The Exeter Times, 1922-9-14, Page 8"'VIE BIG STORE WITH ri1I a ..ITTLE PR- ICES".. ew Fall Goods in Alt Our Departments LADIES' & NXSSES FALL & 'WINTER COATS., Our showing of Ladies' and Misses' Coats are right, up to the minute, in Styles that will Please, and in all the uP-to-date Cloths, Fur Trimmed, Embroidery Trimmed and Plain Burberry Styles. A. magnificent assortment to choose from at much Lower Prices, SI'OET HATS Ladies' and Misses' Sport Hats in nice plain Velour,. Neat Plaid and Giaecks. They are the •Iatest Creation in Head Wear. Secure 'Your size and color no'PP while our range is. complete. 119SN'S 1+'ALL COTS, Men's Gaberdine Top Coats in Several Shades. 17p -to -date Models, just the thing for the Cool Fall evenings. "Rain and Wind Proof." Pure Cane Granulated Sugar per 100 lbs. $7.70 Pure Cane Granulated Sugar20 lbs for $1.54. 10 Bars any Laundry Soap 70e 2 Shredded Whet 24c =Our Special Blend Tea Aper lb 48e 3 pks Ammonia for 25e 2 Cans Choice 1 lb- Pink :Salmon for 35c x. Christies Soda Biscuitsper 1b 15c. "CERTO" for Jellies '40c 3 Kellogg's Corn Flakes for 29c, DINNER SET'S 9 swell designs in D n1,er Sets to make a Selection f%ii . They are Semi -Porcelain China with p Eli China Cu Semi-porcelain Also a fine Ni ois, .: China Set. All Sets are full 97� pieces. We sell Groceries Cheap all the time. "HIGEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS & ALL KINDS OF POULTRY." i A. Ste.wart The Leading Furniture Dealer Funeral Dire t®c rand Emb� a,.F�, Ie, Facilities and Service Unsurpassed SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN `TO FUNERA DIRECTING FINEST MOTOR HEARSE AND UP- TO -DATE iEQI IPMENT GARJMNE ERA - R S OCK PI30NE„ 74a ;, Night call '74W T H EXETER TIM Market report—The following is., the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat 90e Manitoba Flour $3.90 Pastry Flour: $3.40 nlodel Flour $3.60, Oats 34e Barley 52c Bran $1.25 Shorts $1.50 Feed Flour $1.75 Dairy Butter 34c to 37e Creamery Batter :38c to 40c Eggs 28e Lard 20c Ings $11.75, IaOCAL ��••••• •••••cif •. Dr. G. E. Lipsitt, Physician, de- sires to announce that."..he will open up an officein town about October lst, and he has rented the residence on Main street occupied by Mrs. B. Knight. TWO Stores 1Vlain. Phone 102 Two No rth Phone 47 E, 200 Baskets This Week Wednesday or Thursday By truck, direct from .the orchard. Selling below market price., We can not give you the exact date of arrival. Phone in your 'or- der and have us save them for you. We plan to give you No. i'' quality at a special price with our truck service. With the Churches C.VEN PRESBYTER1A.N.'OPIUROH Rev. Janice -F ootte, B. A•• ]1liniaiter" :tQ a. m. --Sunday. School and Bible' Classes. i1 a. m.—Sacramental Service,, "The Light of the World." 7 li• m. '`Poland and her Religious, Aloveanent," Boy Scouts will meet Friday evening. Mr. Frank Barr, .;of Stratford, is visiting relatives in Usborne. Miss Peinpraise is ill at the hone of Mrs. Birk. Mrs. Thos. Snell, of Lansing, Mich. is visiting in town. Miss Hyndnian is spending • a few days at Grand Bend. Mrs, ; Kyle, of town 'is visiting her son Herman at Zion. Miss Helen Dignau visited in Lu - can over the week -end. - Mrs. Jas. Taylor is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. Miss M. Tom has returned home after visiting in Toronto. Miss Lillian Sweetnian, of Toronto is visiting Miss Verna Coats. There will be, horse races and a „Concert in the; evening on the big day of the Fair. l'f°'ti Miss Mary J. Gill, of Kingsville, is. visiting with relatives in town. Mrs. (Dr.) Ward and sons visited for a couple of weeks in London. Mr. Dickson, of Brucefield, spent the forepart of the week in Exeter. POWELMS A Big Shipment of Mrs. Haas, of Buffalo, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford. Mrs. Davidson, of