HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-01-13, Page 1A., VOL. ,IICLIT.—NO. 2290 WINGHAN TIMES. KM" ONTARIO) THURSDAY JANUARY 13, 1916 $I A fEAtt 40CliCE ThQJI,LeACt411, stures ANAOA: f AVC;ILTh DRLA Orel. S 114 Rexall Grippe Pills A n Efficacioua Remedy f or La Grippe They relieve Inflaenza and all its manifestations, such Cold in the Head, Sneezing, Cough, Fever, Pain and Sorenesa of hack and limbs, Sore Throat, Headache and general prostra- tion. Rexall Grippe Pills are a very useful remedy for sudden colds, coughs, and attacks of fever. 25c. per Box 4very box guaranteed to give satisfaction or we refund your money. After La Grippe: "Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Extract.' The Cod Liver and Iron Tonic without oil or grease. It is the best builder. $1 .00 per Large Bottle 1 W. McKIBBON, Ph. B DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN WE ARE MERE TO SERVE YOU IIli (.= BUYER!. Do you want to buy a home in Wing,ham? If you- come to me I will show you some excellent values in proper- ties renging fee:en $600 to $4,500. I will be pleased to show. you around. the Town. J. G. STEWART Real estate Agent ONTARIO WINOIJAM My Best Advertisement is my Customers' Fibcommendation Eyestrain calms headache, weak, tired and aching eyee. Other things may give relief but petfectly adapted glasses are the only cure. The most important thing about a pair of glasses is the SKILL of the specialist who fits them. If I Cannot help you, say so. If I can I do thoroughly. Satisfactioh guaranteed with every pair of glasses. I supply adeace free. C R. WILKINSON Eophthalrnic Optician 0 Edward St. ,Wingham Over twenty years praetieal experience. mestmeassess. Christie's Grocery PHONE 69. Stdre opens 7 aan. Closes 7 pan. alios1.~Nomolmilmsliamtmitm rocenes Provisions • OUR SPECIALTIES As in other years we have endeavored to make our store the centre for high grade eat. ables, so in 1 916 do we hope. not only to maintain our effi- ciency, but by past experiences arid -close personal supervision, to make still .greater improve. merits in our business. It Makes No Difference whether you phone, call or send, the treatment of an order will be the same M every ease. One Price One Qtudity This is one of our fixed pr ii ciples. Everyone is trea ted alike in this respect, theref pre yoU ate perfectly safe in d•eal. iug here. • QUALITY FOR 1916 • The Council mot at 8 o'clock p. in, as per motien of adjournment with all the members present and Mayor Mc- Kibben presiding. Minutes of last regolar and special meetings of the 1915 Council were reed and adopted. Appeals for grants were reed from the Sielc Children's Hospital, Free Hospital for Consumptives at Muskoka and the Salvation Army rescue work. On motion of Couns. Isbister and Patterson, the usual grant of $6 to each of these institutions was made. A communication was read from the Council of tae town of Leamington, asking the Council's co-operation in asking the Ontario Legislature •• to amend the Municipal Act toProvide for the election of only a Mayor, Reeve and three Councillors for tewns and that they be paid a salary of not more than $150 each; also that the Provincial Government eetablish a provincial telephone system. The communication was filed. On motion of Courts. Hinkley and Gurney, one copy of the Municipal World was ordered for 1916. ' The Striking Committee named the following committees: - Electric Light and Waterworks - Couns. Hinkley. Gurney end Tipling. Finance - Mayor McKibben and Couns, Patterson and Sp,otton. Street, Sewers and Sidewalks -Reeve Mitchell and Ceuns. Isbister and Tipling. Property and Fire-Couns. Spotton, Isbister and Patterson. Purchasing -Mayor McKibbon, and Comas. Gurney and Hinkley. Mayor McKibben named Reeve Mitchell, Coun. Patterson and himself as the Executive Committee, By-law No. 752 to provide for the raising of money for current expenses until such time as the taxes are collect- ed was read three times and passed on Motion of Reeve Mitchell and Coun. Tipling. 