The Exeter Times, 1922-10-26, Page 3) ta 'PA aceut's Defy late Help Others." • What has aeon done can be done again. " Ilere are somo . boiled -down gleanings front ,reports of actual I3oy Seout accomplishments. They are typical of the thousffials of, "Good Turns" which laoy Scouts are doling every day in the year in compliance with their Scout Law --"A SCOLICS Duty as to be 'Useful and to. flelp Others." "Visited ether troops and entertain- • ed.. some at our ,Eleadguarters. , Sold Christmas Seals tor Tuberculosis Ciampaiga Fund. Opened no road' filled with snow bank. Pulled out Several autoinobiles. First' aid render- ed to old gen,tlem,an who fell dbwn stairwaa. Helped organize new Scott troops"• "i-telpecit duriag the 300th annivel fiery celebra ten. Patiollod. the lfii of march. ainiriug the parades and stoo ready to do Vast aid work if noces sary." 'oaacepted respensibility for lookin MIA TROUBLES COME THE BLOOD If Kept- Rick and. Red Good Health Will,he Yours. • Nearly all the (amnion diseases ate caused by bad blood, weak, watery blood poisonecl ans' impurities. Bad blood is the cause of aeadachee and backaches, lumbago, aid rhouanatisin. tlebility and ifidigestion, neuralgia, sciatica anil other nerva traubles. It is had blood that caus'es (11811g1iring akin disease* liken eczema, and salt rheum, pimples!•and 'eruptions. The severit.y of the trouble indicates how impure the. lood is, and it goes al- ways from 1)5(1-to11.-01'S 0 11111,eSS steps, are promptly taken to enrich. and mart ify the blood. ;There is no use trying a different medicare, far each trouble, far they all (Some., through the one cause--ebad blOod. In conditions of this kind Dr. Pink Pills have t beem,found vary beneficial, as theY have a direct actionon the bloods en- riching and pulifyiai. it. That is why ` e this Inedualle at so oaten asiecess al, - d• after other reilleclies have failed— they reach the root of the trouble in tae blood. Mr. Albert S. Giffin; Mount a" Pleasant, P.E:I., fells what these pills after open-air skating rink provide by public-spirited Citizens for th young people of the tosva." "Helped at various con-yentions d aid for him. He say: --"Some months e ago I was in a badly aunalbwis con- dition. My based was peor. I lied no Clean Up Week, Fall Fair. Cleared underbrush out of, large area of town park, Attend daily to raising and lowering of flag on pole outsid,e town hall." ralelped at Parish House Fair. Sold tickets, helped at booth and cloak room, ran errands. Helped get Com- munity Christmas tree. Gave demon strati= of first aid and bandaging be- fore village firemen." - "Helped in removing snow. 'When the flood came last spring laid planke across bad places for the people ,to walk on. Stopped' a runaway horse. Helped in Mita aceid,ent." "Assisted the' church in distribution appetite andrny, work left me com- pletely th•ed ,out. lafell off in weight, w asaltogether in a miserable condi- tion, I was taking medicine, but it was not doing me any good. At this stage a friend who had used Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills with beneficial re. suite', advisedme to'take then'', and acting on his advice I did so. The' re- - suit: can be summed .up in a few * bras: I took the pills for a little more than a month, when I can honest- ly say I never felt better in my life. ,1 can mow'eat a hearty meal, do my work with comparative ease, and have gained in weight. I advise weak, run- down peoPle to give these pais a fair • trial." of 'advertising matter. Held a "Father and Son Banquet" to whach a inajority of the fathers came and all the' boys." "Visited sick -boys and sent each some little token, eatable, and other- wise. Acted as leader* in many ways at school." ' "Guides and ushers at entertain- ments, religious services and conven- tions held in church. Contributed to church work and missione." "Made contribution to Provincial Council to aid it in oxntending the belies fits of Scouting to boys in towns with- out Scout troops. Took flowers to hos- pital, proaisions to poor. Assisted in better baby and antatubereulosis