HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-8-31, Page 5T
$T, 1022.
Sunday was automobile Sunday, at
the ` church here. Thep astor re-
ciueeted that all members owning
ears bring them to church filled.
Consequently there were large ;'con -
re ations both morning and even-
ing.g g
ing.The choir provided some splen-
did nntslo. Mr. Pellet,' :of London,
sang a Very pleasing solo in the'even
Dr. •an Mrs, iii f
d 4I are o New York
State, are visiting • the hatter's sister,
Mee, Richards,
Mr. Aitkens, wife and ,sen,,,of Tor-
onto, have 'been ..visitiu for• several
days with Mrs itkeiis';tparents•. Mer
and Mrs.am el
S u Smith.,,
Mr. 1Vterriott, wife and children, of.
'Loudon, are visiting > their -cousin,
Mr, Jas. Oke.
The Leaguea will hold social even-
ing on the pareonage grounds next
Tuesday evening, The radiophone
will be there the weather is favor-
able. i
Mr. Byron Hicks delivered ei gh eight
heavy d gran lit horses averaging 1650
lbs to Gib. Dow this week, for a sub-
sta ucial price.
;Messrs Alf Paul, of Kiz;kton, and
Wm. Brock loaded six cars of cattle
for the Liverpool market on Tuesday.
Wm. and Thos. Brock accompanying
the stock.
;Fver, notice t t.,rt. aw.
is married -to a big man she i s boss
and if a. big woman is married to
little ma ire 'bas 1.ao?
LII II I Illllllllllll
Illlitr :
J I IC IIIIIINII I 11111111111111111.
Mr. S. M. Sanders has decided' t`o discon-
tinue as local representative for McLaughlin
Motor Car Co. Ltd. which Company is now
o en to receive applications for this: agency in
Exeter and adjoining territory.
Address all correspondence to
Corner Richmond & Bathurst St.
London, Ont.
Have you seen the' new 1923 McLaughlin
of re_ .lbu jn p
r^see t? -e'`
T1, E(tel
The Car with
TOURING $1370 — ROADSTER $1325 SEDAN $2350,
COUPE $1525.
F. O. 13. Windsor, (Tax Included.)
Some Real Bargains in Used Cars
Huron Garage
Pilon 84 Foote
affords unequalled opportunityfor the investment of small
or large amounts for the purchase of an annuity ot"frorr $50
to $5,000 a year for life, to begin immediately or at any future
age desired, and to be paid in monthly or quarterly, instal_
Annuities may be purchased on a single life, or on the
lives of two persons jointly.
After contract issues, no restriction as to residence.
Employers may purchase fol' their employees—School
Boards for their teachers --Congregations for their Ministers.
Cannot be seized or levied upon.
No Medical` examination required.'
Free from Dominion Income Tax.
Descriptive booklet may be obtained by applying to the
Postmaster or bywriting, postage free, to S. .T. Bastedo,
Superintendent Dominion Gevernn' ant' Annuitims, Ottas a.
When writing, kindly State sex, and age or agei( last birthday.
MEE= 1330108
'Miea family . MurrayMnrray Holtzman, of. Ostroff, A "very pleasant s t f In 1y
ho id aYinb this week at'tlts zoie took
place s on
the term o
f Mr.
. Sa
4f his mother, Mrs.Geo.Holt aar: Scott, concession 12 Meetlli zay, on
Nsat Sunday evening the pulpit of August 20th,when 118 relatives were
the Methodist church will be occu- present from Various places,includ-
tibY Mz,Johnston,of Exeter, the zig PortH
ran Detroit, Sarnia,
St. .
pastor, Rev, Brook being in 7ozorito. Thomas, Sombra, Niagara and other
. ,
Mr. and Mrs Ezra Faist and child- po.
inas nearer. A u
ni ue fe
e of
ice- have returned froz_a motor tiiP thedaywas an address by Miss Guest
to paints in Michigan. a relative from Toz•onte. Miss Guest
Nrand Mrs. Fred Haist and Miss visited dIrei Ireland during the war and
Lo Bette and•est •a
s Clara •nc z 1 horn the
motored to Sarnia saw thea e o Scotts
Saturday to attend the wedding of and also the port from which e.
Mr. Herb Haist. family started 'on then vo'Y-e F1a ax
a .,.,9trt"
, Russell' •lt ieeV _f . .
