The Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-08-05, Page 18Page A18 - Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Fundingavailable for
ture can now apply for funding
through Ontario's Infrastructure
Stimulus Fund.
Applications for shovel -
ready projects must be submit-
ted by August 18, 2009. Eligi-
Another important step has
been taken to renew infrastruc-
ture and create jobs in Huron
and Bruce Counties. Not-for-
profit organizations interested
in upgrading their infrastruc-
Good For
Everyone needs
regular dental
checkups. Even
if you brush and
floss every day.
there may be
problems begin-
ning in your mouth that you cannot
see or feel. As dentists, we are trained
to detect these things such as gum
disease, broken teeth, infections, cavi-
ties and even early signs of oral cancer.
Many of these problems can be fixed
quickly and economically if caught
early, but can become very painful and
expensive if left to progress.
It's Just like taking your vehicle into your
mechanic for regular check ups. Every
5000 miles or so, your car needs an oil
change to keep it running smoothly. If
this isn't done, a sludge develops and
eventually leads to engine failure. An oil
change is relatively inexpensive, but if
neglected, your car stops running com-
pletely and it may be very expensive
to repair.
There are four simple..steps J,o a
dental checRcup. First, your medical
history is updated. Many health condi-
tions and medications can have a huge
impact on your mouth, so this is a very
important step. Next
is the dental history
update. This is when
you get the chance
to tell me about
any problems or
changes that you've
notiet. 1 since your
last visit.
After tnat is the exam and treatment
planning. This is my chance to examine
your teeth, gums and mouth and see
what needs to be done (and also the
part where you're praying I'll say no
cavities). Sometimes this includes
taking X-rays to get a closer look at
. the teeth. Together we can discuss the
different options and agree on a plan of
action. Last but not least, the hygienist
gets to clean your teeth. Usually, the
whole appointment takes less than 45
minutes and you leave with a nice fresh,
clean mouth.
Since every person is different we
have to customize your treatment.
Check-ups and cleanings can vary from
every 3 months to only once a year. It
eIl depends on how well you care for
your teeth at home and how quickly
tartar builds up. It may also depend on
how accident prone you are (especially
all those hockey players out there) and
what you use your teeth for (use a real
bottle opener please!).
Next time you get that call say-
ing you're due for your next dental
checkupand cleaning cQnsder, this
- on average it takes 3 to 5 years for
a cavity to develop into an abcess. A
cavity can be fixed with a filling, but an
abcess requires a root canal treatment
or an extraction. It doesn't seem like a
tough decision to me!
Prevention is the keyl
See you at your next
Dr. Veronica
construction plans
ble project categories include: one-third of eligible project lus Fund to provide funding to
temporary housing structures, costs, and in exceptional cases, provincial, territorial and mu -
community centres, community up to one-half of eligible proj- nicipal construction -ready in -
services and cultural infrastruc- ect costs. The funding is being frastructure projects. Ontario's
ture. For-profit projects in the matched by the Province of share is about $1.5 billion,
categories of short -line rail. and Ontario. Not -for -Profit organi- which is then being matched
port/cruise ship infrastructure zations are responsible for se- by the Government of Ontar-
are also eligible for funding. curing the balance of eligible io. This initiative is designed
"We're building stronger project costs. to flow funding quickly for
communities across Ontario Proponents will be required shovel -ready projects — more
and not -for -profits are an im- to attest that the projects would than $2 billion in funding has
portant part of those communi- not have been built over the already been committed in On -
ties," said Huron -Bruce MPP next two construction seasons tario — that can be built during
Carol Mitchell. "Jobs will be without federal funding and the 2009 and 2010 construction
created and our not-for-profit provincial funding. Priority will seasons.
organizations will be able to be given to the rehabilitation of A program guide and short
enhance their services and fa- existing infrastructure, but new application form can be found
cilities. This stimulus funding construction will be considered at Or -
will benefit everyone in Huron provided it can be fully com- ganizations that have applied
and Bruce." pleted by March 31, 2011. under previous intakes are en -
The Government of Canada Canada's Economic Action couraged to reapply for this
will contribute towards not- Plan established anew national round of funding.
for-profit sector assets up to $4 -billion Infrastructure Stimu-
218 Ontario St., Clinton
The Bluewater Kennel Club
would like to thank the following
businesses and individuals who
sponsored trophies at our Dog Shows
held in Blyth, July 7, 8, and 9, 2009.
The Old Mill Fleming's Feed Mill
Marian Hiindmarsh yerbeek's Farm & Garden Centre
Ellie Winters Sparling's Propane
Scrimgeours Food Market Radford Fuels
Howson & Howson LTD Boston Pizza, Goderich
South Huron Vetainaty Cinic Jim & Dorothy Needham
Clinton Veterinary Services SiftD Canada Inc., Evaporator Plant
Gina McDonnell Bailey's Fine Dining
Saito Canada Inc,, Goderich Mine Maple Leaf Motel
Mrs. C.A. Hardy. Goderich Pet Valu
Chisholm T,V,, Goderich Medi Chair/Med-E-Ox
Edward Fuels, Goderich Scotia Bank, Goderich
Stylin Dogs, Clinton Compucean Plus, Godedch
Dr. Kathleen Day Dunbar Eastside Auto Repairs, Goderich
Also thanks to the BAKC. Members who donated
trophies„ tlBlyth Business Association, Ibwnship of
North Huron, SyC ,
Bill Brongey, Rob Kaman, David Oma, Joe
HuramPioneer Threshers, and the Huronia Hench of
the Ifuniane Sock foi ter in mom.
air shows successful.
Photo by Gerard Creces
The Snu Snug Tugs
Local tug boats he Ian ac, The Donald Bert, and the Debbie Lynn from MacDonald Marina help
the Agawa Canyon, out of Sault St. Marie, position itself in the Goderich Harbour on July 29.
We now have fresh honey available In our containers or
brine your own and save some money.
Open Pally 1:304:30: Closed Sundays; nd ts' I
We have honey, beeswax, honey baskets, and be sw4x jai, $
i��t 2Whgh�.i'