HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-02-03, Page 2I) 4
qm• t1.
dc3iid Talk Raitioy ;;ystoni
We can issue throutzh tickets vie
popular routes, to anv man/ A ;
- East, West, South, Nereeveet,
toba, Pee:fie Coast, ere,
Baggage ehticked thrmten iee
tion at full .nti f
ormetioii /en en, reht'
travelling will be meke pleasant met
free from annoyance reuriti
retern tickets to &love poiete 'dee
side at lowest figaree. Wii.o ail
prevailing admen taeee.
Single and return tickets to a ly poen
in Ontario. Your be -loess will ne
preeiated, be voile trip a short 4e -
long one.
We can +hetet you thromeh ta a ev
point ia Etrope on all lendine steneitnip
lines. Prepeid orders aleg
If Ras about travel, we have ote
inforinntion and will give it to veil
Town Agent G.T.R.
Times Otliee, Wangnam, Ont.
ie 4100' ful n" any subject, except
ine: 'nay the war itself, at ibis juneture
worldat history is commanding
14.4e e attention than the produets of the
oetry, with white) cold storage is inti-
niateIt allied. Therefore, the Report of
tee D dry and Cold Storage Comtnitsion-
er for the fiscal year ending 1Vlarch
tilet, 1015, recently issued, and .which
can be had on application to the Public,.
*'ms Braneh, Department of Agri-
culure, Ottawa, will doubtless he
r ,ceived with more than ordinary atten-
ds) The Commissioner, Mr, J. A 1tud-
wee, briefly records his experience on
44 vitit to Europe as Canadian Govern-
ment delegate to the Sixth International
Dairy Congress held in June, 1014, at
Bente. Switzerland. Returning via
England, be found that Canadian cheese
etood in the highest possible favour,
ceeertianoilig even a better price than
tnet of New Zealand, where special and
miremittent fforts are being made to
capture the thjtish trade in dairy pro -
awe, and- e here the cheese factories
POSTOFFICe. NO LONGER Wave recentey gteeely increased in
HAS BIG StIR1,1/S LEFT tiumber. Canadian cheese, Mr. Ruddick
testifies, has become the standard for
Ottawa, Jan 12 How a department ai`11nPoetetione• kle paid a visit of
of the government which since woe has inspeetion to the eentres of the Chedder
been contributing substantially toward cheese industry in Shropshire, Flintshire
the treasury of the Dominion hes under and Cheshire and • Was surprised at its
the present government become a bur., extent. An interesting account is given
den upon that treasury and now a very in the repert of the exteneion of
cornfortabl annum surplas has been marketing faeilities and ot the oper-
ations of the Finch and Brome Dairy
Latton. Ober matters dealt with are
the oairy herd records, excesses of
eva.ter in butter, inspection of weighing
butter and cheese, the activities of the
turned into a very formidable deficit, is
told by the fiscet year 1int-15, ju-t
tabled in the House. The report illus.
trines in a startling manner the ream
why the minister of finance found it
necessary at the last session of pallet Precooling and experimental Fruit
ment to impose extra "war taxes" Storages warehouse, at Grimsby, Ont,
up.In the county in order that revenues cold storage progress, publicatione and
might be made to meet ever-increasing meetiegs. A.0 exceptionally full Appen-
dix covering ninety-six pages; and divid-
ed into twelve sections, deals histori-
cally wan the twenty-five years' life
work of The Aesistant Dairy Commis.
sumer, Mr. J.C. Chapais, with the work
of the chief of the Ma kets Extention
Division, in conection with which a
quantity of valuable information is fur-
nished regarding the needs and methods
of the British and French tnarkets with
tablesnf n ices of everyvarietyoffirrn
and garde., produce and stock at each
manth in the year; and with dairy herd
records and tests in different provinces.
Reports in full are also furnished as
parte of the Appendix of The Cold Stor-
age Inspector, of the Chief Inspector
of Dairy Products, of the Fruit Cold
Storage and Transportations Investi-
gations Division, and of the Inspector
of Weighing of Butter and Cheese, the
whole concluding with statistics of the
total Canadian exports and imports of
butter and eheese, for the last 35 years,
for the last seven years of the Canadian
exports of cheese. butter cream, con-
densed milk, casein and fresh milk and
for the last 11 years of tee total
exporte of cheese and butter by all
conn tries.
expenditures .upon the part of the ad -
minis tredve.
