HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-01-27, Page 2' ' ' ••. v, e•,;.. I PEER'S STIRRING CAREER.
Dow Lord Dunmore I'Von the V.C.. in
i1 if 5
„,,, —
A Oa lintlia int 1897.
iI IC How he risked his life for a corn -
rade, and incidentally won the V. C.
een e;sue t wettish tieleete ie one of the many epieodest in the
popolateremeetee to, : er iloint irLatnenea I „weer of 1,1ajor the Earl of. Dunmore,
Etun,„- W"sr. SnItro, Nortbwest. 51001- I Nebo hae been Appointed to the Gen-
era Stan. It *as during the lighting
,on the North-West Frontier that, in
1 8 97, Lord Dunmore. who at the tirae
was aleo serving as A.D.C. to Lord,
IFI"in the 'Viceroy, won the V.C.
ttoba, Paeiee (it, k'te.
Bag:etre; eheelsed Throueh to &obla-
tion and f uli infimmetion given whereby
trays:Ulm: will be melee pleaeant and
. ,
.. 'free f rmse atinoyaece, Touries an
• return ti"'“44 to.ah‘iv" roi:1 "Is,r1 9 while attached to the Guides Cavalry
eel:, es: i evest tesemes. V.:3:3 wit9 au • in the Tirah campaign,
preeeneee nivant2gPgr . The cavalry were pursuing the
Sineleeini retuers tickets to any point . enemy and. were ordered to hold a
in On :arm. Your bueiness will be ap- I position and tire on them retirine, ree
priedetea, Ito year trip a short or a a bin. At a critical moment the horse
twat oils; . 1 el Lieutenant Greavee bolted into the
We 04-0 tYeet yon through to any} relest of a body of the enemy. Down
point ie I eviete &In all leeding, etearnebip i swooped the hill/nen to cut him up.
Hee.. le - eeei unlera also issued. hut before their knives eould do their
It' etritt travel, we have the work Lieutenant-Colonel Adame,
Liertenant Maclean, ,and Lieutenant
Viseount fincastbi (as Lord Dun-
more then was l were amongst them,
Reeking their way through the hill -
men. they brouent baelt tile uriforiun-
ate (Meer in *Ito of the heavy itlid
inlIrd^r0113 tiro Poured into them. But
as Vise -mut Fineaatle lif; ed. the
ivoandod offies r in hie arms, a bul-
A lteleed La:int-Colonel Oreaves,
Lieuteaant Ma.;.tican fell mor -
'inlay wounded. It wag for this heroic
deol. that Lord Dunawro was award -
el medal for velar.
flqler:Ishii) wenn proved hie gal -
!near:, eueing the Sped' Afrimul cam-
eeiest. whore he OA splendid service
and eo,..1.1re7ne..;•.1 a latttaIlen of Yeo-
manry kuoau ro rinceotle's Horse.
This In:ie.:alien his lordship raised
himoni;„ dattle -el an in; :resting
teachiag ;mei horse-
;•;:• rfa et ;de theia ride up
aaa• Arilatria Seat at Palle-
burf.la and after a fow voeeke of this
araetiee his troopers beeamo qualified
;4 deal with the stilost kopjes in
South Afrina.
e.s. an author, ten, Lord Dunmore
diattagnished himsolf. One of
7: a hoot books on 'warfare on the
• 7vantior aael taat which
tie1 t"t'ao Feet:tier Cara-
rna Duivuqrt, is not without
n. seines of lreenor is evident from the
ntory tolla in this book
••'-et:''.1"1"t'i-; yeang atareintanee of
ta”riail' to have solved the
eift neoblera uf dealing with
el es '1'v ii0r-in-lay.". He went to the
te..1 eentScenan zed athed perensclon
leaery daught'ar, hut, as is the
ray taiih old gentle:am-a with prettY
Onorchafrs, the old follow became
ertette. "van wart to marry my
;---. e..) 3- e" enaeped.
"ilailtipli; You are not exactly the
kin a of .man I sheuld ehoose for a
non -in-law " "Well, to • be quite
frank," roplied the suitor, unblusb-
ir ;fly, "yon are net exactly the kind
al ;non nhould elitersi for a father -
but don't let that trouble
:ton; wo nnedn't chum after the wed -
'i». ear 7annat, unicea we want to."
