HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-9-7, Page 3NA; rv"MET MIAMI NG DE FE AT isAlligora 01 A t th�,O�� 6 Inioll That, 9 's A desatel t hin 'it Ile, -Out, 6f'� is for e off'ici 161lic t in t) eony,,ers l, rly e� nFo,rc\es,,. rom race I rea A d V�h ;Nofflf Th' t tthe (,�puatry, � I'll . q 4 oil, h to I over It ew A dt�pat,ch fl.olli, there. The I 0 t h D th�e AtIewtic to the -2 the'- ColitstantinopO 11" us t', ces I � I I I I I . . . . i 'or 'T liasloo �o e n on the lower h I the ew l Ila L�iia� �bp�,be causling rG i'm 'ent townt 'till, In ayofweep hgh9 d I , I 'is and Lon -on over. rhe - conditions The Governni a4d, of,theill I, tho, Greeks and Tur �s rench offici4 plu dh und'er WIII CQGS R ',�, of for tile to, have ieen, invite'd, to a a 0,.o W 1111byl moll'ay PrOect. those who )�tre orer The, Doba,,tO �s vs t i 6nfexei Ven -ice next'nionth, o, t C �:- � , , , Oil Augsb�st J.5 was,ex- m cuoy d tha their now I i;s, un , t, ely', liat 'that the f to all thom who held' ViCLOT-Y 1917 are apologetic so do.�' ..... . .... in,d Tuiter re- su !that the exollange oli� d ning t zt �V,1.111 ake place. r�s that v loan boh�ds, of, tlic, 1917 is' and, i the Tuirks will nancla, CIIX ,'ll lthe Gree s �out of which, were due �this� to convet Troill con- J,itr'll llow� -4 i , , t k I) ic r, plal�ei o ithe i evi, loan. On,, Septem- , � )l 1 I into view Voit'll hilch yerting t duri I and that would, the Quyernmet'ati ber 30, when A af Ler welllknas�s of, 'the ;alilleci po"'ley'll"ll C r, 6, , " the dic the'' F the, Turks, rate of 511-- pl e le. tion. For, P Past Pe it vv 6 d' r'll-u't th I responst, by th the' Fail ptuxing A�hnn tuxe,� in ciflier fivel to ass(ist in the o.e tli&Jr been PYaCtiMily t 1) diiii! new boi ds' to, ma 60 kill oin abnlSs t hn! -that ,one,, colll years ortel"Yers. The Gu nr of Guvernm6n�t will have been fi0111 ating. a Th, Kemlal� tion.of 4i,e Grreek-Turldsh e rlt. At 1,11 "Illy, a-4 -d Mar;cl a e, 6 a_, to 4 d e k th 'Far, ell s -been accoptedi �nt 100 I.Vf eW,,tj ave T 0 I , � I ; !: I'll , 'A - Lb ; 0 of Ahat oia I, �f V61 lflik_' Ili, the at. �b Austrieck I t —gue iTpijvs dir Lo d C for Ass ista, �ce back the, Gr,, S' -at that thile but . . ..... c,�htly the piloi-act of a V _:9,6 c bar they Tr� e, b a nc- Taril)nto. enice Spatch fr' de om Viena in the T, �i, wheat, 1 '�ken IInulS the l s pu- under way Q I C�, of the; Unitc fir, t -n lice wq On th'e'.occa'sion of tle 17:1/t;, No. 3 N t' r say T Q -T rons T1 P opening of tile -'ess'lop- of h$1,01). �3%1 e,�r crop, No. I 1, 13 1/2 f Th tht, tion taiL a evalcu ton, O;f Y" inthere An�aliolla ,by the Greeks was no t an G i�h t Lea4ve of Nations,, the A fIrst ha.dl For last two. u�s trian gu e has adress'e U- an I U track', "BU,Y t -has, Lea Const.