The Exeter Times, 1922-11-2, Page 4)ll1„S;" Nib\'l MI% J 211d, 1 0 4)1 4 `Better lSul OVERCOATS Combine Appeonuce wad EfficieiAc • THE 'West ire style,,: a wide range of mater -1 nal and skilled workman-:.. slrgp . aaspee...:eeere man who e' wears a "Better Built" overcoat that d tiactiveness of appear- ance tliate counte for sa much in business and see nal life; And these gar-, moots are so carefully' "built" of such superior materials, that their wear- ing dualities are far be- r and those usually sold at reuwh.higher prices. ''BBaiterB1.ile' Overcoats Are Hand -Tailored To -order Be ORONTL. Sold eeee Johns REPAIRING CLEANING,PRESSING, DRY CLEANING ON SHORT NOTICE. and ss'aa, thing et the peat and paublic opinion is so strong that it is a dis- grace te- be found under the influence of liquor. True there are yiolatious of the law, but $o axe there against: the laws of speeding, of theft, and of almost every other law on the statute books. The youth of to -day are net S to 1 same telnptatioll beset runts! ,the drink that the youth of a few years ago ware. H • B, @ Sometimes all the early bird' is hune:re- before breakfast. .itn advertisement says that "ten minutes fun every day beeps lie toe- . „ that t fit," The more I thrid: of l Ment the more I am cenvineed of the truth of it. The advt. refers to phys- ical exercises, but the wisdom of it.' reaches far beyond ;tli,e "x:ofexence. With advaucing years, cares and wor- ries of let siuess or house, and respon- sibilities of one hind and another ab- sorb our attention. From these we may derive a certain amount of sat- isfac eon, but how many are there wito get ten minutes real fun every twenty-four houree If we would just cone out of our shell for e Short time each day and indulge; in some activ- ities from which we derive a certain amount of merriment I believe we yould get a lot more out of life and be better fitted to solve its problems. • E EXETER. TIMES ILDEENIS AID RECEIVED DONATIONS The n 5age1l e.nt of The Huron fvouzity Children's Shelter have heel greatly cheared and eueou;aged clur- ing the past week big donations which. � that the work is being epprecieted by meaty of the good people of the County; First, there are .two • auto loads contributed by the - people of Westfield ld Methodist ehurdh, which � both• in quantity and quality looked like a good size se+~tion of a tall fair; Potatoes, a variety of vegetables, fruit (sealed and picked,) butter eggs etc. thome atter 'en extended, vim wit Then the 'ladjes:of North ,Z.ion, ands relatives in-'t'arouto. kIENSALL Saturday,November 4th, Will be Dollar Day at Joylit's. Mr. N. E. Cook inotoeed to !Godes•'»'. Tuesday to attend the jury. Wire. Frank Case, 'of Mbrriton, `is' visiting her sister, Mas G leedden.. Mrs, 1lidding, o� lI tr na,U:S.A , ie visiting her mother, ; M}•;7. Thos. Sherritt. "f London, POSPONEP' AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE, CATTLE TLE Tire auction sale of cattle to be held on the fano- of Robt. Jelenstan, Lot 18, W. Boundary of Blanehard, .w ta miles south of 'Woddham, has: ueezi poll:)011e d• ui til a ' ,•,.,WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 8th,.. Sale to eomrence at one o'clook sharp, the following::, 50 head of Mr. Kennet!! McArthur, o ora , choice Durham cattle; 5 steers, 3 Mrs and Mrs. H. Arnold over 16eeto, visited ears old, averaging about Y_ the week - end. 10 steers, 2 years old, Weighing from Ie s. John Glenn has returned 1000 to 1100 lbs.; 10 heifers, 3 years old, not in calf weighing from 1000 to 1100 lbs; 6 good milk .cows suppo- sed to be in calf.; 10 calves that have sucked caws during summer, also a number of yearlings; 26 store , hogs weighing about 100 lbs., This is good smooth stuff. .TEBI1S--Nine months credit on furnishing approved joint notes or 5 per cent off for cash in 1ieuo'enotes. Wm- McNETL, AUCT. THOS. JOHNSTON, PROP. AUCTION SALE. OE 'HOUSE ..11ND LOTS '8e 11OtJSE--, HOLD FI IRNI`1 URE.: On tive• pre -Wrens. ethos late Mrs.. T1lannas Crewe, xett r Nos'th, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER. 1.1, •1922.. c k 'har , .the f o11owi,ng At one o c.lo lc, � D Cook stove, base \burner," coal ail , atove,:2 'tables., sideboarii, cupboard,. 