Lord Darrevere'a marrir co in 1904
to tae baautiful Wel Nonible. of the
), of Skye, was filo r.rinel to a
n' le or Tn ree For eight
proviottely thn (maple had been
at?..ittael. and during Olaf time the
tre.dege--- was away at
tat.7 S in Afelionaaan and other
twee-, It tnpae.; but fortunately
;•-• ceale Lome and
•...' In ellier
• •' •- imaiortant
the pt,.•vio;•.,e diving it tem ot ien years • . • 4! a in-
under 'inn- Aesteeitaral •": • ' • : ThiS
is ,:y daaatea. Ali this is fuliy de • " a •
: ae "Yenng
tailed ia ties newt of the Commission -
es lee's" se; e: "It is encourag-
er peeactialy roferiad to and which •. a that. ; ila.a`lery educe-
afraida '-o;ire reading. Taking r 's -.int.: ran l-,. eat forwarded
provieeee eeeera nee that the e ;,•• •• • s 'e. rriteeneet in st.voral
amounts chreatly utfl.zed for this pur-
infore, ,cieteeval will give It to you
n Agzlat G.T.R.
ri304. 0,11 Wingham, Ont.
• tea
r " 11.1,t,ittat PhOPI t: a
Noe.e.,, aavirmes mut be left at this
.ofect. TA.'t than sattroday noon.
inc eve foe changes must be left
net tet,r ,tltan Monday earening.
accepted up
,tii,-ti iaita of week
441. nsiMitigf,.......oraMMOM14111.1.1•,....,Welin,
Tl'DVS. JANUA.RY 27. 190
'Arnq ..tr prometed and
encaurateed by 'nu, Agricultural In-
- otrucloirAet, einv-in the third atevr of
operation. -h,,,viag atone into force in
June, 191.1. ae ti-,elbal in tho *Report
recennv we-owe:1 the 1.71'nmi44ioner
of Aar:Lt.-lino..., and which can be had
on wadi-emit:in to the publications
Brancli, Ottawa, the"' is none -that ex-
ceeds iri bellaotiee usefulness the
were, done by the district Represent-
: ativee. Their nr,A rn;lrilf01 and
uneeasima, 11,i; .itair heiat..iltiess in tile
agriattl. ore 1 ladustry i4 abundantly
teetifial to in every district where they
have teens •apreiloted, ancl th-ere are now
,45 them in Ontario elone. It is theirs
not mile to i ever ready with co.unsel
andad „ece on farming subjects hut titan
tornailifeot alive ataltietive intereat in
every undertaltieg having for its object
the :titter cultivation of the land, the
increee; productiveness, the develop-
ment uf the ;iv :i stock indta,try, the
itateavierient and extension Of educe-
tiomt; rsclirties, the aoeial uplift of the
peele aed welfare if the agricultural
tocanamity temerally. In abort their
use tuaa.- s 0:11i ;ovally hi -over-estimated,
'and thoir seaport the funds
feri.hcemiez frain 'tile dailar
graat provi,bal to le distrinuttel atTlfr1W;
20 Years Afto
"I "'"111 •
-WINGHAN TIMES . ja.pu.ary 1.91.6
• .• "„,„ , ,
(117r * "CU it .1.‘ DatIttil.01.13 he Whigham Ems
Tile Wee Pter Pirtle,
BAPTIST CliUltc11--Sal bah serVicers
at 11 a. nr. And 7 p. m. Sunday $cbool
at 2Ti'a p. in. Genet al prayer meeting
40,1 i$ Y. P• every ‘Verinesday,
m• A. C. Rilev, B. A Paitor.
Geo. Poc.ies., S. Sup,!ciate; dent.
INIEVIODIST Citielten-SabbA111 sere
Vices at 11 a. m. And 7 p, m. SUnday
Scheel et m, Epworth Leagne
tlyery N.OrnittY evening. general prayer
•neeting ori Wednesday evenings, Hot.
I. W. Ilibbert, pastor, V. Buchanan.
S. S. Stnierintendent.
' Cieultefi-Sabbath ees
vices at 11 a. M, and 7 p. Sunday
School at 230 p, m. general prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor. Frank Lewis, S.
S. Superintendent,
bath services at 11 a. rn. and I. P.
PI1131.4telDtD •
Famous Musician's joke Was Comet
teed by Ws Host,
Mr, Edward LIoYd. the famous
British tenor, whose reappearance
with tient other veteran singer, Sir
CharIce Sautley, at the Mattel=
1-10nee at a concert organized by the
Lady MaYoress for the benefit of the
Belgian Refugees, aroused so much
enthusiasm,. tells an amusing story of
that eccentric genius, Dr. Wesley.
The famoue composer and organist
conducted the Orst Gloucester Festie
val at which Mr, Lloyd sang at the
beginning of his career, "There are
many capital stories told: about Wes -
Mr R. Elliott, of the Ingersee (fillets
We, 1Ve.S tOWn Ikl$t• week, on business.
