HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-11-23, Page 4Profitable Opportunitie ' • .; are .: offered to -day for investment in 'Gov'ernment and M inicipalr'iBbnds :. V'ielding .a high return. The purchase or sale of such securities can be arrang- ed at any of our branches. Our monthly list of offerings will be sent on request. 671 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund` $15,000,000 Exeter Branch ' W. R. Compliti,'Man.ager. OV x 1 1;6;d;a 31 a19x'2 is ea arg4in atisfaetion e vice ON ;FRIDAY ANDSATIJI"1DAY Tiil7 24th AND 25th, will). EYEIRY PURCHASE,OF $L00 OR,.OVER OF BEEF OR PORK, WE WILL GIVE YOU "i. lb,' OF OUR HOME MADE PURE -POR,K SAUSAGE," WHEN IN TOWN ON DOLLAR DAY GIVE 'US A CALL,' AS WE WILL. HAVE MANY OTHER. BAR GAINS. TIME RED AN.i) "WHITE SANITARY MEAT 1VIARKET DAY PENNANTS. River 's Meat Market WHERE QUALITY 15 HIGHER . T1L .N PRICE. 0 ITH THE Exeter 0. Kit Stea:i�a:mder a ple and Butter Factory ill Moved to new premise's Corker of Main rand WellingtonStse Across from the e @o o i � datel P CIDER—Sc A GALLON; APPLE BUTTER 10c A GALLON No TAX ON CUSTOM WORD Will be open every day. Try me in the new stand. Customers 1 thank you Phone 115 S. J. V. Cann Ems. Better Homes Furnished reasonably and comfortably by. In order to make room for our Xmas stock, we are offering entire stock which is the largest and most up-to-date, at prices can't beat. BUY to feRE .IND SAVE MONEY. Lowest prices Rkiit Highest quality A )DIN our you Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. OI -ERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74.1; Night call 74W a1A,Newo.^a:+ "- KEitE,, ro > :_r 10 14 BARB P soe PKGS. KELLOGG$ CORN FLAKES $1.00 8 PKGS. SHREDDED WHEAT $1.04 4 PKGS. QUAKER OATS $1.00 8 PKGS. PUFFED WHEAT $1.00 6 PKGS. PUFFED RICE $1.00 & G, GOLD, COMFORT OR. SUNLIGHT SOAP $1.00 GRAPES— CRANBERRIES— PEELS— WALNUTS BRAZILS— ALMONDS PEANUTS FILBERTS Are now in. Don't forget to call and look our choice stock of Groceries over. Bread 7 1 2 c, , a loaf` We will deliver during the two days of sale. PHONE 56 m tk i i{ OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL f els 1" a s 3%t CN " aAL n3 Y <. re r ..- gym^ s' au i "sa � ,tit . ,r..,...:�kr��-c'�. rc' La:::t'. If y'," r oven is slow to heat you will find Egg -0 just slow to act --its double ble ac�ko ins .- s 1eavsting with a slow or hot oven. ROM YOU I000 GROCER lUirscia Boys' ntiian eni' The t wad }ayss Par ia'ie nt for South Huron was held in Dieter, on Friday and Saturday of last week andvvpuul up with services foi boys iu the churches ou Sunday, Over sixty boys were present representing 'west of the Sunday Schools in South Huron, The committee in, charge of the arrangements selected as premier, Mervin •Carvin, and as leader of the oppaeition, Lyle Statham, , The Cab- inet was selected as follows: Minis- ter Of inteleetual Development, Hy. Selden, 1Vlinister 'of, Social Welfare Howard Dignan; Minister ;of Re1ig sous Education, John, McIntosh; 112in- ister of Physical Culture,: Carl 'Mor - lock; Minister of Missionary Eater - prise, Keith, .L' one;Minister of Fin- a ;nee, '•Trueman 'A'lills; Secretary of State, Howard Hunter, The • rest or the members were divided ,equally between the governmentand oppeei- tion. The leader of the Opposition had as his desk -mate, Jas. Morley. The first session was held an the basement of lames street church, the room :being packed for the occasion. Reeve Beavers, as Lieut. Governor, opened the " Parliament with the 'speech from the throne. The Speak- er of the house was Mr. J. G. Stan bury The speech from the throne was adopted on motion of Verne Roulston end seconded by Howard Wood. Following this came a. re- port arising out of a charge made at the last parliament that