HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-9-28, Page 2IrrYTTIFylr77T and PALPITATION OF HEART thtive of Welling ti County staged by the staff of Macdonald In a - etitute, ia one teat the girls _were l SHORTNESS OF BREAT 1.dl'sokeeted; 'ea‘1):11.11:t(),w)°Iiifl4asti'llancl,'°eItilllelfthae When the Ilea' rt begins to Oeat irl;Og./ load of hay andbroke his :trill? (2) ularly, palpitates ancl. throbs, salpa if a baby took conaulsioas?" 1Vlatters beats, when there is , sliortuess 01 useally rather foreign to the average breath., smothering, ilea all -gone slIxIdn young wornan, but not at all strange, sensation it causes great anslietY and to these girl's. They bad cared for alarm, but there is no need to worry; supposedly fraatured bones, andl just take a few boles of Milharn''' --- studied the illnessee of babeee in tl.leirt H(fteaaerticlyantLyerve Pills/ and se° h'3'w the Heine Nursieg Ceurse li`e P s t bl t reywu roll 0. Ynll relieve . eiv of our 1 Make My Horses Obey Me. the bottom. Pour cool watei. Once in- talking with a friena aboutl. dirt until you have mud. Be careful the alatiegetnent of children, 1 saitil not to werry the hogs any more than 1 treated my child:cell like my horses.' Possible when they are leaded. A Ile Was greatly surprised, but when It sad floar with about six-inch sides get sae:4.1 and the balance a the body made of confidenee by kiminaes, only using slats is a good, arraegeinent. Have exPlainea that I aimed. to corapuision as a last resort, be thought etand better of my plan, Horses, like children, vary greatly in temperament, eed therefore do riot all respond to the same matiaeemn upon them. aljAyriteeixi,Paeratinenscaeclelole.°1Z,esraeayriecasjandili,shu; I have found it best to dri've eare- shape of its head what course he must fully and skwlY, as the 1.6lting of the pursue to get it under perfect sub- wagon causesethein to worrY• jeetion. 1 could_ go among nearly all A set of ge'oel- wagon sPrings Pays* of my draft stallions and mares in the 1 always use them en my vrag°11 f" dark, with perfect safety, but there all kinds of hauling. TheY are esPe"' were some that I wouldn't go near, if eially valuable for hauling livesthek at liberty, w -------------------- and perishable vegetables and fruits. the bed high enough so theCarL y up when they like, and apn't tie them. When tied they will worry and soon lessons .usuallY gives one afterno.an get het. No matter how hot liege maY 1 ecr evening ; to • a special talk to girls. get, I never peer cold Water directly Courees m sewing have been mare ' isvery dangereus Pin'opaunh,lae'ntlPhtaY11. s!veheoroltIrtilly,earso•rnetOifmtens in a vacant farm house, the Women aml girl's of the ,neighborhosel. gather with an equipment 4 work--tablies and avinter. Alts. Alice 'Bishop, 15 Hawthorne course program was uot of such ire... pAzae;uHreamiinitoli.e,v0oinnti,07(riiiitiogs:—,m`il`Tbutrank,es And perhaps even this Part of the _ mediate value to them a•s the general \ Heart and Nerve Pills to all Persons health trairiing. ' One juniox pupil troubled as I had been. says: "What 1 liked best was what 1 suffered from palpitation of the we learned about getting and keeping heart and shortness of breath; my heart fit" The -nurse or doctor giving the would skip beats, and in the mgat; at aybe bath lots came out of the eame ear It has happenal that way, • eos.ts Inon. ey to pick UP little pe -t. teas, -eleaults of dirt, and etones. •I, casts Mere Wesley to haul theta to I , tty c)(:),1 OCTOBER 8. s-ortina this "junk" out of the -g°°(11 The Birth of Jesus Luke'Golden Text—And low price received for his ungra- ded with God and men,, Luke?: 52 (Rev. Ver.) Delwnright F°elishn"e• and Jerusalem Jesus at taselve eers Temple " market: There is still further cost Jesus advanced in wisdom and stature and In f stuff. Asid these costs are all ehergedi 'haelt to the producer in the form of al stock. • • , Time and Place—A.D. 9, Nazareth of the doctors. Three rooms in the It saves moneY to sort out the kind of age goes with is parents tY0 the La-v.'r wirsefreteruuesteiedsil.)yJtesslalcsbheiasd of fithe of stuff you wouldn't eat et be pe 1 ,d, Hole Cit,y. Himsielf to 'the e fleet • •- e - a. 1 e c . • ..