HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-9-21, Page 3How te Organ gel a Troop. , , , In .our amtiele it weel we.describ the place et the "parent inetitutim such as a Church, School ce.Club, .(3couting, and -outlined the. fenctio of the Troop Committee of adult ci • zens appointed by the institution ta ing up Scout werle for its .boys. ,0 of 'the ditties. of this Coniinittee ie t selection of, the Scoutmaster and.. e or more Assistant Scoutmasters to root tile work Of the Troop. Scoutmasters. The succeshe a. of tBoy Scout pro- gramme is dependent upon the Scout- master. I-Iis conception of, the rules, spirit and purpose c'f Scouting and the quality. of his leadership control the •possibilitiesfor practical resulte in the work for boys, For 'this reason the greatest care should be exercised by all 'concerned in recommending men for these appointments. A Scoutmaster "shall be at least twenty-one years. of age and shall be -chosen 'because of good moral char:- , acterand his interee't in WO* for , . boys. Fie need nOt bean expert in all of the Scout activities', but should be able to command the, respect of, the boys inethe management of his troep, delegate as muchof his duties as pos- sible to assistants. and Petrel Leaders and make 'use of different local ex- perts .avaIlable in the various activi- ties inchided • in the Scouting. pr grame.: He with the Troop Comiil tee, is responsible for the general pr m grame and supervision of the wor Of 'the Troop. All recommendation for the registratien of men to serve as Scoutmasters -shall originate with 'th Troop 'COnimitteeand be submitte on blanks provided for that purpose In communities supervised by Loca Associations', th.e recommendati the Troop Cernmittee shall, be, ap proved .by. the Local Association. ' Assistant Scoutmasters. Each Troop.- should:, have one omore .A.SedStalit SCoutnap.,setdrs. Assist ant Scoutmasters' shall he at'leas eighteen years of age and may be selected aud promoted because o their experience . as members in a troop atel efficiency in Scenting. An A.sadstant Scoutmaster Performs. such dutieso as may be assigned to him by the Scontmaster. All recemmendatione for, registration as Assistant Scout masters. orig,inate with the Sectutmas.- ter and. the. Troon. Committed a:hd re- quire the approval of the Local As- sociation ifthere be such, having jur- isdiction of • the Troop for which the Scoutmaster is registired. Training the Scoutin new Scoatneaster sabot. secure traiAing 'from somedsource. 1. From the Training Cours,e of the Local A.ssociation havinig .juriedie,tion over his troop. 2. Or from self-help—weeding the literature the Boy Scout Association makes available in -the way of hand- books, pamphlets, "Headquarters Ga- zette," "The Trail," etc. 3. Or from .apprenticeship as an As- sistant Scoutmaster in another troop. 4. Or from perscon-'al contact and cen ference with experienced' Scout work:: ere. 5. Or (as, many, and perhape most men have secured it). from the teach- ings. of his, own experience. ' This last should be suPplemented. What the new Scoutmaster ."is" is of course more vital than what he "knows."' Yet the more he knOwe about his importa.nt and pleasant ser- vice, 'the greater the returns that may be expected. (To be continued next week). ed in, ns ti k- ne he ne di - RUN DOWN PEOPLE WEAK AND NERVOUS Thousands in This Condition Can `Easi)lv klelp Themselves. 'here are thotisande of people eh hear the pain andfdiscortifort of niiiir0 ills le the hope that the inclispositio n is only temporary ad will be ou grown in time. Oftee such iilfteS80 are not serious enough to require th n attentioof a doctor, but will respon to intelligent home treatment if a re liable remedy is used, Wohnen, buS with a multitude of household cares young women in offices or stores', o girls studying hard in school, emit fall a prey to that condition of blood lessness Ituasyn. as anaemia, The trodble need not be serious if prompt measures are taken to check it in its early stages. Dr, Williams' Pink Pine will restore the elements, needed t�. •P'ring the blood ,ba,ck td strength, and once - the blood regains its healthy quality the entire body will soon ;how the