HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-11-23, Page 7Constipation.
ttl A druggist says: 'For nearly,
thirty years I have recommended
Extract '
Mother Sei a s Curative Syrup, for
e iev-
r 1
t'n andpermanently
arras t a
g ind estion.
ing constipationendng
an reliable remedythat
' It is old a
.the.` oris(*
7'never fails to dCl W/
fa 1 30
drops thrice daily. Get the
eRGe nuine. a
501. nd I:OObo
� 2
A Scout Park,
The Spanish River Pulp and Paper
Company !hoe donated to the 1st Stur-
goon_ FallsTroop several lots at
Sznolcy Falls, where ithas ju,at'built a
new power plant, the property to be
known as "13oy Scout Park" Two
have been erected, one con-
taining 0110 bedrooms far officers and
the 'other kiteben, dining room, wash
room and toilet facilities. A large
platform for the boys' tents, has also
been erected. The Scouts have under
token complete care of the park and
are doing some tree ,planting in it in
order to further improve their excel-
lent camp site. The Spanish River
Company strongly believes in Scouting
and has done a great deal for the
trope :in Espanola, Sault Ste. Marie
auid.Sturgeon Fall's,where its great
paper'inills are located.
The Prince of Wales' Rally.
On Saturday af
ter oon,
October 7
thePrince ce of Wales inspected the
largest rally of Boy Scouts ever held.
The bigdemortstration wassta ed at
Alexandra Palace, in London, and was
participated in by 19,00.0 Wolf Cubs,
BoyScouts and 2 000 Rover
R er
Scouts. Tlie Prince, , attired in full
Scout Piniform—Shorts, bare knees 'and
a11 -spent two and a half hours with
the boys, inspecting their work, chat-
ting with: them and being cheered by
them wherever lie went.
In his address to the Wolf Cub sec-
tion -of the Reidy the Prince said:
"Cubs, I have seen Wolf Cubs in.
many parts of the world, but I have
never seen so big a paok before, 'nor
have I ever heard such a HowI. What
a I-lowi!' It was quite splendid. I was
glad to hear it, because I know you
mean it when you say you Will do your
best to carry out what 'Old Wolf' tells
you,` Stick to that. iAlavays try to do
your best, whether ,at- work or play.
.And then don't forget your good turns
to other people, and especially do your
best in helping your mothers in 'your
homes. Never forget all through your
life that if you do your best you can-
not do better. So good luck to you
Speaking to the Boy Scouts an hour-
later, His Highness said:
"Scouts, I want, in the first:place, to
thank you for turning up in such large
and from such longdi-stances
to give inc this great welcome. I
know in these hard tines how difficult
it must have been for many .of you
and for your parents, too, so I appreci-
ate it all' the more. On my travels
*tiring the last three years I have seen.
many, of your brother Scouts in most
parts of the world overseas with the
same old hats,staves Ye .
s. and bare knees,
and the same- old smile when things•
look bad. And there they were doing
the same good turns ere
you are 'doing.
You are members of a very big and
jolly brotherhood, and you are doing it
fine thing by making yourselves
strong, active, efoient Scouts, because
you are thereby carrying out your
motto—`Be Prepared.' To be good,
useful citizens for your country and
for the greater Brotherhood of free
nations which form the British Em-
pire. There is no higher duty than
that. So stick to it, and do it well, and
good luck to you,"
Ordinarily, cheery messages though.
these were, only a very few of the
many thousands present would have
been able to hear thein. At the Alex-
andra Palace Rally, however, every
boy present had an opportunity, to
hear the Prince's it
sessages, as they
were made audible to the entire crowd
by an ingenious arrangement'.of elec-
tric megaphones installed for the oc-
casion by the Marconi Company,
On his rounds of the Scouts and
Cubs, the Prince was accompanied by
II.R,II. the Duke of Connaught, former
Chief Scout for- Canada and now
President of the Boy. Scouts, Associa-
tion, Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Chief
Scoutofthe World, and. Peter Baden-
Powell, the Wolf Cub son of the Chief.
