HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-01-20, Page 5January 20th, 1916 THE WINGHAM TIMES Page 5 riV/Y11/11WINI•fteN•111,0-411vWkillWIr 16•Wileir," Convention Day January Sales We are Selling all Winter Goods at Cheaper Prices. Cheaper Prices is a Money -saving Proposition to You Ladies' Coats 15 Ladies' Coats in sizes 16 and 18 years to clear at, each . $3.95 Fur Lined Coats Our Fur Lined Coats are No. 1 quality Sale price each . . . 845.00 Furs At many different prices A saving to you to see our Stoles and Muffs at each 4.758 Muffs and Stoles Black Wolf, Red Fox, Grey Wolf, Natural Wolf Marmots, Coon, in stoles ,or muffs. A big variety eat each . . $12.50 Rat Coats No. 1 Rat Coats. Our special $100.00 Rat Coat for $72.50 Ladies' Sweaters $1.98 buys an all -wool Sweater in ladies size, in new shawl collar in fancy and plain. Men's Hat Sale Stiff and Soft Hats, prices $1.50 to $2,50.. Your choice, each . 69c. Overcoats Men's and Boys Over- coats on sale 20 per cent off our full line. A sav- ing for you. Men's and Boys' Winter Coats and Caps In heavy tweeds with fur bands. A few to clear at 49c HANNA Co. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Phone 70 Delineator and Butterick Patterns For Sale 11111,ii‘.1/41.11,411v11.16.41,14/6~;10,"*ItiAb 'evqa. 416111.144,%.4A-1 , r • • Capital Authorized 0,000,000 ;e1izoltal Paid up $3.000,0011 — - THRIFT The foundation of every fortune is economy. Put aside the amounts that other people waste and enjoy the independence that goes with a Bank Accoun'. Our Savings Department will help you save. WINGHAM BRANCH C P. SMITH Manager. "MADE IN CANADA". Ford Touring Car Price $530 Take a little comfo 't as you go - especial- ly it you can combine it with profit •-The man who owns a Ford has provided healthful enjoyment fOr entire fa -nily and equipped himse with an eL:onomi 1 servant as well The Ford Runabout is $180: tr.•• 'I••• e 0; the Sedan $890; the Town t. ar $7S0 ei • 1. 0. b. Ford, Ontario All cars emn11,-,T, k.kt! e ,ineluding electric headlights. Equip aeo e • elute speed- ometer. Cars on sale y A, SI 1 I- es Ord, Leah -1r, Wingham, Ontario `THt", iiNIVEOCAL CAP NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF DAVID M. MILLER, INSOLVENT. Notice is hereby given that the above 'loped insolvent, David M. Miller of the Township of Turnberry in the County ef Huron, Farmer, carrying on business as farmer at the said Town- ship of Turnberry, bas made an assign- ment of his estate to me for the general benefit of his creditors under the Revised. Statutes of Ontario, chapter 134, The Creditors are notified to meet at my office at the Village of Wroxeter, on the Fifteenth day of January, A. D. 1916, at four o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of receiving a state- ment of the insolvent's affairs, for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the estate. All persons claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate mustfile their claims with me on or before the fourth day of February, A. D., 1916, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets thereof, having regard only to those claims of which I shall then have received notice, and I will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim 1 have not then received notice. Dated at Wroxeter this third day of January, A. D., 1916. R. VANSTONE. W. S. MCKERCHER, Wingham, Ont. Wroxeter P. 0. Solicitor for Assignee Assignee 88-4 G-AND-TRUNKRILW'A SYSTEM WINTER RESORTS Special Round Trip Fares Long Limit—Stopovers Asheville and Hot Springs, N.C. Charleston, S. C. Nassau, N. P. Hot Springs, Ark. French Lick Springs, Ind. Jacksonville and all Florida points Havana Cuba New Orleans, La. via New York, and rail, •(or Steam- er, according to destination) or via Buffalo, Detroit, or Chicago. Bermudas and West Indies Other Health Resorts:— Mt. Clemens and Battle Creek, Mich. St. Catherine's Well, Ontario Preston Springs, Ontario ' H. B. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W. F. &TRUMAN , Station Agent, Phone 50. esesessemasasesseassassayesseetsessvaleS111 Deleware, Lackawana and Western Coal Company's Scranton Coal We can supply the very best Coal for any purpose iHighest cash prices paid for all kinds of logs. Get full information at office. —0— J. A. McLEAN DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. PnoNEs Residence 55, Office 64a, Mill 64b 1 feesteesiss.4:1•4seaseeek,essae....tastAa4se) eas ivy rams A recruiting meeting in the interests of the 161st Overseas Battalion is to be held at $t. Helens on Friday evening the 21st inst. The program will be furnished by the St, Helens Literary Club and the meeting will be addressed by Mr. R. D. Cameron of Lucknow and M. McKinnon of the 161st Battalion. Some of the young men of St, Helen have already joined the Wingham de- tachment and a number of others are expected to join from this locality. The meetlree is to be held in the Forest- ers Hall. Representatives of the Wingham Detachment of the Huron Overseas Battalion will be present The West Huron Farmers' Institute will hold a meeting at St. Helens public hall on Monday, January 21tb, at 2 o'clock, and an evening meeting at 7 o'clock. Miss Powell, of Whitby, will address the women upstairs in the afternoon and in the evening a joint meeting will be held downstairs. No fee charged. Everybody welcome. EAST W dINV AMISH, The first meeting of the Council for 1916 was held on Jan. 10th, the members being J. N. Campbell, Reeve, and Messrs. Buchanan, Currie, Irwin and McGowan, Counciliors, who were all present. Having each taken the statu- ary declarations of qualification and of office, the minutes of December meeting 1915 were read and confirmed. Currie—Irwin—That Wm. Wightman be reappointed Assessor at a salary of $68.00, this amount to include postage etc., also equalizing the Police village of Manchester.—Carried. J. W. Bone and John S. Scott, were reappointed auditors of Township ac- counts and John Gillespie member of the Local Board of Health. Seven copies Muncipal World were ordered as formerly for use of the Council. Clerk and Treasurer. Five Dollars was granted on motion of Irwin and Currie in aid of the Child- ren's Aid Society, Goderich. The following accounts were paid, — The Municipal World, election supplies and express charges, $6.94; The Municipal World subscriptions to paper, $5.75; Treasurer of Turnberry settlement of boundary line account, $27.25; The Blyth Standard, balance of printing contract ballots. etc., $31.12; R. McGlynn refund of dog tax, 31.00; J. McGluchey refund• of dog tax,$1.00; A. Porterfield salary as clerk in 1915, $140.00; A. Porterfield postage and stationary, $15.00; A. Porterfield ex- penses of Municipal election and nom- ination, $54.00; Geo. M. Elliott, grant in aid of Childrens Aid Society, $5.00; Currie—McGowan--The Council adjourn to meet again on Monday, Feb. 7th. A. Porterfield, Clerk. LIVE STOUR MAR u. Toronto. Jan. 17—Trade was good and active and prices firm for butcher cattle of all grades. Sheep and lambs firm. Hogs 25 cents lower. Union Stock Yards —Receipts today, 146 cars, with 2,361 cattle. 33 calves, 2,320 hogs, and sheep and lambs. Export ...... ........