HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-07-01, Page 6Some union employees remain on the job until October From page 4 of these guys. They are grader build- ers and I'm proud of the quality of the product they put out," he said. "I am not proud of the transition but we had to do it. The members received decent training and give the company credit, they didn't just pick up and leave." Acknowledging that Thursday, the last day of work in the plant, was a difficult and solemn occasion, John Young, Hor- ton and Anderson spoke of the dignity exhibited by the production employees in finishing up the job with pride. "It's a difficult day," Young said. "It's too bad it ended this way but we knew that sooner or later the company could move." Company and government funding provided training courses, workshops and off-site training for all employees. Anderson said the union had earmarked skills and leadership tjaining for the membership adding that "they'll be look- ing for jobs that simply don't exist." As many as 80 unionized employees will be working through to September or October in Research and Development, maintenance and getting tools and ma- chinery ready for relocation or auction. Some will be working to the end of the year. Another 15 employees will provide training at the Shippensburg, Pennsylva- nia plant. The Action Centre, an employment resource centre, will remain open in the plant for employee use at any time. "The union will still be here to help employees in any way we can," Horton said. OlUEBECOR MErnA Bowes Publishers Limited A Subsidiary of Sun Media Corporation - A Quebecor Company The Goderich Signal -Star, published every Wednesday, 52 stns year, at Goderich, Ontario is one of The Star Publis ing Group of Community Newspapers. The ridi Signal -Star shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for typographical errors in publication on except b the extent of the cost of that portion of the ad in which the error ooatrred. The Goderich Signal -Star reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisemea Subscription rate is $42.00 per year pkv GST The Goderich Signal -Star is a member of The Canadian Newspaper Association (CCNA), The Ontario Community Newspaper Assodatbon (OCNA), and the Ontario Press Council. For any non deliveries or delivery concerns please call 519- 524-2614. Rehm all undelivered, changes of address and sub- sa ption order to address below Publications Mail Agreement No. 40064683 PAP Registration No. 7602 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Circulation Dept. P.O. Box 220, 120 Hucklns St., Gadsrlch, Ont., N7A 456 (519) 524-2614 email: sspdro@bowesnet.00m We acknowledge the Randal support of the Government of Canada through the P bications Assistance Program towards our mating costs. CanadS Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - Page A5 Sunday collision results in critical injuries COLLISION SENDS TWO TO HOSPITAL (Huron East, ON) At approxi- mately 3:30 p.m. on June 28, a motorcycle with two riders col- lided with a car at the intersec- tion of Cranbrook Road and Liv- ingston Line. The motorcycle had been travelling south on Liv- ingston Line which is controlled with a yield sign. The car was travelling west on Cranbrook Road. The two motorcycle riders were initially taken to the Li- stowel Hospital but were then taken to London Health Sci- ences Center for treatment of critical injuries. The 48 -year-old male driver and the 47 -year-old female passenger are both from the Kitchener area. The car was being driven by a 17 -year-old male with a 44 -year-old female passenger. They are both from the Brussels area. The two oc- cupants of the car were treated at the scene for minor injuries. Both had been wearing their seatbelts. The intersection was closed for several hours as OPP Tech- nical Collision Investigators ex- amined the scene. The investiga- tion continues and charges may be pending. BREAK & ENTER TO FARM BUSINESS (Huron East, ON) Sometime during the night of June 25-26, unknown suspect(s) broke into a farm business yard on Sanctuary Line and stole several items. The gate to the yard was cut open and once inside, the thieves entered a pickup truck with the keys in- side. The truck was hooked up to a trailer and an ATV was loaded. All three items were then driven out of the yard. Stolen items are: 2005 blue Ford F150 pick- up truck with Ontario licence #5454WN 2002 black homebuilt steel utility trailer with Ontario licence #7403F 2002 grey Polaris Magnum ATV with Ontario marker #05006 Anyone with information is en- couraged to call the Huron OPP at 1-800-310-1122 or CRIME STOPPERS- 1 -800 -222 -TIPS (8477). DRIVER CHARGED WITH OVER 80 On June 27, at approximately 1 a.m., a vehicle was stopped by a Huron OPP officer shortly after leaving a Goderich restaurant. While speaking to the driver, the officer detected the odour of an alcoholic beverage. The officer made a demand for the driver to provide a sample of his breath at the roadside and the driver com- plied and failed. He was then arrested and taken back to the Huron Detachment where he met with a qualified Breathalyzer Technician to provide two more samples of his breath. The read- ings confirmed he had over two times the legal limit of alcohol in his system at the time of driving. As a result of the investigation, a 24 -year-old Hamilton man was charged with one count of Drive With Over 80 Milligrams of Al- cohol. He is scheduled to return to Goderich Court on August 10. Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS1 Waterproof • Shockproof • Dustproof Gear up for active outdoor fun with a rugged hybrid still/motion image that makes it easy to capture beautiful photos and HD movies. Waterproof, shockproof and dustproof, this is one tough little camera that you can take wherever the action takes you. Lumix DMC-FS7 2.7" LCD 10.1MP 4x Optical Zoom The Lumix FS Series is part of a new and stylish sister -line of the highly - acclaimed LUMIX FX -Series. Combining easy operation with a sleek and colourful look, these digital stiff cameras allow both beginner and advanced users to take beautiful digital photos with a camera that slips in a pocket. IC Carman's foto sourceTM Lumix D ; 25 3.0" LCD 12.1MP 5x Optical Zoom Offer expires 112 The Square Goderich Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 6:00, Friday 9:00 - 7:00, Saturday 9:00 - 5:30 Lumix DMC -ZS Perfect for travel, this 10.1MP, 3.0" LCD compact, high zoom camera makes it easy to shoot beautiful photos and HD movies. Shoot 25mm wide-angle scenes to dynamic 300mm telephoto shots with the 12x Optical Zoom. July 12, 2009. 519-524-7924