Flashes ofInspiration,
ttrhen the representatives of Ameri-
can professional baseball made their
appearance some years ago in an Eng-
lish town they received a warm wel-
come. Their playing was witnessed
by large crowds, and a banquet was
arranged for diem, a young scion of
nobility being master of ceremonies,
At the close of the feast one of 'the
American players, a man lalg'h up In
the bas•ebi 11 world, was called upon to
say sam'ething. He,was not accue,
tomedto speaking in public, but he
rose, redfaced and embarrassed, to do
his best.
"Weil," he began, "all I've' got to
aay'is that we've been treated white,
1You ail know that I ani not a speech -
;dialer, but F want to"propose three
cheers for---fore—hie.--"
3lere lie„paused. He could not think
of the conventional term or title far
the nobleman who was presiding. A,
sudden inspiration, however, came to
his aid,
"Three rousing cheers, Americans,”
he said, 'for Ills dukes. Hip! Hip!
The cheers were given,. and -"his
dukes made a gracious response.
Prance is est/Mated to eontain
more than 13,0)0,000,000 tons of geed
exalt at depths of not more than
feet, and more than lour billion: mau
tools 1es6 hat;l A4000 Not d ,per.
Poor. Blood the Cause of Head-
aches and Run Down Feeling.
To the woman inho
t harrie—tlte wo-
man closely confined to the house,
either through lioueehold duties or the;
care of children, or both—Dr. Wil-
liams' pink Pills are a positive bless -
hag. The average woman has too little
blood. I3er nerves are easily irritated•
and she worries over tittle thirigs; fins,
severe headaehee and backachesand
generally "feels worn out. With the
woman who uses Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills thecondition is different" She is
always well and the are of her child-
ren or
z household d duff
es i real plea-
sure.: This is because Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills enrich and purify the blood
supply which brings vigoroue health!
and strength, Mrs. H. Everitt, Parry
Harbor, Ont,, has rised theseP ills with
benefit and says —"I cannot recons -
mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too
highly, T was run down and very
weak, and after using the pills I felt
like a different woman, They are wan -
derail' .
1 1 strength bu
dens For s
nu •
mothers they are a blessing, at least I
have found them so."
If you are suffering any con -
Y .
dation due to poor, watery 'blood, or
weaknerves, begin taking Dr. Wil-
liam's Pink Pills now, and note how
your strength and health will improve.
You can get these 'pills through- any
dealer in medicine, or they- will be sent
by mail, post; paid, at 50 cents a box or
.six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A man whose only motive for `action
is his wages does a bad piece of
work. ---Charles Wagner.
Pay your out-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express :Money Order. Five
Dollars costs three cents.
During the war 20,000 new million-
aires came into being in the -United
Minard's Linimer1 for Distemper.
,After SePina EibllSini:S:i `inali light a
cigar and 111p the match thou ghtlessiy
into a Corner of his office near a waste
btyslcet,' a visitor wrote the following:
paraphrase of one of Pipiing s best
known poems,--
"If you can toss a match into a clear-
And never give a thought to put it out,
Or 'drop your cigarette butt without
That llamas may kindle in tlbie leayes
Ifyou can knocict e� s
h ashes from your
Without a glance to see- where they
' niay fall,
And later find the foreatall afire,
Where you have passed—with 00 one
near to call;
If you driveour auto through ough the
And cast your st i stub'
y og P Into the
Unmindful of the danger therein lurk-
' ing,
Or homes. or • ha
ppinessthat you may
smas'l ;
If you can leti'veour. cam fire while
y p w o
'tis glowing,
No 'thought of industries that 'it may
Orf thei
ro billion
saplings grow -
e !row
g g
Turned into charcoal ere the coming.
you can start a fire beneath a brush
w d is roaring like a 'dis-
tant gun
You surely should be jailed without a
And labelled as lunatic, my son."
Fire Control,
Johnny's Conclusion.