cam- paigns,"• - "Helped fire aepartnien,t locate clan- geaous conditions liable to reault in arc, Assisted in controlling traffic adfaltg parade en Ciraus Day." "Built bird houses and placed them. In trees in town park and along the streets. Collected basitets, for a sup- aormection with district Sunday School Convention." "Took lead in movement to provide proper local celebration of Dominion Day, efforts resulting in big -gest and best holiday programme in years." "Assisted as guides during Baptist Convention. Polished brass „work about church gallery several times. Assisted in decorating church for spe- cial occasions." "Saturday mornings through the winter spent helping widows and families without grown men, piling wood, splitting kindling, shovelling snow. It was clone systematically and well. Never pass any braken glass or bottles • that might injure auto tires without rein oviLg,theaame. Tr.lte care of young children on 'excursion, trips." • aVith -such evidence of practical helpfulness is it any wonder that I-tud- yard Kipling gave to the Scouts the title lie •had previously given his great boy character, Kim — "The Little' Friends of All the World?" • To Erect Memorial to Early Missionaries. The most paobable site of the mar- ,. , tyraom • of the Jesuit missionaries, Fathers Breaeuf and Lalemant, by the Iroquois in 1649 at the mission of St. Ignace situated near the present town of Midland, Sinicoe County, Ontario, has been donated by Mr. Charles E. Newton for the erection of a Dermal); ent national' memorial to commemor- , ate one of the most heroic episodes in 2..v.ty„Chnadian hiatory. 'At this time the •hftrtIvrzt...f.eqd between itte Iro- quois end Huron nations reached its climax, and a terrible visitation of the • Iroguois resulted in the practical an- nihilatain of the Huron. tribe. Urged to ilea the heroic mis,sionaries de- clared that the priest rnuifL stay with his people and amid the whoops and • yells of the arognols• they were drag- ged thfough the forest and subjected , to the. Mogi, frightful tortures, until death releffael them from their suffer= alga, t Newton, at one time reeve ofan township of Tay and for many yeaVi•`in i he serVice of the provincial , government, has slms-vn much, public apirit and historic itnerest 'in preserv- ing the site alid at lite request of the Cali action .Na tio n a 1 Parks, 'Branch has deeded over an acre and a quarter of his fares for the erectioa of a suitable nionlorial and tablet, in memory of the heroic priests. The work will shortly he taken in hand and ,the memorial will add one more to the notable his- toric shrines of Canada, "A man has no more right to go t UttaappY than, he has to go about You can get these pills 'through any medicine dealer ar by mall at 60 cents a box or six -boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, On t. nolis--Their Cause and Core. Boils come frorn ge,rin infection of the skin, usually from other boils or ulcers or discharging wounds. The germs gat into a pore of the skin and grow to form a •gathering which soon turns M' to Inattql. . The gathering stretches the skin and causes pain, The stoener a ball s taeatect the, quicker will it be cured. When a ',mil first •appeas, wash rit thoroughly with soap and water anal place a drop of carbolic •acid right On the head of the boll. Then paint the surrounding skivy, with tincture, of iodine. If this does, not atop the, boil, it sheuld be opened freely with a. sharp pen -knife, :Of which the blade has been 1Peld' for several nviriutes in boiling water. Afters -Opening the boil, pour peroxide into the opening and CQ the wouiid with 'a piece ,of clean cotton that lias been boiled in water. Keep thia cot- ton moistened with a solution made by •adding a tesaPeonful of either iberacic acid or common salt to a cup of boiled water. Change the cotton dreesing twiee a day. Don't let matter from a boil get en the suimetincling 'skin, ad 1)011 all elothi d with ma or. Ef signs of a new boll appear, paint the spot \vita iodine. • •,It is a inistake to suppose that a boil is a sign of. health or that matter