HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-07-29, Page 2146 LEE CRESCENT, Sat., August 1, 6 a.m. - noon. Household items, fabric, sewing goods, furniture, collectibles and more. -31x 36362 HWY #8, Sat., Aug. 1, 2009, 7 a.m.- 2 p.m. DVDs, sewing machine, odds and ends. Rain or shine. Something for everyone. -31 x 239 BENNETT ST. E., Sat. August 1, 8 a.m. - ? Lots of assorted items. -31x 91 PARK ST., Sat., Aug. 1, 8 a.m. Huge yard sale. Great for parents of young children. Lots of toys, children's items, girls clothes sized 18 mos - 3T as well as many other household items. -31x 300 MARTHA ST., Fn., July 31, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m., Sat., Aug. 1, 7 a.m. 60 sq. ft. (rustic) oak hard- wood flooring, 3' retractable screen door, small tools, workshop odds and sods, youth skates and hockey equipment, household items.31 ar 138 WILSON ST., Sat. August 1, 8 a.m. - ?-31x 162 MARY ST., Fri., July 31, 5 p.m. - ?, Sat., Au- gust 1, 8 a.m. - ? Numerous items. -31x MILL ROAD TO WILDWOOD LINE (follow bal- loons) Sat., August 1, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Multiple fam- ily garage sale at Wildwood By The River Camp- ground under the willow trees. -31 x 97 NAPIER ST UNIT B, Sat., August 1, 8 a.m. - ? Duncan Phyfe table and miscellaneous items. - 31x KNOXBOX MEGA SALE - Giant Garage/Vard Sale, Knox Presbyterian Church, comer of East St., Goderich, Saturday, August 8, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Super bargains130-32ar HOLIDAY DEADLINES if you wish to place an ad in the next edition of The Goderich Signal -Star please note the dead- line will be Thursday, July 30th at 5 p.m. The regular. deadline (Friday at 2 p.m.) applies on non -holiday weekends. To place your ad please call us at 519-524-2814, fax 519-524-9175 or email starsales@bowesnet.com-31 ss NEW DEADLINES PLEASE NOTE effective immediately all dead- lines for The Goderich Signal -Star will be Fridays at 2 p.m. If you wish to place an ad please call, email, fax or visit our office. Phone 519-524-2614, email starsales@bowesnet.com, fax 519-524- 9175 120 Huckins St. Goderich Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. - 31, 32ss FARM MARKET elesideatIons 11A411 11A. For Sale General .118. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F. Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Land 11K. Farm Real Estate 12.Real Estate COMMERCIAL/ RESIDENTIAL Property for sale $185,000 or rent $1400/month inclusive. 252 Huron Rd., Goderich. For more details 519 -524 -8943.- 29 -30x, 19 -524-8943-29-30x, 31 nx A New Girvi ig 14. Vasadon . 2 • BEDROOM COTTAGE close to beach, golf courses and Goderich. Available August 2, 2009. Monthly rates negotiable. $700 per week. Phone 519-274- 0850.-31, 32x goderlchalgnalstar .com 1S. For Rent 17. Apartvnonts for Rent WEST END Bachelor, newer carpet and appli- ances, parking for one, bathtub only (no show- er) $425 plus hydro, heat included. Available Sept. lst 519-281- 6831.-31, 32x ONE BEDROOM apart- ment plus finished attic in Wingham. Clean, fresh paint and carpet $450 plus utilities. Cail 1-866-773-0065 or 1-519-273-0065.-31 tf 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT, no pets, no smoking, fridge, stove, heat included in rent $550/month avail- able August 1, 2009. Phone 519-524-8769.- 31-33x NON-SMOKERI Duplex, west side, near downtown, 2 level apartment with 3 bed- rooms, porch, parking, $675 plus utilities, first and last, references. Available Sept. 1. 519- 524-5356.-31-34x LUCKNOW - 2 bed- room apartment on main street, rent includes fridge and stove. 519-528-3007.- 31, 321 DOWNTOWN GODERiCH Bachelor studio apartment. Available Aug. 1st $435/mth plus utilities, controlled entry, park- ing, patio and BBQ, no smoking/no pets, refer- ences required. CaII 519-524-3862.-30tfar 2 BEDROOM base- ment units. One avail- able August, one avail- able September. $750 inclusive. Call Usa 519- 524-8943.-30, 31 ar TWO BEDROOM, 2 1/2 baths, livingroom, kitchen, laundry hook- up, storage, four appli- ances, private drive. $700 plus. 519-524- 9480.-30, 31x ZURICH, ONE & TWO bedroom apartments, 4 appliances $435 and up, plus'hydro. Move in bonus. Call 519-633- 6961 or email jane- tyates05@hotmail. com.