"You didn't get that situation as of-
fice boy," said Johnny's mother. "What
wan the trouble?"
"Don't know, ma. The man asked
me if I was a good whistler, and I -told
him I was the best whistler on aur
street, and he said I wouldn't do,
Guess he must want a reg'lar proles,
Economy is wealth. The man who
wastes no words isn't apt to have - to
take any of them ,back.
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
lir, Middleton will bo glad to answer questions on Public Health --mat-
through this column. Address hies at Spadins FIause, Spading.
O escent, Toronto.
"Approximately ,$400,000 is paid out
annually by the Dominion Government
to carry on anti -tuberculosis activities
among our cattle, and to reimburse
the owners of stock for cattle destroy-
ed." These are the words of Mr. A.
B. Cook, President of the Canadian
Association for the Prevention of
Tuberculosis. "In contrast to this the
sum of $10,000 a ranted our asso-
ciatian," he continued, " to assist in
:fighting the human type is the share
of the work assumed by the Federal
Government. Surely this is out of all
proportion to the importance of the
two. It appears to be accepted as a
fact that about 10 per cent. of tuber-
cular infection among humans is of
bovine origin. It is difficult- to under-
stand! how a Government can ,justify
itself contributing so little towards
fighting the other nine -tenths of this
disease. Surely it is not because the
ravages of the disease are not felt so
directly in our pocket -books? or be-
cause tubercular meat is not accept-
able as exports to other countries?
There must be other reasons. Perhaps
those directly affected by the money
loss of their stock by this disease have
been able to place their case before
the government to '`better advantage
than those engaged' in righting the
human type have, been able ,to do.
Unfortunately we cannot produce
figures showing the loss ;of export.
trade, or. loss in a purely commercial
(-stray caused by the human type of
tuberculosis the humans ~ar'rected; or
free from the
disease, not being quot-
in •our International Commercial
Statistics" •
0 expended
on one-tenth;
on the $ ,OO other nine; ten thousand
of our people dying each year and a
Federal `assistance of .this insignificant
to prevent ` it. There must be
something -seriously wrong. There.
Must be a reason. It has occurred to
me that it is because the situation has
not been placed fully before the
proper ,authorities. Strong represen-
tation should be made to the Dominion
Government, •setting out the necessity
for Help, and showing a disposition 0n
the part of this Association to assist
the Governmeli in their responsibii
ity in this matter. A substantial ap-
propriation should be provided for
this work, aird a carefully worked out
plan of campaign should be approved
by a . joint committee composed of
members of this Association anti re,
• presentatives •of the - Gcvernnient,
"I do not know of any human yes
ponsibility that is - so pe'irsistentl
passed froni one authorityy
.,o -he other
as is the ease of the unfortunate pa -
to Your Job.
i)iayeettds ai•e only ehazlls$ of cold,
That stuck to their jobs, you Hee,
1f they'd petered out like most of us
1y'here'would the dtanronde be?
It isn't the fact of making a start,
it's the eticlting that counts, P11 say.
It's the fellow who knows not- the
meaning of fall,
,But Ilan -liners and hammers
Whenever you think you have
the end
'And you're beaten as, had as can be;
Remember nt'ber that diamonds are :dliunks�
of coal
That stuck to their jobs, 3" ou see,
-Minnie Richard Smith, in Success
came to
Theyn v sa
do me wlo g who. say I come np.
When once I'knock and fail` to find
you in,
For every day I stand outside your
And bid you wake,
and win.
Art thou` a mourner? Rouse thee from
thy spall;^
Art thou a sinner? Sins may be for-
' ,given,
Each morning gives thee ee win s
to flee
from shell,
Each night at star to,'bui'de thy feet
to heaven.
and rise to .fight
Canadian fall weather is extremely
hard 011 little ones. One day is 'warm
and bright. and the next wet and cold.
