HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-02-03, Page 5Fehuary ard, t 91 6
Page 5
Interesting Prices and
Bargains to Move Out
Stock for Sprig Goods
Ladies' Suits, Men's Suits
Sale Price for both $18.00
SO Ladies' Suits in sizes to fit you, in serges, blacks,
blues, in plain and fancy cloths, sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42
Sale Price $8.75
Men's Suits to offer in heavy weights in good quality
of tweeds and worsteds. Regular prices $1.5, 816, 818,
Window Sale $9.25
Men's fine W. G. R. Shirts in best negligee style,
stiff and soft cuffs, all sizes,, regular 31.25 and $1.50 for 77c
Boys' Suits in fancy tweeds and dark blues, double
"'Feasted with bloomer pants, reg $6.50 and $7.50 for $3.75
Big Reductions in Overcoats, Furs, Sweater Coats,
and Ladies' Winter Coats.
Prints and Ginghams 1 clear
at 10c.
NA & Co.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled Phone 70
Delineator and Butteriek Patterns For Sale
eit/a,..1021/4.41e•tieWitimettiattaatalt.a?evetKaae 411/411011.1altee/
Tile winter, Beason is a bard
the baby. He is snore or les mimed
to stuffy, badly ventilated ome, It is
SO often stormy that th
not get him out in the
other does
.sh air as often„
as she should. e ....hee colds Whieh,
rack0.1310, In; bigstomach and
bowels, get out.. order be becomes.
pevish and cress. To guard against
this the mothershould keep a box of
Baby's, Own Tablets in the how. They
regulate the stomach and bowels, and.
break up pg144. They are sold by meth -
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Or, Williams Medicine
Co„ Brockville. Ont,
Walking in ten miles, Samuel and
Harvey Snelling en Monday enlisted
With the Brussels detachment o the
101st Iilron Qverseas Battalion. These
young men already hadtwo hrothera
is kbaXi, thus making a total of foir
boys in the one liotniehold who have
enlisted: Burow being one of Ontarie'S
banner counties, is expected it/ reeralt.
a banner bettalion and thus become
fine example to young men,
i•IVO a'rOna 31(taittawr
Toronto, January 31 -Union Stock
Yards -fteceipts today, 102 cars with
1,562 cattle, 94 calvea, .628 hogs, 354
sheep and larnbs„,and 380 horses.
BEWR4VE There was htlt little life to the trade
A recruiting meeting will be held in to -day, and with a Comparatively light
the Foresters' hall on Friday evening tun of cattle of poor, average quality
of this week, commencingbusiness was very slow Prices held
at 8 o'clock.
about steady with last week, partien,
Good speakers. including" a returned
soldier; also a musical program you larly for the choicest butcher steers.
Butcher cows were a shade easier.
are invited to attend. Stocker trade very quiet.
Mitch cow trade dull,
Early Tuesday morning, Jany. 25th,
the imperative call to which none can
say Nay! came to Eliza Kerney, relict
of the late Thomas Clark, 5th line
Morris, and she passed Peaeefully away
in her 85th year. While a very hearty
woman in her younger womanhood she
had been in failing health for the past
few years. Deceased was born in
Streetsville, Ont., and was the young-
est daughter of the late Henry Kerney.
She was first married to Wm. Laidlaw
and on his demise came with her son
Calves steady for choice veal, a
little easier for grassers.
Sheep and lambs steady to firm, a
few extra chOice lambs selling at 512 -
Hogs steady and unchanged, with
but very few on sale.
