HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-8-31, Page 1• , 1;5 440RTY-S'ECON D YEAR -Not 227 EXETER; ONT.; THURSDAY RNING, AUGUST 31th., 1922 *Jas. Willis, of the third Exeter',Couned sion of StePhen is quite ill with prima.- tHitIifflwn itimiumingunnuminiminopinpon nomummilimumiimumbarniamunommomminmullimininaluaninifilltimati- ....- aaaa, MOM/ 0.10= arnsiday, Augnst 28th, 1-912 • P4e' 99 = The MuniCiPd1 Council of the Vil- = • Mont . His manyfriends ope tor o.rotaatai :AMMO> „anima. fc)i- .9e2riiculeir-`)Tra.cie minuanuilluMW111144110111110unou sz- wipuntunummumuoimmulunitilli t Wawa, Mama :dam. MINNS i!mitlitstui."'Ciona-muntoulinidnitiluiumuimmutiiinaummituthatifiumuigaunumnlitiUlluolinglininnifilil tioniumenswmingutig See our Boy's School Suits • with two pair Bloomers See our Boys' School Boots at $2.00: $2.50 $2.90 MEN'S FINE GOOD -YEAR WELTSHOES' 'It is a long time ,since you were able to buy Men's Goodyear Welt Shoes at $5.00 & $ 6.00. We have them now, the greatest value in yet. Don't buy an ordinary slabe"-When Goodyear's are selling at the following prices in either Black or Brown , •", • " $5.00 $6.00 $6.50 These are the new low prices and we have either goods lines and $4.50 , ' rnatl/S. 'AMAMI • URUS CALF WORK -BOOTS $4.50 @ $4.-75 Our work boots are making a great hit. Genuine tints. Calf @ $4.50 and $4.75 brings us big business. Also William's Famous Farm -boots -at pre war -prices $5.00 s ,•„, •, •- • HURIJ141./-*'.-$110e$'''''',VOltaCRULDRETIT' .:`*--,:sn's•-•:' . • laze of Exeter met, with Councilor alaMO, = Ellerington absent. ' •= lc The Minutes ef the meeting , held =,;„ .Asng us t 1,4 tb.; were, read and confirm- sp"ne referred report on the placing f an eldctric light at the corner of Mill and May streets was considered. Mot,ioii per' Hooper -Davis-- that =". said Electric Light Lamp be placed, = and that for thi,s; Year no more lamps -=will be -placed on,,streets. Carried, • • Per Francis---LHooper--That the E. name of Will J. Knight be inserted on the Soldier& 'Memorial Monument. = Carried. The" following accounts were read 'and ordered paid:: W. Coates Coun- = Ford, labor cemetery $17.50; .Dr. J. ty Registrar, IiYilaw $2.15; Cecil n-.%=; W. Browning, ,boarcl of health acct. $37.10;- 'Gordon Appleton, board for = A. Bolton, $2.50;L R. Carling, :Mum- icipal Trees Bend', $8.00; John Norry = saw sps: sEinest Appleton labor, $22 labOr;' $4:00; Thos. Appleton labor, 50. John -Parsons labor, $15.90; R = Qnance, labor $3.00; Peter Coleman *MOW Gomm lab 0,1,144 45.. Paaaed on- motion of Hooper arid,. = Davis: Carried. = Adjournment by Davis. - Jos. Senior Clerk amain IMMO = EXETER 41UNIO1S WIN DISTRICT EXPL'CT,10 IEL'STRA'PFORD IN SEA IT -FINALS = .. • s• i = The:Exeter junors are winners. of ...'= theira,group lathe N.W.B.A. They = landedlthe honors on Friday evening = last when, they defeated Lucan in the = latter town by -the close score of 8-7. = The game was a'tussle all the way = with neither team leading very strong = :at any one time...Thompson hit a = homer that •scored three runs. The = locals expect to meet Stratford the =. latter part of the week, the game not = having been arranged at present. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 'We are Exeter Agents "for Hurlbut Shoes. - Bave the Children's feet -lay. • • . • = .. getting them properly fitted ,Shoes. Iluriblit's are" the best buy en the ' •-= market for children. ' '' - ' , = • . ,, . • - • ' ,. LADIES' & IHISSES SUITS, COATSand DRESSES • 'NEW STYLES, NEW CLOTHS, NEW COLORS and LOWER PRICES in all these garments for Fall and 'Winter. Our stock is now complete so make your selection early and get the choice. Fur Collars predominate. - We also have a nice range of the plain Browleigh Coats. ' FURS .. FURS . , . We are ,.placing on sale this week our entire Stock of Fur Sets; odd • neck pieces and Muffs. We have about forty beautiful sets of Wolf, "Fox and Seal etc., to be sold at cost and less. This is a real opportunity to get a first class set at a bargain. , • one ay. PHONE 32 PHONE 32 lemma aaala