The Exeter Times, 1922-9-7, Page 7Savo I Farin,Machinery With Lariat.
Assistant (fillet Conimissionea John
A. Stiles E Dotninion 1-Ieadquarters,
Ottawa, le in ree.eipt of a conimunica,-
tion from. Western Ontario which
ehowe the practical worth of lariat
throwing, whielt was introduced to at-
tendants at the Scoutelastera' Training
Carnp held near Ottawa in July.
The letter 'tells ot the feat of Aesist-
ant Scoutniaster Bert Bell of the 8th
Lontlen Troop,,, who, a few 'days ago,
.aved valuable farm macarinerY from
burning barn, near London, through
the 'Use of the lariat. 13e11 was out on a
hike with a party of Scouts when they
discovered the fire, and after gettin4
out some of the machinery were, atop-
pod from reinoving the ret by the in-
tense heat of the advaneing flames.
Remembering the instruction he had
received in lariat thrdwing ,while in
attendance at the Scoutmasters' camp,
Mr. Bell used his lariat, throwing the
big loop over-variouS implements, and
then,....witla the aid of the Scouts, suc-
ceeded in 'pulling every laet machine
,froni the burning!building.
The Book bid It.
Mr, R. Reeves, of Brith,dir, loaned an
old eopy of Sir Robert- Baden-Powell's
book, "Scouting for Boys," to ayoung
• friend in rdral school. 'Soon after he
was -visited ty, a 'delegation of boy
bearing a „petition that lie form them
• into a Boy Scout troop. He doing
Prescott Snotits Prevent Fire Panic• .
During a drill which formed part of
the programme ofan entertaiiinient in
' which the Scouts of the, 2nd Prescott
Troop were participating, the lights in
the hall went out, "leaving, the large
audience in darkness. Someone cried
"Eire!" Immediately the Pianist was
• directed to play some popular music,
;the Scouts rushed, out onto the plat-
forin and sang, and the possible panic
was averted. The Scolits were unable
to find out gave the false alarm.,
• - .
but you may -depend upon it that Ihe
will never'forget it if they -ever do,
Scout Rally it Collingwood Fair.
In order to stimulate public interest
• in the Boy Scout. movement through-
. out Simcoe and neighboring counties•,
the management oftheG-reat North:.
ern Exhibition to be held at Coiling-,
wood on September 12th, -1-3th,14th ,
an,c1 15th, is arranging. for a district
Boy Scout rally to beIield,on the Fair
• grounds on Thursday, September 14th.
The Fair management is also giving a
Prize which will be awarded to the
etlerocip making, the; best showing- , in a
',nonipetition, -points for wlitch wilr be
given .for attendance of troops at the
'Fair, appearance of troops on parade,
and general- efficiency in ScOut work
as demonstrated by a Series of con-
teststcovering Such events -as firefight-
ing and water boiling, 'bandaging, sig-
nalling, knot 'tying, etc. Scoutmaster
„ E. A. Siernin of Stayner is in charge
of arrangements.
New Cub Book Ready.
John Lewis's new book, "How to
• Run Wolf Cubs,"' is now ready and will
prove to be, a real help to every Cub -
master who uses it. It Is full. of "sug-
gestions with 'reference to all phases
• of Wolf Cub Work. It is available at
Provincial Headquarters, Trartnitp, at
46 -cents per copy.
A Troop in Your Town This Fall?
If there isn't a Scout Troop in your
town now will there be olie this Fall?
,Will you be the person to "start .the
lealll rolling" in the direction of securr
ingthe formation of a troop for your
local boys? If so, the Field Secretary
at Provincial Headquarters, 238 Bloor
•Street East, Toronto, would like to
:have- a letter from you. He -will send
• .
full, particulars to you upon request.
• • • II
• Three Fours -Are Twelve.
It was Sunday morning and Mr.
Newlywed insisted on going down-
stairs and preparing breakfast.