benefit. Among the Many who have found benefit through the use of Dr. Williams,' Pink Pills is Ms. Albert W. Smith, Miseenehe, P331., who says —'I was very much broken down in health, had pains' in the region of my heart, and wee so short of, breath that if I went upstairs I would have to lie clown as' soon as I reached the top, Then a strange nervous twitch- ing of the muscles took poseeseio'n of me, and every niesele in my body would apparently be twitching. I be- came very emaciated, and my family' were much alarmed as to, my condi- , ton. At this time I -read an article in t our home paper concerning Dr. Wil - llama' Pink Pills and decided to give 0- k there a trial. The reedit was that in a short time I felt much improved, . ena under further tee of the pills I felt like a new woman, had gained in weight and was in every way better. I e-ould urge anyone afflicted as I was to give Dr, Pink Pills a 1 trial," You can get tb,ese pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for:$2,50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont, Canadian Visitors to the t - National Parks. / The: eAent to which Canadians thenaselved are making use of the Canadian .National Parks is shown by the registrations of the past month at Banff. During July, 1,517 licen,se^ were • sued to ears ente,ring the National Park. The highest Previous- record was in July, 1921, when 1,084'l1censes were issued. The week enclin.g July 31 broke the weekly record with 502 licenses'exceeding the previotis high- est week by ever 100 cars, T1CO' Super- intendent reports that on July 1 and 2 there were 1,956 bathers in the Gov- ernment bath's at the Crve and Basin Hot Sulphur Springs. The previous week -end record was 965 or leas than one-half th.e total for this year. The total _number of bathers attiring the week ending July,30 was .2,116. The great majority of these visitors are niotorists' from the Prairie Provinces, though cars have been noticed from California and the Western States and , even as far east as Michigan and On- tario. The rotator itself IS' fitted with care- offully-adjusted blades Which make it revolve at a known number of revolu- tions per mile. This is attached to a dial on the taffna,i1 of the ship by a line which is not expected 'to kink in arty circumstances, and the- number of revolutions istlins indicated on board. From that'it is quite easy to judge the speed of the ship, but al- lowance has to be made for tide and many other considerations. Buffalo for England. A pair of buffalo from the ;Teat Canadian herd in Buffalo Park, Wain- Narightf., Alberta, will be shipped to Ithagtaid early this fall for the purpose at introducing new blood into the herd In the Zoological G.ardelns at Regent's Park. The shipment will probably go east late this month and will be ac- companied by an attendant who will place the animals on board ship. The only herd of buffalo of any size in England is that owned by the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Park, contain- ing about sixty animals. Buffalo were first introduced into the Old Country in 1891 w'he'n ten full grown -animals were shipped by Colonel C. S. Jones, familiarly known as "Buffalo Jones," from bis own herd at McCook, Ne- braska, to C. J. Leland. Some of these afterwards came into tlie possession of the Duke of Bedford and were added to by purchases from Col. Goodnight and Carl Ilagenback. The shipment, of buffalo from the Canadian herd at Wainwright this fall will be the ,second of its kind to Great Britain. Late in 1913, at the, instance of the late Lord Strathcona, a (lona- of two three-year-old bison was *lie to the Royal Zoological Society of Ireland to he placed in the Dublin Gardens where they have now in- c,reased to five. Loans of buffalo to the Zoological collections in various Canadian cities under a bond guaran- teeing adequate provision for the heft) th ,le d mintenadce of the ani- nrals have also be,on made from time to time. Violence ever ,die[fe,ais, tits own ends, Where you can not 'driye you oan al- ways persuade. A gentile word, ,a kind took, a gooct-na!),,,ared simile, eari work Wonders and' atitioniplish reiracleai •,11 Wireless for Beginners What Is a