The Exeter Times, 1922-9-21, Page 4THUUSi)Y SfiPTjB1 THEI guava Tam
131 (11,10V.1) ETE
(Continued frorn page one)
1-10G,S ,
iDtiners, swept list.
INLanscta & Or took
n11 p•rize.s lot- sows.
Che.s, litirvey, JU(IgC
. L LI L "non, e
end ,taecrr) & 1 ;Ind 2.; Lang-
poireees., e nein W, ovs. ci en 1 iU 2 ;
C)rintigitin.,,, and other variety, Berry
Diinc; Sussex Speckled, pullet, e..
.1,1;t3,nRue j, 1,;;A, ati.011.01,
a.a as v, -e.1.1. a ,Stat'eam's and Garcia
itir4 specials; i'sA yanclottes, DieCullough
14,0wolilie were i-iniiers; 1S 1,
sds,lacCullougn and G. tie>, w oecl ;
In. Leghorn's, (-4, HeYwood, liern,
Sand.ers and, J., W. Henn w•ere
winners; Bk. Minorcas, cock and he,n,
Sutton 12 and 2; c. and p., T.Laing
and B. Powell; Aricialusions, cockeril,
Bowden.“ Anconas, cock and hen
P. item j „A. kPollard; j, Pollard,
11„ Rowcliffe, and ; litamburgs, G,
"ley w,00d and :Mc Cullough won ; S.
C:anapinie.s, c, and IL, 1\leCu1lough;
0. V, Game, cockl, ,Berr)c & Dii.t.;
Duckwing Game, cock, :DIcCullough, C
Acheson, same for hen. c. "DieCulleugh
land 2, p,, ditto and T. Laing; Seu.
bright, golden, c and h E. j, Homey
A. 0 V. Bantams, cock., W. Lotman,
Brown.; hen, 134W den. and. Lutnia,n, ;
C, h., C. ,and p„ 111. Roweliffe
Red Cap.s, li. R.o‘wcliffe, Tiitert-me.r
and J. W. Hera. .won; White Rocks, 3,
W. Hern and G. paters won.
Turkeys --bronze, C. Truernner. and
W. Bowden won.
Toidotise Geese, W. Bowden all,
'licks—Pekin, 0, Truemner, J. "Drart
son & Son, A. ,Etherington; Rouen
W. Bowden; A.G.:V., W. B 01.‘' den, C.
Cilinea Fowl, G, 'Phomoson 1 an.l.
Belgian rabbits, I. A. Christie, young.
G. Tholnpson 1 and 2; other rabbits,
3, Christie, G. Penhale; young, J. A.
Cheistie; pigeons, G. Heywood.
Wm. McLeod, 'judge,
Carmen No. 1, C. Truenmer;
Nev.. Yorkers, Win, Dearing; Irish
Cobblers, Jas. Sut,ton, Mrs, Ce Ether-
ingLon; Green. Mountain, Jos. Sutton,
C, Truemner; Early Rose, Wm, Dear-
ing; any other variety, 0.;
blood beets, B. Tuckey; globe beets
J. Caldwell, E. Heideman.; ••, sugar
beets, IL Tuckey, G. Penhale; sugar
beet ngelds, 13. Tuckey,, W. Dear-
ing; long inaugolds, 13. Tuckey, C.
Truemner; globe anangolds, W. Dear-
ing, C. Trueniner; intermediates, B.
`ruelte-,ie Win. Dearing; early horn
carrots, 13. S. Phillips, Mrs. G. Eth-
erington; Nantes carrots, Jos. Sutton
W. Dearing; long orange or red car-
rots, T. lionlden; white or yellow
field earrote, B.j ahicicey, Dan Dew;
sweet corn, white, W. Dearing; Ban-
tam corn, E. Heideman, W. Dearing;
pumpkins, C. Truenmer, Mr,s. Hey-
wood; musk melons, J. Caldwell, L.
Reynolds; sWecle turnips, A. Dougall
j, Triebner; turnips any other var.,
Wm, Ford, Geo. Penhale; red onions den; dos. eggs from heavy breed.
