HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-01-27, Page 9Page 8
• January 27th, 1916
Notteelr Under whir lima tencies line
for fst. irinset-14a
,; Ittrt, cents- . suLse-
quell t u•serth.nr.
WANTED A gnettl4pieneral servant
girl. Apply,- CIL% Office.
select trent at lowest prices.
W. J. GaElt•
Friday, Jan., 21. only,. A. M. Knox
phone 65.
HueitEv Boos You should see our
line or klinkey "Ioots. The best aWaitS
you here. W. J. Grim:,
CORN- We Lave for sale at our store
or trail. a car of gotd American yellow
WANTED Two pipers for Winghar.-.
Detachment 161st Huron Battalior
apply to Major N.T. Sinclair, Wingham.
LOST -English spaniel, white and
yellow. Answers to the name Jim.
Reward for return. Apply to C. P,
WED -Ten to twenty acres of
good garden land. Will lease for five
years with privilege of buying at ex-
piration of lease. John Kerr, Wingham.
APPLE BUTTER Our supply of apple
butter is limited and you had better
place your order early so as not to he
disappointed. E. MErulazy & SON.
Phone 84.
Mrs. Bull. of London, is visiting with
her sister, Mrs, C. Eing.
Pte. Arthur; Newman, of the 7lit'
battalion, spent Sunday in town.
Pte. 11. Hinscliffe, of Stratford,
visited at his home here ;or over Sun-
Pte. Lttnard Brock, of Galt, was
visi•irg for a few cloy at his home in
Reeve Mitchell is in Galeria attend-
ing the sessions of the Huron County
Miss Densmore left 'en Tuesday for
Clinton Where she Yiait for some
Jr..:;; 1k•r sitiZer.
Mr. ltubt. Johnston, of Toronto,
was viaiting for a few days with his
zon, Mr. lvan Johnston.
Mr.T. S. Brandon is visiting for a
few day s with his son, Mr. N. L.
i Bearden at St, Marys and his son, Mr.
; Brock Bracdon at Hanover.
Mrs. Wtn. Ahlhorn and Mrs. Albert
Boone, who were here attending the
funeral of their father, the late Wm.
Clark, left on Monday for their home
in Dayton. Ohio, accompanied by their
nephew, Mr. Will Elliott.
For biarrotal and Wedding Rings gel
to Knox's.
_Have you renewed your subseription
to the Tirana?
-Huron CoiintY Cotincil igh secsion
at Goderich this week.
Fine stock of silverware, cut grass
and jewellery at Knox's.
-All the leadina magazines are on
sale at the TIMES stationery store.
-Buy your railway tickets from H
B. Elliott. Town Agent for the G T. R.
at the TIMES office.
-Clubbing rates with all city news-
papers in connection with the TIME.
Your orders will receive prompt
-Mrs. Reg. S. Williams will receive
at her home on Centre street, on Wed-
nesday afternoon. February 2nd, from
3 to 6 o'clock.
- Mr. Wm. Clarridge, of Ingersoll
and formerly of Wingham, has enlisted
with the 165th battalion now being
formed in Oxford county.
- The members of the Wingham
Company of the 161st Huron Battalion
purpose holding an kt Home in the
Armouries on 'Wednesday evening,
February 2nd.
-The J. E. Swarts farm on the sec-
ond line of Morris has been sold to Mr.
Alex. Ross, of Turnberry, who has sold
his farm to Mr. Halliday. Mr Ross has
secured a good farm.
-Mr. McVicar, who has been mail
clerk on the L., H. & B. has been trans-
ferred to another run out of London
and his old position is being taken by
Mr. McLeod, of Woodstock.
-Dr. Tamlyn reports that he saw
two robins on his lawn on Friday after-
noon last. It was certainly spring-like
weather and some of the robins are
apparently staying with us for the
-A farmer came into town one day
last week running a blind pig. In-
spector Mitchell was aware of the fact
but did not prosecute. Temperance
people ask why? Reason - Pig was
blind in only one eye.
The attractions are uriserpassed,
beautifu; palm trees, warm sea bathing,
orange and banana groves, golf, tarpon
fishing, luxurioiss hotels for all pockets.