In 1912 the poetoffiee department
contributed te tue teeeeury of the D. m -
ion tee street:natal :sum in revenue over
ett pellet:Aire ot $1,310,210. During 19I5
the department peed up a debt against
the treasury of $2,1114,541, this repre-
tenting um dtticii between revenue
and expeediture duritig the fiscal year.
This is tiet fine itedsie .1. recorded 10
the postoffiee uepet...eue ealee 1.e0I,
wheel reveeues failed to meet expendi-
tures tee t be stun of 4o0,000.
In 1902 ties tieficit has been changed
to marmue of atm& it'5,000, and yearly
thereafter the amount contributed to
the treasury increased until in 1912 the
surouis of revenue over expenditure
&tweeted to $1,31e1,000 During the
fleet year ot eillee of me present goy-
egomeet the earphis decreased to $1,-
177,0o; uuring tne second year to $131,-
187 lei 1915 it vanished altogether
anu in as piece theirwas a debit bal-
ance tit nearly three million dollars,
Che secret of this tremendous deficit
is not to tot found in deereasing revsnues
but in heavily increestcl expentlitures.
In 1912 tee net revenue of toe depart
mem. wee ;40,482,24: in 1915 it hid
increased to $13,01.),09 or by about 30
per e..nt., which may he considered
satisfactory increase On the other
hand io 1912 expenditures totalled 49,-
173.4M; in 1015 they had increased to
$15.94;1,191, or by auout 75 per cent.
When it is eon, iderecl that there were
eight war months included in 1915, an
increase of expenditure of more than
three million dollars is hard to compre-
hend in view of the necessity of re-
trenching which must have been
evident to everyone.
Sonae explanation of the increased
xpenditures through which this de-
partment has been turned into a deficit -
bearing institution may be gained from
the fact that during the regime of
I tote L. P. Pelletier, late postmaster -
general, 1507 employees were dismissed
tend 3860 tendered their resignations,
voluntarily or otherwise, making a
total of 5357 who left the department,
while in their places there were ap-
pointed 9903 new employeee. In other
words far every man who left the ede-
partment two were appointed in his
The woman suffrage bill in tbe Man-
itoba Legislature passed its third
reading amid scenes of great enthusi-
II )w would you answer It?
l'etween the lines of this short letter yoe
e, eat!' grim tre,gedy. If its appeal wort
'e to you, personally, how would yor
1 :Or it? Suppose you held the power te
,en +hie poor woman ot to turn her
a a welch would you do?
you kindly give me informatioe
o Mee; admission of a very needy
e In near me. lIer husband is dead,
a 1,, 4 in. consumption. She has tyi
s; 1 /rem at present in en ()Thetis'
ae the mother is not able to eare foi
ti., el, er.d theie only income is what an
ege,1 blether earns. They liVe in one small
It is eeey to say, "Why, of course,
wm.13 offer relief, if it were in my power!"
Bet, think I Am you einettre when you
ay that t Are yell in earnest? De you
telly want to help poor, auffering Con.
.aniptives t Then here is your chalice to
prove your since/it,.
Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hot -
paid for Coneumptives will be gratefully
ialtinowledged by W. j. Gage, Chairman
The cost of producing milkobviously
depends a great deal on the Milking
capacity of the cows used. Comparison
between eight of the best and eight of
the poorer cows in an Ontario dairy
record centre shows that there was a
difference ih profit per cow of $24.56,
the eight high yielding cows giving an
average profit of $37.21 whiletthe poor-
er cows returned a profit of only $12.65
per head. The milk in each case was
valued at $1.15 per hundred pounds.
The difference would no doubt have
been very much reduced had the feed-
ing been the same for all the animals.
?nose that yielded the higher profit
were much better fed than the others.