Win. Dearing; white or yellow onions hens, Mrs, W, 13, Rydal, L, H. Rob -
Mrs. 0, Heywood, G. Deters; Spanish inson.
onions, Mrs, 0, Heywood; tomatoe,s Judge—L. M. jeckell.
Mrs. Etherington; celery, W. Dear-
ing; eirrous round, E. Heideman, Five Ibs. butter, Ford; Most
reldwoll; Hubbard squash, L. Rey- neatly arranged plate of butter for
nolds, J, A. Christie; table squash, table use, H. Ford, Miss Hogarth.
Miss Hogarth; fall cabbage, L. Rey -
Domestic cloth, W. 'W. Taman; ai-
wool flannel, Mrs. Edgar Darling; Red, 0. Deters. C. Truemner; Rib -
all -wool blankets, Southeott Bros.,Isron Pippins, Mrs. G. Heywood, L.
mre. nemeen; etetrnen Tern, Miss N. Luker; Wa,gners, C. Truemner, G.
Tom, Mrs. 13e inuningi rag carpet, Cudmore; Golden Russets, 0. Cud -
Miss Tom; se -wing machine, s: Mar- rnore, A. Etherington; Ben Davis, G.
Ltil a son 1 d: stafied birds. mrs. Cudmore, A. Etherington; Ontario,
(Dr.) Sweet, Dirs. Reed; tailor ens_ G. Cudinore. A. .Etherington; Weal-
thy, Dr. Hyndmon, A. Dougall;
suit. Southcott 13ros., W. W. Ta-
Tal -
naafi Sweet, A. Dougall, A. Ethering-
inan; col. general goods, Southcott
Bros., W. W. Tanran; best col. tailor
goods and furnishings, 'W. W. Taman
col. boots and shoes, Soutlicott Bros.
1 2; factory made quilt, Mrs.
Kerr:ken; wall paper, Southcott Bros,
col. of furniture, M. E. Gardiner &
Son, 1 & 2; pair ladies boots, South-
cott Bros. I. & 2.; pair gents boots,
Southcott Bres., 1 & 2; cream sep-
arator, B. S. Philips.
Factory Tweed W. W. Taman Sin-
gIP. harness arid d,ouble. harness, M.
Quanne and 2; Piano, S. Martin.& Son
judge, W. J. Carling.
ors No. 22, Miss HOgartn; Rogers No
45, Mrs. McPherson; best col. grapes
Mrs. lacPheron,
Peaches --- Late Crawford, Thos..
Simile; any other variety, C. `Pruem-
ner, Miss, Hoegarth.
judge, RelVelsh,
.Best col. canned fruit„ Win. An-
clrew, 'Mt's, G. Etherington; best col.
honey, Mrs, McPherson.; honey in jar
Mrs.. McPherson; col. of bottled pick-
les, Mrs. G. Etherington, Mrs. Mc-
Pherson; col. of canned vegetables,
Mrs. G, Etherington, Mrs, McPherson
home-made Innis, Jas.. Anderson,
LNiVin. Dearing; home-made bread,
Wm. Andrew; Win, Dearing; col. of'
cakes, Mrs. G. Etherington; Jas. An-
derson; -lunch for two, Wm. Andrews
cured hain, Wm. Dearing; assort-
ment of pured meats, Win. Dearing:
Jas. Anderson; doz. eggs -from light
breed hens, jos.. Anderson, 'W. Bow-
nolds, E. Heideman; winter cabbage,
Painting on china, realistic, Mrs.
B. Tuckey, Mrs. 0, Heywood; best
C• Triterane, 1)aters; Oats,
0, Truant:ler & Son, 0". 1)4tOr.S
in111;01 N1)1}e' i.s.ielectdri,t,s,0,1110)LaIrt,e Harvey G'1'41B<>11101 Is);
White beans, ',Gen. Smith, C. True -
inner Clover'sad, C. Tnienlner; 'Col-
ja,S, Anderson.; 'Ensilage. Corti,
Etherington, Wm. Ford; Large
ppe:LS, J. Trle14,ner ; ,Snual peas, CeTrue-
maer; pop corn, Thos, tiouiclen, -
GO.orge Andrew, judge.
