HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-9-21, Page 1'ORTY-SWDO.N D YEAR--N'ot 2278 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY O R N T N G, SEPTEMBER 21st,,, 1922 iIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIINI I11111111111111111111111 IIIt111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111I1I1111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIL4CdiTU g3a 'ENTER FINALS BIG CROWD A7 EXETER 1,,A t The ., Exeter Fair lias come az !i(uA1 �I :JI {.9i4'67I°i SO'UN1) The E) eter Junior ball team haye goxle fox' another. Year and this Year E won then • protest a�*ain , showing will lank among tic )es , ®. x �,. t5t Gltntonx = ' and will go.int,o ilia fnnalswtls i)��YE4u ; 7.: = Sound for the totiors in the Junior ' North ,Wellington Baseball League, b at 1 � .�tetar to ti evil ' The F 1 11• • 1 e a ,ir Owen 1 Y t t Friday Intcla P ' Sound' and Will ` on J motor CO =i that place. on.Thursday. It is expect- , ,4 n•Rwmal �ye�la FlaniTieIs- ed that Owen Sotind will play in. Ex- , =�' eter on. Monday of Tuesday of next week. Watch for the bilis' for final - announcement.. The Exeter boys are =• w--:• to .:lie congratulated on. ,their showing I:and tivill need all the support they call get. A big crowd will be roosted. he, ret:' t tts for'.. .ren n isi ' � a is played f� g e Once more we have. the celebrated English:Viyella' Flannel in stock. During the Du g war this material became very scarce and high in price but to- day it is back to its ori nal' t alit.. Positively guaranteed unshriikable 1? � t y Y 'in plain. cream and stripes; 31 inches wide, heavy quality, price ,$.1,5 0 yd. • Ladies' Writer Coats at $20;Ot➢ t here. 10 only Ladies' and Misses beautiful ,quality Fall and Winter Coats in fine Velour to clear this week at $20.00: Ladies' Silk and Wool Hosiery We. have the well known "Puritan 1VIaid" brand of Ladies'' silk and wool 'Hosiery in beautiful combination shades of brown' and white blue and black, and bice and tan very special value at $1.50 per pair..' All Wool Hose at $1'.00 pair. The New Fall Dresses are Here Our stock of Fall Dresses is now complete. Beautiful new styles in Canton, Crepe, English Serges and �l'ricotines in Northway make at very reasonable prices. Two Hosiery Specials LOT NO. 1-5 doz. Ladies' -black Cashmere Hosiery regularly $1.00 per pair. Sizes 9, 9%, -& 10 on sale to clear at 79c pair. LOT NO. 2-10 doz. Ladies' black Cashmere Hosiery, all sizes regularly 90c per pair to clear at 69c pair. House Dresees We have just received another shipment of Ladies' House -Dresses to retail at from; $1.25 to $1.95: New Shipment Oxfords and Strap ., Slippers - It erg Pp It' is hard to beat our well assorted'stock of popular priced Slippers and High Shoes for Fall. It is a pleasure to show you our lines E. �ery thing from growing girl's good Oxfords for School to to fine Louis He 'al" Dress Oxford. ' N Suits Boys' � u isand Men's ad over oats C Come in and see them. Men's Smart Snits and Overcoats in, a var- iety of patterns: :Boys' 2 bloomer Suits and servicable Overcoats. Groceries Our prices are always the lowest. • No one is ` underselling us. Our big turnover assures you of fresh groceries every week. PHONE 32 PHONE 32. =: LEAVING TOWN i�hx°E. A. Cha)tnan, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in E town is being" transferred from here to the: Leamington branch and will, be leaving about` the end of the month.. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and son Forbes,' have been residents of Exeter for :the past two and a half years and while here haye tirade many friends. The new move is a promotion for Mr. Chapman -and 'while regretting their departure their many friends stere will wish foe them every success in the future. Mr. R. Compiin, of Tor- onto, wito has been manager of a branch in,the West, will be Mr. Chap- man's successor.' AUTO ACCIDENTS Mr. John .Pedlar, while riding his wheel,on Main street was struck by an auto coming around the corner of 'the Ford garage driven by Mr. E. Pollen. He vras knocked off the Wheel but'fortiinately he was not hurt and waS able to continue his � journey'• The pup' hound of Mr. John Taylor • had a narrow escape last week from • being killed by a car that was passing '�= through. town 011 its Way to London fair. The dog started across the street- as the car tante along and it was struck by one of the front wheels and was knocked in the air. The bumper of the`` car struCk -it and it turned a somersault in the air and landed near the 'bask wheels which ,also gave it a push. The' dog i'an off =' howling; Mina 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t111111111111111111111111111111.1111111H11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t11t _ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAtIl11�r Seasonable Suggestions Ix Specials p WHITE CAP ELECTRIC WASHER REG. $125.00 FOR .$11 5.00. HOBBS GOLD MEDAL WASH- ER REG. $22.00 FOR $18.00 BEAVER WASHER REG. r $27.00 .P011', $24.00 WRINGERS FROM $6.25 UP HEAVY: GALVANIZED TUBS FROM $1.00 UP SOLID COPPER BOILERS $3.89 Thre . r 11. t� eS a 'GOODYEAR BELTING: ELK LADE LEATHER BELT DRESSING 50e PACKINGS OILS AND FROM 18c A ET. UP; $1.85 PER LB. A STICK BA1313ET METAL. �a.a.'s Hardware A; PIIO.NES 27J 1 ,�.io-..tY„r �$J4 .i The first 'meeting of the Horticul- tural' Society for the fall will be held on Wednesday evening, Sept. 27th, in' the Public' Library. Mr. G. S. Howard will give an address on the subject of Bulb Planting. The Sec- retary expects that the tulip and hya- cinth bulbs yacinth:bulbs will be ready for distri- bution: at that meeting., Full atten- dance is ttendance-is requested Miss .Ella Morlock of Stephen, student of the Exeter "High School: hacl the misfortune to fall on Monday and sustain a green fracttire 01 one of the honeS of 'Tier right arm, A number of the young lady friends of Miss Greta. Mawson, bride elect, met at her home on Monday evening and presented her with a handsome electric reading damp, Miss Mawson was completely taken by surprise. Refreshments were ser- ved and er-ved"and a very jolly evening was spent. 13A.IZNS DESTROYED BY BOLT OF LIGHTNING Between 11,and. 12 o'clock on Thursday night of last week the :big barn owned by Hiram Annette, half way between Kirkton and Woodham, was completely destroyed by fire, or- iginating f• g nom a 01 g bolt of lightning. Mr. Anisette's barn was burned 'by a lightning i bolt"26 ear years and he al- so suffered considerable ,damage in the severe wind storm on Good Fri- day some years ago. All the imple- ments were saved this time, but the season's entire crop of hay and grain waS lost, incltnding four or five hun- dred bushels of wheat recently threshed. BORN SCHENK—At Dashwood, on Septem- bex 14th to Mr. and 'Mrs. N; 1V. Schenk, a:son. ifv r .On Thursda ,;�last' thesedond auto accident- ,toffta'ke''1)lace of the corner of Main. and Janes streets occurred when Mr. Alvin Moir; of the Thanes Road,;. att•dmptecl to turn the corner in 'the `face of an 'approaching car from the south, in which were several persons from Mt., Carmel. Mr. Mon.'s Harr, D. L. .Pollock 1 Two fanners. near ': eL . 1 bat iasto n. t ow last week at a "threshit' and td one rantlte prongs of a pitchfork in s to the region of the other's al)donuen The c' was <. Pse ,�aU beard in Hensall tin 4 r I'uesuay:' )t U.:.. OM;Cxls4 IN 13.fl,,l,i' Mr. Hal. Brown, of E7s1 �) • , Jltn4, knit with ' tt unfortunate riann�tfe kccidenG while le threshing on 'Thursday last rvltieh re- sulted in the loss of one • r ore fin- gers Ot _rt)_tr trtr- gers from his 1 't � eft bane_. itiir. Brown was trying ty g to adjust a belt on cite. separator which aiali 'runs the elevator- and to soste way got iris hand caught g. The flesh was 'eC completely taut from the first two joluts of the 'middl e fin- ger and the two smaller fingers were badily mangled; n• society. The x tr the history of the e. fine weather on' Monday no doubt. helpod to bring out, an'extra :good 1 e ,at' ' igno:0 1 h to 'in tie 'itdoon• d t , t S 4w g t 1 w he rain and cloud weather sale, t Y Y early on Tuesday morning may have possibly <ifeeted the showing to some extent. However, the weather brigh- tened before noon and %stere was a l n a large crowd resent in the afternoon. g P v< S- There vas a Food showing of hong e b b es. Sonia of the :classes were well filled there :beingkeen com etition, x P Some particularly fine a.iiiinals 'were