St. Thomas, vis- ited with Mrs. Downie a few days last week. Mr. Lloyd Rivers, of Simcoe, is vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rivers. Mrs. Brown, of Kingsville, is visit- ing .her parents, Mr. - and Mrs. John Dignan. Miss Marjorie Huston has returned home from Tilsonburg somewhat in disposed. Miss McDonald, of; ;Clinton,' visited with Miss Agnes Hamilton one day last week. JAMES, STREET 14LETRODIBT CWEGO Rev. M, T. W Ieon. B.A., pretor,, 3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible' Classes.' The Pastor will have charge of the services next Sabbath both morning and evening, All Cordially Invited Ivir Clifford, McAvoy has -returned home• after • spending several weeks in Toronto.: l+L3IN . MET ST' C R TBev.STGieo. McAliODIster, O M, AWR,:, (Phone' 21, r3.)' 11' a. m.—"Qhr'ist, to the Twentieth ., Century." . le',r 3 M.—Sabbath School and.,B bi Classes .:: 7 P. iu.--"He went away in a Rage." BETHANY 2.30 p, nit—"Throw us. a Shriner.'! THURSDAY, Sl:it"L� 11f]REltr 1d 11 !ILII ! 1111111 fll I II I IINIlI IIIIIIlIIII llllllllllt litllllt III i 1 . !! I ! I I i _ I M i . i _. i 11 II I II Illltlllllill 1111111 Ifllllillllllll III IIII r., .6111411110 mama ram warm Miss Martha Carling, of New York, visited at. the, home of Mr. I. R. Car- ling this week. Meet your friends in .Exeter on Fair Day. Mrs. Monteith, of Killarney, Man., is visiting with relatives • and friends• in this community. Mr. Beverly Elliott, of Norwich, visited at the home of -Mr_ L R. Carl- ing during the past week. Miss Mildred Harvey is leaving this week to, take a course in Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas: Miss L. Amy, nurse in training at St. .Toseph's hospital, London, visited at her home here on Saturday. Mr. W. J. Beer has received the contract of supplying the fixtures for the Crediton Evangelical church. - A number of members ` o es ofCaron W.16LS, were'in Clinton • Tuesday at- tending a meeting of the Presbytery. - All roads will: lead , to Exeter on Tuesday ,of next week, the big day of the Fair. Y. P, C. A. The rooms opened to members' who wish. Mr:,ands 1VZrs,'ia rry P.oulcl and son Hugh, motored over from Windsor` and visited the fo'nner's mother over the week -end. Chinaware are a.d Gla x e has Arrived See Our FancyCups nd Saucers. at 1� 5ce BIG VALUE 6 Decorations Many other Bargains Come Y !( L .µr.,✓, JY ., ;..v.. ..nit�iiY'{• of "',,.:?ff',OP, 4.4 Mr. R. Ferguson is relieving Mr. 3. Routledge at the Centralia branch of the Moisons Bank during the hat- ter's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butler have re- turned to London after spending a week with friends in Stratford, Har rison, Staffa,- Crdmarty, Varna and Exeter. Mr. Harry Seldon was in London Tuesday writing a supplement exam. in physics. Harry expects to. attend Queens University at Kingston dur- ing the coming term. Mr. Czar Rollins, of Cleveland, vis- ited his father, Dr. Rolling at Grand Bend for a couple of days -last week. He was in town for about an hour and called on a few friends. Misses Jennie Lake and Lena Men- eer, who have been visiting for sever- al weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Coates and other relatives in Usbor 'e have returned to their home New York. Mr; A. E. Buswell, who recently disposed of his business in the West, and who has been visiting for a few. weeks in town, has secured a position at Lucknow and has moved his fam- ily to that place. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. Services as usual next Sunday. 11 a. ni., 2.30, p. m. and 7 p. m All. Invited. HIGH-CLASS INVESTMENTS ERNESTELLIOTT Office,. Main . Street, Exeter.