• Half -an hour later the little bride
descended to the dining -room and
there -found breakfast, hot and steam-
ing, waiting for her. One gentle,
graceful rnoment with a knife sever-
ed the shell of an egg and laid bare
its contents.-• Mrs. Newlywed paused
"My dear .Tohn" she g,asped, "what
have you done to these eggs?"
'Toiled them, of course!" retorted
"Yes; but for how long?"
"My dear girl, I carried out - your In-
structions to the letter."
"Nonseneel The eggs are as hard
as bricks!"
• "Well, I -only boiled them for twelve
"Twelve minutes!"' exelaimed Mrs.
Newlywed, "Due I told you tho,t three
miunte.s was long. enough -for an egg."
"I'm auite aware of that," retorted
her husband, proudly. "Accordin,gly, I
allowed twelve minutes for four eggs."
Matches Do Net Think,
You all haye had the sad and tragic
experience • from the result of fire
caused by eareless handling of match-
es, and aeons' pa,rtieularly the heart
rending scenes Of, innocent Child life
being sniiffed out by children playing
with matches, carelessly left within
their reach by patents, who, like the
match itself, do not use their heads
for thinking.—Deputy Fire' Marshal
Leals, Ontario.
There are 2 1,Til different Charadters
Le wt4rks of Cbarhes Pickens, • s
EALTil 133 LiCATO11
-Provincial Board of Health, Ontario.
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public' 11:efilth, mat-
, .
• rs through this column. Address him at "Seeable, House Spailine,
Crescent, Toronto.
new feature. -was tried out:1)y the than for .them to be et-falten down with
Provincial 13oarcl of Health". at the eeltie disease or ailment that a litt, e
Canadian. ,Natianal Exhibition, this prevention tnialit have averted.
year, A number °Iclinics wereny- 'the 111-ilea/th and iltdisPae.-
esfu 11.'0k/tine
the loft
The early at, ,es of nervous aebility
ere noted 1y- restless -aces and irritebili-
ty,in wilicn the victims ezem to be op -
pre, -,,sea by their nervea. ,As the trou-
le advance., eon -Irian syninionia nec
bochauh els:31aen71 '
seeepieseatIess. The iand ankles; Oatter requires
• immtgliate attention, fq sothiag hut
,auitable treatment Will PreVent a Com-
• 1 •
lebrneell:dvCo°ulsvils.• y. stein goveatis the
Wailvi,V7s.lobnPdaY•n:d c°11r1,rt01;3711,11silog that it isnot
'surprising that nervous disturbances
cause, acute distress. For troubles of
this li'-ndelar. Williams' Pink Pills sun-
ceecl when othier t ' ' , for
these pills make new "blood, enriched
with the elementi, on which the nerves
rive and in t as way
whereby -net only children bait tions of ndult life is clue to ear y
adults were avarned about -physical de- neglect of symptoms and clefetde malice
fems and conditions Which if not 4-
, / could Y 1) e
tended to, may lead to ill:health and taken in time, •
incapacity in later yeara. A number • To educate the public in the law$
of Prominent Physicians' in Toronto of health and hygiene is the. gaufdine
and elsewhere offered their services. principle of the Provincial 136-ard and
No treatment was given, the purpose with that end in view the differeat
being educative, to stimulate public -branches or divisions into which the
interest in the question of health, so work of the Board is divided, endeav-
h '1 "
t wee -people rnight keep them- ored te, show through the medium of
se ves we 1, and those who are heading attra.etive booths •u -it whet ie
trouble from a health point of clone in Sanitary Engineering in In-
, 7
view might he warned in time to con- clustrial Hygiene, in • Child Welfare
suit their doctor-, before, conditions and Public Health Nursing, in the
that might, be put right have become Laboratories, in the Departments of
s being
chronic.•• . .
• Why overhaul your motor -boat and
neglect overhauling your own body?
Why -have your motor -car examined
periodically, and not your. stomach,
your heart, your liVera your" lungs?
