The Exeter Times, 1922-9-7, Page 1III 1 I IIII 11 III II. IIi Ii I i Illllllllllllllll IN IIl I I N II_. VIII i N N N L • .» IIII NN NN II iII N l .Nll N ...III_iN_.li. 11 _ l.._....11 . N.-�L L I - l� +t 'f III � � �� .Il � � �.tI..i.IIlI�.III.I �. ��. . i 1.INIIIi�tlilL.il_f11.� !, ..... , W.-., ....rte AF+ °EXETE1, oNT.$ THURSDAY '. IO NING, SEPTEMBER 7th., • 611011.111 amenatx iy- do thousands of say this about.., would never thinkof wearin other corset than • any ••. a Ne o..1 I used to arour1 buying dz ereat makes of' corsets. Then. one day, ra frlendsat,ggasted that e o and did s trya m o. I : hr - wzcz::°the style I.Irke' y anda now, . have had complete corset comfort ever since. ,p f. My gowns .fit better too." i i `T e a ove exPPossoofopinion iseehoed daily l b thousands and s of Canadian women in cities townsand `,villagesc cl across the Do inion They have ave aper on al' ly experienced tihe dayin-and day -out comfort a d satisfaction of a scientifically designed modish corset—made in the Nemoway. \ A'. Read carefully ' the brief descriptions thatfollow. You,too, be properly fitted in any, Of hestyles des6riied=or'there is a Nemo Corset to meet your exact indiyidual needs, , no' matter "vvhat type:f figureyou po§sess. 0 i Kop Service Corsets '-- Designed for that large class of women who are over-developed.in hips and: thighs. The reduction of these arts is accomplished 1. g parts P -by bands ofspatented semi -elastic Lista-Kops Webbing,_ which will; not lose their elastin and are':guaranteed to last the life of the corset. A Nemo Maternity and €onvalesc ' Corset is also furnished in this Service. 5 models 20-36 $3.00 to $10:00. Self -Reducing vi - Service Corsets For women of medium -full figures. The patented Nemo Self -Reducing Straps—slightly tighter than the portion S P 5 Y of the corset they: cover -afford :a'constant gentle massage which oftens g 5. superfluous flesh and allows it.'to be carried off in the circulation. Other features combine to make these corsets ideal for reducing any excess fatty tissue... 11 Models, 22-44,'$4.50 to $8:50 Wonderlift service ;Corsets—Intended, for womenof all types, their secret w lies in the Wonderlift Bandlet, a bandofLasti-Kops•Webbing adjustable'to the exact individual• lines of the wearer, yet cleverly concealed beneath the corset skirt. :'f'heafirni uplifting. support of this Bandlet is invaluable to women who 'IERVICE suffer= -even• slightly -from weakened and. fallen abdominal 'Muscles; and organs. In several. Models, 22-44, $7.75 to $8.50. is furnished by most betterclass_stores and shops. °If, t how - difficulty - difficmtyinobtaining the exact Nemo Corset you need— direct and we will 'see that you are supplied through our nearest dealer. • Nemo Corset Service ever, you have any communicate with -us "Once try a Nemo andyou'll riever`change." Made by )PS BROS. 'LIMI'TED • oronto We have a Marge range of the new styles in Nemo,, D.