HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-8-31, Page 7fl Rodney C, Wood, traveler, big game
hunter, in Cental Africa and Rhodesia
througb( the German East Africa cam-
paign, is in Nyasaland IOW as instructer
in the Gillwell Park Ciouree for Scout
Leader, who is direeting a series of
instructional campor Canadian
Scoutmasters. The first camp, for
Bcout Leaders float Ontario and Que-
bec, was held near Ottawa. Other
camps are scheduled for the Ma,ritirrie
Provinces, Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
Alberta and British Columbia.
Few leaders joining the Scout Move-
ment during recent years brought with
them a broader knowledge of the
World's big spaces than Rodney Wood.
After leaving I-Iarrow he spent Some
years in travel, including nine months
of roughing it In British Columbia,
then headed for Central Africa, where
he spent ten years in pioneering, ex-
perimenting in cotton growing, and big
game hunting. When the Great War
came, he at once joined the Nyasaland
Forces and served in the campaign
against German East Africa and in the
Nyasaland Rebellion of 1915, being ad-
customed to work in the bush and
. jungle of Central Africa. It may be
recalled that Captain ,F.'0. Selous and
other well-known hunters were in this
campaign against Germany in Africa,
where they had spent so much of their
lives, and to whose eonditionS'Itiei
• were accustomed.
In 1921, while in the Seychelles, Is-
lands he became interested -anew in
Boy Scout work, arid was asked by the
Seychelles governmen,t, to goo to Eng -
lard and take the GiliwellPark Course,
that he might return and direct the
boy work of the islands. Sir Robert
; Baden-Powell; however, ,at once •re-
cognized Mr. Wood's fitriesslor a Much
wider field; and persuaded' him to join
the Imperial. Boy Scout Headquarters
instructors at Gillwell.
When it was decided by -the Cana-
dian General Council of the Boy .Scouts,
ASsociation to but on the Giliwedi Park
Course in -this countrY;-applicatitinewaS
made for an instructor of especial
ability, and Mr. Wood was recalled
from South Africa, to meet this re-
Mr. Wood's accomplishments "in out-
door craft include an ability at track
reading of the Sherlock Holmes type;
circus -like stunts with the lariat, Aus-
tralian stock -whip, and the long,kaffir
ball ock
The ins'truction is of the practical
do-it-yourself kind, preceded by a talk,
' 4nd• .011.9.1,;vec1by, an- open diseustaion,
and cavering practically the entire By
Scout Work programme, With an in-
exhaustible fund of stories .arffi illus-
trations, to point his talltatgMr. Wood
has made the greatest impression upon
the Scoutinasters,who so far have been
fortunate enough to hear him.
• sarcasm from the Pulpit,
-"And no,s-isterisa-nd,brethren,".
nounced the 'Rev. Mones Taylor,' "we
• • • ., , •
will take up our 'annual collection for
the ,beneilt of the hea- then' At the
• • „ • ' ,
sa time, I , )r e the, opportimity-
.tire he ,liope‘that. tle young nie.n.
Who have been making so roi--'-f-a-b-aT'a
'throng epla4.hjcvvraGVIII" be e.special-
• IY, liberal ' in Theii• Contribution,.
1 duty bound they must,11elp their )trai-21"i.
er heathen.", eeaerrrli,tr-.1"101Y.-
r yrseirtt.TI-5- • ,
Hfa V1on.
g. -English tbaclier asked the °lase
to vA•itc '0013,te,nne; that monet th, 0
, :Saint 'thing as "A, wink is as good' as
14 ited to a blind liorse." Some ant-
evers Were good and Some were bad.
'but she nearly fainted when she road
this one: ,
.• • •
.el,o,s,ing, of: the rig -ht ,optic £1.6
. , ,
as a rapid inclination of the
",tranfilni,te a sightl,eas quadruped."
