The Exeter Times, 1922-11-2, Page 1FIFTIETH , YEAR N O. 25 44 to.DZ ,s .ly:AA tJRSJ).CS 1. 11OORN'JNG, IIII IIIIt ILII llltlllltlllllllll IIi0,1 l .....1. I I U _ t Il tllllllllitllllllllltllllllll II � ` t ttllttlrt#ttllttlttltlitl� Illttttllltll911111 Il�lltlllllttl tltlltliillL, vmpeen of ANNUM • ONE sa o s v ivcoats We invite'you to come to this .store and inspect out big ran* of Overcoats for Men and Boys. See our, line new Cloths in all the latest • colors of Green; Fawn, Brown, Grey etc., with the new I imona Sleeves ' belted or .plain, just as, you wish, Our Boys' Coats are all made trom the same cloths <as the Men's. They will please you. Young Meln's Overcoats at-$t5,0O About 15' Coats in the, lot, Good All -Wool Cloths sold regularly. : at $25 to $30 all to go at $15 a coat. �ma�l Boy's` Coats Often hard to get. We have them. from age. •2 years up, well lined, and in good colors. Mien's Fine Brown or Black Shoes Genuine Goodyear -welt Shoes made in fine Calf leathee5 priced at $5.00, $•6.00 and $6.50. Cheaper lines at $3.75 and $4.50.- Women's 4.50. Women's Cushion Sole Shoes at $4. .Just the thing in a good comfortable Shoe for arotnd the house. We guarantee the wear and you will enjoy the comfort of them. Hurlbut Shoes for Children Don't forget that we are Exeter agents 'for. this famous line of Child- ren's s Shoes: 'Ssld at the same 'price_ eyery:whene: This i he cheapest, Shoe in the long run that you can 'buy b. Ladies' and Misses Coats at $15.00 We have a few odd lines of beautiful quality Coats in good colors and Styles: Clearing while they last at less than half price -15.00 Coat. Ladies' Pure Thread Silk Hosiery in black only Sizes 9 9 1/2 & 10. Slightly imperfect in weave, to clear at 98c pair. PHONE, .32 Jones PHONE 32 somata Imlown EXETER COUNCIL Monday, October 23rd, 1922. A regular meeting o l f the 14iuziiei- pie Council was field in the office of the clerk. Absent Councillor Eller- ington. The minutes 01' the iia meeting held October 9tli, Were, and aphrovd, Letters were read, as follows= from• Mr. John ° Taylor in answer to the Council'srequest to try and provide a remedy' for the odor as caused by burning old rubber etc. 'Pl'e clerk was instructed to 1.1<ike in reply .stat- ing that the nuisance must be abated. forthwith.,Prom Mr. Garrett, Tor- onto, re Inex to the amendments to the Ontario Statutes, Piled, Mr. R. G•, Seldon : ma.cle t eutiest• that the council appoint a committee, said. committee to investigate and report _ on the 'costs of coal as received and offered for sale 11y the coal rner = I chants. per Francis --Lav s ---that the Reeve and Councillor Hooper make an inspection and ;lave a report pub- lished. Carried. Tenders were `opened and. consider- ed for the construction of the Carling street sewer. Six tat:dors in all were received. Tendere'„tvere also opened and considered' for the sewer tile and that c': the Clay Products Co. Toronto was accepted- •'- The following accounts :were 'read and ordered ,paid, Grigg Stationery .Co., .supplies 29.-- = '9'5; Ward & Morgan; repairs for wag- - n 4.27; Cunningham & l'ryde, en- graving; name 3.00;" Josh, Heywood, tile 2.40; Thos. Appleton, labor as sew- er 21.00; Ernest. Appleton, ditto 21,00 Geo. Stirs 29.10; Wiatliarn Laverty., 22;50;: H. Lauder 25,00; James Murray 25,00; Gilbert Mathews 16.95; Fred z-'link;n 2.50; John Stirs 14,10; John Cornish ',11.62 ; Gus`; Dockstader 6.45. Passe:: on motion of Hooper. and Francis. Adjournment 'to ,meet Wednesday,. Oct. 25, at 7':30, by -Francis. NOVEMBER 2nd, 1_.922 ONVImm Wednesday, Oct. 25, '22 A sneciel meeting .af the Council as arranged to consider seaver tenders. :11r::1Liahon of Landon being present addressed the Council in regard to his tender. After fully gown. :through' all . de- taais of submi!tled" tenders lit was.anov- ed by Councillor