� JOHN F. GROVES Isspen op iRRU•WU« IiiCtN,SCS Town Baal, Wingham OtteSeee.-Sanies et lessi,.eeee t4S iadaraeteele erect as a+ek*Wesea ll is aaaasaaaa- ae,,aaaaawp W. DODD Sacar tU .t. G. Stewart ..41.10.1T, Peeve s.** TO. ADVERTISERS N.' Hee orchangea mast be left at thip. o ffice nit later than satunta no tt. The copy for ,chauges. must be left n ot l#ter drainMonday .evening. Caaaal adcertisenteuta accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week THURSDAY, FEBRUARY *1 EDITQRIAL NOTES Brit:ire is massing up ogainst icer* tutus the tremendous resources of a free people whit will die to .the last man rather tban they will be defected." de- clared Hou. W. N. Hughes, prime minister of the Austrian Commonwealth, to the members of the 0ttawat'ae,nadiaa Club, Saturday. and thus crystallized the feeling of determination and unite which now exists throughout the Empire HRCT AND PEEL Relation of the Government tc> Ulla. "it would have been better if Premier Re,arst foaiowed the lead of Premier Borden and said, 'You have no pace itaain tate lilies of our party in the loegislatore etud the fitting and proper tl i-mr, is to retire from public life.' I understand that Sar. blain. 31. aa. is going ahout using Ur Hearst's letter as a testimonial to air. Faille. I think it is up to Premier Hearst to make .clear his position on the matter." - Mr. Rowed at ealedon. February 1Stb. "31r. Hearst's wbitewashiog letter to Penis will grieve wird sarzais the Premier's atirnirers."- Pert Arthur ire, i a Des Mr. Hearst, Pte 'er d , tsar LAS and Health iOntar;e. rely think that whitewashing Mr. Rollie, M. P. F fair Nei and cF 'N. ��++t; 3E;sayv ndettiog his virtual stealing a.� N Frzttn the pubo C chest. is •a'., later te __.. atrarmolste re rotting ' -- Peterbor 'Melte a. •'i r xstnin'z i4 "lie :43..r. Falws8 has been badly ad- oi rla mo (a vises in the course iia', taken alai • the r>apcesihility for this blurrier must Viveeees eetwes�sa, r�+swaiila.)'lee are br Premier Uea s . "-.-Srsee. Il:ord to . 11 "Mr- Peas donated his profit_ to patrie r purpc , but. he would hare i, kept them if muse ivad net pot hang toehsne. This as the man n inated b1 he Consentive Ca?nrenAion la Peel n Welt the agr�revai of Premier Hearst'; a .-4hIs• ,.T.: « es.'a Eecz a Examiner., , "Apsraved by Premier Hearst .and 11 rdinsb�3 by the Tomes of Peel„ J. R. Pal:. :zs. et: Cense/zee-tire. mss; etir Candi ere io the live:-elecsuaxu." - C .;aegwood il Sn�ietin. 1 N e3.'i1ftllON EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. Li e Accident ' C airte>le;e. C'Q'N 1:ERS --4..w..11,& 'Yandrick ,I,,,,,-.,:*. . 4 ;: erre v t,nntt s e`: 13 n a za..4e* v' •tca:re rake air t; a; .7..V.';':7'-.74; *XIX*. o ,ira. I,mist, ^'<a N s..,.r�s:;, E' rg ,. -- -scat, ^s-+r.srt5na. Spm hotted, Tip Fares Log 'Uta:;--Sto savers rh r Z t` Ent t ,�'.' %:,'ya. d: r'i'„-szt. w C. '+.'t... an. N. t"'S'. Eat i war z Ariz. FrerizaL..s,:sem" „ ,,i QUICK WITTED W'OMEP . T ►ia• Glace nose That Woo the film* ef 'Awe em �a , st res to lutes- trste the detrotiee, at women, put tate Interesting of diem is tate our abet as'recorded In the:tuna* of* home Pm dependent women at Weinsberq,. Wil they Neskar. in the vicinity nt netdctPer- - AM TIS rWOMAN'S HEATH NEEDS CONSTANT OAK dark awl Worry Leaves Her 4 Niven[ Stony Riess- leg Ailments �. ,Ever.' wen.att"a health