The Exeter Times, 1922-9-14, Page 5'lfTRSDAY SE1TEI1UI]IlR 14tH 1922 IMIPEXkTifillt 171048 Dashwood d Mr's, Moon, of Detroit, is visiting "and Mrs. 'Wm,aai the�home of Mr. 9A d Zion . r l;a Ivfr.and,Mrs,xao.Fisher er are visit- . lira'z N w h in'- e Dundee, 1 of Hoffman and son Mr. .::IToY z z a Harry, lT xa ertri1 toSai1za on Tues da yre- turning i e- tuinin with a load of furniture. to g Quite a number from here are at- "tending t ' ndiii Fair.Landonflits week. rediton'. Rev. Otto Brown, wife and child- s'en returned to their home in'Free- enont, Ind. Monday. Mrs. Jos. Woodall and children, a last week anent a few days in Detroit. Mr. Nathan Sambrook, of Chatham 1 in the'village :thi ` visited • friends z g is week. . 0 n Mrs. Withum motored Mr. and ,., n from Celiac, Mica., a d s spent the week -end with the latter's brother, Mr. Jack lzirtzel. Miss label Wenzel s visiting rel- atives in. Detroit, from H d i s'returufromMr. Alonzo o b n d England Monday Engi and sails; evening again next Saturday x • , with • another, load of cattle, e ti• idler left last Mis ' Lydia Q s e S week to Coach school in Collizigwood. Method- ist The Mission Circle of the 0 T e 1 the thehome o at i • church met 1stt Miss Merle .Clark Monday President, , z evening, when Mrs Kelliover; return- ed missionary from China, gave a splendid` taller ', a :=; 1; A quiet wedding was solemnized • at high noon' on Tuesday,' in a.ha Evangelical parsonage, when, Alma - eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aug- ust Hill was united in marriage to 1VIr, David Giel, of Kitclietter, by Rev, S. M,'Hauch. The bride was attired. in a becoming suit of brown broad cloth; with toupe fox' colta k•and sand le lzat aiid�"wore a .corsage bouctl.�t of ophelia 'rosebuds. The couple 'were 1 ,; ,cs . ;., .. lded. After artakin ot" a lzrkattex;l �. n � , , th slni ltuolls wedding dinner at e Huron Garage Exe rtrepairing A l all makes S of Cars Tires, Accessories. Gasoline and Oil Used Boole deal Bargains in Us�d Cars OUR MOTTO IS SERVICE. 0. O. Pilon Nozzle of the bride's parents, they mo - to •ed'« toLondon,thereffrom taking the Vain to Toronto, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. They will be at home to their Erie ds after, Oct.et at the n ct zi er A a,rtnen s., Bet ,Kitehener, Mr. Welter Bernie who has been r. visitknt, at the Lvang cliGa)parson- age, lett Mondayto'attend college in, , s.. i tlieStates. Miss Myr tile I3riccwood 'and Miss iss Lucy ,Fawtduzeime , of Hti1ii1ton; were the gguesis of Rev. M,J,and Mrs, Wilson at the James street par- soliage; Tie'purse whiclz was advertised in last'week's Tilnes has been return-' as'teacher in the school. ed to its owner. ... ,... Centralia 4 Mrs. Aaron Davis,of Illi. and Mr Lu - can, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. l on Sunda ,a ld attended ?i4evin Est y l- 1'the morning. ck It :cYz in �' k k Mr. Thos. Neil tripped over some wiie and received a nasty tall hzealc, ing a small hone in his shoulder. , He is eari g his arm 111 1 a sling. Byron TI1cks shipped four ' loads of cattle on Saturday. Wm. Colwill shipped a number of cattle to Liverpool Wednesday. Missportniss' lids returned from comnie and nc'd her' vacation 4 duties Mitchell tc13 The judging orthe field corn com- petition for 'this district which was n i , under the auspices of the Fullat ton Logan and Hilbert Agricultural -So- ciety, was finihed oh Saturday after- noon. The judge was Mr. James Mc- Lean, of Richmond Hill. The first seven farmers named are the prize-. win ere: � No. 1,Henryreenwood nY 1' 11 rt n 2 percent; 2 ni` Pz l a o 9 /z I ei No. W, Forrester, M. P., Mitchell, 89 per 'cent;; No. 3, Alex. Cole, Fullerton,. 