Provincial Bean:loaf Health, Ontarlo
r Middletonwill be glad to answer gaestions on Pulolic Health mat-
temthrough this ,column, Address him at Spa,dina House, Spadina
Crescent, 'Toronto,
Public Health nurses appointed and
paid for by the county! That la the
big proposition being put, forward at
the present time hi Lanark by the aid
of clinics, demonstrations and public
meetings conducted by officials ef the
Provincial Board of Health. ,Already
the project has met with pronounced
succes,s and the people, are enthesias-
tic in its supports At Pakentham, Al-
mante and Carleton Place during the
past few weeks, Child Welfare Clinics
were attended by hundreds of mothers
with their b,abies and young children,
h nurnbels fat exceeding expecta-
tions. In the evenings enthusiastic
meetings were addressed by doctors
from the Provincial Board of Health
and the pressing need for the appoint,-
ment ' of Public Health Nurses -waS
forcefully explained. At the close of
the meeting at Ahnonte, Mayor Tho-
burn declared that the citizens of the
town were enthusiastically behind the
proposal to appoint county Public
Health lyses, and he asked the reeve
to convek" bhis expression- frarn ate
citizens of Alnainte to the members
of the County Council.
'The peopleeof Lanark are throwing
thems'elveh heart and ,soul behind the
ioropOsitiora to establish Community
Nurses for the county, will be the
pioneers' in tis province, noC,stimilar
work having been so far attempted in
any other distrih. The progress ef.
the campaign to.instruct the people as
to the desirability of appointing per-
the ---people in a way that no other
agency could hope to do. They offer
advice and assis-tance to 'mothers in
everything that pertains to. the well-
manent Community Nurses for the
county is'being watched with Intel:0A
by other parts of the province. Hith-
erto, the appointment of nurses has
been confined to the municipalities and
la/ger centres of population. -
Health matters are regarc:ed•in Lan-
ark County with the importhrice they
deserve. Officials and the public gen-
erally have come to see the need for
greater care and more sole/it/fie appli-
cation in infant feeding; for early de -
1 tection and correction of physical de-
fects in young children, for medical
and nursing 'supervision of expectant
mothers, and for the promotion of
general hygienic principles in 'every-
day life.
The appalling rate of infant mor-
tality in this province -over, 100
deaths Of children under •one year Of
age per 1,000 births, the heavy mort-
ality among expectant mothhrs, 478
of whom died in Ontario during the
year 1920, arid the general. physique
of children of pre-school ',a11 em-
phasize the need for ,iirter;solve work
to be 'done in health education.
To lower the infant; death -rate• in
Lanark County, and to imp:rove the;
health anti physical fitness of, both the
present and the coming generation is t
the object of this proposal_ to appointi
Community Nurses' in the county. I
These• nurses. dolne in contact with!
being.of themselves end their children,
Wireless for Beginners
.„_?..Wizelefe'cr''Tn'lliee-cfaati-ce, with. the Copy -right Act).
Preliminary; ConsideratiOUS-a•The Ether. •
Of all the thousand and one ques- how it is that wireless waves can pass
tons asked of the lecturer on wireless through walls and be picked up with-
er of the radio salesman, by. far the out an aerial. .
most common are these two -"What Let us consider first the medium
do I need to start with?"'and "What
will it cost?" Lecturers ahd Magazine
writers have been generous enoilig,h, in
their descriptions of the joys of radio
reception, but not enough Lhas yet been
said or -Written as to the apparatua• re-
quired for enjoying these delights•
e lie prospective ham must
the • t o
part withla humble dollar or mortgage
his house ',to purchase the necessary
equipment ia not stated. The purpose
this „5..,,r1f ;Artielee is ta, autline
:to the young .15.egarrieer• le general
principles of radio and to 6.dvise 'him
In the -ilnportarit matter 'of • seledting
apparafa'-. '",
" **
This will help you .to understand
whic'h connects the,receiving station
with a distant trans/flitter. We are
t Id th t " "
These Waves can b
15 kilo:mai-respecting -thellia's4,1)e and
form; l'antl So we asS,u e the"-eif t
of a nredtium, some material sidbataaiee
Art Usually Victims of 'Poo
Blood and NVealE Nerves.