13y -law No. 751 for the appointment of officers was then considered. The first office considered was that of the Clerk, and Clerk Groves made a request for an ihcrease of salary. Coun. Spotton said he agreed with Mayor McKibbon that thia year should be one of ecohomy. The Clerk of any town is in a class by himself. We must all go to the Clerk for advice and information. The present Clerk has spent six years in the office. Ile had studied municipal law and was receiving $L90 a day, as there was a considerable reduction last year he was favorable to an increase. Moved by Couns. Spotton and Hink- ley, that John P. Groves be re-engaged as Clerk at a salary of $750 per year, Reeve Mitchell said this was latticing what was done last year. It was part of the Cletk's duty to give advice. Coate, Hinkley said that Clerk Groves tied said he could hot properly live on salary received last year. A man is worthy worthy of hie hire. He did :Mt want a dissatisfied ernployee. Moved by Coun. Patterson mid Reeve Mitchell, n atnendment, that the Clerk's salary be the setae as last.year. Cedh. Patterson asked for the yeas and eays, which vOete'as follows on the afnendmente- Yeas Mayor McKibben, Reeve Mitchell and Comte. Tipling, Patterson and Isbister-5. Nays-Couns. Spotton, Gurney and Binkley-3. Amendment deelared carried. Reeve Mitchell thought the tnatter Of fixing salaries of officers shonld be referred tO the tReciatiVe Comnatttee. 1Vieved by Couns. Spotton and Ghia ney that we do now further consider the gdestioti Of the bierles Salary. The yeas and nays Were taken as fellows:- * Nay-Coens. ifpling Spottoree Gur- ney, 1inkley-4. Nay- Mayor Meltibbon, Reeve Mit- • Chen, arid etytint. Patterison and Istnster - 4. • Motion lost. Treaatrer Stewart asked fOr an in- h Bit NEW COUNCIL MET The Striking Committee was Appointed and Different Committees Named, The inaugural meeting ef the Town Council was held at 11 o'clock a, m, on Monday with all the members present exceptCoun. Gurney, Mayor McKibbon presided. On motion of Court. Sputum and Tipling, the Mayor, Reeve and Cann. Binkley were named as the Striking Committee to name the standing coin- mittees for the year. On motion of Coon. Binkley and Spotter) an adjournment was made until 8 o'clock p. m, crease of salary front 6275 tO6,105, Moved by Corm. Patterson and Reeve Mitchell. that Mr. Stewart, be re-engaged as Treasurer at the same salary as last year. Moved by Couns. Hinkley andOurney, in amendment', that Mr. Stewart's salary be increased from $275 to Court. Spotton saltine was net oppesed to an increase of salary to Mr, Stewart. Mr. Stewart had not yet completed a year in the effice. Ile would like the qaestion of all salaries • settled and would like the question of the Clerk's salary re -opened. Tha,vote on the amendment was as follows:-, Yea-Couns, Spotton, Gurney, and Hinkley -3 Nay -Mayor McKibbon, Reeve Mit• obeli, and Courts. Tipling, Patterson and Isbister-5 Amendment lost and motion carried. Moved by Reeve Mitchell, seconded by Court, Tipling, that Chief Constable Allen be re-engaged at the same salary as last year, -Carried. The engaging of a scavenger was next discussed. The salary last year was p per week in winter and $10.80 per week in summer. On being questioned by Colin. Isbister, Clerk Groves reported that this depart- ment -was paying its way and leaving a small sorplus. Mr, Stokes, the scavenger, said the position was worth V per aay all year. Moved by Couns. Isbister and Tipling, that Wm. Stokes be re.engaged as scavenger at the same salary and same duties as last year. -Carried. Nightwatchman Lewis asked for an increase of salary from 14c to 17c per hour. Moved by Couns. Hinkley and Gurney, that E. Lewis be engaged as night- watchman -at 17e per hour, Moved by Coatis, Hinkley mid Patter- son, that the appointment of an assessor be left over and that we advertise for applications for the position, the salary to be fixed hiter-Carried, Reeve Mitchell and Coun. Isbister made as amendment to the above, "that We call for applications for the position of assessor at a salary of $112,50, the same as paid last year." Amendment lost. Moved by Courts. Gurney and Hink- ley, that Messrs A. H. Musgrove and John Ritchie be 'appointed as auditors at a salarY of $50 each. -Carried. , Ernest Dennis was named as pound. keeper and Messrs Thos. Deans, Aug- ust Homuth and John Anderson as fence -viewers. Moved by Couns. Spotton and Isbis- ter, that W. J. Howson be appointed a member of the High School Board for three years; W. J. Haines as a member of the Public Library Boiled for three years and A. E. Porter as a member of the Board of 'Health for one year.