The Exeter Times, 1922-10-26, Page 7eVed cra es's1 Dv0 kle7.1•99:11,8 sitaieu That nuety, dry, hacking, lung -wrack - tines (sough is very Nvearing °it the sys- tem. The constant 'Coughleg &Stubs he nest, keepsthe lungs ana broechial tubes in an irritated condition, tend the longer it is allowe(:1 to stick tho more serious the menace beconies, for if the cough becomes „settled am the lungs, consuir,ptlon may ensue. We li•now °fine remedy that will lee lieve stubborn coughs—coughs that 'Won't let go --like Dr. Wood's Norway 'Pine Syrup. • Mrs, Wm, G. Maxwell, R. IL, �. 2, I3edford, N. S., writes --Y Having used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup during -the (Isle' epicleinie I must say I Can- ' not praise it too highly. It brought annost instant relief after being awake for nights with a iiasty, dry, hacking cough aucl sore throat, and I was so ,oarse I could hardly speak." • There is only one Norway Pow Syrup and that ;is "Dr. 'Wood's." Be sure and get' the genuine. Price 35e and 60e a 'bottle. Put up only by The T, Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Autumn Pool, rysIteras It pays te stoics. upa bushel of dry sand in the fall befere te freez- ing weather, This sill"1 serve as :fine grit for the baby chielcs that ere batelied next spring before the ground has, thawed. ' The uee, of green feed in the winter ration net only helps to keep the birds healthy, but it seems to influeneerthe fertility of the eggs produced the 'fal- lowing spring. The most vigorous chicks seem to come from hens that have plenty of green feed in the winter, Now 'is the time to store' rnangels, cabba:ges and all the cull vegetables available for poultry': feed, At the present low priee c oats, ni:oro sprora,ted. oatg will probably be used it. I•f irexed atethee b;eonie wet and then StOlt7 t111(1 111011(1KI, they are a eenrce of danger - If you have immature pullets I think it. pays to force thern now and place us much growth and let an them as possible before lvinter weather. l'he Pul'lete that go i'fi nto winter in ne condition will naturally prove the best layers and the meet desirable breeders, Pullets that are in peer condition 'when winter beginld s are seom profiltablte, It pays to heyas permanent poultry houses firmly bolted to the stone wall, This can be done by getting eight -inch bolts in the cement and securely fills- tening them to the sills. Small colony houses can be partially protectecl by in the :laying houses this winter, driving a two-by-four post at eae I Have a Friend. Have you a friend who'd run a mile To hear yotr call co: see yau smile? Have you a 'friend who'd stand by you No matter what you'd slay or do? Have you a friend who'd gladly go With 3-ou through fields of ice and snow? I have' a friend who'd die for me At any time—on land or sea; He'd run for me, or fight, 07 swim— My Dog—My Friel:en—I'm proud of • hirn, Canada Faces Keen Competi- tion in Export Bacon Trade. . , Prices of Canadi'an bacon on the English market continue superior to those of United States product, but the Dominion Live Stock Branch calls ',attention to the fact that an agitation - es has bee -n 'started by the' agricult-ural and trad:e press across the border for a change iit the situation, a.rici for an; improvement in the supply of bacon that will bring at least .a levellir.g up Patch the leaky poultry house Toole. camel. and aPiking It t° the house This will nn:provo the condition of the Dangewatia wiadat°Yma aaara Triere pre - litter in the houses and help to Pre- b.val.fiedut than drithe past :and the small us. Inge the poultry keeper are m parbleliaar danger. Old stone piles whioh are a breed- ing place for weasels are dangerous to, the poultryinans profit. The stone is fine to 