Teller' The explanations of some of the ternie semi by beakers are amusing ati BY ANTIIONY FIK-13 well as eturPrisftig. eg steresi in Accordance with the Coparighi et), Take the nee of the word "teller" for cashier. in the early days, when banks, were still more or lees a curl - (Deity, women used freqaently,te drop In and ask clerks -unnecessary ques- tions, The officiate feeling that their duty yasats to attend to. bank, matters rather than to the li'lquisitive inquiries of the fair sex, got into, the habit of paesing the visitor on te a neighbor, remarking' as they did se, "You tell her; lien busy." Garde 'bearing the words ' "Cash Here" were Placed over the deshe to distinguish payers from receivers, and as the usual pronunciation of these words is "bash 'ere," it became ab - [tree -dated into the term which now Is in daily use. Drafts took their name from an ale- house method of extending credit, The AiTICLTJ 1,11, Frequency and Witeelengthii • ISoweider ranidly electricity may fraye' l actpally at thamspeed of lig,itt, (iiiihreehundred muliluti metres Per second) seine tinie is required tor a current to inalce tire journey along the wire froin A to 13 and hack to A, hows ever short tite wire May be, What ilia' human senses' regard as squatan- taneous" is notSoin reality. We knew well enough that the camera Shutter ocqupiesa certain time in malting a so-ealled instantaneous snap, beeause we can adjust the shutter to give exposures of various fractions of a second. And so, in considering the passage of an electric current arcing a Conductor we Mustnot call it in- stantaneous merely he,oause our Sen,s,es cannot associate such suddee movement 'with time. If A 13 is ten feet long,..then, the current will take a certain- time tO make its journey, and if the length of A B is increased to twenty feet, then the, current will take 'longer., .though .notnecessarily twice as long, for ,reasons which need' Surrounding and, indeed, permeat- ing the cenductor A. -B. is the ether. We "might iit'tegine this ether to be punched, first in one directien by the rapid 'Hight, of current from A to B, and thee: in the apposite direction by thereturn of the, current to A. As a body of water ie set rippling when punched with a etick, so we may sup- pose the ether to he set rippling when puim,hed with electric currents, not be dealt with here. Speaking gen- erally, then, the time of one oscilla- tion of current (A to 13 and back to A) in a circuit increases .with the electri- callength 'of the circuit, so if we wish to increase the natural Period, we may do so by adding wire. Now, the fre- quency of an oscillating current is the number -of complete oscillations which ocour per second. Obviously the long- er the wire, , the longer the natural period,iand:the-lower the frequency be- cause the current oscillations- oCcupy More time and there are Consequently fewer per second. Nov, i let us ship - pose that an oseillatien is occurring in A. B. As the current flows from A to B, the Other is strained in one direc- tion, which direction is reversed when the current flows 'back to A. Each complete oscillation„ then, strainsthe ether first one way and then the other: Twcisuch strains prOduce'one wave in the ether, the complete wave having a hump and a hollOW'i like an S on its side. The wavelength is the length Of an imaginary 'straight line jOillin the two extreme ends, or if anumber of waves follow each ether in a group or train, the wavelength ia the length of an imaginary straight line joining two successive humps or two secces- sive hollows. We shall corasid,er wave groups in a future article, confining our attention for the present to a single wave: ,i From the beginning of formation, tine eawlleicenerelatfi‘eiaintsse,sanfcrto mat titIlieleastipliodeuc.01 trio; lion, Hare again, we must WA forget that, infinitesimal as it is, a certain time ielaepes,between the commence- ineiteand conelusion of the wave's for- mation, and that a certain distance is travelled by the "head" of the waVe eareee fee .."faii" he completed. Siace one wave is preduced by one complete oscillation -of ,cenrent in the conductor we can see -that the length of the wave, i. e. the distance