HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-01-06, Page 2• THE WINGHAK MIAS
eapd Du* Homy system 'V ENTIFYIN, CRIMINALS.
Town Ticket Office
We can issue through ticket, yite
popular routes, tit any:Toad it ;laterite
- East, West, South, Northwest, Maisie
toba, Pacifie Cont. etc.
13aggage checked through •ty, oeeetee,
tion and full information given whereby
- 'travelling will be roake peant end
` free from annoyance. ogrist and
return tiekete to above peints also
salA at lotvest -figuree, and with ail
prevailing advanteges.
Sing e and return tiekota tei any point
in Onturhe Your bustnese still tie ape
preeletee, be your trip a, -short or a
ion tr one.
We elle tieket you, through te any
point in Emeipe oh all leading eteamehip
!Zee, Pretedd orders else isstted.
If it ,,..„nlirt trivet, we have the
inform aine and wilt givei it to you
cheertully, •
. ,
Town- Agent G.T.R.
rimes Offices' Ont.
0 Sitii r i,Punnistraft AND FRootEroti
Notice of changes =et be left at this
office net later than saturday noon.
l'he copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements aeeented up
to nnen Wednesday of eh week
For any country residence, that is,
one too far rornoved from the route •of
the iceman, tins is the last chance of
building the ka house with comfort.
An earlier sotet would have been better
but the fro4.14 not yet so far into the
ground asps make it. impossible to dig
for the foundations. 1 he first thing to
be consitL.red in chosing the site foi! the
ce house is convenience combined with
oel drainage; the drainage is of itn-
ranee to both the keeping of the
and the health of the people who are
use it. With a well -drained spot,
ear the dwelling Itouse, plated out,
building should be started at once with
the idea of good insulation always in
mind. Painting the structure may have
to be left till Spring, but every es-
sential to the preserving of the ice must
be attended to now; skid must be
made, hooks placed for hanging pulleys,
sawdust drawn and stored in a dry
piece, and ice tools bought or made fit
for use, so that there'll he no time lost
wbenethe ice harvest is ready. The
tools aeeded for working ice are not
many nofeexpensive. A steel scraper
to remove spew that covers the ice.
An lee plow, a elice bar, a saw, a few
pike poles, ice tongs, and some chain
will be found sufficient, and some of
these are already in use on most farms.
Ice should be stored as compactly as
possible to prevelit cireulation of air
through the mass and th expose as little
surface as possible, for tbe ee reasons,
a pile of ice that is as near as possible
to a cube is advisable, and the ice
house should be constructed so" as to
accommodate such a body.
.o • e
There are maintained on nearly
every farm, many cows, horses, swine
and poultry that are non -producers, or
of such Mall producing capacity that
th retain them is a constant drain on
the prdfits. During the summer, when
every condition is favorable to the
animals, the stock is capable of making
a creditable showing, but during the
winter only tbe best of the stock is
capable of returning a profit. Before
the winter is further advanced
scxparate the good from the unprofitable
a foals and dispose of those which
/would otherwise be carried through the
winter at a loss. The number of
aaimals carried through the winter is
not a criterion of ultimate profits, for a
few poor animals may reduce , the re-
turns to such an extent as to make the
entire year's work a loss instead of a
gain. Weed out the boarders and leis -
Pose of them quickly. —Newark Evening
would you answer it?
oween the linos of thie shore lett,er yot
et,• atd men tragedy. If its appeal wert
le• to you, personally, how would yot
,.1 .r it. Suppose 3, ou held tlae power tt.
e +Lis poor woman or to turn hoi
would you do t
:di you: kindly give the informatior
ming almission of & very needy
nt.lr me. /Ter husband is dead,
kr Ir. h.: trioliellbrpriOrr. Sher bite te,C
at, presene in an orphans'
int mother is not able to care fat
•mai their only ineotao ie what an
•& etetlict taros. They live in oneenutll
,• ate "
It A easy te say, "Why, of comae, I
;•woule offer relief, if it Were in my power I"
Ye- chink t 'Are you sincere whon pee
' y het f Are 3.oe in earwig? DoU
e• tease to help poor, suffering Con.
ii•i*ed I Then here iet your chance to
110,1ve pear eineetity.