88% per cent; No. 4, Joseph Wardell Hibbert, 861/2 per cent;. No. 5,' Wni: Mulgge, Logan, 86 per cent; No. 6, George Kemp, Fullerton, 83'1j per cent; No. 7, James Scott, Hibbert, 831/.r per cent; No. 8, Thos. Tubb,. Logan, 83 per cent; No. 9, Russel Scott, Hibbert, 821/2 per cent; No. 10, M. Clark, Fullarton, 82 per cent;. No. 11, Enos Docking, Hibbert, 80 per cent; No. 12, J. Miller, Hibbert, 791/, per cent; No. 13, Chas. Hunt, 77 per cent. Prices of stock and produce change daily, but the farmer who reads 'The' Globe ' alr ways "knows when to sell and' what "price to - expect. Every day in his "Globe;' he gets a page ,. not found in any other daily newspaper in Subscription Rates; By Mail in Ontario 12 months, $5.00 6 months, $2:75..` Canada -a page full of : agricultural and •, 1 Lmonth, .50 market news. tions on grain, else the farmer ' to him every `d Don't depend in The Globe. lar The up-to-the-minute quota - stook, hides, wool, dairy produce and everything has to sell make.The Globe farm page invaluable ay. on "hearsay reports of prices -get them daily TORONTO .Y , Canada's. Natioricl Daily. t ne of th : Jive grades of Imperial Polarine `.Motor offs is exactly suited.. to your cat'; USe this grade regularly and get trouble-free service from your car at the lowest possible cost • for' lubrication. Consult the Chart to determine the grade you should be using.' IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED: Manufa tYrers and Marketers of Imperial Potarine; Motor Oils and Marketers in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil. 1111M r„�';ltUR�,Iii day ull�inll la1)i a C :raw„ 440 411114,74, ; ;� Jlllh 90r a +.� if Zion Iu;the course of a severe electrical storm on Thursday of last week a bo t f' o'clock in the morning the tl kYe g in on the fax of 1VIr. barn tl .Wellington Batten, was struck b y lightning and fire. ,destroyed Mr. Bate had by.t n r hai 1 tons 11111 ev l a 1 3 the barn at the s ,e � time,and Mr. Frank Cornish also: had several tons of hay and sweet clover all of which were destroyed. Some square timber for a driveshed were also burned,Mr. Batten's crop oats and peas were in his brother's barn across the road, Tye barn was without foundation 1 and was partly covered by insurance. Quite a number from this section have visited the peach orchards near Thedford. A number are also taking in London fair this week. ' Mr. Earl Hern who recently under- went an operation in Loncin hospit- al 'returned hot last weak and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland, of Kirkton were the -guests -of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hern on Sunday, Mr: Robt, •'Taylor is on the sick list. School re -opened last week with Miss •McIntyre, of near Forest in charge. Clandeboye Word has been received from Van- ce -liver, B. C,, of the death of Ernest Shoff, a druggist there, in an auto accident on September 3rd. Mr. Shoff was born in Clandeboye, a son of the late, Daniel Shoff, for many years postmaster