MOOS • •••••- 1 11•11•1111. pme*rums -The Directorsof the Exeter Horti- cultural Sobiety have decided .to. give asFall„Preiniuni to members -in, addi- tion to the liberal spring premiums alreadY distriba4d. Each member -will receive,'#6V;IZalYtalip •bulbssand will also haite,the Opportunity of pia': 'chasing a further. quantay at whole - Sale prides as the Society has ordered • - • soine 3,000 bulbs from Holland. The ghenibers will alao.ha,ve the benefit of reduced_ priees on a.limited number of choice hyacinths for winter bloom. The- Society expects the shipment to arrive about the end September when .distribution will be made at Once and, Stliose wishing supplies should speak early so as not to be disappointed. BOWLING NOTES • A rink of bowlers are attending Blyth tournament to -day (Wednes- day.) . ' .• Threerinks of bowlers from town will take part in the London Rowing Club tournament on Labor Day. The winners of the weekly tourney Al11111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r. on the ne7siing green en Friday even- . ing I st ere: 11. Fuke, 'C.B. Snell BY USING Lowe Bros. High Standard Pure Paints IN TINS 75c $1.40 $2.65 and $5 0.0 Lowe Bros: Mellotone Paints 'FOR INSIDE141IVOI'rit•HVIC IN TINS 75c $1.40 $2.65 and $5.00 Lowe Bros. Auto Gloss ALL COLORS FOR BUGGIES AND AUTOS Nlitresco Ala bastitte Wall Finish. 70c per Pkge. Wall Finish 65c per pkge. A11 Colora, , All Colors • ChirNamel and Carmote , VARNISH STAINS , • , . FOR FINISHING AND BEAUTIFYING FURNITIIRE, P'LOORS•ETC. 3.1 OFF ALL BASEBALL GLOVES AND MITTS SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS LAWN MOWERS .• 1-3 BURNER NEW PROCESS 'OIL STOVE 5,1 oFr ALL 11AlVt1v1Oous OFF ALL RUBBER HOSE TINSMITHLNG AND PLUMBING Special Anniversary Servines znorn- irig.and evening of ,SePt. 3rd in Trivi'tt • Meinorial Church, when Rev.. W. E. Macmillaa, R. A., of Ingersollt,vhi preach, • . Larkin, Rev. Mr. of Seaforth, con - ,ducted the union services in Main St. Church last Sabbath and preached two very acceptable sermons. Rev. Dr. Medd, former pastor, was present and assisted with tlid morning ser- vice. Miss Blanch Senior and Mrs. Foote sang. two pleasing solos. BORN KESTLE In UsbOrne, on August 27 to, Mr, and Mrs. Rufus " Kestle, ETEPBURN-In Stephen, on Auglist 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hep- burn, a son. ' LUXTON-In Usborne, on August 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton, a son. • CREWS -In Exeter, on' August 28tlit; :Florence Glanville, widow of .the late Thomas Crews, in her 65th and R. Ferguson. With 3 .wins, plus 4. J. M. Southcott, H. Spackman and W. W. Taman -were second with 2 wins plus 10. ' The draw has been -made. for a Scotch doubles tourney •among, the local members and inuch interest is being created. Foul games w e played and prises go to the four rinks winning the most games with the highest plus score. Messrs. G. Anderson and Wm. Riv- ers won second prize at the London Thistles Scotch doubles tournament last Wednesday, winning three games with 'a Wits of thirtY. They each brought home six beautiful glass gob- lets. Two other, rinks from town took part. s Mr. Geonge Andergon was the win- ner of the ash handicap singles tour- ney which 'Came to a close Saturday night. s•The tourney created a great deal of interest among the players. Four games were played with a plus and mintis,score. ' Mr. Anderson had four 'W"itvVith 'a ‘Plub. of 50. Wm. Rivers Was second with 4 wins plus 38;R. N. Rowe third with 4. 'wins plitS' 27; Rolat. Mawhinney fourth with 3 wins plus 26. • Rev. M. J. and Mrs. Wilson, t,ccon).- , phone -30 ... phone 30Alderon. .pa,nied by, of G•uelpMrs. Wilse.,h's sister, -.1\,Trt.; h ' were in town .., , _ for a conple of days last weelt on •their 'return from an extended inotor Bett's Hothe Bakery ' , ' ' trip to Ottava cOvering over 900 miles:4'. Mr. a 'd Mrs. Wilson accoin- Have you tried a loaf of our Bread? If not, get one to -day, "The proof of the Pudding is in the Eat- Headquartdrs for 'HIGH CLASS BREAD BUNS AND CARES Special attention given to orders for PleniCS, Luncheons and Wed- ffingS • • . • WEDDING CAKES A SPIFAilli !AV . 