6 kitchen chairs, rocker, , arm, c h�aire bureau, 2 beds, snattreest S• and spriui e rug and carpets, hale carp, �''t, Z wash c 'r - a u •d >� • ock wail G St'uid"o, ll�our titin, Z clocks? tains, 3 ;Lamps ',Willows, and all kizacls- of bedding, quantity, table ]intens cusp ions, 2 suit tosses;, quantity dashes,, quantity ,fruit and pyick1es, tea kettbe tea pot, all kinds cooking, utensils, -2: tubs, pail,, boiler, curtaWn 'stretchers;. tool cheat, hand , saw, planes* hoes,4 stone~ wheelbarrow, cs 0 r 1 f. es , ` shovels, v1 � l e' r axe's, boat, , corn crib, larva Mower), 5 gal. oil can maxis green can, barrels, box, Benmiller Churclies handed in a sal h. f `a;11,S5 in cos 0 donation . stlllcial Next' in order, The Women's Inetit- ate of Goderioli set apart Friday night last fon a "shower," and they rained articles of clothing, .ho ttsehoid requisites, fruit, vegetables, pickles and cash that will be appreciated for nuoiitlis to come. Surely, this kindly thoughtfulness deserves honorable Miss Helen Cook, of Goderich, zs n • visitiiug hes' uncle and aunt, d Mr. a Mrs, David Shirray. The Presbyterian ;church of Hen - sail are --organizing a club for the Young people of that church. The fowl supper held at Hillsgreen on Monday evening was largely at- tended from Hensell and vieiautY• mention, and is most gratefully ack who has spent 13, Carl Passmore uoivledged.. the past few months with his un cle ,rust now there area round dor ell an the Thames Road, has retrr ncle of : children in the Shelter awaitingW. E. Pfaff expects a car of "m- others hooses, besides a number of ens to day (Thursday,). Get your brought in, as soon k for everybody. r who will be now. A. stock otlie S cement ter ad to have inquiries from any one liter of Port Do mother and sister visit - thinking of taking a child, if only on ing Mr. Reynolds' trial £ a while There are many here. as there i of the for thein, and the Mn.eo. Reynolds and little-daug- llxecutive of the Society would be ver, have been visit- rht or good homes lull -luny. Comity where Beans' have been coming into town YEARS 25 AGO tite laughter of, a little child is not lately in large quaratiti •es. Several Beard, and life would be happier and car -loads are being.shipped' each The total subscriptions and Pe- more enjoyable to the occupants it week. •ceipts ofheld at Chis at C the reeent church re -opening one of these wards were taken in and A fowl supper; will be lriselhurst amounted to $1115:- given the start in its career which is elhurst ori Monday„Nov. Gth, follow 37. The total cost of the improve- the naturii 'right of every child. ing their anniversary on. Sunday, went is more than provided for. Mr. Harry Rowe, Exeter south whose brick residence was destroyed by fire on Tuesday week, intends to rebuild as soon as possible. Paul Madge and Sam'' Passmore deft for Lake Smith, Wednesday, cu a "himting and fishing expedition. Although usually not very successful in the gauze line, we hope Paul may this rime succeed in bagging a fair AND D1-ElNG share. The James St. Choir took -part in au entertainment at Claadeboye on. Friday evening. Leonard McTaggart who recently purchased the Exeter North hotel has torn the back out of the building and will rebuild it again. He will also re- fit and renovate the entire building and make it as of yore, --one of the stirring business places of Exeter. A slow avert will _not spoil .your bakingwhen you use ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD G If any little word of ours can make sheep sell for el a head." St. Marys one life the brighter;: 3f any little song of ours can make one heart the lighter; God help us speak that little word, and take our bit of singing, And drop it in some lonely vale and set the echoes ringing. I+ eelP ON MOVING: Two frogs fell into a milk -pail deep, Arid one poor frog did nothing but weep; • He sank to the bottom as heavy as lead, .And there in the morning they found him dead. The other frog shoutecl: "I'll have a good try, The pail may be deep, but I dont wish h to die." his i legs with. milk g He churned up the ml fore and hind Thexe s nothing like having a master- ful mind For when the next morning this frog- gy was found, On a pat of fresh butter he floated; around. Journal -Argus. In the school of life the quest - teen "Why” is constantly being asked. Slowly sometimes the quest- ion is answered, and new -ones take its piece. Life is a compilation of problems and wise is he who can solve them' in such a manner as to build a tour -fold life; socially, phys- ically, mentally and spiritually do- ing his duty to his family, the com- munity, the church and state. Too many men are judged a success who have developed a one-sided nature. *'e, . COMMENTS is' a youngster called ,Master be- caelse he really is? 