HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-07-01, Page 10Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - Page A9
Broadcaster draws large crowd
An estimated 220. people con-
verged at a Goderich location on
Tuesday, June 23 to hear one of
Canada's foremost science journalists
and broadcasters speak on water
issues, climate change and the need
for alternative energy sources.
The Ausable Bayfield Maitland
Valley Drinking Water Source
Protection Region invited Bob .
McDonald, host of CBC radio's
Quirks and Quarks and 1'V Ontario's
Heads Up!, to speak to the public on
water protection..
There is no other known world that
can support human life, according to
McDonald. "It's very beautiful, it's
exquisite, it's unique," he told the
crowd at the Columbus Centre. The
well-known author compared the
Earth to the `Garden of Eden' but he
said it's a very fragile planet too. "A
(planet with a) thin film of water, a
thin bubble of air — that's where we
He said the planet may look, from
afar, like it is blue and has lots of
water but he used a pitcher and a
glass — removing the undrinkable
water until only a drop was left — to
illustrate that very little of the world's
water is fit for drinking. "Only 0.1 per
cent of all the water in the world is
available for us to drink," he said.
McDonald complimented the peo-
ple of this region for their active local
involvement in protecting the fragile
sources of drinking water. He said
Canada has so much of the world's
scarce fresh water supplies that "we
are the water keepers."
The speaker made it clear there is
no doubt the planet's climate is chang-
ing. "Yes, the Earth is getting warm-
er," he said. Thc problem is not just
that the planet is getting warmer, he
said, but that the planet is getting hot-
ter at an unprecedented rate. The
speaker's visuals, showing the accel-
erated decline in northern sea ice,
painted a stark picture for the audi-
ence. The anticipated melting of per-
mafrost is likely to release methane
and pose a greenhouse gas impact ten
times more severe than carbon diox-
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Photo by Dave Sykes'
CBC science journalist, Bob 'McDonald, spoke to a Targe Goderich
audience Tuesday, June 23 and used a model of the earth to dem- •
onstrate to those in attendance that while our planet is the only
hospitable one out of 350, it is still a fragile place where only .1 per
cent of its fresh water supply is available to drink.
ide, he said.
The noted science journalist under-
scored the fragility of the planet but
he also offered a message of hope.
"Look how far we have come, look
what we have done, I think we can
apply the same creativity and the
same ingenuity and figure out how to
get through this (and find) new ways
to turn wheels, other ways to keep
ourselves warm, other ways to move
from here to there;" he sad. "We've
got to take care of this beautiful
(planet) because that's all there is."
Goderich Councillor David Yates
introduced McDonald to the crowd.
He also complimented the region on
its "truly unique" efforts to include
members of the public in local, com-
munity Source Protection working
groups. The more than 75 community
working group members have just
completed a year and a half of study
of water protection through an adult
learning program and they presented
planning policy suggestions to the
Source Protection Committee on
Tuesday. They will also be invited to
provide feedback on the assessment
reports being prepared in the upcom-
ing year.
For more information on Drinking
Water Source Protection in the
Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley
region visit sourcewaterinfo.on.ca or
phone 519-335-3557, 519-235-2610
or toll-free 1-888-286-2610.
Stewardship funding is available for
voluntary best -management -practice
projects' by
owners of
homes, farms,
and other
properties in
some of the
region's most
areas. For
visit sour-
on.ca or phone
the numbers
Signal -star printing moves to London
Dave Sykes
• signal -star publisher
In a continued effort to provide a quality
nrint product and improve service to readers
. t ' customers, the Goderich Signal -Star will
move to a new printing location in London.
Bejinning with next week's edition, the
Signal -Star will be printed at Webco, Lon-
don, part of the. stable of web offset printing
presses available within Sun Media Inc. in
Southwestern Ontario. The paper had been
printed in Sarnia eery Tuesday since the
closure of the press and pre -press operation
in Goderich last September.
The move will mean a definite improve-
ment in the print quality of the paper, Pub-
lisher Dave Sykes said, adding that the com-
pany's Webco printing division has become
an important cog in the centralization of
printing and distribution.
The change in printing locations, however,
will also necessitate a change in weekly ad-
vertising and editorial deadlines.
All submissions for the newspaper, includ-
ing classified word and display ads, happy
notes, announcements and display advertise-
ments will be due by Friday at 2 p.m.
Editorial submissions, including letters to
the editor and reports from groups or clubs,
will also be due by 2 p.m. Friday.
While community papers in the Signal -Star
group are now printed off site, the products
are returned to Goderich where local staff is
involved. in the insertion of flyers, labeling of
papers for mailing and distribution to towns
and customers in the area.
The new deadlines will be effective Friday,
July 3, 2009.
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