777 ...7.7.:77.7.,,,4..42:.1.,s...46..,:,,J., :Phone 30 , . '. Phdne 30 . . • pahled by AI left Guelph the places v The MousOne Morrisburg. through the F ester, Osweg'' N,Y. Mr. V spends his v Proclaimed t' taken. The' ' ra this week "4 occupy his church ilex 4 and' Mrs. ',Alderson., Ottawa and antong , were Kingston, Brockville and 'hey- 'came , home es stopping a,t, Roch- nd Niagara Falls, 'n, who fregitently 'on on a motor trip finest trip he has -tied to Guelph on ,hotne sorne 'time Wilson expects to nlpit hi ,Tantes St. • his speedy r„ec"e17. Mr. Wm. Waal. has disPosed Clt his property on Huron street consisting of house and ten ares o1and to Mr. .las. A, VanKamp, of London, for $2,500. Mr, Waal recently purchas- ed the 100 -acre farm of Mr. Hy. Bal four, lot 29, N.T.R. Fullarton, or which there are good buildings for :11-181 1'85. °I.)REWS DIES SUDDENLY • Mrs. Thomas Crews died suddenly bn Monday about two o'clock in the afternoon. She had not been well for a couple of weeks but was able to be around. On Monday morn- ing she was around as usual and was assisting in picking some pears when she complained of a pain in the re- gion of the heart. Mrs. Crewsmaid- en name was Forence Glanville, aged 65 years. Her husband, the late Thos. Crews; predeceased her about four years ago. One brother, Lyman Glanville, has been residing with her. The funeral will he held Wednesday afternoon service at the house at 2.30, interment in the Exeter ceme- tery. VISITING FRIENDS MAI)E AT SEA Capt. Christie, of England, who "has been sailing the seas the most of his life, and who recently retired, vis- ited in Exeter for several days last week calling on many of the friends he had met while crossing the ocean. Capt. Christie was a friend of the late Wesley Snell and he had charge of the S.S. Cornishman, when Mr. Snell was taken ill later passing away in hospital in Montreal. Capt. -Christie 'has carried a great deal, of stock from Canada to the Old Country and has brought over to Canada a lot of thoroughbred stock. He is acquain- ted with many of the shippers in the district and' was pleased to remm his accittaintance with Mr. Al. Mc- Donell, he having carried a lot of stock for Ba-wden and McDonell number of years ago. While in town Capt. Christie was the guest of Mr, Wm. Rivers. CLINTON GIRLS DEFEAT EXETER The Clinton girls' softball team Paime a7IntR9tnhe-1Y-GI1 in.11ay ifatnddbl-51)i.laCY.Ine dh of the Main St. S.S. The visitors were too fast for the locals and the score resulted 24 to 11 in favor of Clinton. This was the first game that the Exeter team has played with, an outside team and the young ladies were a bit stage struck. Clinton piled up ten runs in a single innings. Miss Inez Tuckey succeeded in mak- inga circuit of the -bases on a beauti- ful hit to the field that was fumbled. The referees were C. Ford and L. Statham. After the game the play- ers adjohrned to the school rooma. of Main street church where lunch'''. was served and a jolly time enjoyed. Several toasts were responded to in a very delightful manner, Mr. G. W. edd acting as toastmaster. The line up: LOCALS. Monday next will be Labor Day and a public holiday. Mrs. W. Drew and9"Mrs..R......Kniglit visited in Goderich last week. Miss Hyndman returned home last *week after visiting in. London. Mr, Paul Coates left Tuesday for Montreal on his way to Eugland. High and public schools will re- open on Tuesday* next, Sept. 5th. Mrs. RobWDinney left last week to visit fo.ntd weeks tri -Toronto. Miss Greta, Harness is Opending her holidays in Windsor and Detroit Miss Irno Sweet leaves this week to take charge of a school noar Pais- ley. "1V1iss A, Yellarid is in Toronto this week attending the lnillinery open- ings, Mr. ..To. Davis,,:of Merlins, is holi- daying with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Davis. Mr. G. A. Pollock, of Grand Hand, is the new junior at the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mrs. (Dr.) Ward and two sons, Ed. and Stanley are spending a two weeks' holiday, with tbe former 1, xtinther in. Loudon, 1 P'ut`le4eltl\ isi'aYvallciC,lt.'"I'() lei lien Vindso Farimadarlsyi.eaw:fmttielatii:s1310elonaicii;l. ielat;iiirilioye gett, jii,naltidis town. Miss Jessie Manson acconX1 partied her home and spentAlie week-,; 'r Alr, and Mrs. Brimacc)mbe of f -lam ilton, who have been visiting vela returned to theihom -. 