The average cost of their feed for the
milking period being $43.96 per head,
while the food received by the less pro-
fitable animals was valued at $32.33
per head. Caked tying from the stand -
p e'en of cosi of the milk of the eight
cows with the low yields made only 32
c. nts profit on a hundred pounds of
n ilk while the higher yielding cows
✓ nde 54 cents profit from an equal
meount of tnilk,
rhis info, mation and a great deal
r -ire of equal value is contained in the
tently issued annual Report of the
eiry and Cold Storage Commissioner
the Department of Agriculture at
tawa. This report, in addition to
t 1, Dairy and Cold Storage Commiss-
i ter's geneeal report, contains twelve
✓ oendicet which deal with the work of
t Assistant Dairy Commissioner, the
e tension of markets, dairy and cold
s :rage divisions, ete. An appendix of
usual interest gives stetisties a the
;port and import trade in dairy pro
t lee, Winieh show that the exports of I
1 •atter incteeteed from 1,P51,585 lbs, in
i90 to 2,723,913 in 1915, while duringl
t ne some pm led the egperts of clieeee
increttsed f ron. 01,264,187 lbs, to 137. I
001,661 lbs.
„.. 1
ilia Rs port is available at the omee
of the Pindieations Branch of the De-
partment of Agricultute at Ottawa
Premier Bordert gave a sympathetiel
hearing to a delegation supporting rt.
tocutive Committee, iee Spadina AVeflUe7 (joltStevens, ii4,13.'s prohibition resolu.
tir It. Dunbar, Seeretary • Treasurer, see
tag Street %tete Toronto.
PRE c=t4L,Tv
petterrgre gig 111Z
20 Years Ago
rex.= the Tuets of Jan. 01, 1896
The Union factory received the last
consignment of machinery to -day.
Mr. and Mrs, John Nicol, of the G.
T. R„ entertained a number of frie'nds
on Tuesday evening,
Mr. John Neelands has been in Brent-
ford, in the interests of the Canadian
Order of Foresters.
A number of young people enjoy
coasting on the Union Factory hill dur
ing the moonlight nights,
Mr. A. Roe attended the funeral of
Mr. W. G. Hay, one of Listowel's
leading citizens, on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Linklater, who
were burned out last fall, have moved
into one of David Pringle's cottages on
Edward street.
McLeod, of Seaforth, won first money
in the five mile race at Lucknow on
Tuesday and. Mr Samuel Elliott of
Wingham, second.
While going home from prayer meet-
ing in the Presbyterian church on Wed-
nesday evening, Mrs. Parr fell and
broke her leg on the sidewalk.
On Wednesday afternoon, while Alex
McNevin was engaged in ripping some
lumber in McLean etc Son's saw mill, he
had the misfortune to come in contact
with the saw which severed two fingers.
On Wednesday morning there died at
Huron House of Refuge, John Sadler,
aged 56 years. He had been in poor
health for some time. He formerly
lived at Wingham and he and his bro-
ther were sent down soon after the
opening of the house. The body was
brought to Wingham on Wednesday
evening for interment.
The carnival on Friday night was
well attended add there was heaps of
fun. Over eighty skaters appeared in
costume. Some were very pretty and
grotesque. The prize winners were: -
Ladies -Best dressed, Miss L. Stottard,
Wingham. Best comic dress, Miss
Ella Kinsman Gents -4 mile race, 1st,
H. Shoebottom, Lucknow; 2nd, A. D.
McCorvie, Lucknow. Barrel race, A.
D. McCorvie. Best dressed gent, R.
Cornyn, Wingham. Best comic dressed
J. Flannagan, Wingham.
Irwin -In East Wawanosh, on Jan-
uary 19th, tile wife of Mr. R W. Irwin;
a son.
McDotalcl -King-At the residence,
of the bride's mother, on January 28th,
by the Rev. A. H. Hartley, Mr. Geo.
elcrionald, to eliss Bella King, both of
Stewart • In Turnberry, on January
28th, son of Mr. Donald Stewart, aged
4 years.
8 Cured Psoria.als
Mrs. Nettie Massey, Cnnsecon, Ont..
writes: "Three doctors described my
trouble as psoriasis, and one said I could
never be cured. The diseteents: spread
all over me, even on f
y n
and the itching and burning was bard
to bear. 1 ueed eight boxes of Dr.
Chase's Ointment and am entirely. cur-
ed - not a eign of a. sore to. be seen. I
cart hardly praise this Ointment
enough." -
how easy it is to mix up the average
business man was demonsteated the
other day when the son of a local mer-
chant leaned against his father's knee
and innocently asked:
"Daddy, is to -day to -morrow?"