- -Carried. The Mayor reported that Treasurer Stewart would not accept the position at last year's salary. COM]. Hinkley did not think it wise to bring a new man into the position for the sake of a few dollars. Wm. Stokes tendered his resignation as scavenger, Reeve Mitchell said that tenders should be tailed for the two positions before the salaries are raised. Coun Tipling would like to see the matteropened if he question of Clerk's salary was re -opened. He was in favor of an increase to the Clerk, but not to the amount named in the first motion. Chief Allen said if the matter was opehed his case should be considered. Moved by Reeve Miteheil, seconded by Coma Isbister, that the matter of the appointment of a Treasurer and be left over until next meeting, and that we advertise in the newepapers for tenders for the positions, at the, setae salaries as paid last year. Court. Spotton thought the re -arrang- ing and the bringing in of a flew Man as Tteasurer was not worth the saving effected, No man can master the poi- tiole in a year. Moved by COnfis..Spotton and Bink - lay, in amendment, that the matter of the appointment of A Treasurer b e opened for diseussion. Yeas -Mayor McKihbon, Couns, Tip - ling, Spotton, Gutney and Bink1ey.-5. Nays -Reeve. Mitchell and Cowls. Patterson and Isbister. -3. Amendment carried. Reeve Mitchell said the Couacil had tio tight to raise the salary of one offie- hit and not that of another. He WAS hotin fineor of the intrease. latoVed by CORM. nillkley and Gurney that Mr* Stewatt be re-engaged as Treasurer at a salary of oz.- Carried. Clerk Groves said he would netaceept the position at salters fisted. If ail of - Relate had been left at last veer,: sa1. ry he veoald not hare objected. Cowls. Tinting said he believed in °nest pay for honest work. TO THE PUBLIC re War Tax Stamps We, the undersigned Druggists of Wingharn, 'lave been notified that after Friday, January 14, we most collect war tax from the purchaser of the following Items; Perfumes, Bay Rum, Tooth Powder and PiWes, Talcum Powders and all, other toilet preparetions for hair, mouth or skill. Also patent . and proprietory medicines including.Pills. Pow - dere. Liniment. Tomes, Salves, Pte., ete. The penalty for non -affixing or non -cancelling of stamps, not less than $50,00 iiAla not over $250.00 J. J. I) Ava, J, Wu.ror McHiaiio Moved by Couns. Gurney and Tipling that we engage John P. Groves as Clerk at an advance of $75 in/ salary for the ensuing year. - Carried. Chief Allen said he was the poorest paid official in the town, when his duties were taken into consideration. By-law No. 751 providing for the ap- pointment of officers and fixing salaries was then read in accordance with above legislation and passed 011 motion of Couns. Hinkley and Pattersm. Moved by Cour). Patterson and Reeve Mitchell, that by-law No, 751 be am - mended to provide for an increase of $50 to Chief Alien's salary. -Carried. Moved by Couns Patterson and Spot - ton, that by-law No. 761 be amended to provide for a salary ef $10 per week in winter ard $12 per week in summer to the seavenger.-Catried. A number of accounts were read and an motion of Couns Spotton and Tipling it was Ordered that they be paid when passed by the Finance Committeee. Mayor McKibbon said he had no de- sire to hold special meeting of the Council, but was willing to call same when tequested by the committees, and when necessary. Moved by Couns. Isbister and Patter- son, that tenders be asked for all public work as tar as possible, the lowest ten- der not necessarily to be accepted.-. Carried. Moved by Couns. Hinkley and Patter- son, that the matter of printing requir- ed for the year be left with the Execu- tive Committee. - Carried. Moved by Coun. Spotton and Gurney, that this Council unanimously and respectfully requests, through our Reeve, the County Council to give a liberal grant to aid recruiting in the county and 'that a copy of this reso- lution be forwarded to the County Clerk -Carried • At the close of the council the various committees held a meeting and appoint- ed Chairmen as follows: - Electric Light and Waterworks- Coun. Hinkley. Streets, Sewers and Side-Walks- Coun. Tipling. Property and Fire--Coun. Ithister. Finance -Conn. Patterson. Purchasing -Coun. Gurney. Turnberry Pioneer Dead. There passed away in Dayton, Ohio. on Tuesday,. a pioneer and highly es- teemed former resident of Turnberry, in the person of William Clark. The deceased gentleman gave up farming in Turnberry some years ago. The re- mains are being brought here for interment in the family plot in Wing - ham cemetery and the funeral will be hell from