'Watch the face of the clock and you'll never be more than one of the hands.—Forbes. * i =n Some have been staving' Off the day of perturbation as long as possible, but itch or no itch its about time now ±0 get those woollens on. Think, this over and let us hear from you. You will find it an investment worth while. Tlie annual meeting of the Society will be Held in the Shelter, at God erich, on Tuesday, 7th of November, commencing at,8 p.m., and everyone who can possibly attend will be made welcome. Corrie in and learn for yourself something of the work being done. If, with you seeing is believ- ing, we are scare you will go' away satisfied that the work deserves your interest and support. James Mitchell, President;, A.. M. Robertson, B` A. Secretary G. M. Elliott, Superintendent. Geo. 31. Pullman, President of the Pullman Palace Car Co died at his. residence, Prairie Ave., Chicago, of heart decease on Wednesday morn- ingt ' George J. Sutherland and Miss Hattie Sutherland, of Hensall,calied on friends in town on Monday. October gave a party; the leaves by the hundred came, the Apples, ,the Oaks and Maples, and leaves of every name; the sunshine spread a carpet and everything was grand; the sight was Iike a rainbow new fallen 'cross the land. R. N. Rowe has a grape vine, on which are growing several bunches of large size grapes, the second crop this year. He also has in his garden an apple tree in blossom. This tree bore fruit already this year. This is a record breaker, and ahead of more tropical climes. The outdoor flowers have practic- ally disappeared for another year. The frosts of the past week have cut then down and in their places nature and-' the trees with gr ed the has adorn est riot of Color that anyone can im- agine. A motor . drive through the country under weather conditions that have prevailed the past few. weeks cannot help but .thrill the lov- ers of nature. The warm sunshine, the refreshing atmosphere, the excel lent roads and the changing colors everywhere in evidence form a com- bination that is hard to equal. Ont- ario in autumn is at her best. If you 'want to make light of a trouble, keep it dark. "The young women are rebelling agai.ns't doing housework at $30 a month, hut they aro still ready to ni cry and do it for nothing.---Orillia Packet. ,Sonia persons are complaining be- eanee there will bef:ew Thanksgiving turkeys this year. Titat doesn't ef- fect the editor al this sheet one par- ticle because he never remembers of lievixig a Thanksgiving turkey and thigh 'few itt Chr'.istnas either. s $ DISTRICT NEWS Nov. 5th. ' ear. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook were in Iiitchener last week attending the funeral of Mr. Reinhardt, Cook, an uncle of Mr, Cook. Mr. Ray White is at present in Brussels, relieving Mr. Percy Joynt, of Joynt Bros., Brussels, who is at present izidisposed. Mrs. Herb Clarke, of Fullerton, who underwent a serious operation in St. Joseph's hospital; London, is improving nicely and has returned home. Wingham's oldest resident, Arthur Knox, died-oneO,ctV: 26th, aged101 years. He has been residing with a daughter for several years. The re- mains were buried at Clinton on Sat- urday. While Dr. McArthur, of; East Wil- liams, was driving home front Nairn church his attention _ was attracted and his car turned and went complet- ely over, smashing the top, the wind- shield and one wheel. After the car stopped Mr. McArthur managed to get out of the, ;ear, .without even a scratch. HIBBERT COUNCIL The regular meeting of the council was held in the township hall, Staffa, on Wednesday