"No, my FOrl, of course to -day netet
to-Morrote." answered the father.
"But you sakrit was," continued the
"When did I ever say to -day was to-
"Yesterday," answered the son.
"Well, it Wee; to -day was to -Morrow
yesterday, but to -day is today to day,
just as yesterday was to -day yesterday,
but is yesterday to -day, and to -morrow
Wilt be to -day to-inorrow, which makes
to -day Yesterday and tomorrow aH at
nee, Now run away arid play," and
t,$e father collapsed into hiS chair with
a sigh of relief.
They Were Femoue Functions When
the Artist WasIn Funds.
An invitetion to oue of Mr. Wiesner*:
"bIleakfasts" was prized by ioatiy pet"
sona almost as ;mob as a royal eotilt
Wand, more by some. Mr. Whistler
brought together about his datuty, longg
narrow breakfast table in its long, '
narrow room with pale yellow washed
walls a symposium of those persons in
1,00don most noted for wit or endowed
With rare original talent of some kind.
Sptinkled here and there for tee sake.
no doubt, a half tones were others
Whose thief qualificattoe was the pow -
or of chastened and judicious apprecie-
These symposlunas were held by
VVhistler in his splendid studio, 33 Tite
street, at present the studio of Sargent.
Whistler dicl not steadily occupy that
place, which a depleted treasury some -
Blue caused him to forsake tempora-
rily. According to the widely known
story, when the baillefs came in to dis-
possess him for debt he pressed them
into service as extra men to help serve
one of his famous breakfasts, after
which be would retire to e low, ram-
bling workshop up an alleyway off the
Fulhamroad. There in solitary quiet
he would bring forth another master-
piece to startle the world and furnish
bira with the means of re-entering
beautiful Tite street and taking up the
thread of his naore princely existence.
-Princess Lazarovich-Brebellanovich
(Eleanor Calhoun) in Century Maga.
The Brahman's Funeral Pyre and the
Ceremony of Burning.
Alter We body of a Brahman bas
been anointed with sesamum oil the
big toes are bound together and the
two thumbs, It is then lashed to a lit.
ter made of two long parallel poles, to
widen are fastenedseven transverse
pieces of weed. 'The shroud is very
simple, a large piece ot' cloth wrapped
round the body and bound with ropes
of straw. If the dead Brahman. leaves
a will his face is not covered; other-
wise the shrond Is brought up over the
The burning ground, or ghat, is usu-
ally near a river that those who have
taken part in the ceremonies may purl-
fy themselves as quickly and as easily
as possible. Before erecting the fu-
neral pyre a shallow pit is dug and
parttally tilled with dry wood; the body
is covered with splinters of dry wood
and sprinkled with panchagaria, an in-
flammable liquid, and placed on the
pyre and covered with branches and
roots, like a but.
The nearest relative or heir then
takes a lighted taper and sets fire to
the four corners 'of the pile and leaves
,at once to 'perfortn the ceremony of
purification. The carriers, being of the
lowest caste, remain until the body is
entirely consumed.
A Paradoxical River.
On the African shore, near the gulf
of Aden and connecting the lake of
Asset with the main ocean, may be
found one of the most wonderful riv-
ers in the world. This curiosity does
not tiow to but from the ocean toward
inland. The surface of Lake Assal
itself is nearly 700 feet below the
mean tide. and it is fed by this para-
doxical river, which is about twenty-
two miles in length. It is higbly prob-
able that the whole basin whicb the
lagoon partly fills was once an arm
of the sea, which became separated
therefrom by the duuing of loose sand.
The inflowing river has a limited von
utne, being fullest, of course, at high
tide, and has filled the basin to such
an extent that evaporation and supply
exactly balance each other.
Three True Steele.
Iron and carbon steel, vanadiun.
steel and tniagsten steel are pointed
out by Professor J. a Arnold, British
metallurgist, as the three true steels.