Contribution, to the Mw.ko'ka Free Hos-
br Ontsturriptivee v 41 be gratefully
-c 7 •• • by W 1 tgo, Chairman
.tranittee, 1‘.4 spedinit Avettee,
r, Serferary • TrtaStWer, 347
Woo** I`Ortiatre
• SP
The 'System leevieed by eitietilloa eno
a the WAY iit, la VVorked.
Anyoloaalefector who gaii int° the
eintchee ' of the law.,novnidaye ie a
inarkett Man for Ilia it tie runs up.
against i4e Bertilleersystena, widen Is
scientitie methoeledevised by lif, Al-
pheus& fiertilion for..the itleettlficatieel
of crinittudie )3erti11bri was bone
l`arie in 100. Vertaio measuremeette.
tire taken from every coed,pe
sou. nod these physical records 4 pot-
oners:_sere kept on. -cards, &nyder?* ot
whicfiaan readily be foand blatt elab-
orate system of classification: ),
The measurements are4ke0 on dee
Left side of the subject. adi they are less
nable to alterations Onto ere those ou
the rigld side. The eleterneination of
the vonvict% beiglie isetaken always
et the same hours because the st,etore
may be as much s bn' aau Incirgreat-
iir after a eight' fseee' p than u Is teethe
evemeg. The, cotter of the iris of the
eee and the Aheaacteristic fines made
hrelllide pryt of the finger are also nee
The eallowing measuremeutee are
liatle:/The length and width of bead;
he letigtb of the left foot itild of tlie
middle nod little fingers of the lett
amide the stature of the whole body,
IV well as the length cif its upper and
,lower portions; the span of the out-
etreiched arras; tbelength an breadth
of the left ear end tbe length af the
!eft arm.
When tho Elder tlooth Tried to Soaps
a man Who Bored Him.
Thomas ft. Gould 'admired the elder
tooth stImost to adoration. The most
tninute and instructive account that ex-
ists of Booth's acting was written by
illm—u book yelled "The Tragedien"--
. and 'Gould's marble bnst of Booth, a po-
etr work of art (made before the roam
lien oitnia tatoeci Booties nose With •a
pewter pot,. le the best likeness et that
erelit actor. But Could's assidlous per -
soma attentions to Booth bedtime
wearisome to that eccentric man and
vexed bIm. Peeuliar discretion is
4owettwes requisite tothose who would
!masa and please eminent persons,
Booth. when acting in Bestou, custonl-
:oily lodged at an old hotel 'celled the
Allilou, situated in Tremont street, at
the tiortbwest corner of Court street,
..fine day." said Edwin, "my father
el, bee tt,t ,j the bedroom where I woo
sitting and. almost breathless %rah
haste. exclaimed: 'Gould! Coming up!
Say I'm out.' and literally dived tinder.
tleatt: the bed. 1 received Mr. Gould,
who seemed surprised not to find my
father (I think he had seen -him rush-
ing upstairs), and be talked with me
for several minutes. , Then there was a
moment of silence. and my father, be-
cotuiug impatient. thrust his head out
front tinder the bed, inquiring as he
did so: ,
—la that Infernal Dore gone yet?'
imagine the effect!"
The Voracious Cormorant.
now a eormorant dives for sea trout
uud gets them is told by a writer: "1
had the vortuorant under observation
only for the space of four or live min -
:Ill's, and during that short period it
eel! eaptured four Kea trimt. ail of con-
e. 0, ewe size After being •wider. Wa-
few spoon& the bird tvould
euppear with a sea trotlt Wriggling in
its hill. But in state or the victiu1'S
desperate efforts to escape it was deft-
ly swallowed. and after a feW gulPs
the cormorant would resume ite tish-
tag operations. One of the sea trout
gave it onsiderable trouble. however,
'Ior the fish strnggled violently for
eedne moments. but was deftly placed
ilea its bead pointed down its cap
toes dlat, and thee its own strug-
gles iieststed the bird to swallow it."
Early History of Rubber.
Rubber Is first known to history as a
plaything. It was during Columbus'
et,: vial voyage that Herrera observed
that the Inhabitants of Haiti played a
game with balls "made of the gumof
a tree." Even as early as the begin-
ning of the seventeenth century, how-
ever, the Spaniards used rubber to wa-
terproof their rionIts, but the fact at-
tracted no attention in tbe old world,
and it was not until the eigbteenth
Century that the- rubber Military be-
gan. Early writers mentiou an oil ex-
tracted front rubber which was taken
medicinally with coon.
