HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-9-28, Page 1o1kaTY-SE-0014 1) YEAR=NO; 2278 EXETER,,ONT., THURSDAY' ' IO"RNING, SEPTEMBER 28th., 1922• iUIIIiIiIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIU[UIIIIIIIIIIIIiIiIIIJIIIIII[IIItI1111I1IIIlOII11IHhlI 1i tlllll I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIuIIIIlit=; JON S&Vii,®' n c L t S • AMMON Beautiful new, style in all the latest fabr' • s res and colorings are here shown in the celebrated Northway Garments. DRESSES S5ES at sown he Serges, Cantott Crepe . p end Tricotines in a wonderful range ,of new styles and modest price.. r � SUITS—in Velour?, Sere and Tricotine cloths g t s iii ,Navy Black and Brown, t ; ,x COATS—in Velour,e-Drone n Tweeds etc., ., plain, also embroidered, many with :fur collared coats as glow as $25. Ask to see our heavy Bronileigh ,as _after the style of the celebrat- ed English Burberry Coats, GIRL'S COATS, from 4 to 14 .ears >`heav cloths ti Y . . Y at reasonable prices I3A73IES COATS, from 1 to 4 years in Bear Cloths etc. Splendid d o SlurVale,. s for r fall New Heather, Locate, Silks, Silk and Wool mixtures, u es, Worsteds, Ca.,sh mer•es etc., in plain also clacked • stylees in Canadian and. English makes. Prices very reasonable. Good Heather Hosiery all Wool at $1.00' per pair. Pure Linen Towellingyd. 1� - Z QC, a 100 yards only pure linen towelling,- very des.ue.: able .for.:.drsh towels or roller towels, on sale this.week. at 2 0c a yard: " Fall and Winter tuderwear` We have the best standard makes of underwear for :all, members of the family. These include' Penman's, Watson's, Turnbull's and Stanfield's • makes. Buying any of these brands guarantees positive satisfaction in bbth fit and wear. i, e re i . leee ; e ." ae Children's. Underwear 311,', ci 49c. a garment. 10 Doz. Children's odd shirts and drawers in good winter weight, up to 14 years of age,' odd lines and sizes to clear at 49c a;4arment. Pi1-KONE``2 PHONE 32 1 111111 1111111111111iii1111 I ! Iillllill [ !II l [[[ 11111111 ��Il1i111E111lI(�fIIIII,Il11lillll 11111 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillll lllllllltllllll(!I!1liif!!!!IIl11!!!l111 Exeter Council ® efon _taJ ,' Sept, 3Qth, 1.9 2 A regular riieeting of tule' AfunilciA,. C�outicil }vais iseld in tis,e• office. of th _sedate �` Clerk pati above Absent Coiut a rillor l ran, �. minute, of meetire — held Sept, 11, were read and ap p.rov A ,: • 'Letters were- read Steen the Clay o Products , eeey; Taranto Re. a. � pay ,-; meat,of account foe sewer �pi,pe; fro 1 Z- IT 1? dlirlmer, c+.ai dealer, Napane.e 1•from,'Aedre�t )3aLle,' coaledealers, T' on ®� treat. Ordered filed. A .circular jotter `1:7oni the )3epart cnent,c'f lilslrance,,Otta�i�a, Re,;,l2oya, Proc,]amation, des;I;nating the week of of 'Oct 2 •ta 9 as 1,'ire preventJon,`i reek arid .the public in .:general is requ'est- s to `'observe. the allote l`'time. a : 'suc.hi. • The im, is oa.] rate _for street wat-. ering, purposes .vas fiixed at 12c. per. foot' an the '.,su,me fron,ta;ge basis es ® .f.or the sea,' i •ol• 19 21, on motion: of ® Davis a.- 1Ticeper.-C irrl.ed. l'.b . eel .lowlag accounts' were read and •pas.• ecr,—Bell Teiephnn�e, Co, �3 neeetes rent, ,13tise're phone 6.15,` ceni- etery phone. 4.62. fercy Hewitt, labor at cemetery 5.00; ceei1 Ford, ditto;, 15.,00; £h,,os. `Appl!etonr, •labor sed=er 25;50; E. `Appleton;.' 22:00 e J. Parson:; ;].3.50; Crornish 11.40;'J:"Corn�lsh 1.9.25 L. E. 'bay 6.90; ,H. ` Lande"r 18 75.a,J. Murray 15.00—Ort ineotioti of: Hooper.-- - Davis. =• Adjourned by Davis. J. ;Senior, Clerk. 