'help make the fill for the vent colds and roup, liens can stand cold weather but dampness •'vvill.,soon undermine their vigor. Isolate the first hen that shows s'igns of a :cold and it will help to,pre- Yellen site will not he forgotten and foundatiort of a laying -house. The vent other cases. Place the sick bird neglected at feeding time. ; Remove lweaaviliner anbeoplednitngPa'ilttiwailliyiehunthfienthtoent the mucous from the nostrils and ub can be the swollen part of the head with on a stoneboat. This rdragged las a lump near the eye it seems vastelin,e, when a hen stone over the l ,saves the heavy work of dumping wal. and the possible camphorated darn largely due to the clogging of the Here of the 'A ehis. agollodpt' afor nests that nostril because of the cold. Prompt men be used where the uprights are attention is necesloss of the bird. Build the section sarY to avoid the not in the way. 'without tacks to the nests. The side The full dry nta.sth hopper in the -wall furnishes thetbacks. Then hinge laying house takes a lot of worry out the section to the wall. By raising of poultry management in stormy the nests toward you, all of the old weather. Then you know that the litter can be drummed out at the back-. hens will be properly fed for health This saves time in cleaning- nests and egg production even if they can- when new nesting material is needed. not use the range. Hens do not gorge • Sunflower seed contain a 1:ot of in - on mash to the 'exellisio:n of other digestible fibre and are not in a ,class feeds. It looks expensive to keep feed with COT11 and wheat for poultry feed. before them at all times. Experience I 13eliev,e it pays to feed the sunflowers pro-ves that it is the most economical in' the fall when the hens are moulting method. It is not just the cost of and the pullets need a little extra fat feed but the difference between the and a little' gloss on their feathers, production costs and the returns that The heads can be thrown on the determines the profits. ground on the range and the hen's will The farmer with a small flock can soon thresli-then out nless there is "ball" may be placed diagonally on the often use commercial mash to good a very large surplus of sunflower seed. skeet.. A la, -ge fan has the letters advantage. Otherraise part of the I believe it is best to stave work and A, B, 0 on it. The letters may be cut from printed matter, or from black paper. An Irlsih peasant costume requires a short woolen skirt, striped law bodice, white neckerchief and apron, gray stockings, high -heeled shoes ancl a handkerchief tied ,orver-the heaps.' It le quite nicest a.ral may af prices paid for exportations from this country. `On!' September 23 the quotations cabled to the Branch as prevalent in the British market far, Canadian lean bacon were 130 'be 140 shillings per long hundredweight and p8 to 108 shillings for United States. Irish and Danish bacon were about on .a :par at 151 to 156 shillings, which shows a decline by the -former. In its note, on the 'situation, with par- ticular reference to the press agita- tion in the UhRed States, the Domin- ion Live 'Stock Branch remarks that having :been. satisfied up to the present with supplying the British market with a cheaper pro,cluct than that sup - Plied by any Othesr country, our neigh- ,bors*now propose that quality as well as, quantity shall be given practical attention. It would seem that the policy suggested for adoption is identical in 'broad oueline with that underlying the offieial hog -grading scheme of the Deroirrion Department of Agriculture, which prompts the remark in the 13ranch report that "quality competition the keenest degree will mark the trend of trade with 13ritain from now on," To remove Paint from