011 FridaY. They were aeconiPaiiiec/ honie layq,11'. and 'Airs. Rd, Welsla who will spent.l a couple of \yeels there. 1)11$saAmy Joltns lett on Tuesday4 to vsir a fell' days in Toron- - to , befdre resuming as school teacher a.t. St, Catharines. Miss Elva Harvey accompanied her, and will visit in St. Catharines and oionto. Rev. Dr. and illral\ledd and daugh- ter Miss Jose, of Ridgetwc hay been visiting for several days with friends 111 and around Exolsr. Dr. Medd has been holidaying for the month of .August, union services be- ing held in Ridgetown by the Melli.- odsists and Presbyterians. A 'es Wanted.4.4.Alie Exeter Evaporator, all kinds of late fall and azsil winter applesf,suitable for evaporating purposes;- also apples for barrelling 'that will grade No. ,1.• and No. 2, these to be delivered to the evaporator in crates supplied by the undersigned. • Highest Cash Price paid for the above grades, of apples. fIELP WANTED --Women help for trimming apples. Apply ,t6" -- A. D. CLOPP . Central 1-Iotel, or to A. WILSON at Evaporator. Radio We lave the famous Federal Line Let us Demongtrate; -a cOmplete set or sell you any Parts you may need to build your own, W. J. BEER PHONE 9 Von Satisfaction ulervice Clinton, Lillian Potter 1st B; Vora That meat is down in price.?,and it will pay you to get our prices be - Gould 2nd B; Ruby Potter 3rd B. Helen Cook S. -S. Carrol EVans (p) !Ore buying elswhere, S., Dorothy Lavis R F Katie Lada C F Agnes 'Walker L F; Ruth Evans C; Bessie Cole (SS) P. Exeter --N. Medd p; H. Dignan c; M. Heywood 1st; R. LamPort 2nd; Lillian Walker 3rd; Mrs. T. Elliott and Miss Inez Tuckey s.s.; I. Davie, G. Mawson and M. Broderick, field- ers. The return game will be payed in Clinton Thursday evening EXETER EVAPORATOR BEING E- QUIPPED WITH NEW MACHINERY ° The Exeter Evaporator, which was recently purchased by A. D. Klopp is being fitted up with modern mach- inery and when completed wifl be one of the finest of the kind in Western Ontario. It is being equipped throug- out witb power machines of the lat- est type al I ori burners will furnish the heat for the drying kilns. Every care will be taken for the sanitary handling of the fruit, and from the time that the apples are pared until they leave the kilns they will not be touched by hands. The capacity of the factory is 700 blishels of apples a day. The new proprietor is confi- dent that there are • enough apples produced within a radius of seven or eight miles of Exeter to war- rant the equipping of the new evap- orator with the most up -t� -date machinery and at the same time such an institution in Exeter should prove a boon to the apple growers, of the district who will find here a market for their fruit. During the past few years a lot .of good apples have been. going to waste in the Orchards and this latest move should Mean a good many extra dollars in the pockets or the farmers. The evaporator will in addition handle fruit of No. 1 and No, 2 grades, The re -opening of thiS industry will give employ•raent to a number of women,of town. 1. an - Other column the cornpany ate adver- tising for help, The Evaporator ex- pects to begin operations next week. (Additional locale on page fn.:Lay "FARMERS" When you thresh, let us supply you with a choice Meaty Roast. Delivered any time. Choice Beef, Pork, Veal and Spr ing Lamb, all the time. Have your Cooked Meats andBacon Machine Sliced. 4, River's Meat Market WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER TITAN PRICE. A111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E111111111111111111111!11111111111111111111II -• The World Over 'rot/ Cannot BEAT arve Flour = ..V.THIIITIMM1111,1-WHinifi,401111141.11100111M001.0.01.00$90"*IW