HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-12-14, Page 5", IUflS i►4Z, DF,,,O S!BE1 U 1022 ,;-�_ �. ,� �., .- � �„ �\�•-�� ��:f:::- \,ti :�- �\ .� �, �-rte �\ ray- 4.;��y�.�'�_... t�!.:� : �, o.:��`�i,.czx:;: �-:-�:•a�,�S,��_,:,c',�.�:•�'!�ia�,�aa� .„,: e�' 1 . ® ....Buys. WALNUTS, ALMONDS, FILBERTS, BRAZILS AND PEANUTS MVIIXED AT 18c A•LB. 2 LBS, FOR 35c. AVE WE HAVE A I,RESH, STOCK OF P?A•VAI, gRANGZJS, ALL CRANBERRIES, BERRI D S •E A I , FIGS AND DATES, FULL L ALSO A LINE T,i NP OP FRESH GROCERIES. DAD 71/2c ,, �✓ A LQAF 4 Y WLWILL DELIVER, PHONE YOUR ORDER. W L Iii S 0 N SGROV rr 4 Phone 56 EXETER, ONT.' p,t BRINGS uick Relief r • from chitis ALSAMEAo Y � ` M , quickly and ,._ 1�a1�e>nttl rA Ljxeves the hacking bronchial cough that exhausts you,witb.eta paroxysms and keeps you awake half the night. Read. this -Doctor's Testimoriy You sent ire a • sample bottle ofyour Balsamea which 11 have used with unvarying success in ofronc ' ti n ,i' g cases b hats a d persistent cout hs; It;is one of the finest preparations 1 have ever used during niy twenty years of practice. 1 am so well pleased with it, that I expect to use it continually in my. `sar i - tari�kPlease, ship lve•withoutcola afive oundlottle."J Balsamea is also unequalled as a-remedy,for,. ififltienza, whooping cough and croup, and will arrest, pneumonia and pulmonary tu- bercolosis. • Pleasant to tae and contains no harmful drugs. Bnse 1 To -day 6A ® Sold byDruggists Everywhere., gg ' BTownig s Drug Store, Ex etc Ont. USE3ORNLNG U 'I CO L Usborne Council met at the Towln- slli P Hall, on y, Sattlyda Doc. 2nd 1922,. x11' members were present. MilauteS of meeting of Nov. 4th, read and approved That ' 1<t t th Nomination 0111ill`LL' < lOn 11100tin for Township t5 theJ ;� o n li' s � 1 be he W 1 } ld at the 1 p.: Hall on Friday, Dec, 22nd, at 1 o'clock TRE EXF p,m. if That ?, an election be necessary throughh more than therequired number u bor of ratepayers signifying their intention n not standing as candidates, polls shall be held from 9 a.nh. to 5 p.m. on Monday, 'Jan. 1st, '1.923, at the following places, viz:-- Div. 1, School house No. 4,., (Eden ) D.R.Q. John Hunter,P.C. Verne Pin- conibe; Div. 2, House of I3. H. Brown D.R.O, H. IL Brown, P.C. Chas. Alli- son; Div., 3, House of Mrs H. HFi•ton , D.R„Qi}Wm. Jeffrey, P.C. Saul W. Dougall; ',, Div. 4 Public Hall Far- quhate D.R.O. Jno. Turnbull, P.C. Jno.4,Simpson; Div, 5, Tp. Hall, Elim- ville, D.R.O. Jackson Woods, P.C.' Geo.; Kellett; Div:° 6; School house' No.°7;'(Gion) D.R.O, Rd. Pooley, 1'.C. Chas. Jaques; Div. 7, House of Mrs. Colgan, (Kirkton) D.R.O. David Goulding, P. C. Oliver McCurdy: That •!tlie •D:R.Q's.• report "to the Clerk at the Tp. Hall, at or before. 11 o'cloi<k, a,m. on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd;`, 1922, the` result of their several pplls.' By-law Nd. 11, 1922, re Nomina= tion and Election read and 'passed.. 1 ni • Cbmn u ca`tic ns read and contents noted viz:" -Letter from Huron Bee I%eepers Assn. Letter from I-Iospital for Sick Children re case of Robert Gardiner, filed. That the. Council 'confirm the ace tion of the Reeve and Councillor Hanna re the Brock Creek Drain re- pair in letting contract_ to remedy the defect and that a By-law be draf- ted to provide for the payment of the cost. Bilis were passed and orders issu- ed for the payment of saline to: the amount -of $2973.17. Council adjourned to meet on, Dec. 15th, at 1 o'clock at the Tp. Hall. Henry Strang; Clerk. Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Oestricher and )31acksmith Shop I have decided to open a black- smith'shop in th old Founda'y Build- Ing and solicit a shareof your horse - shoeing, general rel>aring, woodwork and everYythxn g doneinafirst-class blacksmith shop. I havebeen nearly thirty years in this business and while overseas was Sergeant Blacksmith for 105 Co,, C.F.C, I am not unknown to you as for the last ten ears with the ex- t Y 'e ti,l off a have c p oz the time overseas, ..I, I av worked in Mr. David Russell's shop. My aim will be to give the public the best possible service at a reason- able price, I expect to be ready for business