is peculiarly 'AC the feet of the Ineut}teie erns dependent upon the condition of her fougbtrote of the tierces; battles of the b•u&ad. Hoar rtistiy "omen s°11er' with log strugglebetween the (TOelI;i1.1awl ,Inv ' e,3Yl .S ia,r'Stioo 3►,00stoot .peel. headache, mint .in the hawk. poor top, the t btbellines, When the conflict w'xa'mg of weariness, palpastioti of the ended and tete G1ubeltine leader. - bean, shortness of breath, pallor favid perm Songs!, had driven the Guelph i;Kterk'oosness. If you; have any of these ehi5 up the mountain to their sron„l +ki, be laid Siege to the ancient Atter general days he sent word dust" tf the erten would surrender be would permit the women to depesrt•in safety. carrying their treasures with theta. The terms of surrender were arranged, end the emperor drew up his atrn t foci an eseort for the noble ladles with their jewels and other deer dons. when the procession of woven Mae down the bill the hostile army saw, to ars aataremente that every ;gentlewotu- . tut carried a roan on her back. The men they carried were the Guelph odii- gem who were to have remained in the caste and been made prisoners of Rotuma was so touched by this expres. son of devotion on the part of tboae wives and mothers that be permitted the women to go back for their jewels In 1s20 Queen Charlotte of Wurttem+ ber;. d,'enehter of Geor a III. gaud member of the Guelphs. built the UT" tutu tan the bill as a memorial to those quirk witted Ori p x women. A Flanges Inside and Outside. There is auinside. also an outside, to every plank or board,the outside be - big the situ farthest reproved from the '"pith." or tenter, of the tree from s_ which the plank was cut: Tice eaze#ni workman >'a1weys Were title in mind when tieing Lards. He leavesthe out: :de exposed t;o the air. If the inside is exposed to the atmosphere the ear- lier lavers will ultimately shell' out in shreds :iud. :strip owitkg to the action oT the air caetrooing the timber's to- a1s As ces 'e propertiea mutt the even sur"aee, edit be d r'eroyet3, a serious de - feet in better 4ass word:. -London An - suers. A Story of Robespierre. 'The story is told of Robe that et one titre when at the height of his pourer n. Pads tailed eon him, ch - log him to stare her husband`s after He a oxnfaslly iteInsed. As sire turned awry she happened t . tread upon tb Imo? of has pee dog. He turned upon her and asked. ~Medan , have cot; no symptoms you should begintoday to hullo up your blood with Dr. Williams' !Pink r'ilts., tamer their use the nerv, ous energy of the body is restored as the blood bermes red and pure and the entire system is strengthened to meet every demand upon it. They nourish every pert of the body, giving brightness to the eye and color to the cheeks and nips. Mrs. Jas. S, Francis. Oakwood,. Ont., says: ..I should have written long ago FARMERS' Buy Your eteds Now -. All the hest grade% are now io steel.; nd we would advise »arty t., ging as pees IMmnnelg. Ns. L Rei Clover. R.d Cto►er. too. 1 A ike. No. I Alfatfti, o. i licnoihh. All Ai r ou a are a lies ins 'tb t tit tate and are No. I Government staar lard. Vvu will find the best are the; eiteepest to cow. Nom Wed a not charge seeds, cash or doe mu t *Company every sate. HIND EROS. February 241h t9i6 Bulk imdcolts For Solo. The undersigned has for sale on his a .. premises, lot 4, con. a, Morris, four Shorthorn bulls, ranging in age from S to IS months, bred from imported stock; also three good geldings. ,aiming 3 years, eked by Goidlink, JOHN COULTIS R. }c, No5. 