window- panes, the laest thing ever is an old -Safety raz,or blade. I have tested this idea:—E. C. Had Constipation For Six Months Was Relieved By o Cao, R. it, No. 4, St. ehae boon triotoittca,riaiesy„,010;yatx.r,tulevillit:leit:1-1--:a`yI nerves. I 'would have bucli bad pains in my heart, at tirneti, I woidd bo almost, afraid to move Vroatb,e, and. at night X eoula not, sloop. znyl• flleT:e6pIevioriuShInbeinayo werehboaanacouldgoxnkoet, Ile still and would ouly get a little seep byMbyeinst‘wtnarett °-ull'atfi also 'very bad and I could eat but very Little, and then only certain things or I would have so much dletrees whieh always xnado my heart worse. I had been suffering for nearly two years, until one day I was telling our druggist the way I felt. I -le advised me to give Milburn 'e Heart and ITerve Pills a fair trial. I havo now taken DSO bo:', -.0s, and ain feeling much better. I am able to do my own. work, and can eat anything I wish. I cannot praise Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills too highly.", Price 50e a bon at all dealers or mailed direet on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, THE MASQUERADE PARTY ebody'e, .,( a'aVerYMin C)C Weil Wide hibitIon stand; hi rront of a doe's- and watch i,-, .. filo long hand creep stemay from J.A,'Eftl,t.eov..1„snent5 e1rat1tasth V minute to minute: lilvery time ,,it 0 any peOple—PrOV. 14: . iPfASSn'Soj'etniS etir1111.1.ealtiti7s. bal;kok, eslaTput*tr;e1,17:1; , Lesson Sating—The chapter in city, 'bringhlg' the beat on 4: eveFy- . . . Isaiah whieh wo otu.dy to -day Prom thing. The earth will respond to Coo somebody's dlettrly-loved home tie e: y ed . i . ("It', ••.„ the standpoint of temperance is 'bound ltdaven,,u A people free from t) -.,e. destroyed or some chi. is n:eng ter very closely to tale preceding -ehaipter. buraen. of sorrow will be 4 psopto free riMy burned," Then add, "It :could Both dela with tim return from cap- for work. In.ts-n-ipeiranc,o is one of have been prevented." ItivitY: Chapter 60 showe the eNterwul the grestos:t of &sort produll4 Watch that eloctlt hand ism /nit:mitesgreatness and glory of Jerusalem fm.cos. Tonperanco is a great 'mild - or more. e.aniether ereeenesao.taoro 1 when the Gentiles shall some to 1107 lug force. _ „somebody's Iran leeee,s ome boy or , light 0 ncl Itting'e to the brightness (q: II. Israel's Mission te the Vit°114, o-, sltior.tiaall:P77-1‘1'CIS:Inga.ntepot hheers°°::—..Pl'el,‘::::11:::s1':Ineitl'e,l'eacPeto°T1)Yie' III' liTsPP:111:ilgrxill'lupin::airnIO:ga*ran:rr:IlhiwaGI'lp;cliteser:fribmi'ffiei7dliet'elQ'd°11'ialsb6yo'‘:±11)0:11ji:I.PetrsilLlie-,' vtio);:11:e';'-an's,'Cyotal°°-nae°'+r11171'6d,s't.shbleSTIL8‘t$rhroblial:i'ind':GP.gli eairsililiss:ibli°":14:11's'11,1e.r.ifol°11et;l'Ilo'lx.f:t.441):1'1'tti:Lti with dozens of haacts thrown out of .salem, It lays before un the piritual - " v ' - ' ' - " - " e aln c That is the way it :goes, minute by, In Luke 4: 17 we read how Jesus ("eine .pa-rt-in;rs in' the ',$),,Ies;in,,,,,,,, but lyneian.11%te,Invihtgeillit aybounidavoya,ktelarounpghionut ti.hbee1 • onentderrleadthfreonisYtnhaegsozige'ruielptuartesNtahxolerthst• ttilii: ,oPhroe;eelniai4.117;nenceoyt.1foltildise'yirilregel,riattv-,vo 'Ai.: verse of Teas, Chapter 61, and begen to te he aeillingly recognized, ri , aro morning, you may be sure filet there 8 v lento them, This day is this prieete and neeenne ef Geri; win be hundreds of fires before night;' a - Scripture • fulfilled in your ears." The , A f W""111311 You go to ts'llee'P at 1,1ight. it 15 t Old Testament prophet testifies coil v* 7' Fa'r Yatir shame Ye. shall "1'° PrettY certain that -before morning the New Testament Messiah, ' d°1111'1°' Nat anlY Pre-enimellise' b"t 1.9. Go * a r „ Here are some