placed in t'he show zing. - The show- ing' of cattle was a' little light. There was an excellent showing of poultry: The indoor exhibit this year was one of the best in years. On enter- ing ; the palace one is greeted with a profusion of beautiful flowers of all kinds and colors that could not fail to attract those who'are interested in this line: , The season for some flowers is a little `' late but on the whole the exhibit was excellent. Following this came the school child- ren's exhibit which was well filled with exhibits of excellent quality and attracted much attention. The show- ing by Hurondale school was worthy of special mention.;, In the vegetable and fruit depart- ments there was a splendid showing, some of the stuff showing excellent growth and extra fine quality. The showing of ladies' work was the -equal if not a little better than anything that has been shown in pre- vious years. There was some beau- tiful 'work that showed much 'shill with the needles. The horse races attracted n. ny spectators. In one race two of the drivers collided and there was Pa spill but fortunately no one was hurt. One. of the horses finished the race with- out a'driver, -The usual number of tents and at- tractions were on the grounds. The gate receipts amounted to over $600. Following is a list of the prize win- ners. HORSE RACES 218 Class -Parse $250.00 Dan Patchen; 31,3- P.evington , 1 1, 1 Dell 5. W. Harris 2 2 2 Earl W C Pettit 3 3 4 May ?'eight, ; S G McNa11 4 4 3 B'es`. tune 2.20 2,30 Class -Purse $150.00 Pearl i`ric1Zinney, W Harriss, 41 1 1 Eel Boy, B. Taylor 1 6 4 3, Eel, O. T. Yearley 2 2 3 2 Sidney B. T. Yearley 3 5 2 4 6 3 5 5 5 4. 6 dr 1 Tony Echo, S. G. McNa11 car, a Ford, was damaged quite con- Best time 2.30.• siderably, one of the fenders being crumpled up and the frame bent. The ' other ` car received a broken lens. No one was, hurt. A serious accident ..wasnarrowly averted�>on Main street at the Metro- politan corner one .day last week, when two Men from--Goderich were motoring through town. They were. going north exceeding the speed lim- it and when near the Metropolitan hotel they turned out to go by a.bug- gy. At the satire time Lloyd Bayn- ham and 11. G. Seldon 'were coning out Station street in the former's car. To avoid a collision -the driver of the Goderich carb s of between Bayn- ham's car and a tree on the corner and just grazed the fender, of Bayn- ha ' m s car. AVhenh to CYode''ucln driv - HORSES General Purpose—Brood mare ac- companied by foal, B. Williams ` & Son; : foal, : B. Williams & Son; three, year old, J. Manson & Son; 1 year old, B. 'Williams & Son; team, Wm. Decker; diploma for best animal, W. Decker. Agricultural—Brood mare acconr panied by foal, Edgar Monteith, Dr. That meat is down in price? and Moir, A. H, Doupe; foal, Dr. Moir, fore buying elswhere. E. Monteith, A. H. Doupe; 3 year old E. Rowcliffe 1 & 2; E. Haist; 2 year old, B. Williams & Son, E. Haist:.1 year old, E. Monteith, E. Heist; team E. Roweliffe, J. Allison, M. Thomson Heavy Draught—Brood mare ac- companied by foal, Milne' Pullen, W. McAlister & Son; foal, M. Pullen, W. (3-L. t k>riIN'8,°Q The EXetep to Clinton oil or all. ILII 0rlite oa�7 fi n6 weal t. x)t.'' Vy t play the ,eri� 1 ttY t l 1P J,j 1 til � . lt. sotto -finals against the C`liritc)n fot'tl1 colzrbivation toad. our bait, r♦ ,n defeated a`5 r ote of R to v 1 z .gu •, score�'a. "w was two all whets the (flint i s 01,.' >S went to hat in lite 1<n,;i. of i,ha,'., sixth tind the "Exeter tettnt w wnt upF lit the. air and with hits <u'ii' «•ro Ciittton, ,cored heveli runs, hxeaee Scored a run in *Pseventh ^sl star. tedbatting a,battiita ll -r n wlton' they scorers threer zn r t $ uses „i1a 1 LIV9 men ons bass' iwbe tire ,cncle:was re- tired., lresers Iia ole -,S anti ICer* were utapit t„' , Applcs Wanted all kinds of Apples for .evaporating at the .Exeter Lvapora+ or. Apples will be received any time and until end of season. .11IGHEST•CA.533 PRICE PAIL) A. D. CLOPP Women Help Wanted; MANAGER. Kirkton ' r Monday and Tuesday SEPTEMBER 25th and 26th 1922 Liberal Prizes in all Classes COME AND. SEE THE BEST EXHIBIT OF BABY BEEF AT A LOCAL FAIR IN WESTERN ONTARIO. $150.00 is offered in rizes in this Class HITCHING CONTEST FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. SCHOOL AND PARADE DRILL AT ONE ;.O'CLOCK. MITCHELL BRASS BAND WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE.' James Stephen SEC. TIREAS. Amos Doupe ' PHONE 9 atisfaction. ervice er got his Car stbpped';it was Lacing McAlister & Son, Dr. Moir;3 year south and was close to the .office old, W. McAlister & Son;. 