„Did you ever see a railavey eaiploYee
Venerealiseases and Health Educa-
tion. The Exhibit was tastefully de-
corated and proved an attractive spot
for the thousands who daily visited
the Great Fair and who take an in-
terest in good health and the methods
that are beine. adopted to maintain it
strike the„,
Wheels of a train before it h Province.
leaveathe station? Do You know why Attractive exhibits were also pro -
he does that? It is -to see if there are -aided at the Exhibition showiRg the
any cracks or flaws in the wheels that values of pure water and pure milk,
might cause a breakdown on the jour- and a large glass ofseemingly pure
ney. Is it not far better to-do this water inoctilitted with of
than to wait' -until the crash con -les? gems 1,VaS on display.'
Why should the same reasoning notdoe Literature that should prove both
applied to our health, to our physical instructive and intereiting WaS On
condition? Much sickness &Pill(' be hand at.the Provincial Board's PlealVt
avoideeef people had only the sense Exhibit in the Government Building,
to seek medical advice in time, •daily thronged with interested specta-
• The.. endeavor of the -Provincial tors. '
Board of Health is0to diffuse informa- A novel feature- which 'proved'• • a
tion to tlie public that may strike great attraction was the short talks, on
home from a health point of -view and healtih givenby wireless, in connection
improve the personal and genera) with the daily radio prograrn at the
health, of the community. It has been Exhibition. These health talks were
said that cure is the voice of the past, broadcasted over a radius of 500 miles,
but -Prevention is the hope of the so those radio enthusiasts with ania-
futuree Though this- may not hold' teur receiving sets were aaalle to pick
good in every ease it is certainly bet- up the -messages throughout the Pro -
ter for well people to reniain well vince. •
More little ones die during the hot.
weather than at any other thim of the
year. Diarrhoea, dysentery; cholera in-
fanturn and stomach troubles come
„without warning, and when a rriediolite
Is not at han,d to give ,promptly -the
short delay toe frequerttly means that
the child has 'passed beyond aid.
Baby's Own Tablets -should-always he
kept in the house where there are
young children. An occasional' dose of I
the Tablets will prevent stomachand
bowel , troubles,' or if the trouble
comes suddenly the prompt use of the
Tablets will relieve the baby. The Tab-
lets are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents- a box from The Dr.
Williams” Medicine Co., • Brockville,
Value of Canadian Motor
A remarkable increase in the volume
of motor traffic to „Canada in 1921 is
shown by thesturns compiled by the
Department of Customs. According th
• their registrationsa617,285 automobiles
•entered Canada for touring purposes
during the calendar year 1921. o,1
these 615,074. remained ior less than
one month and 2,211: for a period of
more than cne month 'and less than
mated expenditure of $26 per day for
-thirty days was worth approximately
$1,326,600. ` This means that the- motor
highways of Canada brought in a fdr-
eign revenue last year of, $1,08326,600.
Estimated on a five per cent basis it
-means that improved roads are worth
over two billion dollars to this country
without taking into account the ser-
vice they 'render Canadians • them-
The registrations,. i,ccording to pro-
vinces were: Nova Scotia, 223; Prince
Edward, ,Island„ 22; New Brunswick,
1,826; Quebec, 43,264; Ontario-. 537 -
283; Manitoba, 8,020; Saskatchewan',
427; Alberta, 363; British Columbia,
25,957. '
The Selfish Husband.
Booth Tarltington was talking about
a, woman novelist who hates men.
"She does hate us," he chuckled.
"According to her, all men are as self-
ish as I-lankin.son.
"Hanitinsort came home from' bu,si-
neis the evening of his wife's birthday,
and kissed her fondly. Then he put a
small packet, done up in wiette paper
and ribbon, in her -hand. ••
" 'A token of - birthday remem-
brance,' he said in a warm v•Oice.
"Oh, how good of you!' cried Mrs.
Hanktnson, and she opened- the pack-
age eagerly. Then she made an excla-
mation ef clisappoln•tment. •
" 'Pipe -cleaners) ' She gasped.