Two nights only from Toronto. Win-
er o s •
sure that your tiokets read via Cana-
dian Pacific Railway, Excellent ser-
vice is offered via Detroit and Cinciaat-
ti. Particelars from Canadian Pacific
Ticket Agents, or write M. G. Murphy,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto,
We gratefully acknowledge the
following donations: - Miss Imlay,
f50,007 Foceeds of school concert at
No, 5, Morrie, On Dec, 15th, the
society sent $100.0 to Shorncliire
Hospital. On January 18th, to Hy -
man's Hall, London, a consignment of
soldiers' comforts, consisting of 29 pairs
of socks, 6 pairs of wristlets, 3 Balaclava
caps, 13 military shirts and 2 razors.
Mrs, J. Cole, $1; Mrs. J. Nicholson, $2;
Mrs. A. Porterfield, 5 yards of cotton.
Vie thank all our supporters for their
splendid help in the past.
It is with deep regret that we, this
week chronicle the death of Anna
Margaret Barbour, beloved wife of Mr.
Henry J. McCienahan, who passed away
1 f0115WIC4 S'eVelai Weeks illness. The
tbe Wingham Hespital on Sunday last i
allYrf2Itii.N CHURCH
The annual congregational meeting of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. will
be held on Monday evening, January
31st. There are matters of importance
to come before the meeting and there
should be a large attendance of the
members of the congregation.
The members of the Wingham Com-
pany of the 161st Huron Battalion will
attend service in a body iu St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church next Sunday
Regular services will be held in the
Methodist Church next Lord's Day at
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The pastor, Rev.
J. W. Hibbert will preach at both ser-
vices. Evening subject, "The Making
of Men," Good music. Be sure and
-Mr. Joe Doyle, son of His Honor
Judge Doyle, has been appointed
manager of the Bloor and Clinton
streets branch of the Union Bank at
Toronto. Mr. Doyle is a former resi-
dent of Wingham and old friends here
will congratulate him on his promotion.
Walter J. Percy
-The editor of The Trams is in re- Richard Fay
ceipt of a complimentary invitation to Js. McCallum
attend the sixteenth annual "at home" Richard Jones
deceased lady was a daughter or Mr. •
and Mrs. Wm. Barbour of Kinloss and
was in her 30th year. She had been a
resident of this section for only a short
time, but had made a large circle of
friends who will hear of her death with
deep repret. The bereaved ()nes will
have the sincere sympathy of numerous
friends in their affliction. The funeral
Service on Thursday evening at 8
The Girls' Auxiliary will meet at
Miss Weir's home on Thursday evening
at 7.30.
The Ladies Guild will meet at the
Rectory on Friday aWrnoon at 3
Service next Sunday at 11 a, m. and
7 p. m. Bible Class at 3 o'clock.
Mr. Reedes, of McMaster University,
will occupy the pulpit in the Baptist
Chureh next Sunday.
took place on Wednesday afternoon
from the home of deceased's parents
to the Wingham cemetery.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
Church met in the church on Tuesday
for their annual meeting and election of
Joe Wilkinson made a businees trip
to Hensall the beginning of the week.
Mrs. Robert Anderson, who has been
suffering from the effects of bronchitis
and In grippe is improving at time of
The following is a list of the young
men who have enlisted in the 161st
Battalion from Wingham and district: -
H. Guest T. T. McDonald
W. E. Thompson T. S. McDonald
V. L. Sanderson G. W. Schaefer
W. A. Windsor G. L. Stillwell
H. W. Powell A. C. Williams
M. C. Cameron R. F. Forsyth
W. Aitcheson H. J. Currie
G. R. Taylor J. C. Penrose
Chas. Gander J. H. Barker
E. M. Forbes R. Huffman
Wm. Holt L Kirkham
R. C. Mann M. Mercer
J. F. Galbraith L. C. Cantelon
J. Holmes N. R. Bloomfield
C. Orchard W. Hinscliffe
J. Johnston J. T. N. Taylor
J. C. McTavish J. J. Kerr
J. F. Carruth L. B Drummond
T. Fixter W. M. G. Fetterley
H. T. Drummond H. J. Bond
G. R. A. Ireland Allan Knechtel
Fred 0..2. Manuel W. G. Adair
Geo. G. Rintoul
Wm Scott
Thos. Price
Harry Dye
of the Huron Old Boys' Association of
Toronto, to be held in the Oddfellows'
Temple, 229 College street, Toronto,
on Friday evening, February 4th. The
"at home" is to be of a special patri-
otic character this year, and prepara-
tions are being made for a large at-
JENICINS -In East Wawanosh, on San.
6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Jenkins; a
Cool( - In East Wawanosh, on Jan.