A. McPherson, Mrs. Ketchen; Paint -
col. of vegetables, Mrs, G. Heywood,
ing- on china. conventional, Mrs. A.
Miss Hogarth.
McPherson; Collection of coins, Mrs.
Judge, Rd, Weleh.
A. McPherson; Collection of stamps,
HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS Dr, Rouleton, Mrs. A. McPherson.
Apples—Six varieties winter ap-
ples, Dr. Hyadman; .fall apples, any Begonias, tuberous, Wm. Dearing,
variety, C, Truemner, B. Tuckey; Dr. Hyndman; Begonias, 3 other var-
R. greenings, A.. Dougall, L. Luker ieties, Andrew Dougall; Ferns, F.
Northern Spies, S. Caldwell, E. Luker Bloomfield; Folliage, Dr. Hyndmon;
Roxboro Russets, G:dadmore; Spitz- Col. of flowers in pots. Dr. Ilyndman;
burgs, G. Cuchnore; Baldwins, Mrs. Novelty in potted plants, A. Dougall,
G. Hey -wood, G. Cudmore; Westfield wm. Dearing. "
Seels-no-f-urther, Mrs. G. Heywood; .,
Snows,. C. -Trueuraer, L. Luker; Fall CUT FLOWERS
Pippin', O. Truenmer; Colverts, C.
Trueniner; Ring .of 'Tompkins,' Mrs.
G. Heywood, 0, Cudmore; Canadian
Hebron potatoes, Wm. Dearing;
Miss Darling ; towels, Mrs, Darling,Miss
Dinney, Mris. Lawson; sheet ;add P‘j-l-
low cases. Miss Cochrane, Miss Ches
'ley; bedspread, Mis,s W,
Aniirew • „Filet, Mrs. ' Darling, Mrs.
Lawson; Irish, Mrs, Darling, Nisei Liv
ingstone, 4\lacrame, Mil8S LiArillg St 011C
MissCook; table mats,, Miss Living-
stone, Mrs, Darling; centrepiece, All's.
Darling, Aliss Livingstone; serviettes,
Mrs Darling, Mrs, J. ,IcI)o,nald; corset
cuver, Mrs Lawson, AIrs, Darling. ;
draught team, 11% Ellerington; D.
RusSell for 2 -year-old draught, W.
McAlister & Son; E. M. Quance for
heavy draught foal,' M. Pullin; S.
Martin & Son and J. Lawson for best
lady driver, Mrs. F. Coates, Mrs, J.
Selves; Southcott Bros., Agric. foal,
Dr• MOir; W. J. 130er, roadster foal,
J. Decker, Jr.; 1". J. Millar foals from
Dandalieth Diamond, E. Monteith, A.
Doupe,; W. J. Heaman for calf
niglitg'own.• NIL -3S Cedirane, Mrs, purl"' raised on Royal Purple Calf Meal, R.
Punt ng in oil lannscape, Miss ing ; rancy bag, Mi.s,s Livingstone, Miss
Brock; Kirk Bros pen of bacon hogs
C•ook, Mrs. N. J. -Dore; painting in oil, Chesney lacdes undel.ue Miss Clies
figure. Miss Livingstone, Mrs, N. J. ney, Miss Cochrane; infant's jacket G. Millers; C. L. Wilson for display
of ladies work, Miss N. Tom; Exeter
Pahlting in oil, fru:t 01' -dowers A. Dougaili Mrs. Reid; bonnet, Mrs. 'G
Miss Livingstone, Miss 1. Cook; I'aint- Passnnore, A. DougaLl; booties, Miss Advocate for Potatoes, Jos. Stitton;
Crigg Stationery Co., for 5 lb' crock
Mg in all, animals, Miss Livingstone,
Airs, Dore; Painting, water colors, mar-
ine, Mrs. Dore, Miss Livingstone;
Painting, water color, landscape, 1D'Irs.