• "HanItinsort gave a delighted laugh.
six months: The total number of 1020 knew -they'd• please You, love,' he
-was only 93,300, or an increase of 523,- said. 'You never did like me to uae
985 cars iis one year.. • Allpwing an your hatpins.' "• -
average expenditure -of $25 per gay ,
eluding g,a,soline anfl garage charges Natural History ,Teacher: "Frank
,for the first class of car and an aver- you may tell us what a hedgehog is."
age length of stay of seven days, this "If you please, ma'am, it's an animal
• traffic represents an expenditure of that holds. sixty.4hree gallons."
over $107,000,000, while the second
class ofcar on the basis of an esti-les' Hie brain
Hurry- mil
• Town Moves Itself at a Profit
In southwestern Ohio, , there is .a
small, town named Osborn. This vil-
lage of about a thou'sand population
a •
grew up along the banks of Mad River
some 12 miles northeast of Dayton, not
far from the scene of the Wright
brothers' World-renowned experiMents.
Prior to the great flood of March, 1913,
Osborn's existence hal been compara-
tively uneventful. -hp • to that time
there had been no unusual circum-
stance to distinguish it from the sever-
al thousand- similar -villages' scatto•red
throughout the United States: To -day,
however, the situation is different, Its
people are ,now doing, soniething' out
of the ordinary; they are moving.their
entire town from it present location
In the bottom of the valley to a site
on higher ground about ,p.vo miles
away. • -
Osborn is being moved because, its
original location is, within, the, retard-
ing basin fel-Med by the Huffman Dam,
enn'of the recently completed Dayton
flood-prevention. dams. The village
was acquired- by the flood -control
, ,
authorities in 1918, about 75 per cent,
of the property being obtained by di-
rect purchase and the remainder by
gondemnation. Inasmuch as there was
at that tithe no need for haste in
wrecking ceeethervais e di spos in g , of tile ,
structures, -oWing;to the fact tha,'„ the
dam • had been bately started, the
homes and business • houses were
rented to their former owners, The in-
, ,
tention 'of the flood -prevention direct -
'ors was to hold the property until they
could dispose of ft advantageously. It
was then the leading men of the vil-
lage got together drid'workecl out a
plan for buying backaheir town and
neoving" it • in it's entirety to higher
Headed by the mayor and the, city
, ,
attorney, they organized , the Osborn
Removal Company and assured the
people thaf there Would be no, profit-
eering, that the interests of the people
would ,come first andthematter of
prOfit second. The new site, covering
129 acres, and all of the movable
perty at ,the' old, were purehasect ,from
the flood -Prevention authorities.- Be-
sides the new site it was neceeeary to
'purchase a strip of land 'running be-
tween the two locations. The reason
forthis was that the Ohio laws pro-
vide no- method for 'moving a town.
They do, hawever, provide for the as
nexation of contiguous territory'ancl
for the separation of umiecesary lands.
'Consequently the strip of land leading
to the new site and ,thie new site itself
were annexed by the village council,
• according to law, and as soon .08 the
/tidying is completed, the old location
will be given up by the same Proeess,
Abut 200 houses wil be moved, prac-
tically all of wlilsliare, residenesiS.
of the trouble. in proof of this is the
statement of Mrs. Dockeriii, Stratford,
Ont., whd says:—'My daughter, Matil-
da, was sufferieg froni nervous de-
bilitY, and ,the usual reinedies did not
seem to help her. I was advised by a
, friend to give Dr. Williams'`Pink Pills
a trial, and seen we found they were
doing her a great deal of gdod. She
complained of pains in the Stomach,
and a severe fluttering of, the heart,
with a general weakness- Tinder the
use of these pills she continued to
1 -
gain) and I believe they have salted
her from going into a decline."
You can get these Pills from airy
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50 frona. The
Or. Williams' 1VIedicine Co., Brockvillee
The World's Ships.