4t Brussels, Ont. to tell what Be Williams' Pink tills d> did for me, but I suppose it isbetter late than never. IA Jule. I913. I bad to go to a hospital for an operation for female weakness I was in the hospit- al for a month, before I was able to getbome. Threeweeltsafterthislstart- ed for a trip to the Pacify utast, in the /tope tummy health would further im- prove, On the wayl strap to visit a sister in Southern Rabe and on ivat 1t nd axr ., r home fce` , e h a � ie ( a. mile drive) i was completely done out. I found my sister ill, ber baby having been born the week before. As there. was no one to help., I had to take care of the child and do the household old wore, and in the three weeks that spa ,sed be- fore my sister ek er took ehar, was pleteas-worn out, and again near However. I started ton my trip, anddecided'to stop of where I reraiii-d a week not seem to help .. e my journey, On th and could not eat. my rondation was porter wired ahea Ill, tward t Banff, •ut it did I resumed I tool: sick, s I was clone hie. Finally the o North Bend for a doctor to see me. The doctor wanted me to leave the train and go to a hospital, but I determined to continue me' journey to V,uioonver. The medi- cine the doctor gave rue did not help sue, and I was getting worse call the time And then a young naan who bad the opposite berth asked me if I would try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and ,gave mea box he had. I used these and the porter got rue two more boxes, and by the tote 1 reached tiny "oarney's end 1 wee reetmg some better, 1 staved two months ea the coast and continued raking Dr. Williams' Pink Kis ail that time.. I had gained in weight and ap- esraece, and when I started for borne I felt better than I had done for year:,. New I always keep Dr. Williams' Pink. Fii=s in the house, and both my bus - hoed and my swung daughter have e been benrdted by their use I bless ljthe clay that bung man tin the trent "glee me his box of pill_. otherwise 1 aughtneverhave tried. them, /sad I would still have teen an iteslid. You can get Dr. walGiszs' Pink Pest foam toy ntedieire deafer fir by mail. s=r at a -r3 eents a bus or etc byes for ,WI from froThe Dr. Williamsldeandue Co. Biavrs'ilte, Ont. S.iee saidlt..Atl, "`Whet. did fatter fates con era for my hamtt?' =eked the sweet rezze thing. \e3 lug et a 1,' epi rhe man. s['lsc tie. e. he must batt + i% t re :teee aittlen has. lust be 4..ittmethir xde tz, tte agotalltu:al literature tof. z *:areaees. im the form of \1i ".z e 1 of the -4.W e1 Nepal etl^..e o--r.,3--t^,. `S ,ter':- . te, Farms' ft:: the year e.,. z^ rzg t i Its b S.l. taa.,5 ,-,^-st;T-sed ft, t ( '&3j d" $ e¢^nt sins r a's�i+. e1 e He Cotildn''t Gat Evan. I" ln1 w :el grvs" a reg. list coy^. # "Here, here. lute toy:' sad the be. c i tate- ssstern. i4 I rCSI:: by .v.:� .int. hits. j "z2T 44ry ?A z -e r.s ffrzzatt-e I , ez_-..s i.` rni.. t f •z' W v a' " w"s s the 1,k ^ Husbe. „nyand Ars-,,z„THast ay. .i,h!�r�, ze t seay .M1 JLM.�t..,x. +•isr� tiC2W 7$ o:1= e at win ,:o e+i tor--os-t� !ma-. rs ,=. .i".z, l� le tee 't.2eete =ditties' by t %crew a V'"Y+' IYi"•`...,tr, t'ti:. • 3,`.t:., trL.