irritability s one Of the manifeeta-
tions of nerveusnes, and it beeornes
worse as the nerves become more un-
strung and approach a state of ex-
haustion, No one is britable from pre
es9 O'ilf'e011:8°
,t cti1
of physical suffering which friends do
pet, realize, , It is , accompanied by
headaches, pleepleserieSs, nervous In-
digestion.• _ • ' . II I ..a. It i
promptly' Checked more serious troll -
])1 h develops. •
The treatment for the earlier stages
of nervousness, as, well as the mere
advanced condition, is one of nutrition
of the nerve cells, requiring a tonic.
As the nerves get their nourishment
fromthe blood, the treatinenti b
,directed ,towards building up the blood,
Dr, Williams'' Pink. Pills act directly on,
the blood; and have proved of the
greatest benefit in agreat many cases
of this kind. A tendency to anaemia
or bloodlessness, shown by most ner-
vous people, is also collected by these
tonic pills. This is Shown by the case
of Mr. Kenneth R. -McDonald Tarbat
N.S., who says: "For a long time I was
a severe sufferer from nervous trou-
ble, with the result that I gew, pale and
weak, lost weight, slept poorly,and
always felt tired Out. Various medi-
cines I tried had no beneficial effect,
uiltil finally I Was persuaded to try,Dr.
Williards".•Pirilc"Till,S, I found these
just what I needed,. as after taking
them a couple of months I not only.
gained in weight; but felt stronger
more eh,eerful and batter in every way.
I feel that I cannot praise these pills
too highly for what they have done for
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through' any dealer in medicine, or by I
mail, at 50 cents a box or six boxes Lau
creo:f13.11SeIville, Ont.
o a wireless travels in waves,
Because, because I halla friend,
One who was real and true; •
Because your friendship did not'fail
e measured. Much
s' anc°
which cen be disturbed by electrica
. .
means just "as the air can be 'set vi-
brating ban explosion, or as ripples,
can be iikde to traverse the surface of
a pond by'J•throwing in a stone. 'Ali is
theanediuM which carries sound viaves.
to our ears; water th•e medium in
which waves, in tiaa_nsautacal sens,e,
travel; and etiiir the mecliiiiiV
vibrates when eleetricity is sent throb-
bing along a wire.
The ether is said to pervade all
space. It is everywhere. The sun,
firharancre-tai'7,`s-bl'e set in it like efilt
rants in a cake, though the medium is
not nearly se "heavy" as cake, being,
in fact, thinner than any known gas
and far les,s dense than air. Scientists
believe all so-called solids to be con-
glomerations or tightly bound collec-
tions of extremely sniell_.Rertiela.
electreneo,Thrdd littie—elieens
11-e.--tn.--(;Tslio1e even in the strongest
microscope, but they are thought to
be s,pherical-in shape, and clustered to-
gether like marbles in a bag. Now we
know how easily air passes through a
,bag of. marblesafinding its way through
the spaces left 1?efween the curved
spaces. In a simffar way, we suppose
this than etlief,to,„bass‘freely between
he tiny electrons _which, Compose all
olids, and, for-lhat matter, liquide
and gases' too. Ithal been truly stated
Because 1 Had a Friend.
Life 'never wthild have been so rich,
To me so well worth while,
But for that cheering word you spoke,
But for -that cheery smile;
The burden had.;so.theavy grown
My heart Was fille.d with care;
I never would have reached the goal,
Had you, friend, not been there.
Just whend needed yen.' -\
had the strength teclamber one
- I had the' ,to. dO;
.Because I knew I:had a friend,
I've, had. no, banse t'o rue.