the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Wm. Elliott. Turnberry-Culross boundary on either Friday or Satutday after000n. Letter from the Front. Mrs. R. J. Tindall brie reeeived a letter frem her son, Pte. Geo. Moffatt elm is serving King and country in f'••ance in which be acknoeviedges re- ceipt of the Christmas bo X sent by the Ledies' Patriotic Society, as well ai a tir.x of eatables sent by his tnother. Pre. Moffat says the good things sent were very much appreciated by himself and the other soldiers. He sent home a beautiful souvenir from France in the. fillape of a calendar and a beautiful sitk handkerchief made it Franee. The -soldiers, he says, are well -supplied with Wearing apparel and are kept. as Comfortable as possible. The only ar. Bele needed is soeka. .1,....6.6......i.i.....—--\ 1 SOME LOW PRICES' For January atta IFebruary i I Read our Ad. on last page, 1 W. H. WILLIS l' gianwa, PATRIOTje Swim NOTES 1 foiwtraitoiSiiii441011(a4W6414,141 Belgian Relief Fund: - Previously acknowledged $ ,51 62 Women's Patriotic Society. •25 00 Mrs, Thos, King , 5 00 Miss Minnie Fessant. ,, . .„10 00 Mrs, Jno. VVileon 2 00 Mrs, Jesse Smith 6 'clo 08 62 Donations received for otir treasury: - Mrs. Thos, King , . . . . .. $ 5 00 Mrs. W. J. Lougheed . 5 00 Miss Aimee Peasant ...... 5 00 Mrs. W. J. Greer..............5 PO $20 00 We acknowledge with thanks the following hospital supplies; Mrs. Aiteheson, 10 yds. cotton, Mrs. Rut- ledge 20 yds, cotton, Mrs. Geo Casemore, 10 yds., Mrs. Adam Johnston, 10 yds. cotton, Under the auspices of the Woman's Patriotic Society a sale of home cook- ing and candy will be held in the Council Chamber on the afternoon of Sat. Jan. 22nd. The sale will commence at 3 o'clock. Donations of home cooking are requested from all ladies interested in Patriotic work Tea will be served for the small charge of 10 cents, the proceeds to be used for Patriotic purposes. There is an abundance of good yarn on hand and socks are very mech needed for our soldiers. Miss Fessant, corner of John and Minnie streets, will be pleased to give sufficient yarn to make a pair of socks. The catting out committee, composed of Mrs, Wilson, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Bone, Mrs. Tyndall, are always glad to get volunteers for making shirts. Hospital supplies such as new cotton for bandages, and old cotton for dress- ings to be left with Mrs. Jos. Pugh. The Secretary reports receipts dated as follows, from the Canadian Red Cross Society, Toronto, Oct. 23-543 jars, jams, jellies, etc., enclosure 70 jars assorted from White- church. Nov. 4-12 barrels preserved fruit. Nov. 26-1 case Hospital supplies, bandages, quilts, etc., from National Committee of Women far patriotic services, Adelaide M. Plumbre, Sen. Dec. Oa -Consignment of goods for soldiers' comforts. Dec. 30 -Consignment of goods for soldiers' comforts. Note -The consignment of goods for soldiers' comforts contained 143 &inn& shirts and 140 pairs of borne knit socks. It may also be noted that these goods are forwarded to the care of War Con- tingent Association in England, which undertakes to distribute all such articles among the Canadian troops. P. E. Campbell, Sec. • Auction Sale. There will be offered for sale at L. Lott's Sale Stable. Wingham, on Satur- day, January 15th, the folloeving cattle: 10 Springers, 5 Cows with calf at foot, 6 two-year-old Heifers in calf Sale at two o'clock sharp. Jchn Purvis, auctioneer. Successful Concert. The play, given in the opera house on Monday evening by the Lucknow Dramatic Club,entitled, "Under Two Flags", was a decided success, over $100.00 being realized. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham General Hospital, under whose auspices the company was brought here, are to be congratulated on the success of the entertainment Wayfarer's Corner Arsea*********.vavisrainyaivinkee4 THE CANADIAN ARMY The news, "tbe old land's in it" Stirred us one August morn, Then waited not a minute The fearless British bora. They were first to offer To die for England's name Scorning the shirking scoffer • Who would not play the game. But when ihe German Kaiser Of victorieseould brag, Canadians got wiser And rallied round the flag. The Orangemen. stoot-hearted The cheery lads in green When once the ball was started In khaki garb were seen. A regiment of Tories. A regirnent of Grits, Discarded party worries To give the Kaiser Ate. Battalions of free thinkers And