&1 A, Crom ton's La Grace;• also -Gossard Front- lacing Corsets. We can fit' any style of ,figures, "including stout models:J3R:ISSIERS; 'in all styles and sizes,` Ladies' Fall Ready -to Wear New :Coats Suits and Dresses Beautiful Styles, Moderate ,Prices, nearly 100 Coats to select from. , Fall Gloves, Hosiery and Under wear Now Ready. Ask to see Wat- son's CeIebi•ated Brand Underwear- for Ladies, 'also Turnbull's for Child PHONE 32/ PHONE 32 SOU LARSHDPS 1£122 EXETER HIGH SCHOOL The Board of .ldiication la'sttyear, imide provision for. the, best in Sec- ondary ;dtiontien lry increasing the teaching staff, efficiently 'equipping • 'every depai°tlhle'1' including a fourth a form' (new,) and establishing a num- . A ber of seholarehips. This action of the Board has been rewarded by the = excellent . results obtained by the = school. on tie departmental exanliva- --- flans in :luno. The results are very gratifying not only to the Board and teachingstaff but also to the people of Exeter Thigh School District. They intricate fait 11ul work 011 thet part of both. staff and students. '1110 Depa'r'tment. of Education chid not make known the number, of i r1 of an"` of the 'u e sful .'t rd . ria l .� y s cc s 4 1 ;111.5 this year. Their class standing -= only wan- given as 'First, 'Second and Thi .cl Chas( Itonols'and Pass Credits. The 11uurd'tliereiere decided that the Seholarships Committee should stake the, aywards 'according to the = grade ptaucliug of the students, and that the basis should be as follows: In: Form;;. the Scholar standing highest in, four subjects. Izz Fo'rrns.,'1T, 111, IV, the Scholar standing highest in si`x subjects. The Board, in limiting tri inumber of subjects to -four and six,' as stated, did so to ,encourage concentration and to enable more scholars to com- pete.It 1Cpointed out, however, that HarrYSeidel). Ieased in eleven subjects in Middle School, ,standing rt•, - lagliost in . Form 111 in General Pro ficier cy pallid that Bruce \1edci'passecl iih nine ,subjects : in Upper/' School, n ' highest Form standing g st inF aIV in Gez- eral Proficiency, An award for Gen- eral 1'1,oficiencY is made' in each of these cases.' A Gold Medal was a,-wai'cled last year to the student standing highest in General Proficiency, 11lh ddle SClo01 Graduating::Class, Since-Upper'School LIT(.•"~IFIE:6',I)—I)F]A:1TTlti,% - or Fourth Formic has been added, this • *-▪ - va�r, the Scholarship Committee le - = ci:decl: that the Gold Mea shall h a- . quiet wedding took Mace in Ex - d L 1 e• 1 warded"' to student standing highest eter on Saturday last at the bride's in General Pr.oflciency Lipper School. home, when Miss Charlotte ,Dearing was united in marrr ge'to Mr. The Prnioijial, Mr. E. J. SPethey, has ab _ Sidne y offered.two SchoolarsliIs one, aLztchfie d ' of The cereinonY. L ' Mr. Hy Lewis, of McGillivray,; had the misfortune to get his hand ,caught in a threshing machine, ,IXis fingers anct hand were badly cut and some of the bonen were crushed,. CUT13!JSIL— GOU[.1) NIT MIA 11S 4 quiet wedding toolsplace on Sat- urday last at the home of the bride's Mother, Mrs. Rd, Gould, James St., when het ..youngest daughter 1Viiss Lillian Olive was united in marriage to i11r. Walter E. Cutbush. Amid a profusion . of flowers, and in the the presence\•of, only the immediate relatives Rev, M. J. Wilson Perform- ed the ceremony at $ o'clock a.ol. Mr. •incl 111I1.s.a`Cutbush deft on the morning train to spend a short then- eynloOn in Windsor and Detroit. OM 'their return they will r4s?ci e on iVIaiz i str eet in the residence recently vacat- ed by John Hawitslxaw, Their many friends will join with the, a zrnes in extending congratulations. t WIN MOH CLINTON rlie young ladies' of the Main St. Outdoor clubwent to Clinton last Thtirsclay and played the return ganie of soft ball with