Before and After.
Before tutrriage be bag a duck fit if
*he sees him with n shave and mas-
sage that are less than two hours old
or the perfect poise of his eorrect tie
disturbed a hair's breadth, but after -
Ward he comas to the table with his
ishoestringe elided, no collar oa and a
stubby growth of beard that would
play a tans if you ran it through a
poste box.-
Guestionine Grandma.
"Grandma," inquired het little grand-
son the 'day of her arrival, "did you
sleep ou your face last nightl"
"Of course not, dear! Why do yen
"'Can* ids to 'wrinkled." — Ex-
host Both Ways.
rot get In without your wife
heating, ou last night'
'ENO, tied 1 didn't get in without
healing her. either,"
The Additiom
CO.Wker--I've had another addition
to tny Tnrnfly sine 1 eaw you last.
touneete-Nou don't say! Boy or girl?
+Oa veker—Somin-lit vv.
Portent, eannet take aWay what else
1.14 not give. -Seneca.
pi/1$ PACKAGE;
20 Years Alto
deem the TIMEd of Jan. 3, 1896
There was very little excitement at
the Town Nominations, on Monday
nfght. No one seems to have had much
fault to find with the old council, or at
least if there was any fault to
be found, those wit° felt eo inclined
kept toieter than is their custom. The
result being that the meeting was turn-
ed into a kind of mutual admiration,
society. There will be an election for
Councillors in all the wards as shown
by the following report of the nomina-
Mayor, Geo. McKenzie, acclamation;
Reeve, R. C. Sperling-, acelamation;
Deputy -Reeve, Wm, Holmes, acclama-
tion; Councillors Ward 1, sloe Galley.
A. -14. Robinson, Rich. Herdsman, Aleit
Ross, Ward 2, Geo. Shaw, Lionel Hin-
son, Wm, Dore, Hiram Lemmox. • Ward
3, Geo. Duffield, Thos. Porbes, John A..
McLean, Albert Lloyd. John Wilson, V
S. Ware 4, 13, M. Gordon, Jacob Idling
Dr, Kennedy, Chas. J. Reading, D.
McKinley Trustees—In Ward 1, 3
and 4 the following- were respectively
elected by acclamation: Thos. Abra-
ham, J. H. Hiseocks and C. N. Griffin.
Ward 2, Win. Moore and G. McIntyre
will run.
Since nomination day, all have resign-
ed excepting the following gentlemen:
Ward 1 —Robinson, Golley, Herdsman.
Ward 2 Shaw, Hanson, Dore, Letnmox
Ward 3 7 Pot hes, McLean, •Wilson.
Ward 4 -Gordon, Kling, Reading.
The electors of Turnberry are eatisfied
with the work of the old Council, and
Reeve McPherson, Warden of Huron
for 1895 will occupy the position or
the fourteenth time, thirteen of which'
he has been elected by acclamation,
The Council for 1896 will therefore
be: Reev e, Wm. McPherson:
Deputy -Reeve, Wm, Cruickshank;
Councillors, John Musgrove, Wm. Gem -
mill, and John Diment.
Township of Morris—Reeve, Henry
Mooney, acclamation; Deputy -Reeve.
Geo. Kirkby, Samuel Celheck; Coun-
cillors, Wm eabister, Jos. Coed, Jas.
Bowman, Wm. Geddes,. James Petcb,
James Bulzer.
Township of East Wawanosh leeeve,
Relit. Currie, Donald Petterson, Deputy
Reeve, David Robertson, Thos. Brown,
Councillors, Wm. Sutherland, Peter W.
Scott, John Coultes, by acclamation.
• Mason -In Morris, on Dec. 25th,. the
wife of Mr. A. GO, Mason; a daugh-
• •
Merritt ---Errington -- On Christmas
day, 1895, at the residence of the bride's
parents, 2nd line of Morris, by Rev. S.
W. Pring, Mr, John Merritt, of Kinder -
dine, to Miss Elizabeth Jane Errington,
seconddaughter of Mr, nod Mrs, David
Davidson - Sproul At Goderich, on
25th of Dec. by the Rev. Dr lIre, Wil-
liam T. Davidson, to Mary Sproul, both
of West Wawanosh.