• ,... , , _ C company ra• ,,,,,;,, . , to feed it to the aogs, eo lair i';-01.1re' -;essolo Setting --In unapter a we Hearing . - aad4askingi- the - ai,i-l‘t-''u.d'e' being a 'smart treelse to get thiS Staff E'en the birth of a worldiheotaevdely7i0GIlinr,i.btarhn.eillosftaylat,dnite7se.r.nAeTs earnest The eic.•ncdedih-hiaasffdtkeglil• 0{)witlis-eluetcihdug,en. :1,330erf. on the Tmhaerkdeeta,iietristadkeews eitt-ifohrt gf rani eo is _ , . 3 V. • stanished at Hi ' d r - bead t IttI5is gf000rder nue-nwhser frpoaemsi litheasts. You are a feel, or else that You! etlihiasPtSeraviwoeuricairirtilo ofhtittnheanentele‘anncliteio?nf i ttillie•11 :eh:. tRa/bbi would keep your leatab his . Is ss. cradle in the inansaser spiritnal experience. limner ,• le tuff finding H. fi • t ules, an arther in at home, and he takes yoer Poaketbook at Bethlehem and His home inzed; because heir seta, ahomalingly. eth and HiS heavenly Father in the k araton caus'eesus no anxiety; II h d joined II' l' h b t breath. I could not g But suppo• se you do start with good 'elnPle• We eal-'13- also real• roa„'tlill- beciernePpliaelney.. eeeaealeii,irgeosies twtaossusee times I would have to sit up to get mY • tars without When I start off with a load of hogs Some people say, never whp a I lay a big bunch of green branches fps' shying. It is another instance in over the top ef the wagon. Don't use Which the same rule will net work in too much, however, as that will shut all eases. If I can coax a horse to go eff the circulation of air. , it, the trouble Will be over. 1 rernem- su-ch a wagon, and the shrinkage was I have hauled hogs ten miles with up to an object and touch his nose to ber one case in particular: a horse always slight.—R. B. R. that was afraid of a large white rock that I needed to pees every day. 1 He Found Silage Paid. coaxed him a long time, but to no use; • then I flogged him till he would go A neieo-hbor of, mine has ..had two e close up to it and stand. After that experiences with silage which ar I had no more trouble with him. • worth passing on to others: I follo-w but one arbtrary rule in all ta -t d -last winter with a herd eewing machines to work on drestses ef vita and serge and cotton. At the Ont. Iny heart fluttering, ancl• nerves ity seen in 1 -lis gre Asa g ine any, but since using your famous 1 pen de, there sore severe" thinga to PhYsicallY, mentally and spintuallY, centre of interest; ' because e seeme rims I have felt like a different watch! s iii the true discharge of the dutieseehf so much at homel. Wily hest Thouthus home, workshop, society, and cluire .1 dealt. Maier spe, its out of the f nese were all. unstrung. Doctore aid not help I stuff, as the great majority of shils- mailed direct 031 113°43iPt C4 Price hY ' frost damage, 'potatoes especially.' greater work as a World Savlour• We difference' The T. Milburn Oc'e Limited' T°rei•It°' When a potato has aeen• frozen in the leern al.so that; the ,secret" of mist ye not. A new field before digging, and the weatherilirmelluvigncliicieaetdieetliba'yttioenHsh4g tbeyGHeidsisinno°t•ateceelile; spiritual eenseiensiless has "Wiled In eetries out "right," the evidences of angel, but grows like a tdhoenelvuals°1sfutetsliiies. reAsuillt of that Chosnd- freezing illaY be mighty hard to disa flower in His heart until it comes to ciousness. The mystery of His birth cover. But they are there, and the full blossom in His wonderful expel/is has now beconie for Mary the mYstery potatoes that have been frosted will ence in the Temple with which our of His life. About My Father's bllsi• begin to "lealc," and will keep right lesson -deals - in particular, ness; or 'uhi My Father's house." We, Pepraraine' 6.0 ,., a box at all •de'air:e'rs ' or t, Fotatees, ar-"other shaphients athat, The gateways of .obeclience, .love, se,r.