between its head and tail, will be increased if the time required to produce the osoilla- tion is iecreaped. It tete already been shown, that th.e natural period of os- cillatich may be eittencled by lengthen - 'Mg the coaductor, so, speaking broad- ly, we may say that the length of the ether wave may be inerea.sed by add- ing wire to the circuit. GENTLE AXATIllt FOR THE all RE Mothers—the surest way of keeping your little:ones well and happy; whe- ther it is the nevabarn babe or the growing Child is to keep their bowels regular and their stomach sweet. Nine- teenths. Of all childhood ailments' are the result of clogged bowels, and sour stomach. The most necessary and the beet medicine for little ones is a gentle laxative-esome,thing that will relieve constipation; sweeten the stomach and promote rest and natural sleep, Such a 'medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. They are a gentle but ef- ficient laxative; are absolutely guar- anteed free from opiates or other in- jurious. drugs and may be given to the youngest ,infant with perfect safety. They banish constipation and indiges- tion; hreak up colds and simple fevers and give the baby that health and hap - pines which all children should have. They are sold,by medicine' dealers or by mail at 25 Cents a box from The Dr. Williams,' Medicine C,o., Ont. , Wise Sayings. You have no idea hew big the other fellovais troubles are. You may give until you are rich and keep until you are poor. The most troublesome load to carry is a bundle of bad habits,. Some people are not liars—they are just economical with the truth. The best day for doing yohr best is the one that conies seven times a week. No job should. be easy. No job is easy if youeputiaall your mind and might into it. We seldom forget the favors we be - 'stow upon others; let us be equally mindful of those we receive. It is better to say a good thing about a bad fellow than 'to say a bad thing about a good fellow. "Wild oats" take something out of the soil of a man's life that no system of crop rotations can restore. Genius is -one part inspiration and two parts perspiration It is no good being clever if you 'don't work. Humility does not consist in telling our f,aults,, but in bearing to be told of them; in hearing them patiently, and even thankfully. It is a grander thing ,to be nobly remembered than to be nobly born. Bembs dropped on London from aireraft.during the war averaged less than '100 lbs.. in weight. Torpedoes for aerial use are now being made up to 4,000. lbs.. in weight. aste tlie joy of living! • HERE is no greater joy than perfect Thealth—the heritage of those who obey the simple laws of Nature. Drugs are useful in case of sickness, but Nature strongly objects to their continued use by normal, healthy persons. Caffeine, the alkaloid in tea and coffee, is a,slovv but powerful drug. In the hands of a doctor, it is useful and beneficial.' But fakan regularly, as a daily -stimulant, it .often. upsets the, nerves, cauaing serious organic troubles. Thousands have found health and satisfac- tion in Instant Postum—the healthful, whole- some cereal beverage made from roasted wheat, It is fragrant— delicious -- satisfying- -and safe. Instant Postum --FOR: HEALTH "'There's a Reason' Canadfan POlittIM Cereal CO. Ltd., Windsor, Ontario kTh 55 average married clan, knowing that if he Soak his money' home it would be impounded, took it instead to the bank and paid it in to the credit of the alehouse proprietor, the bank clerk giving him a number of slips authorizing him to draii upon the ale- hous.e to the extent of the money de- posited, less the usual commission charged ou such transactions. Ask for Minardis and take no other. The World's Cinemas. Hew many picture theatres are there in. the world? The United States heads the list with 18,000, followed by Germany with 3,731, and Russia with 3,500. Great Britain is. fourth With 3,000. The. total for Europe is 18,393, the numbers :of cinemas, in other countries being: France, 2,400; Italy, 2,200; Austria, 800; Belgium, 778; Scandin- avia, 703; Poland, 30.0; Holland, 227; Hungary, 180; Spain, 156; Czecho- Slovakia, 123; Switzerland, 123; jugo- Sla.via, 117; Turkey, 32; and