Mr, Clark, •yv.ti , been §i flan ee d'a s to l
a o has - ^ voel.s a d y the new land
holida iz h
y z with his parents,14Ir andof Canada°. Her description g H p en and
Mrs: F. W. Clark .returned to Sarna comments wexe veryinih 'en,' °ed
Tuesday by rotor, ac om anied b and'-apiireezated by all iresent, Af-
Y l
his sister, Miss Merle Clark, ter the address, a bountiful ' lunch
Mr. and, Mrs. Ian Swartz and chit- was served under the trees on the
dren, 'of Benmilier, spent the week -lawn. Pians are 'tinder way
,w k to hold
end with Mrs. Swartz's mother, Mrs. next year's reunion at Kettle Point.
Geo, Holtzman.
On Saturday, August 26th, at the
home of the bride's parents, Sarnia,
Ont., a very pretty weding was .sol-
emnized, when Bessie L. Young be-
came the bride 'of Mr, Herbert Hoist, Boy Killed —Bert Cook, the 14 -
of this village. Miss Losetta Hoist, year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
sister of the ,groom played the wed- Cools, Stratford; was struck and in -
ding march and the ceremony was stantly killed by an auto on the Heir-
performed by Rev. Dr. J. J. Patterson on road east of Dublin about 4 0' -
in the pz'eseuce of immediate rela-
and friends. The young couple
left on the afternoon train for Toron-
to, thence to Muskoka, and on their
return will reside in 'Muskoka, Ill.
Mrs: C. E. Hamuller, of Detroit,
who lias spent the past two months
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Either, returned home on 1Vtouday.
Miss Beryl Hill and her cousin,
'Miss. Gertrude` Duncan who haye been
visiting the former•'s parents, itir.
and Mrs. • Isaac Hill, left Friday for
Moosejaw, Sask., Mrs. Hill going' as
far as London with them and spend-
ing the week -end there.
Miss Doris Werner, of London,
spent the week-end'the guest 'of Miss
Vera Holtzman.
Mr. and Mrs. A.E.' Kuhn are spend-
ing a week at Lake View House,
Grand Bend.
Miss Verna Fitzgerald, of Port
Huron spent a few days last week the
guest of Miss Merle Clark,
Mr. and Mrs. Kelofer, missionaries
on furlough from China and their
children are visiting with Mrs. Belo
Per's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gottleib
Brown. Miss Crissy Brown is also
holidaying with her parents.
Mrs: H. E. Rapley and daughter,
Norma, returned totheir home in
Marietta ' Friday.
Mr. A. T. Cooper of Cinton occu-
pied the pulpit in the Evangelical
,Church Sunday evening.
Mrs, J. G. Marr, of Cleveland, Ohio
-who ,has spent the past month with
p nts; Mr. and Mrs' C, F:
her, 'returned to her' home ^Iast week
accompanied by her brother Elgin,
They left on the S.S.'Colonial from
'Port Stanley.
clock Sunday afternoon, Aug:' 20th.
The car was driven by Robert Ormes-
ton, a machanic employed by Fawn's
garage, Mitchell. Ormeston had
been taking a supply of gas to a car
.Stranded on ,the road, and was .return: -
lug to Mitchell. In company with a
companion, John McCallum, young
Cook was cycling toward Mitchell
when the car approached them from
behind. According to Ormeston, he
sounded the horn when approaching
the boys, and the Cook boy evidently
became confused and turned directly
in front of the automobile. He says
that he made every effort- to avoid
the accident by turning into the ditch
but without' avail.. John Reeve who
was with the driver of the car, receiv-
ed several cuts about the face when
he was thrown through the wind-
shield. ' The remains were viewed by
Coroner Dr. Armstrong, who ordered.
an inquest ' and impaneled a ` jury.
The lad is survived by three sisters
and seven brothers. The jury brought
in a verdict commending the driver's
effort to avoid striking the boy. He
is out with $10,000 bail.
Mrs. Smythe and two . little sons,
of Nelson, B. C., who have been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. C. Cook, left.
on Saturday for Kincardine, where
sh "wzl vz"'rind for fortnight.
e 1 nt 'friends o fon n g
'MissEmziY' Smillie, of Toronto,
spent a few 'days of last week with
her brother, Mr. A. Smillie and sister,
Mrs. John Elder, returning home on
Monday evening accompanied by Mrs.
Elder, who will visit for a few weeks
Dashwood with relatives in Toronto. Miss
Smillie wiIl`not,return to the mission
field;. in India, where she has spent
the past seyen years, she .having ae-
cepted a position on tho CColleggiate
staff at Brantford, Ont.
Mrs. Thos. Welsh who has been
visiting for some time in the North-
West, has returned home.
Mrs. J. J. White, of Outlook, Sask.,,
who has been visiting relatives in
Detroit for the past two months, is
now the guest of Miss White and Mrs.