-- of an anxio,usse- mesther:%heart. All this ' ! move in the fall are liable' to neld- vtee and communion lead Him to His le Igious as talon seamed filial in- close of the coersie they accaslasuilly have a "dress parade" to eaisPlaY their —the Bible. The seriptures -will make new frocks. us wise unto salvation. The Department has been rnalsing a -He grew in favor with inen. There special effort this year to -serve the are two extreine views :in regard to province with these courses. A sewing! more isolated northern Parts of the gentle Jesus, JesOuisie., mwoecikildq7tinilawiTnauepwhao's enemy. The' other past si?,leve,Ivove,urel:1,:c,ia snfielgtahdHeterilannafnocirtshurarsouonudeedwhaiowwayass teacher has been working for the two months on, -Manitoulin Island, where, by the way, the Institutes are ii-theriassaeaaje fees. The true -view among the mast progressive in the at up' till the time of his public 1Provineed. In a .few .cases the teacher ministrY, He was one of the most hel morning classes for the Popular of men: Only in His conflict d with public a l'd i' ' th younger girls of the community, an c eva s ti he incur e hos- 01peciprize is being offered at the tility' of the rulers of the Jews. , Ile eeh,e,e Fair for samples of th„ess. wore. was svinsome. „Me can believe that he The Manitoulin series will be followed He grew in favor with God. The had an absolute genius foi friendship. great proof 61 this was that -when jesus-came out af the Jordan in the moment of Baptism, he heard a voice out of the heavens, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." De-sirable as it may be to possess the approval of our own con- sciences or to secure the approbation of our tellowsethere is nothing in this life to eempare with the well done of about 30 Holsteins and Jerseys by other courses an Algoma and em- . which had freshened in the fall midi iskaming. Rainy River District was early winter. They were fed hay and pretty well covered cast fall. Another grain night and morning, with a hoesehold scienee teacher was sent to bushel of silage at noon. Production give a number of demonstrations ill was excellent with this ration and the canniag at points along the North herd did splendidly. Shore Algoma 'at the season when The first of February his silo was their vegetables were ready fOr can - emptied, and immediately production ceses. It is to have a word mean one thing, and only one. "Whoa!" means stop and stand still till told to move; no horse is safe until he will do so. Having my horses broken to mind, under any circumstance, has prevent- ed serious accidents many times. Sometimes it takes rough_ treatment to make a high-spirited horse "whoa" at once and at all times. One fine young horse that I was breaking re- fused to stand until I pulled him hack so sharply that he jerked his hind shoes off in the brick pavement. Ile was willing to mind after that. I mention these inetances to show that kindness will not fit all temper- aments alike. Artillery horses are taught to go through movements by notes on the bugle; so they can be taught the meaning of different words if eystem- atically used, viz., to start, go faster or elower. They ca.n be taught their own names. On my first farm I had a three -horse team that eared for decreased alarmingly. As he express- ed it, "The cow's stopped in their tracks." A hundred pounds of grain a day WaS added to'*their feed, with hay s.t, moil, in addition to night and morning, in an endeavor to make up for the silage, but to no avail. The ccws would not come back. Two years ago this same man did not fill his silo, and was surprised to find how well his cattle did though their preduction did not come up to where it was with silage. His ex- perience has led him to believe fir-mly that it does not nay to attempt to pro- duce winter milk without silage, and that the most pronounced loss conies When cattle are suddenly deprived a slung this fall. books, and above all, the best of bookaof God. - Do 'Yon Lose Money When You Ship Your Stuff ? on doing t° the end °I the ehaPter- I. Jesus , Finding God in- the Home, like Mary, cennot understand fu'li1Y ness trouble that one can find. And,,wisdom. After the ptee-entation of a direet relatl°11shiP to God. The hand Yet have known men kisowinglY rtc+the child Jesus in the te nnle and the °I God is more real than the hand -of load treated Stuff, thinking they could thanksgiving of Simeani 'and Ann: gFetr Freezing g in ..tnansi. is on; of thel!,lar-y and Jos'eph returned to Nazar." III. Jesus Finding God in the Work- eat.