Hopper, .seconded by Councillor '.Francis; that the tenders as submitted; are considered to be _too high and that we tiro;reed• to eor'striict. the..seiver by,day_;laboi'-Carried:'' Adjournment.' milllultill ttliIllllilillllllllll miitlIIIIiiIllttltliiliNitlllllilil[11111Itttiltllitlltli mullillltNtllllliilinilllilllllll mim l III r, ' ( PREDICTS USE OF GAS ENGINES Replace Utensils that are worn out wr h "Wear Ever" WEAR EVER PE PLATES 36c SAUCE PANS 50c up FRY PANS $1.70 DOUBLE 'BOILERS $2.75 PRESERVING KETTLES $1.75 up ROAST PANS $ 6.9I Household Needs, Johnsons Floor Was 85c per tin • Johnson's 7 lb. Floor "Waxers, $2.50 O'Cedar Mops $1.25 and $2.0.0 Lia .l, 'i1 Veneer Mops 1.25 and 2: �$ $ .00 Dusk*l" Mops $1.50' O'Cedar-Oil 25c and 50c' Liquid Veneer 25c and "60c Perfection Oil Flea ,tors $8.00 Chemical Closets $10.0,0 Washing Machines $19:00 • Wringers etc. $6,75 TINSMITHING AND PLUMBING A, 27w ardw,,,i r PHONES 27fi ON T3RUCE Claims Canadian National Have Used Type on Other` Lines With `Gasoline engines are a •possibility in the immediate future for opera-' tion on the London, Huron and Bruce branch of the Grand Trunk .Railroad, according to Dr. Hugh Stevenson, M. L. A. for London. Dr, - Stephen relates that several engines of this type have been rer centy placed in operation by the Canadian National Railroad authori ties 'and cities .as instance the addi- tion"during the past week of one be- tween Toronto and Bownnanville. TIl member for London was con- fident,Wednesday that if proper re presentation was made to the rail- road executives, they would add en-, ginesA "if this' type to their line from London to Clinton." -London Adver- tiser. Monday, Oct. 30, 1922 A Special meeting of the Couriee, as called by the: Reeve to consider afters regarding Carl'ng.: Street sewer: Messrs: S. M. Sanders, W. D. San- ers and ",C. H. ;Sanders of the Exeter arming Company, and interested in e property through ivhich the oro-- osed drain was to the. constlrudted ere preset and discussed Wirth the Ounce, the ,differe'n't sautes as pro- coed If was- agreed to adopt: the erigina�l an. as outlined; , namely, by William' reet to Albert, then west "to Car- ing and along Carlring ,Street to Gid - v Street -On motion of Elleringtou d Francis. -Carried. Adjournment Jos. Senior, Clerk. The Oddfellows block at Mitchell; has been,sold to Mr. Win. H. Holfieh. The building was built many years ago by the Mitchell Oddfellows but was never free from incumbrances. Johnnie,` the little" year and a half oId son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mal- colm; Hibbert, met with a very pain- ful and severe accidents when he fell and almost bit his tongue id two. Dr. Smith was called and had to put `some- stitches in to close the wound: Ben., Marr, Of concession 2, McGil- livray,.is suffering from several trac tured ribs, numerous'lbruises and sev- ere shock, as the result of a fall,at Geo',. Cunningham's threshing. Mr,. IVIarr was climbing into the mow when a scaffold pole slipped, letting flim fall on the threshing machine, which was in :motion at the time. Tke,'1Vlusical Eckardt Company -01. bell rizfrers is billed to appear at the;. Opera 11ouse on. Tuesday evening, Nov 7 le This Company has been en-; tertan11Lg the public for a quarter of a centuiy. T. Eckardt, (daddy of the organization) ' is still personally fat' chargc of the Company and al- though ax old man takes an active part in till performance. It is many. years siiicr the Eckardts 1e '1 visited Exeter, bu, a few of the old timers remember Item and speak very highx ly of their entertainment. BORN NICHOLS az Fullarton, on Oct. 23,' to Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Nichols, a `daughter, CIIALYIERS Its Hibbert, on Oct. 9, to Mr: and, Mrs, W. J. Chia1mers, a, son. DIED AXI{EN'S--In Hibbert, on Oete.121st, James Alexander