�rntinople have been ye6,rs Feile olI olicy to'Ger Axyj�eri_,,iri 2 yel,l w, 80c; fth L� 0 an(t be -sLqit to defend bz&(�-ed trh,e: T lir­ V�gent pp Iva tat- No. ra four Mloziti'hs- July est 47 ortel I o, "te Gveeks have,been s up- A L 1\1AY SHORTLY Visit CANA' irib, that ustkia is, rio,�-longer t DA: 7- , in f avor of ot oil, -Ie -will I tcr_ 55 to 58c, to freights 'being mMl- po'-fted_by tha British for U� L,'' " . ) o 'a'ble' to walit fo'r ac'tua. bet ... ... .. Th6.ph6tograph shows the'D Y rl itg" P Ol o p, 0 rl Y. I ou-, side. -al ct the whici i� t b 'diately 0 i-ld ir, Londl ne t i Ili New x assistance is not iniriae 1 Y Lap NTAL PRIORI julle alict Ina visit Caza�da. shoi'tly. ap eal, Rye—No,, 2, 66 to 'Mc� �idtoll the past f fori _mnin_-,,.sCays'the OF, 133FUTISH, Mdllf Dli i�i7 e�re d, l,l not beepl very eytensve, der ii e, -r i a rop will ght, begs lin,cludied; "on, has to cao f O'. Cal C ox a tr 1, Eu ntiA Ill W 1, i n �-, Hear oncen, i!er $H 'ito $23'; horts, per ton, $-24 seriously imperiliff U, and t* ada's hp ae-cord Ne�6fiafixig for .'Agieements ;�1,000 Fe.et Aloft $25 f eodf $1.71 0 to ti.80. cornble'to cl�aos is inevitawe, Ontarl I o, i heat, Wiffi Aska; Source-, 'ill touch a -the last si-nal of a No 2, 95c to S1, at piodnts I this bein giq A despat�h fro Paris says:. Premie 'Lloyd George has made it Ontario, No� 2 wbite 33 -rol V C'iibria, Says'— A Nv Z i foundering ship., t raturn, to the. Canadian do- patch T —C6nerts 'to'wh& away the. k-fim,vii, that all the proceeds of his t)G 851a. With one twenty -f tedium' f iaiirDlane'fourffig and forthomi book wbe� devoted to tion con-iposed,,of-Japa�nese �aid�Chin- 'O r UUarity. �11 juuu� A n the roak of .the sacks. 93's, $�.Stl tG per Ibbl; 2lid laar ese, California has for smcoul to drow is bee, in in is eTable perM-d she has all -imot6r.is,thi�,,Iate�st'ai�riaI Con- :certahr sections of the press the OG-. to $6.30.' intcrhal are $4.30; e propriety of I, h ad problei British Columbia,, of dablnRt wriffiig venience. ,Fourte6n 4.20 to F,;A,25. tht f 6ielgn� pass n t'be ina,Tht�ied, memoirs containing T Nvith one-tenth 'of ltion of book form is ill, jute' to a large m _her oil S'lisie�ed'�'in on�,the usic offfelal information' while he is still, �saxiks, $7 50 e.�7 2nd, patents�,'$7. for a burl �00 060 made. up 'of Jaaries, to f eel that . .... b badca t' d �in an official position and inaki and Hill f rorn,, Carmer,_ ng ISTI/2, -to 19c; she too, 4a and the heavier in-l'and s -a probiena. money th ereby� It was in reply to this 1 0, r twi-ris, 19 to 20 to f om. the ' augeinne yylicieSS I -n pr ch In 1910 only, twenty ,][apaxiese chil� -that '7Ur.,, Lloyd � George arithiarizad a O, -C+, a, a -of hi� th :ii * , " 1 2 01,j 25c; .24 -to 'station. 'At ey were dien born in British Goltinibla. statement which sas24-Ac. 25c. Exraold', lar_e,� _strike n the Uhlited Stn'tes _�'_Le n26'to - tos, 24c,. orn. Last Ili 1920, 6'57'were b reet u p, over- `Tfi6:re have been a, large ixtimber, 27c, 016, Stilt porbant factos in itt cirearinery prjrits,� 39 year �he birth .; I 1. th'b'� -,�hljte mountains, and ev n the pilot of�,articles,, pani-phlets nd books pub Ita. 40c; ordinary fareamery prints,, 36 eventeemiper a yer. lished froni th O, to time, cont, to' 38c; No.. ­2 lciT.