from a boll contains impurities, whieh previously existed, in •the blood,. Boils usually appear in a person rtot in good health. Per this reason a person sub- 'ject to to,i1•5 sh,oudd, build' up the gen- eral health by simple living and at- tention tt..),the 'rules of 'health: -Keep the bowels well open, eat freely of vegetable -a and fruit but use -only a lattle meat. What Might Have Been. Pat was making, a -wooden pigsty, When he Missed the nail he was ham. meaing and hit his own thumb. After having it wraped up he met one of lits friends, who, naturally, ask- ed Isiah what the had' been doing.. "Sure," said, Pat, "I hit me thumb with a hammer, It's bad now, but I'd had no thumb left •at- 'an if I'd been striking -with both -Lands!" "Every great soul, of man has had its vision ancl pandered it, until the . One out of every four °hada= in passion to make the•dreata come true Ameriea one 'undernourished,. has dominated his life." - ________ Minard's Liniment for Distemper. , Float '5c/Ilullt a tall illaPleSflalxling re,ALA 1.; I= Sunrise „ . .13litzcsand aud ratuld s, the •treat A wind ewayed theni, blew eteadily AAnnad actugailln•l,yeelye(a31;dlifetdeat;„,Anat,nci•iessilicoli,:iptisdprlavyitehdrtaoitplis)oi:, eyes Spo,rlaleci, and satiating onward—a white thread --- )(Vas lost in goldmi-yellow fields. out- • spread , Under stray cloudrich-tinged with autumn dyes. Out in the fielcle strong men were gar - nering sheaves,. Singing ohl songs, clear longi of men, , deep -chested; ' And the sun sh 0-12 0, and sunbeams - came down -thronging * * I also sang, walked on and Itriew no , longing, Swielied ,a thin bough that twanged out unarrested • Amid the rustle, of windtshattered leaves. • ' --Louis Zukofsky. EALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL he T,healthy child sleeps well and during its waking hours is never cross, but always happy and laughing. It is only the sickly child that is cross and peevish. Mothers, if your ehildren, do not sleep well; if they are oross and cry a great deal,. give them Baby's Own Tablets 'and they will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowele, sweeten the stom- ach, banisa constipation, cella and in- digeation, and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free froM opiates and may be given to the new-born babe with perfect safety. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. .MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ters througb this' column. Address him at Spadina Haase, Spadina Crescent, 'los-onto. • Man's' very -existence en this eafth is threatened nby another kind of war- fare uknoto a' wn -darge -section of humanity, • This -was striltinf,,di'made plain by Dr. L. 0. Howard .in his presidential address at Toronto re- cently before. the American Associa- tion for. the Advancement of 'Science. "The insignificant insect" is inan'S greatest enemy, Dr. Howard main- tains. "They threaten his ;life daily; they shorten his food supplies, lioth iri his crops while they are growing; and ch in susupplies after' they are h,ar-, vested and atorecIt'in his clothing, in his habitatiorts, and, in countless otherways. In many respects ,they are better fitted for exis'tenee on this earth alhan he is." . Warnings lake this are 'becoming universal that man must cease war- fare on his fellow-rnen in order to preserve his existence in the struggle with nature. Ed.:health and 'poor 'physique help the insect in this struggle, so it is the manifest duty of all classes of citi- zens to improve the physical and men, tal conditioxia of the present and par- ticularly of the rising generation, so taat by observing - hygienic principles in theta daily life and' by maintaining physic,ath fitness and freedom from de- fects of, all kinds the human race may continue bo remain supreme among the living things of earth. Are we doing it? Just listen to this:— • There were 7,804`babies died last year in this province before they reacheti one year of age!' Isn't there something wrong here? • This slaugh- ter of the innocents must stop! ' Of those who survive the first criti- cal