the ladies of the Philathea plass 'of Ontario street S. S. and -were successful i11 return"- ing with the laurels, Baying defeated the Clinton team 24 to 20, In the,. fourth innings the Exeter girls had a streak of luck that netted them 12 runs, This makes a. tie, Clinton )lav- ing •clefeatel Exeter in town the Mon- day previous, Following the game the visitors were treated' to a sump tud'us banquet by the Clinton young ladies and a very enjoyable time w'S spent.. Following, was the line-up of the Exeter teals Eleanor Medd, p; Helen Dignan, c; i1I- Heywood 1st U; \I Walker, 2nd b; Adele .Lovle, 3rd b; Inez Tuckey s.s•; Mabel Johns, 5,s. M. Broderick, ref.; 'I;. Lamport, el.; Mrs, T. Elliott, c.f. drED- third prize in Form I, the other, a was performed at o'clock by Rev. third prize' int -Form II. Mr. Wethey, Mr. Naylor,",of I-Iensall, in the' 4pres also, secured>,a Scholarship from a ;ence of immediate relatives of the ."'i.umber o1 o lsmess -men of Exeter,' :contracting parties - The bride; ;was = for the '`student standing highest,in becomingly "'" attired in a - wedding -1 General Proficiency in Middle School, gown of white silk canton crepe and The aw arcls are as follows: Conlin - was given away by her eldest 'brother, Femme �1 I IIIiillill 111111 I . �� II 1111111111111161 1111111 11{1111 Illlll I I II IIIlII t! ,° iiI[iIII i I I 111111 rte �11111[IlillIill I {IIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIC1111111 II II IIII .. � : s .......1111111 VIII II ,.Ill the surface and' sati .e ail 6.„ ;ABY USING Lowe Bros. High Standard Pure Paints IN 'TINS 75c, $1.40 $2.65 and $5.00 t:owPaints e Bros, � _. FOR INSIDE GIVES TIIAT `sOFT I+'I`NISH IN TINS 75c $1.40 $2.65 and $5.00 Lowe Bros. Auto Gloss ALL COLORS FOR BUGGIES AND AUTOS Muresco A abastine: Wall Finish 70c per pkge.-- .,WaIl Finish 65c per pkge. IA11 Colors All 'Colors Chi=Name1 and Carmote VARNISH STAINS FOR FINISHING AND BEAU'PIFYING FURNITURE, FLOORS ETC. 3i4 OFF ALI1 11 i»EBt1 Ja CLOVI64 'AND 1.I1'TTS SCREEN \DOORS. AND WIi\-DOWS LAWN MOWER.' 1--:3 BI IU". ,Jt NE%V I'ROGFSS Vi<ij STOX'I; i O:r,�Lr A.I',r`, xro#nrcions 34 Cii+I+ ALT/ REDDER ILOSIi PHONES 2 j: MARRIED FISSETTE—A'MOS—At '`"Ingleside" Bownlanville, on Thursday, August 31st,, Mrs. Minnie Go Amos, for- merly of Exeter, to Mr. Thomas Fissette, of Brantford SWZETMAN—BOYLE—In Toronto, on September , 4th, Lillian, daugh 'ter of Mr. and Mr's. Thos. F. Boyle, :to Arr. Kirby Alan' Sweetnian of Torun o LITCHFIFILD_ DEARING—At the home of the bride,Exeter, by Rey. Mr. Naylor, of Ileihsail, Miss Char- lotte Dearing, to'Mo. Sidney Litch- field,- of Detroit. CUTBUSIH—GO'uLD-In Exeter, on gent upon 011, students, (excepting Fourth Foz•m_ ;);pursuing their studies during the following year at ,Exeter High School; I, Exeter+Public School Entrance evenin ri` Exan ina,tion, 01) Marion Bissett. g t xn for Detroit_tvhere they TI, Exeter` High School District Entrance 1.1xam., (1) Ina Harding, Eden School,_ Usboine; (2)` Marion Bissett.. III, First Forin, Lower School,` (1) Maud Miller; ,';(2)Marguerite 'Aid - worth; (3) Oscar Harrison. IV, Second `Form, Lower School, (1) Kenneth. C. Stanbury; (2) Mary Gilfillau; (3) •Edward Aldwortli: V, Third Form, Middle School, (1) Lulu Moriock;' (2) Carl l\Lorlock; General Proficiency; Harry:Seldon. VI Fourth Form, ' Upper School weeks his decline had been more rap - (1) Mabel