on Saturday the 16th inst. GIVE 14E 'A CALL.; FARQUEIA1R. We are putting up hog feed, high ' •P 'us in protein, and low in'l fibre, just the feed retluired for the bacon hot;, Try it. -Harvey Bros,. o'' It will pay you t conte iuand in- vestigate bora onu' new hog feed, 1' need be to more stiff pigs. }ar eY Bros. The re °lar monthly meeting of g y tileFarquhar Women's Inetitute was held at the lipme of Mrs, 1,Vm, Pol- len - ton on Tuesday,Dec.; 5th,with a goodly en inattendance. After a short business meeting we were favored with three 'very interesting papers .given. by Mrs. F, Gellings,lVlise Gertie lVlorgan and Miss I,. Hackney ,and also several selections on the Vic- trola. The meetingby closed sing- ing qi xa - ing "God Save the King" after which lunch was served. Missare Marg t x M chain, of Kippers, visited Sunday at Mr. Wm, Pollen's, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Passmore and family,,. of Exeter, spent Sunday at M. Norman Passmore's. - Mr. and Mrs. John Selves and lit- tle Freddie, visited Sund"=' on the' Boundary, a Y, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fletcher and babe visited Sunday at Mr: Will Horton J Stone's; , made .a short call recently at the' Homes of his brothers, C. O. and C. L. Smith. Mrs. Carrie Reyrock received the sad intelligence recently of the death of Miss Kate Heyrock, her sister-in- law, who has been living with)ier sister, Mrs. Wm. Smith, ` in Santa Monica, Calif. DASIIWOOD We are putting up hog, feed, high in, protein and low in fibre, just the feed required for the bacon hog. Try it. -Harvey Bros. It will pay you to come in and in- vestigate our new hog feed. There need 'be no more stiff pigs. Harvey Bros ZURICH Mr': Barnum Mittleholtz oft he west is visiting relatives in and 'a- round Zurich. Mr. Chris. Schrag spent the week- end down east, attending the funeral of a relative. Mr. Theo Haberer attended the Beekeeper's ' Association Convention at Toronto, East week. Misses. Margaret Fuss and Margar- et McBride,:: have left for London, where, they have accepted positions.' • 1Vir. Irvin 'D. Smith, of Hamilton, Mrs. Brunner visited in Kitchener, over the -week -end. Mrs. J. K. Goetz 1 t is attending the g ,,funeral of her sister, the e Mrs.. Otto •Soldan,at'Pigeon, Miss Pearl Tiernan spentSaturday in London. Mrs." M. Mclsaac and family left last week io join her husband at, Courtright where tl;ey intendmaking their future homer Mr.,A.Bean, of London, visiting in this vicinity. Mrs. H. England is in London, ends gat chi: a ami usba is where slie underwent an operation. We hope forilner speedy recovery. COMMITTEE W. H. ALDERSON (Cbairman) Toronto Board of Trade A. J..YOUNG, Noah Say, Ontario Government GEO. G. COPPLEY. Hamilton and JOHN ELLIOT. Belleville. Ontario Associated Boards of Trade and. Chambers of Commerce GEO. BRIGDEN. Toronto Canadian Manufacturers Aesoc. GEO. S, MATTHEWS. Brantford. Western Ontario Associated Boards of 'trade • MRS. M. SOU L:ER,Trout Mill s. and R. A. McINNIS Iroquois Falls. T..er N p. Asaociarrd Beards of ` .- Tradrand Form Orgo ndr't:or s 'Br'Northorn 0,,n,io ' 1 ` K. W. McKAY, St.' Tberns,,, Ontario' l ;uniuna] Aasori..tion " J. J. NO RISON; Toronto , Ute d'Earmers of Ontario M.RS. Id. P. PLUMPTRE, Toronto Ontario Division Cann'dian; Red Cross Society MRS. A. H. WILLETT. Cochraria `t Women ..satnte ,~v tis �rf7 HE indomitable folk of Northern Ontario deserve your practical sympathy. Remember, eighteen hundred families •have been burned out -arid must start all over .again. 'These wonderfully, rich ,arks, mines and _aggressive young towns will re -build and come back to their own -but it takes time. And in the meanwhile they must live, they must have • temporary sheltji;r and there's. nobody to: give it to.them,iif we don't. Suggestion 'for contributions: from Clubs, J { FaactOries,. Qrgangzationsetc, 1. $500:00 will provide a Shelter Shack fora Family and Rough Stable for cattle. 2. $350.00 will provide a Shelter Shack for Family. ' -3. ;$200.00 will provide Food and Supplies for a Family to May. 1st, 1923. 4. $100.00 will -provide a Wagon for Settler. 