- Luke °snits the retuan to Beth- • shop, 51, 52. myself, I groomed them ,and put their harness on in their stalls; then, stand- ing outside the door, called them out in the order I wanted them to come. When I was young I had a well - broken single driver. He would stand anywhere witheut being tied, except when I went to see my girl; then he would walk a.way. He evidently did, not like the match. His judgment afterward proved better than mine. —G. E. B. How I Haul Hogs. The other day I met a neighbor on the way to town with a large fat hog. The hog got too hot and died before he hardly knew it was suffering. All -heaco-uld do was to haul the carcass home to use in making Soap, Such losses are expensive and un- silage after becoming aceustons so L. B. How to Select Disease -Free Corn. You can insure having a geed lot of seed earn, free from raot-dieease, if you will observe the follewing rules: 1. Select ears from stalks only which have made a vigorous growth and are firmly rooted in the soil. 2. Select ears which break away clean without a ragged appearance at the butt. 3. Reject all ears which show mold-lilse growth. 4. Place ears selected upon a rack or frame where rapid drying may proceed without delay. 5. Wet weather after the corn is in the shock favors the development of root -rot fungi, hence it is desirable necessary. Here is a plan I adopted Ho select seed ears before or during cutting of the corn. Tests show that less than one per cent. of the crop of corn is found to be affected wham the ieed was dis- ease-free. it one of the ,,saro.st sraiPtatna of 40. The child' grew '-. filled 'will , , that •Jesusefeela the sciesios•hrlaYsieT:aon The presence oi field front sn a car. • 40-42, these words. But thee0Y1.1 causes of big losses. The man „who lehern, the visit of the 1VIegi, the flight V. 51. He went down with these. ships in a box car (luring, the riskyi,tobEgypt and the massacre at Beth- Jesus went back to the old life, bet and, lie em. The parents train the child with thoughts in His heart. Orfathese seaspn eliews mighty little sense, for God ,as well as dedicate him to He would ponclee in'the eighteen years SI: ate no.t writing • esPecially for his! ,God. Grace of God was uaon Him. of silence which w`ere spent in the benefit, except where he is absio-lutely Divine love as well as hum -an love sur- workshop. ,of.Jeseph, ' Ile roW uncles - 1 °reed to ship them -in arder to move rounds • Iim. stands His thyme relationsh p H 1 1 . . hiswsltluelf at all. t „. ' . V. 41. Parents went" to Jerusalem,.Jyet to learn His divine, mission e alnads ''''''• passover. All male ewe- were this would shape itself in tbese quiet job of required, to attend the theee 'feasts of years. 'Was subject unto them. Ile you o get caught in this • • string -i the Passover, Penteoost and Taber- recognized the cle.im of earthly duties' fashion you can clo a passable protecting your stuff by laying aaeles. Many Jews had become remiss and ties. He is still a eon in the home 'el's lengthwise of the car, e°Yeringl in attendance, but Joseph went and God has become more to Him, bet. these crosswise with lumber, and over merbov 't k Marydwital hini. They Mary has not become leas. Kept all this laying buileaing paper. Sidesou ht eil; t°'°th e- irre irreducible minimum these sayings in her heart. The mother tection of a. sa-hillaa eart can b a g 1' ° e .ar- o igrous duty, ,but the maximum,. heast remembers where it cannot ranged. Be sure. that.' there 'as free V. 42. When He Was twelve' years. understands, She thinks of -them ' Jewish child was under the care "of grotving- Saviour that we see tinting BY HUGH J. 'HUGHES: K-nowledge is the gathering of things. religion allowed no substitute though she cannot think througli floor behind the false sides and at' far parental training. Until five, the them. Jesus increased. It is still the circulation of air underneath the false Jewish the ends. This air circulation must 'run lengthwise of the car, Begin leading in. such fashion that there will be at all tim-ea open air space be - the amountein dollars a-nd cents, that eaure possible. Keep thern dry. Don't "tween the ends of the car ' this window of Luke's gospel. Wisdom,. the mother. At five, under the fathers cares he learned the Law. At the age 1 t temper- Wisdom is understaeding them. Sta- ture. There was a corresponding lege. All the careful training of els not to be despised, but discipline . of improper, packing arid bad handling egg