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The Exeter Times, 1922-11-23, Page 1
lP� 1?I FTIETi YEAR , iv .oA 2 0 4 4 wrasamer EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23rd., 1922 INSTANTLY Il]CL. lift IN MOTOR, CRASH'' 41 On Wednesday evening oL last All1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!111-2 ftsamii 4 mama 4 Num. POEM = 44.44.044 Anomis AmaNNIIR onimmia Mama tilwaiNO Dollar Days at Jones (St May Friday & Saturday Nov. 24th 25th Big Cut-rate prices for Dollar Days on our Newest Lines of Fall Goods. A REAL SALE! SHOP -EARLY! as many bargain lines are limited in quantity., Read EVERY item as it means dollars , saved to you. Partial list'below. Dry Goods Staples 30 pair good quality D & A Corsets, all siz- es, Dollar Day special at $1.00 pair. 3 'dozen Ladies - Brassiers and Bandeaux, All Styes and sizes 39c or ;2 for 75c. Heavy rib all wool heather Hosiery $1.00 quality 79e pair. ..:._,. Ladies Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, black only, regular$1.75 quality for $1.19 pair. Ladies' black Cashmere Hosiery, Penman's make $1.25 quality for 79c pair. Heavy rib Cashmere Hosiery, sizes 81,4 to. 10. regularly $1:25 for 98c pair: Ladies' Vests and Drawers, good quality at $1.00 garment. Linen Towelling specials at 20c and 25c yd. 30e Quality Print at 22e yd. Heavy Pillow Cotton at 39c and 40c yd. Heavy White Flannelette 36 inches wide 22c yd. 3 ,Webs Bleached Cotton, beautiful quality worth 30c yd Dollar Days price 19c yd Ready=to-Wear etc. 5 Webs Factory Cotton 34 inches wide, 12%c yd. 1 Piece heavy table damask at $1.69c yd. Ginghams at 22c yd. Flannelette Blankets, largest size 12-4 Ibex at $2.90 a pair. Pure wool blankets, very soft quality 7 ib weight; 'regularly $11 pair, Dollar Days at $8.95 pair. Heavy all wool serges'etc..popular colors at •,79, Velveteens, good shades $1.50 yd for $1.00 Raw Silk nice quality 59c yd. Heavy black Pailette Dress Silk 36 inches wide, very extra special at $1.59. yd. 1 Piece • Pink Habutai - Silk, $1.50 quality for 98c yd. Georgette Crepe de Chene blouses at $2.95 each. `Voile blouses at $1.00 each. Needles and Pins, 4 pkgs for 25c Ladies' Dressing Sacques, $1.75 quality for 98r. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, Suits' & Dresses at Real Bargains Prices for Dollar Days o Good Velour Co its at $15.00 FURS -All Fur Sets.etc, at cost price and less. DINNER SETS -10 per cent Discount on all Dinner sets for Dollar Days. RUGS -All room rugs, with the exception of Congoleums 15 per cent off: SWEATERS for everybody , many at half price and less AiltE4sr6: Men's Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers all sizes 89c a garment. ,/ /Boys' Fleeced Shirts and Drawers.aIl'sizes A:. 