HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-07-01, Page 8• •
Godench Signal -Star, Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - Page 7
Volvo Union workers give thanks to community
teams for longer than most of can ask is that on future June 30s, we take
remember: the Atom A hockey team, time to pause, and reflect on what we
soccer teams, baseball teams and have accomplished here over the many
countless other local charities when- years. Just know that we believe that
ever possible. Many of the kids who all members, past, present and those
have played on these minor sports who have to their great reward, will
clubs have gone on to become co- always in our hearts be "Champions"
workers in this grader business, some one and all.
working with their parents. Once again, thank you for allowing
This too is a great source of pride for us to be of service to our members and
us. our community.
It is not so much an end, but a new
and challenging beginning for all of Yours in solidarity,
us. Some will retire or semi -retire. The Executive Board and
Others will learn new skills, return to Members of the Machinist,
school, start their own businesses and Local 1863,
others expand their farms. Whatever Home of the Champion!
we choose to do in our futures, all we
To the Editor; elected officials, federal and provin-
It is with great sadness that members cial, county and municipal, present
if I.A.&A.W., Local 1863, must now and past, thank you all for your sup -
close a very memorable and proud port. We are very grateful.
chapter in Huron County's history. The We would especially like to thank
production of motor graders ceased in our fellow citizens for their sympathy,
Goderich June 30, 2009. words of encouragement and support.
For over a century, the men and We will not forget your kindness.
women of this county have gathered We also have to thank the many
together five days -a -week, 49 weeks -a management staff who stood with us
-year and have built graders and and tried, as we all have, to keep this
shipped parts around the world to cus- business in Goderich for our common
tomers who have, for the most part, good.
thanked us for the quality, cost-effec- Thanks also to you.
tive machines we have given them. We are all members of local commu-
Unfortunately, the global economy, nities and it gives us great pride to be
which we have proudly produced prod- a part of this area. We will continue to
uct for, has been severely impacted by give our time and support to local
a worldwide recession that has affect- projects as we are available.
ed all markets, not just road construc- We gratefully supported the Maitland
tion equipment. Medical Centre and the CT Scanner
We would like to thank those who Campaign with $10,000 donations for
have come to our aid during this most the good of the community.
difficult time; local communities, our We have supported many local sports
Keep litter in the cans
To the Editor; cannot understand why people drop
Signs versus litter. these cups all over the place, not just
I have watched with interest the in town, but along the roadsides as
debate about roadside signs. In partic- well. •
ular, those of the North Harbour If there is no garbage can nearby,
Restaurant and Maitland Golf Club, then take.your cup with you until you
both of which are somewhat out of the get home or to a garbage can and then
way. dispose of it properly. But please,
Then I look around and see a lot of NIMBY.
inadvertent advertising by way of litter
— especially coffee cups- that carry the Sincerely,
name of a well-known coffee chain. I Joan Campbell
Drive safe this summer: MADD
law, drivers must pay to get their licenc-
To the Editor; es back and face mandatory alcohol
The MADD Huron/Bruce Chapter education programs and alcohol igni-
would like to remind everyone to drive tion interlock conditions for repeat
safe and sober this summer. offenders.
On average, four people are killed MADD Huron/Bruce Chapter
and 207 people are injured in impaired President Barb Rintoul- is please with
driving crashes every day in Canada. the steps taken in trying to rid our roads
As of May 1, 2009 a new law was of impaired drivers and would like to
introduced called Safer Roads for a remind the public that if you see a sus -
Safer Ontario Act. Ontario drivers face pected impaired driver please call 911.
longer licence suspensions for BACs at You could be saving someone's life or
or above 0.05 per cent. People can now preventing an injury.
lose their licences for 3 to 30 days if
they are found with BACs at or over MADD
0.05 per cent. Under the new Ontario Huron/Bruce Chapter
Be thankful for all that Canada has given us
On the first long holiday weekend of this
year, once known as the Victoria Day holiday
weekend, I joined a tour .out of Goderich to
visit Ottawa and the Tulip Festival.