crates with cOnriesus•gatijedS6fib srtea.ibidolaard the loads When you get to the do r, rd put a little extra proteation ebeht thel Jseens in thne h°gmieeat villa a real prepare- !Favor with God. His communion with in s ipment, woul nt be wilting this top and bettern lining. Do not nail sacks near -the dooirq, and- bat:ten the, hon.', was a e Perie ice, m the the Father became 'deeper as the da.ys door to pasaed. And man Irallie intercourse both farmers arid co,nsumers because GT thin_sheeed article -1'd* be teo busy cliPPing opus down the centre of the cover! There 'doors shut, except that erovaion must' the Temple ' • with men all those inward qualities them -at' once to the awes f somebody caulel guarantee me of' thirteen he became a .son of the is'h Church, and attendance at the physical gaowtb. The body is an Ma will be lest thia fall' and winter by wash, dirtyeeggs. Don't pack cracked. I load, and between the sisle- walls. anal Passover ' aeoame his duty and privi- portant factor in -the life. The 'body Law and a member in full of the Jew - „polls and planning a World tour in in. ust be some " we" to the erate if -be made for opening one door en -order * , of His life manifested themselves. • .. Every kind of farmer has,his ewn g _ . Jesus Finding43G.5odo. ,in the Temple„.. my private -yacht! ' the eggs are to arrive in usable shape.! to care for t e fires. • , There was nothing aloof M His char- . All aliis can be done on ,the farml Warm the air in your car befere re V 43 F If lled Th t When the eggs get to town ine 'other aesses asseseia-rd-again.st. I have seen egg eisatesapiled up and awaiting. shiPment tinzroofed sheds where the theimometer was little short of bbiliag,. And eggs inchbate at around 10-0degreea! Sappos-e your eggs lie in. such a shed -three or four days! A lot pa shiPpers of -perishable pre - duce think tht e -very corrimission ,. . V. . u i the days. e i eas is to give a. few pointers,that may tarried; lad or youth rather than -child. lasted seven days, The child Jesus shipping troubles, and so my purpose • loading and lead as rapidly as pos- put you on -the lookout for the places His' tarrying was 110t due to disregard vshere lees- is apt to occur. of His 'parents. A new spiritual ex - 1 recently handled a claim against a wholesaler on account of a veal thet was shipped in good condition, but which was reported spoiled *ism paid for. The haul was about six hours by sible. Arrange to have the car leave More Things to Watch. Sin -the next tr,ein;sa,na! keep' it rolling. All this, and more, the old shipp.e,r well tell you when you start loading . . perishables in -cold weather. You -an . . ship either. 'at yens: own risk or at the risk of • the railroad. • Personally-, I should prefer to do the latter,. and to • the adslitional. freight.. But, even perience held. Him like a magnet. The parents ebs.erved the passover and, departed. Jesus found the Father and lingered. — • V. 44. Went a daa's journey. The men and women traveled in separate express, the season June, the weather companies. Each thought that Jesus. hot. As near as I could get at the no longer a Child, was with the other, facts the shipment, made m the morn- ing, arrived that evening; and the veal, along with ot.her veal arriving, a lay all night on a truck in the handl- ing room of the express company. By morning the damage was done, arid a fine row started. A Simple Precaution. years ago for hauling fat hogs in hot weather: First, take a wagon with a good tight bed, one that will hold water, and place an ineb or two of dirt in For Home and Country f Homemakers. Courses or In spite of the rush of the berry picking and canning season, and the approach of threshings and corn -cut- ting and the sendry, other demands crowding the days ef the *Oman on the farm, the wornen of Ontario he.ve feund a serprising amount of time this summer to get together to study homemaking with the Institute's, an- structors in Domestic Science, Home Nursing, and Sewing. mightOne suppose that a woman who had done cooking all her life, and 11,1•MX.MM ILI US ATT H EA d.' cooking at that, rnigkt not be especially epthusiastie over leaving home five consecutive afternoons' a week to take cooking lessons, but they ,0 it; in nambelii. that