year ef -life large mintbeas have physical defects of one, kind or an- other, which •could easily be corrected' if taken • in tinte. These defects in - elude decaying teeth, diseased tonsils, adenoids, •defectitire eyesight, defective hearin•ge inalnutritien, etc. -All-or anyl Of these 'aefects tend to bring about a lowered state of heaith and prepare' the way for the development of dis- eases, which can be traced in many cases to the untreated focal infection Pat's Precaution. Pat Maloney was nailing a box which he intended sending btarail. It was essential that the box sliould not be inverted during the passage, and a friend ventured to suggest that Pat should write on the case, "This side up, with care." A few days later, seeing Pat, he naked, "heard any more about your goods? Did they get there safely?" 'Every one of them broke!" said Pat. • "The whole lot? ,Did you label". it, 'This side up,' as I told you?" "Yee, I did. And for fear they shouldn't see it on the top I put it on the bottom as well!" • Should Speak Scotch. A visitor from the United States was introduced to an old Scotsman. "From what land do'ye come?" ask- ed the Scotsman. • "The greatest in the world," replied the American. n "Pair bairn, ye've lost your accent." which with a little forethought could have been removed before irreparable damage is done. It is no longer a queation of wheth- er a country cnn affifiral public health work. What it cannat.afford is the waste• that must- inevitably result from the want of it.• • • In this cannection the old. saying -.a— again rings true: aA stitch in time Ask for and takeno other. naves nine." maaaitiaasaaa.amalia.ama•No Surrender. ,lIope for tlle nailliona, of unfortunate Men and women who lir& victims of stomach trouble is sounded by Mr, 13 13 Jones 187 Oak at Hanillton , • , , / Ont. Mrs. Jones woe a viettnr of stomach trouble In its worst form but Was doinplately restored to health, by Taniac, Shp Stays: 'Fe'thirty long year*, I had riervous Indigestion an ,stoinach trauale and a ran hardly deeeribe all the, agony I suf- fered during that time. ' It may sound unreaaanable, but Taalac corapletely restored my health and I have gained thirty-fha pounds in Weight. , tinlac Is siniply wariderful. Undigested food ferments in the stomach and ',soon the entire system is filled -with poisons. Tanlac was de- signed to restore the stomach to a healthy condition and build up the whole body,. MilIlong everywhere have acclaimed its wonderful power. Get a bottle to -day. Tarilac is sold by all good druggists. " Advt. Princes in Beggary. • The German princes, proud and wealthy relics of royalty, are in sore straits, and some of theni are making Persistent appeals for public aid. Os- car, of. Prussia and Rupert, of Bavaria, aro imploring tbe German government to penstain them as former generals of the Imperial army, while the Duke of SaxeMeiningen wants to return to well-paid auty as inspector general. As for William Hohenzollern, for- merly Kaiser, he contents himself with claiming the property belonging to him. In Berlin and the suburbs he claims fifty-three palaces, or other re- sidences, Many houses in Berlin are itiortgaged to him; he has properties all over Germaay, and his wealth is so great that the Prussian Minister of Finance, who is in charge of auditing his accounts with tile government, de- clares himself incapablo of estimating It fully. And ,the Kaiser does not pay a cent of tax on his- income. "Cascarets1" 10c Best Bowel -Laxative When Bilious, Constipated •••••••••1•••••••••••• ' .0 1,0 .11 044* To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Casca- rets. Sick headache biliousness gases, indigestion, sour, upset stomach and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physic on earth for grown-up and children. 