Sonde interesting figures are con-
tained in the new edition of Lloyd's
Register of Shipping. -
There are 'altogether 33,935 sea -go-
ing vessels in the world, and their
total tenage is 6,4,370,786, Of this num-
ber, 4,680 -vesels are sailing vessels ag-
gregating 3,627,834 tons, andii29,255 are
steam, and- motor ships of 61,312,952
tons. Great heads the list with
19,053,000 tons, an increase of only
176,000 :tons since Jun.e, 1914; the
United States' collies second with 12,-
, i
506,000 tons, an ncrease of 10,669,000
tons since 1914.
In 1914 Germany ranked second to
Great 'Britain with 5,000,600 tons,
• while now_she possesses only 1,783,000
tons. Norway has descended from
third place to seventh, and JaPan has
risen from sixth to third position. •
' The total increase M the world's
shipping, since 1914 is 14,288,000 tons.
The -countries in which the largest in-
creases am -recorded are Japan, 'with
1,683,000 tonS; France,- with 1,385,000
tons a Italy, 'With 1,172,000 toner and
_Holland with:1,142,000,•tons'.
Out of 29,255`shiPs of more than 100
tons each, 8,522 are less than five
year§ old, 4,165,are • between five and
ten years old, 3,540 between ten and fif-
• teen years, 3,750 bgit*een fifteen and
'twenty years, 2,899 between twenty
and twenty-five Years, and • 6,379 of
more than twenty-five years' service.
There are 2,793 vessels of a total
tonnage of 11,382,000 burning liquid
fuel ire place of coal. The number of
.motor -driven ships is 1,629, totalling
1,511,000 tons.
Neat Device for Holding
Phonograph Records.
Believing that there is room fOl. im-
provement in the'raethods of keeping
phonograph records, a Canadian in-
ventor has patented a holder that has
several good features. An upright rod
is fastened to one side of the cabinet,
and the records are held, in a hori-
zontal position -on light plush -covered
arms that swings= the rod. Each arm
has a pin that fits the hole in the
centre of the record, and small spacers
dire provided between the arms to keep ajaai
that we have been,so intent upon prac-
and technical education that we
the records apart:, put off into a separate class certain
subjects, ,call them cultural, and as a
result leave them almost unnoticed
and always unrequired.
kIrs.Calvin Coolidge in a new pose.
Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, Wife of the
:rice preisident, will be missed from'
the social functions in Washington.
for a while because she has left;
with her husband for Boston, where
they will spend some days before
going to California. After attend-
•ing the convention of the American
Bar-assocation on the west coast,
they will go to Vancouver and re-
turn by way of- the Canadian;
• Helped by Ozone.
Hitherto piano -makers have Lad to,
keep wood for a period of ten years or
more before -they emelt convert it into
piano frames, and in the building trade
timber often remains in the yard for
several years before it can be fashion-
ed into doors and window sashes.
This is to permit it to dry t'norough-
ly. • Until thte sap has exhausted itself,
the wood is liable to warp. The hold-
ing up of large stacks of timb,er in this
way is -expensive anli exceedingly tire-
some when this wood is requirei ur-
gently. t,
True, some leave attempted to over-
come -the difficulty by dehydrating or
drying the timbef' in specially con-
structed ovens. Now a French scient-
ist, M. Otto, has disetevered that all
kinds -of .wood can be seasoned nanidlY
and efficiently by meansof ozone.
1 -le- has , established a factory in
Paris, and-anethea at Milan, in Italy,
w.erer various species pf wood are be-
ing treated by the new process.. In
two weeks freshly -cut timber is ready
for the cabinet-maker, a,nd is as dry
as if- it lad been exposed to the air
for years.- - •
The timber .is laid in specially -built
chambers, through -which ozone is
made to pass at a uniform heat. Ozone
Is air highly charged with certain elec-
trical qualities. -
The Use of Music.