2 z� 0 m 1 era 'DEATH, OF. LANCELOT HARDY, ® After beau bi 1<ai1.n.e health : for .some years, 'arid being ;confined t:o his bed for four, mantles, the death°oc- curreri his sha, hEsc�r, T' day; evenating �bl -' Lmeanceletot Barand,,uea- a tvelek:nawn and re.epected resident of town, for mnan;y years. .Deceased was born "ia It el lid and: cazite to Canada with his parents, ,vhea seven, years sof age. They settled 'tear, London, and .when a young plan'"err. Hardy came to Exeter, and had resided here ceer stnoe• In occupation he.was a bridge builder, and . many of. the best bridges = in the (lien -ice are ,ibe result of his .,tnorltmanship. " In flus ;younger days he mmogor took an active meas s ' in municipal matters, and lor eleven years in euc- _.,. ce••ion he i.as peeve of Exeter, -nil_ • ,..:.: also- was Warden • of: Huron County. In matters „pertaining to government; as well as in. business; he wa,s unusually able., aura his criticism rf those ,la ot p - n sitlgn_ was riot t.o,b to R l} - 'in relic an he. wits --el member" of the Tie -vitt Memorial Church,' and in :Pol- itses a Conservative.. Mr, Haedy married Eliza Bissett, artd '"she with one daughter, Mrs, James Wanless,. of 1)uluth, Minn., survives Deceased was in his 87th ,year. The funeral is*-ut,l take place to tive .Exciter cemetery on. Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. easonabie gestions pecials WHITE ';`CAP ELECTRIC WASHER • IIEG. $125.00`FOR' :$115,00, FIOBBS GOLD MEDAL WASH- ER "'REG. $22.00 FOR $113,00 BEAVER WASHER REG. $27.00 FOR $,24.00 WRINGERS FROM $6.25 TP HEAVY GALVANIZED TUI3S FROM $1,00 UP SOLID COPPER 130ILERS $3:89 e. h r S -1i • Pro ® �St GOODYEAR BELTING FROM 1.3c A FT. TJP, ELIC LACE LEATHER, $1.85 PER LB. BELT DRESSING 50c A STICI€ PACKINGS OILS AND`"BAI313I0 T METAL. at a PHONES 273 27J GOMM 'MARRIED PFILE—KUNTZ—At Dashwood, on September 20th, by Rev. P. Graup- ner, Miss Matilda. Sophia Kuntz, to Mr. Clayton F. Pfile. ROWCLIFFE—MCLEAN— At -Hen sail, on September 14th, Miss`Eliza Jane 1VIcLean, of Iiippen,, to Mr. Oliver M. R:owcliffe, of the London Road north,• by Rev. J. A. McCon- nell. STEWART—MORGAN- On Satur- day, September 23rd,Miss Myra Edna Morgan, daughter of Ivfr. and, Mrs. • John T. Morgan, to Mr. John Abner Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, of Usborne, by Rey. Dr, Fletcher. TUCICI+JY—MAWSON—In Exeter, on September 23rd, Miss Greta Mar- garet.Mawson, daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. George Mawson, to .Mr. El- more Tuckey, son Mr•. and Mrs.. C. E. Tuckey, by Rev. W. G. H. Mc- Alister. DIED HARDY—In Exeter,on September ter p nber 26th, Lancelot Hardy, in his 87th veal, LUXTON—in Biddulph, on Septetu- bes 24th, Mr. Fredeiicic Luxton, aged 72 years, 1 month and 15 clays, , SCHAE,F,ER---Izi Hay Tdwnship, on Wednesday, Sept, 20th, Daniel Schaefer, aged 70 years, 3 months and 20 days, BENDER—In Kitchener, "on Sept. 23rd. Ezera. Bender, son of Mr, and Mrs, Mark Bender, of Dash Wood, aged 35 years. CARD OF THANKS • 'Mrs. E., Hewitt and family desire• to express their sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends for their kindness and- sympathy hiring their recent bereave riieitt and also for the mangy floras tributes, • I' TIED IN LUCAN The death occurred on : "Wednesday September 2.0th, of Mrs.Bawden, wife of George 13awden, lumber mer- chant of Lucan, following an illness of some, months, Deceased,, whose maiden name was Eliza Isaac went from Exeter with hes husband to `re- side in. Lucan about 20 years ago and 'during that time hacl endeared her- self to a host of friends, who deeply regret her untimely deihise. Besides her sorrowing husband she is survive ed by ,three daughters, Mrs: Arthur O'Neil, of Lucan, Slaude, and Edna, at home, also one son Harry, at home. - The funeral took place from ,the, family residence to Holy Trinity church for service, on Friday u,nd the remains were taken' to