regiments of Jews And some of water dririkers, And some that hit the booze. A regiment of Chinese, A regiment of Yanks, A regiment with fine knees. And bare and brawny shanks, A regiment of teachers, Who laid aside the birch. And one of sons of preachers, A credit to the Church. A regiment of Colonels Who couldn't get a sit, To judge by their externals They're feeling find and fit A regiments of slackers, A regiment of theives, And one of bold bustekhaekers All wearing maple leaves. Battalions, too, of Frenchmen, The breed that never yields Are making splendid trench men, On Belgiuin's bloody fields. Battalions from the prairies. Now man the smoking tubes, From London and St. Marys. A rep,iment of Rubes, Thus, to defend the nation, They rallied to a man, Our fighting population So cosmopilitan. Not one from danger blenches They vie in skill and pluck, And, when they reach the trenches, We call them all Canuck. Way:realm. The Picture House. At the Picture H e on Wednesday and Thursday nine., January 12th and 13th, Jo n Barrymore in "The Man from Mexico." Patrons please take notice that feature is one day earlier. Mentioned for Distinguished Services, Among the list of Canadians men- tioned in Sir John French's report for gallantry and distinguished service is Capt: Evans. Capt. Evans is a brother- in-law of Mr. C. P. Smith of the Bank of Hamilton and joined the Veterinary Corps at Ottawa. Ile will be remem- bered by some of our citizens as he practiced his profession here some years ago. Agricultural Society Meeting The annual meeting of the Turnberry Agricultural Society (Wingham Fall Fair members) will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, January 18th, commencing at 2.30 o'clock. It is important that all members and all parties interested in the Wingham fall fair should attend this meeting. If Wingham's fall fair is to continue to be successful it is important; that the people of the town and district should take an interest in the annual meetings. Arrange to attend the meeting next Tuesday afternoon. THE Facts 161ST "HURONS" f, • When a man is enlistiag there are fie answered. They are: mestions he watts (1) How LONG AM I To sEavt ? Ur4. 13e end of the war and six months after., if required. (2) WI/AT PAY SHALL IRE Your pay as a private will be $1.00 per day and 10 cents ftei lowatiee. Besides this you will receive elothing, equipment and subsistauce front the Government, (3) WIIAT WTLS, MV WiRt aucr.tvn DURING IStY APaltNcR? EVery month there will be paid her a separation allowance of $20.00 (in addition to your pay.) (4) WitAT WILT, nAPPSIN IP 1 AM worNMO, SICK, OR TARIM. PRISON - RR? You will be eared for by the Governmen t and yont pay tont inued until you are discharged. 11 you are peemanently disabled, an allowance will be paid you of $264, $192, $132 or $76 per antutin - varying according to the extent of the injury ot disability. in case of total incapability, yowl., wife will draw $11.00 per month and each child $6 00 per month. If taken prisoner your pay and allowances will matinee as if you were still in the field. (5) VV TUT WILT, unmoral FOR Mt win& ctrtt.nrtszt Iv 1 ntn WUTLE ox ACT/VE SgrtVIM? The Govetiatieot will provide p .pension 01 $22-.00 monthly for i widow and $5,00 for each rhild. The widow,. tit mother of a single man, if the son be her sole support, is, treated in the same way as a wife, If you wish further information call at the LOCAL ItEektITING tnt.AsT NOW for Canadians who Enlist Overseas Service. for 1 $1 ji CLEAr-:.4.n. SALE OF Slippers We have a number of sizes, broken lines, in Alen's Women's,: Misses' a n d ,Children's Nozy and Sflp- pers, which will be sold at Btu Cyr PaicEs. These broken lines must GO. Money saved in buying now, Come early. W. JI Greer THE SHOE ‘IAN .01=0•111111111=1•111k 1 WA and Life Insurance The young men of Huron li Bruce are to form a battala for overseas service, The Xing calls for more men and sooner or later you w 111 heed the call. In the meantime insure your life in a good sound Company, for when you decide to enfist you may not be able to see cr e policy. This is ituportent, so do not delay, but call on us mid cnquite ours terms, lUTHIt & CORNS 3 REA L ESTATE & INSURANCE WINGHAM, ONTARIO. 11 WINTER HARDWARE A 1.411.1, 1,Ixe oir Saws, Itxes, A x e Handles and Saw Tools, LEHIGH VALLEY COAL SALE CO. COAL "The Coal that Satistics‘" Rae & Thomson Stone Block HardwP *PHONE 2/ _.••••••••••••11WhIPO