HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-01-20, Page 8CONVENTION DAY The following merchants are offering special inducements in bargains for Friday, January 21st, "Farmers` Convention Day in Wingham.'" King Bros. Thos. Kew J. A, Mills A. J. Ross J. J, Davis A. M Knox W. J. loyee Hanna a Co. R. A. Currie R. S. McGee W. H. Willis W. J. Greer F. S. Ballagh R. M. Lindsay Jno, Galbraith Frank McLean Miss E. Carson Kneebtel & Co. J. A. Cummings W. G. Patterson H. T. Thompson J. Henry Christie Geo. Mason & Son IL E. Isard & Co. J. Johnston & Son Jas, Walker & Son J. Walton McKibbon Howson & Brocklebank tr"W`7r sn.n.es ... ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. WANTED -A good boy to learn the printing business. Apply at Tie= office, TRUNKS .AND VALISES:-BigfdteCk of select from at lowest pric J. GREER. SPECIAL BARG{1I at Knox's on Friday, Jan., 21 y. -A. M. Knox phone 65, HOCKEY' BOOTS -You should see our line of Hockey Boots. The be awaits you here. -W. J. GREER FOR SALE -A number of -Barred Rock and Minorca cockrels for sale. Apply to Harold Buchanan, Minnie St. CORN -We have for sale at our store or mill, a car of good American yellow corn. 89 HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK WANTED --Two pipers for Wingham Detachment 161st Huron Battalion apply to Major N.T. Sinclair. Wingham. APPLE BUTTER -Our supply of apple butter is limited and you had better place your order early so as not to be disappointed. E. MERKLEy & SON. Phone 84. DIED. CURRIE - In Brussels, on January 11th, 1916, John Currie, sr., aged 65 years and 10 months, HARRIS -In Toronto, on January Sth, 1916, Ellen Melinda Doubledee wife of R. B. Harris, formerly of Wroxeter, in her 60th year. SPAT LING -In Wingham, on January 18th, Francis G. Snarling, aged 68 years. TCiiNnnit i;T Minutes of Council Meeting held In Bluevale on Monday, Jan. 10th, 1916. Membera all present. After making their declaration of qualification and office, the members lumped their regular business with the Reeve in the chair, Minutes of the last regular meeting and of Nomination meetings were read and adopted. The following By -Laws were regularly passed, No,1-,Appointingthe whole Council Road Commissioners. No,2--Appoint- ing Robt. Black and B. Cruikshanks Auditors, and that they meet at 'Teas- urer's office and conimenee their duties. on Jan. 19th, 1916 at 10 a m. No.3- Appointing Wm. S. King, Assessor for this year, No.4-Appointing Wm. H. Cruikshanks, a member of the Local Board of Health. The Reeve and Mr. Bolt were appointed to look after the family of H. Calvert, W. T. P, The following accounts were passed and chegaes issued. M, J. Smith. Rent of Hail,$2,00. McKinnon Bros. gravelling, $1.35 L. A. Grisdale groceries, $718, J. A. McLean, eoal, $1.10. Rae &Co., coal, $4.00. J. A. Stewart, Boundary account, $8,58. F. Guttridge, Tile account, $41.55. Chas. Button, Culross Boundary account, $42.35. Advance printing, $7.00. J. Porter, Dep. Returning offi- cer, $10. J. W. King, Dep. Returning officer, $10. A. McPherson, Dep. re- turning officer, $10. D. H. Wallace, Dep. Returning officer, $10. P. Powell, D. R. O. B M. and D. and supplies. $23.55. J F. Rolland, Brussels Telephone, $56.80. Jos. McGlynn, sheep killed by dogs, $9.34,3" value. Next meeting of Council will be held in Bluevale on Monday, Feb. 7th, 1916 atip,m. P. Powell, Clerk. IDU R'.i Bryans. -In Morris township, on Jan- uary 4th, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bryans, a son, KYLE. In Brussels, on January llth, 1916, to Mr. and MrR. W, J, Kyle, a son -William Verner. SPEIRAN.