We are only beginning to realize th:e
true meaning and significance of music
In everyday life. The ese to 'which
music is put after a man or woman
leaves college, when compared to the
use he or she makes -of French, Ger-
man, chemistry, physics, philosophy, or
many other subjects"which one might
name in no way 'substantiates its ab-
sence from, our school curriculum.
Music has been classed for many
ye, among the cultural subjects, and
a stigma has been attached to this
word cultural. It is indeed fortunate
He Paid. •
An Englishman -waS staying With a
friend in Ireland', and driving up from
the station, asked how much the fare
would be.
Remit by Dominion Express Money
"Oh, give him as much as yau like," Order, if Or stolen you get your
money back.
• was the reply, "and he'll still ask for
more. You can, never satisfy, a jar-
vey." .
"I 'bet you a fiver, I deli' said the
• • •
other. ,
When he reached their destination
he handed the driver a pound note,
saying, "Keep tlia Plaanfl.e."
Tie•jarvey leaked at It a moment,
and then:
"'Sure, now, your honor," he said,
" awould be. an ,avvful thing to break
lute a heautiful mite likethisfor one
pint of beer! Does •your honor happen
to have' eightperice w id . you?"
The Englishman paid the. eightpence
—and the five pounds, A ,
Beat Him To It.
veteribary surgeon was instruct -
Ing a farmer as to a suitable method
for administering medicine to a horse.'
"Simply place this powder in a gas
pipe about two feet long, put one end,
of the pipe well back in the horse's
mouth and blow thapowder" dOwn his
:tle after the farmer •came run-
ning into the veterinary's office in a
very distraased condition,
"What's the matter?" &shed the vet.
"I'm dying" cried the.farmer. "TI
horse blew*fir_sti." •
The air is se clear in the Arctic
regions that converSation can be car-
er ip6pdasoan't uesa, shi An'sdo 01\sv itt:Ivootirn,t i• tee sl eaPpha°11"ite.
Aid th" Cookery.
Metal frames have been designed to
hold asparagus or macaroni together
tvhfle cooking and enable them to be
served neatly and without breaking.
wean:re Liniment for sale everywhere
. •
• 'Mystery roade on Which motor-
cars travel more quickly'"of,,,th,oir own
freewill?' are now said to be due, to
the extra profusesx,egetation en either
aide.; the plants give off oxygen Which
,helps the motor -engine to run more
• Bulk Carlots
Americo'. Pionove Dog ilomo4llos0
Book on
and liow to Feed
&tailed Free to any Ad.
dress by the Author.
H. Clff• 10VOr 110.4AP.
120 went 29th Street
New York, U.S.A.
ISSUE No.' 35—'22.
1 -Java you teavolir4l'poifl IW
, 'beautiful land,
02 Cho sunsllpo 10, laughter and
2 you have, clearest li rt, eh
back, come back,
, And pretend you're ' a
Find your way
shown n
CYoonuile'' Pyeao\isv;sel:Pealtclre'0';iilsilit:1:13::`e'oSrsid wsth jts,
covetous hate, .
Live agaiii ,Ohuidhocds happy, bright
' state.'
eleld to 1-
nto Ilile bappY, b
bur ro
taxes and aph
iv/a Siteely Oo., 12
2 C101N9, F3
55 111111-
•AlS)11,-ilS-1-1:)0 • YOUR OWN'
Pleetint;; eitace-
:neat ,flts a,ny machine,' $2,50;
SS ; te freeagents wantecl, :ea! sTana
PrealaeON Quiicv 'Street, Chicage,
a7),N-re iftaNDIneaa• FAR:4 c0,01
•trul'o'03:,',1°00 ail`:(10'5(ipefai '1.IighWaY) '
nelir, Clint
• httlicline-00 g dhlms lsfl Xencos, aair
' terine
G. A.' aareakenclarie eelaarriatere,
4c., London!' -Loan ontrion, Ont.
. . ,
agica3alplace, e they all play a Nva-aanirer,./ZiwsPAPEZI. WataaaarZa
E .1-I41,1I1 A ,CASD, ruAcHAsna.