Mrs. McNeil, who was called home
owing to the death of her father, the
late Mr. R. J. Drysdale, left for her.
home in Stowell, AIta.
Mr. G. M. McKenzie, of Clinton,
is acting as manager of the Sterling
Bank, during the absence of Mr. J:L,
Meek, who is away on a two weeks'
Mr. John Taylor met withea serious
accident on Tuesday wliile' unloading
oats in the barn on Dr. Moir's farm.
The trip rope broke and he fell from
the load, breaking his arm and re-
ceiving a number of bruises:
The work in connection with the
paving of our Main street is being
pushed forward., The street west of
the track is being put in shape for
paving. The deep ditches on the
side of thestreet have been filled and
the top gravel on. the road is being
removed and placed on other streets.
Mrs. Florence Glenn, of Grace Hos-
pital, Detroit, is, visiting her sister,
Mrs. A. L. Case.
Miss L. Ortwein,,; of Toronto, is
spending a holiday with Mier parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein.
Miss. Jessie Buchanan, of Hensall,
who has been teaching recently at
Sault. Ste. Marie, has been engaged
for the primary department of Hen -
sail school,
Smillie met with an unfortun-
ate and painful accident on Tuesday
while fixing iiia car. Mr. Smillie had
the car jacked up and had his hand
between the spring and the axle when
the jack slipped from under the car
pinning his hand between the axle
and the spring. The hand was data -
aged to the extent that it tool: nine
titclies to close, the wound.
A very pretty wedding took place.
on August 9th, in" trinity Anglican
Church, Bayfield, when Muriel Chrit-
sene, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Geo.
King, became the wife of Morley C.
Hart, assistant master in Clinton St.
school in Toronto. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. R. C. Plats,
Thewedding march was played by :
Miss S. C. Barr, aunt of the bride. '
It is pleasant to live in the country The bridesmaid was Miss Anita Graham
where you know, so tunny people trod loam of Loudon, while A. F. King,
'pleasant; to live in the city 'where se' brother of the bride adted as grooms-
few people know yo';.,,:
Mr. Ervin McIsaac left Monday for
Leamington where he has secured a
Miss Verda Fassold visited a few
days in Highgate last week.
Mrs. Beringer and children, of Pit-
tsburg, Pa., visited in this vicinity
last week.
Rev: Graupner and Mr. Otto Miller,
are attending the Synod in Fisher-
ville this week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan and
daughter Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs: E.
Tiernan and son Eugene, are visiting
in Stratford this week.. `
Mrs. Arletta 'Willert and children,
of Zurich, spent a few days last week
with Mrs. J. Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J,. Dennis, of Det-
roit and Mrs. Granger and ' daughter
Thelma, of Sarnia spent the week-
end with friends here.
Miss Gladys Guenther and Idella
Bender are attending the Y.P.A. Con-
vention in Chesley this week as dele-
Mr. Louis Kleinstiver Jr. and niece.'
Miss 'Flossie Kleinstiver visited
friends in Detroit last week. ''-
Miss G. Finkbeiner is visiting- in
A happy gathering took place on
Tuesda3 August 22nd, at the home
of 'Mr. Thomas Washburn, when the,
whole Washburn family , assembled
from various parts of Ontario to meet
their brother George,' • who has been
absent for over forty, +' years in ;tlze.
Western States. He spent neatly
thirty years in the jewelry business
in Nebraska at which he made a
marked success. •, He is now living in
Los Angeles, Cal.. Present at the
gathering were four brothers and one
sister: Allen, of Tilbury West, Essex
Co.;Robert, of Harriston; • Frank, of
Guelph; Thomas • of 'Usborne and Mrs.
John Caldwell, of Hensall. The most
distinguished guest present was the
aged mother who IS in:her 92nd year
and despite her advanced age has re-
tained all her faculties and is quite
smart and able to take care of her-
self. It is needless to say that she
was delighted to have her family with
her on this happy occasion. The on-
ly member of the family absent was
her daughter, Sarah Jane, whois et-
gaged as a nurse in Toronto. 9..
Slzeciale services were held in St.
PatricWs:Anglican Sunday School
hall on Sunday, da , Au ust 20th, it
y g being
t etlz anniversars
of the oen
inb of the Sunday Schoolhere. Rev,
.L. Garrett, G °e t, of fi es , oz t
the services morningand evening.
h l
On Wednesday afternoon, •noon August
23rd, the annual SundaySchool 0l 1
nis washeld of the grounds of Mr..