69c a.::garment Fine Negligee Shirts sizes 14 'to' 16% very special at $1.29 each. Back Cashmere Socks 60c quality for 49c'. Men's Heavy Black or Brown Work -boots $3.98.. Men's. Black or Brown Fine Shoes, good - year Welts @ $4:75 15 Pairs Men's I`ine Shoes, Reg.; $5.50 to clear @ $3.50 15 Prs. Women's -Patent Slippers to clear @ $3.50 30 Pairs Men's Brown or Black Fine Shoes Reg• $6.00 @ $4:0 0 Men's Black ubberBoot s o n sale $4:;39„ Men's Dominion >Rutiber'Boots, White Soles @ $5.00" Men's Heavy Lumbermen's Rubbers, @ $2.90 Men's Heavy Black or Blue Overalls, reg. $2.25: @ $1.90 30 Pairs Women's Empress Shoes, sizes 3 and 3% @ $1.00 15 Pairs Cushion Sole Shoes @ $3.75 15;ti Pr. New Two -toned High -lace Empress Shoes @ ,$5.00 10 Doz. Heavy Wool Work Socks. 50c pair. Children's Shoes See our big Bargains in Boys'. and Girl's School Shoes, Bunks of` them @ $1.50 and up. Men's & Boys'' Clothing Bargains in Men's O'Coats @ $15 and up. Low prices in Men's Muits. Boys', Suits up to the largest 35 size @ $6.50 Groceries for Dollar Day only Corn Flakes (Kelloggs) . 3 for 29c Shredded Wheat 12c pkg. Lemon Soap reg- 10c @ 4 for 25c Lennox Soap 22 bars for $1.00' Opera Toilet Soap reg 10c cake at 4 forr" 25e Lux 10c. Ammonia 3 boxes 23c Black Shoe Polish, 5 c a box 2 in 1 Polish, 2 for 23c Salada Tea, :< Red Rose, Arma and Minto Tea @ 55c -' 6 Rolls Toilet Paper for 25c Jelly Powders @ 3 for2'c PHONE 32 Mina AMMON aflame .141412010 444444.1404. Maws 4.4.2440 mama IMMO Monne WIMP 11,01111.6 .111 OMM MINIMS SOMM- E ammo onesPHONE 32 J , s �IIII{IIIIIIIIIIII:IIlIIIIIl11111111116111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIlI111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN{IIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIII11111111l1111�111(111111(,111111{{VIII amempommosme IIII111111111111111111111IIIIM11111111111111116111111111111111111111111111111111111111111511 Do fou Ch�rgs fc�r THERE ARE STILL' A FEW ASKING THIS QUES- TION AND. WE ARE`PLEASED TO SAY THAT WHEAT _ OR OTHER GRAIN BROUGHT TO 'US FOR SALE IS � UN THROUGH OUR RECEIVING SEPARATOR FREE v OF CHARGE. THE SCREENINGS ARE RETURNED TO THE OWNER WHO IS " ALWAYS PLEASED WITH THE OPERATION AS IT SAVES HIM TIME AND LA BOR. WE ARE IN THE MAI • GRAIN. KET FOR ALL KINDS OF E 20,000 B s a het sWheat o f Wanted BEFORE CHRISTMAS. 'BRING IT ALONG.. WE SHALL TREAT YOU RIGHT. ative1 Exeter, Ontario kt;lil{li�J,daXa! �r1ls,,l�q!rM ����1«� ;�.jl:r.r ar.��II.",1�,,llllllllllllll1111111111111111111i111'll1 0444414.44. amok .4.444.011 laraurel 41.4441241.4 HOT OYSTERS FOR DOLLAR DAY The Girl's Auxiliary of Triv- . itt Memorial Chu +:lr will serve a Hot Oyster Supper, Saturday, November 25th, from 4:30 to 10.30 0 p.n in„north half " of .]ett's Bakery, Adults 35e chil- dren • 20c: Come and_ enjoy a treat. Ill I IIIIIIIIiI �� 11l11111111I111illllllllll i I � � 1 II 111II111IIIIlI111111111111111IIII11{11{11 I II . , 1 I IIILlII!l1111111{IlIIIIIIII[1NiiIlllelllil(Illilllllllfl!l1111111� week a fatal,motor aeerdent occurred on the London Road about a mile Friday south` of Centralia Messers Chas.�L 07 V. Anderson; W. R. Hodes and Fred andMason; of London; were, returning to London from Blyth When the Gar they were driving failed tp make the turnSaturday at Oak's corner and,•''the car ran into the ditch and struck' the abutments of the ,bridge, turning over into the, creeck. Mr. Anderson was pinned beneath:therear and.when he was tak- en out death had ensued. It was ` thought that Anderson, who was driving the ear did not see the turn in the road. 1'he other two occu- pants escaped with, slight bruises. 