Export . 7 75 $ 7 85
Butcher cattle choice, 7 40 7 65
do medium , 7 00 7 25
Butcher cows choice..... 6 e0 6 25
do medium 5 00 5 75
do common • . 4 5.0 4 75
do bulls .. • . (3 00 6 75
Feeders ... . . . 6 40 7 00
Stockers . . 0 00 6 25
do medium .............5 75 6 00
do light. . - . 5 00 5 50
4 50
85 00
85 00
61 00
8 00
8 50
5 50
to Morris to her sister, Mrs. Little, Canners and cutters .. . 3 50
Milkers, ehoice . 60 00
Springers ...... 60 00
Common and medium..... 40 00
Lambs .... ..... 7 00
Light ewes.............6 25
do bucks .° 5 00
Hogs fed and watered .. 9 75
do f.o.b $ 65
Calves 9 00
wiLeuuaat ataurrem ELPORTA.
Wingham, Jan. 12, 1016
Flour per 1001bs 3 20 to 3 75
Fall wheat
.. at'
where they spent a year. On her
marriage to the late Thomas Clark, she
went to his farm on the 5th line where
she made her home up to her demise,
Their children are: -Mrs. Thos. Forbes,
Wingham; Mrs. Robert Geddes, 3rd line
Morris; Mrs. James Stretton (deceased);
Mrs. Jas. Thynne, Morris; and Thos. cn
the homestead. Mr. Clark died 22
years ago. Mrs. Clark was' the last of
the family of '7 brothers and 3 sisters.
Mr, Clark had been married twice and
Henry the surviving son of the first,
marriage lives at Portage la Prairie,
Manitoba. Wm is deceased. The sub- Eggs per doz ............ 0 35 to 0 3a
jest of this notice was a true wife, Wood per cord 2 25 to 2 55
Hay per ton A. • . .... . • .13 00 to 14 00
affectionate mother and a first class • .8 25 to 8 40
H legs
neighbor and passed away in the full I Dried Apples, perib
assurance at the Christian's hope. . Beans, per bushel.. .....„.3 00 to 3 50
95 to 1 05
I 35 to 0 86
.0 50 to 0 52
.1 60 to 1 65
.0 28 to 0 30
Wye -10194
hevrolet "Ninety -Four"
The Product of Experience
Quiet gueeieg
Powerftd awl 1
Price Complete $675.00 F. 0. B. Oshawa
Regular Equipment. Moh'r
air ailo-ed Top. Envelope and Side Curtains
Electric Horn. Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield. SPeedometer.
Electric Starting andiLighting System. Ammeter and License Brackets.c
We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two unit "Auto -Lite" Starting arid Light,
ing System, with Bendix Drive, same type and grade as used on highest priced cars
The most powerful motor (size con3idered) in the world
NOTE -Owing -to the great demand for this car, we would suggest placing your
order early to ensure delivery.
For Sale by
We will have Cars for Hire at Livery Barn.
wkettUe•Z * '14,1111,711Z ,g4 FL' SSIE ILVIA,MM 3E.C&V4k MaL3'6
adialeMiriMalWataicaMinrtsuit . 11.nn,W5!7"A"
Give "The Times" a Trial Job
• •
Read the List of Bargains in the • •
7 Bare "Wash Easy" Soap for 25e
35c Four -string Broom. Sale 19e
Royal Yeast Cakes, Sale 3e
Canada Laundry Starch 7
25e Can Empire Brand field Salmon, Sale 20c
Special Blend of Tette, black or Japan 30
Large 10e Battle Extract 8
Maple Leaf Baking Powder, 2 cans for 25
Aylmer Brand Corn and Peas. 3 cans for 25,1
7 Bars Olive Oil Soap for ... ,....... ... ... • , 5ci
New Raisins, large and fresh, 2 pounds for..... , .... 25c
Choice Salmon, 2 cans for . • 25e
Pot Barley, per pound. , - ......... . . .... .... ... . . ...... 40
Corn Starch, per box. ..... .... - • ....... . . . - , . - . .... Sc
Toilet Soap per box of 3 cakes, Sale - 10e