Johns; (2) Bruce Medd; (icl ey although.it:was only the last da General y Proficie lch Aiedai; d • •'Gu_ or two that It was" apparent the end Bruce' Medd. ' was approaching. Ile was aged ,7 9 years and 6 months, Deceased was born Mal, Devonshire,. Eng,, and came to Canada with Ihis father and broth- 1 ers when quite a young man: He was a carpenter by trade 'and assisted 1Vlr. Wm. Dearing. After the cere- mony the guests repaired to the Bonze of -Mr, Wm, Dearing, where a sump- tuous' wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Litchfield left on the will reside in, future. The bride tra yelled in a pretty;navy bine suit with: hat to match. _ Their many friends• in this community isill join with the Times in extending congratulations, DFATI-I OE WILLI/01 CREECH ' The death occurred early Monday morning of '\Villiam' Creech, who had for sixty years been a resident of Ex- eter. ; Deceased had, been failing in health for over a year, due largely to heart trouble, ' and the last few FISSETTE—AMOS NUPTIALS Announcements have been receiv- ed it town of the inarriage at `"Ingle- side," Bowmanv'11e,; on Thursday-, I in building many of, the business August 31st, of Mrs. Minnie; C. Amos, places and homes in Exeter and dis formerly of Exeter,, `to NIi Thomas trict. He was a member 'of James Fissette, of Brantford. The bride's street Methodist church, and was one many friends in town will`joiu with of the few remaining Charter MMem the Times in extending congratula- hers of the' Exeter Court of the Can - , and, NSadian Order of Foresters_ Deceased tions, Mr. d, rs, Fissette will be At Home at .19 Wellington- St, was' highly respected by all whcl knew Brantford. him. He is. survived- by his wife, Annie Bissett, one son, R. N. Creech, I3O'VLING NOTES and one sister, Mrs. Richard Bissett, September grid, M1ss Lillian Olive + of London. The `funeral was private A rink of bowlers took in the Blyth and took place to. the Exeter come - Gould, -'youngest daughter of the toninament, on Wednesday of last tei'y, on Tuesday afternoon. late Richard and Mrs. Gould, to 'week and were successful in winning Mr. Walter. E. Cutbush,' by Rev, second prize, • Tlzey' won three and DEATH OF ILEFRT HASTINGS M. J„ Wilson. lost one game. Therink comprised WILLIAIVIS=TRAQUAIR-`At ••Cart After a lingering ii]neSs of over mel Presbyterian Manse,,, H 11 yTr two years death on Saturday removed on August` 30Th, by. Rev. -Mr. 1Vic Connell, Miss Virgie Mae, youngest S V 4 in ""the person of Albert Hastings, daughter Aid.. Mr, and Mrs. Robert aged 57 years, During most of his. Traquair, to° Mr. Roland D. Wil -I illness Mr. Hastings was able to - be Hams, of Usborne. around although At different times DIED he.e ryas confined to Inc bed: The de- ceased was born at Crosshill, Ont., and when' a young man came to; Ex- eter. For a number of years he con- ducted a barber shop in town and af- ter' selling Out went into the incur-. thy. Enke, R. `W. Fuke, B. N. Creech ensa , and W. Taman. , The prize was a half dozen community teaspoons. one of Exeter's best known citizens Messrs. Geo.' neil, A , Sanders, V. Rivers and 13, N. Rowe were succes- sful' in winning second prize at the Ailsa Craig 'bowling tournament on Wednesday of Mast week. They each HASTINGS—In Exeter, on 1 received a handsome cut glass vase. Septem- ber 2nd, Albert Ilastings, aged; 57 They had three -Wins- and lost" in the Years. ,: _ finals. CREECH—In Exeter, on September Owing to rain during Die day the lh, William Creech, aged.79' years weekly: tourney on the bowling green. 