Mitchell—In Lower Wingham, ofl
December 31st, Win. Mitchell, aged 76
years, 3 Months and 7 days.
A Weak Olmsted Boy,
"My boy Prank seemed weak -chested
and took a very severe cold," writes
Mrs. D. Stevens, ishoga, Man. "The
many medicines used did not seem to
benefit him, until we tried Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Torpentine and
found it to be exactly what was want-
ed to euro him." No treatment is so
thorough and effective as a cute for
croup and bronchitis.
Conduetor Michael J. Murray, forty
years in the employ of the Grand Truth,
• dropped dead of heart failare at Belle.
ville station.
George E. Minns, of Port Rope, In-
spector lor the Children's Ald Society
in Durham Anil Northumberland,
dropped dead while wrapping up
presents for the ehildren.
Speaking at the annual banquet of
! the Kingston Commercial Travellers'
Association, Rom 1, 13, Tema%
Provieeial Attorney -General, stated
that Oatario`e contributions in money
I and kind eince the war broke elit
totalled $13,000,090.
These, Goma Fairly Slam, With Myriad• '
Shades of Color, •
Tease exquisite gems. black °Pete.
which were practically unknowu up
till eomparatively recently, gest mote,
earat for carat, thou do diamonds even,
while experts declare that they fle0
fluitely more Oeautlful,
• And ta tide connection it may be
•pointedsout tliat tbe term'"blaett (Mar
ls ;distinctly misleading. it was coin-
ed to distinguish it from the faMillat
light opal, Aeaa matter ot feet, the
black, opal is Alive with myriad shad
of denting splendor, from brightest
;Das of green glowing fire to Meteoric
gold er lavender that in an instatit
tleivera to eritoson or slips into treeten
ruby or sapphire as the angle ot light
Black opals are dear, slot oltlY be-
cause they are so beautiful, but be-
cause tbey are so rare, 'They are found
only atone spOt, a comparatively Small
tratt of ground la New South Wales,
adjoining the Queensland border.
The field is called Lightning ridge.
it is a wild and desolate spot. The
nearest tewns to it are Walgett and
Cellarendabri, and it is about 500 miles
none Sydney as the crow dies.
Black opal mining ts- about the blg-
gest gamble extant, There is really
nothing to guide the miner in selecting
a likely spot. The wen; is herd. • The
sbafts average forty feet in depth, and
all mica has to be "bueketed" to the'
top. Water is scarce, food almost un-
obtainable. On the other band, the
PresPeetor Who is lucky enough to
stumble upon a pocket of tate sized,
flawless stones reaps a fortune 'teeth -
How We Redd,
Oliver Wendell Holmes owned up
to his preference for readbag In books
to reading through them. "When I set
Out to read through a book," the au-
tocrat wrote, "I always felt that had.
a task before me, but when I read in
O book it was the page or the, para-
graph, that I •Wanted, withal lei.
Its impression and became a part a
July intellectuai furniture." If we Were .
only franker most of us 'woilid, eon -
fess to being, like Holmes in this mat-
ter of our reading.—New• York Tele-
, ,
Ancient Trades.
Bygone trades -have n WO Of prov-
ing on investigatien to be only modern
industries under another name. A mYl-
ner, for instanee, was only a Miller,
after all, and a parmenter was aoth-
lug more strange:than a tailor, though
not even the experts are certain why
he was s cafled A raffman, bowed* e
is more interesting. Rafttan allir .
the present word rafter) was
timber, and a raffman wasOrte Who
dealt in it.—London,Chronicle. •
A Plateau In Papuh.
• The most singular plateau in the
world is in the -island of Pabua. The
plateau is 0,000 feet above the sea
and there are summits toweling 5,000
feet higher, but owing to the pro mis
ty of the equator the great phffl is
.20vered with ltlIctitiant vegetatien. The
climate is a perpetual May, birds sing
In every bush, and the only animals
are a few marsupials, such as ground
kaugaroes and opossums, Yet this
lovely region. is allured deserted. The
Papuans live in tbe sweltering coast
jungles and rarefy visit the uplands. .