The weather was totally unaccommodating
but the places of interest made up for it.
Among the sites visited was the Canadian
War Museum- an overwhelming, nostalgic,
emotional and humbling display of human
tragedy and sacrifices — "to make the world a
better place."
I recalled Vera Lynn singing the White
Cliffs of Dover, and the lines: 'There'll be
love and laughter, and peace ever after,
Tomorrow, when the world is flee."
Sixty some years later I'm still waiting.
A tour of Ottawa, a beautiful city which has
been designated by UNESCO as one of the
most beautiful capital cities in the world, was
a garden of tulips, tulips everywhere! Those
brave enough to stand against blasts of wind
and 3C temperatures will have memorable
We visited Parliament Hill, where several
demonstrations were in full swing, the
Parliament Buildings, Peace Tower and
Memorial Hall where the Book of
Remembrance is encased. Ottawa; a city to
come back to, to explore, to enjoy -with much
to remember.
The drive home in late spring weather was
heart-warming. The countryside with its well-
groomed farms, freshly ploughed fields, cat-
tle and sheep resting in the warm sunshine,
mares with foals enjoying the'peace of a late
afternoon, the landscape echoing a Tom
Thomson painting with soft shades of green
and yellow — of spring and new life- what
more could one ask for.
Several bus companions remarked how
thankful we should be for the beauty and
richness for Ontario and the country of
As we delivered the occupants to their
respective towns, I fell into a state- part
euphoria, part nostalgia- at all I'd seen and
done the past few days.
I thought of our ancestors who boarded
decrepit boats and suffered a long journey
over rough seas and came to this land: a land
uncouth and inhospitable: forests, rocks,
water, trees — no land flowing with milk and
honey here. Their lifestyle was one of hard-
ship, loneliness, homesickness and often
They were on their own. But they could not
go back, they could only dream of the moun-
tains and green valleys of home which they
had left behind.
They soldiered on with the help of our
Native people and with determination, faith
and hope, laid the foundations on which this
country was built: log by log, brick by brick,
rail by rail, mile by mile.
Their little villages became towns and in
the fullness of time, cities. Their gathering
places became institutions of commerce,
finance, schooling, higher learning, places of
worship and faith.
And this is the legacy they left to us, their
descendants, along with so many good things
we take for granted.
In the words of Winston Churchill: "Never
was so much owed by so many to so few."
In a few years Canada will celebrate her
Sesquicentennial: 150 years!
Here's how we might wish Canada a
Happy Birthday on July 1, 2009 — 142 years
Love Canada. Give her a hug. Care for her
and be proud of her and all that she has
accomplished in the fields of science, medi-
cine, research, social justice, health care and
the arts.
In time of world conflict let us not forget
Vimy Ridge and the beaches of Normandy.
Be loyal to her.
Be thankful for all she has given us: the
comforts of home, of peace and freedom,
opportunities to be and to do. Be good stew-
ards of her lands, her forests, her rivers, lakes
and streams, the environment and creatures.
Share her in goodness with the world.
Pray for her as best you may know how
—for all her citizens who "stand on guard" for
her under the Maple Leaf from Bona Vista
and Joe Batt's Arm to Nunavut, 'Ihktoyaktuk
to Vancouver Island — for those who serve her
in Afghanistan — for those who govern at all
levels - that she may be Glorious and Free
and a shining beacon of peace and hope.
When the naming of the Confederation of
Upper and Lower Canada and the Maritimes
was discussed, one of the Fathers of
Confederation suggested that Verse 8 from
Psalm 72 might be considered: "He shall
have Dominion from sea to sea and from the
river unto the ends of the earth."
It was agreed she should be named the
Dominion of Canada and her motto would be
"from sea to sea". This motto is inscribed on
our present Canadian Coat of Arms (1921)
both of which I hope will remain without
change — a symbol of our heritage.
A Mare Usque Ad Mare
Happy Birthday Canada!
Margaret Imrie
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