The second kind is nein and carbon
steel with 5 per emit of vanadium,
the iron carbide having ceased to ex-
ist, and vanadium carbide being pres-
ent. and the third kind is iron and
carbon steel having 11.5 per cent of
tungsten, the iron carbide having been
expelled by the tungsten. Iron and
carbon steel hardens at 730 degrees Ce
ritundiutn steel just below 1,45e de-
grees, its melting point. and tungetert
steel at 850 degrees to 1.200 degrees. -
San Francisco Chrobiele.
Weather Effects.
The -weather affects man in more
ways, it appears, than ninny suspect.
For example, it is believed that pres-
sure variatiou due to fluctuating winds
have Nattier pathological effects, that
certain electrical conditions of the air
induced by low etmospherie ptessure
have a pathologicel effect on nervots
subjects and that solar radiation has
peculiar effeets whieli vary aceording
to the season.
His strong Pointt
EmplOyer-What spode) (Mance.
ticoas have you for business? Applicant
-Every plaee Where I ever worked I
reduced the firte's expenses before I
„left. Employer -Ah, an efficiency ex -
pad A.pplicatt-No; I usually started
In at $S a week and when I quit I was
getting $5
Babies' Whitt Clothes.
Actording to a London otullet. if
white elothing for babies -could be
ebollshed, in a generntion there weeld
be n 20 per eent decrease in the nun*.
ber of persons with elefettive
. •
The Heavieet Meal*
"When do yon take the beeriest meet
Of the dare' Belted it bachelor of is mar -
"Men 134 VI& cook it tt,' Cune the
ft I:1044*h ,14 gt*
Westervelt School
Y. M. C. A. Building Lt)
London, Ontario
College in Session Sept. 1st to July.
Catalogue Erre. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal
Agent for
• Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines,
Canadian Northern Lincs
Ocean Steamships.
Sale dates Cali he arranged at
',C124ES office.
Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty
Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario
Write or Ph ,ne 81, wingham
go MEM litilleralleMBIS=21139
Raving' an ni..-ti.rda,••+ Creamers. ;II
4 rittfitiroonpaerg:,istion, t,olicit 3 0111` et, am
Wo are urepared to pay the his hcot
marketpiices for good er...on on 4 „tire
you ar, fun ,it basis..., s eight:Er
MVP Wing » C resting eaeli eon of nten,i;
*Pc.Ilvtict ei.'biI1y and returni g
full statemant of same to obeli p51- in
We Welsh two 0.544. to patron
pay all express chin ges end pay every
two weeks
Wrire for furthi r partici tars or
send for cans end viva as a trial.
Chadren. Ory
C A "T" 0 R I A
The Case of Solomon.
Tbe One -I can't understand why old
man Solomon was considered such a
very wise mortal tvheu lie married 700
The Other -Went that's enough to
put any utan wise.
The Specification.
"That incorrigible gossip. Mrs. God-
dY. says sbe wants to talk business to
you." •
"1 dent doubt itbut it will .be every-
body else's but her own,"
So to Speak.
"tiow's that young din n 1 see caning
on you lately?"
it pill. but Ire brings me lots of
"Trying to engiar coat' himself, as It
as All Choked Up
Could HardEy Breathe.
Was The Cause; The Cure Was
Worway Pine Syrup.
Mrs. Garnet Burns, North Augusta,
Ont., writes: "I caught is dreadiul cold,
going to town, arid about a week after
I became all choked up, and could hardly
breathe, and could scareely sleep at
night for coughing. I went to the
doctor, and lie told me that I was getting
bronchitis. My husband went to the
dreggists, and asked them if they had a
cough medicine of any kind that they
could recommend. The druggist brought
out a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup. I started using it, and it coin.
pletcly cured me of my cold. 1 cannot
tell you how thankful I was to get rid of
that awful nasty eold. I shall always
keep a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup on hand, and I shall only he too
glad to recommeed it to all others."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is is
remedy that has been on the market for
the past tweeity-five years, And we tan
reeottimend it, without is doubt, as being
the best cure for coughs and colds that
you cart poseibly procure,
There are a lot di i1difdti0115 an Vie
market, so when you go to your druggist
or dealer AC6 that you get "Dr, Wood's;"
pat up in a yellow wrapper; three pine
trees the trade mark; the price, 25c and
The geimine is raanufactured by The
1`, Milburnt ,Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
11,....1.10.r..1,1111,1.1.1 00 1... 0.10.111. ••1114,.......IMIFI 0.010.1.M.,....1,4*••••
II/ $lift') Mit
BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services
at 11 11. fn. and 7 p. m. Sunday School
at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting
and it. Y. P. U. every Wednesday at
8 p. m. A. C. Riley, R. A.., Pastor.
