HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-07-15, Page 6Page 6 - God d& SighaN Star, Wednesday, July 15, 2009 ,� to www.goderichsignalstar.com Proprietor and published by Bowes Publishers, P.O. Box 220, 120 Huckins Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 4B6 EDITORIAL Summer in Goderich a series of fun events There's so much to see and do that you may need a vacation to do it. If you made an attempt to take in all the sights, sounds and activities going in the Goderich area lately, it may be time for a rest. There is much talk in the media these days about the economy forcing people to take a good look at rediscovering their own backyards when it comes to taking vacations this year. It is an economical way to vacation with the family and it reacquaints people with the many outstanding attractions and events in their area. Arid our backyard looks pretty good. Over the past several weeks, the activities and events offered in town have had broad appeal for all members of the family and brought thousands of visitors to the area. And that is an important economic driver for the town and Huron County. Just in the past few weeks alone, the town has hosted annual Children's Festival in Courthouse Park, the amazing fireworks display over the town's waterfront, the Canada Day festivities including the parade and civic ceremo- ny, the Festival of. Arts and Crafts, This past Saturday the Massed Bands performed on The Square and the annual Kinsmen Summerfest attracted crowds to the tent in the park.' And while the events and activities appeal to a wide range of ages, they are also geared to .appeal to a wide range of tastes. The Lions Club helped feed the appetites at Lions Harbour Park with their annual barbecue and the park became the tranquil setting for the offering of local bands and orchestras as the Sunday evening concerts cranked up a new season. And the musical offerings in Goderich appeal to every genre. The Thursday evening concerts in the bandshell in Courthouse Park are cranked up for the summer and on Friday evenings, the Celtic Blue Highlanders delight an appreciative audience as they pipe down the sun at Rotary Cove. This past weekend, if the other activities didn't get one out of doors, the American Wind Symphony Orchestra entertained a few thousand patrons at the waterfront Saturday evening with an eclectic concejt, an event that offered a musical alternative in a unique setting. And besides the actual planned events, thousands of people continue to make Goderich a destination on the weekend as families and sun worshippers gather on the waterfront to enjoy some leisure time and the natural beauty of the area. There's hiking and walking trails, shopping in the most unique downtown area anywhere and attractions such as the Gaol and Huron County Museum to provide a historical link and perspective to the area. On weekend mornings, people like to stroll through the Flea and Farmers' Markets in Courthouse Park and take advantage of the bountiful harvest avail- able in this rich agricultural area. Soon the town will host one of the most prestigious Celtic Festivals any- where in Canada and thousands of visitors will flock to the area for the famed music festival and college. The town, its service clubs and an army of dedicated volunteers work hard to provide a variety of events and activities. Don't overlook what's in your own backyard. Because there's an amazing offering of events and activities right here in Goderich. D.S. NEWS 11Eti : 1N BtSMARK N.D. A WOWIUJ WAS GNARUED WITH CHILD ilawroLICT FoR BREASTCEEDinlb titER CHILD WAILS twiroxaC.ATW. AFfilk MuOI De - WAS RI= ASEO ... 14 INFANT HOuietiMs WAS CNARGEO WITH Mi NOR Gor4S UHPTtapJ GeatCo91101 9, The Goderich Signal -Star. published every Wednesday at Goderich, Ontario is one of The Signal -Star Publishing Group of Community Newspapers, a division of Bowes Publishers. The Goderich Signal Star shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad for typographical errors in publication except to the event of the cost of that portion of the ad lr whkh the errvr occurred The Goderich Signal -Star reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement. The Goderich Signal -Star is a proud member of the Canadian Community Newspapers Association (CCNA) and The Ontario Conrnrrmity Newspapers Association (OCNA). 41* • Editorial Deadlines... All Advertising Deadlines... Entertainment, Births, Deaths, In Memoriams... Classifieds... Display Advertising... Friday at 2 pm Animals in hot cars an offence To the Editor; Sadly, I find it necessary to write this letter because — unbelievably - people are still not re- alizing what a serious offence it is to leave an animal in a car. On July 1st, I went down to St. Christopher's beach and noticed a German Shep- herd sitting in a parked car in the sun. I assumed the owner took a quick walk to the waterfront and went for a walk myself but when I returned the dog was still waiting there. Even though the window was partially open which does little to reduce the heat inside a parked car; and even if they had parked in the shade (which they had not) it doesn't guarantee protection, since tem- peratures can still rapidly climb into the danger zone. As I assumed anyone with the basic compre- hension of pet ownership would know, animals are not able to sweat like humans do. Dogs cool themselves by panting and by sweating through their paws. If they have only overheated air to breathe, animals can collapse, suffer brain dam- age and possibly die of heatstroke. Just 15 min- utes can be enough for an animal's body tem- perature to climb from normal to deadly levels • Classifieds & Subscription... Friday at 2 pm Accounting... Telephone Fax.... Publisher... Reporters... 519-524-2614 519-524-5145 Dave Sykes Dominique Milburn Gerard Creces Denny Scott Office Manager... Display Sales... Advertising Manager... Letters opinion that will damage the nervous and cardiovascular systems — organs such as the kidney, liver, brain, and heart begin to shut down, leaving the animal dehydrated, comatose and at risk of permanent impairment or death. And if the window is rolled down sufficiently, the pet can escape or small dogs can easily be stolen. If a passer-by claims he or she was bitten through the car window, the pet owner will be liable. That car was like an oven inside, and that dog could have certainly suffered heatstroke, permanent brain damage or even death. This is certainly grounds for an animal cruelty charge. No one in their right mind would ever leave a child in a parked car, so why do they think leav- ing an animal, especially a German Shepherd with its long coat, making it extremely suscep- tible to heat stroke or heat exhaustion, would be a good idea? Haley Lyons Goderich Judy Austin Rhonda Butt Mary Johnston Janet Shrier Lisa McLaren Keith Moreland Kevin Shrier Email... gssnews@bowesnet.com,gsssports@bowesnet.com gssads@bowesnet.com, goderichads@bowesnet.com website... www goderichsignalstar. com PUSUCAPONS Mu. AGREEMENT No. 40064683 PAP REGISTRATION No. 7602 RETURN UNOEUVERARIE CANADIAN ADDRESSES To: Circuhitiotl Dept., 120 Huddle St., P.O. Box 120, Goderich, ON, . 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