2 year old building, on the corner. It was a W. McAlister, ''& Son,;Di' Moir; year narrow escape.old,' M Pullen ieann t'F: Ellerington' ,diplopia, F. Ellerington. A serious auto accident took,place on the London hold north just south of Hensall on Sunday afteitiaon, when a Hupinobile' driven by Me. 0:• B. Chapman, of London, ran into a Ford car in which there were several occupants and turned it turtle 37A10 a ditch about eight• feet deep: Mr. _Robe. Green, of the Parr Line,, Hay, had his shoulder dislocated and SIr. Wm. Blackwell was injured internal- ly,Mr. Chapman rovas returning to London :from his summer cbtta,ge at Bayfield: The two airs were sleet- ing near a bridge and tale Ford pulled Judge, A. Sinclair. Carriage—Brood mare accompan- ied by foal and foal; J. Decker; three year old,' F. Ingram; two year old, J. Kent; year old, Arksey Bros.;J. Man- son & Son, II. Bieber; pair carriage horses, = M. E. Gardiner & Son; lady driver, Mrs. F. Coates, Mrs. J. Selves diploma, Arksey Bros. Roadster—Brood mare accompan- ied by foal, J. Decker 1 & 2; foal, J. Decker 1 & 2; three, year old, J. Dec- ker 1 & 2; two year old, J. Decker; year old, J. Decker; single roadster n harness and buggy, C. Godbolt, A. Vebber, Dr. Moir, IL Copeland; di - j: Decker, Jr. ' Novelty race, G. Ingram, A. Day.- Judge,'3Vn . ;•Collins. CATTLE up to let the other car i pass. The Hupmobile struck a:hole;in tile'road at the approach to the bridge and something went wrong withthe steering gear. The car struck the Ford and turned it oyer into the ditch: Five of the passeugeri were pinned beneath` the sail tanct, a 11ab:y and a young child were thrown clea The Hifi nobile followed the car into the ditch but the hind wheels remain- ed on the road.. Dr. 1Iynclnsan and. Nurse dohnstou were called from �X town to i tothe injured.. render aid i t xlurecl, Tr hUCAVi LLBURNED G ... word was receivedin town on 0 Wednesday that the ;1ucan 'Milling Co.'s flour null was burned to the ground early Wednesday morning. Mr. S. C. Chown is connected with the' mill. There are two flour mills in Liman. Smith ..wept thelist 1-10, re.rfri rds-Cow and hello calf,. W.ii. Ford. Grasses -(,mi, T. Randle W, Ford 2' 3; two-year ofd, honer, W. Esse-,,, Vz, 1 ar=1, T. Rundle;' i -year hci5cr; r 1`0,•:l , T3loonntieJd; 2 -yr. atce;r, } Alleriugtan 1 -yr steen', F, Eller i;ton, W Ford; Jr, calf, W. Esscry1 Paall alBra c. k call', A.Etln- rington; d!p.101iia, 'SV, Esscry, SI-1EE,P. 5hropz1iiredo\vns-T: $tinsot Sain. not all but twn 2n ...l for ewe an,d �: 1n1 lamb.s.r 1 incolnis--Gca. ctiIntl ;a ,1ejtt 1st, Lieohster -WT. L1cAll. ter rats Son took all ?i rales, Pen • i riske,iy C=, Pc' farms 12ay, Tod e, (Continued 011 page four) iliiss Margaret Wethey wL•o has been visiting `with Miss Margaret Gladmaii in London returned Bosse Saturday night. f�+Ihsd:(1i t will, pay you to "FARMERS” When you thresh, let us supply you -with •a choice Meaty Boa Delivered any time. get our prices heal Choice Beef, Pork, Veal and Spr hag Lamb, all the time. Have your Cooked Meats andBacon Machine Sliced. River's eat Market WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE. M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11ilillil11111iI111iiiIllili l lis 4't rt.lio'ns-1T Ilmoreal 1.1111.1. 11.1000,1 mafieloa Met esfrls Assn e SUCCESS I'S RARELY ACCIDENTAL. IT COMES: TO THE • MAN OR WOMAN 1,V1;IQ PLANS FOR IT. DO YOU WIS1E" FOR SUCCESS IN YOUR 1313.'1 D- MAKING?, THEN,' GOOD WIFE., ADVISE; `:2 -IE GOOD MAN TO BRING HOME SOME OF HARVEY'S :MANI- TOBA'S BEST FLOUR. IT IS 1A.Di TI -113 BEST WESTERN HARD WVIIEA'.P, BY THE BEST PROCESS, L)i1777+rT;L 0111'.. S1'P-, ERV.IS1ON OFA CAPABLE MILLER AND JUST 'NOW IT IS ctniiA1ER rt1:tAN'P215' CHEAPEST, 1llll111:11111:11111111..1111:111llliif.iitlaaliii.r1111I.iiCI111.111111.11111114 lrr itMa.',a� More Y61 tg;