sometimes out- size -the a-ecommodation of their meet- ing place. Thereaeon is phaeibly ex- plained. by a member, tvlio says: "What we have learned on food values and planning, meals for health, was new to even the best cooks, and the course has started es in the right direction to study along these lines 'for ours -elves. I Another woman writes: "We were 40 given enough of cooks tthbeeorryeatoonshwoh; optice thheeyexhpaedrieanlleveadysc ol done certaitsi things °II" to get certain. results, while the prac- t'' 1 -art of right cooking was demon - man is a. roblee-r. Perhaps I can ex- plain how this notion, Probably 9,8 so, be ,sure tha,t the utmost precautean per cent. - , o its start. is taken. Railroad - .claims are not Wile and I had a lot of peas. We 'eash---not by some months 03.! even thought of the hungry folks clown in yeare, the cities, and we buckled to and I Even Nvhen you have a refrip,arator , - commission liouse in, TortAlt°' ReSIllt: the risk. of the railroad, , there are Nothing happened except a bill for some things it will pay you to watch: eRpress from the railroad. I kriow Do the doors on top of the refriger- aototren etl,ho:ey dp.9raiPloetr,lv., a, ndantdhentigifhtylyou? . , ere shipping sn cold weather the heat eseapee and the car freezes, while if you are shipping in hot weather, Picked and ShiPPed a barrelful to a set out for your use, •aed you Ship at acter. . _ Application. Jesus grew in stature. It ieeahought by some that this means titaiat physi- cally He was well -favored. .Howevetn, that may be, the care and deveIpili ment of aur bodies are a 'very iiral` - portant part of the fourfold ideal. Our bodies are intended to be temples of the Holy Ghost, and the shrine•should be worthy of its deity. How to be physically fit is a que,stion which should engage' the attention of every or with friends. bey and' gi . V. 40. After three days; one day on He also grew in wisdom, -which is the' road, one day returning, then dis- more than information. Youth is the co -very on the third day. In the midst time for etudy. Let us read the best The Toad's Secret. No man ha -s yet discovered how the toad feeds. ' Science has jut ° made a,great Just one thing woiald have saved the shipper, -who haapened to be a farther now that thea"dealee *as on the level, foie at the London Zoological Gardens, friend of rnine fro -in -loss and, that and that we W -ere ta- blame but then b•ut 'the toad- has kept his secret, , , We know there is a lightning -like' was to have shipped at nighte.rather _eat arisehar ,noatter. mcseement of the tongue"during which would- have been no delay between the such things as p.eas, lettuce, or s---1-fif than in the morning. Then there Now I know that 11 I want tO ship a beetle ay meal-worm•vamshes. The huraan eye cannot 'follow what hap - local loading stationand the:consignee. of that &est it should, be cooled before under .icing, Y°111" Ice n e ' • - pens, and the snap camera is also Where the shilmient is livestnek shipping; anathat it should be packed You .arel Watch- thadloors! d made at steeltyards for 'watering and!, there is ani arrival is important. Provision is freely about the produce. Then, _if market befoa'e the time to Ail) az- distance to go, the ship- rives. This is especially true of the mpuzzle in natural history, and a camera was relied upon to solVe (me however, the slow-mption cinema . . crates that let the air circulate It Pays to make a eaurlY of your -,-,, Paultry, this matter of the tiniing of in giant toad was submitted to the test. --- 1eeding' livestock, Yet every exPerl'ement should'he iced or travel by re- market for perishables. And it is enced shipper 'knows that marketal The battery opened fire at 'short range fnigerator _car. It cost rite several well to have persohal acquaintance have good and poor days, and that to dollars 'igather this bit of horse with one pr ,more well-known and while the toad enveloped two or three get his stuff into the pens in time to aens,, dependable dealers. -Shipping to a Hand -Operated Ice Machine for Use in the Horne. Making ice by hand is a rapid and inexpensive process when a small rase chine recently introdeced in England is usede_The action the macaiee is based on the principle that water freezes when rapidly