of last week. All the councillors were present iwth Reeve Coiquhoun in the chair, ordered were wer 'n orders The foilowr g paid: H, Golding, Hoggarth drain aw- ard $6.50; Alex MclCeller, • ditching $3.50; David Chappel, Hoggarth. drain $14.00; Alex. McKeller, ditch- ing $3.50; • Wm. Wdrden, hauling gravel $2,00; `-James Balfour, tile $18.00 A. A. Colquhouir, insurance $1.15; John Scott, ditching $58.80 P. Whitlock, tile $22.00; W. A. Log- an, ditching $68.30; Jos. Nigh, ditch- ing $66.67; Peter McIver, tile. etc. 477.60; A. J. Jeffery, grant to Strat- ford hospital $40.00; Wm. A. Sproat, tile $210.00; Municipal World $8.00; Harvey Shannon, putting in sewer pipe $10.00; Jas. M'elady, digging drain $33.00; 'Jos. Roach, 2 catch basins $30.00; R. A. Sadler, sundries for crusher $20,62; `Chas. 'preffry, trap for Hoggarth drain, etc..$19.00; Archie 7Vtiller, filling washout $5.00; Pat. Morris, grading $17.•20; R Rrost tile, etc. $3.93;, Dan. 0"Connor, dig- ging drain, $17.75; Pym. M. Sproat, tile $237:39. A by-law was passed authorizing the treasurer to borrow money for cement expenditure. It was moved and carried, that whereas the majority. Of the owners within the area described in a p drain- age etition laid before the council at ibis 'Meeting, asking for the.deepning,. eleaning out and clearing of obstrtic- tians, of the Bayfield river, which ap- pears to sufficiently g signed and when- a, s this council are of the opinion that the said work was necessary. There- fore the council do hereby authorize and instruct the clerk to ask the Eng- ineer, .Tabu I2.ogers, O. L. S. to make an examination of the said watercoti- i•so and file lits report onthe estim- at cif cost thereof. Go motion the council adjourned to meet againWednesday, N'ov. 15 Oh On Monday next Canada will ob-• serr-e a national. day of tllanksgivin g And Canada as a whole has perhaps greater reason for expressions of gratitude just now than most nations. The harvest has been abundant; her dollar at the present titne leads `the currency of the world; there is very little unemployment and labor strife is at a minimum, Perhaps in all Canada there , are none with more reasons for gratitude than in West- ern Ontario,. No one should go cold Ii or hungry here this winter in spite of the coal shortage. A call for re- lief tri eet 'a hearty response for there is more than enough to go around », Count your blessings. Ons s r the mints tail make.money without advertising. 1 • was temprance Sti.n 7• i, Siida l >vla beef taxi be placed on ,as x y the +.t.inenear/ market tor 12 ceiits a day in tho churches and Sunday _ z the world. Whal- er, liotir�i with a, good profit to the deal-�cliaal., throughout ler � banker. ever may be the rc, editions in other an• according to a. Neve York t� l They ale killing cattle there for the 1laees, in this cern dimity at least, lee',etGte Bides and size lest beef is the present teznprence laws -lave been eie,1} Yt .0' i evan .,cots, li pound. Cows seeeessfiti in curtailing the consume - in � .nt 1i1 ti'n%Money 'land: dtion of liquors_ -` he village dr'uuk- Mr. Wes. Caldwell who has been here for a number of weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. Sherritt, has; returned to her home in Listowel Miss Gretta Laramie who has been in Sarnia and district during the past week or two assisting in musical con- certs and visiting friends has return- ed home." T. Drummond & Son have bought the slaughter house and land from Mr. G. G. Petty and they intend to erect an up-to-date' sanitary slaugh- ter house. John Coulter and Mrs. Coulter and daughter Miss Ida have returned from Toledo, Ohio, where they .had been attending the; funeral of Dr. W. J., Coulters --wife. At the dance, held under the aus- pices of the G.W.V.A. on Tuesday evening of last -week in the neighbor- hood of $100 was raised for the fire sufferers of New Ontario: The G.W.V.A. intend putting on a dance in the hall which is termed "Armistice Dance," on the evening of • Stolz ladder. `r,he• real, estate 'contms;ts of the house and six dots o; jartd, situate alr•: Exeter North:' rues-e,Ghat els, cash, Rai estate,'. •fie r € t �'i • aiace,he'.30'days. • 10 1?ex oer>jt:;+3awia, yGlanviele Ly nazi , Tayl.