Aikens, aged' 84 years, 9 meiitlis and G days. Dome Theatre, Exeter To -Night (Wednesday) Margaret Clarke in "SCRAMBLED WIVES" and CUNERVILLE Comedy.' FRIDAY AN 1JSA.TURDAY:: Pauline Frederick. i11'•' "THE STING OF THE LASH" 13uster Bro vii Comedy "TILE HAUNTED :1013512"',,, TIIANNSGIV'IT7 M0NDriY AND T'CIJOSDAY Cha,ilie 'Clialpin in "SHOULDER ARMS Nov.'1.0th chid 11.th, Lessue I-In.yL,1 awe in "Tile Vermillion Penc ' Comedy -Chaplin Comedy "In Perla, Coming-- "Reported 111,- hag" 11 -in.g" featuring' Owen. Moore. • ' LOCALS Miss Ida Link, of 13i•zlntfoz'd, visit- ed Iter sister,' Mrs, 1+ 13awden, one. day last week. A large thirstier front Exeter were at Crediton on Thursday evening of last week attending a fowl supper provided:` by the Methodist church. The auction sale of cattle at Robt. Johnston's near Woodham, advertis- ed for Oct. 3Otie, has been postponed until Nov. 8th, on account of the cat- tle att1e not having arrived from the West.. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Beolcer and children, of. New Haxn-burg, motored up and spent the week -end with l)r. incl 141is. J. 1V. I3roivniing, Mr. Becker returning on: Monday, Mrs. Becker remaining for a few days. The Hydro Officers being moved into the building they recently pur- chased from "Mr. P. Frayno, Mr. W. Sims has rented the building vacated by the ;Hydro Commission and ie moving the express office there. Mr, John P reszcator;, of Stephen;' is moving to town this week into the residence he recently purchased` from� tli.e Misses"Merrill. The Misses Meta i 11 have moved` into the house on Laughall street vacated by Mr. C. C: Pilon. The Huron Choral Society were at Soaforth on Friday evening last plat- ting on hlandel's "Messiah." The: Society were well received, there be- ing a large turnout. The Seaford' ladies afterwards . served refresh- ments. Miss Beatrice Howey, who recently underwent an operation for ,appendi- citis at Victoria Hospital, London returned hone on Thursday last. Miss Howey has not been progressing as• rapidly as her friends would like to see. NEEDLE ENTERS I3A;GK OF • EXETER TEACHER a., Miss Taylor, teacher in. the Exeter Public School, had the ,misfortune to to have a needle run into her back while' visiting at her home near Loadou , on Tuesday of last week. Mks Taylor went to the. hospital 'sere an :X-ray was taken. and the needle located. On performing an operation the needle could not he found •eA.. second.attenipt was made. without results. Miss Reda Rowe is supplying for Miss Taylor during her absence. f DIED JN CALGARY FROM ACCIDEIgT Rev. Geo. H. Cobbledick, pastor of St. Paul's Methodist $church at Hill- hurst, Alta., died October 25th, front injuries received at Calgary when the automobile he was driving stalled:on the street car tracks and was carried 80 feet on the fender of a street car. Mr. Cobbledick was a former 'resident, of Exeter. Me was born in McGillivray township 60 years ago and received his early ed- ucation. in Exeter. Me graduated from Toronto University in 1885. His first pastorate was a small 'mull - try church. Later he held pastor- ates at Guelph, Brussels, Glencoe, Chatham and Woodstock in Ontario. He spent a term in Quebec City, from which place he went to Lethbridge, then to Edmonton and from Edmon- ton to St. Paul's Church, Hillhurst. Mr.• Cobbledick is survived by a wid- ow and three children. A FORMER BOY ]3ACR TO EXETER His many friends were glad to wel- come Prof. Leslie Hearts, of Hamil- ton, back for the week -end. Owing absence of Prof. Anderton, organist of James St:, who was presiding at an organ in London, the .Committee secured the services of Mr. Hearts. Mr. Hearts is the organist in Emerald street Methodist church, Hamilton, and has a large class in vocal and in- strumental music in the city. The. rapt attention and many appreciative remarks' are a testimony of his suc- cess as organist. In the Sabbath School Mr. Hearts gave evidence o€ his ability as a Leader in song, to call out the voices in young and old too tlheir last efforts 'We aitb glad to see Mr. Hearts and say "Colne again." 