avsporated in a. vacuiun with aulphuris acid to absorb ' • the vapor. The contrivance is es- pecially adapted for icing mineral waters, making ice cr" cooling but- ter, and the like. If Cannot Use ettev meal -worms. Photograph's were taken ,Anythgrag at the rata of 240 a second. , van- • • get a good fill is an important part Potatoegaare ane of our biggest stranger may bring you satisfactory . of the guile of selling. Ile also knows crops, and the'lasees intheir- handling, results, e5PeciallY in goad times, but that overloading in hot weather, and enormoee. The 'next time you for allsrourld satisfaction in busines-s give me the man who is Able to recall lack of protection in eald weather,1 are coat hiS fe'llo:w shippers a ,good pennyl haPPen te. be. in a big town, drop into ason And lie knows that it a. gracel-Y and find e -at abeut the sell- Your -14°e and 'saV t° his men: in rice ana quahey of potatoes. It's lciTaenhoasieaeSwogir.„kinHgefaaramegrpoc1Busciloduet,, ',Now we shall be able to see exactly hew' the toad's tongue works; how • it Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic Pains and grips the food, and how it carries it to Cramps in the Stomach, Choleta, Choi- , era Infants= Cholera, Morbus, Summer the mouth," Said Science—and went " • Complaint and all Looseness of to tee darksroom to tievelep. --• Bowels than. pays to study, the weather -reports aria! ! seven to o' that you will and geed The answer was "M -tee iiegatiyee to avoid. shipping „when extreme .. nes pr. ice f . 'ear business in his eeighborhood, that strip of pictures tile changes in temperature axe likely to potatoes- selling at top-netch prices,' -01 ecesue • taantdoetahastcal:-°ceu-lvwmillot-a-iins'o°• flartati)is°-°1: eg'ohOed 121LIPsl•ls'et-leifrestithretsnelleals'1%t6awriell satriadner.'s) This means that the toad needs only toad's tongue was visible in folly onle In some parts of Norway corn is one -sixtieth of a second -to capture But the shipper of poultry is not so ••_. likely to be post.ecle a dead chicken used as a substitute for money. , and devour his prey. cloes,n't seem quite so important a , • , thing as a dead hog. And right there l•es, t Mesa fa. S sta . d t'he losses begin—through negligencee ta1 Meal, a' as Every year numerous fatalities oc- ey , Geed Crates are important. The ' -•:',,,.. ' '-' • - ' ' a r.s. ' ; A3, 0 They seldom pome back. If they are' . , . . . It is a eampai-aisively simple ina,tt, . My Eat 4 e o - rough handling, and must be strong Itseels often eeeape from their -crates, - When. the liver becomes sluggish and grated froln fruit and vegetables, cro-vadea; inta crates too small for aise erphan lambs. Milk from inactive tile bowels become constipated, milk, eggs, and meats te breeds, sal- then -a anti are forced to, stialt their cow producing milk rich in fat, su (1 (1.. Food L' t car a-mong farm hands who/enter a \ -partly filled. silo after' the fermenting corn 'has ,had time. to .f.Orm carbon - ear 1 InSinirexildreeelgi asairwhd'illeubtes I s,a'aP1 Dissc4)-anItt°ellass• eh 1, the inonoxidie, no one should 'enter a De silo till ' the blower .has been started, and. even then the silo doors alieuacl bit needed to prevent the corn from ick ' Spilling. I not be Put171to pla.,ce until they are re,, . lid l In connection with the- controvs-rsy -eel regarcling the alleged poor quality of ncli Canadian bacon and , produce, John ild Leaden and Company, ene of the larg- of! est importers of Cenadian bacon pro- gai- I ducts in England, Made this comment: L al "Oirs existence depends on the sale of and!, Canadian bacon, ar,d we can sell every ithl ounce of it that Canada can ship. It oldt, is quite true that Denmark is a com- ri! petitor, hut it, will never drive Canada allyl from the British market. Our actual ' i p ts this year will be greater than nib r itrna,St°'yrear,'-sye confidently prediet, and this, Canadian bacon is growing in favor ' front month to inoatb.," the tongue becomes coated the stomach.' ads and 'the most delicious' varieties! heads -out, tbeY --re liable to have • as a ,Tersey or' Guernev should I foul and sick and dull bilious headaches of 'cleseerts. Those of us who had their heads crusaea' Or sheared off by f d D 1 Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pal