-23tfnls 1S. For Rent In )rtLibit COMPLETE SELECTION OF CARS, PASSENGER VANS, LARGE & SMALL TRUCKS Some trucks equipped with loading ramps. We also carry fridge carts and moving blankets to make your move easier. DAILY WEEKLY - MONTHLY Rates Available STRICKLANDS 334 Huron Rd. Goderich . 524-9381 18 ft long STORAGE CONTAINER with secure lock up. $100 per month. Call 519-525-1191 dip 17. Apartments for 17. Apartments for Rost Rest One & Two Bedroom Available in Goderich Call 519-524-4228 1 Bedroom Apartment Newly Renovated 519-524-5000 or 519-364-5487 The Brownstone 250 Hiucks Strr-et, Godericls • 2 Bedrooms starting from *651 -4- • • Controlled Entry • Clean & Quiet For appointment to view please call 519-524-8736 .OPEN HOUSE Saturdays & Sundays 10 am - bpm Refreshments Provided 1,2&3bedroom $550, $650 & $750 Freshly Renovated Units A Must See! 176 Oxford St. HENSALL 1-515-851-5368 www.skyNneonline.ca THREE BEDROOM, three floor duplex close to downtown. Fridge, stove, washer and dryer included. $850/ month includes heat. Call 519-524-8271 or 519-440-8812.-29tfar ONE BEDROOM 3rd floor, fully furnished apartment. (no eleva- tor). Suitable for one person. $600/month, heat and hydro includ- ed. No smoking. No pets. Car essential. 519-524-8236 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Available Sept. 1, 2009.-29tfar BRIGHT 2 BEDROOM, second storey apt available Aug 1st. Close to schools and downtown core. Fridge, stove and 2 car parking included. $700/month plus utilities. Call '519- 524-1235 for inquiries. - 28 -31x 3 BEDROOM UPPER apartinent with balcony. Fridge and stove. No pets. $650 a month plus utilities. References required. Phone 519-524-6196.- 28tfar ONE BEDROOM UPPER apartment close to downtown. Fridge, stove included. Available Sept. 1. No pets. Np smoking. $660/mth Pius utilities. 519-4400528.-20iar AVAILABLE AUGUST 1/09 2 bedroom (1 large, 1 small) upper level apartment. Close to Square. Fridge, stove, heat included. No pets, no smoking. Parking. --$650/month. Call 519-482-9889.- 31-33x CLINTON - 3 bedroom, 2nd. floor apartment, first and last, referenc- es required. $625 per month plus utilities. Call 519-524-1957.- 24ttar CLINTON - Quality one and two bedroom apartments. Clean quiet, security system, laundry, parking, four appliances, outdoor patio. 519-866-5442 (cell) 519-851-7033.- 22tfar CLINTON - 2 bedroom upper apartment. Clean, parking, secure entry, appliances. No smoking, no pets. Call 519-482-7700.-171f' CENTRAL LOCATION Very nice, clean, quiet adult buildings. One and two bedroom apartments available. No pets/no smoking. Call Kelly for more details 519-524-6018, ' 519-612-7171 (cell). -4tfar MXPLEHILL RETIREMENT HOME - Clinton. Two bedroom apartment available immediately. Seniors building, secure entry. Appliances and laundry included. Call 519-482- 7700. -49tfc LUCKNOW - BRAND new spacious two bed- room apartments, designer finish. Six appliances, ensuite full size laundry, air and in -floor heating, private patio and front deck. All utilities included except telephone and cable. Close to local shopping and larger centres. 519-528-3722: -45th t t,...m� t.�ow NOW • Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - Page A21 1$. Mops... for Rent CENTRAL LOCATION - Four bedroom home fenced back yard. Close to schools, $800 plus utilities. Available Sept 1, references, no pets. 519-529-7518.- 31-33x NEWLY RENOVATED townhouse. 2 bedroom with patio. Central loca- tion. Available August 1, 2009. Phone 519- 524-4680.-31, 32ar 2 BEDROOM BRiCK bungalow for rent in west end of Goderich. 4 appliances, central air conditioning, gas fireplace, garage and backyard pergola. No smoking, no pets please. References, $900/month plus utili- ties. Phone 519-524- 9189.-31, 32x AVAIL. SEPT 1ST. $800/mnth + util. 2 bdr., Targe lot, fridge, stove & dishwasher included. No smoking, no pets first & last months rent & references req'd. Call (519)396-8596.-31, 32x THREE BEDROOM house on river in Saltford, 2 acre lot, newly renovated. Available Aug. 1st. $850/month plus utili- ties. 519-440-0540.