These sudden cleanges bring on colds,
cramps and colic, and unless baby's
little stomach, is kept right the result
may •bo. serious. There is nothing to
equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping
the little ones well. They sweeten the
stomach, regulate the bowels, break.
up colds and 'make baby thrive. The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by nail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Favorite Religious Hymns.
Two religious selections that'find a
place among all denominations'' are
"The Church's One Foundation" and
"There is a Green. Hill Far Away."
tient. General hospitals do not accept
them for treatment if it can be 'avoid-
ed. Gavermnents do next to nothing
to assist the patients unable to provide
for themselves; "and claim that the
care' of indigent patients is a direct
responsibility of' the local municipal-
ity- in which the patientresides, and
.has been so since the commencement
of time. Mtiilicipalities delay their
parsimonious charity as long as pee
sible and • onl yad it
y'mI their a responsi-
bilityw'h 1 all l the ingenious ous rea.ons
for ithholding it are exhausted. In
many cases where this tardy
ance is finally secured it c
common to find assignments of per-
sonal property, or mortgages demand-
ed, which places the unfortunate one
under life long obligations to repay.
"I am sure you, who have a knowl-
edge of the effect of tuberculosis hav-
ing visited the average family, will
agree that the difficulty of earning a
living is sufficient handicap for the
one who bus been .compelled to seek
charitable assistance, without the
further burden of reimbursing his
"Surely governments, as • well as
individuals; have. realized that the day
of `One Man' or 'Single Endeavor' has
long passed by, and that team work
and co-operation are the only methods
employed in these modern times to ac-
complish anything worth while. Indi-
vidual effort, in so far as tuberculosis
is concerned, is a thing of the past,
just as much as the old belief that
tuberculosis was hereditary and in-
NSTE. DY nerves and sleepless nights are fore -runners
of rental and physical collapse.
Watch your nerves. When tea or coffee sets them on
edge, switch at once to Instant Postum,
The change is usually permanent, because Fostum brings
health and comfort. It is free from any element of disturbance
to nerves, heart or t
digion and its delicate aroma andfull5
rich flavor are pleasing arid satisfying.
At your Grocer's in sealed, air -tight tins.
Instant Postum
6 There s d Reasong'
4 generous sample, do of lnsteint
Postum petit, postpaid, for 4c In
stamps. Write:
r Windsor, Ont.
Gstnadllan 1'ostuin Coreal Co t.td„ 4.sr Front St., p;., 'S'ozonta Factory: iW ,
ra neve,"
h .
When a medicine produces the de-
sired results its 011113e is sdtro to he
heard. That is why Mrs. Katrir. ! Neli-
5011, Holznpatricek, Calgary as well as
sndf Od!nen men
tlirothouughalouts oAlbertale-„lbae bectiiandnewo57;11-11
an rchtiinhion of Tanlac•
Notaindent a long, l rng Girne,” says Mrs.
Neilsen; "have 'I enjoyed such good
health or felt so welnas~ 1 do since tak-
ing Tanlac. - Fer several years past T
have felt all run down and have been
extremely nervous. 1 had no relish
for any kind 00 food and What I did;
eat seemed to do me very little good.
I felt tired all the time andmy sleep
was so unsound that .it did •-not rest
me. I -somehow managed to keep go-
ing, but it taxed me to the utmost to.
"So many people here in Calgary
were taking Tanlac and praising it
that I began' taking it myself and the
first bottle made a great difference• in
my feelings, .It was oisly a few weeks
until I was enjoying splendid !health
and since that time, which was about.
a year ago, X, .have taken a bottle of
Tanlac now andthen It
that I feel strong and well all the
time. Everyone speaks of how much
better I I o 1 •
o c thandi
I d before
I start-
ed taking Tanlac."
Tanlac is sold by all • gooddruggists.
dru g ists.
Bound to Qualify.
The rule , were strict at the college.
s c g
Accordingly, when Mr. Foster ar-
rived to take Miss Jay', out in his car,
it was with very mixed feelings that
she mentioned the matter to the prin-
"You know, Miss Joy," said that
personage, "I only allow the students
to go out with their fiances Are you
engaged to Mr. Foster?"