10th, to Dar. and Mrs. George Cook; a
WOODS -In Turnberry, on January
24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woods;
a daughter,
CATHERS-In Turnberey, on January
18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Cathers; a
Acres", Alta., on Deeember 30th, by
Rev. 3. Shortt, Mr. William Simpson
to Miss Agnes, youngest daughter of
Mrs. Thos. Calder, formerly of Grey
township, Huron Co.
MCCLEN AHAN -In Winghenl, On
January 23rd. Anna Margaret Barbour,
wife of Mr. Henry J. IVicClenahan, of
East Wawanosh, aged 29 years, 7
months and 14 days.
Wm. Geddes, 3rd line, has sold his
100 acre farm to Findlay McCallum for
the sum of 56,000, possession to be
given on the first of March. Mr. Ged-
des will move to Belgrave where he
has owned property for some time.
An interesting feature in connection
with the meeting of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society of Knox Church which
was held last Thursday was the pre-
sentation by the Society of a life mem-
bership certificate, which represents
$25, to the present Secretary, Mrs. W.
H. Ferguson. as a token of apprecia-
tion for valued service rendered the
Society in this office for 15 years. Mrs.
(Rev.) A. M. Boyle, in a few well chos:
en words, addressed the recipient. Mrs
A. T. Cole on behalf of the Auxiliary
made the presentation which was re-
sponded to by Mrs. Ferguson with a
deep sense of appreciation and gratitude
for the spirit which prompted the val-
ued gift.
The recruiting meeting which was
held in the Foresters' hall on Monday
night was a brilliant success and did
credit to the men of Belgrave. Six of
Belgrave's finest signing up. Major
N. T Sinclair, of Wingham, occupied
the chair in a very able manner. Lt. -
Col. Combe of Clinton, commanding of-
ficer of the 161st Battalion, delivered
an address in which he called the men
of Belgrave to the colors; impressing
upon them the necessity of defending
our homes and our liberty. Dr. Red.
mond then spoke and was followed by
Rev. Mr. Hibbert, who delivered one
of the ablest recruiting addresses ever
heard in Huron County. Miss Jean
Vannorman, of Wingham, then, sang
' 'We'll Never let the Old Flag Fall"
which was followed by an appeal for re-
cruits by Col. Combe. The following
men immediately offered themselves,
William Scott, James McCallum', Dick
Jones, Dick Fay, Harry Dye, Jr.
Price. These men kserve the great-
est credit for setting the example to
t4 men of Belgrave. A recruiting de.
pot will be started at once and it is ex-
pected that Belgrave will furnish at
least 25 men. There is no district in
the county of Huron that has as many
strapping young fellows as Belgrave.
Will you help Belgrave to do its share?
The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Hutchison, of Fordwich, was the scene
of a very pretty and quiet wedding on
Wednesday, Jan. 12th, when their
eldest daughter, Elsie B.. was united
in marriage to Mr. Norman McLaugh-
lin, also of Fordwich. The bride wore
a simple gown of white lace cloth over'
silk and was given away by her father.
Her youngest sista*, Miss Nellie, play-
ed Lohengrin's wedding march and
later during the signing of the register
she played several Military and Patri-
otic selections. The bride's going away
suit was tailored and of navy blue
broad cloth with which she wore mink
furs and a black velvet picture hat.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
in the Methodist Church, Blyth, at 3
p.m., on Tuesday, Jan'y 18th, when
Miss Ge dvade Louise, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T. C. Smith, of East Wawa -
nosh, became the wife of Mr. William
John Somers, of the same township.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
George Jewitt, after whith the newly
wedded couple left on •the four p. tm
train on a short wedding trip and on
their return will take up their residence
on the groom's farm in East Wawanosh.
It is the wish of their many friends
" OttnbrOOk, on January , , 1,e ion t
17th, Elizabeth McComb. relict of the that tneg wedded hie may g
late John Canieron, aged SO years. Jhappy and properous.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
25 Muff&
and Stoles
25 Muffs and Stoles
in Alaska Sable,
Mink Marmot,
Brown Opposum.
White Thibet, or
Sitka Fox. Values
from $10 to $15,
Three Day Sale
only for . $5.00
50 Muffs and Stoles
50 Muffs and Stoles in Persian
adian Mink, Black Wolf, Natural
Sable. Values from $15 to $25.
Sale for only
Lamb, Can -
Wolf, Alaska
Three Da5
- $10.00
Special Discounts on Men's and Ladies Fur
and Fur Lined Coats.