in the village and license inspector in Middlesex Conn- - ty Two valuable cows were struck by lightning on the farm of Austin Bice,. second concession, McGillivray, dur- ing the heavy electrical storm on. Wednesday night of last week. George. Yates, of Ottawa, with -Mrs. Yates and their daughter,' made a call oil. their old, friend, Mrs. John Mc- Naughton, Moorseville, on their way to Goderich last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred '`Hodgins, ;of Sarnia, are guests of Mrs. Hodgins' sister, Mrs. Gilmore, of Biddulph. Mrs. Demas, of London, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Burnett, of Lucan, and friends in the vicinity. Members of the Clandeboye Meth- odist church are holding weekly pray- er meetings at the home of Mrs. Mon- ckton, of Biddulph, who is unable to attend church services. Bayfield Dr. Edgar Swartz, of Goderich, was badly bruised and his. brother Ernest seriously injsi ed ,about 3.30 last' Friday morning as a result of an accident which occurred when the car in which they were riding struck astray horse on the road about two miles from here; 'The doctor's bre- ther ;was thrown' through' the wind- shield as a result of the mishap and his injuries are said to be of a serious nature. The car was proceeding from Sarnia to Goderich, where the accident victims reside, and they were unable to see the horse until it had : been struck. A heavy mist is said to 'be responsible for the acci- dent as it was not possible to see more than a few feet ahead of the car at any time. Assistance was ren- dered by John Parker, a farmer re- siding near the point where the ac- cident occurred, and the injured men *,ere taken to the Weston Hotel, where they were attended by Dr. Metcalf. Crediton School Fair The third ennualeschool, fair, under direction' of the departinent of agri- culture, was held at Crediton on ,Fri- day last under ideal su%nknzr sties and with a record-breaking crowd in attendance. Young and old alike turned out to enjoy the exhibits, which the prize list sliows.was `a very great success. Much enjoyment was taken out of a gtiesing contest held on the weight of a five -months -old pig owned by Master Freddie Foist. The idea was to see who, was best judge of the weight of the porker, the honcirs'go- ing equally to Miss Lily Fahner and Mr. Christian Ran, = they "being only one pound out. The schools engaged in the exhib- its were Nos. 2, 3,' 5, 6, and 14, all of Stephen Township. No, 1, school did not taking part owing to quarintin.t, On account of the early date the chil- dren were not so well trained as oth- erwise: they would have been. t(il1ZE WINNERS. Tlie following is the prize list: 'One quart wheatv--Kenneth Kuhn. Sheaf wheat- Kenneth Kuhn, lt'Itturice' Beaver er, Willie Galser, Lyla F,aist, Sheaf pats- Willie Ga'iser, `llilibon Finkieiner. One quart barley -Harry Hit tie1. Field peas -Luella Staulake,.Lloyd `Fahner, Wesley ' , Alvin- Fink- beiner, Rollins, i liner Robert Dietrich, Willie Lam- port, Alex. Dietrich, Field corn she Thompson, Mel- vin Lamport Alex Dietrich. Sweet corn-VelikGuettinger;a S Edna oavEl �Pius Dietrich, Gerald Gwkc er,E. Sheardown Stew- art Kuhn. Green mountain potatoes--- Inez Palmer, Lula Haist, Jas.'Flynh, "TIao1=' Sims ma Silzis',''Harry.Fiirtzel,; Hilda S nis • Irish cohblers--Beatrice 'Haist, Elgin