suggestions for masqnrade costumes for the All Hal - low's Eve party: Spanish girl, ankle -length (red or yellow), flowered shawl draped over one shoulder and arou.ncl hips; white waist, with elbow sleeves; black slip- pers with red satin pasted! over heels, and red silk stocking's. Wear hair dressed high with a wide fancy comb, and arrartge a red rose to droop over one ear. •v" A tipsy- wears a very full skirt of gaily figured material, white blouse and soft sash of red wound around- the waist. The hair is parted in the micle 'die and worn in two braids, with a gay handkerchief wound over the head and tied under the hrarid,s in the back. Innurnerable strings of gold and coral beads are worn. The stockings should be white, the slippers black. The alphabet costume is odd. A plain white dress can be used as a foundation and a border of lette,rs sewed or pasted to the bottom of the skirt. Such wards as "cat," "dog" and MILBURH'S LAXW-L1VER PILLS A free motion of the bowels daily should be the rule of everyone, 'then there will be, no constipation, sick or bilious spells, heartbure, foul breath, sour stomach, etc. Ailburn's Le:ea-Liven Pills will lop - late the flow of bile to act properly on the bowels, thus maiden theta active mid. regular, removing the constipation and. all its' allied troubles. Mrs, R. C. Hunt, Port George, N. S., writes:—"I have boon troubled by be- ing constipated fax the last six months,. My topple has been terribly coated, so much so that it made my breath bad. I was talking to a friend about it, aed she advised mo to tisteMilbure's Lama - Liver which i now I am perfectly well, My tongue is as smooth as it was before I got that way, and I owe it all tO your Pills, of •which only used two vials," Price 255 it vial at all dealers, or mailed dilead, oe receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., :Tsimited, Toronto, Ont. ingredients of the mash. Than it pays to buy other necessary materials and make the mixtures at home You know let the birds :consume all the seed in the fall. If ,sunflower seed 19's -boxed for winter use the heals' inust he what is in the home -mixed mash ancl I gathered before the wild birds attack think that home-grown grains can be them. Hang the heads where they sold quite profitably in the form at will dry thoroughly or shell out the eggs if you have the right kind of seed and spread it out in very shallow eggamaldrig machines. there will be hundreds: of fires some -11. The Servant's lYlas• elan tars:noel, 1-1. rseu°.Weirni113,ensef -16-t11: all letiltelle'5irePrTswtoalbida where in North America., If some l V. 1, ,iei $. . . . 'g ,a • ' minutes go by without a fire, others upon ate. ITehePeleriseto°1 ,tshaerLee •trhdoGw9oardlas a y'cli°.118h,leg,°11sealnyego'rd, awe judgment, I may have two or three, for there are of the servant of the Lord spoken. of hate robbery for burnt offering. God 1,440 minutes in the twenty-four by Isaiah, chapter 58, The picture f dem ruis '7 ere 7't .n. ,Th ,scl irp for 11 o a fan ri. y i s i. i , ,. s houra, and each dee ha e an average' the servant is realized in Christ. The sees how even deeteit teed Injustice o:i morrow, There will :will:Id:1n vble:5001n10,5:50fis i 0 ,0010.eurns:d'eeartryhell eafisf itirs' ..r..t1 et 0 _ew- 1[1' )ree9:117e.ezglipip: a!larbeflatilsine:111:01Infhl5drs ealtben.75,1,„drei es ,tesfilPiaetihri sipit:GhPfoltrse.eGetan°rce'ciidis_t: li Ifninuleal'v'fyi V fil 1 11:1°1 aar' els li, irl:"}rt:i-Seill' rati;l:Pa21. runseedibr°11.1-Ini el.:1:21.) altale„.