- 31x BLYTH - Three bed- room townhouse, $550/ month plus utilities. References. First and last required. No smok- ing. 519-284-4792.-30- 32x LARGE 2 STOREY house for rent in excel- lent west -end Iotation in Goderich. Large kitchen with new appli- ances, dining/living room, family room, 4 bedrooms, rear deck, large driveway $1200 per month plus utilities. Please call 519-440- 6802.-30-32ar CLINTON - 2 bedroom house. Fridge, stove, washer and dryer. Available Sept. 1, 2009 First and last required. $750/month plus utili- ties. Call 519-612- 1165.-30-32x THREE BEDROOM newly renovated town house located in Vanastra. $675 per month plus utilities. includes new applianc- es and parking. Available September 1st. Call Jon 1-866- 976-2626.-30-33x GODERICH - 3 bed- room semi completely renovated. Fridge, stove, washer/dryer. Walk out deck with a large backyard. No pets, non smokers. References required. $750/month plus utili- ties. Available August 1st. Please call 519- 524-1724.-30, 31 ar 1s. Rouses for Rent TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, Brock Street, one floor, 5 appliances, no smoking, no pets, $800 plus utilities, first and last, references. 519-482-3604.-29-31x THREE BEDROOM home for rent, avail- able August 1, $725/ month plus utilities. Call Kevin 519-524- 0301.-29tfar 2 BEDROOM, one bathroom. bungalow, close to hospital. Mature, non-smoking adult preferred. No pets. 3 appliances included. $800/month plus utilities. 1st and last month's rent required, references. Available September 1/09. Call 519-524- 2233 after 6 p.m.-29- 32ar TWO BEDROOM house for rent in Clinton. Close to schools. Non-smoking, no pets. 519-573- 7109.-24tf THREE BEDROOM house, Newgate St. $850/month plus utili- ties. Completely reno- vated 519-528-3720.- 31 ar 23. Cosssmerolal Property for Tient 1200 SQUARE FEET office or commercial retail on The Square, Goderich for rent. Available September 1. Call 519-524-4680.- 31, 32ar 00W NTOW N LUCKNOW, Store space and office space available for rent. 519- 395 -5247. -28th COMMERCIAL Space for Lease 1200 sq. feet $5 per sq. foot + CAMS. 390 MacEwan. For inquiries call 519- 432-1115.-4tf CLINTON - Com- mercial space for rent, approx. 1000 sq. ft. Call 1-866-722-0922. -29tfc 26. Help Wanted RESPONSIBLE person /team with references for cleaning residential/ commercial on a weekly basis. Please send resume with expected remuneration to Box 213, Goderich ON N7A 1R5.-31, 32ar SELF EMPLOYED individual needed to remove snow from a 34 unit townhouse complex parking lot. Individual must provide certificate of public liability and property damage insurance and WSIB clearance certificate. Please contact 519-524- 5763.-,31, 32ar poderic g mister 24. H. Vacated SELF EMPLOYED individual needed to remove snow from a 34 unit townhouse complex main sidewalk. Individual must provide certificate of public liability and property damage insurance and WSIB clearance certificate. Please contact 519- 524-5763.-31, 32ar GOOD POSITION FOR high school student, 7-13 hours per week, front counter work. Apply with resume to Bluewater Cleaners, 38 West St.- 31-32ar CLINTON RACEWAY - Full and part time serving and kitchen staff required. Nights and weekends. Must be 1') or older. Fax resume attention Lisa 519-482-1678.-31, 32c LOCAL RENEWABLE energy company seeks motivated sales representatives. Enthusiasm a must. Students welcome. Interested in being green while making green, please send 'resume to jobshuron@ gmail.com-30, 31x ANTIQUE TRACTOR handyman needed. Minneapolis Molines, Olivers, Cockshutt, Case. Need -experienced person near Bayfield, to work part-time. Hourly rate. 450-266-6888.-30, 31 x AZ DRIVER with clean abstract needed for Secondary Resources. Drop off resume to 205 . Nelson Goderich ON, 519-524-7024.- 30, 31 ar PART TIME HELP required for renovation company. Experience helpful. Clinton 519- 606-4849.30tfar HARDWOOD INSTALLER required for Kincardine area. Must have own tools and transportation, Days 519-396-4900, eves 519-396-5518.- 26tfsb HELD WANTED Limo Cook Waitron Dishwash.r No Experience required. Part-time. Apply in person with resume between 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The MAITLAND Dining Lounge 25 North Harbour Road N,