Woodall, John Hedden, 'Gordon Lain- port. Dooleys-Ruby Hedden, Haz- el Woodall, Dorothy Fahuer, Harold Fahner, Tia Appleton, Gerald Rollins. ,T)orotay Lawson, teddy Lamport C. Lewis, W, Lottie Waghorn �rulie Wasizoasl; noxious weed seeds, E Sw;eitzer, 1. FAhrwx; L, Palmer, G, lIakst, A Fi,rihbemci,'Esther, Ellber ;, ikattiye commercial woods, G. 1-laist, h Sweitzer, W.,Etit; rsli' .:�,, Finkbeiner it. Dearing' mounted leaves, Ella"i)ear- ing, V. 51111 , i . Tlioninpsori, A. Fink•- °enter, 1). H rtz,ul, W,.;Englishi Press t,r1 wild J„lowers, Edith So eitzer, M. it , ..ects E. ,e . Sss':.a.zGr 1n.juryoas i;n� z., L. S\\ a,tre;:' Map 'ci. Hurazz--Maraaret Penhale, Gelid- Godbolt, M. Nell, Thelma Sinks Gladys Lewis,' Marjoi e Lawson; Map �i N. llnrerica,-f..Flynn, E. Dear';ng, L uii ortt E, : T,lavznpsgn, W,Roliins; Map of Oirttaria S;",Dearing, E.Swcit-, zer, NT. Sw eittier, ,R. Dearing„ L.Star- lake, V. Sims ,• r". Ns it.r,lg. "Evenan2 Pray 1. , is � !11„ H. i i. K. Lillow, D. Falhner, W. Stanlake Writing "lndiaui Sus -mer" i Gladys Lewis, M, Sums, L, ,Wagh1ornj II Ed- wards, V. Moore M. Penhale; Wr tt ria Mangels-Willie English, Elsie "Lead Kindly Light" -Helen Vlctsaac Thompson, Harold Fanner, Herman y a E. I7eatxin.g, L. Ii'�•tist, E: Tlioimp,c�n, M. Hauch Willie Stanlake, Marjorie a•t r' ins "12veess Hicks, 1�1, Lauriz,p z Lawson, Turnips - Harold Penhale, tonal" -V. Sims, St. Dearing, M, Neil ', Harold Peil.hale, M. SweitzerL, Swe',E�- zer; Scene in ss'ater,coiors-E. E:°'lber, MurrayNeil, E. Sweitzer, M. Swei_t- Murray 11, E,' � �. . cr, 1. Fahner, Beatrice Haust; cray- on sketch of vegetables -Harry Hirtzel Teddy Lamport, D. Fahtner, M. Wii,s4m' Merna Sims, •E. Schultz; ?Vknogram MurrayraY N eil GertrudeHa° t E S e t ter, V. Sims, E. giber', I .Fahoer, Il- lustrate • any quotation -I -114 1a Foist. Onions -Edna Beaver, Irene Murray .Neil, Helen Hecks, E, Swett-. Fahner, Erin Dearing, Laura Clark, zcr, V. Sims,, .Inez Fah,nex; judging :n. Virginia Moore, Edna Geiser. cattle; Howard Beaver, Esther Eilber Sunflowers -Fred Foist, Maurice Gertrude Hetet, Gordan Laraport, El I•Iarvey'Godbolt, Harry Hirtzel, Dor- othy Dietrich. Beets-HazelSmith, , Annie Waglzorn, Thelma Sims, Alma Winer, Alva Lamport, Margaret Kuhn.. Carrots -Gladys Penhale; Gertrude Beaver, Rose Dietrich, Lyd- ia - is Haist, Edith Sweitzer.Parsnips Clarence Iahn er, Esther Ll ber Mer- na 'Signs, Ruby Finkheiner, Fred Beaver. Clara -Lewis, .Gordon ..l ist,Chrhtsie; Sweitzer; rope: sp1,C"- ztig-NrV esley Roliilns, Lorne Giiaser, E. Irene. Fahner, Berman Hauch. As Sweitzer, 'IVlltori Finkbeiner, Harold ters-John Hedden, Inez Fahner, pelihaie. Ruby Redden, Edna Beaver, Luella• Stanlake, MargaretPenhale. Sweet NonScl5i, oNo.Pa3r, aNdoe-. 6Naj. n2i,oarr oraomomitowfo Noof. peas -Hilda Signs, Dorothy F'ahner. Nio, 5, No. 3, No-. 6, juinilor' room; o No Ruby Finkbeiner, Dorothy Lawson, 5 special prize. Gladys Lewis, Nola Foist, 'Phlox- Singing ng competition -Junior room of Dorothy Fahner, Wealthy Schroeder. No 5, room - 2 of No. 5, No. 2, No.3 Bouquet from home garden -Inez Fahner, Virginia Moore, Ruby Fink- beiner, Laura Clark, Esther Eilber, Gertrude %Heist, Dahlias- Dorothy Fahner, Beatrice .Haist, Ruby Hed- den. Gladioli -Inez Fahner, Beat- rice Hoist, John Hedden, Esther Ell- ber. POULTRY. Cockerels -Inez Fanner, Esther Eilber, Luella