How to Win Her Heart. -
• We know a boy who knows girls, all
He's only Six years old, but he ote
serves things. We beard his mother
calling him down for rudeness at play
thee other day, and. our eavesdropping
was rewarded with this:
"Billie," called the mother, "I want
yen to quit teasing that little, girl!
Aren't you ashataed of yourself?"
"Well, I got to tease somebody.
an "—
"You've got to tease somebody?
That's a, fine idea, I must sayl And
"Yes, an' she wants to be teased. If
I quit she'll go play with some other
little boy." ,
• The Word "Canvassing."
How "canvassing" got its election
significance is a 'mete. The word ate
pears originally to bave meant tossieg
In a canvas or blanket and tberice gen-
erally mishandling or assaulting. "VII
canvass thee ill thy broad 'cardinal's
hat," is •the Duke of Gloucester's
threat to the bishop of Winchester in
"King Henry VL" The next stage of
meaning was that of destructive trite
eism, froxn which to thorough discos.
tion—"canvassing" a Subject—was sins-
ple enough. But bow exactly did it ate
L'i've at the election sense? Dr, johm
son expirdned that the teem meant
"trying votes •previously to the dad
alma" and derived it trete "eanvas, as,
It signifies a sieve."
Certainly Foolish.
We never heard ot a man who tried
to free himself of a manslaughter
&largo by pleading guilty to murder,
but an up state man tried to prove he
wasn't erazy the other day' by Claim-
ing he was in love.
Fixing the Blame.
The Parson—To wbom ant 1 indebted
for this visit? 'The Bridegleitiat—To
Mandess mother; she thought I'd been
Mating her long enough, and sbe said
An Exception.
"Nothiag ran be Abort end long at
r entao time."
• thee twitter Watt a. dacha-
." • ,I3usitfe.iirs7:4iid
• Shorthand -
Westervelt School
• • M. C. Ad Building
Culler in Session Sept. lst to July
Catalogue Free. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal
• Agent for
Allan Lim
Cunard Line
• Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships,
Sale (bites can be arranged at
Totes office. ,
Pare Bred Stock Sales a Specialty
Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario
Wnte or Ph ine 81, Wingham
Raving an up-to•dato Creamery In
full operetion, we solicit Your cream
patronage •
We are prepared to pay the highest
market prices for good er °ern eal, giVe
yen An , honest buminess. wetentm
Hampling and testing each can of cream
received carefully aud returitii g a
fallatatement of same to esieh patron
We forileh two cam' to erg h patron
pay all express charges and par every
two weeks.
Write for forthsr particulars or
send for cans and give UBC trial.
• Cb.ildren Cry
Another Point of Vie% '
Employer—Yen 'lave asked for an In
of salute', but I haVe been'think-
ing of taking you into the Orin. in that
case wottla you want the increase of
saline+, too? Clerk.—Oh, no; under such
sirennistances I should be rigidly op-
posed to aro' increase In our running
expenses.—St. Louis Post Dispatch. .
'Now, remember, you are only allow,
rd one deer." said the license, clerk. •
"Tliark queer talk for a mon Faxen
En be married?"
• Oie Did you wird) n marriage II -
Pease? •1 WaS iSetlinIr, a lieense to
hunt." e-Lonleril le Courier -Journal'.
• His Nem
dentir'Ing airlileY:heer:'s always room
• "But 7' lore' nnothel' from the bottom
of my heart."
t the top."—Cloin tB hitt -Jester
On the Contrary,
Mrs. Doone --:Tell 'the gentleintin I'm
not receiving today, Jane. New Do•
Mcatie• - BM he ale't deliverite. MUM:
ines Val teetittl
Was Ali Choked Up
Could Hardly Breathe.
Via3 The Cause; The Core Was
Horway Pine Syrup.
Mrs, Gotha Burns, North .Augusta,
Ont., writes: "I caught a dreadful cold.
going- to town, and about a week after
I became all choked up, and could herdly
breathe, and could scarcely sleep at
night for coughing. I went to the
'doctor, and he told me that 1 was getthig
bronchitis. My husband went to the
druggists, and asked them if they had a
cough medicine of any kittd that they
could recommend. The druggist brought
out a bottle of Da Wood'Norway Pine
Syrup. I started using it, arid it coins
pletely cured me of my cold. , 1 cannot
tell you hove thanktul 1 was to get rid of
that awful nasty cold. I ellen ahvays
keep a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup on hand, and I Meet only be too
glad te recommend it to all other,"
Dr. WOod'il Norway Pine Syrup is a
reineey that has beeit on the market for
the pmt twenty-five years, and we can
recommend it, without a doubt, as being
the bt titre lot coughs and colds that
you ca'z possibly procure.
