HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-07-01, Page 7T
Page 6 - Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Proprietor caul published b% Bowes Publishers, P.O. Box 220, 120 Huckins Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 4B6
We stand on guard for thee
Canada is a magnificent country.
And as we celebrate 142 years of nationhood, it is fitting that Canadians
reflect on the colourful history that is ours and, despite the recessionary
economy, the bounty of our land and the opportunities it presents.
Our history is a rich tale of a group of determined and strong-willed pio-
neers who carved out a new life in the wilderness.
Armed with only a few possessions and an indomitable spirit, they saw the
unparalleled potential of this new land. They were right and they called it
Our Canada is a land of opportunity and potential.
It is a land of unquestionable beauty, promise and potential.
As we celebrate Canada Day, let us reflect on the positive aspects of the
Canada is:
The first sunrise of a brand new day peeking over the craggy shoreline of
the country's most easterly point in Newfoundland.
The big open sky of the prairie provinces.
Bright colours dancing on the calm waters of Goderich Harbour during the
annual fireworks display.
The rapture of the first delicate snowfall of the winter season.
A prairie field of golden wheat dancing playfully in the summer breeze.
A quiet mist hovering over one of thousands of pristine inland lakes.
The awe-inspiring sight of the Rocky Mountains rising majestically over
the Western landscape.
Loonies and Toonies.
The playful antics and sardonic grin of Rick Mercer.
The warm embrace and exalted promise of the Spring sun in March.
A cool fog rolling in over Lake Huron on a muggy aftemoon.
The delightful squeals of children engaged in a playful game of road
The delightful squeals of children engaged in a playful game of politics in
the House of Commons and Legislature.
The brilliant, amazing, and comforting colours of the fall season.
The playful banter between Ron McLean and Don Cherry on the Coach's
Comer segment of Hockey Night in Canada.
The penetrating light of the lighthouse steering sailors safely into Goderich
The tight formation of a honking V-shaped group of Canada Geese heading
to warner climes.
The sight of the CN Tower rising empirically over the skyline of the city of
The stately and historic elegance of the architecture of places like Quebec
City and Ottawa.
The absolute splendor of watching a golden sun dip gently into the cool
waters of Lake Huron at the end of a glorious summer's eve.
The shrill cry of a loon.
The view of the Maitland River from the Menesetung Bridge.
A national news broadcast that airs at 10 p.m. across the country and 10:30
in Newfoundland.
Stanley Cup finals in June.
The Great Lakes. The Bay of Fundy.
The Goderich Signal -Star,
published every Wednesday at Goderich, Ontario is one of The
Signal -Star Publishing Group of Community Newspapers, a division
of Bowes Publishers. The Goderich Signal Star shall not be liable for
failure to publish an ad for typographical errors in publication
except to the extent of the cost of that portion of the ad in which the
error occurred. The Goderich Signal -Star reserves the right to reject
or edit any advertisement.
The Goderich Signal -Star is a proud member of the Canadian
Community Newspapers Association (CCNA) and The Ontario
Community Newspapers Association (OCNA).
Editorial Deadlines...
All Advertising Deadii
Entertainment, Births,
In Memoriams...
Display Advertising...
Walk for Miracles draws 1,000
To the Editor;
Wow! Sunny skies and fair breezes set the
stage for the 5th Annual Wal-Mart Walk for
Miracles. Over 1,000 walkers from south-
western Ontario came together and raised
$100,128 - all for the kids and the Children's
Miracle Network!
Team Goderich 3126 came to play too on
their big yellow bus celebrating the success
of our local campaign.
So if you bought a hotdog, a balloon,
dunked our management team, or made any
donation - a huge thank you to you for your
generous support.
All funds raised locally support the
Children's Hospital of Western Ontario -
London (our local regional hospital).
Thank you for making a difference in a
child's life - it's all for the kids!
Joanne Doherty
Goderich 3126 Wal-Mart
Classifieds & Subscription...
Friday at 2 pm Accounting...
Friday at 2 pm
Dave Sykes
Dominique Milburn
Gerard Creces
Denny Scott
Office Manager...
Display Sales...
Advertising Manager...
Judy Austin
Rhonda Butt
Mary Johnston
Janet Shrier
Lisa McLaren
Keith Moreland
Kevin Shrier
gssads@bowesnet.com, goderichads@bowesnet.com
www goderichsignalstarcom
Circulation Dept.,
120 Nuc kn St., P.O. Box 120,
GodetIch, O
N7A 186
(519) 524.2614
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of
Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP),
toward our mailing costs.