A derailed engine at 13eigrave caused
a stoppage of traffic on the London 11.
mei 13. on elondey, A closed se iteh
was eause. An auxiliary train frog
Londen cleared the track in time to
allow the north corning train throngt
at the usual time, but the Laudon ex
Press which leaves here at 2.25.was de-
laSted three hours at Belgreve.
On Friday last Mrs, Isabella •Mc-
Lauglin, of Neenawa„ Man , arrived pi
Winghani statim, on her way to visit
relatives in Morris and Wawanosb
having travelled the long and trying
jouvney without showing. signs 01
fatigue, other than would be shown by
persons of fewer years. She was ,ac
companied by her son, Mr. Gem Me-
Leuglin and bis wife.
The following officers were installed
in Maitland Lodge, 1. O. 0. F., an
Thursday evening last by T. J. Elliott
D. D. S. M.: N. G., J. A. elowatti V.
G., Amos Tipling. R. S., Jno. -F.
Groves; P. S., Wm. Robertson; Treas.,
W. F. Brockenshiree War„ F. shote;
Com, M. Robertson; R. S, N. G., J.
Cornym le S. N. 0 , Wallace Hough:
R. S. G., W. J. Haines; L. S. V, G.,
R, J. Galbraith; 0, G.. Neil NcGregor.
On Friday afternoon the little 2 year
old son of Mr. Geo. H. Irwin met with
a. painful evident Mrs. Irwin was fii -
ing a stove pipe upstairs, and the little
feitow was watching operations from
below when a pipe slipped through the
hole and falling clown struck him on the
bridge of the nose, making an ugle
wound. Dr. Chisholm was called ano
four.d it necessury to insert, seem,
stitches. The bridge of the nose wo.
punctered arid it is probable that hi
will be disfigured' though youth is in hit?
favor and the wound may heal so ;tis
only to leave a slight disfiguremept
At latest reports he is progressing as
favorably as could be expected.
A. meeting was held in tbe hall of the
Macdonald block, on Tuesday evening
for the purpose of forming a Young
Liberals Club. Mr, S. Brown being
elt•ctecl to the chair and Mr. John
Ritchie, secretary,' nominsition of offi-
cers was proceeded with. Honorary
Preeident, Dr. Macdsinald. Honorary
Vice -President ,Thos. 'Gibson, NI. P. P.
and J. T. Garrow, M, P. F. President
S. G. Brown. Vice -Presidents for
Wing -ham 1st Vice. A. Burkholder, W.
Vanstone, C. Stuart, Dr. J. B. Mac-
donald. '2nd Vice, C. A. Campbell, T.
E, Bowles, N. A. Varquharon. Town-
ship of Morris -.1st Viee, C. McClelland
2nd Vice, P, Fowler..°Township of
Turnberry 1st Vice. Win. Maxwell.
2nd Vice, Alex. Kelly, Fred Thompson.
;r, ri".ce3 Township of East Wawanosh-ist Vice,
pose in 1911 wore:
Prince Edward Island
Ontariel ..• • • . • • -
In most of the other provinces the
eystern has not yet been organized
under the title of District Represents
atives, bot in all of them the funds
alloted find a somewhat snuffler dis-
eosition in ftirilishing meane for the
eromotion of dentonstratien work. In
/rove Scotia $1,200 was so employed in
141.4 resd in New Brunswick $14,200
Loder the title of travelling instructors.
,n Manitoba upwards of $30,000 ,of the
exent of $51,720 was disposed of by
mane of demonstrations- In Saskit-
(-hewer) 1527,118 and in Alberta t14,594
practically went the same Way. in
British Columbia. 827,510 was devotee
to denotiotrataint work. In Prince Ed-
ward Island, Quebee and Ontario be -
ides the amonnts mentionedas direct-
ly used in the maintenanee of the
Dietriet Rept esentatives system sub-
stantial sums were inso supplied to
demonstration purposes.
„ . 10 000
wilt if this Were your ton ?
Ai anaioua, grief-stricken mother ftp.
pc .. 1 to tie teeently. She *tote:
"1 haves son fifteen yeatil of age who
eret • Iherealosis in one lung. 1 have not
b • ',eats tO give Idea the WO he should
.aeo. Tlio denten% say that- with proper
. ail Led attention there ie every hope that
.0 I -elle fidly veeovere 1 'would be very
-1, end if he could he adniitteEP to the
olta Free Hospital if possible."