"No -no," was the reply; "but if you
will let me go, I shall be by the time
we get back:
4N4 1 41 4+44444-4444-444-44-4,..-44.444-44,-....4-44.4.41
Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin" i
Corrects Stomach so
Meals Digest
The moment you eat a tablet ablet oP.
"Pane's Diapepsin" your indigestion is
gone. No more distress from a sour,
acid, upset stomachs. No flatulence,
heartburn, palpitation or misery -mak-
ing gases. Correct your digestion for
a few cents. Each package guaranteed
by druggist to overcome stomach
Preventing Ice Formation.
Canadian enginers are working on
the problem of
preventing navigableable
rivers from freezing. They have e had.
some success by pouring into the
stream a small amount of tepid water.
but they are still searching for a bet-
ter way.
Keep�-qC? your Health
ile Ofd Reliable. Try It
Minard's Liniment Ca., Ltd.
Yarmouth, N.S.
Plan to Plant Another Tree.
Vire plan our homes, our churches,
Our boulevards, our parks and pools;
We plan our music, songs and books,
Our gardens andour ingle nooks;
We plan our children's hours so they
May shave some sunshine every clay;
We plan our lives and with a sigh
Cease planning only when we die.
But all through life how seldom we
Plan to plant another tree!
So plant a tree and watch it: grow,
Through it some of your blood may
It may become a safe retreat
That friends • will seek with eager feet,
And 'heath its shade in cool content
Bless it -Your' living monument;
A tree that sings a lullaby
To every pilgrim passing by,
And reaches out a friendly limb,
As if to •shade and shelter bin!.
Selfish—;selfish indeed is he
Who neer plans to plant a tree.
tree, a shady, sheltering tree,
is like a living prayer' to me,
A. prayer that grace and comfort lends
To mortal nein e'er it ascends
In thankfulness to blase the hand
That planting it, both worked and
"A tree whose ehirs•ty it euth' is prest.
Against the earth's sweet flowing
A treethat looks' at God all day,
And lifts its leafy hands to pray;
Feema are made by fools like hie,
)3ut only Gad can make a. tame."
H. X'ieadal.l,
TheUnited' States has about 70 pow
gent, of the unniiiled iron of, the. world!,
Optimism is somettinies duo to a
shortage of experience.
YSSUE No. 46—'22.
Y 1 ND alIJI?S'i'lo ,
i* 1.
Sliver C,alke, C?i'egeii.
r, A 1i,trur At. adR 1 r, i a
"hilci Bowelswith to Yozza;e trg mM! Yti a a err
ttizzt ,AttorrzSo 35e,,d f4C T`i'es boo;
'California Fig Syrup"
Even a sits child loves tui,e "fruity"
taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the
little tongue is coated. or if your child
is listless cross, feverish full of c. ld
or has colic, give a teaspoonful to
cleanse the Liver and bowels. In a few
hours you can see for yourself how
thoroughly it works all the constipa-
onstipa-tion poison, sour bile and waste out of
the bovels and'
you have•a well,
ful child again.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup handy. They below a tea-
spoonful today saves a sick child to-
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu-
ineCalifon i
n a Fig Syrup" r :whichhas
direction's for babies and children of
all ages printed on bottle. Mother!
You must say "California" or you may
get an, imitation fig syrup.
colors, saniPiet/ tre'e--••George tovvdi,
dollen 'Mins, Ont.
GE1,0,`S--154%'PitOPIT. SELL H �I
Ai2rrleterl The :Lir control ing.t
llet7ces starting ng easy; cuts running coste!':
Increases efficiency. QiYioi#y instaiierS
Without removing Carburetor. Moderate
prlge, Write for particulars zzowI Air -
meter hta•nu!aoturirsg Company, Dept, I.,
215 Yorin St., Ottawa, Out.
used, pulleys. saws, cable, hose>
etc., shipped subject to i?pprovai at low-
est prices in Canada. York Belting Co,.