Oh, ,theite, are recOrda. of the' past
That tell of etrustessublimese:' • - •
Of friendships‘thatsufatiored the test
O f doubt,- disasterl tithe '
But 1 itioi-v7-011."`E1aiirT-tip:-.to date,
That had not had an,
When aahan defeatedofought and won,
Because he had a friend,e,„
' - B. Walker.
that a strong -box might be made water-
tight, 'air -tight and gas-tight but the
strongest safe that ever defiecl a crook
is ' always wide open to the ether,
whichxesses through its steel .walls
'Waves of various lengths and kinds
can be set up in the ether, a curious
fact being that waves of different
length produce different effects. Thus
X-rays are very short ether waves;
light of various colors is. an effect of
'ether w,ayes of greater and various
lengths. = Wireless waves are produced
bY electrical meansa. and 'those in
practical use vary in length from fifty
metres to„twenty metres. Generally
speaking, the more .poweaful
stations transinit the, longer waves. •
;i 4:31,4.1
, •ti
A FO22.t..
1.`• t\'\\O•
t` - _ •
aybethat hill
is not there,
iter at Nagtailaj
ERY often the we seem
lp"roe climbing, after the mid -
'ears, is made Out of the com-
mon mistakes of diet which starve
tissues and nerves and slow down
energies with faulty 'nutrition and
stored up food poisons. •
How smooth and level the path
seemed to be when we were
young. -
Simple, natural food may level
that hill to a smooth path again.
a at=
-Suppose you try it!
Begin today with a dish of
Grape -Nuts with, creain or milk
(fresh or preseived fruit, too, if
'you like) for breakfast or lunch.
„Keep lip this crisp, clelicioug,
strengthening food in place of
heavy, ill-assorted, starchy break-
fasts and lunches—and see if the
old-time zest and speed on the
hneilev e in
I path doesn't We
wrheres d R eason
Mby,cdar, F*siuirti Citert41•Co., Ltd., Whidor, onita'itin
Sailors Safety Signs. ,
Tbere aro no policemeato regulate
traffic at sea, Indeed, ther'e'is no need
to regulate it-iby hay. By night every-
thing depends upon the ca,110,r's coxn-
mop his 'vessel's larnas•
Only in one case are the latter unre-
liable -during a fog, when it is impoS-
sthie to see half -a -dozen yard a either
ahead or astern. A steanier carries
three navigation lights -a -one at her
masthead and one on ,either aide of
her bridge. The -masthead light Is
White, while the side, lights are re-
specively red and green for left and
There is one vital difference be-
tween a steamer's lights and thoee of
a sailing vessel, The latter cares 00
masthead lamp. If she did, all slaips
would be alike to sailors, 'Why this
distinction in the case of sailing shape?
Sailing ships are slower, need more
room to navigate, and' do not keep a
set coarse like a steamer.
Sliips driven by steam keep to the
left of a sailing vesisel where practic-
able. If they kept on an ordinary
course it is possible that they might
ram the "windjammer' amidships, ow-
ing to her unexpected habit of tacking
about in a breeze.
A New Raver.
Abbe 1VIerrnet, a famous water di -
vier and explorer, has discovered in
the Mont Blanc region a great sub-
terranean river, with ° a volume of
about 50,000 gallops a minute. "It
runs from the base of the mountain
under the Saleve and Jura Alps. This
river, which has been named "Eaux -
Belles," sends outt many branches,
which have formed little lakes and
wells of pure wrid extremely cold
Water in the northeast departments Of
France and hi some southern Swiss
Cantons. ,
Abbe Merinet declares that the
I4 ENT Pout ci lb
E GIRL 1)L.Pnt'°'
tA1), A It'A
balance .caSh f
Whole System Had Give4
Way From Stomach Trouble
"There 1e no doubt In my mind that
Tan,lac saved MY life," said lvt1s9'
Gratia Brouseeau, 835 Notre Dame St.,
Montreal, Quo,
' "I hadchronic indigeetion for four-
teen months and for four months of
tit° time, was under ' constant treat-
ment. I couldn't even drink mille with-
out auffering afterwards, and I almost'
sthrved ma -self. ' My nerves finally,
gave way and I had to give up and
take to my bed.