„.:nftther,ieetlxiittfl:1:41.1111111d::rl' morrow, ariother t this compelling motive: leeks 'the i hi prom' I coven, t more and sometimes a few less, but its real end. Service must be the lift 1 amen* g -tier- G!entiles. t'Thilaien fl°dellit-y)011 averaging pretty close to 1,500 for; of God and the lift to God. Anointed I God to his everlasting -covenant eholl each daY• Think of RI These fines me. As pi•iests were set apart to their ;net only be experienced by the Israel - h aven't :yet eccurrecleand they wouldn't: sacred office by anointing with ail, SO ites, but it shall be manifest to the (:„Leclays, in comparison to formes' relluTorla„:1 iPhfeo:mwtaric)lciefnIYtiau..:711QP1-1jelOCItItvebeeeetecl:31,t7leh/:60U:s_lei..litPFshoo—elottirniseklig:d•Trialtioillgf:sv.tst:ephrist:Heutzol:Pylise:S.‘vav'hptsai,ibtei,:tth'.0. t:a1Plgenree0e7wspatei. :1'co.ef'(:11frolde,it.3 rThfle-iateilThVw-gotlutpad:nrith'til"es pGe07"thillleei 1 .ef alTy'lloilliel While most of the country fires start ' caepetlicl..;e:S.fli.c.bebdo.'u Broken-hearted ed. . . t ternPer.anhe insplicaiitioe °fit:het wholof from lightning strokes, plenty of ! the servant is tolibe a -reniessPieurisslor9nseaos: i'di23111-itsalenggehelfli's:\htavtl:tf-e117:tonlianieeG:thle-eaicilorr"fbl'ae°'1111.rliii:- them magenate from defective chirn- ! vice for the needy. This involves not i gea-s of chan'nels for this founti"iin's neys, exploslintg lamps or the starting only it eaving of people from he,art-1fiosy. They are to he the agents of 01 morning fires: with kerosene. At i breaking and enslaving :conditions, but1Gocl, removipg all that prevents the alao the removal of the conditions that ' flew and • the overflow. Be careful not to feed mouldy corn inouhl if the heaps are not stirred. oce A white witch wears a Irodice and to h,ens, :Spoiled wheat is another easionally. It is too much work to cleated ,pettie,,,saa of white sateen, with cause of sickness. When cleaning out 1 save much sunflower seed for winter1 panniers over. the hips ,and. a ruff all bins it is laest to burn Oa bury any 1 use, as corn is of greater value at around the neck. A pointed cap with spoiled gratin before the poultry- finds that time. streamers at the tip is worn. A black cat en the skirt and abet on the bodice 111,.••••••• An Indictment Against Horns Deharning is a feed lot and market, requirement, says Pamphlet No, 15 of the Dominion Department of Agricul- ture, which continues: Boras are a handicap to commercial cattle. They add to the cost of preduetion and dis- count the selling value of the, animal. From the calf pen. to the bloslc horns are a bill of expense to the sroclucer and feeder. They areeof no ialue to the farmer, the butcher, or to the ex- porter. On the other hand, they are often the cause, of unthriftancSs, content and injury in feed ot and stable, causing the placing of,seconcl- class goods on the market, came seri- ous losses in killing, and, wlent all classes of live stock are pastrrecl in the one field, result in damage, and. sometimes even 'death, to young colts, sheep and lambs. In ad:ditioneievery year thousands of dollars are pst to the farmer, directly throu:gh a lick of that even temperament in the Mrd so necessary to economical prediction and an equal chance fax every anmal, and indirectly through the cut in mar- ket price levied on bruised and torn cattle. Instance.s of loss incurred are given in subs•tanstiation of this indict- ment, and economical methods of de - horning described, in the pamphlet which can be had free by applying to the PubliCations Branch of the Ot- tawa Department. In view of the economic importance al d • g DominionIn Stock Branch in co-aperation with other federal and all provincial I'ive stoek organizations, is giving Dominion - wide publicity to this project during theemonbh of Octobe-r in a concerted 1 ff t d • • 11 provinces,1to rid the ipcinstrv of horns on cammercsal cattle. You can, take' tip parsley in the fall and place it flowe'r