Pit4444'.'6,4::,.. Enter .4.1i34:14ie•
. Wester-4ln Piice'4pal '
ley," says Mr. .j.dloyd. lie was a .. ..-. as
ono occasion was out with his rod ; a -....a 4 •
and lin e flailing in a piece of water ; WINGliAM ONTARI
when a, keeper approached him and
most enthusiastic nahermao, and 011 Hi n kV IS
SUIlday SC11001 at 2:30 p. m, Rev.
told him the stretch was private. ' I
"Oh, it it?' he said. 'Aiy name'e Agent for 4 G mond Rector Alex. Al-
" 'I don't care,' said the keeper,' Allan Linn
iwitat your name is; you can't Ash Canard- Line
"'All right,' said Wesley, you take ' 03ria•IdsPn
here without an order.'
Canadian NOrt4ent's 1111e5
in my name to your master, and IT
follow you."
"The keeper consented, The owner ,
expressed regret at the occurrence,
and said he would be charmed if the
doctor would remain t6 lunch. After
lunch the host said he would be de-
lighted if the doctor would try his
organ, a very fine instrument in the
hall, and the doctor, nothing loath,
sat down. and play for half an .hour„
The music over, Wesley returned to
Itis fishing, fished to eundown, and
then went home.
"The next day the owner of the
organ and the lake was surprised to
receive a letter from Wesley asking
for ion guineas for hie services on
the organ.
"Wesley was even more surprised
when he had in reply a letter as fel-
"My charge for a day's Asning is
twenty guineas. If you will kindly
forward ten guineas, that will 'make
us quits.' "
Helps 'Woman's Movement,
One of -the most interesting per-
sonalitiesamongst the working wo-
men of Britain is that of Mise Mary
Macartnur, Hoe. Secretary- of the
Central Cemtnettee on, Women's Em-
nloYraent. She was born of Scottish
parents thirty-four years ago, and
educated at Garnethill High School,
Glasgow. She spent some time
abroad in South Germany, and On
returning to Britain bees,me her
father's secretary doing also desul-
tory journalism for local papers. She
was editor of ber school journal at
this age of eleven. Early in 1903 she
worked in London with Mi.S)3 Mar-
garet Bondfield, Lady Dilke, and
Mios Gertude Luckwell. In 1911
she wa.s married to Mr. W. C. Ander-
son, now chairman of the executive
of the Labor Party and MeP. for the
Altereliffe Division of Sheffield in
Like some other well known wo-
men, Miss Macarthur prefers to re-
tain her own name for publicity
purposes. Into her private life when
she,goes home and is Mrs. Anderson,
she tries to bring none of the Worries
that make Miss Maettrtlaur's life a
struggle against growing odds. Miss
Maearthur has done moch to help
the working women in Britain.
r:•7 (.•'! :;jeet ea.°
at:rea• 1 larco nuiabars .of the men,
...t7e..1 to liar, the opportun-
7' "7'.11';' fl• 'hoed of tehat
ioa v ; ra; !arch lectures
•--• it• source of in-
t - eae e. by an Indian
• 7 1. ',Ad haa beim poe-
t' • ; ;era r•forquest:sons at
• • f,r thr; 1r.:qure. At other
-7r:1:ia or iwn. have been
t iretitutiens, such
•.a.•:11 nr out to a vil-
ifavirieso that youe• son -Or neer da,u liter
/erg tt consumptive, Suppose that he oe
he were pale aod wasted and shaken by a
.aeking, strength, -sapping cough, Sup-
; oce that you hadn'ts tiley to'provide
th- hadly•necticd medicine, nouriahment,
!, shined medical treatment. Think
I -t• a hiLised relief it, essand he VS yeti to
T7 ,A). that this Milekoka, Vf5li Hospital for
•-otooiriptives etenclt rent y to hclp
Comfit) titian, to the ?iinkcka Free lIdAly
ital for Cootomptiqm., wiii- be gratefully I
• chnowledged b!,• W Gage, Chairman
• Irecutive Committee. ? :ripadina Avenue?!
- ft. rienher. See., tery • Trear,urer, 447 I
John Currie. 2nd Vice,J. Cochrane
Secretary -Treasurer, John Ritchie, FI
13. Elliott. On motion, the' President.
Secretary, S. Gracey and Dr, J. I.
Macdonald were appointed a commit: ee
to make arrangements for nextmeetmg
MCBRIDE' In Winghatn, on January
18th, the wife of M.r.W It. McBride;
Ocean St entatships.
IrtwIN-In East 1Vawanosh,00
, uary 20th, the wife of Mr. Rie • i..t•to koala:re wia•ra inismonary
work is being carried on. Simi Irwin; a daughter.
trips have proved the reality of for-
eign raiss'ann ar, preleips few things
can to the now -sour to Indio,.