-In Brussels,on January 6th 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Speiran, Grey township, a daughter. DENNIS-In Lower Wingham, on January 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dennis; a son. McGILL-In Turnberry, on January 18th. to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. A. McGill; a son. RODGERS-In Wingham, on January 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgers; a daughter. MARRIED SPENCE-HOWSON-At the home of the bride's parents, Arthur, Ont., on Wednesday, Jab, 12, 1916, by the Rev. R. H. Rogers, M. Isabelle, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Howson, to W. George Spence, D.D.S., L.D.S., Listowel, Ont. MoIR- Goy- At the Church of the Sacred Heart, Wingham, on Jan. 12th, by the Rev. Father Foilen, Mr. John Moir to Miss Mabel Goy, danghter of Mr. and Mrs. John Goy, all of Culross Township. THE WINGH.AV! TIMES THE AGONIES OF NEURALGIA, A terve Trouble, Always Doe to Weak, Watery Blood. Only those who have been attacked with neuralgia can form the faintest idea of what its victims suffer. A tingling of the tender skin, a sharp sudden stab from some angry nerve; then piercing paroxysms of pain that is neuralgia. The cease of the trouble• is disordered nerves, due to weak, watery blood. The cure is Dr. Wil - Hams' Pink Pills, which makes new, rich, red blood, and thus sooth and strengthen the disordered nerves and cure neuralgia. Mr, Louis Martin, Mildmay, Ont., says; -"I am writing to let you know the great benefit Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been to me. Two years ago I was a physical wreck. My nerves were all unstrung and I suf- fered tortures from neuralgia, in the head and throughout the nervous sys- tem generally. I was almost unfit for work, and only managed to get along with .the greatest difficulty. I doctor- ed for about five months and in this time took over forty dollar*'' worth of fi.I edicine was actually any benefit, More, y growingayorse, and fin- ally had to take to my red. My nerves got so bad that I soul not turn over in bed without help; d the pain was something awful., s I am a farmer you can easily se hat necessary work was being neglec ed, so I sent for a brother who was in Alberta, to come and take charge of the work. When my brother arrived he at once urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, telling me of some cures that had come under his observation. I got half a dozen boxes, and before they were all gone there was no doubt they were helping me. Altogether I used nine boxes of the Pills and by that time I was a well man, and it is impossible to say how thankful I was for my release from pain." You can get Dr. William's Pink Pills. from any dealer in medicine or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont The town of Sorel, Que., voted on local option, carrying the by-law by a majority of 522. Meeting ofuron County uncil The council of ;the corporation of the County of), Iuron will meet in the Counci /Chamber, in the Town of God ich, on TUESDAY, ' TEE 25th nes ., at the hour of 3 o'clock. accounts for settle- ment mus be placed with the clerk bet a this date. W. LANE, Clerk. Datean. 16th, 1916. 1 osimossoispoisposismosiossopsomposepospoossossimusisil Farmers' Convention Day FRIDAY, JANUARY 21st will snake it a profitable day for the buyer from any distance to come and Men's HeavySweater Coats 25 only men's all -wool Sweater Coats with roll collar in grey and navy brown, all sizes, regular values $4 to 85 Friday only $2.95. Special Inducements on Seasonable Merchandise that 4ttend the convention. Ladies' Winter Coats 18 only this seasons' Coats in heavy tweed, plush and beaver cloth. These are taken from our regular stock along with a number of travelers' samples, regular values up to $25. Friday only 813,75. Girls' Winter Coats 25 Girls' Coats made from heavy warm materials in navy, brown and red; sizes from 4 to 14 years, regular value up to 87. Friday only $2,95. Boys' and Misses Sweater Coats 100 only Sweater Coats with and without collars in red, ' navy, and grey, sizes 22 to 32 made from all wool yarns, reg- ular value 1 to 1.50 'Friday 69c,. Muffs, Stoles and Setts 100 different pieces of Furs mostly odd muffs and stoles and a few matched sets made in Iatest styles from sable, natural