Baked Pork and Beans, per can ................ ... .., . ,. . 10c
50e Blaek Ceylon tea for..... , ..... „ ..... - . . .... ... .. , 40c
Red Rose Tea black, green or mixed , , . .. 35e
Clothes Pins, 31:10Zen for. - , • . 5e
Large Bottle Pickles, sale-. ... . . . .. . 15t
'Washing Soda, 3 pounds far. - ... ..,....,. . , .. , 50
Save Money on Wool Hose
10 Dozen Heavy Worsted Ribbed Hose, all sizes, good
„buying today. at 35c, Clean Sweep Sale price. , , 25c
Dozen Heavy All Wool Ribbed Hose, good value et
50c, Sale "4462. tlyt ••14.00 ot 2 pair for 75c
(5 Dozen Ladies' Blade 'Cashmere Hese, regular value
Brie, Sale price. Illi•*ftidifii•tli • t "011•6 .......oue
A lot of small sizes in Childreia's Weol Hoge at... 18e
Bargains in Corsets
LOT NO. 1 -Broken lines and odd sizes in lgood strong
wearing Corsets, Sale,.....V .1 • • • YtilsiVII
LOT NO, 2,.-5 Dozen Beat M..akes, .. . • •te deer. 130e
LOT NO. S --Better Oradea, your &Wee., 05c
And all Other lilies in stock at Bargain Pricee
Carpet Department
134 stook of Carnets, Rugs, Oilcloths, Linoleumus, Big
Bargains in all lines
-.4 WV- • •
00 .... Ot 000000 lerca rancrces tatravrrt ___••44,..r oat ob
Record -Breaking Values •
Everything Must Go. .
Sale Started Saturday, January 29th and ends Saturday, February 12th
Great moneysaving event.. Bigger and and bett4 than ever. Unfavorable weather
conditions have so retarded business that we have an unusually large stock on hand, and
we must sell our Winter Goods, and. have marked them at prices which must appeal to your
sense of economy.
Read the List of Remarkable Bargains
Bargains in Furs
Ladies' Fur Coate, a few to clear at
BIG CUT IN PRICES on Mae, Ruff, Caps. Steles,
Caperines, Gauntlete, etc.
Ladies' Rat lined Coats to clear $25 00
Fur Collared Coats $25, sale 19.00
Sweater Coats
Do you need one? Lots to pick from here at a discount
of 20 per cent off Regular prices.
Big stock to choose from of the best makes, Orims tag
lieb Prints and other lines, wide and fast culors.
15e Quality, sale price 121
Vie Qatility, Sale price Itott• • ........ ••••••••4
Big Bargains in Waists
5 Dozen Ladies' Waists, odd lines and broken in sizes,
Regular prices $1,25 to $2.50, embroidered voiles and lawns
Olean Sweep price only SOc
Cut Prices in Silk
Sweeping Reductions in all kinds of silk.
27 int;13 Japan Taffeta Silk, 50e, sale 40e
36 inch Black Pailette Silk $1.25, sale „.„
Fancy colored yard wide Silk $1.25, sale $1.00
20 per cent off all other lines of Silk
25c Grab Bags 25c
Conn eatly'to get them, they wilI go quick. j4qte of
useful small wares and dry goods in each bag, worth twice
the money. Clean Sweep Sale Price 25c
Gents' Furnishings
Men's Heavy wool Ribbed
Sock.; 2.5c
Men's Heavy all wool Shirts
and Drawers $1 25 tot- .•• “$1 00
Men's lined Kid Glove....Pga
Men's Leather Mitts lined.. 39c
Boys' Cloth Cape with inside
band•ii••••trittto“itt•*• 25d
Boys' fleece lined Shirts and
DttliWer8 . . 20a
Men's Heavy Winter. Caps- 50e
Men's Far Caps Dog ekin.. 1 25
Men's strong block and *bite
stripe Shirts.... .... 90c
Men's Pi -int Shirts, fancy
etripe.... 500
Pour -in -hand Ties, 50c for,. 29c
You will find Big Stock and Big Bargaine in all kin dsof
Men'e and Boys' Wear. VITe sell the FLl'-R[TE Clothing.