Dore, and 2; Painting, water color
figure,. AEss Livingstone, IVirs. Dore;
Painting, water color, fruit or flow-
ers, Miss M, Cook, Miss Livingstone;
Sepia, Lideee or group, Mrs, Dore3.
and 2; Sepia, any ,subject, Mrs. Dore,
Alise M. Cook; Photography, J. Senior
1 and 2; Crayon or Pestello, dMiss
Livingstone, Mrs. Dore; Pencil sketch,'
Miss Living;stene, 'Mrs, DOre; C,ol'pho-
tographis .J, Senior 1 and 2; Photo-
graphs, J. Senior; Photographs, ama,-
teur, Vim. Andrew, J. Senior; 'Col,
photographic views, FL Ford, j. Senior
Pen and ink sketch, Dlie,-s Cook, Miss
Mr. 0, Passmore, judge.
Embroidered Work --Tray cloths
Miss J. Chesney, Mrs. G. Passmore;
Table linen, Mrs, B. 1)arfing, MrsrPass-
more ; Lunch cloth and ;serviette, Mrs.
; L'undbecin ,set, Mrs. Darling;
Lunchlon cloth, ',Mrs. Darling, Wm,
Andrew; Centrepiece, Mrs. DarPng,
Miss j. Chesney,; Coronation braid
Miss Liviingsbone, Mrs, Darling; Roman
or cut work, Miss Livingstone, Miss B,
Grichronen Eyelet 'Miss,
Mrs, Darling; French and eyelet, Miss'
Livingstone, Mrs., G. Passmore; Punch
work, Miss Livings tone, L. Luker;
Wallochin, Mitsis Livingstone, Mrs. Dar-
Astors, -display, Dr. Hyuciman, I. Towels, Miss Livingston.e., Mrs.
B. Rydal; Sheet rind pillow cases,
'117. F. Beavers; Dahlias, Wm, Dear- Miss Chesney, Mrs. McDonald' Pil-
ing; Gladiolus, Dr. Hyndmon; Coma- low 'cases, ,Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Dar -
tions, display, Wm. 1)earin.g, L. Rey- ling; Dresser and stand cover,
nolds; Petunias, single; Mrs. A. Mce Darling% Mx's, IV- RYcl-a-1-; Becl'4'reed
Pherson, Wm. Dearing; Petunias, Mrs. Darling, aiss Cochrane; Tea cosy
McDonald; Har -
double, Wm. Dearing, L. Reynolds; Misi;'.M- Tom, Mrs. J.
lancer Cochran.e • Bule'arian Mrs
Phlox, drummondi, Wm. Dearing, L. ' • • • ' '
Dark:nee Mass Livingstone. Montmel-
Living.stone; dress, Mrs, Rei.c1; drawn
thread work, 1Vliss Livingstone, Miss
Chesney; lidlefs, Miss Livingstone, Mrs
Sweet; 'odliar and.. caCr. set, Miss Liv-
ingstone, Miss Cochrane; Laney apron, Dr. Browning for painting, 1VIrs. N.
J. Dore; J. Senior for school child-
ren's exhibit, F. Bloomfield; S: Davis
for home-made bread, M. 1)earing;
Mrs. Yeo, col. of needle work, P.
Bloomfield; Jones, & May for pota-
toes, T. Collingwood; 3. A. Stewart
col. of flowerS', F. Bloomfield; Piton
& Foote, and Jas. Jeckell for exhibit
from any school, Hurondale School,
F. Bloomfield, .Tas. Anderson; Exe-
ter Times for col. of vegetables, Hur-
ondale school; 17S,7,. -W. Taman for col.
of wood, L. Hoist; Reeve Beavers for
col. of flowers, M. Dearing; 5 dos,
kitchen apron, 'Airs, 'Darling, Mrs. Law eggs, J. Caldwell,. Jas. Anderson; 2
son, Mrs. Sweet; sweater, A1rs. Dar- doz. eggs, L. H. Robinson, Miss Ho-
ling, IVU,ss Livingstone; scarf, Mrs lVfc garth.