and black wolf, mink marmot, white thibet andper- sian lamb, 50 pieces values from 88 to 812, Friday only 85 50 pieces value from 815 to $20 Friday only 810.00 Men's FurCaps 15 fur caps in persian lamb, in wedge or driver shapes, well lined and finished through- out, sizes up to 74,-, regular $7.50 810. Friday only $5.00 Men's Fur Collared Coats 10 only men's coats made from extra warm black beaver cloth with heavy quilted far- mers satin Iining, shawl or notch collar of persian lamb, regular value $18.50, Friday only 810.00. Flannelette Blankets 100 pairs large•size flannel- ette blankets in grey or white with pink and blue borders, bought at a clearance price from a jobber, regular value 81.85, Friday only 81.19. PRODUCE WANTED Choice Butter New Laid Eggs Dried Apples KING BROS. 'Phone 71 (1 f SPECIAL SALE OF SHOES anuary 2oth, 1916 OF ALL KINDS On Farmers' Day FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK A straight 10 per cent. re- duction on everything in, eluding Queen Quality Shoes for Women and Derby Shoes for Men. W. 11. WILLIS Sole Agents for Ladies and Derby Sholws for Men JOHN F.. GROVES ISSUER O]' MARRIAGE LICENSES Town Hall, Wingham PHONES: -Office 24 Residence 168 Alma Flarity Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory Examinations. Stu':io - McDonald Block Wingham Every Western Ontario Farmer Needs Steele,. Briggs Seeds —CaldwelPs Feeds - Guon's fertilizer FARMERS ATTENTION We believe we have the best Fertilizer made. Our Factory is the best equipped plant in Canada. Gunn's Fertilizer this year contains as much potash as it had last year. It is 100 per cent. beneficial, it contains no waste filler. Farmers who have given it a fair test are selling the most Fertilizer for us. VVe keep a stock on hand in Wingham to supply rush orders. Let us hear from you if you find you have not ordered enough. Get your orders in at pnce. If no one has solicited- your business, send your order direct to A. H. WILFORD Proved the Best by any Test. Good Seeds good Crops A REAL WINNER SATISFACTION AND BETTER PROFIT FOLLOW THE SOWING OF STEELE BRIGGS' "LION °" BRAND RED CLOVER No better Clover Seed qt any price FARMERS, ATTENTION A. 14. Wilford knows what the Farmers require in the of Seeds, and is in the position to supply STEELE, 13RIGC5S SEK,.DS District Agent Wingham of the very best quality at the right price. way I WE know the Fanners' Needs and aro preparing to supply that need. Wingham is the centre of our district. Orders filled on very short notice. Get our prices on b poultry before selling, we are the largest packers of Western Ontario, having a fine outlet for farm produce of all kinds, packed for export in ear lots. butter, eggs and We are distributors for the guaranteed Caldwell Lines of Feeds Mollasses Meal Calf Mea!,„/ Molassiiorse Feed Molaes Hog Feed Messes Dairy Meal ry Dairy Meal Mixed Chop Poultry Feeds Scratch Feed Laying Meal Chick Feed Growing Mash Analysis of these feeds are guaranteed to the government. Manufactured by The Caldwell Feed and Cereal Co., Ltd. Silverwoods Creamery AFEW clays ago we had a Fanner in the Wingham district tell us that he had tried three creameries and knew now that Silverwoods gave the best results. It cost this man money to make this experiment. Take advantage of this test and decide to -day that Silverwoods is the best market for your cream. Get cans for shipping from Wilford, and de- liver at your nearest station. Cream received at Wingham any time. Always remember that we want you to get honest weight test, and the highest possible price. Ship a few cans to Silverwoods Limited LONDON Our Convention on January 21st, isiftor your benefit .-�-.-- -- COME! A. H. WILFORD Telephones: Office 174, Residence 108. Wingham Ontario S �U�# S �' ggs Seeds Cali ll� Feeds Silverwoods AGENT ur►n s Fertilizer Steele ri we s Creamery -aeeeleefteeeie.eeeseem•iesseee""•"ese"'"*.`"'"'"e'e•eseeeneea......oseeeweed.e..............i