the Bal- kans, 23. The continent of America boasts 20,- 450 movies', those not ioa the United States tieing distributed' as follows: South America, 1,200; Canada, 750; and Central America, 500. Africa, Asia, and Australia between them have 1,361 cinemas', and the grand total for the world is 47,000. MONEY ORDERS. It is: always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Nail Facts. • Finger nails. grow faster in summer than in winter. This is only 61 many curious faets about nails. For instance, the nails: on your rigTht hand grow taster than those on your left, and no two nails. grow at the same speed- The- average time each nail takes- te reach its full length is"four and a hail' raonths, and at ' tltis. rate a man of seventy will have renewed his nails one hundred and eighty-six times. Taking the 'length of each n -ail as half an inoht, he's's:dB have grown 7 ft. 9in. of nail on each ,finger, and on all his fingers 'and thumbs- the total growth will be 77 It. 6 in. At the Yarmouth Y.M.C.A. Boys Camp, held at Tusket Falls- in August, I found Mlnard's Liniment most bene- ficial for sunburn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache. Alfred Stokes, General Sec'jr. You Can See the Earth - Move. We all know that the earth moves but how many of us have actuall proved It for ourselvaei? Such a thin sounds impcasible, but it can be Cone g. I Take a big bowl or tub, at least a foot in diameter, and rather deep, and almost fill i t, with water. Then place it on the floor of a quiet room that is well away from the rumblings of heavy traffic, and where 'it ca,n be left alone for several hours. • Sprinkle the surface of the water with any fine substance, such as finely - powdered resin, that will float and net be dissolved for a few hours... Then lay a trail of coal dust across the re- sin In a Straight line from the, middle of the bowl to the side; and carry the trail up over the rim of the bowl. The line at coal dust should be about an inch wide SO' tha it can easily be seen., Now leave It for several hours-, and when you look at it again you will. no - tied that 'a change 'bee pecurred. rflie black line on the suet:tee of the Water has altered its position and hasinOved away'from the line that runs over the edge of the bowl, What has actually happened is that the water in the bowl has not moved since you left it, but the bowl itself has been ialten rouncl by the motion of the earth. ' • Aboub of live sbock---c=ttle, horses, .and sheep eze hundred thousand head --belonging to settlers and ranotters in the,' Prairie Provinces, amaze each season on Dominion forest reserves. The grazing is regulated so as to give all, stock owners fair play, and to utilize all the pastures to the fullest extent without itijaniying them by over- grazing. ISSUE No 37—'22. .I.VVIltzble System , , Is 'Benefilted, By Tanlac Thousands, of frail, nerveti's people ami convaleseents eyerywhere have , testified. to the- reinarkable power of Tahlac in. brieging back their health, e.tetingtli,, arid working efficieiicy, ,iieems .quiltly lavigerate the .ectiteti- etution and. a powerful foe of Weak- ness. Aleicandee William Collins., 31/2 J0114.Ste N, Hamilton, ()Atari°, says: - "My wife a mighty bad state ofilleadthe _She,ev ould eat little of anything, heeloa,cic lourt badly and she had, frequent attacks of awful silt headache. Three bottles .01 Tanlac have ma,tle her healthy and streng again," yy Njor7d.i),--, 1; 1.:p$1.:"----.111 :811.- 4 ee i : pigAt duty1.' 1,41l;';3)5115tsio'l.o'Ti8,sf la . . . . . , . 4.1 1 •C : on e :Y.:: I:: 9 1:11:1 .4 , : n. i.44 :,,, if 4k: 1:,:li : :: ::::: , ,,.\ $. siD: :a2 it:616 0.° e' t.a ot,' : I. I:? y'''. 01 iri:c 4ii ti'gation Nureee, Wellandra '11 ' ' arines, 9nt. 8 fer the rettebtion-of larger e,a e i-efan N''.,),,;:,Y, i31411frViA,`I'r!,', ficiff100 'w.'ill 04.peni a litln:::\l'ttrirti:nt(IL9nat6)rs'e'ite'll:i,':h4e„.4 nitY, Washington ,Avenueand ...At', ])1 , -.., 1, _ . , iourioen ifia, atilightfullY,'0'ea.teal near .P..;'QP.R•c't,-V• ev:::autal,trnia;ttogncittioe.b.t:tA!yei,,,',,tsra;:etiztal.:1v*itric7i.eTntio:,;,..; i'oung: w.,;(mITT ifleSfirile. ',1,(,) enter kt, PaO.ii essi ri 1 e tit a anieri (1 eppors ,a-theanviteyronraogreea.aotithoontt'a;.cungkhttl,t1rxaep,initlithglark•":17,:: 'write to Direetor of -.Nursing. - it.GENTS WANTSD 111V" HOLE On' PART iriaiiir,TQ ELL, There is not a aingle portion of the our complete- lige of electric:fix- L o s e tuix;e'' nric trio Supply Q04;12,8!dictIrr Ave.