�anpry, 34 to 35c. 6l In t apanese population'tAe diusted bis-reclei ie Preinic '11, 91 is 'to Sic� Cocking, 21c. B r it per th lsia d E '-d! V" 2R ne of theli� wri�' Dressed _ noultry—Spaing chizkens,, Giving vi ence fop G.W A. i of the war;, soi ar Tbostem, 2 be�n talk bo�lt,-the so- C. G. McNei: Do�;iiilion Secret" to 38c.; 3,_ i6n for obviously prtissn reasons, and-, fo­ � rl 'VIL,"2,J _�to p r 0 nill W" in ri-bish Callfi- Trea,sure, ol ,W �r A 9 Uti; 5'to, 40c, y 4- LD 'BOY- 1gated;by partisan or anizations 1�ne, G YPEAR Datc, dci 'Live: hickens '25c; itiu,r cent portant D hostile t,o'his'. G A desill from Lo� A bia for years, but only, w: INSTADJITLY KIL]LE overnment. These I i !ll- the investigatioii into P -it in the usse of a el� monthi ­ha�le leo-iiisilabive b6di�s'shbW'n tli:,charge pil-blications co',�tain distortons of roosterts, 17 to- 26_q; fowli 20 to 95c. bi & a�gahist,the'i� 6rd' es ill as pr C G 30c- 0,,to. 35c, pan edl� ted as much, concrn. sion Commissioners.. f �ict calculated to,,'hiislead the public. of gi-ant 'wiilch are effig or- I�ed Whe, 292-c. ult of the iplbroug�l -t Four Others. 3UT Minister feels implil As a ros to 32c� le, 81' dered. by �h B-Litish Governinent. icl Oil tile ov Engines Tiuck. tlieref�xe, to publishr at the earliest to, 37e; seolectsL. I6 ­cartc�ns, 40 tot 2,la. These enginese, si:k of which have been [moment his account of the great strug -,by Bi 316 DROWNED.WHEN Bealis hand -pi ck eid Ordered, re of A deiii�tch froil-i Ottawa, says:— '011ities sin ss, ar an a or y u, Says U. S. Can't Evade World. buhel. L 25; pTin to $3:90� 14 years, St r e I alld -are ox Hector Ouelette, 'a,�e "Hc"already has nia considerabI G of I �-,' 4" CHILEAN -SHIP SINKS say s� GoyeitIi g 1-1 t e e I I org. the Patific ,coast -d-P or pro Street, 111 I t�ry and Ohio, a moral and ccaitomic ntly now neg ,vinc,L, is prcl ithi oth rs, were.injure, I � I !'l waz 66z 'and bdilt by ver;10�iaed Vessel recked and. f our �e vote.,1soince..'part of Iiis hoIi-,,(tP,Test in Earole, and is becoming, $2,10; M-apl lb", 20c. s llHe Yles��rs. Napier, and is the them, cribically -at the NT V-0, 0 that w i'll, severely Iminik-ra- by ziea, -ear _5t *' � day to further prc,ecuti�n of tli6 work.. radually, more clous of it." pound tins, la to 181,4v 'agree ent �he Asiatic�countries' medlis td'de� I cons .level: Tallway qrossi�n`k tins, 1411. �O' years of e_x and An agi Florent III ion. to pxevezft _brieri-� Coqtji Street The Prime Minister feels unable to,. is� in London at the ti' q. pcii� lb.; 5 2 O." five biclo6k p.er xcsear .h. OR&rio eoni _s' tal.'s from leasing, �6-r`�Ying. farm lands - �ake any, personal adVanl for I-aloto i. ck ill run' for -thirty' Thlu'msidlay�-whlel, a- ' e st r' :'6� the , strugile U OAT FIRES' �$zl' to $ -50-- in fiffish C I d, A desip,atch -from,. SanHugo 'Ch-ile S. B, 0 umbia s �- inin 'hea self Out of th 0 y Potatoes­Nelv� Ont a which they,were ridi was, struck �by, ad�ii;ufferiag of the nation% during- the! -SH s, $ O olsecutit-O, hours, on a berch. It way and, the Government .has,adlopted ng