HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-01-27, Page 7• re I f=y jarti, y 27Lh 19C • teetereederenteetteretere ,-.--e-reeeeteee n 11-1.-E 'WIN:GRAM .71mEs: •11. ^1 \i\\\011.11'1111)11111)11111.11'114. I - Nr,) , J it veutuie or the preeeding vete I WI had ;Jetted at elle tiale and awed profit et $1.311. Proem,' te hail been brigetest on tbe Vete eye „of mietieleiele- .1.110 stet MOMII Oeveit riltilehn end Veldinn 'haven, old bed that ever one halt of the Ills Of life and yelled. bed 'entitled here a. elm ere eanSed by; ellovideg the bewela to get gni It la through De humeit aginley, into, .0. constipated condition, and the "Jut n furn•Y Qr the 144(!r""!3 .41iQVtrcgal4P5.1 eof 9SrtthiPeall•Ivog. 44111t aaccttlivV: treacle renely tiumelling .up dilteugan - you may rest, assured that headache& Janneice, neartburn. Pile, fleeting speeks the sawdust from the email epeeteze ; 1, W1,110.1 !itg, Iwo into tho titan beyouti the nefere the eyes, e, feeling as If you. teem partit" •heinnicree ens its martYlte, ping to hunt, er cetera of the stoulath. Peitrod elltuetel epee a barrel, etottil will det. ee the wrong action of this, Otte .on tiptoe, grasped the rine a the to; of the roost importen.t orgaes of tbe thee, using ft Iteethole as a StirrilP, bQd)re'ep the liver active and, werkint threw otte leg over the top, chew hien- • self tip and dropPed withlu. Shunting 1),riovteryulsin the use of Milburn'S Laza- upon the Paelted sawdust, waS Just l\%fss 'Rose bahineau Airherst, tall email -di to ece nver the top. writes; ottdeau3 beet,. troubled tad i; Duke Mel not followed. ban Into the years with. constipation, and trying storeroom, leit remained near the open (plena nor writ At3tavt Wes . 'nom — it dn'td'da, be 114 oath* growtria eller. CO. , . ,, ,, N ... PA ,. . ... end. viler t will WhiP OS ePe yo4,eillt nit It PredtActlire of more lot Heaito tli-titele3;.'4 'Walk '°r a' 11"1‘ iPt4. mean 914 . Vhill: AnXtlillig Else, , " ticArolY bed the vile. tt'erds iegtt In 11 .• when - Was ie keit and guarded,. hut twv/ItY^ • ...: It thetruth was ,only 1;noViffi*ott viouist , 47)00.'001N PROLOGUE. Nowhere has J3aoth Tar- kington'done such finished" exquisite work las in this story of boyhood. The full ftavor of his story is not only for the grown man or woman, but for any one who enjoys the comic Muse. ft is a picture of a boy's heart, full of those lovable, hu- morous, tragic things which are locked secrets to older folks unicss one has the gift of understanding Booth • 7'arkington has it eminently, anti "Penrod" will stand as • classic interpretation of the omnipresent azbtlety-- B 0 Y• CHAPTER I. A Coy and His Dog. INROD sat morosely upon the dY back fence tied gazed, with envy at Duke, his wistful dog. 41. bitter soul dominated the vit- Does curved anti • angular surfaces known by a cureless world a$ the face or Peluso(' Schofield. Except in soli- tutle, that fitce . was almost always •eryptie and aaationless, for Penrod bad come intonns twelfth year wear - leg an eIpression carefully trained to .be inscrutable. Since the world was sure to misunderstand everything, • mere defensive inetinet prompted him to give it as little as pessible to lay .hold upon, Nothing is more impene- . 'treble than the thee of a boy who has - learned this, and Penrod's was habitu- . ally as fathoinless as the depth of his hatred this morning for the Literary activities of ears. Lora Rewbush, an . almost universally respected fellow -citizen, a lady of charitable and poetic • inclinations and one of his own moth- ar's most intimate friends. Mrs. Lora Rewbush bad written '.something which she called The ,Children's Pageant of the ' Table ellound," and it was to be performed -,tin public that very afternoon at the '. 