Pherson, L. Liiker; slippers, Miss Toni
Mis s Livings tone ; knit te cl_ s w ea ter
Reynolds; Coxcombs, Jas. Anderson. lick, As. Livingston; Hucl'roback, Miss
Jos. Harvey; Stocks, display, Wria- Livingstone,esi\lizS Cochrane; Modern
Dearing, L. Reynolds; Verbenas, W. cross-stitch, 1Mrs. E. Lawson, Miss Liv -
Dearing, L. Reynolds; Zinnias, B. W. isgstone; Centrepiece, colored, Mrs-.
ton; Fallawater, Mrs. G, Heywood; F. Beavers, Dr. Ronlston; best ar- Darling, Mis-s F. Din,ey; Conventional
Mann, Mrs. G. Heywood, A. Ethering- ranged basket, Mrs. A. McPherson, J. design, Mrs McDonald, Mrs' pat --
ton; crab apple, C. Truemner.
Pears—Four var. winter pears,
Mrs. McPherson.; fall pears, 11rs. Mc-
Pherson; DucheSs of Anjouline, Mrs.
G. Heywood, 'W. S. Howey; Bears
01-airgeou, Mrs. McPherson; Beureau
Anjou, Dr. Roulston, Mrs. McPherson
Bartlett, 0. Cadmore.
Plums--Lornhards Mrs. Reed, Mrs.
Gropes—Moore's Early, Dr. Hynd-
man, Thos. Smote; Niagara, J. H.
Greive, Thos. Smote; Concord, Mrs.
G. I-Ieywood, Mrs. Mcpherson; Dele-
ware, Thos. Smale; Rogers No. 9,
Mrs. McPherson, Thos. Smale; Rog -
of dairy butter, H. Fora; R. N. Rowe
for dairy butter, G. Daters;- Harvey
Bros' loaf of bread A. Etherington;
, ,
Miss Tom, H. Ford, Mrs. Lawson; bou-
doir cap, Miss Cochrane, :Mira Law-
s'on; carniso.le, Mrs. Darling, Miss. Liv-
iiigstone:,laundry bag, Miss Cochrane
Mrs. Darling; ,fancy bag, Miss Living -
Stone,. Miss TOrit; bead work, Miss
Tom, Mrs. Sweet; child's' dress, Miss
Living.stone, Mrs, Reid; table runner,
Mrs, Rydall, Min PassMotre;. mounted
sofa pillow', Mrs, McDonald, Mrs: Dar
ling; washable sofa 'pillow; Miss Liv-
ingstone ,Mrs, Darling; library set,
Mrs, Darling, Mrs. Lawson; serving
tray Mrs. Darligg; raffia, .work, Wm.
Andrew; night shirt, Mrs. Darling, Mrs'
Sweet, work shirt, Miss Livinptone ;
0M, bM:SET-1,0,1*-L,
Anderson; best arrangement for clin-
ner table, H. Ford, L. Reynolds; col-
lection of annualS, Dr. Hyndman, J.
ling; Table . runner, Mrs. 1.)arling, 1\liss
Coc.brarie; Pin cushion, Miss Tom, Mrs.
.1)arling; .Nightgown, Airs. McDonald
Lutcer; Lace, 1:-ish, (Dr.) SW e
Mise 'roan; slippers, Miss Toni, •Nliss
Livingstone; Underskirt, iVfiss Livin,g-
,stone, Miss Tom; ladies' mits, "Miss .1)
Tom, Mrs. Darling; nie.n.'s 'nits, Mrs. 1
Law.son. .Miss Tom; Socks, Mrs. Lew
son, Mrs. 1)arling; bra•idect rug, Miss
Livingstone, Mrs. Baynhaan, Mrs. Dar-
ling ; hooked rug, .Miss Chesney, Mrs
Baynhaan; C. Truemner ; window- cli--
tairlig, Mi8S Tom. Miss LivingstonetIVIrs
Darling; .sliimber •rug, A: H. Dune
Ketclsen, Miss Dinney; comforter
Airs Darling, Mrs. Baynhani, E. I-laistt,
silk patched quilt, ...Miss -Living•stonr
T. Triebner; k.nitted Ms's Tom.
Airs, Darling.