Geo.Pocoek, S. S. Superintendent.
MeTHODIeT CHURCH -Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a. m, and 7 p. rn. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League
every Monday evening. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
J. W. Ribbert, pastor. P. Buchanan,
S. S. Superintendent,
Vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p, in. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor. Frank Lewis, S.
S. Superintendent.
Petuite'ss Caftluilam.a
Rn. Er lSadc°r4PL--Iin
S ab:
Sunday School at 2:30 p ni. Rev.
E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex. Al-
deron, S. S. Superintendent,
at 11 a.m., 3 p.m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday.
At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening.
There will be special music provided in
the Sunday evening service from. 7 to
POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a. rn.
to 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from
7 a. tn. to 9 p. m. 0, N Griffin, post-
Puente LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fe im 2 to 5:80
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss Della Reid, lib-
TOWN CouNtelte-Dr. A. J Irwin,
Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F.
Binkley, A. M. Crawford, W. A. Currie,
V, R. Vannortnan, W G. Patterson and
D. Bell, Councillors; John F G. oyes,
Clerk; and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer.
Board meet first Monday evening in
each month at 8 o'clock.
Wm. Robertson W. A. Campbell, Dud-
ley Holmes, A. Tipling, A. E Lloyd,
Rohn Allen, L, A. Bisbee, John P. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the seeond Tues-
day of each month.
HIGH Smoot. Tutedltues -Mr. G. R.
Smith, B. A., Principal and Specialist
in Mathematics; Mr, Southcombe, I3,A.
Specialist in Classics; Mr. Anderson,
Specialist in Science; Miss M. 1.
Whyte. 13. A., Specialist in Moderns
and History: Miss E. C. Garrett, Art
and Mathematice; Miss B. Anderson,
B A., Commereial Work and History.
Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley.
(chairtnan), Win.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. GrovesSecretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
Wingham General Hospital
(under Government Inspection)
'Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FOR PATiuNTs-which
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according to location of
room. For further information, ad-
Miss L. Matthews.
Superintendent '
Box 223, Wingham Ont.
Railway Time Table
Loudon 6.35 a.m. 3.22 p.m.
Torolffo and East 6.45 min. 3.15 pin.
Klucarcline . 11.59 p.m. 9.15 p.m.
Kincardine 6.30 tem. 3.15 p.m.
London ...... 11.54 a.m. 740 p.m.
Toronto and East 11.45 a.m. 9.15 p.m,
ye as. Bunco& es. Station Agent, Wingham
B DLE.1.01,T, Town Agent, winghem,
TOI.Ont0 and East 6.25 a.m. 3.05 p.m.
Teeswater . . 12 59 pen. 10.82 p. tn.
AllalvE FROM
Teestvrtter, 6.20a.m. 3.05 p.m.
Toronto and East 12.47 p.m. 10.20 p.m.
J. H. BREMER, Agent, Winghain
A Representative Wanted
TRICT for the
Old Reliable Fonthill
Fee:Ater& Why remain idle all
Winter wben e on CILIA take up a paying
Choice list of varieties for "„Spring
Planting. Liberal Terms. handsome
Free Outfit. Exclusive Territory.
VVrite now far particulars,
Stone & Wellington
ToRox,ro, ONT.
Timer MAIM,
Anyent1 sending *sketch and description maY
cutout,' naeortain our opinion frowhether an
invention lei/reliably ladonteble,_g:ornintnitea4
dues etrieLly (lova dentrai. tient:180N on Patents
sent free. oldest agent? for securing patents.
names takon through,mune.,te co. receive
Specialnotfre, without °Dante, Itt the-
scitutific Rintritat
A lintulsOrnely Mrstrated wearer. Largest air-
nieTtinfle1/4,70, di:',1,cittl'oon,111:eo.ea°r145.nootitifitleir prronalpa- elTa. Told:4V
MIINN&Co,863"34v404 NetvIrerk
itrailee °Me, two it ete we1thugtor3,3).-0..