44 TIOAt'etri Gold.
Precioue ; :n; ea; eontintio to accum-
ulate in 1 nein.iu anaranua quanti-
brought tat. ty tb.o fir -arcs 'orrstlii: •
ties in spite af tha war,
gold and elleor lenearle, of the cur-
rent year, wh",:•11 rtui noW. DubIiShed.
Jan -
is sent direct to the diseased parts by hie
l•nProved Blower. Heals the alms Willett occupied his life is new only
(soars tee air plissageg,ctepq (imp;
pings in the throat and permanent. threatened with consPaeh-ien by Xing
1rtsi:Wille-12;k;.;.,;.. zuoox,t,r me ;e ci.ee, AIla
lbeit's heroism,
. seestftetes, „vessel- ercentuesen. The noveriann saw thie change
e.,' rents & coe aimitrat. 'reroutein kingship firmly established: Yet
These show that after deducting all
1 in 1 7 4 3 George. II. accompanied his
exportaticem thele has been in three . I army in the field, and was the last
months an add; non to the stores in ; TonAcc.._o. sE_ED BEDS I :i'eigning Rinse of England to do eo.
the dountry of no less than one hun- I , ._! Then, at Dettingen, in Bavaria, ho
tired and fifty-einlit lalths worth of 1 It is reeognized by authorities that ", pereonally led att array or English,
In too gioeingo, •to acco t t3 ciaali,y I
' • • e' ° b h. . Ilanoveeiaess, and Austrians to vie -
gold and two hut:leered -.and twenty- ..
71.111,0 lakke, worth of silver. In the I tory against the, :French, who were
flaM0 period the nitrite in India have of the:leaf moclueed depends much on ' In unnerior berm under the Due de
. .
si,J„ doves eau be arranged ,at
TINMK °dice. .
Pore Bred Stook Sales a Specialty
1 ,..54Ies 0on3nett4 anywhere in Ontario
, Wrimor Ph no 81, wiogliam
InT;:;rilv(il%4)(t.‘0,tos;41.F01,3711rtot)10. i;,111)(1.7,4r11. 0000,Ponorr rianteiroma.,
t4P110•1 Arra tr4 'VC 044, 0,51Opt na the,
01)11)0 ot V.A1"111W4gbttil;h1:111.11Cit It.A.T13.4
34:t•er.Nr O'nVelirrtin4:04
inxe5ripeatrs,4.., „ .. ... (100 `11lion,
Polelir•elit'neMfffie:111:':‘: :1113 f(111111: 44"; p40 fop
owe Moot .04 (1rie t"
Laaal and. otlor streller 4 ivertisettienta, 1.90 •
inien saeirqaeo iite,trin 1, Atrt4nrati, by A
un 11P 4001 soulti, 4w-lv li•upi tO Aneb.
Enco,,„1., e4rai of 51,; bees stet under, /5.00
. a per 3 ear,
deron, S. S. Superintendent. Ad vert iseitiPc he of situ 1e130.1.4 Vacant, Saila ,.
SALVATION ARMY OITADDL, -Service Wong Waved Houses I or Salo or to rent
lit 11. a.m.,. 3 tetn, •oral 7 p.m. oo Sato:lay,
,., gteil.,e,t,,,:;'0 f‘teirtelft•i'0,1tili'i*IL4.1.t itWq1.141t•%1iii(olilkixt.„
At 8 Wank on Thursday ovenilltit ma rar'ala,a falas,a,a,',;(1' month., Larger ad,
There will be special musie provided to vertisaments iii proport(on.
the Sunday evening service from 7 to .Ew,tilesmnalops inevr+ tree) 5e per counted
7.15 111,0; pri week or pews matter. 10a per hue each.
insertion. .
POST Onricri--Office hours from 3a.m. . - , ...... . ....---.....
to 6:30 p. m, Open to box holders from Medical
C. N Griffin, post-
PUBLIC L1ORARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, Will be
open every afternoon fe im 2 to 5:3(1
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock, sfIss Della Reid, lib-
TowN COUNCIL -Dr, A. J Irwin
Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F's
Binkley, A, M. Crawford, W. A. Currie,
V. R. Vannorman. W G. Patterson and
D, BeU. Councillors; John F Gtoves,
ert- and J. G. Stowell:, r. reasureF,
'1111"" BoZds:rno:Ot.frofirrizs, t(101\1(anind--ayIle.vEen.
t"ing 10
ach month at o'clock.