100 a box. Taste like What Pat Wanted to Know. "P•hwat are thins buckets for on the s,hilf in the hall?" "Can't. yez read? It says on them, For Fire Only.' " • "Thin a-hy hpv they put water in MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Stith in Time. If a pieture nail gets loose in the wall, wrap it round with wadding sat- urated with glue, and. press it into the bole. With a damp rag wipe off all glue that exudes and leave to dry. -y risk: your. health? s. • •THE path of the tea. or co.fee drinker is beset with dangers .13 ' to health and comfort: These dangers lurk in the irritant, Caffeine, which is the acti 6 principle of both tea and 'coffee. For those who enjoy a' \ ell -made cup of tea_cy coffee, but find that if makes them nevous, wakeful and in-itable, there's satisfaction and freedom f om discomfort delicious Instant Tosttnn—the table beverage\ of no regrets. Its fragrant aroma and rlph, full-bodied flavor are delightful. Instant F'ostum is made fro ri roasted wheat and contains no Caffeine, nor any other harmill ingredient whatsoever. Order a tin from your Grocer TODAY! • . . "Tbere.s a Re.a.:$614!........ • A generous sample tin of Ingtent Fostutn s nI, postpaid, for 4c it: stamps. Write: Criniadlan FoStum C..erotti Cp., ltd., 45 Front Stre , E., 14 ronto. Factory: Wincism) Ontario During the =neighborly war be- tween England and France, in one sea fight H.M.S. Marlborough was engagect In a 'severe battle, and got the worst of it. The captain and seccond lieuten- ant were dangerously svaunded, the vessel was so shattered that to handle her was impossible, and the officers and crew were deep in conferencce eat° a "surrender." gne officer protested, declaring he would nail the cols to the mast and go down fighting. There were some poultry -coops on the deck, and during the figbt the coops had been broken and the poultry were roaming at their own will. At the mo- ment when the nrotest against '.sur- render" was going on, a young rooster happened to fly on the stump of the broken mast, and, having reached the top, flapped his wings, and sent -out a lusty clarion ory of "Cock -a -doodle - doe." The eallers gave a loud ana -merry cheer, and vowed there should 'be "No Surrender." A few minutes after H.M.S. Acruiton came to their help and towed the Marlborough to a place of aalety. The gallant young rooster be- came a public hero, and his "cock-a- doodle-doo? of defianee to the enamy endeared him to his country. -He re- mained with the crew. and • became their proud and happy pet—their liter- al "mascot." ana— • Smile a smile; while you amele an- otber sullies, and soon there's miles and miles of smiles. And life's worth while if You but smile,- -Jane Vienna ,e. son, The beat, busines man ien't always the one who is quickest to see through a proposition ; the (Inc -Who la the quickeet to see a propeeition through, , ISSUE No. 42,a-22, OTh Clean Child's Bowelwith "California Fig Syrup" Cri Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Flg Syrup." If the little tongue is coated., or if yoar child is listless, cross, fecterisb, full of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see Inc yoaraelf how thorough- ly it works all the constipation poison, sear :bile and. waste from the tender little bowels and gives you a well, playful child,' again. Miliaria of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy, They know a tea. almonful to -day save s a slat child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genuirie "California Pig Syrup" which has di- rections for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle, Mother! You must say "California," or you may get an imitation lig syrup. China starts exporting its 'walnut crop in Septeniber. Fisher WS Friend The Original and Only Genuine , ---,-----,,,,, ed Adv,PIrt AGZI(Saa vtrA I)vs•TR I CT rtGli1NT Spark Flogs ,wanted. ,t 1 c r, c car, truck, er trttoter; reptaee fecliys: sell ono dollar. Write for p lit:niers 330(1 3(4 00., 90 Ma4tia rad i Toronto. , fllattf-CLASS S.A.GESMEN EARN big money by selliug ''..ButtertIr `I.Int0,0 non -boiling Mnue dyes, Ot:ta,) store's on stra.igTht hag),Ala nutterfly Tinting 00., Mitmeapalis, , --Pit t VAT 0 0/ '2tt , Ing cards., sample book fres; mort amt women already niaking $5 up dally in spare time, fireriley Lagated, .Qrant- fOrd, Ont. NLTEHES CaLll'S(.1; accredited school; monthi allowance; first-class training in MIXT, Cal, medical and obstetrical work; full course of lectures. ,Apply Superintend. ent, West End "Hospital, 35 5. 