�ar', Mrs'. I-T'•y Elworthy, , FrankExecut, - A-uct�aii>teea Recently $32,942 was paid for a. cent British Guiana iana stamp of the: 1856 6 issue at an auction held at Par-- is, The purchaser was an American, and, while the stamp is a poor s i- men,;11 is supposed to be the only one 6f its kind in existence. It was - from the famous Barron Ferrari col- lection. Baron Ferrari died during.' the war and bequeathed the collection to" the Berlin Postal Museum; but the stamps fell into the hands of the» French Government, and were. auc-• ,► boned off, the money ,o be Germany's reparation ac Miss Jean Pringle,' ooneof the op- erators of the Bell Telephone Com - pang at Wingham, met with a serious accident on Wednesday of last week.. Miss Pringle who resides about two miles from Wingharn, was driving in with` her brother, and when only a short distance from Thome the horse started to prance and kick, becoming almost unmanageable. Miss Pringle, alarmed, decided to jump, but just as she decided to do so the' horse gave a vicious kick, striking Miss Pringle" on her side breaking three nibs which pierced the lungs, besides causing: t applied to - Germany's other injuries. Miss Pringle was tcount rushed to Wingham hospital, A collision occurred at the level crossing near the°'Grand Trunk sta- tion at Blyth when Joseph Leddy, from near Auburn., was coming from the east and did'not see the 3.45 p.m. train from the north. The train struck the horse, breaking its leg and smashed the buggy. Mr. Leddy es- caped with a slight shaking up. The horse was shot by Agent McTaggart. It is curious how long wheat grains will hold their .-vitality. A short time ago an old book was found in the attic of the historic,Gen. Arthur St. Clair house, at Pottstown, Pa., and between the !capes wez•e, several stalks of wheat,, placed there in 1825., Some of the grains were planted and sprouted, although it took them con- siderably longer to do this khan it takes ordinary seed wheat.,. • A veryserious accident ibee:11 Mr:' James Young, of Seaforth, on Mon- day of last week.. He was Unloading° hay when a bundle of hay carried by the hay fork struck. him and knocked. him out of the,; snow. He was picked up unconscious, and on medical aid being secured it was found that he had sustained' a fracture of several ribs and a slight fracture of the skull. Miss Ina Bice 37 years old, of C landebay, graduate e a g aduate of Victoria Hospital, London,died in Victoria Hospital on Oct. 24th, following an operation. She 'ad been ill about two weeks. Resi es her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bice of ClandehoYe,' she is survived by,,,a brother, Dr. Ernel Bice, of London, and a sister, Mrs" Heber McFalls, f Brampton. The private Ws held on Thursday St. James' cemetery. h d , 0 a n Mitchell can. boast of the smartest a 0 f ni t 'n the County hisage i 'r r man ng Perth, in the person of Mr. Andrew ri Byers who has reached the age of 92 year r. Byers was born in Syeare. . M .c otlend and carne to Canada when a young man. of 18 years, along With parents, and settled On a f bis p`1t arm on the Si, " 'r'atford Road, east of Mitchell, in 1830. Pre joined the Presbyterian church at the age of 18 years and has been 5 constant attendant, and in all that time lzas only missed one sacra- l/lent. At the present time lee wolks Cliuraii, over half mile, rarelyto t -Te does all ever iT11�4:Sii1j, i Sunday. gardening around Iris the chores and g home, and has never had any real sieliness. November 10th, and intend having a fine orchestra for the occasion. The laying of the new cement road is completed and makes a great im- provement to the town: It is 'ex- pected the road will open up as far as the post officeethis week. Dr. Norman Truemer and wife, who have been spending_ the summer at Grand Bend, visited in town for a few days with the foriner's parents,. Mr. - and Mrs. W m. Truenier. They expect to return to Arthur this week. Don't forget the entertainmentto be given in the Methodist church on Friday evening of this week, by the young people's class of the church." Admission 10c and 15c. Proceeds for missions. The. A.F; & A.M. occupied their new, lodge rooms for the