"I will never be able to express my
gratitod'e to Malec tor restoring me
to the splendid health I now enjoy, I
never felt better in raylite and can
hardly realize that a short time ago
,I was in sueli a wretched condition."
Taniae is sold by all good- druggists.
Very ,Apt,
Head Master -"Tell Me the meaning
of 'the word 'appetite,' "
Toinmy--"Please, ,sir, -When *you're
eating you're 'appy, and when you've
,nnished you're tight."
Dominion Express Money Orders are
on sale in five thousand offices
throughout Canada.
I will govern my life rind my
thoughts as if all the world were- to
see the one and to rea.c1 the other; for
what does it signify to melte anything.
a secret to my neighbor, when to God
all our privacies are open ?-Seneca.
waters of the "Eaux -Belles," , at a
depth of 75 to 150 feet, have carved' NOT ING TO EQUAL
out under the -mountain wonderful
- VI/17-bn% --allid -u-t--,;o._..q.94e- ,
tites ,and stallagindres. Symie or irci-
caverns near GeneVa are 'ninety feet
high and 150 feet broad. -
• _a --
No season of: the year is so danger-
ous to the life of little ones as is the
summer. The excessive heat throws!
the little stomach out of order so ,
quickly that .unlesS prompt'. aid isat"'
hand. the baby may be beyond all 1m -
M -en help before the mother realizes
he*;is Summer is the season when
diarrhoea, cholerainfantum. dys.entery
and: colic are most prevalent. Any of
these trouble's may prove deadly if not
promptly treated. During the Summer
mother's best -friend is Baby's Own
Tablets.They 'regulate !"* the- bowels*,
sweeten eti-e. Stothiehe and keep baby
healthy. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dea1ers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., BrOckville, Ont.
Imagination's Power.
A dental review reports a most
curious case which throws a bewilder-
ing, ligiht on the effects of imagination.
Several bad teeth had to be pulled
for a young woman.
The operation began by anaesthetiz-
ing the patient, who soon lost con-
sicionsinesi and gave no sign of pain
during the extraction of the teeth. I
But a little later it was found that I
owirig to a small accident in the func-
tioning of the apparatus thtat was
, employed, the capsule containing the
anaesthetic had not been lareken
Thus the young woman had fallen
asleep, imagining that' she was under
the, influence of chloride of ethyle.
1,4in&td's LinItyierri- -Relieves
Raini Traditions.
The English tradition that if it rains
on St. Swithin's day rain will fall for
forty days and nights has its counter-
part in other countries., The French
accord a similar influence over the
weather -to St. ged7aaie .4/9,1% tetival
is on June 8; the Beitgla,hs bele
their sacred Lady, Gtieiieve, whoSe
ft:1a ins Ijoe,'"'ultYh. 611LfehaTgstlitilee Germans
attritku'f"..::a like Influence to the Seven
.§.,14=l-a*Pers, whose anniversary is' July
27; and the Sootch St. Swithin is St,
tions; hence their persistence in many
celebrated on July 4. The real fact
ianr dt si n. Dullions, whos.e festival is
n June or July, and peo
ple can always twist these changes to
is that weather changes are especially
apt to occur i
prove the truth of these old traiii-
• Thoughtf,ill.
An old Irishman. *was struggling
along- the highway with a heavy bundle
when a friend passed in a cart.
•It was a hot day so•the friend, think-
ing Pat would be glad of a' lift, said:
"Jump up there, old nian."
• Pat was delighted, and, after climb-
ing up, rested his bundle carefully on
his knee.
"Put your bundle on the seat," said
his friend. *
"Oh, no," Pat answered. "Since you
are so good as to give nie a ride, 01'11
fiat be after asking you to carry ine
bundle as well!"
"Poison gas," consisting of sulphur-
etted If -Orogen and prussic acid; is
produced by smoking tobacco, but only
hi very sinall quantities..
ISSUE No, 34--'22.
Tata ;Oa ,t
lowest prlqe.. A'cidresa:
41.9, LeAkAlott, Ont.
' E.