116` York St., Toronto.
r.4444 -,K-0+.04.4+4+44.044.4. '1..4+M4.ctr44,9 N.+N'«>+
The man with imagination is equal �f
uascarets !�
to all erred. encies for when oneway
of a&complislling a desired result
proves inefficient he will think of
Minard's Liniment for Garget,in Cows.
To Chan e your mind is one thing;
b` Y ge
to turn on those Who have followed
your previonms advice is another.—Mr.
Winston Churchill.
Book on
ash�{k How to Feed
Mall®$ Ftve to any Ad*
dress 'by the Author.
B.alass (*loves Co„ Yas.
129 wrest 24th Street
Now York,
Bulk "Carlots
and ,ado Lost
"My skin• became irritated b
using different kinds of ointments
and when I scratched it
pimples formed on my.
• face and forehead. The
pimples itched and burned.
and I scratched them, and
my face was disfigured. I
kep" lost rest at night because
, of the irritation.
"The trouble lasted six weeks be-
fore 'began using Cuticura Soap and.
Ointment andaiterusing four cakes
of Soap and three boxes of Oint-
ment I was healed in one month."
(Signed) Miss Elizabeth Stevens
1215 -62nd St., Oakland, Calif.
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and.
Talcum for all toilet purposes.
Sample Eschrree by Mall. Addres "Symaao,ISm.
lted, 344 St. Poul 8t., W,,. Montreal." Sold every-
where. Soar 25e.' Ointa,crt 25and50e. Talcum25e,
i .FCuticura Soap shaves without mug.
For Sluggish Liver
or Constipated
Clean your towels! Feel fine!
When you feel sick, dizzy, upset,
when your head is dull or aching, or
your stomach is sour or gassy., just
take one or two Cas•carets to• relieve
constipation. No griping -nicest -laxa-
tive-cathartic on earth for grown-ups
and children, 10c a box. Taste like
lt, l
ER!` v
elieved. by Taking Lyi4
H E.
P°1!fl la m9s. � �
obour Ontario. ibr man earl
g, Y y
Tia had 'roubles with nerves
I ve t my
• and have been in a general run-down,
condition, for sometime. I ould
eo c
not do my work half the time because
trouble month. I was told
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound by friends and advised to
try it. It has done me good ood and I
strongly recommend it. Since I
have taken it I have been able to do
all my own work and I also know,
friends who have found it good. You
can use these facts as a testimonial."
—.Allis. ELLEN FLATTERS, BOX '161,
Cobourg, Ontario.
Any woman in this condition should
take the Vegetable Compound, for it
.has helped other women andso it
should help you.
For nearly fifty years this good!
old-fashioned root and herb medicine,
which contains no narcotics ''nor
harmful drugs, has been the standard
medicine for female ills, and has re
stored the heelth of thousands of
women who have been troubled zyith.
such ailments as displacements, in-
flammation, ulceration, irregularities,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text
Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to
'Women" will be sent you free upon
request. Write to The Lydia E:
Pinkham Medicine Co., . Lynn, Mass.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of `Bayer Talblefs of
ASP' rin," which conbins erections and 'dose worked out by.
physicians during; 22 years and proved safe by millions for.
Colds Headache
RheumatismTootllaclle Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago ago Pd
1n, Pain
Headylitgy exJboxes
oxes of I:2 tablets—Also battles of 24 and 100 --Druggists,
Aspirin 1, the trade zn.r,rli (registered In +8.naca) et Bayer D,A'aaumeiuro or Ririno-
doefiesetsoster of Saileylicaeld. While it ie wen known that Aaitlrin means 13a.,er
In nri(tetnrl, to assist the Public againat ittritnttens, t1>.C;l'zbicte et Br 1'>!'C"d+n*et1+a
will tem etamyod with their eenev.x1 trat, e raiar', 1t i3:t;y3e 5,453.,e.