ON BRITISH Lsslengers, out 322,' on two 0. P R w. eighs, about;three'-riounds pe harse-, l tude towards J elling do�ble- -re�t v�ar; and interi-d, that the whole tti Pa of a total' 34. any 6 ere boarif S�� - e :1t-�ta`w �ook hif� b' dev6ted,'to' D Asermen; m " of wh I am r his s, a I e Wifl-I Ito 86c ham, 4-8- to 552�c; in are -said to % The ng�ies. �strck nl e -front part; of bb Operating ,off the: coast,' without saved when the vessel ilk ff'thd 'connected ]I the relief of ed, 28 to 31c; r-clis, 85! turriiingit over'artil giinding wGrd-A of licenses and'�d-riving wl sllermen .sufferin . g c aus,� by tile war." to S86; bealZast 32 to 35c; he ,dy, un its he�eils, the ey, out 6f -'the ihds�try. �The steamer saileid from"CocInigil:6 ,,dei Whisk spcial nreakfaist �bacon 41 to Grea i dei, Jore Up 39 to C.'' te e, 43c, 48 -ea .6xal A. IV!'. With ��O' �assl6hgeri O� these' Attorney7Gen �Tanston is part of the' Yi 'a dis-� A.deza:�&h frc,m N�_w York, says:— 'C I ured clear bacon 90 were labores prol to Anto- The British -Fance 'of 6ver g� trying to Oriental., labo� e —i $17­1ightwei t ro!ls, ill Ibb1s, $48;1� despatch from the province's basic ifid ftg4sta..� Heavy, c Japanese Trus�eau, f oss; seas.,damaged, loaded with rol u'strie. 2,000 as�s -Qf- NN�hiskey, $40. ed s, of -the rudder, of the vesseb, which, was 91ne's came to, a stands till. W,e�n the zlneil ni�ht before 'He ha:� ppoa ' , ,�7 . . Great, Britaii n ls� ur-pin h thp operat6-'r: Includes For.eign"Dreises colllils on e, oc;llp�l s of was fired n We lmer 'and, pillp and pa,pe Lazd—Pue, tiecels, 16c; tus, 17c; Xrose-rves to the. United, States in in -s f the truck wer�o spilled-, on I to -the right- 17c; prints. I . Sh r, ill Irst. the,capture by the dry navy -bloat Han- &U oi�bening, i -b e n t ar a s, t pn, y in, e n I am satisfied n In this helless',codtion eaul-ht -c hOrie'tals 'can le learn ail S, i prepaTati ,I , for t in the. str ng soit of -way l clearin t�,` A d spatch from' Toki' ay a, 14% to 143/,c; tubs�, le� engine with off I Montauk Point, it,,Ar s: stat' -h gale, the-steanler int. , 11 h -wtar d,�btto, tha,-_ h6l -will be tlie_�,kevnote of�the �ed D due oil ' e,Briti be eliminated ed Mr. Mans,am .9 Thu sday, night; 5 c -:,.p S, tc. the eyce-ptin oung Ouelett.e 11 Sinl,p� . , I I I at a �16- ta Po rrb-Thc Cl 'obe "POssibly,,,017ientals rnay,woik :was .swept "time. and time again, by AC,d, t Reports fro-" e,117Y S Dears 97 'to $8 but- 1 in Oot -1 to a Tc- y _Te the en 0 c- wedding ce-remoni es oftlie'. Ppince Re-' i ii. , u k Ioice b, ., I , the p6i�,'t Gommarce the elloi moris wa'6s:: She listed, ba& PDT%, W lower, wage white"'Indil. is nt� to Prin kiiiii, th� day night wel'a ihat -at least three. chr steers, � ')'Ioi -0 tDL $7;, dio., 1y, and,,Tn a ort ime,. sl y the. U solbs ru'vt- e ces's I c n4d. snt— �g -Sh eink ma ed _w the trawler $6 to 6,50; $5 toi dstry, you are, dev loping the natural b lidiftures b es,ti t at shos -ere fired w -hen ffig to dti. , �TeVer in � your. iia� .1, , total expe ed'iby'ii t -rdw "of., trees,, and t is I q - e $4L to $5, utcher a London.: ;6 c,oim mth,-mds -of thisr will tried Ao Itake her escape. believed that the driver �d the motor warsfi,ip :,Qhacaibuco, .50 t�o $7; (1,0.,! of tho tc;t The Chilean li - al of about asset hear ,be e., bo -mid, from H!, s of the proval The assets. Tended in prearation of the Tlhe Gainim peeded, t founcl - which s O car aid not the en',,-lne sign2j nedliq-1n, �5 $6; dlo., �'oT godd imol,ted by the Tjnilbad� tn-te;L belong to`Vlf� Anglo-Saxon people, Marriage and the 'purchaste, 'of ,glifts, and'the 2,000. �es'were: war cholie S- it uOr right that wb can- I -and t S' ne 000 came d. flolating on the -0; inerliuni; to An 'inquest e, JlAy ap inat el - ,s ol�es 4-dll for the crossin. will be 'do nservaively Was to' ulk ite il Only d, 11 b 6 . " $200,'000. It the held., while one-t1iir ] requjrqd' fai, ocean arl remnant �of wrec"kagre. 0 'the ceremo y the","erection of baggest ove� made by the dizy.-jl p �al sh6uYl be throughout your on Itteill till- hei.� All twenty persons oapsiiz�d por- boat carryll S5,25; d6,, ca even f it does ab,l 9 special builins, loanquets and navy. She was "Poin noce b u 60 to seventeen,p.erished: co T V4 5 Were Killed -%irhen '-r ii upon by thi� mon. $3 to, $4; fe�jlqs,, $6 to tion of your inarl profit aehes� fo, the proce to te ehore, that the, ext6hj of th Another boat"with pas�sen- y ii, G5 In, The Prince Fegent's bet al Hanson late �77ednesda . i,,Y $4 to intrusion of th gers and,sailorspaboard, ia-nzl,in'�which in. Mine Disaster The Gainina 'i s n ow t Fort Po to $5'.�5; el le.,Orient,�J in this pro- to the Pnocess will -,.be a -small sword nd he -story is told. of a Ila, vince is becon,ing I great'l. every. year,l C�ptain Galdera,. had -been 4 25- milkers, $60 to ,nrl" she was towed Thursday decurted. with the ii-ap-erial crest Of Bay, wierq, , r as. In A"despatch from Cumberland,, B.dl., gold 6hTysanthemums_, It is'nowbeing by the Ndwbei:Ty,,the IaL $80 to $100; eal� es, Chr 0 to: zoroa�ster, 'the, Greek and, that the' inenal h 'extended'i rievously iffed, was placed, also �est addition, - - '$' ) ,$1 - Zo- 8,t, learn the secrel cf wis �psi7ed neat the beach. Only sla�,s:L�-Fjft hilled, and; 16 aus _Y. 'i $a bo, $7; ";10 to $11; anip and lulnbr� I c, den men were ma�de'.,by a fain cW o the dTy nav 7i - 11 .1 a7e him fl, Y�; Lu 0 roup- asslingers n d a sailor,of thill the OxI61osion'wich occuir�, Osaka sIture"aha, In do.? oody, told 1-iiiii. to,ligat tile la� P ill fro-q,t of t en, to s I i e n choic� �_4�50 t,�, erc at od in vain, p�=,,'A%have felt , th red We'dnesdlay `a'ft6rnoon ill nunibeT. The. Prince�ss's tIicuseau -includes Freight 00111111,011, $I to' $3;' him from it. The inan tri Iould, four,niiiie of the -Callad a C -esl an ngs, choice, �6 �to, V; do., com uld not in and our people s,h ent s I bot oreign ch. -d kimono, a but the w,,k 'wo light, I-10 ex- 'aggressive coal. All'of'the I Orown on n aces on. $4 to $ is Thing, of P,�S` ye' 5. -1y'undertake to coinhait th e d. eckl is nc,d the light a a d 