-.3''.`'-r'd : the t 3". 'elite ff ;+r e:tm{' Eed. vee ee fxromthe ivis :. tfi ?? 't i° :Pi's:''e4 t4 °tea'' *s t kv et a. t...:�:> . „ C'erse:s. eta :_, a , f as." , • .5." r a `n:•. -.1.s,.. Pon -"sty a.'Xs ''tra....'Y`5. t t, u ,� tote v d sti eyed ex- 4 SPe, a Ws 3l.bdi - �:i h,++'"?= Y. ta.to, E.i tics Ze-;i E'''"ari` lai=L5e IGes Itrz {i ."a ~ �� :°� � L- t i ff pa�.,y� ce, goh tits5 1 i ia4 a^ l ; EGl t ' ssi s:_ -a. este .,:t h ng Heed on t y t ell ','T(..R O:..2L'e *"' .Jp Fere,. Y�••.�.u•�i:'ka�'^ if '•' tbs. ec? +tie w " `.. _n i .w, `.Z tez.n eltr.... tAie. y .: ad t�% t � tiped :° a ',i ' . 4.tee*r, i 1 b +Y .11'» ee: a a v�'y.,t't=ze'�. cry:me c.a t'L.: 'i.` -"S'..]. 1 ii+'S� ..Z ea-....4`#'.�.s.'Ort'.%.c',Le. �i.:;3 t: .,"^'..�zs v. =-* that He, Get a� aa♦at►a�rkwa ena+. vas a c ate. r S make =se r{ tt', it 'w ' .: ' ilc= lr =. 'e Vigleat t c,_ :. tt, = a s..' t.. eve- 1 s ane = as l t -"Set a sword."' "Ten tom: be C3Sstan. George.** rr tot. Tone m-,: a was attzer .. `w¢gsw.F Tomo .� the work *.y . 's pa.. ` te,,:nt makes son try teet„ kite- ..%„ Inti' e . 3K ::^. •'.`�`i. rte'. "•ei~L'ee s Wei?, tsµ`� ,;.-' 9k'^.uL�t Lam'- `uT.. ..a,.r.,u 'yam. ".` UR KING AND COUNTRY YoiJ. Tour kinrand c metr, r /toe- As theyr never glial bee *[Ste; Year king* std entry need y -u. To help theca win this was. IR is year dints now to go Tra aaa5pyc r bayhaiea.el,.m, tor dear aid Britain.. Ereo ra': if he a ll moats. Tee are greys .m fah-Feinmatike Who are physize. Ely tea. Vip.y„ they latex 'ems they export yaau Togo and de your ., We girlls can't steee:der les Or tght fcr carr home:In :J; xyout. e t to -k L, e y $SR Aed with cry t T to ata`•. We k'',.�ta to yma aatthat fa=tit e t W.nre yozr t= rg and e. t*^•, neei SZt7.1I hankte to y=" ermes=- Irs.k+e the l -acct bigbu, 9 e ' it mow' b you,a�' Yiw. m you. tk aa�.."3- VALUABLE FARM FCR SALE The avetutersof theestcateofthei John Musgrove ottereT for sale Iaot Con. 4, in the towpsbip of ' wry. Thus farm consists of 1OO a land in a high *tate of cold v: •n, bei,•g well fend, under -drain rod :free from stones and noon;.. ds. There are on the premises . . modern 'brick House, with kitcbep wood shed, a good bank {mob • w js�tt�abline-��ujndeyr-- math, a atta�, • ilrayrng shed. hog pen, impleme • use, drilled well and windmill. Th is a chhoie a fns. Im- mediate possession. Par particulars apply to Rosa. ¥rsonovv„ Binevale A. H. 31tc'`.osos's, Wingham Fseutors, rw' P. S. --,ilio at3joznin4 iaftyacFes.ucctied by air. Robt: Musgrove is also for stale c.: NC1 FAIL O READ THIS With the pur hale of the Russell Czar Company's Automobile Easiness by oar company, we liatsta' taken over a number of their small six -cylinder and also some Cabriolet, some Russell I4niglat male! 32 a passenger,. Old Price $1,415 1,525 2,650 Russell Small Six Cabriolet Knight Alocicl 32 New Price 1,000 1,100 1,500 Wiogha� Overiantl Sales Bog L. KENNEDY, Prop. Broadview Farm Shorthorns for Sale Herd headed by Favorite Character imp, I am offering two choice young Bulls, from nine to ten months old. Theme are low deem. blocky fellow-;, with good Breeding and. Quality. Can ild Paso spire a few two -Neer -old. Heifer% bred sag the imported DWI. Write or give Dee aeon. tf J G. FYFE R. L No. 4. Wiun`li.^aisi e C S lit at _ w aw LW ' in ?•tom' ••.t; i a, : « "a' o . cc.kz,- a. � v t .o 9S r«5 "..