first time Monday evening. The rooms are be- ing fitted up Very comfortably. There are several finishing touches yet be- fore they, will be -complete. Contractors are dredging a ditch through the property of Archie Row- cliff.e, across the London road and through the farms of Messrs. Bell, Caldwell and Dining. A temporary bridge has been built across the Lon- don road :and a new 'structure will be erected. VICTORY LOAN COUPONS We will cash your Victory Loan Louis or place them to your credit in our Savings Bank where ,they will draw interest, at 3% per annum.' / THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid. up. $15,000,000 Reserve » Fund $15,000,000 Exeter_ 13rafch - A W. R. Complin Manager. BANK'THE MOLSONS INCORPORATED 185e Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 • 'Over 126 Branches A. FARM RUN ON A BUSINESS BASISade requires that';every member of - he Tamie l ib a e made `er a partner. That the earning ;from t to each member. Then good sense indi- duct ate be'allattod cotes'that these earnings should go This�wli !make each one ngs account .with The Molsons Ban will Deposits ' by mail ambitious to make his product pay. accepted. T. S. WOODS, Manager EXETER BRANCH Centralia Branch open for business daily THE U - SBORNI3 AND UIBJ3ERTl''. UR- S TU AL FIRE TN 14x17 FARMER'S ANcEE CJOMJANY. Heed Office, Farquhar; Ont. President, . Wm. BROCK Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS Mr, Robt. Morrison of, our village, had the misfortune to fall on Satur- day afternoon last while picking ap- plies, owing to the limb on which his ladder was resting slipping off the tree and allowing Mr. Morrison to fail some feet heavily to the ground, bruising his ankle and knee .badly. We are pleased to see that he isable to be around although still suffering. from the bruises. THOS RYAN JOHN G. ROY ROBP. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZ1E >J AGENTS JOHN r1SSERY, Centralia, !.gent for 'Osborne and Biddulph. OLIVERLIVER HARRIS,Munro, latbbert, Fullerton and ` Agent for Logy Messrs. T. G. Shillinglaw and Pet- er McKay of the Tuckersmith Tele- phone Co. root with the Council and a nitmber' of interested. citizens •I41oiz- day evening and outlined a propos- ition to take over the Bell system in town at a -Cost of $5,300.: The Coin- peny are asking for a franchise for five years. The rental will be reduc- ed to $20i00 a year.Free connec- tions Would, ottlld be given with, Zurich, Dashwood and Seaforth and a charge of 5c -to Clinton. Those present were Practically unanimous in favor of the proposition. 11El t13flfB R T1zai71;.7g1vit 'r service in Carmel Thanksgiving Church nett Stir1day. A, thank offer- ing will be taken for Missions= The Pasto:r, will take both services, W. A.'i'U RNB»LL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1 Woodham. & STANBURY S CII. Aad.cN Exeter. Solicitors, !fi MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private Lun$sto:loan on fermi and village properties, at lowest rates of'ha threat: DR. HYi11Y A. CORS9..17T Veterinary Surgeon on Tames St. Bak er s Livery oe Calls promptly" attended to day or. night. !Phone, 8. po ,,yyam,� ir.>U.lm.,:�. 1).ly.S, '.. :Itb. �1M�9 Tort. A. Toronto II :!ver- T�#onar Graduatebi'. �' it S, y If18111T'.Lr1S'I! , Office over Madman & Stiinhtzry's oits ce, Malo Street, Exeter, rI tl Tt mes: It pays ,A.dvm4ze ri.iae GLADMAN & S ANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc° tioaeer. Sales conducted in any 1oc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone` 116, Kirkton. Addrees Kirktox P. 0. DR. G. Pr ROIJISTON, DENTIST Office over 1: R. Carling's Lax' office. ' Closed every Wednesday afternoon. � DYES" E S" USE 'DIAMOND Dyeright! rigli'tl Don't risk- r material. Each pack - Age of"Diamond `you DD es'' con - :,Y 'Laing directions so simple that anywoman car diatnon y delye a 11CW, rich color . into old gaimerits, draperies, coverings, cvcrY" thing, whether wool, silk,: 1nieli cotton or .,nixed goods, jlu'y Diamond. Dyes"—rte ' d ---titch perfect re - cultsloin 1 ,. ue's arc gu traeteed even ii Tit n yon have never dyed,beforti. 5 eDrir act has Airimouc1.17ye.� .;i i colors.. ..- 1 s••ch colo Color ,, Cord"--.