4t and G rnont115. � ' ess making quite a success was not largely attended oil. I'rid ty ince Uusin evening last as usual. Four milks of it. He was 'harried to Alveretta ENGAGEMENT " p1a3'ecl'tss'o games with winners a- 'EsserY. who predeceased him a year 1VIr. and Mrs•.° George Maayso•1 an-gainst the winners... Geo: Snell, R. ago this _September. Their only 1lotine0 the•engai;gement of their only W Enke,"Trueman Elliott and R. N. daughter, Miss. Lila 11t home sut•- daiighter, Greta i4iarga ret, to •311. G. Rowe carried off the prize With '�wo wives.• Tile is also survived "'by two Elmore ,Tuckey,. of -London, son Of wins plus 18. broi'bers, Joseph and. Alex, of Guelph'.1Vl.z,• and.1Vlrs. Chas. E. Tuckey: The Four rinks of bowlers were in Lon- The deceased was assistant sulhei'ill-, mar r i"age'. to take place the tatter g _ �., part of Septerner, don, on Labor day attending the ieendant of Coven P; sbyteri'an p`" ` ems Rowing Club bowling tournament. Sunday Selioo1 and, was A. member of ()ADD OE THANKS , l.' G. Seldon's rink composed of W. the.•hoa,rd of management. He 1111 'Milos Lula )Hastings desires :to ex- .t Heitman, man, J. A. Stewart, W. W also a prominent. Mason <a 1i1:11aber of preselier'sincefe' thanks to the .ny' Ttnitail and .0 C,,,, Selion, skip, were the 'Ode.f.e.nol sand 1!ohesft'1s. Tao friends and neighbors for their kind- suocessfui ha:Winning fifth prise, cut funeral, private, was field, on"Aloi'(0ay tress ands sympathy, thuring hen fatil-: 'grass candle Sticlks,..''•l,'hey 1iad three( conducted by,,¢ Reve hili 3313'onne 1, of, 01 °8 illness and death ;antl a.o fol „4ms.Vrtla goo1 VTtas and von lensallowln g to the rll�es,?ei,luevJ_ .' the many floral tributes. 1 their' game in use, finals, Mr., Foote, Announcements have beet 'received of the marriage in Toronto, o1 Miss Lillian, youngest daughter of 111. a.uti %Vias. Thomas F. Boyle; fol•nierly of Fleeter, to Mt•. .Kirby A. Sweetivain. The young couple will 1'eside in Tor- onto andel will Have the lest wishes o;f many ii'iends iii' town, , Dr. G. E.. Lipsitt, o1 '-filtozi I3eaclh,. St. Joseph Island, will open up aa, medicalpractise ix •i' P c h5 tise ata 1 about Coto-- her ci;o-ber 7.st, and has rented the residence on Main: St. at 'present occupied 'by Mrs, B, Knight. Mrs. Drew and MI's. knight expect to leave in a few weelts to make their future honle::ill Ca,lifOr- nia, The attendance at the Exeter High School la bro tell all records . l 'it �c 1 lss oland i$ quite possible that:: a new teacher willrequireds0013,e with th Si Sit- uation. 0e t b t y r uation. 'Izi Form III when school opened Monday, scholars filled the. seats and were limed up at the roar and in the aisles, 63 having register - eel that morning. The enrollment on Monday in the different I+'or,100 i=;.is. tis follows: Form I. 42; Form 11, Form III, 63; Form IV, 13; 'Total 157. On Thursday evening of last week about forty relativos and friends of 'Miss Charlotte Dearing met 'at her Home and COnalil-to13' suri,rised her with ai miscellaneous shower. The presents wel^e drought into the 100111 in a rninature auto -prettily decorated and those present had a very jolly. time as the blushing bride -to -he un- Wra t the