'Milder 12 years—Croch,et work, knit
ted socks, and patchirig, R, D. Flunter
12 to 113 years--Hdkj..s,„ eara
towels. apron, laundry bag„ knitted
socks, painting, 'Mrs. T. McDo.nald ;
centrepiece in. white, also in eol•or,Mrs
McDonald, F. Bloomfield; pin cushion,
Jas. Anderson, Mrs. McDonald; cro-
chet work, F. Bloarnifield, Mrs. Mc-
Donald; col. articles, Mrs. McDonald;
,hand sewing, J. Anderson, F. Bloom-.
field, button holes, F. Blloomlield, 5,
Anderson; pillow' cases, F. Bloomfield,
Mrs, McDonald; darning, also patching
A.—Here lies my friencfPerkin'S—
le- left everything he had to the or-
han ' asylnin. B.—What did he
save? A.—Five boys and one girl.
Win. Dearing; ,Balsams, -wm. Dear- ing.stone, 'Mrs.' Darling; Tatting, :Aliss SCI -100L 'CHILDREN'S PRIZES
Anderson; Pansies, Mrs. ivrepherson, Miss Livingstone; Netting', Allis Liv-
ing, L.:0Reyno1ds; floral design, fun- Liv.ingstone, 'Miss Tani; Battenburg, Best display of vegetables grown
eral, F. Bloomfield; brides bouquet, Mrs Ketches', IVIiss Chesney; 1-loniton., by school children open toanyschool
Jas. A.nderson,L. Reynolds; novelty Misa Livingsterte,.,-Miss M. Cook; Lace A. H. Gambrill, T; Collingwoocl,
ing; extra, Dr. Hyridman. Mi
in cut flowersLReynoldsIv, Bear_ "with machin:e matiebraids, Mi T ss Livingstone; Crochet -w-nrsisk,-torauly'lAches°11"
Green Mountain potatoes, R. San-
, . ,
ders, Al. Dearing, Huronclale school;
Irish Cobler potatoes, H. Gower, F.
Bloomfield; any variety table corn,
Son, 3". Triebger; Fall wheat, red, Dariin
F.piary white centrepiece, Mrs. liurondale school, F. Bf
Miss Cochrane; pillow cases, Chantenay carrots, F. Bloomfield,
Triebner, G. Daters; 6 -rowed barley, 1\11-s. Darling, Miss I)inney ; stand cover liurondale school, A. 13.-Gambrill;
any other variety carrots, F. Bloom-
field; yellow onions, F. Bloomfield;
bean, C. Acheson; sunflower, C. Ach-
eson; tomatoes, Hurondale school,
G. Anderson, C. Acheson; cabbage,
Hurondale school.
Glodioli, M. 'Dearing, R. Beavers,
Hurondale school; Phlox. M. Dearing
Asters, R. Beavers, F. Bloomfield-, J.
Anderson; Sweet peas, R. I3eavers, F.
Bloomfield, M. Dearing, Nasturtiums
T. Laing, R. Beavers, F. Bloomfield;
Pansies,, L. Haist, F. Bloomfield, M.
Dearing; geraninni in pot,' Huron -
dale school, R. Beavers; col. of woods
L. Haist, A. Etherington, Mrs, G.
Etherington; col, of leaves, j. Ander-
son,. S. M. Sanders; col. 91'insects,
J. Anderson, 1-lugh Creech, W. J.
Heaman; writing, 9. .Aelieson, Mt
Clarke, Ganclifill; 'drawing of
Huron county, M. Dearing S. M. San-
ders; drawing province ',of Ontario,
Hurondale school 3. & 2; Balsams, H.
Gower, Hurondale set -tool, IVI. Dearing
Dahlias, F. Bloomfield, M. Dearing.