'Women's Arts and Guild bah for the qbenefit of the Colored Infants' Better - !meld society. And if any flavor of 'Sweetness remained in. the nature of 'Penrod Schofield after the dismal :trials of the school week just past, that problematic, infinitesimal rem - 'tient was made putgent acid by the 'Imminence of his destiny to form a peominent feature of the Spectacle and to declaim the loathsome sentiments of a character named upon the pro- gram the Child Sir Lancelot After each rehearsal he had plotted , • escape, and only ten days earlier there had been a glimmer of light Mrs. 'Lora Hewbush caught a very bad cold, and it wits hoped It might develop into i'pneuroortia, but nhe recovered so quick- ly that not eten a reheats:LI of the Children'd lengettnt WAS postponed. 'ttarkness closed in. Penrod had rather vaguely debated piens for a self venti- lation such as Would Make his ap- )Dearanee'as the Child Sir Lancelot in- exteedjant on untille grounds, It was ,••••110111.M5.1.1••••••.1.1.40,011101. 5:j0fe aid^ httraeffie the retinas of sonee extremely sketchy preliminary experiments caused 111111 to abandon it There was no esenpe, and at last his • hetur was hard upou him. Therefore he brooded on the fence an'd gezed 'with envy at his wistful Duke, The dog's name was undeseriptive of his person, which was obvioasly the result of a singular series of tries- • allitinees. *He, wore a griezled mus tache tind indefinite whiskers. H• e was small and shabby and looked like an vid postman. Penrodenvied Mike ' because he 'was sure Duke would ties, er compelled to be a Child Sir Lancelot. He thought a 'dog free and unshttekled to go or come as the wind listeth, Penrod foi*got the/1M he lea Duke. There wait a long soliloquy upon the fence, a plaintive monologue without words. Tbe boy's thoughts were rid- • jectives, but they were expressed, Ey runniug film of pictures in his mind's eye, morbidly prophetic of the Mileage • des before him. Fluent he svelte nlouti. with sueh spleen tient Duke rose from his haunches and lifted ono ner in keen entilety. 9 mem sir ietneemt du f.nhe. the child *jentui hearted, meet( nod tilO 7,7bat tilrolgll I'm bar .8 lit11.11 ol;114, brotleti moat ;mil-, Oor.,, tids mow wpi1 it quotti, (WM% ,11 coneave and pessimistic tittle e Peered felt In a dark (either of te bus and laid hands upon e simeh• ntipttrains consisting et 110, olU husho basket with a few yards•or olothhho tivo onoh or its ihkudios. pa.seed the veils of the lidos over • bie spool, revolved upon nu fkle of Wire suspecilled frozna beam overheed. and, with the ;lid or this lin- pro-,,fsed ' lowered the empty basket until it cinee to rest in en Im- re:Mt peeition upon the door or the storeroom to die eoot of the stisvaust hox. 0:;g11„eva-ter!" shotited"Penrod. "Tlete • • k,"7... Duke, old and intelligently "appre- hensive, approached slowly, in a semi- • circular inanner, deprecatingly, but, with, courtesy. He pawed the easket delicately, then, es it that were all his Master had expected of him, uttered, one bright bark, sat down and looked up triumphantly. His hyprocrisy was shallow?, maity aliorrible quarter of an hour had taught him his duty in this matter. . "El-e-vity-terr. shouted P$nrod stern- tilllutnt1.11°0(7-.; ly. "YOU want me to eome down there %voted not like to. letit fix to yOtt?" S'oort fliniold got mod ot tlqs .oul jump. Duke looked suddenly., haggard. lie lalo,,glop; eyes throwin off his pawed the basket feebly again and, upon another outberst from on high, Prostrated himself. flat. Again threat- ened, he gave a superb impersonation of a. worm; . • eYou get in, that el-e-vay-teio," Reckless with despair. Duke jumped luto the basket, Iancihmein a disheveled posture, winch he did not alter until he had been drawh, up and poured (tut upon the Poor of sawdust Within, the box. There, shuddering, he lay in doughnut simile and presently slumber- ed. It was dark in the box, a condition thet might have been remedied by slid- ing back a small wooden Vanel on run- • ners, which would have let in ample ligezt from the alley, but Penrod Scho- field had more interesting menus. of illuminotion. lie knelt, and from a former ,soap box, in a corner, *took a faetern without a ehininey and a large oll can, the leak in the latter being so various ,so-called reniediee, which did ate no good whatever, wee persuaded to tforitenYllelliz014.risniet:11!;Lei:lieer:e11:ifil:t: iteleed a splendid pill. I can hontily Secounnead them to i..11 who auger from conslipatler.." ' , Milbertes Inteedenor Itlis ere dite vial, 5 ;.t1,11.1, at all dealers, ti'r mailed dirt,Ct rot ef pric.•. by The Millitira- Co , 1r t, Ont. il000 tze two men were etruggling to - „,ether in LIIS:0 tleathreeu but soon 'Mr. Wil. <•ori got him bound nod 4afged his mouth and went away for awhile loarin our here, R was dark mid lie writ141 itt his .1.13 oti the floor wile ;the 'rats optic out of their heirs aml, bit 11:111 and vermin got all Os:01' littn from tbe floor of that ltelish i'pot but eoon 110 Mange() to nasti gag teat his Mouth with the inl of his toungeU and got sill bond3 tta' Sinen tVilsort' tame book to tont him itelpiess condition Cowed by hs ylet:r, of Octets:WOK and: tivy f. -Ha 10:41 'L ,r1.00VIIII; A111,1 atol WO It helplozu condition ilarn, '1 VI 11 Flat th'.? bonds bare toe •ee tem the seem but eoe th,oe ihom When be ti.:atitCd to lost !milt at hint now sneered tiler en hoes Wm tide vau would be was •oteee' 000ds like they were ror Ira Ila sneered' he I 'guess you better not talk SO Wald] qeNt time. Soon there. Rowed another owful strtrrade and tdczln his Ottotnatiek ooeit from ItIr Wilson he shot twe of tbe detectives through the heart Ilino Clog went the olloinot:oir end ttvo mere wont to tnee their Molter only two cletectives left ow, and 80 ha stabbed one and the ‘4001olrel veht to meet 1119 Maker for now OU r hero was fighting for Ids very life. ft was dark lit thare now for night had ralen and terrible view met . the eye itt WaS j1.1,5q OVer OVCITalial; and the rats were entin the (load men. 9008 our born inunged, to get itis Dmik to the wall for he was fighting for h:s eery 1113 11011 and thot Mr 'Wmon through the atiolmen '7,fr Wi:uon Mr Wilson stogerd tin"..1; vRe rOa. in his for ho was in pain • CtilAY tr.ti atm you re:Leered he t will get you let • riamorez • The remittent seontuel had all 031 glitch no came pear our het'os head with bit missed him and remand stuck in the *all Our' netts amumItion was exbaused what vtis he to de, (ho remania scondrel wouIa nearly imperceptible that its banish,- stem get his at Rise so our he sinum14 ment from household use had seemed the flech for now our hero was fighting' Com -aril and bit him till his teeth met In to Penrod at ineeplicable as it was for ills very life At this the remanin providentiel, • • - . izeondret also cursed and swore vile oaths S ear; 00 sneered he — yen namortz Ile sho It was hie, mother's yotee *Oleg trove the beck perch, SinueltaneousIO the Peen whASties. Ite- • gall to blow far Pod uear, and, the to- aulacqr In' the Sawalet bett, sumMon- ea proSaically front eteep MOUntain. passee above the eloudS. Mewl with Satibby' pencil halfway from lip to knee, 1.Iis eyes were Sitinii4, there was a rapt sweetness In his gaze. As Ile wrote WS bUrdell had grielyn, Ilgbt or, thoughts of Mrs. Lora Rewhilsh bad' almost Jett Mat, and itt partie.hier as he roeonnted (even by •the chaste-dash the , annoyed eXPresslen$ of 'Mr. W11- aoti.' the writinded, detective, the sfilien moustaelied mule driver, he had felt mysteriously relieved, conceruing the Sir Lancelot. Altogether be Molted a hotter mid a brignter boy, "Pen -rode' 'Pee rapt look fadea slowly” itle. but meeee not, • "Penrod! We're having lunch early lust on your aCcount, so youdl key° plenty of time to be dreseed or the • pageaat 'flurry There wits la Penrod's aerie. • 'Pen -rod!" errs. Sebofieens voice sounded near- er. indicating a threatened approach. NITI.I•oil bestirred himself, Ile bleW.out the lantern end ehouted plaintively: • "Well. ain't coming fast's can?" "De hurry," reterned the voice, vidtle- •fiNtWillg. and the kiteheu doer could he heard to close, ' Replaeing his menuseript and pencil in the cigar hoe, he eorefully buried the bee in the ttawilest, put the lan- tern and oil eau back ie. the soap box, • adjusted tbe elevator for the reeep- • tion or Diem, end in no uncertain tone invitbil the devoted 11111111111 to miter. Dune stretched himself amiably, af. tet -ting not to hear tine when...this 111e- • 1008e became so obvious that even a • dog could loop it up no 'longer sat -town in a corner. facing it Ills hank to hie emster and Ills betel perpendicular, meet unneird, simpartee be" the cote rergeuce of the two. wells. • This from a deg is the • last word, • the cantle° of the immutable, Penrod cemmanat ttl,ittormea, tried gerdleuess. persuad- ed. with honeyed wenn; nue pleturen rewarate Deices eyes looked beet: - ward; otherwise, he moved not. Time •elapsea. Penrod stooped to fluttery. fleetly to insincere caresses; then, los Mg patience. %pouted. sudden threats. • "Penrod, come down from that box this instant!" eetaeem?" "Are you up lu tlint•sawdest box again?" As Airs. •Schofield had jtist beard ber son's . voice Nene from the bon and else es site Immo be was tbere anyhow, her question must have been tett for oratoricalmurposes only. rt/Ilse if • you are," • she contillued promptly. 'Tin going tO ask your papa not to let you play there met"- Penrod's forebead. his eyes, tbe toes -of his ears and most of kis hair be. Visible to her at the ton of the beg. "I ein't lelaylege " he said be dIgnautly. "Well. whet are you doing'?" P.Itiet coming clown," he replied in grieved but patient tone. "Then why don't yea come?" "I got Deice here. I got to 'get hi81. clown. haven't I? You don't suppoSe I want to leave a poor dog in here to =nerve, do you?? • 'Well, hand him down over tbe side ro me, ten mod -- "I'll get itim down all right," mild -Penrod. "I got him up Imre and ,t lattStSb 1 eau get him down." "Well then, do ite' • "1 NvIll if you'll let me elone. It you'll ge on back to the house promise to .tbere insIdg, of two minutes. flonest."‘ ' After her departure Penrod etpend- . eil Solne linalitiee of eloquenee imon Duke, tben dittgustailly gathered him ep in hie arms, denmed him into the hilithot end. sheeting sternly. "A.11 for the ground. floor -step back there, madam -ell reedy, dim!" lowerce dog end. liesnet to the floor of the etore- renre, Duke spreng out in tumultuous reiief and bestowed finale afeeetion ;Ton hie master as the latter slid dowe from the boxe • 01-1Altettla 11. ok the lantern nee. alist did you bite mo for Yes sneered nothing splashed; there Was no sign NN,ilson also and he has shot me in but .a dry clinking. But there Was. 'int? abodmen too plenty of kerosene 'n th /. cen, and he Soon they were both cursi filled th 1 ' him together Why, sneered' .111e1 reviin e • antern, strikMg a mateli to• venywhat vn you ill lantern the operation. ' Then he lit the Vdtayou want to inJure us for sengdantrlamoOr7 You have not got any „hn ern and hung it upon a nail against y011 aro 110ybuelrin tkbaynou are so much but 1 e wall. The sa,valust flOOr was slight- Soon our hero could staainin°1-1113rsneolsInger iti pregnated with oil; and the open If you could learn to act quiivered in suggestive proximit Y said yle• x .,,,,,i, se gentlmen ld not do any more to you to me the s le of tile box; however s now and yotnelow vile exppresions have ra.th.er deep' charm' gs of the ' pleamnlet not got/any effect o Mir own self when '1yloilan:oortfly to injure fraillSt Which the lantern hung offered lVfaker Oh I guess you have° had enogh meet your vidence that the arrangement was by for one day and I think you have learned no means a new ' a lesson and Will not soon atemp to beerd one and indicated at ' least tt possibility of no fatality e' Haroid Ramose's again so with a tinting t„ e he eurring this time. th • • laugh d tekin • e keys of the cell from Mr Wilson Next Penrod Wrned un. the surface poket went on out cigarre cooly itt a t e an of the sanidust ill anOther cornet! of the Soon err Wilson and the wended detec- which were .half a dozen cigarettes got up off the floor --- it 1 will have. that daSstail life now sneered they if eve made of hayseed and thick brown have to swing for it he shall not escape wrapping paper, a Chalker vetith lead pencil, an tie again, , erasend a man notebook labeled: I ' . r ase "English Gratninar. Penrod Scho- I A mute tram to of heavily laden burroS 14en with gold from the Mines was be field. Room 6ng , Ward 'School NOMber seen Wonderiamong the highest clifts Sev,enth."• • . and Serge of the Rocky Mts and a tall man with a g The first page a this bin* was pure- lonsilken =stash and /a cartidge belt could be heolet cursitt vue ly academie, but the study of English oaths becau s e he well knew this was the undehled terminated With a slight jar lair of tiarold namorez Why you mean ,at the top of the second: "Nor mist old mules you Sneered he because the tin adverb be ilsed to modif"- peer' ,...eadee nevem ,pot ,eib'm to go • any • floor and drew forth a cigar box in tive manged to bind up their wends and tiovr1 Vint Se Venh eetid Net 6t) Staiw$ Without Help; Whet the heart becomes weak and dotie not do its work properlv the. nerves beware mistreat and the whole system seams to go "all to pieces." %nee this happens vott need tonic to.bellti up both the heart and nerves, . and lelitounds Heart awl, Nerve Pills will accented& this fir you, providing you lo not let vote eze run too long and elove it to become tbrenie. M. Evangilisth Levet-elute, Vett Coed rage, Quo., writer "Inet summer tay hatrt and itervee e so bad coeld not elecp at eleht, and tetr heat was so wean could not I;O Up ;lairs without help. My doctor mid he etuld do 110 more (Jr me as nty h.eret tette tomplettly theme A cousin of mine. eitint in tee day end told inc that Milburn's Mitt seed Nerve Pine 'Mired her totepletely, I itentecliately gave her rente bring ren ii. hoer mid them that day there is n box always on my shiehated, T mete well, and tnyheert and nerves rertment limit when I wee. n. een el girl. / Adele.) anyone win: et lee :e try them • No doctor tail 'Vat Itintitteg Vett eid Nen. Pills ate tils per nen, ft, erte fer for elle a dealere; teeded diteet oe 'receipt te. ride hy The T."ltilibut Co.., Iritlac,at .TOrmitinCtat ' Eleva-terl" Shouted Perirod4 "Ting tine' tion front the Child Sir Lancelot, no ebnceived by • Mrs. ,Lera Bewbusl ChOking epee it, Penrod , dovi from • the fence. and with gene ad 1 theughtftil ateps entered one $torie I • wing of the steble, eoimisting ot eh - gle atnirtMent, Mewed with comet! • Mid, used es 0 storerooni for •broke • brime-nrac, old paint buckets, decitye I gettion hose, wonted caraets, dea 1 Onmiture and other cOudenined odds: end ends not yet considered hopelese enough te be given away. In °tie corner stood et large bee, a part the beildleg itself; it was eight feet !nett and open iit the top, nun it Intel becu colistruCted tt sawdust magnetite froui which WaS dra.W11 trial net the hbree'S bed in it titan on the other side of the pertition. The • big bose so high and towetlike. SO Ora- eamlionS, so suggestive, lied eetied to fulfill its legitimate function, 00110 providentially it had been at least half hill of sweetest when the norse died. Tte•o years had gone by since that pass- • hig, hiterregtene trausportatiou during WhIeh Penrod's tether Was "thinkier the explained Setti(tiftes) of an autOMebile. Meamebile, the gifted and generous saWdest beg Mal served brilliantly id Wet ittid petite; it Wits t 6 PettrWra .straighold, •There WaS partially defaced sign upon the front wail of the Inix; the &Wen deep had knoWn nierettittile 1131. • The CV. co: • riontop ttlIOVIELD AND CO. illgoirtarOtt. . _ Immediately followed: "EleeRoLD itAmounz THE RoADt AGENT 011 WILD LIFE AMoNG THE noctiy MTS." And the eubsequent entries in the Meek tippeared to have little concern With Room 6, Ward School Nonibee Seventh, The nether tof "Harold Ramoimer ete., lit one of the hayseed cigarettes, seated himself comfortably, with hie back ar,,ainst the walland his right shoulder just under the lantere, ele- vated his kileea tO support the note- book. Wrned to a Week iage and wrote, slowly and earhestlyt "CHAPITEIt 'Tilti lie took a, knife from bis pocket, and, broodingly, his ees upon the lnwttrd embryos of Vision, sharpened his pen- cil. After that heextended a foot mitt meditatively rubbed Duke's back with the 1.1110 of his shoe, • Creation, With Penrod) did not leap, full armed from the MUM; but 'dually he began to produce. Ile Wrote very eloWly at first, Mid then With Ineretielng lOpill- Ity, faster and fasten gathering ItiOe Mont= and growing Moto and more fevered tts Ito sped, till at last the true the eatne, without will& no lotto a rota iitertithtt Indy be made to bete. Me. Wilson itched for his nue but out bone lied him eierked and goon said Well t guess yen aoolt ooloo ohs+ of that on the my freed, Weil What makes you tiotsurti about it entered the other bitting his 1i to gen egetey that the leetta tau You are hothe leg but tt eonioti Itoadagefit tilie Wen and' do not propose to be belled by teen, Remora% laughed et ths tent keti Mr. eittene.. n°111'01114 Ins. lok. • Illtheeriel4tear Pateollieditittedd.:. AVelieleldeere-ligation terAs,‘ straliatingilleieudamIRegulai• tinelhaelomensentilitnieleof ProMfgsnigesijourlierrfuVi issanaRtCOntaiuSu2TtIl1r( Ophattllorphim riorlikifrit • NOT -NAR TIC: ••Irt•••••••,•••••• 4700101t1,44karlialqt A17,2kia 4:19(1- 44:Selma + 114t11oeutts-: .ettactfral • gfirtfeti:31*# !gm kid - &toed &pen lOttertitoteeavn Aperfecl Remedy forContlial^ lion, Souralomedeffiarthote Worres,Convulstorts,Feverish- neos and LOSS OFSIREP- teeSimile, t'isnaluteof as,difedt-rirete egerreuetemetiene MONTRERL&NEllt YORK ani Mothers bow, Genuine Caste ,Always Bears the Signature In Usi For Over Thirty Years STO • . Exact Copy of Wrapper. THe CeNTAU le COMPANY. New YONK CITY; REMEREEDEMMOMPIIIMEWOMMiginill"" The Costume. VTElt• luimh his mother and 1118 sister Margaret, ft pretty girl of ineteeli, dressed him for the sacrifice. They stood him near 111e mother's bedroom window entleliti wilat they \mild to hint ' During •the earlier anguishes of the - process he was mute, exceeding the pathos of the stricken calf in the sheen bles, but a student of eyes tnight hare perceived in his sou1 the premenitory sylOptOMS of it sinister uprising. • At fl reheareal (in citizeits` clothes) attended by mothers anti geowntip sistets, Mrs. tortt ReVebtish had annotinced that she wished the costeming to be "as media - tel and artistic as poseible.;' Otherwise., and as to details, she said, she woola leave the costumeS to the good taste Of the cliddren's permits. tire. Schofleld owl Mergetet Were no atelineologists, but they knew that their taste Wits as good as that of other mothers and els- tem toncerned, so With perfect conti- tlence they heti planned and execetted a cOstenie for Peered, and the °illy nits - „tieing they felt Nos connected With • the tractability of the Child Sir Lance- lot himself. • Stripped to his underwear, he had been, Made to with Itheself Velietheht• , Ty; then then began by ebrottding legs In a pilit of silk stoekings, once bine, but now mostly Whitish, 'Upon Penrod they visibly OttrettSsed Mere nelplonees, bill, they Were long, •And It required boiy it totter tooth Ittnagitit. • tion to astute that tho woo tight& trtOorittrt. qt. Ws Pr,A$ tits ry41t imaibssaiimmomassimie Your Liver is Clogged -up t ithlYZ:to.Tina- Otof CARTER'S LIITLE LIVER PILLS will pet you oil& few days. They do tbeit duty. Cute tau& trie"ratilsestiott, an SkAt ititehiat. Pill, Sinoll toot% Small Price. Genuuts au* boit Siatikture iiivrinieviommoveivisirm Penrod gotible, feet -filth, the -sire. pen; ho wore to deneing sehool-"pat- eat leather •pumps.” 110'.'.' deeorated, with large Pluk rosettes. °If I 'can't stoop„" be beginn smolder- ingly, "I'd like to kaow I grill' lineel itt tho page" • - "You must manage!" This. uttered • aline:eh tens, Nvas evidently thought t() 1.10 suffieicitt They fasteeed some rucelne nbout Me slender need pinned retbona Itt • rftedeni nil over hen; end then Mar- garet thickly powdered Me linhe • Then They Began by Shrouding His Legs in,a Pair of Silk Stockings. eaneeaged rata oilers, or le garment so peculiar that its description. becomes difficult In ISS6 Mrs. Schofield, then unmarried, had *worn at her "coming out party" a dress of vivkl salmon sitk which 'hail been remodeled after her. marriage to accord with varlotts epoche of fashion Mail it final unskillfel cam- paign at a dye house hall left it ht n conditiou certain to attract tench att tentiou to the 'Wearer. Mrs. 'Schofield had considered giving it to Della, the eook, but had decided not to do so, be- cause you ne•ver coula tell how Della was going to take thingh and eooks were scarce. 11 May have beeri the word "mede ever' (in errs. Lore •Itewbusles ilch phrase) which had inspired the idea foe a last and conspienoes usefulnees. At all events the bodice of that (ewe sale:ton dreSs, soniewlett Modified and Moderated, linty took a position tor Its fareVeell appearmice in society upon • the back, breast arid aims of the Child • Sir Lancelot,eddn-- • The area thus cestuthed eetteed at the Waist, leaving it Zaegerliko endue- rciedievat gap thence be the tops of the stockings. The inVentive genius of. Woman triempheatty bridged it, but in a mintier which imposes epon history almost lestmerable tlelicacies of mu- • nition. Petit•mi's father was an old feshieted Men. The tIventleth vele tiny had felled to shake his taith in red ilatmel fel" cent weether, and it was while Mrs. Schodeld wee Plaiting away her husband's *Winter underwear that elle perceived how hopeldesly one of tile elder epeeireees had dwindled, Ana simultaneously she received the • inspiration reselted 10, ti prtit of treat:tiler the 'Child Sir Leticelot uitid tuktoci earneet bit et color, as well as rt getleine tenth of tile Middle Ages, • to his tostmee. WI, fere to aft, 'With the greeter Par; ',of the legs et off nilti stripe of eilvee braid eoveritig settnie, this mitmerit, she felt, wee not Irotosbit to its rigiotti source. • When It bad been plated upori ren - rod the stockings Were attilebed td it by it system of safety prite, net Vete perettitible et tt dletatice. eIit Atter* heltne eagerly deepened anitinet 11i01t- 03 -00, yo,-,' tbat's al i rigid," she eat& replyino to a. que4t1011 put be her mother, teT.hey always powueted thetr- hair in cohneal times." It 1011" 11 eeme right to tue-e".aet ly," ohleeted Mrs. Sel101iQid geutly. "Sir Lancelet must have bean ever ace long before cotoreal nettle." "That tioesun inettet" Maegaret re- assured her. "Nobotlyell 'know the, difterence, :qrs. Lora Ilewhe$10east of . all. I don* t think she knows it thing abont it, though, of course, ehe does - write splendidly tied the wools of the pageant are just beautiful. Stand still, Penistl!" (Ile autiam of -Har- old Retuorez" Ilad moved einivalsive1y.), "Besides, powdered hair's always bee coining. Look at him. You'd litirdly, know it was Penrod:" ' Tile pride and admiration with which. she pronounced tide undeniable truth might have been thought toetless. but Penrod, not aualytical, foulid his sidle, its somewhat elevated. No teletext was In hie =use of visio)1, and, though be heel submitted to cursory measure- InentS of his person a week cattier, he had no previous acquaintance win) the costume. He began to ferm n not en. pleasiag mental pletuve of his appear- ance, soinething SOIneWbere between the portraits of George Wasblegton and a vivid menetry of Miss Julian Marlowe at a 'matinee of "Twelfth. Night" Ile was additionally cheered by a sword which had been borrOeved iron* it neighber who was it Innig,b.t of Pyth. ins. Finally there was a mentle, a* old, golf cape of _Margaret's. Fniffyi polka, dots of NvInto cotton hall beett sewed t,o it generously; also it Was Ore utunented With it large cross of re& aannel, suggested by the picture of * crusader in a newspaper advertiw • meet.. The mantle was fastened tal Penrod's shoulder -that is, to , the • shoulder of Mrs. Schofield's ex-bodieeee by means of latge tafety pins end ars ranged to hang down bellied hirat, touching his heels, but obscerhig net 'wise the glory of his facade. Then iitt last he was allowed to step bottle° a mirrot . it was it fall length glass and the woret immediately lattepened. It might . . • have been -a little lose vlolerit, Perhaline - If Pouted's expectatimas had latd been so eichly and, poetically ideelieed, but ns things Nvete the revolt wee vole:min. - Victor Iluges aecount of the debt. With the devilfish, lu "Toilers of the acne' eneourages it belief Hutt, hatt Hugo lived and ineteased itt poseett Int • might haVd been tiled to it prop , recital of the half hour \Allele folloWed 1 Peured's nrst sight of litineeir et the Cliiitl t:,tir rettatelote But hit Wilson, hlmeelf, illietard but cloquent toe of Itarold l'hunorex, could not have ere pressed, With all the vile daelles at nig contented, the Sentintents whieb aide ,-mated Penrod% bosom when I I* stantaneous and Utuidterable ton descended upon illin that her was tended by bis hilted bilee to Make latt lic eptettiele of Wins& to his sis stoeltings and Dot of an ohl &oat lila othetoo. (TO IA COlOt imilElbriwibigibia61".