8 in Pipewrenches J. Hubert'Sones, of Exeter, was the l0 inch Pipewrenches first to happen alo;tg and he with 14 inch Pipewrenches others who soon gathered, rendered assistance. The two survivors of the accident were taken into the home of Mr. Jas. (Ike and were cared'for and given 'dry clothing. 'Dr. Racey, cor- oner for Middlesex `was called from Parkhill and he decided that an in- quest was unnecessary. DIED IN. THEBLOOlpi1 OF YOUTH A. promisingyoutU in budding manhood passed to the great beyond on, Sunday in the person of Oscar Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H $1.15 $1.40 $1.65. EXTRA GOOD VALUE 90e Specially Priced for Dollar Days 1 lb Tin Johnson's Floor Wax Reg. 90c for 75c. Harrison, of the Thames.`Road, aged 2 lb Tins Reg. $1."60 for $1.45 16 years. Oscar was taken ill on 4 ib Tins Reg $3.20 for $2.25 Waxing Bruches Reg. $2.50 for $2.25 Friday, Nov. nth, 'With pneumonia;," O'Cedar Oil 25c and 50c and nine days later he passed away ' Liquid Veneer 25c and 50c 1 Bissell's Vac. Sweeper Reg. $13.00 for $9.00 double pneumonia having developed. He was a student of 'Vie Exeter High School when taken ,= Ili, ani:. was a bright youth and hell in the highest esteem by all his classmates. Be- sides his bereaved parents he is sur- vived by two brothe{•s and two sis- ters,- Cecil and Herbert, Emily and Blank, who have the sympathy of the community./ Mr. and Mrs. Har- rison and family moved to the Thames Road a few years' ago front •Goderich township. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon, inter - mull in the nter-ment"in.the Bayfield cemetery; THE LATE ELIJAJ1C, J'ORY '©n'Tuesday evening, n1?r. Elijah., J. Jory passed away at t'h'is hone on Huron street aged 78. years, 7 Months anz., d X6 d: ys' The deoaaseri had boen�. ailill �si� e " early G" e y „spring's and his death was not unexpected: • =1VIr. Jory was born near Petrolea and when 'about nine years of age he came to the Thames Road with his parents. Shortly after his marriage in 1870 to his bereaved widow, whose maiden name was Emily Kestle, they moved to McGillivray. Eight years after they moved to a farm on the second con. of Stephen, retiring and moving to Exeter sixteen years ago. -Seven, children also survive, sixdaughters and one son: Mrs. E. Kestle, Mrs. Eli King, of Crediton;; Mrs. Jas. Rus- sell, of Ribstone, Alta; Mrs. Jos. Yel- low; Mrs, Wm. Amy, of Burford; and Mrs. C. P. Harvey and Sain'l on the homestead. The funeral, private. will be held Thursday afternoon, to the Exeter cemetery. DEATH OF S. J. SCOTT The death of Samuel 'Tames Scott, an aged and respected resident of Mc- Gillivray, occurred on, Tuesday of last week in his 78th year. The late Mr. Scott had been ailing ;,for some weeiks and the end was not altogether unexpected. Besides his .,wife there are left to mourn his loss five sons and three daughters, viz: W. W. of St. Thomas, A. W. of Niagara Falls, S. N. of Exeter, Erwin of Ailsa Craig, Aaron of McGillivray, Mrs. Herbert