11 ilehr ' •• :
rat, , e (V, 41
la I tam, oleg
noo :tor 1, •or r• •‘1• 1.
tot al • 1.11.7
.11•..1)hr,a "'A • ••• .g em• -•1 ••,o1 ..•
*•I. 1,•••li. t. r .1 I
1,11 .1 01.)1t. 1. r
W • frt a-;11 rwo 1-• h parr. It
nav el) exoreet•h do 1 laty evinet
twe •
• Weoe forth, r pevt fel 'ere op
mota. for eroe-, loa (NI a ri.l•
rori t • hit -t
Wills V. C. to Ills Men.
The late Captain Francis Grenfell
of the 9th Lancers, the first officer
in the present war to win the Vic-
toria Oroas; was so grateful to his
men that in his will, just admitted
to probate, he leeves the.m all his
medals. Captain Grenfell, who was
a well known polo player, left unset-
tled property of the gross value of
$202,848. His will reads:
"I give to my regiment, to whoto.
the honor of my gaining the Victoria
Cross was entirely dile, thanks, to the
• splendid discipline .and traditions
which exist it this magnificent regi-
ment, all my medals. including the
Ve C.
"My pony, Pearl of Price, 'which
was ridden by my brother, Captain.
Riversdale Grenfell,, all through the
retreat from Mons and by myself on
all other occasions, give • to Mrs.
Duggan of 13irfiehl, Old Windsor."
Wrn. Robertson W, AeCampbell, Dud-
leyliolmes, A. Telling, A. le Lloyd,
Robt, Allen, L. A. Bisbee. John F. Groves
Secretary Trsasurer. Board meets in
tlouncil Member on the second Tues -
lay of each month.
1-11GI1 SCI100E, TEA.01-rEaS -Mr. G. R,
3m1.1.4, B. A., Principal and Specialist
111 Mathernaties" Mr, rithcombe„ 13.A.
Specialist in diaasicg; Mr. Aederson,
e sliest:WU:4A in Seierme; Miss M. le
Whyte, B. A. Specialist in eloderns
end History ;, Mist E C. Garrett, Art
and Mathemetice; Miss B. Anderson,
B A., Commereial Work. and History.
P11131,10 CHOC18. TEACHERS, -A. L.
Fesliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans-
i o , .
seereestelaanagraaatetaaaaaliaaa7„..matae4 eY. att. Barhar Ancl Mar; Bentley,
BOARD 0,7' Flekteru.-Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(Chairman) Wm Fessant Alex Porter,
, • ,
1••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C.
011.1o.ren Or v Redmond,4Iedical Health officer.
1.1 5E:W01'4111. eiNT. '
Brings on the lenttlelleld.
From earliest times English kings
have loomed large in the military his-
tory of their country. William lite
at the end of the seventeenth century,
was perhaps the greatest military
genius that has ever occupied the
English. throne; The historie and
nbble defence ot the Netherlands
Oinnoss-Corner Patrich e.141 Centre h:te,
Paos :
Offices 48
Reeidence, liernacell 145
liedidenee,Lps. calor 'sr
Dr, 4enne4 sperializes irt Surgery,
Dr. Colder devotes special attention to Dia
crasser the llye, Dar Nose sod Throat.
DYea thoroughly teetod, (i)asnes
prol.etl) hated,
n A s 7. A flrisharn General Hospital
Otirnotitia• 1::alomacy-
"Why do you insist upon haviog the
servant call you at 7 onneek Crory
meriting? Yon never get auto!' bed at
that hour."
"No, but want to make eine the
seivant• is hweke."-
' A Gentle Hint. "
Young Man --your, twhi daughters
scent absolutely inoeptilethle. 'Flu, NI h-
er -0b, know, A young man
to make ramil no a scoarator•
with half Yolvsell'.'014;nl
Mapreattatt Olffencetty.
"Ialtulani, you anent to go 10 0 mll'm
or ell ato
-For (moor, you .1) 11:1 t)ly ttiN
band . 11 re ItIlt 1)1' t4 1')t''' the
him I:I 1:111 U).1
New York Press.
kcipact Out. ,
t'inilth-flohlraori- to a veva, a:mei-ens
old fellow 1.,M Youltieetv. o tilways;
helping sometaaly otit..
eta el ea, ti,
ntruclt oh! the large 1015 of thirty- the matter in which the plants are Noailles.