Ftbritary 3rd, 1916
ibe CVingham Times
It; PC.B7.,,If1RIOD
The Titres OfroeStone Block.
WI N GP A fd. ONTA.8.10,
Teazels or suesaiiireins-si 00 oer eingem
in advance, $1.1*e if not paid. No paper diqmn.
tinned till all :peva ri are pikI execot at the
option of the pabliciner,
DISPLAY EinlrEll'efe.deeMl
Oue Y $410 (Sc each inserIon)
eix MotteiN 2 00 (10 • "
Three Months LW (13o "
One Month .04 (10.3 t. .1
One Week .21)
Local and nchN, adve”risoments,Ilo
par line f w first inaerr-lti rind 4,epe,, line for
each suharque it inse."Ion, Measured by 8
ueupariet scot*. tw Ire lines to an inch.
13usiness eards of six tines and under, 55.00
per sear,
Advertisements or :situ Bois Vacant, Situs
Mons wanted ROUSEIS for Sate or to rent
ArtieleS tor sate, 510 , net et 'lading eight
lines, 250 each tusertioa; $5 for first mouth.
afic, for each atibs.tquent month Larger ad
vertiseitionts in preportion.
Business eaters thew» tvne15e or counted
line; as Ideal or news matter. tee /ter line each
Ogine38-Vor11er Patrick and Centre Sts,
Offices 43
Residence, Dr Renuedy 143
ReeideueL, L. Calder 101
Dr. Kennedy speoializes in Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotes special mammon so Dia
eases of the 3ye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Byes thoroughly tested. Glasses
properly fitted.
ROBT. C. BI5D1l�I4D t1. t.0,t. (ling)
L. 13.0. P. London
PHYSICIAN and SOI1.01110N.
Office, %YAM in. Chia olte
W. R. fiendily, BSc, M.D.,
:Wingbanc, Ontario.
Special attention paid vo diseases of women
and 'nineteen, having taken post graduate
work in Stirger3 , eartorionigy and Salami do
Office in the Kerr resklence. between the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist °emote
All business given careful attentioe.
Phone 14, P. 0. Box 118.
Ostegpathic Physicians
Oculists, Neurologists
Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods
Osteopathy cures or benefits when
other system fail
Wingbana office over Christie's Store
Tuesday, 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Wed-
nesday, 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday, 4 tc
9.00 pen. Friday, 9.05 to 9.00 a. 01.
or by appointment.
J. A. FOX, D. C.
Chiropractic removes the ettese
of peactically all diseases. It
matters Doe what pare of the
body is affected, it can be reached
thru the centres in the spinal
column by adjustment of sublax-
ated vertebra. Consultation free.
Member of Drugless Physicians'
Association of Canada.
ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. et., 2.11 a,
Dootor of Dental borgeryc the Funnsylven A
Dental Ooi!eg azid Licentiate of She itoyai
college of Dental fitirgeons of Ontario. Cake
in,Macdonald Block, Winobam.
Office dosed every Woittesday afternoon
from May ist to oot. 1st.
a }toss, D. D. 8., L. D. 8.
donor graduate of the Itoyal College ot
Dental surgeons of Ontario and Honor gratin,
ate of the University of Toronto, Faculty of
Office over H. E. Isard & Co's., store, Wing.
haul, Ont.
ince Closed eVery 'Wednesday afternoon
from May 1st to Oct. 1st,
B.4,111118211JR, teOLICiTOR,
Privateand Company fund o to loan at lowest
rate of interest, mortgages, town and farm
property bough* and sold.
Ofene. Realer Mock. Win obans
8A13108E101, coo.
*Mohave, Ont.
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Office: Meyer Block,Wingham.
immolealosroimmondownieseememixembiamddmi., •
Orders for the lusertion of aeteeetiaement*
meth as teachers Wanted, business obances•
inechanles wanted, articles for sole, or in foot
any kind of an advt, in any of the Torontoer
other ciity potter, may he lett at the Tnitets
Ofilee. Thth work will receive profit pt at tentfatt
and will sato people the trouble of remitting
for and eetwardirie advartidernenta, Lowesi
rates will be quoted on imprioatioh. Leave
or seed ever :text work of this kind to the