`'got theta L f ? ►F�' - sad e* ten ttr elveteem • tete » » res C.i+"ff 'w» Y' `a 'AC:.:i?'.,9 7v4'�. '"'"ri. z+.r ed„•,t, i'Mauc"'i� .a'� i Oa, >`e iia.r. ,... _. 'f;`•,r `1r,3.". i' .C" "9a ` tl". IPiA9s , tretztetit ee Shroad. � rateet tette t� r° e, y be . �r "doe* w. K r4� �3CL,:s' ��'r�'-.s---�• a4 8-,.N.w: i 't �'t r +` .tic .•-... ' "t. art'•.. 1 Yi' + Aw + L to 9 ''iaa 't a .' t f ; t334, 11 4>4 MeLEAN lottiEStg V0+0* Ant '1cre J j oto AaS lefit" enaai•.mett .�. Ate, +' sholtikaraittaik tike loin. zst "Waal year wart car m100. 1010. amalk St testerMallo *abate malas alt tlh OCEAN TICKETS Vxa all steamship lin out- ward or prepaid rrom the ma c z ntrv. Lowes +fixotatiors entmnt for tensor drkets lav �j any ,r+e:ste Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, NV -Ingham Alma Flavus Tearer Of Piano add Tteo7o. Pugs grepared ler Torentn e"sait tars Rtamimseam. Seo - MGDonaid BioGk Ingham nom*• Gest -10 Wrozeter„ to Fe kerk.a rth, John hy on„, igea. rtZttS, to -.M, isixl gmttatE, and a de s. ,eyy,�/�y. �. Of ROAM,)J1' .,. peroses --lm tit•, Fe oo rlemander 1fiar.:._=, aa„ 1 Slatck t-sv FA 6e t 1r�9 t, s.40r1-Dt Itp, eners leek ewe Isms.= -"era W-Mghemand-1(Derrard, aged 9yeaac, S momt 3 Gst-t T. T. diteDinnall cidsys. wimpqr-lb ma -tea =title Hos-, .,.,;.,„;}t act rettr.ty- 14 ' T1 '1 `F: Pte.. 'n W.&'-•. 4 S Aar*'s C. W%ss 't, taf F ' C. a nd Margaret Fright, of Jame's�. a ged Aircb- H. J. S inotti and . a ,vs tr. w. ralgen IL Ormoftom was -vas' 4"e. Gander • tRoffoes Wrt.R_ it E. }f�C. p, arre•d+_ . F. �67t�-.i:ii+T4 Qientbsrd �3. zAtietzt • C /Mask • R Carts& R. A 1..Crtad AnsisKozeta 6.Ib i. a 'a.I'ki4' Gee. #s: Itit gal PIS' lira Stott asdileteDate . 'liras. Pike J. C. Patose art. Olt Pe:.. J.. a ;I. italker act, G. itaivek, an takiIIthsessr. .'ran -lira : te,, vitt Ije a i Mod, y, JZuuht't;., fee ems'. L +f'. Caste;:' S%.,$1. littierst5Ad Raz-4.Win._t+ta'� I e Pe , Mary „ T. ,.T Ta gat sat the riall9tte'Eet Hist •, M ai. Sear -, Ont.�!c,7 iia ell it R "aara3, tet W Tdr rebeas, Rattlatattliames Isaac Keibers6s • `. Erni' agps 4 Haw" es Fay FerOaate Off» 711.x. - 1St* tit* frieriteattelt. rtetab rigida**, t i�l��aliNl��" • rrilnikStgr C A. erte.atiell reed Vis: 'RSseib,e ..- Hertb t:»d R., TatitAt noks ti 1F'+ ii CANADIAN PACIFIe FOR WINNIPEG _SRU VANCOUVE LEAVES TORONTO 6.40 P.M, 11 1 Via, the "TR=ANSCANA DA" Connecting Train Leaves Wingham at 623 a. tori. 'rough aquipment including Electric Light Compartment Observation Car, Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, Firs: Class Coaches. ',The frequent C.P.R. Service passing through the Business Centre of each City is an assets. to the Traveller." Particulars fremi .T. W. Meliibbota, Town Agent. 'phone'd3;.T Weiner, Station Agent., 'phone 47; or write W. B. Howard, District Fra -:eager Agent, Toronto. Have YOU renewed your Subscription -for. 1916 1' FLANNELETTE 11 Having been fortunate enough in s: curing a catow of Fisnndetze containing 1500 yards of factory ends az a pow price, we are offering the same at fess than wholesale prices These ends renin from two to ten yards, and are -cars tai -dal from i Sc to 20c. yard, retail. For one week only we have deckled to let these ends out at Per Yard ars No ends cut. 5 Sugar A goad of Sue- on hand. Now is the: time fay kt your supp4. Per cwt. w0 PIA*