:deo been ;added to the circulating „e„ te, e,„ v a by doinr 11 11 the be,t IlfOrtou's rinitqual nOrnir.
wealth of the inhabitants, A total , ' . ' It is Very rare for a I3ritieh officer
value of over fourteen million , Way, ,r or six yearA the Experittenta'. ;
; to receive the Order of St, George,
!Farm have been investigating fit with whieh the Tsar has deeorated
nix lakhs of rupee.% which has thus
started. It is realized also that expenee
:problem of toieseco culture and. in cider! Comffiander Max Horton, who
marine which Malik
Vound in 3iion's 3BOdY. • • to give growers the advantav of th.• ' manded the sub
Here lwhat a e military surgeeh eisnobs 11.nrned there ?vas been issued a the German 'cruiser Pomrocrn ,in the
"xcavatetl" from a 11,010141 1)) the - - ,, 13altic. One of the tow other Eng -
thigh. of a 13ritish officer who fell a bulletin ent•itled ,. l,obeeco Seed Bethi ° i lishmee eviler wear the Order is Lien -
who, whilst engaged as a war COrre-
Blade of a pocketknife., This panipelet of 51 pagtes prepared ,,
spondont during tho TIoxer riots, re -
1302i5 handl:: of tim same knifo. ' Ur. V. cilarlan. Chiof 'or the Tobase t ; named by A4miral Amine ama a
SereW* ring from the head D
Button teem thvictim's troutereivision!, trolits tile subject in six pert, Itus:31an t4eneral when they welt
toGere .
• ont., er the following }limb; Types o" ' sre.nnolod. ard got thorn- a place of
" Cc "nder Whit -
Loos: It is norribered 21 of the &teen!' Serie4, tenant -Commander Whittall,
raan shell.
The v. wind fully mipozed the fentlee(b, the soil sn'l seed becl, ;shelters, ' l'il ° 7'
Ural art( :.r, but did not break it, The wied sowirm ;Ina bittibtebAnce of bed, teal. Was decoratd eby Genertd Stoes-,
Patieht ,-;:11 reeover. dieeases, and the malting or a het -bed ' .-
Ertf 11ntri tatirtd AttlVele
is bulletin, which is generously dlus- , leo Chleances,
It iga 1,-„, i!g-}13. mai: an mnoish tratoi, is free to times' who apply for noushg without chlmuoYs are to be
a ''!-, ;;;:'.
chemist ne. if. 'Parkin a oriting in a it to tile Publications Branch, feoture of London In the near fu-
ranch, D na
' •• ‘t. i turn according to a London arcnItoct.
:London 1. i.01'1ti0!,1, at tito pi oble.n of 'meta of grieulture. Ottawa. , Already designs have *been drawn for
f tvlllas in. a London
b h which will not show a. solitary
produet: enirne semeally, steel- ,1101
sientalle Ineetsvered autline dye. .
There Etre SOW :Ant tWO tilOUsand
Vt1111100 dyes latowa •;•ornmeree,
practically all t•f them twoo. tn tier -
Children Orst
. rat ur
chimney to spoil: the View from the
' house opposite. These villaa will he
. heated on the nussian system, whiell
dispemes o15ttre1 uttb the own% fife.
(Under Government Inspectinu)
ran, aceler, Itaieeiceit, 134, r.t.),h,', 11,4ngl
L.11.0 P. E,onden
Pirfattnarns era arpear,b.
VIt/1 1,14 clalW env
W. R. Hazably, B.Sc., M.D. car ,‘
61,ctot atte:watithosighpa)719''t.Qozalttaserni:e,•,, ot wo'inert
and, ohitlieen, having talien post graduate
Work in Surgery, nartoriology and Soientiilo
Jg0e4illi:elli.(:; the Iferr y•ealdence. between the,
Queen's hotel and the 'Rootlet Llburoh.
All business given careful otteutIou . -
Phone 44. P, 0, 13ox 118,
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
phySieians. RATBS POE, PATIENTS-whi Ch
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according to location of
room. For further informations au -
Mies L. Matthews.
I3ox223,•Wingharn Ont.
Railway tine Table
London ' 0 85 tam. 8.22 p.to.
Topouto and East 6.45 stili. 3,15 p.m.
Kinctudine *11.59 p.m. 9.15: pen.
cardine 6 30 A.M. 3.15 p.m.
London . .. 11.54 a.m. 7 40 p 111.
Torontb and East. 11.45 a.m. 0.15 p.m.
w,P.11t.71114A1A14, Station Agent, Voinghani
LT 51 !1h11102T. Town Agent, Winghanz
Toronto and East 6.25 a, in. 8,05 p.m.
Teeswater • 12 5t°'. 10 32 p.m.
Anntvg PROM
frooSii`attt. 6.20a.in, 8.05 p.m.
Toronto and East 12:47 pen, 10.20 p.m.
BEMIS% Bout, Wingliam
Ostegpathic Physician
Oculists, Neurologists
Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods )44
Osteopathy cures or benefits when
other system fail "
Wingham office over Thristie's Store
Tuesday, 9.00 a.m, to 9.00 p.m. Wed-
nesday, 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday,4 tc.