'I'FFE LATE IVIRS. BISSETT -. In last week's issue The Times re- ferred to the death of Airs 'rhos, Bis- sett, of Marlette. The following obit- uary was taken front a Marlette Palter: "Mrs. Ann le, Bissett died at her. Thome oil bast Marlette street Tlzursda;S; 110011, Oct. 19th, aged 73 years. Wednesday evening she com- plained of,it severe pain in her head and she gradually-keptsnking till. death came. She lca.ves to mourn her loss two daugpters, Mts. 19yron Elson, of T+loricla.and Mrs. Wm. R. Brown, of East Marlette. She is also servived by one brother, 'John Stmp sons of London, Ont., and one sister,' Airs. 11u113forcl, of Marlette., The deneased was born in Londo'2, (nt. S11e moved to 7"13rletto in the 11 tr,: . a1.8,; The i'n+i-'•al ins held rem ''hc‘ home and from t1'- M. i . `\i,mdfly af,:erni)on, the Mrs. W. 1, Complin received for 1VIr, and Mrs. P. the firs t tints apse coming to Ia:teter Wai't'ers were 111 1 '''l' ' S 1eilzt ,altitclr at her bolts on Albert street, on Mrs. W. F; May, who has been E+1 Thursday of last weeelc, Little Miss ing iai tawn acea1upaiziecI tben,l 1'61 Izoziie, A. 11iay and Marjorie Coznplin attended' the door and the guests ,,were,. introduced to Mrs- •}oni ' plan and list iuother, Mrs. DeCou, of Strathroy, who '- received with Iter, by Mrs.. 1+, A. Cliapman, They, Were th,erz ushered in to the tea- room by .Mrs. -1". A. - May, tea being served by Mrs. Calvert, of Strathroy, and a. clanzty luncheons wad .served byl Miss (111enclelin DeCau and Miss Jean SI>eciai f.or Saturday, Ircrza.<r Calvert, also of Strathroy. ! Store will be closed; all day Monday; a@@'til@199@@it6tiPEii@@ttttt9t96ttttttf@9ttttt9t9t8@ttttttlEta I9� �It@tt-9,.@@@tttt@tdt@tttt@@tttttt@tt@@CIo tb '1 3 P�Z T4Nk. 0 Betts Bak Try a, loaf of our Butler Bread. You -will like it. 36 y Jrus2 Tuesday, .,()v. 7th `e l-lal ti ti .I:.t• fp a .l:,i.4-i'a,.Li'i..; ge a. false U lL EK,RD ell Ringers �.; , ..I.s�.I.q» i..I..r..g••t'�i-�i :•q •i.•r�?--0••'r•1•�:1••fi'� With n h a talented company variety' Entertainers Any Seat 55c. Children 25c, Tax Included `@tt@tt@@@!:t@tt@ttttt6tti@9tlltt@@t@@@tlBtttl99tlat@[t@tttt9ltitltftttll9ttttit@tt@tttttllitHt �@ta9 lited Wanted all kinds of Apples for evaporating at the Exeter Evaporra- 4ples will be received any time and lint;$, end of season. HIGHEST CAS,I PRICE PAID D, CLAPP. MANAGER. Women Help Wanted. PHONE 9 S atisfaction - , ervice ou Can Aa; ounce With confidence if the roast carne from this market. For, properly cooked, there is no finer meat to be had than the kin& we sell exclusive- ly. Tender, sweet and juicy, it both stimulates and satisfies the appetites Yet this choice meat will cost you no more than you pay now• River's Meat Market AREgg WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE. 111I1t11111111111111111111111111111111111111111119111110111111I11111111111I11111111itill> .101.0111 11 't 1CiiiYour e OF COURSE, YOU DON'T MEAN TO DO SO, BUT DID YOU EVER REFLECT THAT SHE GIVES MORE THAN BALE OF I-I.ER TIME TO M.AICING y OUR I-I01E BEAUTIFUL.'AND COMFORTABLE, TO I1EE1'-' ING YOUR CLOTHES. NEAT ANI) TIDY, TO COOKING, ?a0ILING AND: BAKING TI -LOSE " WHOLESOME • AND DELICIOUS FOODS THAT . I'IAV +7 ENABLED YOU' TO GO ON WORKING, EARNING AND SLEEPING IN PEACE AND CONTENTMENT. NOW, DO YOUR•PA.IIT. MAKE IT E,A.SY roll,, 1-n2t BY TAKING HOME SOME OF OUR 1V12STERN 1VIIEAT FLOUR. TII.t.1S WILL YOUR 1)AYS 13E SPENT IN PEACE•-` • AND CONTEX1'TT5 ENT ANTI) Yu V'l. NIGHTS IN • FRESHTNG SLEEP, TIME N',T1'['.,1, RESULT. OF ,� ▪ .1-IELPING YOUR lV1F.': ANDXRI'0E INDUSTRY, arvey to f t r eese Oto its