5, $75.00 will provide;a Set of, Harness (double)c• 6. $50.00 will provide a Set of Bobs oriSleigh for a Farmer. 7. ` $25'.0() will provide a forSe'winrg I Ioar:e., 8 $20;00 viill,provzde"Kitchen Furniture'for a Family. 9-1-', .43.15.:00 will .provide Cook ng'Utensils for a Family.' ,4 10:' 69.00 will feed a Family for..a week. 11. ; $5.00 will provide Needles, Thread, Buttons, Scissors Or Yarn an Knitting Needles, etc. to help outfit a Home and FamiIy,. 12. $1.00 will feed 'and supply a child for a week. „ a.l{c Chi,istiinas ,carne back aga n Picture a Christmas in 'a nearly bare shack in•a burned out town in. winter. -Hundreds of children up•there, remember. `Make a moneycr now and show your northern fellow citizens that, the Christmas" spir has a real meaning in Ontario.` All they ask is bare necessities -they , least that much. Now it is up, to you -every public " spiritr. citizen and chanitabfe l : Spare one dollar, five 'dol !ays, one hunured" dollars or whatever you rornething frcm your Christmas cheer.' Mabe Christmas up tn<. little loss than a grins tragedy. Remember, not comforts, but?s necessities in the grip of a northern winter, is all that they ask. Ut' tndev? Til t_< cheque,•payable to - at The Northern n Ont. rio Fire Relief C i Q1 Royal Bank Bui?ding,•.Tcrauto. ryre �4ill 414 HENSALL We are putting up hog feed, high in protein and low ,n fibre, ' just the feed required for the bacon hog, Try it. -Harvey Bros, been stirr d `b this sad event be - It will pay you to come in and in -y vestigate our new hog feed. There cause that home has been sadly be - reit in recent years, Theeldest' son "t ia"J OIRNE YOUNG MAN 1)l9]tS It is z anointed uaita man, once to lie. With thi s assertion of ftict �v p are all familiar, and a a, when death Comes to ripe old age the shock is net very grptt )et zibq We know it is inevitable; a t when it comes tilde].somewhat distressing circumstances to a youth just at the threshold of Manhood with. all life's glorious 'pos- Sibilities before him, it assumes a. tragic form. • 1 , In such a wayit cane to George a G rge r'z•anklin Johns song of Mr. and Mrs. , z. Henry Johns at their none on lot 12 con, 7,, Usborne Tp,, on Saturday meriting, Dec..9th, 1922, in the 21st. ,year of his age. Last winter George suffered from a severe attack of spin- al meningitis and for weeks his: life hung in the balance, but he 'wen out and in succeeding months seemed to make a good recovery, and looked a magnificent specimen of young .nau- hoocl who might well fill a another's heart with pride: Sometime Wed- nesday afternoon' wulie'at work in the bush he felt slightly i11 but con- tinued to work till evening but grad- ually grew worse, until he said I'J1 go to bed and sleep then 111 feel bet- ter. Bidding his mother good night he retired to sleep and to uncon- eciousness, for he never spoke, again. In spite of all that medical. skill and nursing could do he never rallied but passed peacefully to his reward on Saturday morning. George was kind hearted and sociable making many friends. The deepest sym- pathy y of the ntire community has H Harp� need be no more stiff pigs. Harvey PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS The regular meeting of the "4V " C. T. U., was held on Nov. 2Sth, at the home of Miss E. Murdock. Mrs. Mag- uire,- ag-uire,. of Brussels, County President was present and gave a short and in- spiring address. After the usual routine of business. The resignation of Mrs. F. J. Wickwire asp resident and Mrs. G. T. Marshall as Secy, who were both moving from Hensall was received and Mrs. J. Elder and Miss J. MSir.'appointed to fill the vacan- cies A very dainty a' d ' Y lunch was serv- ed during which the retiring Presi-. deirit- was presented with a beautiful potted fern and the following ad- dress: Mrs. F. J. Wickwire Iiensail ,Ont: Dear Co -Worker: We, the remembers. of :the flensall W.C.T.U., having learned with regret that you are about to remove from cur town,' desire to express our ap- preciation of your life and labors a- mong us. During your stay with us your' aim has been to help' in every way. you possibly could to, promote the interests of the Society and to up- lift the