9.00 p.m. Friday,9.05 to 9.00.a. m.
or by appointment. '
Gang g so HAED A Representativa Voted
1.4Votai4 Twit Black TRICT for the •
En The Face. Old Reliable Fonthill
C.Vilira WO CU NiF.'13 BY USING
Norway Plne Syrup.
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Sault Ste. Marie,
Out, writes:. "My little girl, six.. years
old, a dreadful hard eongh. At
nights she would cough. so hard she would
for several
black in the face, and would eough
for several enure before she could stop.-
1.1re tried (Unmet kith of medieittes and
lied several doctors, but failed to do her
any good. She cold met sleep nor eat
tier cough was co bade and elm wag einifly
waAing., away. A friend advised me to
try Dr. Wood' S Norway Pine Syrup. r
ot a bottle and saw an improvement,
and got another. New / 15111 only too
elm' tecommend it to all mothers."
Too much Aram cannot be laid on the
feet that comsh or cold should be cured
Dr. Woutl's Norway Vitte Syrup win
cure the couzb, or cold and prove sipre-
ye:dative from all throat arid lung
trouble:: stall as brottehitis, pneumonia
and consul -option.
"Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow
wrappa; thre,, pine trees the trade merle;
prix 25e att,t 55)es pet bottle.
Manuractur..4 only by The V, 1,111.
bum Co., 1,11.1itcd, Toronto, Oat,.
loatmerst Why reutain Min all
Whites; When not) van take-up a:paying
agCctIntcoY1:.e list of varieties for ,'Spiting
Planting.' Liberal Terms. liandsonie
Free Outfit, Exchisive Territory,.
Write tcow, for particulars.
Stone & Wellington,
To RON t3,, ONT.
J., A. FOX, D. C. •
Ohiropractic removes the cause
of practically eill diseasee.It
101511519 not what pact of the
1)0117 (9 affected, it can be reached
Mum the centres in the spinal
column by adjustment of sublax-,
ated, vertebra. Consultation free.
Meinber of Drugless Physicians'
Association of Canticle! '
Winghami Ont.
ARTEUR J. D Da,, a1.1" CO4
Doctor of DontalSt r vat
Dental College Mad L1(24213%14 el Sb. n0yol
College Of Dental Burgeor.o of Ontario, ()ince
inXticdonald Ble9k. Vvinghlitn,
°thee closed, every 'Wednesday afternoon
from May lot to Oat. let,
0W.11 et, YEARS'
TRADE Iiilittilift
' 'OditilfpflEIGHIGVNe4ii. 1
Anyone teb ding a altoteb. tied &Nell ntion trittl•
r.seeidt necoriain ear opinion free whether au
!mom ion 15 prohaNyllatentebm,iernmtudett.
anassinctlyconodouttne HANDBoo Ant Patents
1)111 5100. omen tatoncy tor Iteouringtsitente.
1'4,teinS tatan tbfreugh mean* CO, redelifil
t;telalitetice,atitbotit char %lathe
$Cittitifit intritalte ,
fill relit Tersi, sl, , ,,,,
iviii!ii gogegirbidwififfewhit
, ,
,,,_;,.a,..,,i„, .0.6,11' lit,,Wesbineton, Vivo
a tE, nosa, 1)."D. S.,
donor graduate of the Royal Pollege at ,
Dentale1ttr goons of Ontario and Honor gradui
ate of the university of Toronto, Faculty At
Dentistry, .
011100 over El. E.,Isard Cots., store, vine -
tarn, Clic
Deice dosed every Wednesday afternoon
front May lat to 065.1st.
R VANST011e,
• BABRIETR13, BOI.,10170fa, firuar
lariaati and Company iund ito lean at loweet
rate of iutiteat. Mertgagoe, tettik arid farm
properly booght, and sold.
elffice..ram or Nook Noir gluon
BAR/118,2111k Zee.
enlighten OS.
13jUDL8V vioLnes
Oarrister, Soilcitor, Etc,
°ince: Meyer liTock,Witntham,
,tirderil for the In,o'rticn of t firettitereetiti
anon ha telttheth WhnO•di • btieliteelt
ineoliettioii Wanted, artlelee for tale, lli
thy kith of int tart.to hey of the Taranto et
Other OW pellet% Maybe Ieft fit the Vera
oftlee, TWO *fork will rlfeerre protopt Attention
mid *Ill ter* people the trouble Of tilititttilit
for find forweraing einvertittinerite. LOtteels
rata will be 4iloted an eapItohtion. Lenve
fir tend yam. next *orb of Mill Wild:UV the
ittINIES arrtoo, witkehmat*