certain mem- bers had stolen -wood from the James street woodshed, This provided con- siderable amusement for the specta- tors. Several bille were introduced and were ably debated, the Opposi- tion launching a vigorous attack where ever they considered the bills were weak. . The second session was held Sat- urday morning with. Dr. G. F. Rout- stow, Deputy -Speaker, in tine chair, The final session was held Saturday evening when two; more bills were introduced and ably debated. The different speakers handled their sub- jects 'well"and the battleof wits as raged between government and oppo- sition furnished a great deal of amusement of the audience. Indoor Games and Ainnseiuents On Saturday afternoon the boys adjourned to the Y. rooms and for a couple of hours they enjoyed some strenuous and amusing group genies, the boys entering heartily and keen- ly into the contests. The games were under the supervision of Mr. W. G. Medd_ The Banquet. At six o'clock on Saturday a ban- quet was held in the Town Hail,. pro- wided by the young people's mission- ary organizations of the different churches. The ladies provided an excellent menu to which the boys did full justice. Miss Ethel Vincent. at the piano and Mr. E. J. Christie with the drums provided some stir- ring music and they were heartily applauded by the boys. A number of songs by the boys also added spice to the occasion. Following the banquet a number, of toasts were proposed and respond- ed to. Mr. E. J. Wethey filled the position of toastmaster in a very ac- ceptable manner. The different the Toasts were as follows: "The King," proposed by Morris Neil, Cen- tralia, response by "God Save the King,"; "Our Parliament," proposed by Geo. Hind, Exeter, response by the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition; "The Sunday Schools, South Huron." proposed by Howard True/liner, Dashwood, response by Dr. G. F..Roulston, Exeter; "The Ladies," proposed by Borden Cun- ningham, response on behalf of the Ladies, Maurice Ford, Exeter. In concluion Mr. Allan Kay, of London, outlined the work of the C.S.E.T. Sunday ~Services On Sunday afternoonthemembers of, the parliament hnd others assem- bled in Cave, Presbyterian church where a demonstration Sabbath School session was held. Mr. J. G. Stanbury acted as superintendent and Mr. W. G. Medd with a selected class of boys demonstrated an organized class session. The meeting was help - full and inspiring. In the evening a mass meeting was held in the James street church, Cay - en church and Main street church Closing for the occasion. The boys were assembled in the centre pews. Mr. Wilfrid Spearman, of London, was tiie special speaker and he deliv erect a very excellent address pertain- ing to boys' work. Rev. Mr. Rich= ardson, of Petrolea, who was supply- ing for Mr. Wilson for the day, acted. as chairman and associatedwith him on the la p tfornr were� Rev. Mr. Foote. and Per" Mr. McAlister. MARKS BROS. COMING HERE Joe, Marks who toured the North West with his company last season has amalgamated with the May tell Marks Co., under the,managment of W. R. Marks and will appear in the Opera House, Exeter, 2 nights. Wed, 'Ind Thurs. Nov, 20 and 30th. Open- `nom inr:tbe great after the war drama, Within the tow," on Wed. night and. ',ha .II great rc �t Ir yster, rilay, "Which one thrall I Marry." on Thurs. night. 