the Exeter', cemetery for interment. THE LATE FRED MINTON Mr. Frederick Luxton died on Sun- day at the home of his slaughter, Mrs. Charles McFalls; of Bicldulph,, at the age of 72 years 1 month and 15 days. A little over a year ago, Mr. Luxton, while visiting with his children in the West, suffered a paralytic stroke and at that time he was brought home. He gradually improved and was a,ble to get ai•ouud;`a; little when a 'few; weeks ago he had the misfortune to fall and fracture his hip and since. that time he has gradually grown weaken. The ciecea.sed was born at Eden on the farm now ocenpicitl by his son John, whore he t esitic•rl until. moving to Exeter about twelve years ago, He is• survived be :tine child= ren; five daughters and tour sons; Mrs. McFalls, Biddulph; Mrs. R. A Lamb, and.Mrs..Jas. Irving; of Greif- f.ell, Sask;. Mrs. A. McLean, of Fil- more, Sall;,.; Mrs. A. Coates, of Us - borne; Johnon the homestead, Dun- can. R. of Hampshire, Wyoming; A.J of Montreal and Ernest: L. at Bone. One sister, Mrs. E. Nichols, of :say Panni ]' of o • a last City, Miele, the sY eleven children., also survives. Mrs. ast two Nichols was with him thep t weeks, The funeral was ' h^.1:1 on Tuesday, interment in the Exeter cemetery:. �. IN 331MOR:IAM in loving iiienmory of out clear mother, elargaret Hackney, who nes- sed away one year ago Sept. 22nd. Soine day; sante time, we hope to see The dear face we hold in sweetmein- ore. einore The Family. ���. .I �4 F. •...4 i"b ,' ),211 • TUOKEY-:1TAWSON NUPTIALS A very pretty wedding was solemn ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Mawson, of Exeter, on Saturday, Sept. 23rd, at high noon, when their only daughter, Greta . Margaret, was united in marriage to Elmore Teekey of London, son of Mr, and Mrs.'etae. E< Tuckey o1^the London Road north. Rev. G. H.""McAlister, ,MVI.A., pastor of Main St. Methodist Church, officiated. An artistic" " archway of evergreens and tlow.di• formed a very pretty set- ting for the -ceremony,; The bride looked "charming iii. a -dress of white georgete' and carried a bouquet of ophelia `roses. •AS she entered the. parlor` with lies father the .bridal Mach from Lohengrin was played by the bride's cousin, Miss Annie Nichol, of Parkhill. Little Miss Vivian : El- liott, niece of the groom, dressed itt pink satin, made a very' pretty flower girl. • She carried a basket of sweet peas • .uring the signing; of the reg- ister, eg- iste 13Ess"Berniece Tuckey, sister of the groom, •sang very sweetly, ."The Crown." After the ceremony the guests numbering about' fifty, repair- ed' to the 'dining room which was'dec- orated in ]pink and white, where the wedding dinner 'wee served. The groom's gift to •the..pianist and to the soloist was bar pins>and to the flower girl a ring. The''Piresents were nu- merous and costly, among them be- ing substantial cheques from the par- ents of the bride and groom. The happy couple left amid showers of confetti for Toronto, Niagara ',Falls and Buffalo, the bride travelling in a'navy tricotine suit with black vel vet' hat and grey squirrel choker. On their' return they will reside in Lon- don. " STEWART MORGAN iYUPTIALS' A very happy event 'occurred at tee•home of Mr. and Mrs. ',I T. Mor- gan, Andrew St., Exeter, when their only. daughter, 1Vlyri Edna, became the happy bride of John Aimee Stew- art, son orf. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stew- art, of Usborne township. Dr. Flet- cher, the bride and groom's well be- loved old paster of Thames Road, as- sisted by Rev. Mr. Foote, of Caven Clsu.rehe Exeter, perfarened, the -core- mon,. en Miss Januett Popplestone; cousin `of the bride played thewed- ding march, and Miss Grace McLau- ghlin. daughter of D. McLaughlin; of Glencoe, a very clear friend of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Ar- chie Morgan sang beautifully, while her sister, Miss Anna Allison accom- panied her. The bride wore a white canton crepe dress and carried deep pink roses, while the bridesmaid wore pink georgette and carried large white mums. About fifty guests were present,'all near relatives, except a few friends. The gifts were wonder- ful. Six girl relatives and friends, Miss 1. Turnbull, Miss. E. M. Donald,.� Miss V. Stewart, Miss N. Anderson, Miss A. Case and Miss A. Allison mace dainty •waitressese'et the long tables .which held the guests at one sitting. The bride cut her own cake, which was served from her hand and while eating it Dr. Fletcher and illr. Foote proposed. toasts which were heartily responded to. The grocn's gift to the bride was a dainty gold pin, to the bridesmaid and soloist a gold brooch and to the pianist a gold ring. The day was enjoyed by all present and will long be remembered by the young couple as the happiest day of their lives. Mr. and Mrs, ttewart, Sr. will move to Exeter and le young people will take over the amestead on their arrival home nom their'honeymoon trip. S t h f ItOULSTON—}IOSKIN• The home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Hoskin, of London was attractively decorated with palms and asters for the marriage at 4 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon of last week, of their daughter,^Ins, Melee, to Nelson :Raul Ston, of the same city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. .T. F. Reycraft: pastor of the First Methodist Church, in the presence of only the immedi- ate, relatives of the contracting part- ies. The bride, who was Liven away by her father, `yore a pretty gown of h canna silk crepe, with a corsage bou- quet of sweetheart roses. Tlie brides- maid, Miss Vera Sweet, was in pale green canton crepe beaded in crystals and wore pink roses. L. R. Malone was best man, After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served from a table decorated with ribbon stream- ers from the chandelier, catight at Mite four corners and centered with the bridal cake. Mr, and errs. incl- Ston left on the evening train for Port ITuron and Detroit. On their retern„they will take ftp thea resi deuce;, at ,5571 Adelaide street. A handsome reading lamp from the L. &C P. S. Railway, with whom the bride. was employed, a gift of flat silver' from her Sunday School -class, hail a casserole from the Sunday School class of the groom, were among the beautiful presents received by the popttla • cou;ile, The bride is n grand- (iaughter of her. and Airs. '1tain. 'Treble of Exeter and formerly reside'!. at 1(1rkt'en. Atr. and Mrs Frank 'Paisley, motor- ed (over from New York and ere visit- ing with. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart.. At the Friday evening bowling tourney on the local r greensMessrs. E. J. \Vethey, W. Sanders and C. 13. Snell won first prize with three wills plus 31. S. Davis,, It., Mawlziuney. and R. Ferguson were second 'wit{i three wins plus 27. A few friends of :Mrs. Bert, Knight gaye her a surprise when they arriv- ed at her Iionie on Th•urs{Itty evening' of last week and prese4ed her with a beautiful white ivory coinb and hrusl and mirror, prior to the de pai'ture of she and her mother, Mrs. Wm". Drew, for Los Angeles, Calif. LIMA.N WINS N. W. BASEBALL LAURELS At Mitchell, on Saturday, 'Lucan outplayed Palmerston, in:the. game. which` decided the championship of the North 'Wellington Baseball Asso- ciation in .the senior series, by 12 to '4. Both teams had won their re- spective 'home games ye-spective'home'.games and the third game was necessarily played on neut- ral grounds. A number from town. witnessed the game. PLAYING