Fred .Davis when a very pleasant
time was spent by about twohuz hundred
eople. In the early part of the af-
ernoon ,,;the. , children e "o ed -»tine
t 1 Tz) y
;swings and other 'auiusements pro-
vi them. -
ed for h m.:An interesting feat-
, st g t
ue ofthe.• afternoon a
r aft, z z n y s a game;of
soft ball in which the married ladies
defeated the single. Then came the
races followed by a supper served by
the ladies, iwhich a re
d n all we .ready
to take part. Supper being over
very fitting "speeches were made by
the rector, . Rev. C.D. Pherrill, Mr,
Henry Strang, clerk of Usborne
Township, and others.
The winners of the races were as
Girls under 6—Marjorie Isaac,
Mary Hodgins, Florence Mitchell.
Boys under 6—Roy Hunter, Bruce
Isaac, Willie Quinton,
Girls 6 to 8 --Doris Hodgins, Helen
Dickson, Alice Coleman.
Boys 6 to 8—George Hotham,
Bruce Abbott, Maurice McDonald.
Girls 8 to 12 -Leda McFalls, Mary
MacDonald, Mary Burnett.
Boys 8 to 12—Harvey Godbolt,,
Clifford Hoth'
ani, Ivan Needham.
Boys 12 to 16—Percy Dickens,
Cecil IVIcFalls, Clarence Davis.
Young Ladies' Race-Gerta Hun-
ter, Mary Dickens, Alexia Dickens.
Younk Men's Race—Gordon Wash-
burn, Heber Davis,' Harry Carrol.
Married Ladies' Race=1Vlrs. Fred
Hodgins and Mrs. Alfie 'McFalls
(equal,) Mrs. Mark Hodgins.
Married Men's Race—Fred Hod-
gins, George Davis, Frank Smith.
Fat Ladies' Race—Mrs. (Dr.)
Orine, Mrs. Thos. Willis, ! Mrs. Chas.
Boys Three-legged Race—Cecil
McFalls and Harry Carrol, Tom
Quinton and Win.' Smith, Gordon
Davis and Gordon Wahburn.
In the evening the boys played an
interesting baseball game in which
the side chosen by Gordon Davis de-
feated that of Gordon Washburn,
N. Be
Usborne :
Mr. Duncan McDougal principal
of a Kingston public' is visiting his
mother here.
Miss Clara Bolton commences s lei-
duties at teacher in the public school
for No. 7, Hib. rt
beg on. Sept. 7.'
111r. W, Kerslake accompanied
friends on a motorw'trip to Toronto
Mrs. Goodfellow, of Toronto, is the
guest of her cousins • Mr. and Mrs.
John, Genn.
Miss.. McMordie, of London, who
has been visiting Mr, and Mrs. W. N.
Glenn and other relatives for the past
:two weeks ,has returned, home.
A meeting of the U.F.W.O. will be
heldat the home of Mrs. Andrew
Moir on Friday afternoon, Septa 8th.
An excellent program is : being pre-
pared and a large attendeuee is ex-
On Tuesday of last .week the far-
mers and their wives and families of
the fourth and fifth concession of Us -
borne Township took a holiday which
was spent at Springbank Park. The
weather for the day was ideal, the
rain which threatened to come in the
afternoon passed away; so it was
rather dull, but that wasmuchbetter
than the sun pouring down its hot
rays. ' Over one hundred people sat
down to a sumptuous meal which
farmer's wives alone know how to
prepare. The tine spent at the table
was one of laughter and much talk -
rng, Sports were earried on tiarough.-
out the day, ',One of the speeial feat-
ures was the game of soft ball, which
was played in the evening betweer
the young ladies and the young men,
the men usin the left hand. T
tising d, LZte
umpire was Milton Drock a as
zld he
always was known as a ladies' man
he certainly was true to lits name:
Just before dusk the horns of the
cars began to honk and all started o i'
their way home, having enjoyed
l,well earned holiday ;and passing on.
unanimous vote that the Community
picnic be held ' extyear
e z again at
Many of 1
ny the older residents of this
section.. will learn with regret
of the
death of an old and highly esteemed
former resident de t of this Thames Road,
in the person of Mrs. Thos," Allen,
who for many years kept store on, the
Thames. Road, familiarly known as
Alien's Corners, she ;having' passed
away at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Leach, Winnipeg, on Saturday,
August 12
g She had reached the
great age of 94 years and 6 'months.
Mrs. Alien left these parts about 35
years ago for Winnipeg, where she
had since made her home with her
daughter. Besides her daughter Mrs.
Leach, she is survived by one son,
Thomas, of Joliette, Quebec. The
funeral took place on Tuesday, Aug-
ust 15th` in Winnipeg.