Fite -Rite stands for style and quality..Take advantage cf
this Mid -winter sale and hay a Pit -Rite and feel right.
10 Men if Fancy Pattern Tweed Suits, stylish and well made
values $12, to cleat • 44*•• 06***•••,••• $ 8.98
Men's Str'013g Overalls, ssie price.... „ ......75c, 85c, $1.00
Men's Heavy Overcoats, Eiargaiu....: 10 00
BOO' Heavy Overcoate to clear. 1.11.1r* 6...ittt••••, "46 4,75
Boys' Suite in small oizo, saio• •Lyyt tttt 1'50
Men's Striped Tweed Pants $2 50 foe, .... 200
Men'e Earley pattern Worsted Suits, gale , 13.75
Cut prices on till other lines during gale
Boots and Shoes
Bargains in all lines of Boots
and Shoes for Men, Women,
Girls' and Boy' wear.
Women& good wearing Rub-
bers, sale.... 50o
Men'e special Rubbers.... 65e
Boys' Heavy School Beets $1.76
Men's strong wearing Boots 2,/5
A lot of odd lines Girls' Boots
to clear 1,25
Fur Coats
Big Cut in price of Men's Fur
Coats, they Must go at some
peice. Three good Coon Coats
in the let. It will pay you to
buy new.
Spot Cash Or Proatde.
Goods not paid for at time
of sale will. be 'charged at
revlat prices.
H. E. 1SARD & CO.
Witighant, — Ontario
'Your Recount is due,.
Prompt payment please.
We need the money.
All lines of Wool Dress Goode are soaring away up in
price. We bought heavy before advance and have a fine
range at old prices and we will sell at a dismount of 20 per
cent off regular prices during the sale. Move qaick and
buy your spring dress.
' Bargains in Staples
20 Pieces Yard Wide Stripe Flannelette. sale.... . ... 10c
10 Pieces Fancy Patterns VVrapperettes 14e, sale,. 10e
Pieces Linen Roller Towelling, 121e, sale 10c
Fine English Cerebric 150 quality, sale 12f.,c
2 Yards Wide :sheeting 30e value, sale .... 25e
Large English Flannelette Blankets, t.ale $1 50
Window Curtain Lace 25c value, sale 20e
Yard Wide Factory Cotton, 120 value, sale. 10e
New pattern Art Ssteen 25e value, sale 20e
Factory Cotton 15c qaality, sale 121c
Grey Flannel, 30e quality, sale . ...... 25c
Table Linens
We have a large stock of /Anent,. "Deices are up." We
are still selling at the old price. It will be good baying to
buy at our sale` prices.
One piece Heavy Table Linen, sale .. .. . .. ........... 25c
Bleached Linen, 75 cent value for• • „_ .
Fine quality46(5)ce
2 pieces Wide Table Linen 50e eutility, Pale..
Table Napkins . — .;.eady40...,vv ear. at 15 per tent nil I/
Wide Linen, new pattern, regular $1, sale- , .. . . ..... 80c
Ladies' Ready -to -Weir Department nn eecend floor, A §
large stock of Ladle& Separate Skirts, Tailored Suite. Lad-
ies', Missee and Children't Coats to he cleared out st
Sweeping reduetions. Only room to quote a few lines
A, fel* sizes of Beperate Skirts to -cleat. . ".. "...,,...$2 05 11
here. "Take'a L Ink," and see what. you can save.
10 Woolen's Win tyr Coats, your 'pick—. -,........ 5 00
7 Girls' tiOANV COMS to 61061. 4- wv ......, w.s4 4 *1,4 "lit ttri
0 Children's Fancy Coats. sale price . , ....... ,... 290
12 Women's Tweed Coats, $15 valmi tor. ....,... ,...„ SA
5 Women's Out of Style °mate, sale, "Vt....1. ttrtaili, . '2 00
All other lines at greatly rededed 'prides