-, • Tor - body 'that is • not benefited by the helpful action 01 Taniae, It enablea the stomach to turn the food into t healthy blood, bone and masclei puri- fies the system and hales, you back to normal weight. Get; a bottle. to -day at any good druggist. . Nothing is easier than fault-finding; I no , talent, no .self-deniail, no no chaissete-r are required to set up in the grumbling ibusinees. Minard's Liniment for Distemper, Ponce de Leon might have found the fountain of youth in a milk bot- tle. raGwoOromariumrn soRrENT'' iErlo inscovmaY For Goitre And Enlargement of the Thyroid Gland. The only way to reach the seat of this disease is' through, the, blood by taking "Dr...„Cook's scientific Treatment." This treatment will purify the blood. One bottle will have good effect. Large bottle containing one noonth's treatment, price f,5.00. Dept. No. 9. • BEDELL CRE31210.4.T. CO.,. 3.63. Church tit., Toronto . ' 41m ••%)".400An.R.ocrN10,70,1:71hOsei7a)-QinariE•ptise" tirri...,,,eVe_AGL-Ceoprgiiits,oNwprz W-BnICLY trEvISEATEis HAV.I9 A-, CAS4 PURCHA8)313 , . for a Weekly riewsouter ,tu.Ork. 1..a.rlo., Price must 'be attractime.: Send full information to „Wilson PubilehloN Co., Ltd., Adelatde..St. W., 'Toronto. BELTiN1 FOR SALE „ '" BPILTS AND Silo- ' TION ria* aria used, shipped Subiect, to approval d at tlowes:C. t‘ricee in sCta„naTdoar. 0 n t,oy..0,109tnt,Belting „ „Co., 115, 'if 0 ric COARSE SALT LAND SALT 'Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C., .1. CLIFF TORONTO Cuticura Talcum Is So Refreshing A few grains of this exquisitely scented powder dusted on the skin soothes and cools, and OVereOrnee heavy perspiration. It is an ideal face, skin, baby and dusting powder and takes the place of other lierannes for the skin. Soap 25c. Ointment :nand 50c. Takam 25e. bold, throughout theDominion. CanadianDepote Limited, 349 Sr. Paul St., W.. Montreal. 025—Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. osmfass DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to arty Ad- dress by the Author. H. may mover 049.. ZACk, 129 Wen 24th Street New York, U.S.A. • WILL ANswfitH • ANY WOMAN WHO R�ES Montreal Woman Finds Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Montreal, Quebec.—"I was a suf- ferer for three years, not able to da ray housework. My husband was discourat,ed, for 1 was no better and had had the doctor all this time and. nothing .helped inc. 1 was always sleepy, had no appetite and suffered with my left side. My mother in. England recommended Lydia E. • Pinkham's Vegetable Compound be- cause it had helped my sister, so I have been taking it. I am now able to do my housework and I can net praise your medicine toe highly as I have great hopes for the future. I will tell anyone who writes to me what good it has done me."—Mas. E. - A:Lassoes St. Henry P. 0., Montreal. For nearly fifty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been helping women just as it helped Mrs. Masson; oftentimes after doctors and other medicines failed. If you are suffering, from disagree- able Symptoms caused by some femalf weakness, try this splendid raedicine It is a woman's medicine for women's ailments, and can be taken, in safetto by a,ny woman. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package..." of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose woi-ked out by pllysicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rlieiiniatisnl Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Itandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets --.Also bottles of 21- and 100—Drudigisf,si AqpIrin It the trade marl: (I:, el;lorod, In annatto) of Bayer Atonnfnoturo 05Mono- acetlenoitIontor of 8a0cryllanci0 WhIlo It 1 011 Itnos'n that A er.in moon, tiayor nvan'uf'aturo, to lastat thn pultIn vinct lInttotionnf tho Tabitt:k of llovol Comt anlo will be iiainp1,cl wale their 0.nos.1 tr..1dc tarok, the "la:WV inc +4.