000DT>Jv ,
Ik rz; 'T
A liberal rate of interest and abso-
lute security is the attractive offer
madeby the Minister of Finance to
holders of the Canadian Government
war loan bonds maturing December'
1, 1922. The offer is not made to
investors generally, but only to the
holders of the bonds soon to mature.
The bonds to, be retired, bearing in-
terest -at
nterest-at five and one-half per cent,
will becharged for new bonds bear-
ing the same rate of interest. See
the advertisement of the Minister of
Automobile'races, with a half score
of internationally known speed kings
in competition, will feature the West-
ern Fair at London on Saturday- af-
ternoon, September 16th. according
to Secretarye-A M. Hunt, whb has just
completed negotiations for a sanction
from the lnternational Motor. Contest
Drivers with their high . speed
mounts, direct from the speedways,
will be included among the pilots en-
tered in the seven events competing
for the $2,000 purse money. Severe
al of the stars listed to drive in the
Canadian National Exhibition events
at Toronto will be induced to come
here as well as pilots from Detroit,
Chicago, San Francisco and Western
All of the drivers to compete in
the' races here will be licensed pro-
fessionals eligible to compete for the
world's track championship. The cars
will be inspected by officials of the
International Motor Contest Associa-
tion and must conform to the rulings
governing the latest type of speed
'Because of the exceptional purses
offered and the magnitude of the
Western Fair speed events, fair offi-
cials here believe that one of the
greatest gasoline speed festivals ever
held in. the. Dominion will result from
the plans they have made to thrill the
thousands of spectators who will
gather here.
Attention has been turned to the
fair grounds track here and a crew
of men will begin improvements with-
in the next few days to provide the
speed kings with their powerful ma-
chines with ideal -conditions under
which to drive.
Always Borrowing.
A teaspoonful of gossip will taint a
kettle full of pure truth.
Viini Nettie reli, of Detroft, is
itiug friends; izz Z rich,
Miss las ,Mai
d.a E. Itoutledge ae is a
ding the Toronto znillizzaz°y one m
1< z and Mrs. "G
, i, . B,Coltee an,
e ,
le Bettie are aidiiz tl e s
Y spa x bond
In C•llathazn,
Miss Lillian LViaeiolz w no . r ''*'
l lu 'S
roit 'he
t tlae n
1 ast mon ,l
1 # n zzz De
returned home.
T• R
J: z
ng, 'of Kitchener, vlzo
has been visitin e
g. b z nnotlaez, 1Vfrs,
Haugh, for Bonze tune, has' returned ,r
to her liozzze.
Ivlr, azidrs.
M Sarik- Freid, 'yvhoa;,^
aSnetaatle, fWowahw
,eeks vw.
here 1ett lastweek., ortheirhome
Mr. and Mrs, Wes. ' Kibbl
er, of,
Los Angeles, Cal., are visiting rela-
tives here.
Miss V. Siebert is attez
aduzg the
millinery openings at -Toronto, after
which she will resume her duties at
The bee that gets the honey
doesn't hang around the hive.
Once there was a handsome man
who wasn't conceited about his looks.
The poor fellow was blind.;
rol,iaifriSJ.RiP,, . ee-
Mail Free Course
The leading Commercial School
in Western Ontario offers a free
course by mail to those who purpose'
entering' Business College in Septem-
ber. By "home study" you can
shorten your 'school term. Our grad-
uates are meeting with success, ..
Write at once for particulars.
D. A. McLachlan,
Unexcelled dining car- se vice.
Sleeping. cars on night trains. E Oid
parlor cars on principal' day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent
or C. E. Hor-
ning, District Passenger Agent,
N. J.- DORE Agent, Exeter,
Phone 46w.
Wire Fence
6 line wires, 40 in. high, 9 stays,
per rod 33c.
7 line wires, 40 in. high, 9 stays, ,.
per rod 38c
8 line wires, 40 in. high, 12 says,
per rod 47c
Compare these prices with mail
order firms.
White Pine 1x6 V siding, $40.00
White Pine 1x8 in, 10 in. and 12 in.
Ashphalt Shingles, B. C. Cedar
Shingles, Cedar Posts and dots of
Frost Fence on hand.
A. J.
The steadily increasing percentage of sat--,
isfied Imperial Polarine users is convinc-
ing proof that the right grade of imperial
Polarine is, giving the greatest degree of
lubricating service and satisfaction to
Canadian automobile and truck owners.
Check up your car on the imperial Chart.
of Reccnifl aendations. Use the grade of
Imperial Polarine Motor Oils recommen-
ecom men-ded exclusively.
Manufacturers and Marketers of Imperial
.Polarine Motor Oils and Marketer::
in Canada of Gargoyle Mobiloil,