5 re - (ailed Vaudeville Acts. Nut a, roor- it -1r pict•Ire. .Pr'Oe:i to e wit erstea- ' bedy. 25c and 5Oc and war tax, 104 Dollar Day Merchants The G iofl ofiug Dollar DaY i1TG„c Lnty bi Q speeial Dollar Day Bargains an Friday and Saturday of this weep, Nov.. 24th and 25th. Look over the different advertisements that appear in this issue, Take ii peneii and jot down the items you need and bring the list to town with you, Look for the stores with the pennants Dollar Day Bargains, Miss s s Aruistrong 13. W, F, Beavers W. J. Beer. J. W. Browning W. S. -.Cole Miss Curiss Doiiiinion Store S. Fitton M. E. Gardiner Grigg's .Stationery' Store Harvey and Harvey Geo. Hawkins W. T; Heilman They will have special W. S. Howey Jones & May' Jas. Lawson S. Martin &t Son A. E. Moore J. W. Powell R. N. Rowe Rivers' Meat Market Southcott :Bros. W. W. Taman C. L. Wilson Mrs.,•ZV. D. Yeo Miss Yelland peraHouse, 2 I\Tnligyhts Wednesday& Thursday O XRT Nov, 29 & 31 Marks No. 1 With Gracie and May Bell Marks til Drama and Vaudeville.` Not a Moving Picture Wednesday Night, "Within the Law” Thursday Night, "-Which One Shall 1 Marry" and 5 Refined Vaudeville Acts SPECIAL PRICES, 25c' and 50c and War 'lax E A Tube with any Guar- anteed Casing in the Store on Dollar Day A`Windshield Cleaner Free with Every Tube on .Dollar Day HALTERS, REG-. $2.00 for $1.50 Other prices to correspond Bargains in Anything you may need in our line • Motorists Beware Drain. water from your radiator or use Puridine Alcohol to prevent freezing. Put on your tire chains, it may save a life, or your car from being wrecked. .Let us take care of your Storage Battery, if your are go- ing to use it, test it every week, if not, let us store it over winter at 50c per month. We J. B.E R EXETER STRAYED—A two-year-old roan heifer strayed from S half lot 8, Con. 6, Usborne, sometime in October. Finder please communicate with Wil- son Hawkins. R. R. No. 3, Exeter. LOCALS Mr. R. Skinner ?oft N eiinesday morning for Toronto. firs. Birney and hIiss A. Sanders spent Wednesday in London. - Mrs. Wm. Dickson, of Renfrew, visited. with Miss Vosper this week. Mrs. Dickson 'had' been visiting in Clinton and Goderich and Ieft here to spend the winter in Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Neil announce the engagement of their daughter Marion Martaret, to George Freder- ick Penwarden, all of Centralia. The marriage to take place the latter part of November. Mrs. John Harreshaw who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. EaGardiner has 'returned:to the home. of her daughter, Mrs. Livingston;. in Stratford. Rev. J. D. Richardson, of Paa•olea occupied the pulpit in James street church last Sunday morning, the Pastor, Rev. M. J.,Wilson conducting anniversary services at Petrolea. DUN SFOrU)—GUISE NUPTIALS A very quiet but pretty wedding, was soloninized • last evening at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. J. C. Cochrane, when Esther Quise, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry -Guise, of Larchwood, was married to Mr. Chas. Dunsford, son of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Dunsford, of Exeter.The bride look- ed charming - in a very attractive. gown of navy tricotine heavily 'em- broidered in lip .stick red cluvet'yn trimmed with ostrich feather. She wore a coat of mode velour with triminiugs of beaver. The young couple left on the 10.10train for Toronto, London and -Exeter, where i, reception was held at the home of the gi aIn5 parents, and where they spent fila past week. Mr. Duns arr.'s ,.any friends in town will join h The Timca in extending cong rat- T,:. e ci;fr7_ „ng re y's t'r co,, -3i::1 chewers givcrr' the bride. Miss Hattie Guise, formerly of Staffords, has been' the honoree of a number of showers this week. On Tuesday evening Miss Beatrice Ques- nel entertained at a kitchen shower. About twenty friends of the bride elect were present and spent an en- joyable evening in cards and music. On Wednesday Miss Beatrice Gal- braith was hostess at a miscellaneous shower held at her home on Elm St. East, and on Thursday -evening Miss Benson entertained at the home of Mrs. Raymond, on Pine St. On this occasion Miss Guise