FINALS ix N.W.ri.A. AT L'ALMERSTON The .Exeter Junior Baseball team motored to Palmerston to -day (Wed- nesday) to play a "sudden death game with Owen Sound to decide the client- pionship he, the • Noz•th Wellington Jainior series. . Last week it wee air flouncedthat,there.would be home and .honie:games but later it was de- cided, owing to the distance the two teams would have to, travel, the ex- pense and the dangeleofe catchy wea- ther, that a sudden death game would be played on neutra'1 .grounds ancl Palzuerston was selected as the place. The game will start at 3.30 this after- noon. Here'e hoping they will re- turn with the laur els t)pl s Mrs, Vi- 11.1. McLaren, o1' met with 'an nnforttinate --, i'k i --t on 'I'oosday when F., he was throw ti from a, buggy and had her collar- bone fractured. ii.A ] 1.Y SERVICES e The Main Si, 111.etlzoclist Sunday° School had a sueeessful Rally ori iiab- bate afternoon, "lie classes togeth- er with many visitors were out in full force. 'Elie different classes l•<estrori-. ded' to the roll call by giving: a..t•eport of the year's work and theiraimsfor the coming year. The Priznary-elas ses sangseveral selections and Mast - et' Frederick .Jones delighted all with a solo. 7'he-oreltestra. re:ndeetelgood service. The printed program. s4nt out by the department was followed largely. The room was pr•etill' dec- orated with Maple leaves and asters A liberal collection was received. The Sunday School Rally at darnee sta•eet church on Sabbath af'ter.noon was, a`•decided success. Service was held in the audil"or•iit'in of the church, the attendance beim. 438. Several very 'choice musical numbers were„ given by some of the youngri zriein- bees of the school, Rev. Dir: Cragg, of Wingham, was the special speaker for the day and gave a very interest. ing address that appealed to old incl young alike. The secretaz•y reported that classes No. 2• and 3 boys each had a perfect attendance for i24 Sun- days during the year; thus winning the award given by the Quarterly Board. The Sunshine Band ;semis p class had a arfect attendance for 3-0 Sundays during the year. A' beauti- ful bank of asters decorated the pul- pit. Dr. Roulston, the superintend- ent, presided. A meeting' of the South. 7Iurori Choral Society is to be held in James St. sdbool room on Monday next at eight o'clock. All members and all interested are requested to attend. Wanted all kinds of Apples for evaporating • at. the Exeter Eva lora. or. Apples will; be received any time and until endof season. 7-ITG ST CA.S11 PRICE ,PAID A ® D. (.:LOPP Women Help 'Wanted. PHONE 9 0 MANAGER. atisfaction ervice That meat is clown. in price? and it wiIl• pay you to get onr prices he - fore buying elswhere, "FA NIERS„ When you thresh, let us supply you with a choice Meaty Roast. Delivered any time. Choice Beef; Pork, Veal and Spr ingLamb, all the time. Have your Cooked -Meats andBacon Machine Sliced. River's Meat Market WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER, THAN PRICE. RIIiIIIIIIIIII! IId1IlIIlIIIfl1 B z IIlIII!!IIlI!lIIIIII([t!!lIIIIl1�1l1IIrI.IIl61IlIltIII(!!�Il� tomag Kommo gmmeM m▪ memi mmagn mmgmt tgamell to▪ mmin Irmrtml LIfter esults SUCCESS IS RARELY ACCIDENTAL. I'l` (05MES TO TT -IE' ALANOR. WOMAN WHOPT,<tiN FOx1 IT' S DO YOU WISI:I FOR "SUCCESS IN YO1J'I1 131.3EA:7)- MATING? TFIEN, GOOD WIFl , ADVISE T1 -IE tl•OOP `IIIAN '.11) 'BRING I:OME SO)IE OF T?A1IVIO'Y'S 1t1.A7'f1- TOBA'S BEST T5 MADE OF THE BEST •W11.STI:]ItN 1A13;D l V Y �'S'IiE�iT, 73Y TI -IE PROCESS, t Ni)I,B•' S'I•Ikl SUPS IDb VISION OFA t''tP \ 3LE imIILLf:t2 JUST iVOW ,T TS • C1-TE.4Pl+lz. THAN • T]•1111 CTII±,APEST. 1111111111111 I I I A 11111I l El 11 [ 1111 [1111I 1I1I I11111 I I I I1111I I111111I111tI11[ immemd mag MmMaI 117