There are a lot of imitatioae on the
market, so *ben you go to eour druggist
or dealer see that yea get "Dr. Wood's;"
put ip la a yellow wrapper; three pine
iteeff the trade Mark; the price, 25c and
bri, genuine 13 manufactured by The
T. 'Kilburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
iu (VIP
at 11 a. xn, a
at 2;e0 m.
Y. P.
8 p. xn. A. Co.
Geo. Pocock,,,e%
vices at Ilea. in. and
School at 2;30 p. m. Ep
event: Monday evening. Goner
meeting on Wednesday eveninge.
1. W. Hibbert, pastier. F. Bueba
S. S. Superintendent,
vices -at 11 tiOna and 7 je. ro. ,Sunday
School at 2:30 p. Ill. General prayer
meeting, on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perm, pastor, Frank Lewis, S.
S, Superintendent.
ST. PATIO'S Clanallet, ErtsCIOE d.,—Sab-
bath services at 11, a. tn. and e. p. m.
Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev.
E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex, Al -
&Ton, S. S. Superintendent,
.m., 3 p,m, andi.pan. ien Sundae'.
o'clock otTThursdayevening.providedeeni
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
POST OFFICE—Oruce hours from 8a. m.
:30p. m. Open to box holders from
7 a. m. to 9 p. M. 0, N Griffin, post-
LIBRARY—Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
(Ten. every afternoon 1"tin 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9:80 o'clock. Miss Della Reids lib-
,maTy0oevier; sCougtloch—eZ.RA0e.ve.J;
BinkleY, A. M. Crawford, W. A. Currie.
V. R. Vannonnan, W G. Patterson and
D..Bell. Councillors; jphn F Geoves,
Clerk; and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer.
Board meet • first ,Monday evening in
each month at 8 o'clock.
• ruler= ecemoi, 13oglin—a, E. Isard,
Wm. Robertson W. A. Campbell, Dude
ley Holmes; A. Tipling, A. E Lloyd,
Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer. Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month,
Smith, B. A., Principal and Specialist
in Mathematics; Mr. Southcombe, B.A.
Specialist in Classics; Mr, Anderson,
Specialist in Science; Miss M, 1.
Whyte, 13. A. Specialist in Moderns
and History; Mise E. C. Garrett, Art
and Mathematics; Miss B. Anderson;
13 A., Commercial Work and History.
Pursom SoR000 TEACHERS, —A. L.
Posliff, Principal, Miss, Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Mini Farquharson, Miss Ans-
ley, Diliab Barber and Miss Bentley.
(chairman), Wna.ressant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. 0.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
Viiiteham General Hospital
(Under Government Inspectior;
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished.. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RaTes FOR BATIENTS—Whieh
include board and nursing); $4,90 to $15.
per week according to location of
room. For further information, 'ad-
- Miss L. Matthews.
Box 223. Wingbarn Ont.
• Railway Time Table
London .... 6.35 a.m. 3,22 part.
Toronto and East 6.45 a.m. 3.15 pan.
Kincardine- 11.59 p.m. • 9.15 p.ta.
Kincardine 6.30 a.m. 835 p.m.
London11.54 a.m. 7,40 pae
Toronto and East 11.45 nem. 9.15 pan.,
W.F. BURG -MAN, Station Agent. Wingham
•R 11 ELLIOTT, Town Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East 6.25 a.m. 3.0e p.m.
Teeswater . ... . 12.59 pan. 10,32 p.in.
Teeswater. a, ... 6,20e.m. 3.05 p.m.
Toronto and East 12.47 pan. 10.20 p.m.
BBBISIBli, Agent, Wingham
A Representative Wanted
TRICT for the
Old Reliable Fonthill
Varmers1 Why remain idle •all
Winter when you Call take up a paying
Choice list of varieties foe Spring
Planting,. Liberal Terms. Handsome
Free Outfit. Exclusive Torritory.
Write now for particulars.
Stone & Wellington
CCP11110141'S &C.