was presented with a limoge dinner set from the staff of Staffords. SHE HORSE AS A MOTOR Old Dobbin Something More Than . a Mere,Machine,, He Is Largely a Self -feeder - Does Not Rust When Resting Has Horse Sense — Keep an Annual Inventory—How to Select _the Breeding Ram. (Contributed by Ontario Depp.rtment eS Agriculture, Toronto.) The horse is, and will continue to be, the principal farm motor for an indefinite period. There are approxi- mately 1,500,000 horses in Canada, all of which ar,e used as a source of motor power. One and a half mil- lion may not seem to be a large number, but if we were to'place the horses in the Dominion head and tail in one long parade line, they, would reach from Halifax to 'V ancou ver. So there is some horseflesh left: in Canada, notwithstanding state- ments to the contrary by people in- terested in the manufacture of mech- anical motors. About the Farm Horse. The farm horse asa farm motor differs from the mechanical farm motor in that it self feeding, self maintaining, self reproducing, and self controlling_ These qualities give the horse a tremendous advantage over the mechanical devices used for field ,, work on the farms and for haulage on the roads. The Horse Largely a Sell" Feeder. Self feeding means a lot. There is no carburator on the lao:se; nor are spark plug required. Green grass, good clean hay and oats, the pro- ducts of the fields in which the horse labors, produce the energy that keeps up the horse's body, and keeps him going as a motor while labor is be- ing perfo toed. The Animal ibotor a Reliable One. 'Within the :horse's body : cavity there is a wonderful self Inaititain- ingmotor. The heart, the lungs, and the digestive orgaoe make an engine combination of great efficiency. This hidden motor made at flesh. "blood and tissue keeps tight, andniakes its own repairs. Furthermore, the horse motorp A, or P levelo,s o laces 1' in reserve energizing sulistencesthat may be treed on demand The mech- anical motor srilcn ,it tst does not Improve nor 'grey stro i er as does the htfrae, but frequently wastes or rusts. The high Cost of gasoline, oil and motor acnemic service, together', with the too frequent neglect •` that is accorded tractors on many farms, has reacted to the advantage of the faithful horse, Olaf Dobbin Has horse leeitse. - Old Dobbin is also Possessed of horse sells:). No mechanical Motor Yet devised has possessed this func- tion. Fuel uCI i'.a • 1• the h r r o se motor is 1 r we on the farm, and all protitsi ar.ale on the farm. There is 110. t : r, it, either.—Lionel Stevenson, e:satary Dept. of Agricillture, Twain to,_ AUCTION SALE QF Horses, Re stereo Scotch toh Short- horns, Grade Cattle, Hogs and Feed. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from W n, Stev- enson, to sell by P,ublie Auction' on Lot 18, Townline, between Blanshard and Fullarton, on. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29TH, 1922 Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp the following: HORSES—Heavy ,sdraft mare, 9 years old; Heavy draft team of geld- ings rising 7 years old; Draft filly, rising 2 years old. REGISTERED ' CATTLE— Miss Ramsden ,of Springbank, 149234 aged 4 years old, due to calve Feb- ruary 12th; Virginia, 185146, aged 5 years old, due February 27t1i; Springbank, Lady Ramsden; 136860, aged 5 years old, with' bull calf 2 months old by her side. GRADE CATTLE—Durham heifer, clue to calve at time of sale; Durham Heifer, due to calf on December 20th; Durham cow, due to calve on Decem- ber 13th; Durham cow, due to calve on March 3rd; Durham cow, due to calve on March 11th; Durham heifer, due to calve on April 2,6th; Holstein cow, due to calve on March 16111; Holstein cow, due to calve on May 16th; Jersey cow, due to calve on June 