'HAV, A.
for a .wenkly VP
tari Price must be a ...a,
full Information to W11pn Ptib1itt
Co-. Ltd. 74, Adelaide St. W., Toro
WN hoe, nelY and isse4, all Doe ,
subJeet to anproval at lowest prices In
Canada. York' 13eltinir- Co.. 115 York
'Toronto, Ont.
A Country Ftoa
Yellow with dust it sleeps in noon-
day's glare,
Yellow with dust it stretches' far
Now nature seems to dream ' 'd
•, .,fragranoe rare,
For summer silence holds unbroken •
,11/11mard's Liniment for sale everywho
At Cairo, Egypt, exist the "seven
towers" still ealbed "granery of Jo-
$ePh," and still serving their ancient
AnutzteaVis Malian ZION Sonmales
' Book an
end 1117,61.,0 Feeti
Mailed Pres
dress by the Author,
Z. Clay Mover 06., Ina,
129 West 24th Street
For Sprains and Bruises.
Now 'York, U.S.A.
The , first thing to elo -when You•have an
ment It-ls antiseptic soothing, healing
injuryla to aflply IVIirlard's famous Lini-
aind gives quick relief.
Balk Cari5ts
Mrs. Geo. War a.n
Tells, How: .Ctiticura
Healed Pimples
"I had a breaking out of pimples
on my face which irritated so much
at night that I began to
scratch and they broke
out in dcep, sore erup-
tions, _My face looked
SO baati-iiiiiini did not
want to go anywhere. I
saw an advertisement for
Cuticura Soap and Oint-
ment and I bought them. After using
one and a half boxes of Cuticma
Ointment, with the Cuticura Soap, 1
was completely healed." (Signed)
Mrs. Geo. Wax -man, 13 Duchess St.,
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal-
cum promote and maintain skin pu-
rity, skin comfort and skin health.
The,Sciati to clean se, purify and beau-
tify, the Ointment to soften, soothe
and heal and the Talcum to powder
and perfume.
Sample Each Pre° by Mail. Address: "Lymen5,SIsc-
1 !tad, 344 Si, Peel fit, W., Montreal." Sold every-
where. Soap 25e. Ointment25 and 50e. Talcum 25e.
EarCutieura Soap shaves without mug.
Her Mother's Faith in Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Led Her To Try It
Kenosha, Wisconsin. -"I cannot say,
enough in praise of Lydia E.Pinklaam's
Vegetable Com-
pound. My mother
had great faith in it
as she had taken so
much of it and'when
I had trouble after
my baby was born
she gave it to me.
It helped rne so much
more than anything
else had done that I
advise all women
with female trouble
to give It a fair trial
and I am sure they will feel as I do
about it. -Mrs. FRED. P. HANSEN, 662
Symmonds St., Kenosha, Wisconsin.
A medicine that ha.s been in USe nearly*
fifty years and that receives the praise
and commendation of mothers and
grandmothers is worth your considera-
If you are suffering from troubles
that sometimes follow child -birth bear
in mind that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound is a woman's medicine.
It is especially adapted to correct such
The letters we publish ought to con-
vince you; ask some of your women
friends or neighbors - they know its
worth. You will, too, if you give it a,
fair trial,
• UNLESS you see the naine "Bayer" on tablets you
are not getting Aspirin at all
'& Accept only an "unbroken packnge'" of "Bayer "Tablets of
Aspirin " which contains ditiectians ,aid dosOw rked out by
physicians, during k22 years and proiFd safof by milliong for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia s Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Ihindy "Bayer' boxes of 12 tablets -Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Drug
A(401011 Is the 1 ratio 7no rk Cteelstercd In Crteecia) of Bayer Uttecteeture of pl
neettenciae,,e,. stflitt‘licticid, whne it le wen known 'Chia Aolli in meena 4
rnannfacbire lo saf!Ifft the SUbOS oepleut the Tahltte of Bayer eons
will be smtived whit their gec-ti trade) =ark, the "Divot. 01,410,,,