- DRESSMAR1r G of all kinds, ,will,' go out by the day or do it at.. home. Apply to Flossie -J. Switzer, St. Marys' Ont., R. R. No: 1, or phone 6-5 Kirkton-8-23 4. WOMEN WANTED—For paring apples at the Exeter Evaporator. Ap- ply to A. D. Clopp, -Central Hotel, or to A. Wilson atEvaporator. Miss J. Stead, of Walkerton, pro- vincial ;organizer #or the Federation of Women Teachers, is spending the month -of September doing field work in Huron County. ,• She is following the, School' fairs and meeting with the:teachers WHAT SHALL' I`'DO WITH THE ' MONEY? Many a holder of ..the Canadian Government bonds maturing Decem- ber 1, 1922, has be.41}:'-, asking this question. The advertisement, of the Minister of Finance supplies an ans- wer. ;.The investor, by giving notice. to,.;the manager- of -'any' -One of the branches of a chartered bank, can ar- range to get new bonds bearing the same`rate'of interest theliighest pos- :sible` security a.nd a -liberal rate of interest: IMMO lolook rC SWEETIMA.N�-!-BO3!1E, NUPTIALS In last week's issue' reierenee 'was 'made of the marriage bf Miss Lillian Boyle, . second daughter., of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Boyle;' 1188 St; Clair Aye.; Toronto, and formerly `of` Exeter. to Mr.:Kirby, Alan Sweetmau; SonofMr. and Mrs. E. 0. Sweetman, of Oak- wood ,Ave., Toronto, but at the time parficulars of the wedding had, not been received. The • marriage took place at St. Chad's Anglican chuich, the immediate' rekatives'' of the con- tracting parties being _present. The 'bride was gowned in.a wedding dress of navy blue canton crepe,, beautiful- ly beaded. • She worn,, a,hatrof 'pearl grey silk velvet With navy pompom. and also and Isabella fox fur the gift of, the,:groom. She carried -an arm: frill ofi°Sunset roses .and Lily-of-the- valley. ily-ofthe- valley. Following the .ceremony. a buffet luncheon was served at. the home of the bride's " .parents. Mr. and Mrs.- Sweetman left+ by' Motor for .a trip through, ,,the Muskoka Lakes. PHONE 184., SO TBCOT BR.O►S. PHONE, 104., ecals for Fair Day Fair Day we will have our full range of 1Vlisses and Ladies' Coats to show, you:., `They, should interest you as our styes are very attractive and the prices are `sure to please. Ser e Just openedi,up a range of Billie,. Burke Flannel Dresses as: well as many smart styles in Serges and Tricotines, all at popular prices. 'ea Toweiling;5c, yd This was a 30c line - -We .have a tedLP u i l f s y o this,:toweling, It goes on Sale Fair ,Day at`per`yd, i5c Men's Si:Boys .Over. coats We offer all Winter Boys; and Men's 'Overcoats at a Special Dis- count of 10 per cent. Greb Shoes for: Men This line sells for $5.00 :every where. It is one of the best Shoes for rough, wear that we know of. We offer this Special price for Fair Day only $4.50;- 50 pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes 11.98 pro These Shoes sold regularly at $4:50.. and $5.00 a pair. We place them on sale for Fair Day only at per pair $1.98, outhcott Bro: NINON roma MINIM MINIM MINIM MMINal 0101111. wirma �1111lIIIlilllllllliillllllilllllilllflillllllllllilllllflllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllililillllllllflltli111111161111H1 llllllllllllllllllllillllill�ll6 . CAKING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public; Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, Invest your funds in' Vic tory,, ' Dominion- of Canada,. Provincial and Municipal,: Bonds. " Legal investment- for, Trust Funds. At existing prices,- =from 6 per cent to ,7 ;per cent can be 'obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. - OFFICE-- ' Carling Block,. Main Street, EXETER, ONT. 'WHAT IS THIS? Ever Knock is a Boost, if you knock in the right way, and this is how; T. H. Elliott knocks, if you bring your Old Suits and Overcoats to him he will Knock the Spots off' of then. So when.you' want any work of this kind done 'give him a chance. • . ','Shop' opened every day and Satur day night. ALWAYS AT -YOUR • SERVICE T. Ii. ELLIOTT. - • : FARMS FOR SALE—A few choice farms in the ,Townships of Usborne, Tuckersmith • and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mar- kets. Pi iced right. Apply to Thos. Cameron, Auct., Box 154, Exeter. • DRESSMAKING DONE—Apply to li2iss Olive Dearing, Exeter, R. R. No. 1.