pots in the house. This will furnish an attractive green growth fm -salads and garnish- ing throughout the winter. • ret• Green manuririg—plowing under green crops to enrich the soil—is not so new as many people think. The Roman farmers twenty centuries ago knew all about this practice, and hn proved their farms laY it, • A Real allowe'l contribute the finishing touches. Boys would like to dress as Captain Kidd in ragged short trousers and . . day win be Inevitable, It is coining White skirt with frayed sleeves. A red1shingle Pan -it, moile eePee a t'.. - i 1 - , n resiored ta rn s fa or a ote v re te become to fon sash is wound. around the waista a coating of mineral pigment over the e, rester'ir,Igh.l)en_ oPeljeetes A st'eseietY, rigbt- with that coning of the Lord :which , red handkerchief is tied. around the sihingle„ The ing,redients used in this 'Y organizen vn" be a pitvuunctiVe Sa-Iniales all things new. head; a dirk stuck in one of tee wide'roof paint are selected to reduce pos- boots completes the costume. Isibility of ignition to a minimum. The sparks falling upon the roof naturally -- 1 An Arab requires baggy troasers made of red cotton, fasten tightly around the ankle, a white shirt, red velvet bolero jacket, red sash, Turkish snippets and a red fez (hat). A boy who ean take the part could dress as a "flapper," using any girl's costume which fits him. Goloshes worn wide open, silk :stockings, gay sports skirt, sweater and: hat will do. With a wig af bobbed hair and con- siderable "make-up" it -would 'be cliffs - Boys' Club Secures Top lliit to identify him, s any rate, no matter -where the fatal • , • :teas esti - le- 111 an enslaaemen . spark starts, the hazard is always , • , ." 'Ieh.s means that people must Some - present' anti, withelit the protection times be saved frorn themselves. bat it the e:hances fax "total loss" aro, boo:nue intemperance not only brings news of deliverance from a :foreign est"efl'Isthcielanllit-oeprhfeTtosnpli.°-oncelfirnf sthteh'egrgebaetsi of organized fire departments to coen-I world-wide prohibit:eon is advocated heavy. , 'about sacral oar:datums that are heart- yoke. The days is coming says be in How oan farmers protect their breaking, and soul destroying, but effeet, 'when. your ceptiviLy shall be premises from fire daniagee This isnuthas men an'd women helplesa slaves. turned, when, your people, instead of an 0...important efeeetioe. '"We must change the character of !being the Slaves of others, Shall have Lightning can be watsied off by al conditions by changing the conditions !their start in the ascendant, s.vleveri ins a rodie, The of veharacter. ' ,. . letea,d of ,sittieg in the dust with ashes properly installed system ces ef rodding ems in many eeses ee• a, 2, To nrociann the acceptable upon their had 't offset by lower insurance rates. , year, of the Lord;, -the f th year o_ e s, they shall ride on 'Lord s favor to Zion, Ift1°-'ile.itu'rnb:16•o,wilsee. k_ Twlall.S1 a511.TgealFaVn,rd-0111,Clbolhate front bilincling-s. An eiectrie lighting I noe'et'13;,' i To appoint unto them thatigreeted as a tolitical gosnel. Gagaline cans must 'be kept away : v r system properly installed in farm, for ashes; a crest or adornment of the! gogue as a young man of •thirty-two to offer or provide. Beatityl Our Lard standing' IV in the syna- buildings eliminates much clanger head, denoting joy instead of ashes! and referring to the still greater de - from lamps and lanterns carelessly .s-prinklecl on the head as a sign of "liverance which be p.roposed to achle.ve handled, • 'irsournin:g. That They might be called' for inartkinde in:ekes a bold apprepria- A go.o,d supply of water lin`d,,,,,r pres,. trees of righteousness. God's people,Ition of tail.? chapter. This day, said he, sure is an ,adnetional eaeegesed to under Goes; blessing. are to :become is this scripture ittifilledt on '*'0117 fla.