Winter wheat, j. Anderson, Ilur-
ondale school, Q. Thomson; oats, Hu-
rondale school, G. Thomson; barley,
Hurondale school, G. Thomson.
' Horne -made bread, M. Dearing, F.
Iluroudale school; jar of
plums, Hurondale schdol; jar rasp-
berries, Hurondale school, 1. Cald-
well; apple pie, Hurondale school, F:
Bloomfield 2 & 3; hemmed handker-
chief, M. Dearing; fancy tea apron;
Iiiirondale school 1 & 2; dressed doll
13.1 Bloomfield, M. Dearing, Huron -
dale school.; biscuits, Hurondale sch.
, buns, F. Bloonifietd.
I-Iammer handle, L. .Haist, G. Da-
ters, C. Thomson; best box, L. Hoist,
milking stool, L. Haist; birdhouse, R.
- Beavers, H. Skinner; carved chain,
H. Gower.
White beans, F. Bloomfield, A., H.
Gambrill, T. Laing'; marigolds, A, H.
Hurondale school, T. Laing
special for broom, D„Dew;special for
drawing, 0, Acheson; any other var.
carrots, A. II, Garabrill, 1-I. Gewer,
Hurondale school; blood beets,, C.
yAec:illloelsvo n,
onions,,V. ti"..tct r se wa rt, dueer s. 0373B,inBeilyoolond..
Gower;" red onions, Al. 'Dear-
ing, Hurondale sChool, R. Sanders;
Dutch sets, M. Dearing, R. Sanders
Bloomfield; turnips, Hurondale
school, P. Bloomfield, T. Coiling-,
'wood; parsnips, A. I1. Gal/11)14111 cab-
bage, 0, Acheson, Hurondale school
J. Harvey; table beans, S. M. Sane -
dere, M. Dearing, Be•Salfders; golden
Bantam, 91. Bloomfielc13 T. Laing;
corn, S. M. Sandra's, C. Acheson, M.
Dearing; beete", C . Aelle$011, AV , S.
Howcy, 13, Beavers; beets long, F.
Bloomfield; special for painting, 0,
A cites° n
Jlanlc 01 Commerce tor heavy
Judge—Jas. 'Weekes.
Fall wheat, white, C. True,mner &
cloths,. Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Darling;
iMiss Chesney, Mrs. Darling;
luncheon set Mrs. 'Darling; lunch
cloth and serviet tes, Mrs. Da'rllrigMlss
014 rs
r cent C
of Five Ye'r
Issued in 1917 and
Maturing lst
December, 1922.
fJ P7E3 MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders
of these bonds who desire to continue their
investment in Dominion of Canada securities the
P privilege of' exchanging the maturing bonds for new
bonds bearing 5i per cent interest, payable half yearly,
of either of the following classes: --7
(a) Five year bonds, dated lst November,
1922, to mature lst November, 1927.
(b) Ten year bonds, dated lst November,
1922, to mature 1st November, 1932.
While the maturing bonds will carry interest to lst
December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to earn
El interest from lst NoveMber, 1922, GIVING A BONtJS
This offer is made to hOlderS of the maturing bonds
... and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be
i issued under this proposal/w11 be substantially of the
Li same character as those which are mattiring, except
-Lhet the eXencoptiOm from taxation does not apply to the
I Ali
COI at Ottaua,•$th Atigt8
Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to. avail
themselves of this conversion privilege should take
LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of
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an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing
an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of
the new issue.
Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest
payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their
December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of
coupon bonds will detach and 'retain the last uninatured
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The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks
to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will
be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully
registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form
carrying interest payable lst May arid lst No-vember
of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest
payment accruing and payable lst May, 1923. Bonds
of the new issue Will be sent to the banks for
delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered
The bonds of the maturing issue which are not
converted Under this proposal will be paid off in cash on
the lst December, 1922.