d • e.. , ean e elven in any sot , occur. • 1. cooked all our lives until we got into other crates. g b ' Mr. William lareSeh.el, atorden, Mane that a ribber nipple can e fitted t Overerowdin 'is coin - mon. Where it happens the strong writese—'' Sometime •ago T had quite a maisine the hole in the iiipple a , the coatea tongue and foul stomach simpler ways 'of deing thin how t gs, fowls traniple the weak and the lat- ierious case of stosnach, trouble (In- ,al, , ger tnaii for a baby. The mi and banish the disagreeable bilious , make the old dishes more attractive, ter quickly ale -from suffocation. - ibgestiola aed was also ts'oubled , P1140 va clean , ruts of our own, learne eamer and ' should' he fed et bloca ten ereas wall gas in my stomach. I could ,/ t 'perfec'tlY s'arPec't'• a headache. arid to keep variety on our tables the Water for shipped fowls is import- ,sassele oat anethieg outside of leght an s .11 Mr- Charles Murray, 260 Hamilton yerir rotted by cooking the same ant. lqy idea of hell is to be a l'oosterl foal, a"ne :even Nen generally bad Pains Thetiamo seueinc,g .leiwoc.n a Road, London, Ont writea—i‘After things in different ways." and have to go to miticet. Some day after a-toile/lea!, T had tried many t nies a € ay—itiorn .7 1 trYing a great xnany- remedies for bil- A oourse given to a class of lteen.J. hope that we shall have time to fereta remedies but"' without any irn- night. In additiOh. the lamb shot age girls during the summer holidays ect a trifle of huillanl Y ° t 'e, Provemert. an tad almost given up be given asmixtu,re of calla" P,arts urider the auspices of the Rockwood terminal han 1 ng of poultry, and in', hopes, ftin well. FinallY a I corn, ,oats, and bran. A lamb wei Women's Inatitute preyed very popu- the lneantime, ------------------ r, neighbor ;recommended 'Purdock Blood file; es...pounds win eeisens • lar. In addition. to the regular les- Pocketbook., see te"it that overY Pou1-1; ti me, and after lising lt fel" a !self a pound :1 clay of -this grain, ious attacks, which ceused many days of dull headaches and miserable feel- ings, I tried Milbbra's La -ma -Lives Pills, lind now feel like mw eseature. We keep them on hand all the time, and • sons the girls is eie taught table t try -crate le provided with easily fleas short tire.e f e.lt better, so Lean- th.s b _1, , • • • , s 014' Cl gra-clue,- y inerease find it beneficial to tale an occasional I tirtg ancl table etiquette, scheol lunch- watering MPs• lieved caTt SOY aab us- ' two s Linued 'ts 'se Ji 1- was emaPt;ettelYBre- age SO a laina at o Month aose, they. clear up the liver and es and party refreehMents One of Egg losees ai/e enerreolls. Candling -I -1;10%1"Peaer's (16110 wonders would calT ahent 'three-feint/its °I Inake elm feel like living." the girls saes; "We have be•en rn.aking helps, hut it doesn't wipe them out. hielicl-y: recommend -it pound a :day. Lainlas are nornt Milburn's LaxseLiver Pills are 25e the things Miss nopairla teught ise With eggs, as with milk, the lace to! to en esaii similar troubles to mine. weaned at the, age of about five ce " start plugging- the leaks is op le roe it ,t 43 Years allurdoeit Blood 'e nientha Of course the sprieg I atherecl daily Di tters Isas, b,ciee Mit. up, (rely by 0 T. aseint 'to nibble ,4 grass, -and • ble nourishment,: receipt of PriCC by The T1 "MilblArn C ON, At a girls' judging competition ar. famm. Infert e eggs, g , orolito. Oat. ranged by the Agricultural Bear-Ease/al, make a geed beginning Then cool '\l'illsurn. Coe Lamited, Toronto, Ont. gise va. a -a vial at all dealers, or mailed. direet on ever s n Dt; Miss Kathleen Twomey, Doweeyville, Ont., writes: --('We always ateop -bot- tle of Dr. ro-wler i?,xtraet of Wild Strawberry on hand, and have laway-e found. it to -be invaluable in all cases of cholera end diarrhoea. Last fall my mother had, a very sev- ere attack of cholera, and after she had taken four or five doses sof tbis medi- cine she was completely- relieved; ordin- arily, he -Weyer, one dose is suffieient. We cannot praise tbis remedy too high- ly for -what it has done for 1.1S," Be sure and. get the original "D rovviera" when yob. ask for it, Prim 50e. a bottle; pet up only by The 'a Milburn Ca, Litaited, Toronto, Oat. .-1