*S.. rural homes. A feW chemical fire ex-• like to a great, fieurieling forest of Fax this the raters of the 'synagogue tinguishers placed C11 1100h' ill con- A ref- had: him thrust out of the •city, but a (3:rekris•:':eiit'sotesaudeliofchibalalecie-srlatsre2e8s,will give Christian posterity took him into its venient places mar be the means of , us very clearly the prophetic attitude heart and t,estified and still' testifies, stopp•ing a bad blaze. to intemperance as a barrier in the "Thou 0 Christ are all we want." Smokers must be exceedingly way to all, spiritual progress for the,' For many years past another tyrant vratehful. Careful fanners would hu man soul • and to all programs of leas reigned—King erleobol. To a great hardly tolerate smoking :around barns, ted•Tiee that seek 't° lift hardeir-4,a114 manY men, wesk oral strong, he bas any-a,ay, and good ' boils ew 'LT es 'bar thelwie/a,e, eiv',.-•ay';tea• I's' ' --: . .' h ''1.676'sis sayingi, as did. tile •infaPausaGe-ar pipe and cigar usees to the back steps wastes! Trihhee,yrrissttsiaolnl 013cuttidhe i.seervaona. 'zsleeril-iantocithe brave inhabebaresseat-raesses where the clanger is • reduced'. "Bow down ye slaves bow , of the Lord is to be mare than cons' down." Of late many prophets, peer - A large pad of the clanger of fall-, aolation. It is to be a mission of ing into the future, have affirmed that ing sparks. Cart be eliminated, by paints' resonation. The desolating effect of they saw this Sataneleke lightning fall ing• the rooT with. a fire-retards:it t the Exile is to disappear. The people from heaven. World pronibitiorn one Application. Write the invitations on , yelaw, ing Through the Rye," "Pop Goes the correspondence cards, pasting a J.elc- Weasel," "Money Musk," and "Turkey , o' -lantern stic,ker in the upper hfts, in.. the Straw." A spellirfgebee, an hand :corner. Use the fellowne apple-parin,g contest and a cornrhusk-' • rhyme: ing bee might be included. , "Goblins and ghosts will :frolic, )11 An old-fashioned way of reading the • future will cause amusement. A space Ttiis stiagtheli. in' my house at half -part is cleared end a heap of corn is thrown eight. ' -,--i, upon the floor. Each maiden wlio Covesr your eyes if you mind gltost- wishes to learn l'ier fate hides a trill- sliglyta, a , , ket, in the corn. A chicken is then Best chanes it'ato ellooee Yee ,a mate!, admitted artd :allowed to partake of Put the date in the lower left -hank the earn. The owner oftb,e first, copier) your name and address in tbi trinket to be uncovered will beeome lower' right-hand :corner. Seal tle, the first bridle, envelopes witheblack cab stickers. • The refreshment tehle earl be made Decorate with cornsetalke, pureps.rantastie by 'means of squashes and kin Jack-o'-tlanterris and :black cats,small pumpkins, hollowed otit and bats and witches which "c:arn lie cut used as reeeptaeles for nuts. For the from crepe paper. Candles stuck in contrePie'cos havean e'lletnlene Puffin - so . 1 • ' have, black oat gliadeskin filled with fruits. tittle gnomes ' 'Should bhe gUests dress in costume, ind brownies, can be made of potatoes, begin the party with a grand maicli, :at -coots and :peppers. • the masqueraders forming in pairsel Serve ham sandwiches, potato sa I ad, and nsarohing to the music of a cliricIt n::ingel* eoolcies, dougliteuts, pop -corm march. Most of 'the fun and enter- ! eantrt brittle, apples and cider, iise tainment ou,glet ter be :forthcoeting:iape7 pixlen ansi nabiohia, shisomating from the eaters and enlace of the! le plate::: with ettielcers in the shape masquerades, A talking -machine