Ati3 4e tend* h sten% and demertptiort Mar
eutekly artrertain our oainian free whether en
LnVention is monody patertrabIe,,,Communies•
ttensetnettyrencdontiti. aatinausi en Patents
eCIU free. if Wen agency for meeurmre patent&
Patents taken through amen ds Ca. receive
epecialtiotkes without olierce, in the
Scientific ifinerion.
A handsomely ignetreiAqi neeely. Urgent elr.
aim fen -er, any •owient ate soarnai. Theron ter
Canada,Yeari• Portage Proem, Sea h,
MULPiN& Co Newyork
Puma alee, r Watblogoto. .
One Month .
OutWeek ' .20
rental and other Bhutto' at
per line for first insertion alio
emelt subsequent insertioa. ;a
..noupariel sepia, twe,ive lines to aul
Businesis cards cif six lines awl under.
per year.
A.dvertipsnaentsof Situations Vacant. $ltee
• 'blocs 'Wanted Rouses for Sale or to. rent
Articles for Sale, eta, not exceeding eight
lines, Rao each insertion; $t for Erst mouth.
kla for each subsequent month Larger ad
vertisemente in ,proportion.
Bines notices (news typo) 5a per omitted
line; as looal or news ivatter lOa per line eaoh
• medical
OlfirMae—Oorner Fattiolr and, Oentee. Ste:.
i lemmas;
• Oftlorie
Residence, Dr. Rermedy .1.49 •
• liesidenee, D. Calder 151
Dr, Kennedy apeolalizeg In Surgealr•
Dr. Calder devotee srpeoial attention to Dia
eases of the aye, Bar, Nose and Throat,
przto thoroughly tested. Glasses
properly fitted.
Du. tome, ititrzegD, P.Q.S. (Rag'
Oilice. with, Dr. Chisholm.
W 14. ftarubIY. R•Sou MM., 0.M,
Wintcham, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseasee of women
and children, having taken Post graduate
work in Surgery, Barteriology and Scientific,
office in the Rerr residence, betvreen. the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Churoh.
Alltusinesa given careful attent'
• Phone 0.
• WIngham-us,
Diseases Treated fly Ditigless Methods
Osteopathy cures or benefite when
other system fail
Wingham -office over )hristie's Stor
Tuesday, 9,00 a.M. to 9.00 p.m. We
nesday, 9 to 11 a.ra, Thursday,
9.00 p.m. Friday, 9.05 to 9.00 ra.
or by appointment.
, Inropractic.
J• . A. FOX, D. C.
Oldropraetic removes the cause
of practically all diseases. It
matters not what part of the
body is affected, it can be reached
thru the 'centres in the spinal
column by adtusetnent of sublax-
cited vertebra. Consultation free.
Member oe Drugless Physicians'
Association of Canada,
• WinghamOM, •
ARTHUlt J. LBRIN, D. D. 16,1 L,. D E.
Doctor of Dental Se rgary cf the Pennsylvania/
Dental (Mega and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons Of Ontario. &Moe
in:Macdonald Block' %gingham,
°Oleo closed every Wednesday afternoon
from May Id to Mt. list. •
Q 11. ROSS, D. D. S.,
Honor graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario and. Honor gradu-
ate of the 'University of Toronto, Faculty of
Offkie over R. O. /surd & Gs's., store, Wing -
'hank, °zit,
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
from May lett° Oct. 1st,
DADAISTS% 1301410JTO1, sty
Private:ma Company tuna* to loan at loweet
rate of Interco. 'Cortaro, town And farm
property bought and sold,
(Moe, Passer Dlook. Wit 'ham
A. MOW1011,
"Winsiiont.• CInt:
earrister, Solicitor, Et.
Office: Meyer 1310ek,Wingliate.
Ordera for the intortion of advertstements
Much As teaollers wanted, bttainots elbrmeen,
ineehenion wanted, articles for tale, or r feet
any kind of an advt. in an of this Toronto or
other city' papertr, May. be left At *he TIMM
office. Thin workwill teeetfe prompt Attention
and will neve Otople the tronble of romittlnik
for and forwardmg advertisemente. L.,,Oretit
retell Will be quote Appliaatien. Ave
on neat your next wore ot this kind to %ha
'vomits OFFICE. Winch:tut