Choice Butter
New Laid Eggs Dried Apples
rg Big Clearing
ft -
Formerly Merchants' Brokerage
‘o, • .aw• • • • • • '••••• • • • .10.• • ..as
• N.
le t
ST. 111011Etirc
Miss Tena 13. Garden, of British Col-
umbia, is here on a visit to the old
Mrs. Harper is spending a few weeks
visiting her sister, Mrs Brumpton, at
Port Stanley.
Mrs. Stein and two sons, of Yellow
Grass, Seek,, stre visitors at her sister's
Mrs. W. J. Humphey's.
The St. Helens school section has
decided to build a two -roomed school on
the old site. The building is to be of
red brick. Operations will start at
The shareholders of the public hall
held their annual meeting on Monday
evening. Having some surplus motley
on hand, they intend to make some ii
provements on the hall,
4.1.4aimpoirmaprow IMIIMPOIMP
-- -.
We are in a better position to supply a high-graFer-
tilizer than any other manufacturer putting I fertil;
this year.
Get your orders in early as we intend in g our de-
liveri6searlier than. usual.
Do not take any Fertilizer epiesto be just as
good. There are none just a. g , and in any case
do not run any chance in h y 'ertilizer.
Get a Government guaran, , because the -re is some
talk of our opposition selling a brand and not guaran-
teeing any potash. If this is correct. their prices are
at least 56.00 per ton too high.
We can give you any grade of Fertilizer, but we are
recommending our famous brand 2-8-2. If none of our
agents have solicited business from you, get in touch
with us direct.
REMEMBER -We ate only wholesalers for Steele Briggs'
Seeds. Ask your dealer for Steele Briggs Seeds. „ We
do not retail from our warehouse in Wingham.
Telephones:- Office 174 Residence 108
January and February
Women's Plain R Libbers
Men's Plain Rubbers
40c per pair
60c per pair
Women's guaranteed Button Boots ,
with back cravanette top $2.25 per pair
Men's Gun Metal Calf Buttoned
Boots - $2.65 per pair
Men's Long Rubber Boots (knee) $2.85 per pair
Women's Patent Buttoned Boots $2.45 per pair
The al;ove are just the same as a&-ertised
in January and February city catalogues. We
always meet catalogue prices.
Sole Agents
for Ladies
and Derby Silo s or Men
The members of Court Tuck, No. 30,
Canadian Order of Threaten, recently
held their annual oyster supper at the
home of Mr. Arthur Lincoln, Turnberiry,
when about eighty-five 'partook of the
supper and later the yoting people
gathered in from the various hottes
where a very enjoyable evening was
spent in dancing and other 'amusements.
Excellont music was furnished by Kelly
Bros,, Mrs. Robt. Metealfe, Mrs.
" "MADE IN CA" )A"
The Ford C.:oupelet
Price $730
Outside the blizzard may rage -but inside the
Ford Coupelet there's riding comfort no matter
what the weather. And for milder days it takes
but a moment to lower the top. Two cars in
one -the Ford Coupelet equips you for motoring
all the year round.
The Ford Runabout is $460; the Touring Car $530;
the Sedan $890; the Town Car $780. All prices f. o. h.
Ford, Ontario. All cars completely equipped including
electric headlights. Equipment does not include speed-
ometer. Cars on sale by A. M. Crawford, .Dealer,
Wingham, Ontario.
reAtovowww*Aiwvvisvs, wrob,wit Ava covantoll,
W. G. Patterson's 1,
Big Half Price and Below Cost
1 Jemielery Sale
Hector McLean, Geo. Bremner and
Will Hall. Robt. Metcalf's little
daughter recited and sang several songs
and Geo Bremner faVored the gather
log with a couple of his old favorite
songs. About 12 o'clock a dainty lunch
was served and the brethern left for
their homes about 3 O'cloek, leeling
that Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln had made a
pleasant evening for the happy crowd
and all hoping to be spared to attend
the cyster supper next winter.
Sale commences on Farmers' CiOnvention Day, Jan 21st
and Will end on March 11th, 1916
We have too large a stock of high class goods to carry over
war times so we have decided to dispose of them at a loss.
This is a ehanee of your life time to buy good Jewelery of
all kinds at prices which yon never will be able to buy at
again. Keep your eye ou the windows and in the store
and see goods ticketed regular price, black ink, sale price,
red ink. A Big Slaughter in Diamonds.
The Great Watch bettor
064vitywirs.,,tAt Ava, tvart.,t, gyfeik.ive4..i.Nlvo#1,4: