HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-01-27, Page 4Always keen, these glass. hard blades with toughened core. So light, they never fire. So strong we guarantee them WA 119 break, 014,104t, AigMee ,,-,-TOfq &rover 4 also Hockey Shoos Sold by W, J (MEER _ rair1VINAWSWITheantio • 0 # AMIN F. GROVES , fl4 T1MI; s; -i-, .norn• HititR4k044#140 nal aerve the two year term and 'Vrustee Ural. ID totreeevari , BePilett the elle year term in Ward !L. MIMI it w114,1011‘1,1 IN ' WINW1AN TINES. 'wr,:ftertiorpir,"e4 a"Q"'s TH800011 1,4 BRUTE • 13 lentelOalt Peelatialta Ann VROTIRTint I 114ri Alfred Poslitr was appointed to , , the Public Library Board for three h nanti,„,li„ ,„,.‘„,. t, n TO ADYPITI$gB$ 'yeara; Mr. Wm, Robertson for two " 14.41041q111 tutircS MO ra Notice of changes must be left at WO I years, and John c, Anderson for (Me oeh waled and an Easy VI office not later than satorday noon. year. The copy for changes must he left Mr. P Buchanan was re -appointed as lot to Ether 01$08SOS Casual advertisements accepted up . . , .,„ ,... not later, than Monday evening. a member, of the High Sehool Board, 1, One of the formost medical w to noon Wedueadav of gee!) week lar, John P. evroves WAS re-engaged says; "It is astonishing the nem ae Secretery-Treaeurer at the Same tPoere.Pytaagillani nt atter eanhe:tntaeor4PPolfedian gn aelary. Mr, J, S. Dodd was re-engaged as otirdelndfiluseenaZ whtehheawreerge4oavnegreCr caretaker, the, matter of salary left eyery winter, is dierieg Convalese over until next ineetiog. when the charaeterestle symPterris Committees were named the catarrh, the headache as follows:— the depression of epirits Pass a fever, Property - Trustees Allen, Bennett, Orin leaVes behind it Weakened Riritettl, Lloyd and Field. Finance— powers, thin blood, impaired (lige r.es. CAI.IFORNIA o• Round trip•Winter •f_fiturist tickete .etn• • egto doily In ,041iforma via •verieble direct: anciacenie routes,. - tient Four feat modkrn troika. leave Chi. cagOdaily:(rorn. the moat rte.:Klettd .), ra, o WBY ter$0104i1)/ ebe world : Overland Limited Extra here) leaves LOS Angeles Tea to Southern California -leavesriters tl,(1.011, P.M, San rratiCiSen Limted her of leaves 10;00 Califorribe Mai; ealeh leaves 10 40 4P 14, rippe THUR8DAY. JANUARY 27, MG ereeeeeeeeereepeeeeeeeereeeesee eseeneeereeereeeee EDITORIAL NOTES In at leaet three of its most import- ant recommendations, the Geverntnent Col/mission on IThempleyinent in its report, Published this week, confirms policies of Mr. Rowell and the Liberals A united recruiting meeting of 160th , goes against the stand taken by and 161st Battalions of 13ruce anti Huron , the Government in the House. These respectively, Was held Friday eveningin hree points are:—The need for tax re- the Presbytt3rian Church, Whiteehurch, orne the advisability of a Department from which congregation eleven Young f Labor and the unfortunately close men have pasted, two being in the otererelation between the liquor traffic trendies. ,Addresses were delivered by nd social reform, The Government Mr, D. 0, Taylor and Private McKinnon of Lucknow, Major Sinclair of Wingliam ejected Proposals of the OpPosition 161st, and Copt McNally of the 160th or tax reform and also for a Depart- having returned from the front after ant of Labor. Now their own Com- being wounded twice. The musical ission recommends these reforms, and literary part was provided by meal- s. Rowell for years has been empha- hers of the two battalions as well as zing what a serious hindrance to all other talents from Wingham. The rojects of social reform the drink ehurch was crowded. Two stood up and affie constituted; now this Goverment next day enlisted at Lucknow in the ommission says the same thing. 100th Bruce. Let us help you Plan an attractive from trip. Roglelets giving full particulars anada mMled on applications MB, H. Bennett* tame. G. A., Chicago &North Westrra the 46 Yonge St,, Toronto* Ont. way. and I vital stion ' ASSESSOR WANT ition "0/ Trustees Bisbee, Iserd and Holmes, and over -sensitive pervela-a cond ey to Applications will be ree that makes the system an easy r tis undersignedop to rid ebruary4th, •••••••••.• pnetlmenia, bronchitis, theme W 4T0100 DRUB d by • the $$$$JEU MA RRIAGC LICENSC8 fm Town Hail, Wingham PHONES; Office Zi Resi.tence 16R SI 4144,11,4410414b4WAVINA114140414114 tr n the last few sessions has repeatedly P•wiefeweeteeevetweweeeeve,wwfai IJ. W. DODD Successor to el. Stewart • Acci Firp Life, dent of a nd h INSURANCE apezwassosirsimmiffirsimesmiff P. 0. In x 1366 'Phone 198 GliA111 ONTARIO • ileimmivawiwiewasofra44,444s4.4 11;10,61‘1111=1111IMINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIr I Auctioneers for the Counties of cau pleaso. You cin h4ve either one Huron and Brace. a• -e prepared to take all kinds of Bale& We are erten; we A UCTiONEERS mzcannell & Vandrick er •bnaiweanue Astra o.lari.v, 1)r.irrA Ican be loft. with P. Motloon...ft, or, with -, . P. Vanorl..k at the Merchants' Es,,,k rsg... ,:,.'. "core, WilIghtlan• Cha glti ruOrivrato. .arz=ranztannsnizszsestommu... RYE trW 19A1,13WAY )1,14t$11%Tt WINTER RESORTS Special Round Trip Fares Long Lim 'tt —Stopovers Aelieville and Hot Springs, N.C. Charleston, S. C. Nassau, N. P. Hot Springs, Ark. Frence Lick Springs, Ind. Jacksonville and all Florida points Havana Cuba New Orleans, La. via New York, and rail, (or Steam- er. according to destination) or via Buffalo, Detroit, or Chicago. Bermudas and West Indies Other Health Resorts:— Mt. Clemens and Battle Creek, Mieb. St. Catherine's Well, Ontario Preston Springs, Ontario ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W. P. BUELIMAN, etatiou Ageet, Phone 60. (1.444,44ivatwowswo‘w.4441 Deleware, Lackawana, and Western Coal Company's Seraph!' Coal We can supply the very best Coal for any purpose $ Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of logs. Get full information at office. J. A. McLEAN ItZatatit lle LOMattil cOAL) MUM AND SintolLESk Pitixkitts : 86, Office 64X. Mil/ 84 4441011444.44,1111WW14100.4441111 WAR AUXILIARY FORMED Huron Q ounty decided to form a war xiliary at a well represented meeting citizens of all classes and from al- most all the municipalities of the con- ty, which was held in the Council wither, Clinton. Tuesday afternoon last week. with Dr. FIolnaes, of cleric') in the ehair and Lieut. A. J. igg acting Secretary. Capt. Wind- er, of 'Toronto, gave a lucid address d told of the success of the auxilia- s le his district and the meeting was animous in deciding to form what will known as the Huron County War xiliary. The aim is to have every man, wom- , and child in the county either a tither of this auxiliary or an enlisted n. This auxiliary will have every - ng to do with the assistance to be en the battalions to be formed in ron and will be a medium through ich the most careful consideration is be given to the needs of the boys m Huron as well as all county inter- s. Capt. Windeyer says this organ - tion was not only for the, time of the r, but for many years after the war, rder to deal with matters that need sideration. ists are to be tabulated showing the nding of every sound man of mill - y age, and the local auxiliary in each nieipality will assist in securing re. tsas fast as possible. The speaker r -ed to the fact that up to the pre - t the women had been doing most he patriotic work and thought the e had come when the men must do r bit in whichever way they can, n though as in many cases, it means crifice of busitess interest. But call is urgent, the crisis is here, it is time of sacrifice on the part 1. he following officers were elected:— . President, Dr. W. J. R. Holmes, oderich; President, W, Brydone, of ton; Vice-Presidente, Rev. J, Fotb- gliam, of Goderieh; Peter,Seott, of rave; .1. Reid, of Seafortb; Rev. . Smith, of Hensall; Secretary - surer, D. L. MacPherson, of Clin- mong the munieipal represeritatives, en were John F. Groves and W. le. Ston e for Wingbatn; W. S. Me. cher and R. Black for Wroceter; roctor and W. Laidlaw for Maris; • King and W. S. Minee, for Ture- y;1. T. Currie and M, Lockhart East Wavvanosh: Wm. Bane and Case fOt Went WaWallesh. CI of Go Gr ey 50 rie un be Au en me ma thi giv Hu wh to fro est iza wa in con sta tar inu crui refe sen of t tim thei eve a sa the and of al Hon of G erin Belg McL Tree. ton. A thos Van Xer R. P J, herr for Or. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD ---- -- • The inatigertif 'meeting of the Puhlie eehool Board was held on Wednesday evening of last week with all the mem- 1 .iera present and Secretary Groves in .he chair. On motion Teuetee Bisbee wag eeleet- el as Chairman for the year, Minutes , f previous meeting were read tied ap. proved. The Pri clears yearly and monthly repotte were read and adapt, ed. It Wee arranged that Trustee Holmes NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the propel r halauce of keel toffitiehtty Immesh both body arid brain tinting the growing period when natures dematale are greater thaii in mature lite. This is shown in SO many pale feces', lealt bodies, frequent coide, and led: of ambition. Por ril such children we say with einniatakable earnestness:I they need Scott' s UmulMon, and need .it now. it The report of the Royal Northwest NS/111e8iss 10toliceultated kriri the very Mounted Pollee shows that the alien fodd tiernenteto enrich_ their Mood. u. . thangas weakness to strenktiit Mike* -etion the Wear,eitnWm been so erriefr theta Sturdy eadstrong auaattive. seat a norm terbtorea to, ea ontly bandied that the extra force af 500 men 18 no longer needed, tiowecit. There passed away at her home in Fordwich on Wednesday, Jan. 12th, Margaret Hall, relict of the late Thos. Goggin. Deceased had been in failing health for some time and when, some days prior to her death, pneumonia set in no hopes were entertained for her recovery. She was born in Darlingtou Township and in 1886 was married to Thos. Goggin, who predeceased her seven years ago. Corning to Howick, a bride, she settled on the farm just north of Fordwich where she resided until three years ago when the family moved into town. She is survived by one son, nervous prostration and even cons tien. It is it condition that cal emphatically for a tonic. for b Dr...Williams' Pink Pills ar toni d as They 91-2 tgor. ated P e lee ofejook p* e position of Most AtittedeOt Of the To of Wingham for load. the year 1910, at h salary Of $412.5Q per C year Pemally adapted to 'meets is nee 4,4 they purify and en eh, 10- blood. tone up the ner es nd give v strength and bea to the debiiit syatem. Mrs. 1.N iird D. Chaffey, Indian Island, N. Oa saYe: "For several winters in succession I was at- tacked by la grippe which left me weak and badly run down. In each ca used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with most beneficial results. Last "wi when the trouble was agaid prev I took the preeautien of fortifying system with Dr. 1Villiams Pink and ascaped the trouble, while man my neighbors were down with It. fact I enjoyed the best of health spring and fee) sure this medicine BO fortify the system as to prevent trouble." These Pills are sold by all medi dealers or may be had by mail a cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 f The Dr. Williams"' Medicine Co„ Br vine. Ont .70Hisl F, GROVES, Town Clerk, Bulls and Colts For Sale se 1 The undersigned has to the premises. lot 4, eon: 3, orris? ntohuisr nter Shorthorn bulls, r ngin age from 8 alent to 43 months, bre ro mp9rtecl stock; my also three good g gs, rising a years, Pills sired by Goldlink. i3russ• Y of os, Ont. all 4t In JOHN RC? RU,LNT0L7 5, tsi tvi hi le Alm "AI a Rarity rom oek- Teacher of Piano and Theory. , Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory Examinations. *fteelseer A pretty wedding tocilt place at ScUulo 4. 'Sunny Side" the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson, Morris, on Wed- nesday, Jae, 12th, at 12 o'clock noon, when their youngest daughter, Pearl A. NOTICE TO CREDITORS was happily married to Mr. George McDonald Mock Wingham - -1 - Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole* IN THE MATTER' OF DAVID M. 1BILLER, 6th line. Morris. The ceremony was TA'SOLVRNT. "formed by George ewitt, after which the guests to the number Thos. M., and two diaighters, Misses of about 40 sat down to a dainty dinner. Emmeline and Edith, all at home, and The bride was becomingly attired in a by three brothers and four sisters. dainty dress of cream brocade satin with wedding veil and carried a boquet of carnations and ferns. The wedding Gime The farm of WH Kerr, Brussels, located on the North Boundary of Grey township, bps been sold to A. McCracken of the same locality who is now in posses- sion. David Lamont, Melita, Man, is here for a short holiday visit. He is the picture of gook health. Mr. Lamont Is a son of Mrs. Angus Lainant,7th Con and is always welcome. A quiet wedding was solemnized in Monkton on Wednesday, Dec. 22nd when Duncan McNabb and Miss Mary Knipe were united in marriage. The ceremony was preformed by Rev. A. E. Doan. The newly married couple will reside at the groom's farm in Grey township. A former Grey township resident is here for a holiday visit in the person William Brown, Miami, Manitoba. Re went West 25 years ago where he has prospered. His youngest son has enlisted as chauffeur or engineer and is now in England and is expecting to soon go to the front. Mr. Brown, the visitor, is a brother to Deputy Reeve Brown and Thos. Brown BLUSVA LE. A successful meeting of the Literary Soeiety was held last Friday evening under the direction of L. S. Winch and his committee. The address of the evehing was given by A. L. Posliff, Principal of Wingbato Public School on the Political Growth a Canada. The Speak er traced in an interesting way the gradual development of democratic government from the beginning of British rule in Canada through its various struggles arid victories up to the broad level of freedtan which teas brought in with confederation. Ho closed by giving a clear pitture of the machinery of governinentfroin the con- trol of local alfairs to national legie- lation. Two novel features of the pre - gram were, the Royal Philharitionic orchestra cotriposed Of the boys of schttei tniciet the leadership ef L. S. Winch and a Pantomime entitled, "Seen at a Railway Station." The orchestra won a great elleCefil Nati mosietilly and scenically and the pant- omime. in whith the partof the tramp was taken by Robt. N. Aitchison and the dude, L. 8, Wineh, moved the audience both to lailightee atid tears. Pleasing solos were Sting by Misti Agnes- Aitchiaon and Mist; Carrie biarteind and Miss Ella Dobie gave a recitation On the Huron Battalion, Pres, W. It Haney was thairition. The next meet- ing will be held on Vridayo Veb, evhee Mr, George Metionald and hie tolemAtee Will have charge of the program. The meetings Will ho held every setond Friday' night for the bai. tries of. the winter. march was played by Miss Mary C sister of the groom. Three sons of W. C. and Mrs. Thu 6th line, have enlisted with Brus ComDarly, Viz:- Roy: 'Fred, Joi.. many families make so large a cont ution for the sake of the old flag. Township Council re -appointed 1 year's officials at same salaries. Th also granted $10.00 to Sick Children's Hospital; $25 to Huron Co. Children's Aid Society and $100 to the Red Cross, the latter largely savi.d by the acclam- ation election. Three of the Chempion boys, vize Harry, Roy and George, 5th line, have enlisted with Bripsels Company of t 161st, /futon Battelion. The, t latter are already in uniform and Hat will don the Ring's after Champi Bros, auction sale on the 27th inst. .Notice is hereby given that the above nainea int.olvent, David M Miller of tne Township of Tureberry in the County of Huron, Fanner, carrying on business as farmer at the said Town- ship of Turnberry, has made an assign ment of his estate to me for the general benefit of his creditors under the Revised we. Statutes of Ontaric, chapter 134. The Creditors are notified to meet at my office at the Village of Wroxeter, ell, on the Fifteenth day of January. A, D. ewe 1010, at four o'clock in the afternoon N for the purpose of receiving a state - 05 merit of the insolvent'e affairs, for the rib- appointment of inspectors and the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the estate, est All persons claiming to be entitled to cy rank on the eitate must file their claims with me on or before the fourth day of February. A. 0 , 1910, after which date 1 will proceed to distribute the assets thereof, having regard only to those claims qf which I shall then have received netice, and I will not be liable January, TA. 0Ngp.., not then recpived notice. for the said assets or any part thereof to any persdn'of whose &aim I have Dated at Wroxeter this third day of h 1910 Woe R. 8. McKEnCHER, ry Wingham, Ont. Wroxeter P. 0., I Oh Solicitor for Assignee Assignee 88-4 desk 1.1dshr a„5,-,54-tatarkvid Beldsco 07---4-27-- 2 kl&OPOZ ROBV47.5' HOUSE PerePs icture House WEDNESDAY AND TRURSDAY , anuary 26th and 27 h annary 27iti told .10411.3104133*Weltr:fik1/44. Tow( TAKING sALE : Ending February 1st, 19.16 11 41 11 fft 11 41 siweeeeste•eataiamaiiiemewev•••••••••eateeta We are pleased to state that the past year wed otie of the most; silecess2131 we bave had in Winghain. Thonglitittiney Was tight, our friends end patrons have greatly increesed, and the volume' of business done has been greeter than ever Inane, We have is number of articles that illifet be cleared nut if priee will do it, including GRANITWAR.E, TINWARE„ LAMPS AND STOVES 11 Yatt NYAO the goods conalS We need the Punier. • The war has greatly increased the eetit of all goods we handle and we have decided to sell ht a email margin of profit for cash orilY. condecting a strictly cash business. Workshop thoo.and material run ou a30 dAY Melo basis and all repairs are strieely cash. ify. J. BOYCE 4111 .or.or ar.or.,1wAir:ozor • 49.1 CANADIAN PACIFIC THE "RIDEAU" TO OTTAWA Popular Afternoon Train Via LAKE ONTARIO SHORE Leaves Toronto 3.45 p.m. for Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobeurg, Trenton, Belleville Kingston, arrives OTTAWA 10 p m,. Central Station, Sparks Streets. at Chateau Laurier. The "YORK" leaves Ottawa 1.15 p.m„ arrives Toronto 0.30 pm. The "Trans.Canada" rroin TORONTO Daily 9.40 p,m, Part Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg, Vancouver, through equip- ment, Electric Lighted Compartment Observation Car, Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, First class Coaches. "The fre- quent CiP.R. Service passing through the Business Centre of each City is all asset to the Traveller." ATTRAcTIVE WINTER., TOVIts To California, Florida, Etc. Limited Trains connect at Detroit with through!sleepers to Florida; also coo- sitiction via Buffalo. Washington and Cincinattl. improved service via P.R.C and M C R. to Chl,.ago conneets witit ail through service Chicago to California. Particulars erom W. A. Sanderson, Town Agent, 'phone 7: .1. H. Deemer, Station Agent, 'phone 47, or M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Tor. eareeemmamo Iftinmalmon Have YOU renewed your Subscription for 1916 A Great Slaughter in.the Price of CLOTHING AND RUGS, Commencing Friday, January 21st Suit Although Clothing has advanced 25 per cent. in price, we have decided to .put out our entire Clothing stock at actual cost, and sell it before our Spring stock comes- in and give our customers the benefit of it. We are not advertising Suits at half price as some merchants do, because we never have 100 per cent. profit on it, or such an enormous profit as to be able to sell it at half price. We invite everybody to come in and compare our prices and goods with others, and we know where you will buy. Prices ranging from $6 to $15 per suit. Overcoats We have only a few Overcoats left and are ping to dear these/out, Prices $4 to $21. Rugs Anything you want in the line of Rugs we have it from the cheap Tapestry Rug to the best Wilton. Our retail price oh these Rugs are less than what the wholesale price is to.clay, but we are not asking our regular price4 but the price that they cost us. If in need of a Rug in the Spring don't wait till them Now is your chance of securing a Rug at one of the greatest bargains ever -:offered in Wingliarn. Prices ranging ac- cording to sift of Rug. Come in and see our Clothing and Rugs and if you don't think they are the best bargains ever offered why don't buy. dir441644i. Vagalftirkdolia01, SUCCeSt6tt� T, Milis 14014t 80. WINO ONT OUR MOTTO I More Sole& with Less Profits,