can1:, eats and witches, Napkins having !he depended upon to fereisb the maces -Ili -1i table designs upon them can be snity musie, Play stinging eild Musical Pechaeed, end fortune stickers can. bo 1 ,:eines, usirg such old till) es a 8 "Cern- Vc,f11S t 1 n t 0 tll 0 S 11 Ild NVIelle . * 1 then die out as they do not come in pea rTh,, contact with any wood with which to 'If tt,,a g02E4'hMA-i= ignite and there is little danger of the • structure burning down. This paint Overland Eg:oto ,Car Fully Eqllopped For should :be used very freely, especially the first time it is applied, in order to fill up all crevices and completely :cover all exposed . pants of every shingle. , Domino costumes can be depended upon to disguise, and are worn by both girls and boys. They can be made of cambric or sateen, in one or in two colors, or of plain and figered ma- terial. , When husking corn save a good supply of shucks to mulchyour to- matoes next 'summer 'after you have laid them by. This mulch keep the fult-off the ground so it cloes not rot, lreeps down weeds, anil holds the moisture. A SURE SE OF . KIDNEY 'TLE When the bask aehes, or becomes weak, it is a warning that the kidneys have bo'corne affeetbd arid shoulul be looked after at. once. , Prices for Hogs. I The weekly market reports issued by the Dominion Live Stock Branch invariably contain something worthy of note outside a record of blie ordi- nary market fluctuations and move-, merits. The report, for instance, from Montreal for September 28' notes the sale of a load of hogs to a! packer from a boys' swine club at; , $12.40, wl-rich is forty cents ,above the average price paid fax selects in the': snine in:arket that week, and only ten: cents below the top price. Such a , result is surely an encouragerneet to other hays' swine clubs. Another teatime of -the report fax the week referred to is a comment: upon the effect the new tariff of the! United States is likely to have upon:, the lamb neark,et. This tariff -calls for , a duty of two dollars per head on lambs and sheep, 4 cents a pouncl on, dressed lamb and 21/2 cents a pound; on dressed sheep. The carreinsioni arrived at by the trade, according to the Branch is that, owing to the short- age of lamb supplies in the United States, 'prices in that .rnarket will be so stimulated by the tariff that it will still pay to ship there from Canada. Another suggestion is ehtast, owing to favorable conditions of pasture, lambs can well he held fax fortlene finish and, in many casess held pver for the early w'inter markt A little oil in time on proper pioses will prevent, future tong facee, In Doan's Kidney Pills you will find a remedy that will go night to the seat of the trouble, do away with the weak, aching baele and prevent any and all, kinds of 8011011e kidney- trouble. Mr, P. N. naillod, Goodie/ids, Man., writes s.—(Ilron theee sears I had trouble with ray kidneys, ±0 feet, my epee eesed, ep fatoili 1 estuld„ aet sleeP at nigitb triecl eiverytlebig Iniagia- * eiile until a friend, advised mo to take Doctit's Kiduey rills. I -used cill?0 1001Ces analt have pevor,hoee troubled since.'' Doan's Kidney ring are 50e a box at all dealers 01' 111R,iled aet ireon he , receipt prieo by TMilburn Co., 'Limit- TO1'011te1 Ontk See ant Ott trade mark a "Sisla,plo Loaf" appears 011 the boa-. . To clarify oid:er, use a. (Teem sepal -- atom It will elog up` after a while, bet by cleaning it get "rrem bitun t time, at very clear product can be ob- tained. TOURING Now $785 ROADSTER Now $785 SEDAN COUPE Now $1295 Now $1095 Freight from Toronto and Taxes Extra. 13..se Coupon 13eiow Wins's-Overland- Limited Toronto, Canada poetpald, your leteet Catalogue to Without obligation on „Me, i)lcase eend, 11 POST OFFICt .1 R. No,.. •