Stanlake, Gerald Zwic ket._ Pullets -Luella Stanlake, Ger- ald , Zwicker•, Rose Dearing, Maurice Beaver, Lyla Haist, Pair of rocks (pullet and cockerel) -Gerald 'Zwic- ker, Inez Fahner, Rose Dearing, Lu- ella Stanlake, Mary Flynn. Pair of white leghorns-Lyla Hoist, Harry Bowden. Pair of white wyandottes Gordon Hoist. Pen of barred rocks from home flock-Eigin Woodall, Howard Beaver, Rose Dearing, Gor- don Ratz, Herman Hauch, Irene Flynn. Pair of pigeons-Lyla'Haist, Barry Bowden,MVIorris White, Robt. Flynn, Geo White. -•Pair of rabbits Laura Clark, Earl Christie, Herman Hauch, Esther Eilber, IVleivin Rich- ard. One doz. white eggs -Harry Bowden, ;Melvin Signs, Lyla Hoist, Milton Finkbeiner, Gladys Lewis, Marion Lewis. One doz. brown eggs Gordon Hoist, Jean Richard, Gert- rude Beaver. Spring Lamb -Harold: Penhale, Halter -broken colt -Lorne Geiser. Beef calf -Harold Penhale, Harold Finkbeiner, . Esther Eilber, Sam .Law- son. Pair bacon hogs -Elgin Wood- all, Gordon Lamport, Fred Haist. Dairy calf -Elgin Woodall, Mervin Richard, Gordon Hoist, Wni. Geiser. Spring colt, agricultural -Lorne Gei- ser. Pears---Lyla Heist, Harry Bowden, Dorothy Hirtzel,' E. Beaver, Merna Sims, Jos. Flynn. Apples -Thelma Neel), Lyle. Haist, Ella Dearing, Greta Dietrich, Melvin Richard, Elsie Thompson. Homemade bread -Wesley. Schroe- der, Mildred White, Lyla Hoist, Mel- vin Richard, Th.el>_na Siins; Thelma Lamport. Graham muffins -Thelma Sims, Mary Wilson, Dorothy Lawson, Helen Orme,-Esther Silber, Inez Felt- ner. ahner. Currants tarts -Dorothy Fah- ner, Hazel • Woodall, -Rase Dearing,, Gertrude Hoist, Mildred 'White; Bea- trice Hoist. White cake -Inez Felt- ner, Beatrice 'Hoist, Wanda Willis, Thelma Sims, Rosa Dearing, Dorothy Hirtzel. Apple pie -Dorothy Law- son, Inez Falmer, Luella Stanlake, Mildred White 'Hazel Woodall, IIazel Smith, Homemade candy- Stella Dearing, Esther Either, Helen Mc Isaac, Phyllis Winer, Helen Ornie, Dorothy Fahner. 'School lunch-Hel en Orme, Gertrude Hoist, Stella Dearin, Mary Wilson. Pint raspberries,--Lyla Haisl, Nola, Foist, Stella.Deariln,g,, Rosa ;Dea in,g Irene Palmer, Alma. Winer; lb, print oY }gutter-Pbyllis' Winer, Gertrude 1-laid's1 Wealthy Schroeder, art orY Lawso,n, Lyle, Haist; qt, beano Irene „Fanner. Sewing Clalsses-Patclii on, cotton, Alma Winer, Clara Lewis, .Hazel Smith Irene Palmer, Lottie Wag,horn, Thelma Sims; cloth -covered book -Edith Sweit ter, Wanda Willis, Clara Lew:iiay hem- med tea towel-Virgiawa Moore, Alma \hrine.r, Venda, Slaps; Irene Fahisci;, Lu- ella, Stanlakc, E;lsic Thompson; croch- eted insertion--Ililda, Sims, .[rene;Fab ner, Agnes I ailnpo,rt, I3,eatrice Myrtle . Sweitter, Rosa., Dcari;ng; knit- ted \v'ns,hcic 1h-Ber.nace E doer ; hand- made doll's dress -Ella Dearing, 'Thel- ma Sim;, Myrtle Sive,itzCt-, Gla ty� Lewis, Rusy Finkbeiner, Maty Wilson; crocheted iictttf. ledge -Irene irabnc,r tuella Statlake, ',Marauteri tn La,inp rt M'rttle Swei,tzcr, Edith. Swoit et, T. Lat :port; patched dolfs quilt- V r,. n. i1h.osc Marjorie "Law,siam, Greta Dearing, ,.Lula lKerr, Ella 1)e•t,riirug,5 l)laey lVitsost. ` ?e-ipkin, Lydia Iia T- aist, Earl Their, k:Ici-s1ii : Hauck:; ;squas7t, :. Dcari.oin,, ]) model in, wood, TFow ,d \ret•, drill ;e I;rinliih, tcrne Ga ,e" Wcly tear h,�nlli:s, tXrlhi Cxi.;er. la,. W'nrirlat y wre 1 ;, l..u, c, h.enncth i,,ill'OW'. Cr . 