Minister of Finance,
dtgra"1 0J-TirEgrt.W4W-rEir J
Met an Old friend the other day
Who, was suffering from a severe at-
taCit of hay fever. He had, been keep-
ing '99napany With a grass widow for
the past months, inebbY that's the
a Court will be held, pursuant to The
Ontario Voter's List A.Ct by His Hon-Nerre
or the Judge of the County Court ot
the County of Huron at the Town
Hall, Exeter, on the Ninth day of
October, 1922 at Eleven o'clock in
the forenoon to hear and determine
complaints of errors and, omissions in.
the Voter's List of the Municipality
ofthe village of Exeter for 1922.
Dated the 1.9th day of September,
1922. Jos. Senior, Clerk of the •
Municipality of the village Of Exeter.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of The estate of Flor-
ence Alberta Crews, late of the vil-
lage of Exeter, County of Huron,
widew deceased,
Notice is hereliy given pursuant to e
the'. Trustees Act that all persons ,
having claims against the estate of
Forence Alberta Crews, of the Vil-
lage of Exeter, County of Huron,
widow, deceased, who died on or
about the 151h day of August, 1922,
are required on or before the lst
,day ofOctober, 1922, to file with
Gladman & Statibury, Solicitors for
the Executors, full particulars of '
their claims. .And after such date the -
Executors will distribute the assets
of the deceased, having regard only
to the claims of which notice has-
been received.
Solicitors for the Executors
Exeter, Sept. 9th, 1922.
Order your counter check books ab
The Times. '
1922 Victory Bonds
Victory Loan Bonds m.atur.
mg December, 1922, may be ex-
changed without charge for bonds of
the new five-year and ten-year issues
on application before September 30th
to any branch of this Bank. 695
Capital Paid up; $15,000,000
Reserve Fund. $15,000,000
- F. A. Chapman, Manager
R. S. Wilson, Manager
Exeter Branch,
Crediton Branch,
Dashwood Branch, f
Capital Paid Up $4,000,000
Reserve Fund $5,000,000
Over 125 Branches
It is not necessary to make a special trip to the
nearest branch of The Molsons Bank every time you
want to deposit money. Send your deposit to the
Bank by mail. Write today to the nearest man-
ager of The Molsons Bank for information.
Centralia Branch. open for business daily
Head Office, F'arqnhar, Ont.
President, 'Win. BROCK
Vice-Prealdent, JOHN ALLISON
JOHN MISERY, Centralia, Agent for
Usborne and 13ithlulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent Zor
Hilbert, FuRarton and 1-Aogal.
Secretary -Treasurer
R- R. No. 1, Woodham. •
Solicitors, Exeter.
Veterinary SUrgeon
Office ---Baker's 'Livery on James St.
Calla promptly attended to day or
Phone 8.
DR, A. R. KINSMAN, vial., p.n.s.
Honor Graduate of Toronto 1),...iver-
Office over Gladman & Stanhury's
office, lytaln treeti Exeter:
Adve' rtise In t1i T1.mzios, t pays
We have a large amount of privath.
funds to loan on farm and village,
properties, at lowest rates of in-
Barristers, Solicitors, ,irD
Main St. Exeter, Ontario
PERRY F. poirrE, Licensed Ansi
tioseer. Sales conducted in any loc-
ality. Terms moderate, Orders Isfq
at Tiines Office will be promptly at-
tended to. Phone 116, Kirktonl.
Address Kirkton P. 0.
DR. G. F., ROULSTON, L.D.S., p.p.?*
Office over I. R. Carling's'WLary
Closed every Wednesday atternoon4.
Dye right! Don't rIsilt
your material. Each pack-
age of "Diamond Dyes' con-
tains directions se simple.
that any woman ean:
diamond -dye a newe rick
color into old ,garinents,.
draperies, cov0dings, every-
thing, 'whether ivool, silk,.
linen, cotton or mis.ed goods.
Buy "1)iinnond Dyes" --nn
:other lcind---then perfeet re-
sults are guaranteed even if
,youllaNO new'r lyod befere,,
Druggist has "Dia mond 'Oye,
Color" CAM." colorti,