Hodgins of Granton, Mrs. Alex. Greenlees of McGillivray and Miss Clarissa at home. The funeral was held on Thursday at St. Marys church Brinsley, and was very largely.attexi 'ded, the Orangemen, of which there were eleven, auto loads had charge of the services. Alornion `Ware Gallon ash D Savings e Coffee Percolators, large size, Reg. $2 00 Very Special $1.39. Aluminum Fry Pans -Reg, $1.25 for 99c Aluminum Double Boilers Reg. $2.75 for $2.49. Aluminum Dish -Pans, Reg, $2.20 for $2.00. Aliiminum Tea Kettle' Reg. $3.00 for $2,49, Aluminum Covered Sauce Pan Reg, $2.25 for $1.90. Heaters and Ranges Quebec Heaters $23:00 Souvenir Ranges, Quebec Heater with Oven $35.00 Jewell Ranges Quebec Heater Queb ter wi th Oven ....$40.00 0 IDoherty Ranges s $45.00 $75.00 $ 80.00 Good Value and Low Priced All Copper Boiler .. ..., $3,75 Galvanized Tubs $1.00 up Gold Medal Washers $17.50 Connor Washers $24.00,:` White Cap Electric 'Washers $115.6 0 Liberty Electric Vrasliers $93.00 Clothes Wringer $6,25 and :$7.00,: TINSMITI3INGr AND PLUI4IBIN6'x 27w I'H 1 9:1TAS 2�J 11!1111 IIII VIII I ' I IIII( 111111 IIII 111111 11111111111111111 I IIII11111I I tl i1lllllllllil111(II(IIIIislllili!( 1!1.11 IIII !I III II ' 11 11 .1 11111IIIIIIIfI Ir ..III 111III�i marMs 11I(IIIIIII111111IIII{!1111111111111llll11111111111{1lIII11111111111I1111(111IIIII111111IIIIIIH111111IIIIIIIII11111111(I III11UI111111IIIHl111111111iilliilli mamma mina Frances Dont forget that 1+rances :Nick awa the famous Indian Reader, will . be at the Opera House • on Friday, Nov. 24th, under the auspices of the: Young People of Main. St. Church == She will be assisted by. Miss I. Hand ford, Ingersoll, and Mr. Ronald Wit- wer , Exeter, Soloists Admission 5.5c and 37c, Plan of Hall at Howey's Drug store.' Doors open at Sig r, Peas, ern a loin° Fre A LARGE JAR OF MARBLES WILL BE ON EXITIBITION IN THE WINDOW OF THE EXETER TIMES AND EVERYONE FROM TOWN OR COUNTRY WaILL BE ENTITLED TO ONE GUESS. ABSOLUTELY REE .OF CHARGE. A.,, CLERK IN '1"TII+I STORE WILL, REGISTER YOUR GUESS. 100 LBS. OF SUGAR' WILL BE GIVEN TO'THE ONE WHOSE GUESS IS THE NEAREST;. 2ND PRIZE A' CASE OF PEAS; 3RD PRIZE A CASE OF `CORM 4TH 5TT,I, 6TH AND 7TH PRIZES 50 LBS• OF HAR'V'EY BROS. FLOITIt. THIS CONTEST IS 13E ING PUT ON BY 711E DOLLAR DAY MERCHANTS AND ANYONE IN CONNECTION 'WITH THE DOLLAR DAY STORES ARE 13ARRE1.) byQOM l'` GUESSING" G .EISSING., 144.444.444 6214 ou And FolioIn at Come to us and Save Dollars on Dollar Day Fria & Saturday Nov. 2dth & 25th 1 IDays We have a Big Stock eimher What .i Say AND THE PRICES HAVE 'ALL TUMBLED DOWN LIKE THIS. COME AND SEE. Dollar Days, Friday and ,Saturday. * IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST FURNITURE, OT T.1112 LOWEST PRICE <GO:, TO R. N. RoWE. HAS A GOOD CHOICE_ Conductor of Funeral Services.�,.. �,�. Firlcatr ]fele z0l�lectxo� PA-51..J23vv, NC X11: 20J q g i F 1 1 � h .. 11 II IIIIIIIIIIIl11111...a.1 � � � 11111111 1 11 . I 1 . _�I �I � p IIIIII 1 � , 11. I1 III 11 ��.11_ II �! Y � �� � �� 1 III .� . . �,A....I..:.11.IaR...I�:..t..._I1l,..I..�:.9, I�1;�(���.� �r�III���� earamart 44. 44 41-4