numerous preseits which h including many fine gifs. Following' this a daintyr p ;pared lzy the ladies was served. Miss L. of St. Catharines , l who was visiting the Misses Hogarth .of Waterloo street, was called to her home' owing to the sad drowning ac- cident of her sister, Miss Mary Gen- evieve Bell. 11 se Bell o 1hi1 _ stvixri riling in the Grand River near Cala- clonia, ,on August 26t1i got beyond her:. depth and }vas' drowned before help could reach her: She was 21,. years of age and was a school•teaehier in St. Catharines. ` She 'vas buried on Monday in Vfetoria Lawn i'', nu.- I?"ll+]1) IN C O 0_ Ali' S. 1<, 1)avidsoii, " et 'I ulacls) step-.fatlher of Mrs, (Rev,) A`iw Tramper, of tOwn, died in 'that el a on August 31St, after an i)lnese q some 10061I1. yr. U Lviclson ,s4;., we known an Exeter, he havi;ig wis%tey helve on nunii 0OUS 004311 1011. The iter ceased was 76 years old raid neaer1► 16"Yoa s 'i" ti of ire tscae %' sgr,rtt ..i teaching. For 15. years liehis be in charge of art 'elasses ih); Lend°. schools and at the time -of ht5 deaf l he had ,charge of the a,rt step a1 taziuri; of the London Collegiate, Tice had;, fine reputation as an artist of a,bilit and at 113tmerou5 e hibitio n wher llis work,has been shown he has bee awarded 1tBurs. .The decease ° i e i 1i s txiV v d by his s wido and ole 5>n„ Mullane C. Davidson. Rev. iVii, -- Tru?nper, who has been supplying a t 11013 Trinity chui`ci: Witeiae., 111e past: five..a 1, i cSundays d a.s aalaveci .inLon-. don 011 •1/ cI i1 last and coal{ru-•.ted talo funeral seryire on Saturday'. s i.'11 JiTA I i—.A'I1Acri A TIAL', .A Quiet wedding took place atCar-, 'lel .Presbyterian Manse,, Hensa1.1, on Aug, 30th, when Rev. Mr. Mc0onnel3; united in marriage Miss Virgie alae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tra,- quair and Mr. Roland B. Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. - B. 0 illlarus, of Lsliorne. The bride was attired in a beabutiful dress of silk canftrn °repo_ They .were attended by Miss `Florence Robertson and AIr, t har]ee Fishier., Fano-Wing the ceremony a dainty lun- cheon n-cheon was served at the home of the bride's parents; The grootti:' ; gift to the bride was a gold 'wrist watch; 10 he bridesmaid bridesmaid a. purse and to the groomsman a tie pin set with tclaz. The happy couple left from I enea]l amid showers of confetti for Toronto Nifigara Falls and Buffalo. On their r etatl.r home on. .Cuesday, Sept. +,5 5th, a reception was held at the home of. the groom when about fifty- invited guests were present,' and a jolly ';veno federaladio e' have the famous 'Let Demonstrat'e,- a c niOiete I ally set oo �'��° i � ,V is you may need to 'build your own., W. m PH TE 9 tisf action ervice Youfi i i tdw That meat is down in priee9 and it will pay you to get our prices be- fore fo •'buyingelswhere. .'FA',.I ME'RS'" When you thresh, let us ;Supply you with a choice Meaty Roast; Delivered any time. Choice Beef, Pork, Veal and Spr ing Lamb, all the time. Have' youi.• Cooked Meats andBacon Machine Sliced. 17.2151. River's eat Market WHERE .QUALITY IS HIGHER ' 'HAN PRICE. .2.10:70RISIVEMEPIM01311. 81.2311111,3 14illllll![i[[i[IIi[i(11[III[[I[[I[ll[ 11111 IIII11111[[11111111111111111111111[11111[111111 montaill torsrefee voremald alsmosel 01.14100 The World Ove You . Ha 111119111{II11I111111[1116111I1 1 s i ll$Ix�tilClllll:lll@II{iIII'l114961