$ 7 60 Butcher cattle choice.... 7 00 do medium. (3 25 Butcher cows choice 6 e0 do medium.... .... 5 00 do common 4 50 pedeodebruslls....... 6 00 6 40 Stockers.... •. 0005 000000 Canners and cutters... 3 75 do light do medium . 5 75 Milkers, choice Springers 60 00 Common and mediuni.. 40 00 Lambs .... . 7 00 Light awes .... ... 6 25 do bucks ... . ..... 5 00 Hogs fed and watered .. 9 25 do f.o.b .... • • • 8 05 Calves .................9 00 10 50 wiiieutia.si mastic e. -e REX() itTA. Wingham, Jan. 12, 1016 Flour per 100 lbs 3 20 to 3 75 Fall wheat . 95 to 1 05 0 35 to 0 86 Oats sley ...... .0 50 to 0 52 Peas 1 60 to 1 65 Butter dairy . . .... 28 to 0 80 Eggs per doe ..... ....... 0 35 to 0 25 Wood per cord , „ . .2 25 to 2 55 ...I3 00 to 14 00 Hay per ton ... Hogs .8 25 to 1 40 Dried Apples, per lb Beans, per bushel.. ........3 00 to 3 50 $ 8 00 7 25 6 50 6 50 5 '76 4 '75 7 00 6 5u O 25 6 00 5 50 4 50 85 00 ss 00 61 00 8 00 8 00 5 50 r.................,..............................,........,..........,.....3 . 0 1 W. G. Paticer,on/ s *i $ Big Half Price and Bejbw Cost 1 ft x 0 • eweler Set le •$ 0 , . 0 cp 0 , '(s ; 0 4) K 0 : 0 1 A o, 01 1 i it t 0 j$ i t 0 i im 0 i „ A WONDERFUL. MEDICINE FOR GFIIIIAREN • Mrs. Geo, Huffman, WilliOgton, Ont., writes: --1 have used Bab '6 Own Tab- lets and can recommend ern ne a won- derful medicine for chil en. I are the mother Of five kind haVe used no other medicine for any'V t6em." Thousands of other mothers say the same things of the Tablets. That is why once a mother has used them for her little onee she would use nothing else. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box frona The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. WHITEOHUItOU A. recruiting meeting is to be held at Whitechurch in the interests of the 101st Huron Overseas Battalion. The meeting will be addressed by Reeve Geo. Anderson, of Lucknow; and Mr. McKinnon, of the 160th Battalion, and a program will be furnished by members of the Wingham detachment of the 161st battalion, which includes a physic- al drill with rifles. Quite a few of the boys around Whitechurch have already joined the different overseas units and a number of others in the vicinity are expected to join at once. The meeting will be held in the Troy Block. ISLNLOSS. In Kinloss, on Friday, Jan. 7th, 1916, there passed away another of the flew remaining pioneers of Kinloss, in the person of Elizabeth Stewart. in the 86 year of her age. Mrs. Stewart was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, and came to Canada when a child with her parents She was married to her late husband James Stewart, in the city of Guelph. They moved to Kinloss fifty years ago, and she died at her old home on the 8th con. Three sons and four daugh- ters survive her; James and John of Howard, Sask., Charles, of Teeswater, Annie at home, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Scott of Mildmay. Mrs, Anderson of Toronto. Like many of the old pioneers Mrs. Stuart was noted for her hospitality and kind generosity; she was a staunch, Presbyterian by faith, SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA Round trip Winter Tourist tickets on sale daily to California via variable direct and scenic routes. Four fast modern trains leave Chi- cago daily from the most modern rail- way terminal in the world. Overland Limited (Extra here) leaves 7 00 P M. Los Angeles Limited—di- rect to Southern California—leaves 10.00 P.M. San Francisco Limited leaves,10.00 P.M. California Mail leaves .0.45 P M. Let us help you plan an attractive trip. Booklets giving full particulars mailed on applications to B. H. Bennett, G. A., Chicago & North Western Ry„ 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. .atisaaisalvietlieefrx.ies,?.