moral life of the community., No task was too small, nor anywork too great if it was Lor teeaadvance- ment of the cause of moral reform for which the society stands. We regret that your removal will sever your connection wii-li our Soci- ety, for wo have appreciated' the faithful and efficient a way' in which as President, you have led us in this great work. We, therefore, ask you to accept this fern, not for its intrin- sic value, but as a slight token of our esteem and gratitude. May it keep fresh and green in your " memory, kind thoughts for those with whom you have labored herd, We trust that health and happiness may be yours in your " "old" home and that wh life may be c be fait Lawrence Earl was killed in the great war. Shortly' after Mrs. Johns' fa- ther was carried out from that home. Then their onlys little. granddaughter passed to the great` beyond. Two years ago their youngest daughter was called suddenly from their midst So this hone and family have been sorely stricken. Surely God's, ways are past finding out, but God is love. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to the Elimville cemetery conducted by the pastor, Rev. IP. J. Armitage. At: „the srouse'1VIi: Armi- tage gave a very appropriate address which with the singing of Mrs. Armi- tage ands, ;choir; •nnadessnese'rvte^in; . spiring and beautiful.The floral' of- ferings were numerous. GRANTON Mr. J. V. Milison is we are pleased to say, some better, though not out of danger. Mr. Millson has been ser- rously ill with pneumonia which fol- lowed a two weeks suffering with a broken leg, the result of a kick fro a horse in November while plo ing. Mrs. John Wright recei from her sister, Mrs. Bu 'lyn, Sask., stating th- there is cold wi stating that M formerly o timate fr' both i11 nurses ?V Ir. armor: addr Ave. ,o+ , )'• zea <a s . The following, is tlxo a°tsl>grtj No. 4, Usborne • ?Lunt LP ' r 1 z. a Hunter 69, Hubert •14r fr ed Bar 'en t (absent e ) g Jr, III- ),Vtar gi`ae �t!asleott DoreenWcisteott !3 te, 731 I~I1 zn z 7 y a Geo. Thomson 67, orald Forda Harold Mitchell 49, Sr. II-MarYHunter 1 at(.1 ',i. Sr. 1 ---Roy Hunter 74 Ila Ilu $7, ,Archie Theneon. 61. Sr. Pr, --Jean Coates 88 i, , J . Pr. -Bessie "o� �'• Coates 4 t,5 8 , I once 1Vlitehell 80, Norman I•tur Arnold Ford 56. No enrolled 19, av att. 1.7,5 L. NI. Davie,' tea 11' si) McG1I LIVIbr 5''COTJNCFL Council isnot pursuant to adjoin: rnentr"'present A. E. Rosser, Reeve Daniel. Lewis, I33puty Reeve; W. Allison; Weston Maguire ,an d 1--Ienr Bolling, Councillors. The minutes of the last. were read and signer. Belling-lVtaguire-That tlto follow ingaccounts be paid: -Mr. Ba,rtl a Grant Agr, Short course Parkhill $25,00; H. C. Baird & Son, Iron, avec Whiting's bridge, $6,90;' Board o Health meeting, $10.Ou; Rd. Tweddle rep. to .grounds at Hall, $10.00; D. Thirlwall, , ditching Tp. •• portion Stewart award, $s6.00; Mrs. Morton., gravel acc't "$48.50; Sam McRann, gravel ace' t„ $5.00; John Rollins,, N. B. gravel acc't.,$7.00; wmR ob- inson, N. B. gravel acc't., $12.00; Wm. Robinson, N. B. gravel acc't.,, $11:00 Alfred Durr,; gravel acc't. $7.00; Geo. Bawden, ,cedar posts for guard con. 2, $25.90; John Young,1 gravel acc't., $5.00; Abbot Insurance Agency Re Insurance Tp. roads $150; John Robinson, Pay Sheet No. 9,1 $328.75. Allison -Lewis -That By-law No. 9, 1922, to appoint a place for the Nomination, the places" at which pblls willbe opened and Deputy Re- turning 'Officers who shall preside l and poli clerks as read a first and second time be read a third time and passed. Carried. Maguire -Belling -That By-Iaw. No. 10,1922 torohibit the shooting g "any bird -or fur bearing animal; upon any Highway in the Township `or 1VIc-; Gillivray without the permission of the. Council of the said township of upon the lands of any individual in the said Township of lictiliivray,. without the permission ofthe owner or occupier of such lands, also :any, person guilty of a breach of any of the provisions of, this By-law 'shall be liable upon conviction thereof, to a fine of not less than $1.00 nor more than $100.00 and in default of of, su 1 fine to impriso r - eetin in 1) feed 5