In miniature cif your' grown-up World, ' V V ' for a Weekly newspaper It Ons •
dear heart; tario. Price must be attractive: seed
fun information to Wilson PtOstialdng
Such a ca'retree Place ruled wale aae„,„ co„, Ltd., 73 Adeloso sit mr., Toronto. •
est delight,
Into this land come the
While the Giants, the Goblins, and
tiny Dwarfs, these
1V1ingie with little folks just :as they
pleas e.
--Maude Pepper Todd.
a- --a -----
A Good Joke.
A prosperous barrister was recount-
ing his career at a dinner -party.
When I took my first brief,” he said,
"I was nerveus and excited, especially
as my client was a bad egg. He was
a man 62 good family, whose name
would have been fatally tarnished had
the raacal been convicted. Luckily, I
managed to get him. off." ,
After dinner a millionaire entered.
He was a friend of the host, who pre-
sented the barriater to him.
"I do not heed to be introduced to
this gentleman," observed the million-
aire, patronizinglr. "I met him long
ago. I gave nliam a start in. life. In
ta,ct, I was his first client',"
The noisy hilarity which greeted the
announcement was never explained to
the late -comer.
fairiee, by
For years I have never considered my
stock of household - remedies complete
-unless a bottle of 115.1nard0s Liniment was
included. • For burns, bruises, sprains,
frostbites or ehillblams it excels, and
1 know of no better remedy for a severe
cold in the head, or that will give more
immediate relief than to inhale from
the,bottle through the nasal organ.
And as to my supply of veterinary re-
medies it is •essential, as it has in very
its great worth, and prompts me to re -,DOCTORS
ble cow's udder has again demonstratedwho have a herd of cows, large or small. 0
supposed to be a lost section of a valua-
commend it in the highest terms to all ,
many instances proven its value. A re -
cent experience in reclaiming what was SUCCEEDS WHERE
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covers as large a field of usefulness as
does15,Tina:rdre Lini”fent. .A. real trueism
---good for. mcanm.1/
IcasR. oBBILN,.._s,
Chebogue Point.
inEsaion 'BELTS AND SUC-
TION hose, new and used, sbipPed
subject to approval at lowe,st -crices in
Canada. York Belting ,Co., 115 York
St., Toronto, Ont.
What Did He Mean?
The rich uncle was Very ill indeed,
The favorite nephew had come t
pay „hem a visit.
The rich uncle bade him pour him-
self out a glass of wine.
"Wells my dear uncle," said the
nephew, as he raised the glass, "here's
speedy end to all your sufferings."
Allnard7e Linlinerpt Relieves Neur :st
The truly good Irian will .go to sleep
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wander on the price of hogs.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.
pound Often Does That. —Read
Mrs. Iirliner's Testimony
Churubusco, N. Y.—"I was under the
doctor's care for over five years for
backache and had no
relief from hisrnedi-
eine. Orte, day a
neighbor' told me
about your Vegeta-
ble Compound and I
took it. It helped me
so much that I wish
to advise all women
to try Lydia E. Pink -
hart -es Vegetable
Compound for fe-
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backache. • It is a
great help in carrying a child, as I have
• noticed a difference when I didn't take
it. I thank you for this medicine and if
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• want to be without the Vegetable Com-
pound. I give you permission to publish
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my advice." -Mrs. FRED MINER, Box
202 Churubusco N. Y.
, It's the same story over again..
Women suffer from aihnents for years..
They try doctors and different rnedi-
eines, but feel no better. Finally they
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and you Can see its value in.
the case of Mrs. Miner. •
That's the truth of thematter. If yoea
are suffering from any of the troubles
women have, you ought to try this med-
icine. It can be taken in safety by young
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Use Cuticura And Watch
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Nothing better to cleanse and
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Is also ideal for the skin.
Seen25e. Ointment 25 and 50c. Talcum 25c. Sold
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2P3IF-Cuticura. Soap 8111WCS without mug.
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