=•-.. i Isard's Big Stock i . fA Reduction Cut fe fe . Price Sale ft fe . * /0 1.0 11.* BIG BARGAINS IN ALL T., LINES OF WINTER GOODS Ladies' Wear and Men's Wear Stores are crowded with all Winds of P-zady-to-wear Clothing, Furs, Fur Coats, Fur -lined Coats, Coats with Fur Collars, Ladies', Misses', and Girls heavy Winter Coats. Men's Over- , coats, Boys' Overcoats, Sweater Coats etc. Cut Prices in Ladies' Win- ter Coats are $5, 6.00, 6.50, 8, 9, 9.75. Cut Prices in Girls' Coats, 32.90, 3.50, 4.25, 4.75, 5.50, 5.95. Bargains in Fur Muffs, sale prices are $3.75, 4.75, 5, 5.50, 6, 6.75, 7.50, 8.90. Sweater Coats to clear at $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2, 2.50, 2.95 Men's Overcoats at money saving prices, $8, 8.75, 9.50, 10.00, 12.00. Boys' Overcoats, 3.95, 4.75, 5.50, 6, 6.75, 7.50, 8.00 Men's Suits, clearing line value up to- S15, January Sale prices 811.50. Men's Coon Coats. A chance to get a good coat at big sav- ing. Cut price 845.00. • Men's Fur Coats to clear at ire 818, $19, $20, $22.75. H. E. ISARD & CO. • • • •••,•., • • `.% 0.• 0.0 • O. • 1.0 • 00 • 0. • P. • 0. • 0. • 0. • AS Two Stores Wingham 'L.. • .0 • 0.0 • an, • .0 • 00 • .0 • 00 • .0 • .0, AI a • a • a • a • a. • a • a • a • AMMMINIOMMIlla .1110061111 :.• lazicrEgnewzmas Sale commences otira ers' Convention Day, Jan 21st and will end on March 11th% 1916 We have too large a stock of high (lass goods 'arty over war times so we have decided to dispose of them at a loss: This is a chance of your life time to buy good Jewelery all kinds at prices which yon never will he to buy at again. Keep your eye on the windows lid 111 the sitar and see goods ticketed regular price, blai-k ink, sale priee, red ink. • Big Slaughter in Diamonds. No WIODS TANEN 11535 01"THE STORE wernorr Tiro SPOT CASH. W. G. PATTERSON •121,SFS' Raisins for 12 1-2c per lb MEE EP,MISLFS",,SSIgP GREAT 15 lbs Best Gran- ulated Sugar for $1.00 CLEARING SALE 4 sOrs This Sale is 20 to 40 per cent. Re= duction on Many Lines Groceries 15 lbs Best Sugar Comfort Soap Comfort Ammonia Good Salmon, Fine Raisins, per lb, Corr. and Peas. 3 cans for Tomatoes, per can Extracts, 4 for Jelly Powders, 4 for 00 4c 4c 15c, or 2 for 25c 12 1-2c 25c 10c 25c 25c Men's Clothing at Half Price Any Suit or Overcoat in the store dur- ing Clearing Sale. exactly HALF Price Boys' Suits all reduced. Staple Goods in Clearing Sale • 1/ 1-2c Cotton, extra fine weave A snap at 10c 12 I -2c Wrapperette for only 8 1 2c Ladies' 50c Gloves only 25c LaLlies$1.00 Gloves only 49c ornwororernsmoratrAno Cle ring Men's $2.50 Heavy Shoes Men's $4.00 Heavy Shoes Men's $5.00 Fine Shoes Men's $4.50 Fine Shoes Men's $1./.5 Rubbers for Ladies $2.50 Shoes Lad,es' $4.00 Shoes Clear,ng Sale Children's Shoes On sale at 98c, $1.25, $1.48 • Saleof Rubbers and Shoes $1.49 $2 98 $4.00 $3.4S 95c $1.98 $2.98 Furs! Furs!! Furs!!! Every Fur at Half Price and Less. Dress Goods $1.00 Dress (.3ocds z.t 59c. Black Dress Goods .n New De- signs some •reat values t 59c, 79c, 95c arid $1.19 75 Woc,1ams, cach • 10c $1.50 Linm Unk.lerzi,irt 98c $1.00 Fancy Aproim 59c 20c Silk Ribbons t 12 1-2 c Ladie's and Chilrols' Underwear al at Clearing Prices. itle.111.., 53c Under. shirt for 390 awanksi. R rt. . s Y. Men's Silk Tie 40e for 19e. i '7,11 eir • 1,94 The Great Watch Doctor 'Av —S"V•111•11•°MAIAVtifi.4101.44•445,4•• 44,101},144•4111.te1144414S4..Aar ' . • .4/4