'Rayne Ave„ Chicago, Ill„ U.S.A. IDOU'r .8c l'aii.Y13E1.1, 1 -ENT BLOC , IJ Yong0 Street, Toronto. Registered Patent Attorneys. Send for free booklet. BELTING FR SALE rrilittBSIIER 13.EL'I's AND SUO4 ZION hose new' And used, shipped sublect to ‘approvai at lowest ,rices las Canada. York Belting: Co., 11E York St, ri'orontn, Ont. , Staterloaas mazaw 'p3a.edro'casezt&,,,,„ •4,* aiaaa, How 'to 'roo4 DOG 1)LSEASES bie irfri't6h.teP.AallaltalaAls4: a. Clay ialavaa Cc% aaa, ' 129 West 24th Street Neat ..44.44•04-4••••••••444-0,0-4-1 0 11.1 • 1. 0 „ 1. INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin" Corrects Stomach so Meals Digest • 1. 4 1 • The moment you eat a tablet at "Pame's• Diapepsin" your indigestion le gone. No more distress from a sour, acid, upset stomach. No flatulence,' heartburn, palpitation, or misery -mak- ing gases. Correct your digeetian for a few cents. Each pacItage guaran- teed by druggist to overcome atomach troubl e. YARMOUTH,N.S.N COARSE SALT LAND SALT • Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF TORONTO FACE DEO Now Works Nine Hoars a Day**.*. Lydia E. Pinitham's VegetaLie Compound Restored lier Stengel' UnionVillage, Vt.— "PI was weak an& nervous and all run-down. I could not „,- 1 wg,itihkoauctrrosessttihnegfi'na7cir Iliad been 'thattaaas for weeks. Isaw your advertisement in the paper and after tak- ing one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkharals Vegetable Com- pound Ifelt, the good it was doing me and I took seven more Lik all. Before I finished I was able to work nine hours a day in a steam laundry. 1 cannot say too much in favor of your medicine. 1 trust all sick and suffering women will takeit. It has beentwo years since I took it and I am strong and well." —Mrs. L. A. GUIMANN, Union Village» Vermont. ' This is only °fie of such letters 'we are continually publishing showing wh at Lydia E. Pinkham has done for womera and whether you work or not Mr, Guimann's letter should interest you. Many women get into a weak, nervoua , run down condition because of ailments they often have. Such women should take Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable'Com- pound at the first sign of trouble. Good health is necessary and this splendid medicine will help you to keep it. iNE'MDNTHS Itched and Hard Pimples Broke Out, CuticuraHeals. "My face and neck all broke out in a mass of nasty pimples. My face used to itch and then hard pirn- pies would break out and fester over. They itched and burned dreadfully at times, and my face was badly dis- figured- for about nine months. 'I tried different remedies without any effect. I saw an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample: It 'helped me SO much that I bought more, *u -id ate' using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and t w o boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was 'healed." (Signed) Miss Hattie E. Cruickshank, Lower Caledonia, Nova Scotia, Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum the care of your skin. Sample Each Praohy Addstan:"LymanB, Ham. 314 St, Paul St., W., Montreal." Sold event-, where. Soap2Se.0Inoment2S and GOe. Talcum 250. 0.41:5-Cuticara Soap shoves without =OR. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, yoli are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" 6f 43I3ayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contain& directions and dose worked out by - physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache R1euniatism Toothache Neuralgia Neurit is Earache Lunibago Pain, Pain "1.1:tyer" hexes of 12 tablets ---Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---Drilggi'AS, ANprin le 5311 trade Mark (VPSlotot 0.anft.ei.A.) of 3roor Manufactero of Mono.. acialeaoldottter ot Stineynoacid. Whno 1( 1, oefl lotown that M•plrlo. Oleo on Jinyor ma aWoc o, 1.0 531.1 rho PO 1.)1S+, otoihtst rtta1331e1114, tho 'ralar4; 02 rnur.:. .0011,1AtY1',‘ win be 5351(011 wlth thfar 10;110%11310(10 -the '