- Phone No. 26X12 Crediton. MillinerMillinery B9.ARDING PLACES WANTED. J , J i lie Board of <Edueaton, desires that ail, 'personi. wishing to board students Fall Hats in various styles and col- I ,rit give,:their names tc the Secretary, orings the seasons latest -designs for 1,1 IC <"�acraul, as many student,s; women and children, are now on dis- arfe':e.aquiring• for boardingplaces.. play in our millinery parlors. We invite the ladies of Exeter and vicinity to calla ,. Store open, Wednesday and Satur- day evenings.` A. YELLAN The death took place in Chilliwaek. 13, C, of W .McLeod, sher o f the St. Marys Argus in the 90's, and in those years secretary of South Perth Agricultural Society`` but who for then p< st .14 years has been • man- �ciof ti+c Cr,l.-waek Creamery... T 00; erre Parnell's Home -Made or Bread„ at 7112c per loa± Baker's ocer... -+ FOR SALE— Base -burner coal Stove, Crown Brilliant,in good con ;clition. Apply at Times Office. r CANARY BIRDS for sale—Guar- anteed singers:. W. H. Mills, Centra - 1_14. STRAYED=--ryA£ter Aug. 26th, from Jon -Hicks' grass farm, lot C. Con. 6, trstorne, one , .roan steer about • 800 ljss or over; marked in left ear. Any - dile seeing him please write to F. P. Cniilin, Clandeboye, Ont., or Phone Ciediton 29-31. %L OR. SALE -50 Apple Apply to. Mr. E. Heideman street. Exeter. Barrels. Sanders. OR • SALE—Pandora range in good condition,' with warining oven, reservoir and Water front; SunIiglit wa dliug machine with wringer; Al- Oddirt lamp; coal oil or gaaol.inetank 2l: pais 73iss'ell'caipet'sweeper; solid' oalrdining-room table and chairs; Atrply to Dr. Orme, Crediton. 1 Now is the Time y� should be thinkit; a New Fall hercoa[ COOL NIQHTS 'AND DAYS WILL SOON BE HERE AND THE WISE YOUNG- MAN WILL BE PREPARED. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR ARRAY ,-OF UP-TO-DATE COATS, OR LEAVE YOUR ORDER- FOR. A MADE -TO -MEASURE COAT. � F l: in eW Fall SuitingsExcellent Fabrics: are on Display Bats and Caps, Shirts and Collars, Plain and Fancy B se, Underwear etc., for the DressyYoungMen Everything P N M A N IC • c x39:... A. L. :eE+ NNANT Veterinary Surgeon. Office—McDonneil's a*Ies'vrtables on. John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone. 26w New iron pumps and flt%tegs in stock. Iron or wodd pumps repair- ed; wells pumped out or cleaned. S. J.' V..CANN, EXETER Phone, 115. DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic & Electrncall Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles scientifically fitted. Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and by appointment. Office -William and Sanders Sts. Taxi Service Auto • Trips to London During Exhibition` Week V:RANGI+ 17S;, Good glasses °if'you need them Good advice if you don't. J. WARD, D.C., Optometaist EXETER Cochrane Machine W0rk5, ENGINES -6. H.B; "Z" $233.00. ..3 h.p. "Z" Bosch Magneto $143.5011.- ,1% h.p. "Z",$99.50 40 -Light _Plant, complete, $350.00.4, „ry Double -Geared Jacks $15.00 GRINDERS -6 in. $40; 8 in. $50.::• 10 in. $56.$00 CRUSHERS—$74, $8.0, $100 & $115 Straw Cutter $35.00 Straw Cutter, with plain feed, $65.00 travelling feed $85.00 Fairday'Electric^ Washer $126.00; ' Belt drive $70.00 500 lb. Scale $23.85; 1000 lb,127.85 Concrete Mixers, Hay Pressen, Stone Crushers, Road. Rollers, Threshing Outfits, Case Tractors, Tractor Plows and Disks; , , We, handle a complete Set ,: o, , p e lime of•�• the,„• CanadianPairbanks' Morse Co.ialso Case Threshing ing Gompany. All repairs prrlmptly r •'`t:^:ik�,rr