16th; Durham steer, 2 years -old; Eearlin y g heifers, e fors, Ilurlianis; Yearling steer, Durham; 7 good spring calves; Pure -Bred shorthorn bull, 2 years old. HOGS—Yorkshire brood sows, due in January; Yorkshire brood sow due in . February; Yorkshire registered hog 2 years old; Pure-bred Yorkshire hog 4 months old; 74stare hogs about 170 lbs. ea; 6 shoats, about 125 lbs each. HAZY and GRAIN -14 tone niixedt, dray; 500 bu. of,oats; 190 bu, pea. Positively no reserve as everything. offered Will be sold to the highest, bidder. TERMS:—All sums of $10,00 and. under uasli over that amount 1 e 0 ino:ths' will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 6' per cent: straight oft.: for cash in lip of notes. Wm. STEVENSON, PROPRIETOR,. W. E. NAIRN, AUCTIONEER, ONL LR BARN MCALLISTER—•'In London, on Nov. 19th, to Mr. and IVIrs, Fred .Mc- Alister, a daughter. DIED JOKY—Irl Exeter, on November 19th Elijah J. Jory, aged 78' years, 7 months; and 16 days. s Mahe to "Get" Mammalian o�ep.` 5 Most other pains are easy. U prom Pain to Ease with T.R•C.'s." 'FIIOUSANDS of Canadians have tried '1.R.C.'s and found they do drive out rheumatism, and all, similar pains, T.R.C.'s reach the seat of pain, for their medicinal pow- der is carried in the blood. $1..00 at your druggist's. Free sample Temple- ton Co., Toronto. Canada's Standard Remedy for Pain,. Sold by W. S. Howey. .14 i'. 3, :. '434,13•. r ,THE MOL ONS BANK INCORPORATED 185n 'Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches WRY KEEP SURPLUS MONEY IN THE HOUSE? It is dangerous Better to take this money to the nearest Branch of The Molsons Bank and deposit it in a savings account where it will be absolutely safe. (Money may be deposited or withdrawn by mail) EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS, Manager Centralia Branch open for business- daily masammansoLo mmaLttem•sataat THE USBORNE ANH BIBBEBT; FARMER'S ' MUTUAL FIRE INSL'lR- ANCL Head Offica,l Farquhar, Ont. President, Wm. BROCK Vies -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN .JOHN G. 120Y Rulter. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, -Agent for Usborne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro,, Agent for Ribbert, Fnilarton and Loges. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. OLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. .BR. HENRY A. OOHSALT Vettlrinary Surgeon Office—Baker's Livery on James St. C,aild promptly attended to uny ar�:a:`; • Phone: 1911. A. R. k1Ni,M::A.ti, L.L.D. !donor C,rrsduate o3 Turunto I,�.•'tr;, Jity. DENTIST U ,,1r a over Gt:4ir reuetiva urs's utnce, Main atreec,J..x.ocet.. A rr._ 1X143 1"),o:r: it male, MONEY; TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowestrates of in.m tenet. j GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St Exeter, Ontario PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Aim. ttoneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality." Terms moderate, Orders left at TImes -Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton. Address Kirktoo P. 0. Dlt. G. F. R.Ot LSTON, L.D.S., 13.D.e3, DENTIST Office over 1. R. Carling's Lair office. Chased every tT'ornciriny Huta. ,noon. ME "DIAMOND DYES" Dye „right! Dori t risk your inatcrial. Bash pack- atie of "Diamond Dyes" oon- taips direc 'frit. so simple ,.P i.l � that any n onia;t car �•,� diamond -dye a now,� rich , a s. "C" (;Ult;r .1 �:f0 V,;1 I,� tt .1CIlt., l �'�Ptir'tijrr ea, eoverinea every - { t :elh , whether �1'trU, , r. thine-, • tchc,t, e 1 ., eir. _ `1` t• ' :al ton or maxi! {., ti �r.2.:i 2C r y. s �fS. 3 .r i7�sit:�c=n,i I. , t. 7 ri O41r,.r ::in+l. .,n,ri lynL eel 133s 11ts:ranteeti evt'n iJ t+i+r titre inner dyed 1,fcre, }i'i i:vi._t }tY7 ; 115:I,a1l7llti 1 C tir + eros-," 1 "'it"h celefa