'td lrrx l,ai•; Isetch. riO ;1'a'i:t Floc:• Lewis, I".: Woodall, W," Otte quart oats -Milton Finktein- Fty,t ,-Y, \I I^'t �..';ts; paper IIT ,r. !:;://l' �� ���6-tr>g jr� � f�Sr��• i� The leading business school of Western Ontario. with Com- mercial, Shorthand and Telegra- phy departments. Graduates are "assisted to good positions. Students may enter at any time. Get our free' catalogue now. D. A. McLachlan, Principak. RllEfl!4ATt li yq yeu, KbeumatLLiu 9: Plearltis, Scjaftcii, Lumbstgo 1 , , tipw ,is tb9 '. tante to gat rid 4l it, liatore Is Jou Istel$ dl rho can: to �� t help lasiai i,e t'R box ot ie1 to ' s lxea u#tie Capsules o ll. s 1. troll* yen:. Lttwuggi.>t ;a0d y �, i and tt twell z# fr l R be>?tS p;4 rlc r IIncicird Kurd Sold at BQiaey's,•Dru GRA RAILWAY THE DOABLE TRACK ROUTE- Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car ;service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal, day trains,. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. i6Tor- ning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, NT. 3. SORE,; Agent, Exeter. Phone 46w. Wire Fence ALL FULL GOVERNMENT GAUGE NO, 9 HARD STEEL WIRE 6 line wires, 40 in. high, 9 stays, per rod 33e. 7 line wires, 40 in. high., 9 stays, per rod '38c 8 line wires, 40 in. high, 12 sty's, per rod 47c Compare these prices with mail. order firms. LOWER PRICES IN LARGE LOTS White Pine lx6 siding, $40.00 White Pine 1x8 in, 10 in. and 12 in. $40.00 Ashphalt Shingles, B. C. Cedar Shingles, Cedar Posts and lots of Frost Fence on hand. J. CLATWORTIY GRANTON INDEPENDENCE THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES SYSTEM affords an unequalled opportunity for the investment of small. or large amounts for the purchase of an annuity of from $50 to $5,000 a year for life, to begin immediately or at any future age desired, and to be paid in;amonthly or quarterly instal- ments. Annuities may be purchased on a single life, or on the lives of two persons jointly. After contract issues, no restriction as to residence. Employers rrnay purchase' for their employees -School Boards for their' teachers -Congregations for their Ministers. Cannot be seized or levied upon. No medical examination required. Free from Dominion Income Tax. SECIJR&TY-THE DOMINION OF CANADA P9 Descriptive booklet may be obtained by applying to the Postmaster or by writing, postage' free, to S. T. Bastedo, Superintendent Dominion Government Annuities, Ottawa. When writing, kindly state sex, and age or ages last birthday. 4-4•1•000444- .414 • ,a .,' WisTi ,` }!RSITY CTIIEWESTERN ONTARIOUNIVERSITY) LONDON To Every :Father and Mother This is the era of progress. The call for trained men and women to carry forward in. Medicine, Science, Engineering and Fine. Arts. is stronger than ever before. If you would help your. children 'make the most of their lives you should give them the best - education you can afford. A university education is the first essential for our future leaders. A college stands ' at your door with, open. gates, ready to give thein complete courses in Medicine, Arts and Public Health. Admission is by Junior Matricula- tion except for special or nurses courses, and the fees are so low: that any one may attend' Western University degrees are universally rccogniZed. For information apply to DR. K. P, NEVILLE Registrar London. Ontario 12 f