'f 6 -,I Ti,d i t contair- do'., f 0 MnAr Western Crop t er cere- Ottawa, Au-� oe in en, ater ItcIJ to p(�llr twoul�' seem thn't the bodies have been recovered. The aead' -it 1,000,000�Yen; estimated H " who -1c public 'of British Co'lumbi is I of Excellent QLIafi�,y Robert, Durl John Jbal"nsc", monial robes, are beinn- i �Inufa,ctured is, by the Commission and, fl�l �Ile I a Ili w- hQ I p ith -act that�we must,fig,liLl el�in Kyoto at �20,000 N -en and alive to John Gibson,, §ev n j�apanicse, f1V in accordance the oil. nd stiit wolild n o t light. Ile t Vl t�enty'ch'�its of'drawe­ Of Pall'ownia ent-and cr,lLr of Board, datl I Ii L -ft told to dry 'be w"tter Out of, the sitati n sinailar to tha t whi ch has A despatch. :From Winnipeg, sa��s: Chinese. Hospital authoritie�-stated No Q Shipments f new wheat received, Thusiclay moiiih� that, All of the C., V in -California. wood valued at will Jnuary,14th, 1921, the rato' c -f c,%-- o 57c; Xo, 8 5� , . I' it , 'lie 'Tho- nin,n did',so, and lighl I I - . wet� te'llLsi fs, ensi here froi ints aTe grad -1 llii�ry aye likely to recover ntain -her all, the four elia i,e� in -,conii� Pa has been ext ve unem� ii Manitoba po j�g _ � �Iftl 00 qO lb the lallip. it -loti a o .1, e aa t aL high,,,,an, ss E. Bel in da -I Zoroa8ter bade ;4ilDyIn( It 'in British Columbia and iOr ren,cptsbh,,, the Mi Th,cl 11 _80i 1. � 1, seasons. (" U of fr6tbt el;v� $23. Sl nd persons, -be en- ant, t' __1�0, `2, per ton, lots, $18 to �I calile 'to ycU parying,I) W., Hicks anil`the .�� Tb,T'ee thous, w T -T n ,J S es fr3)Y1-.S2­t6, is' nly just that *bite labor s h o-1 d ci� op'- was clean and oi a high 'grade accom said tho man, be, given,pre-Terence. . NVhile there are,1,,,h,-;ive"been all Jus6fled Out of 512 rescue party, which 'went' d W 'into tertained - at the imperial to Tile own q U et ber 1st to 14th, white there be no.em-1 cars insipected on only 16 the mine, the'pbs- 'given by the Eniperoi�, the first of. , will be of one an!. N!") plied that lie not yet I ea d Y for 'ill connaction I -11D] I ,, I I ployinent �of Oriental§ exce'lit in in-;-gratled'below No,_2 nertharn,, Of the Fifbility of another Htons r, the lamp was, erie of celebrat Cl�aTge will, collccLc.�d 671 341�, WisdOn, u 7Z I I , 'dustrics il red' was with nation tl Egg q,cted th P for ae not totl 324,were -rade No. I northeTri, heroic., w20l among IJ n event upon, and 140 NO, 2. praised, on all at -importance. 0 ttaithes gre, 7 5 to: c. Bobby's R5. DOR 'DID PDl)))y P ni One d ll Ive IWHY, IT C E R TA 11 LY IWH�RE VID TH <1_1� 11-Y nt rLEL TUP t5PFNP IN�Q 5Q U I R R -F_ L Z) V buOf r0users with his HONI�Y M0N 7— , N 11 DID NIT C -ILL D IV, t'; 6AVE il 2" r it,owil al VF_)N L I0 M.0 ANI' PA 0� NlIiN MOON <C: A 8 mast of, t;�ousors' i Il th e he PC ? every p o 1, said that the pair in flia ok the 6w. alesman t' Wi 0, �W, e Imir frcni the bbre the ��o 's'l canlicit be beat." U l -;Q00 foet frol I 1, t -When it �6 b,6,b`1 and,Sv6cesis.' Goliabit4i" good digb., to juagmeiil[�, And 11011 a dgmeat Is tl raw ot